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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Competências para a leitura e escrita em escolares iniciantes no processo de alfabetização / Skills for reading and writing in school beginners in the literacy process

Côrrea, Kelli Cristina do Prado 11 May 2015 (has links)
Nesta última década (2005-2015), a educação brasileira passou por transformações intensas relativas ao ingresso das crianças na Educação Básica. A entrada aos seis anos de idade no Ensino Fundamental, período que compreende agora nove anos, desafiou os educadores a definir mais claramente o que se espera da escola nos anos iniciais da educação. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar determinadas competências para a leitura e a escrita em crianças iniciantes no processo de alfabetização e relacionar essas competências com o nível da escrita. Realizamos, então, pesquisa de campo, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa dos dados, de cujos resultados extraímos inferências, a partir do quadro teórico de referências sistematizado. Foram selecionadas 70 crianças de ambos os gêneros, que cursaram o 1o semestre do 1o ano do ensino fundamental I. Todos os escolares tinham formação em educação infantil. As crianças foram submetidas à bateria de Avaliação de Competências iniciais para a leitura e escrita BACLE que caracteriza-se por um conjunto de atividades para aferir pré-competências para início de leitura e escrita. As crianças foram avaliadas também pela análise de nível de escrita, nível pré-silábico, silábico sem valor sonoro, silábico com valor sonoro, silábico alfabético e alfabético. O desempenho das crianças foi comparado com as tabelas de valores de estágio qualitativo da BACLE e para a correlação entre o desempenho na bateria e o nível de escrita foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (nível de significância de 5 % - p<0,05). Os resultados indicam que a média de desempenho obtida pelo grupo de escolares em maturidade perceptiva foi de 76,95%. No conjunto de provas que implicaram em esquema corporal e orientação espaço temporal, subdivididos em três grupos, identificação em si, no outro e posição no espaço gráfico, foram, respectivamente, 85,36%, 75,26% e 89,57%. No bloco desenvolvimento motor, a média foi de 84,9%. No bloco linguagem, a maior média se deu em expressão oral, 85,82% e a menor média se deu em consciência fonológica 75,17%. Quanto à psicogênese de construção da escrita verificou-se que a maior parte da amostra 51,4% encontra-se em hipótese de escrita no nível silábico com valor sonoro e apresentam um resultado em consciência fonológica condizente ao esperado, devido ao nível de escrita em que se encontram. O estudo apontou relação significante entre a hipótese de escrita e duas áreas da BACLE, esquema corporal/orientação espaço-temporal e linguagem. Concluímos que as crianças com melhores níveis de escrita tiveram uma pontuação elevada na área de Linguagem e Esquema corporal/ Orientação espaço temporal, sugerindo que dentre os campos avaliados pela bateria, a linguagem e esquema corporal/ orientação espaço temporal pode ser aquele que melhor se relaciona com o nível de escrita. Espera-se respeitados os limites deste estudo contribuir para a formação continuada de docentes, almejando alterações em sua prática pedagógica, principalmente na avaliação diagnóstica do escolar. / In the last decade (2005-2015), the Brazilian education passed through intense transformations about the entry of children in basic education. The entrance to six years old children in elementary school, a period which now comprises nine years, challenged educators to define more clearly what is expected of the school in the early years of education. Then, the objective of this study was to characterize certain skills for reading and writing in children beginners in the literacy process and relate these skills to the level of writing. We performed then field research with quantitative and qualitative approach, the results of which draw inferences from the theoretical framework of systematic references. We selected 70 children of both genders, who attended the 1st half of the 1st year of elementary school. All students had training in Early Childhood Education. Children were subjected to a battery of initial skills assessment for reading and writing (BACLE), which is characterized by a set of activities to measure for early reading and writing pre-skills. The children were also evaluated by the writing level of analysis, pre-syllabic level, syllabic without sound value, with syllabic sound value, syllabic-alphabetic and alphabetic. Children\'s performance was compared to the qualitative stage of tables of values of BACLE and the correlation between performance on battery and the writing level we used the Pearson correlation coefficient (5% significance level - p<0,05). The results indicate that the average performance achieved by the school group in perceptual maturity was 76.95%. In the group of tests that implicated in corporal scheme and time-space orientation, divided into three groups, identifying itself, identifying itself in relation of other person and in relation of the graphic space, were, respectively, 85.36%, 75.26% and 89.57%. In the motor development block, the average was 84.9%. In the language pack, the highest average was in speaking, 85.82% and the lowest average was in phonological awareness 75.17%. Regarding the construction of the writing Psychogenesis it was found that most of the sample is 51.4% which is in hypothesis of writing with the syllabic sound value and exhibit a result in phonological awareness that was expected, due to the write level which they are. The study shows a significant relationship between the hypothesis of writing and two areas of BACLE, corporal scheme / time-space orientation and language. We conclude that children with higher levels of writing had a high score in the area of language and corporal scheme / time-space orientation, suggesting that among the fields evaluated by battery, language and corporal scheme / time-space orientation may be those that best relate to the writing level. We expect the limits of this study respected contribute to the continuing education of teachers, targeting changes in their teaching, especially in the diagnostic evaluation of the student.

Changes in classroom environment and teacher-student relationships during the transition from primary to secondary school.

Ferguson, Peter D. January 1998 (has links)
This study investigated students' perceptions of the generalist learning environment of the primary school compared to the same students' perceptions of the learning environments of the secondary school, with a particular focus on science learning environments. The role of student sex and school size pathways were investigated as factors Influencing changes in students' learning environment perceptions. The same students' perceptions of the learning environment were collected in the final stages of primary school and again after their initial term in secondary school. Data collected were both qualitative and quantitative in nature, with the quantitative data derived from short forms of the My Class Inventory and the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction. Insights were gained into how students' perceptions of learning environment, including the teachers' interpersonal style, changed during their first exposure to secondary learning environments and teachers, and how these changes in perceptions during transition depended upon school size and student sex. The study found that students' perceptions of the learning environments did change across transition, but that these changes on some scales varied with student sex and school size pathway.

Housing Finance In Turkey: The Role Of Housing Loans Extended By Commercial Banks

Aydin, Sadiye 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
With the 1980s, as a result of economic and financial deregulation policies, housing finance systems in most countries have had great transformations and have become market-oriented. Recently, in Turkey, a draft law was submitted to the parliament which can be regarded as an attempt to integrate housing finance to capital markets through the establishment of secondary market for housing loans extended by commercial banks. In this thesis, it is aimed to evaluate the role of housing loans extended by commercial banks on housing finance in Turkey, to assess the prospective legal regulation in terms of lenders and borrowers of housing loans and to discuss the anticipated impacts of this scheme to the commercial banks, the housing loans and borrowers within the context of global trends in housing finance. For these purposes, housing files extended by commercial banks have been examined and in-dept interviews have been conducted with interviewees from commercial banks, Capital Market Board and Housing Development Administration. As a result, it is found out that the role of housing loans extended by commercial banks is very limited in housing finance in Turkey and only high income groups can access these loans. Moreover, it is explicit that the housing finance scheme in the draft law is entirely market-oriented and targets the middle and upper income groups. On the other hand, such a policy orientation is quite problematic and paradoxical in that / the housing problem in Turkey is most dramatically felt by the lower middle and low income groups.

Teaching photosynthesis in a compulsory school context : Students' reasoning, understanding and interactions

Näs, Helena January 2010 (has links)
According to previous research, students show difficulties in understanding photosynthesis and respiration, and basic ecological concepts like energy flow in ecosystems. There are successful teaching units accomplished in this area and many of them can be described as inquiry-based teaching. One definition of inquiry-based teaching is that it involves everything from finding problems, investigating them, debating with peers and trying to explain and give solutions. Accordingly students need to be confronted with challenging questions and empirical data to reason about and teachers need to implement student-generated inquiry discussion since students often stay silent and do not express their thoughts during science lessons. This thesis will focus on young peoples’ understanding of the functioning of plants, students’ participation during biology lessons, and how biology teaching is accomplished in primary and secondary school. Two school classroom projects focusing on teaching about plants and ecology are described. Four teachers and their 4th, 5th and 6th grade classes plus two science teachers and their three 8th grade classes collaborated. Photosynthesis and respiration were made concrete by using tasks where plants, plant cells, germs, seeds and the gas exchange were used. The aim was to listen to students’ reasoning in both teaching and interview situations. Learning outcome, as described by students’ reasoning in the classrooms and in individual interviews but also by their test results, is especially focused. Student-student and student-teacher interactions have been analysed with an ethnographic approach in the classroom context. The plant tasks encouraged the students’ in primary school to develop scientific reasoning and the interviews confirmed that the students had learned about photosynthesis. The ecology teaching in secondary school showed a substantial understanding confirmed both by students’ oral and written reasoning. Analyses of test results and understanding as presented in interviews did not always correspond. The interviews showed the importance of letting students try to explain concepts and to correct themselves. Primary students’ reasoning and understanding about photosynthesis were in the interviews almost the same as the secondary students’. The secondary students’ questioning during the lectures showed wonderments and interest for ecology from a broader view than in the content presented by the teachers and the textbooks, but the large classes and disruptive students stole too much time from the teachers’ management in the classroom. Students’ knowledge was underestimated and their interest in ecology faded away. / Tidigare forskning visar att elever har svårigheter att förstå processer som fotosyntes, cellandning och ekologiska samband, såsom energiflöden i ekosystem. Lyckosamma undervisningsprojekt inom det här området kan ofta beskrivas som ”inquiry-based”. Ett sätt att definiera ”inquiry-based” är att det innefattar allt ifrån att hitta problem, undersöka dem, debattera med andra elever och till att försöka förklara och ge lösningar. Utifrån detta visas att elever behöver bli konfronterade med utmanande frågor och empiriska data att resonera utifrån. Lärarna behöver också arbeta med att föra in studentdiskussioner eftersom det visat sig att många elever ofta är tysta och inte uttrycker sina tankar och spekulationer under NO-lektionerna. Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på elevernas förståelse av växternas funktion, elevernas deltagande under biologilektionerna och på hur biologiundervisning genomförs i mellan- och högstadiet. Två skolprojekt med fokus på växter och ekologi beskrivs. Fyra klasslärare och deras klasser i årskurs 4, 5 och 6, plus två NO-lärare och deras tre klasser i årskurs 8 samarbetade. Fotosyntes och cellandning konkretiserades med hjälp av växter, växtceller, groddar, frön och några gas-utbytesreaktioner. Syftet var att lyssna på vad eleverna resonerade om, både i undervisningssituationer och vid intervju. Elevernas förståelse utifrån deras resonerande men också utifrån deras testresultat fokuserades. Elev-elev- och elev-lärarinteraktioner analyserades med hjälp av en etnografisk ansats i klassrums-kontexten. Uppgifterna med konkret växtmaterial uppmuntrade mellanstadieeleverna att utveckla ett naturvetenskapligt resonerande och intervjuerna bekräftade att eleverna hade lärt sig om fotosyntes. Ekologiundervisningen på högstadiet resulterade i en påtaglig förståelse, som bekräftades utifrån elevernas muntliga och skriftliga resonerande. Analysen av förståelse visad i provresultat och vid intervju överensstämde inte alltid. Intervjuerna visade betydelsen av att låta eleverna både få förklara begrepp och att rätta sig själva i sina förklaringar. I intervjusituationen visade det sig att mellanstadieelevernas resonerande och förståelse av fotosyntes gott kunde mäta sig med högstadieelevernas. Elevernas sätt att ställa frågor under lektionsgenomgångarna visade på funderingar och ett intresse för ekologi, som hade en större bredd än det innehåll som lärare och lärobok presenterade, men stora klasser och störande elever stal alldeles för mycket av lärarens tid för att det skulle vara möjligt att genomföra bra undervisning i klassrummet. Elevernas kunskaper underskattades och deras intresse tonade bort.

Hur påverkas högstadielevers studier av klass och kön? : Skolprestation, studieval och attityder till skolan i en kommun belägen i Norrlands inland

Ericsson, Hampus January 2013 (has links)
How do gender and socioeconomic backgrounds affect students’ academic performance, educational choices and attitudes towards education? Moreover, does class play the same role for girls and boys? In order to find this out, I surveyed students in a small province located in the northern inlands of Sweden. The survey was answered by nearly every student in the ninth grade of that year, a total of 160 people. The results revealed that girls in this area have less faith in their capabilities than boys, despite getting much better grades. Many more girls than boys want to go onto college or university studies. In the end, I also found that girls like school much more than boys do. Socioeconomic background played a large role in all areas, except for attitudes towards education. Class was also found to have a much greater impact on boys than on girls, sometimes -as in regards to future studies - up to four times

Gene Expression Changes in Immune Cells During Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 (HIV-1) Infection

Hyrcza, Martin Dominik 07 March 2011 (has links)
Human immunodeficiency virus infection is a chronic condition causing significant changes in the immune system, which are reflected in the altered gene expression patterns of the immune cells. By studying these patterns through gene expression profiling it is possible to describe not only the current states the cells are in, but also to extrapolate the proximal signals that resulted in the observed patterns. In the studies described herein, we have applied this approach to better understand the alterations in the immune function that occur in HIV infection. First, we have obtained transcriptional profiles of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from patients in early infection, in chronic infection, and in non-progressive infection, and we compared these profiles to each other and to the profiles from uninfected donors. The analyses of the profiles revealed no discernable changes in the T cells of the non-progressive patients when compared to the uninfected individuals. On the other hand, T cells from patients with progressive infection, both early and late, showed patterns characteristic of type I interferon (IFN) exposure. We next examined experimentally the possible proximal causes of the observed transcriptional profiles. We analyzed the gene expression patterns induced by TGFβ, 13 type I interferons, as well as recombinant HIV Tat protein, in T cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The TGFβ responses were inconsistent with the transcriptional profiles seen in HIV-infected patients, whereas both type I IFNs and HIV Tat induced genes in patterns consistent with those seen in patients. In fact, the thirteen IFN-induced patterns were indistinguishable from each other. Tat treatments induced interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) as well as other genes and the response was not dependent on the presence of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs), suggesting monocytes as the possible source of the interferon response. In the last study, we examined the responses of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) to HIV and other stimuli in healthy and HIV-infected subjects. We observed induction of IFN genes in pDCs of all subjects in response to influenza virus and TLR7 agonist imiquimod, but not to HIV virus. In summary, HIV infection results in chronic induction of type I IFN response in cells of the immune system. The source of this response is likely to be type I IFNs produced by monocytes/macrophages rather than plasmacytoid cells. The monocytic production of type I IFN may be a Tat-dependent response.

An evaluation of the development and implementation of the school places allocation policy in Hong Kong /

Lam, Hing-sang. January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (M.P.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 142-145).

Launching effective LD individualized reading /

Werner, Margaret Lillian. January 1979 (has links)
Research paper (M.A.)--Cardinal Stritch College--Milwaukee, 1979. / A research paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Education (Education of Learning Disabled Children). Includes bibliographical references (p. 37-40).

An evaluation of the development and implementation of the school places allocation policy in Hong Kong

Lam, Hing-sang. January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (M.P.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 142-145). Also available in print.

Percepção dos estudantes de escolas públicas sobre bem-estar animal e ocorrência do tema em livros didáticos /

Sitton, Heliton Aparecido January 2018 (has links)
Banca: Katia Denise Saraiva Bresciani / Banca: Rafael Silva Cipriano / Orientador: Márcia Marinho / Resumo: A preocupação com o Bem-estar animal (BEA) e o respeito atribuído aos animais é uma realidade crescente em todas as esferas da sociedade. O (IBGE) em 2013 estimou que 44,3% dos domicílios do Brasil possuíam pelo menos um cachorro, dados como estes evidenciam a relação cada vez mais estreita entre o homem e o animal. Tal relação exige que práticas e cuidados voltados ao bem-estar dos animais sejam disseminados e assimilados para que haja harmonia nesta relação. Não existe melhor lugar para difundir os conceitos e práticas em bem-estar animal do que nas escolas, onde o acesso aos recursos didáticos é livre e amplo. Neste estudo, utilizamos os pressupostos teóricos de que cabe ao livro didático a função de auxiliar os estudantes a compreender a sociedade nos aspectos científicos, filosóficos e estéticos. Os objetivos do estudo foram verificar a ausência ou presença de informações sobre o tema bem-estar animal em livros didáticos de Ciências e Biologia e avaliar por meio de um questionário a percepção de 430 estudantes sobre o tema bem-estar animal, comparando a influência do perfil socioeconômico do bairro e o desempenho no Sistema de Avaliação de Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (SARESP) na percepção dos estudantes por escola. A análise estatística consistiu na utilização de um teste não paramétrico de associação, Qui- Quadrado independente. As estatísticas foram consideradas significativas quando p<0,05. O estudo revelou que apenas um livro abordava assuntos relaciona... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Concern about Animal Welfare (BEA) and respect for animals is a growing reality in all spheres of society. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (BIGS) in 2013 estimated that 44.3% of the households in the Brazil had at least one dog, this data is evidence of the increasingly close relationship between man and animal. Such a relationship requires care and practices aimed at the animal welfare that are disseminated and assimilated to this harmonious relationship. There is no better place to spread the concepts and practices in animal welfare than in an academic institution, in particular public schools, where access to resources are free and ample. In this study, we used the theoretical assumptions from textbooks to help students to understand scientific aspects of society, philosophical and aesthetic. The objectives of the study was to verify the absence or presence of information on animal welfare in Science and Biology textbooks and to evaluate applying a questionnaire the perception of 430 students on the subject of animal welfare, comparing the influence of the socioeconomic profile of the neighborhood and the performance in the System of Evaluation of the School Performance of the State of São Paulo (SESPSP) on students' knowledge. Statistical analysis consisted of the use of a non-parametric association test, independent Chi-Square. The statistics were considered significant when p <0.05. The study revealed that only one of the book dealt with issues r... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

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