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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Promoção da saúde na escola: o olhar de professores da educação básica sobre licenciandos de enfermagem em ação / Health promotion at school: the view of basic education teachers on nursing undergraduates in action

Neire Aparecida Machado Scarpini 31 May 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o olhar do professor da Educação Básica sobre ações de promoção da saúde na escola desenvolvidas por licenciandos em enfermagem. Tais ações, atendendo as exigências do Sistema Único de Saúde e das Diretrizes Curriculares do Curso de Enfermagem, podem constituir-se como referência para a criação de espaços compartilhados entre educação e saúde na escola. Constituem-se objetivos específicos da pesquisa: identificar as concepções dos professores sobre promoção da saúde; analisar os significados atribuídos pelos professores às ações dos licenciandos em enfermagem na escola; analisar as relações apresentadas pelos professores entre educação e saúde na escola. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de abordagem teórica-metodológica histórico-cultural. Foi desenvolvido em três escolas públicas de uma cidade do interior paulista, denominadas aqui de Escola do Jardim, Escola do Lago e Escola do Bosque. Vinte e oito professores participaram dos encontros de grupo focal, sendo realizados dois em cada escola, com a presença em média de seis professores por encontro. Os dados foram analisados, resultando nas seguintes unidades temáticas: Concepção dos professores sobre promoção da saúde; Papel da escola versus papel dos profissionais da saúde; Práticas educativas dos professores versus práticas educativas dos licenciandos; Parceria possível: educação e saúde. Os resultados indicaram: o conceito de promoção da saúde não faz parte do cotidiano das práticas escolares e tem associação direta com o conceito de saúde ligado à prevenção de doenças, numa visão higienista, indicando necessidade de maior compreensão sobre a noção de saúde e a ampliação de conhecimento sobre seus cuidados; contribuições dos enfermeiros licenciandos em relação aos conhecimentos e metodologia para a educação em saúde; prática de promoção da saúde como uma complementariedade do conhecimento desenvolvido na escola pelos professores contribuindo com a aprendizagem e favorecendo a zona de desenvolvimento proximal dos envolvidos a partir ações pedagógicas planejadas e orientadas numa perspectiva histórico-crítica. Apontam para a importância de elementos mediadores de conhecimento sobre saúde para alunos, familiares e professores, possíveis de serem efetivados na parceria intersetorial de Saúde e Educação / The aim of the present study was to analyze the view of basic education teachers on the health promotion actions developed by nursing undergraduate students at schools. These actions, in compliance with the demands of the Brazilian Unified Health System and the Curricular Guidelines of the Nursing Program, can represent a reference for the creation of shared spaces for education and health at schools. The specific objectives of this study were to identify the conceptions of teachers on health promotion; analyze the meanings attributed by teachers to the actions of the nursing undergraduates at the studied schools; and analyze the relationships presented by the teachers between education and health at the schools. This was a qualitative study, using a historical-cultural theoretical and methodological approach, which was developed in three public schools in a city in the state of São Paulo, hereinafter called Escola do Jardim, Escola do Lago and Escola do Bosque. A total of 28 teachers participated in focus group meetings, with two meetings taking place in each school with the attendance of six teachers per meeting, on average. The data were analyzed, resulting in the following thematic units: Teachers\' conceptions on health promotion; Schools\' role versus health professionals\' role; Educational practices of teachers versus education practices of undergraduates; Possible partnership between education and health. The results showed that the concept of health promotion is not part of the routine of school practices and has a direct association with the health concept, related to the prevention of diseases, from a hygienist perspective, indicating the need for better understanding the notion of health and for broadening knowledge on care; the contributions of nursing undergraduates in relation to the knowledge and methodology of health education; health promotion practice as supplementary knowledge developed at school by the teachers, contributing to learning and favoring the zone of proximal development of those involved based on pedagogical actions that are planned and guided from a historical- critical perspective. Our findings point to the importance of mediating elements for knowledge on the health of students, family members and teachers, which can be developed in an intersectoral partnership between health and education

Formação inicial de professores: um estudo das disciplinas filosóficas do curso de licenciatura em geografia do Instituto Federal Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo - campus São Paulo / Initial teacher training : a study of the philosophical disciplines degree in geography at the Federal Institute Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo - São Paulo campus

Andréa Monteiro Uglar 26 September 2014 (has links)
A presente tese trata-se de um estudo de caso, no qual valemo-nos de pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e de campo. Tendo como objeto de estudo as disciplinas filosóficas do Curso de Licenciatura em Geografia do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo - campus São Paulo (IFSP-SP), objetivamos analisar o papel exercido por estas disciplinas no interior desta Licenciatura para avaliar em que medida elas contribuem no processo formativo de seus estudantes. Para exame dos dados colhidos no IFSP-SP, utilizamos a abordagem qualitativa e a análise de conteúdo dos questionários aplicados junto a um grupo de professores e estudantes deste Curso. Acreditamos que as disciplinas filosóficas propiciam o desenvolvimento não somente de uma cultura geral, que serve de base para a formação específica do professor de Geografia, mas também uma visão totalizante e o rigor metodológico necessário à compreensão do mundo, do papel do professor de Geografia na Educação Básica e o sentido formativo da Educação, a qual deve promover a humanização, a autonomia e a emancipação, recuperando, portanto, a concepção de uma educação política. Embora tenhamos visto que o Projeto de Curso de Licenciatura em Geografia, a matriz curricular e as disciplinas filosóficas contemplam o que é esperado para uma formação docente de qualidade, verificamos que há um comprometimento da finalidade do Curso em função da grande distância entre o Projeto Pedagógico e o Curso em exercício, o que obstaculariza as contribuições das disciplinas filosóficas, impedindo-as de exercer seu papel no processo formativo dos estudantes. / This thesis is a case study, using bibliographic, documentary and field research, which focuses on the philosophical disciplines in the Geography education program at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo - São Paulo campus (IFSP-SP) and aims to analyze the role played by these disciplines within the teacher licensing program in order to assess the extent to which they contribute to the formation of the students. For examination of the data collected at IFSP-SP, we used a qualitative approach and content analysis of questionnaires completed by a group of professors and students in the Geography education course. We believe that the philosophical disciplines favor the development, not only of a general culture that underlies the specific formation of geography teachers, but also of an overall vision and the methodological rigor necessary for an understanding of the world, the role of the geography teacher in primary and secondary education and the formative role of education, which should promote humanization, autonomy and emancipation, thus recovering the concept of a political education. Although in the plan of for the Geography Education Course, the curriculum and the philosophical disciplines include what is expected for quality teacher formation, it appears that there is an impairment of the purpose of the course due to the great distance between plan for the course and the course as it is actually carried out, a fact which creates obstacles for the contributions of then philosophical disciplines, preventing them from performing their role in the formative process of the students.

A Brigada Militar e os direitos humanos : práticas e percepções sobre Direitos Humanos nas escolas de formação de praças durante a sociabilização secundária

Ferrari, Geverson Aparício January 2014 (has links)
Na atualidade do Brasil, os debates que versam sobre Direitos Humanos e aparato policial ganham maior força e evidência nas conversas informais, nas redes sociais, na mídia em geral e, também, nos bancos acadêmicos. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação, que se insere na linha de pesquisa que estuda violência, criminalidade e cidadania, visou saber quais são as práticas e as percepções sobre Direitos Humanos nas escolas de formação de praças no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Então, o objeto de estudo são os cursos da Brigada Militar, compostos por soldados e sargentos que estavam em curso de formação nas cidades de Porto Alegre, Santa Maria, Montenegro e Esteio. A metodologia de pesquisa lançou mão de entrevistas abertas e grupos focais, na busca de dados qualitativos, e dessa forma visou uma amostra equitativa em cada escola. Assim, em cada uma delas foi entrevistado um grupo de alunos, e desse grupo alguns alunos foram convidados a participar do grupo focal. Foram aplicadas 83 entrevistas abertas, além de 23 participantes ouvidos com o mesmo roteiro nos grupos focais, totalizando 106 alunos. Além da pesquisa de campo, também foram realizados estudos a partir de referenciais teóricos que ajudaram a compreender o processo de formação a partir de uma ótica sociológica. Também foi possível conhecer a história da corporação com relação ao ensino em sua trajetória a partir da formação iniciada em 1982 e chegando aos dias atuais. Conceituar Direitos Humanos também foi um objetivo alcançado na dissertação, especialmente as três gerações que tratam de direitos individuais, direitos sociais e direitos transindividuais. Com base na pesquisa empírica, e tendo em mente as conceituações acima elencadas, foi possível verificar que considerável parcela dos alunos tem seus Direitos Humanos violados, figurando uma das respostas à pergunta de partida desta dissertação em sua última parte, sabendo como são as práticas e as percepções sobre Direitos Humanos nas escolas de formação de soldados e sargentos da Brigada Militar. / Currently in Brazil public debate on police work and Human Rights gain wider repercussion. This dissertation aims at making a contribution to the understanding of the practices and perceptions over Human Rights according to the views manifested by new police recruits to the Brigada Militar, the military police of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, while attending to mandatory formal training prior to their appointment on active duty from 11/09/12 to 19/04/13. A total of 106 students, comprehending private soldiers and sergeants, engaged in the research. This number encompasses part of the students who attended to training courses in the cities of Porto Alegre, Santa Maria, Montenegro and Esteio. As a methodology to gather qualitative data for the purpose of the analysis, there have been employed an openended written questionnaire and focal groups. In total, 83 questionnaires and 23 focal groups have been conducted. The theoretical frame work entangles the sociological perspective over the material collected in the research field. From this study, it is possible to make known aspects of the institutional history with specific regard to the teaching within the police corporation in Rio Grande do Sul, from 1982 up to the present days. An effort has been made in conceptualizing Human Rights underits three generations: individual rights, social rights and transindividual rights. Based on the empirical research and bearing in mind the concepts listed above, there has been possible to address questions over the practices and perceptions about Human Rights as manifested by those police recruits of the Brigada Militar.

Mechanism of Vein Pattern Formation in Arabidopsis Thaliana Leaves: testing the Canalization Hypothesis

Amin, Mira January 2011 (has links)
Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the process of vein pattern formation in plant tissues. The most widely accepted amongst biologists is the canalization hypothesis, derived from pea root and stem experiments. According to this hypothesis, a signal, thought to be the phytohormone auxin, is transported polarly from cell to cell from the shoot to the root and is canalized progressively into narrow channels of high auxin fluxes that later differentiate to become vascular tissue. In this project, we set out to test whether auxin canalization drives vein pattern formation, using Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with increased auxin transport (max4-1, max3-9, max2-1 and max1-1). We predicted that the mutants would have distinct vein patterns and especially different angles between the primary and secondary veins, compared to the wild type. First rosette leaves of 15 plants per genotype were harvested for analysis each day from 7 to 17 days after sowing, giving a total of eight hundred twenty-five leaf samples to analyze. Venation patterns were extracted and analyzed using custom-made software written with Matlab. Overall, compared with the wild type, mutants with the highest auxin transport (max4-1 and max3-9) had different vein patterns at early developmental stages, confirming a role for auxin transport in vein patterning. However, veins of mutants and wild type connected at similar angles, which is not consistent with the auxin canalization hypothesis, as originally formulated.

Zhodnocení využití potenciálu cestovního ruchu v Ústeckém kraji / Evaluation of potential tourism utilization in the Ústecký Region

Vajdečková, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Evaluation of potential tourism utilization in the Ústecký Region" deals with the analysis of the tourism in the Ústecký Region. The main purpose of the thesis is the determination of the assumptions of tourism, the total review of potential for tourism development in the region and the evaluation of its utilization. The thesis is divided into six chapters, which descend from the theoretical solutions to the concretely researched topics, e.g. the analysis of the primary and secondary offer or the analysis of attendance.

Comparação entre o perfil escolar e as habilidades cognitivas e de linguagem de crianças e adolescentes do espectro do autismo / Comparison between the school profile and language and cognitive abilities of children and adolescents of the autism spectrum

Larriane Karen de Campos 20 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a correlação entre tempo de permanência semanal na escola, e o desempenho de crianças com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo em teste de inteligência não verbal e em habilidades comunicativas e de comportamento. Participaram desse estudo 44 crianças e adolescentes, com idade entre 6 e 12 anos. O protocolo aplicado envolveu: um questionário para o levantamento do perfil escolar, um protocolo para levantamento da severidade das inabilidades comunicativas e de comportamento, e um teste de inteligência não verbal. Todos os participantes estão matriculados em escolas regulares. Dos 44 participantes, 20 não responderam ao teste de inteligência não verbal; assim, eles foram divididos em dois grupos: - Grupo A: 24 participantes avaliados quanto a desempenho em inteligência não verbal e habilidades comunicativas e de comportamento e Grupo B, com 20 participantes avaliados quanto às habilidades comunicativas e de comportamento. Os resultados mostraram, no Grupo A, correlação positiva significativa entre a frequência escolar e a inteligência não verbal, e correlação negativa significativa entre frequência escolar e as inabilidades em linguagem expressiva e pragmática/social. No que diz respeito ao Grupo B houve tendência a correlações negativas em todas as relações, mas significância apenas com relação às inabilidades pragmática/social. De forma geral os resultados de ambos os grupos indicam que crianças com melhores resultados em inteligência não verbal e melhores habilidades de comunicação e comportamento tendem a permanecer mais tempo na escola por semana. Apenas 41% dos participantes permaneciam na escola 100% do tempo previsto em cada semana. A discussão envolve a importância da efetiva inclusão para o desenvolvimento da criança e os instrumentos legais que garantem os direitos de todas as crianças a processos de escolarização adequados / The purpose of this study was to verify the association of the time spent at school per week and the performance of children and adolescents of the autism spectrum in non-verbal intelligence test and communicative and behavior abilities. Participants were 44 children and adolescents with ages between 6 and 12 years. The protocol applied was: a questionnaire to the determination of the school profile, a protocol to the assessment of the severity of the impairments in communication and behavior and a test of non-verbal intelligence. All participants were enrolled in regular schools. Of the 44 participants, 20 didn\'t respond to the non-verbal intelligence test, therefore they were divided in two groups: Group 1: 24 participants, assessed in non-verbal intelligence, behavior and communication abilities and Group B, assessed in communication and behavior abilities. Results have shown, in Group A significant positive correlation between the time spent at school per week and non-verbal intelligence and significant negative correlation regarding impairments in expressive language and social/pragmatic abilities. In what refers to Group B there was a tendency to negative correlations in all associations but it was significant just regarding social pragmatics. The overall results to both groups indicate that children with higher non-verbal intelligence scores and better communication and behavior abilities tend to spend more time at school per week. Only 41% of the participants spent 100% of the predicted time at school every week. Discussion brings the focus to the notions regarding the importance of schooling to the child\'s development and the legal instruments that guarantee the rights of all children to receive adequate schooling processes

Krbová vložka pro vytápění / Fireplace for heating

Vítek, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with combustion of wood in small fireplace, fireplace inlay specifically. This thesis is divided into four main parts. First chapters follow up stoves and their construction. The second parts describes the calculation and design of the stove. The third part focuses on the manufacturing of fireplace. At the end there is a description of experimental measurements produced a prototype, the determination of emmisions and efficiency.

Effects of tempering on corrosion properties of high nitrogen alloyed tooling steels in pyrolysis oil / Korrosionsegenskaper hos kväveinnehållande verktygsstål i pyrolysolja. Effekter av härding

Reza Gholi, Ashkan January 2011 (has links)
Nowdays biofuels are becoming a good alternative for petroleum fuels due to environmental issues like high carbon dioxide emission and increasing vehicles population, together with the high price and fast depletion of petroleum oils. This project aims to investigate the corrosive effects of wood Pyrolysis oil on a special grade of nitrogen alloyed tooling steels to be used for injector nozzles in Diesel engines, where high stress and strain encounter high acidity and corrosivity of the Pyrolysis oil and cause breakdown over short periods. Vanax 35 and Vanax 75 manufactured in Uddeholm are two types of powder metallurgy high nitrogen alloyed martensitic stainless steel with a high combination of hardness (over 56HRC), low friction properties, wear resistance, anti-galling and corrosion properties. In this work, the newly developed Vanax material together with the tool steels Elmax and AISI O1 were tempered at various temperatures from 200°Cto 500°C. The tempered steels were then exposed in pyrolysis oil at 4 different temperatures, 20°C, 70°C, 95°Cand 130°C. The materials were investigated by means of corrosion rate measurements, microscopy (LOM, SEM, confocal) and Thermo-Calc calculations. The corrosion rate measurement proved that Vanax tempered at lower ranges (200°C, 400°Cand 450°C) showed the best corrosion resistance while higher tempering temperatures such as 500°C, Elmax and AISI O1 tempered at 200°Csuffered a great deal of general corrosion attack. Thermo-Calc calculations showed the formation of a hard phase, VN as primary nitrides instead of primary chromium carbides at austenizing temperature for the Vanax group. Higher amount of chromium is dissolved in solid solution in Vanax at austenizing temperature hence the martensite matrix has, after quenching, a higher chromium content that helps passivation. The loss in corrosion properties at higher tempering temperatures was due to the formation of CrN secondary phase at around 400˚C which reduces the chromium content of the martensite matrix. The results of light optical and confocal microscopy showed the presence of pits when tempering at 400˚C and 450˚C. No pits were observed at 200˚C. Elmax was not passivated at all which resulted in general corrosion attacks, due to a high chromium loss from the austenite solid solution at the austenizing procedure temperature and also the tempering temperatures. The chromium depletion from the austenite can be explained by a high carbon and a low nitrogen content in the composition which resulted in formation of a high amount of Cr7C3.

Etude comparative du métabolisme des lipides chez Streptomyces coelicolor en culture avec le glucose ou le glycérol comme source de carbone / Comparative study of Streptomyces coelicolor lipids metabolism cultivated with glucose or glycerol as carbon source

Boutant, Marc 10 December 2018 (has links)
Les Streptomyces sont des bactéries filamenteuses à Gram positif que l’on retrouve dans les couches superficielles du sol. La souche modèle S. coelicolor M145 est capable de produire des antibiotiques et accumuler de faibles quantités de triacylglycérol lorsqu’elle est mise en culture avec le glucose ou le glycérol comme source de carbone. La souche produit de l’actinorhodine seulement en culture avec le glycérol comme source de carbone, et nous assistons à une accumulation d’acides gras, notamment sous forme d’esters d’acide oléique avec l’une ou l’autre source de carbone. Ces accumulations d’acides gras ne durent que pendant une certaine période de temps, à l’issu de laquelle l’accumulation s’arrête, et on assiste à la production de métabolites secondaires qui peut s’accompagner de la consommation des acides gras précédemment accumulés. Ces observations suggèrent d’une part que la source de carbone est un effecteur différentiel dans la production de métabolites secondaire, et que d’autre part le métabolisme des lipides est lié au métabolisme secondaire. Ce travail de thèse va tenter d’établir les liens entre le métabolisme primaire et le métabolisme secondaire chez S.coelicolor via le métabolisme des lipides. Pour se faire, nous avons dans un premier temps défini un milieu synthètique, ainsi que des stratégies d’alimentation de type fed-batch en bioréacteur, pour permettre d’obtenir d’une part une phase de croissance exponentielle, et d’autre part une phase de croissance non exponentielle et imposée par une limitation en azote. Cette limitation nutritionnelle est classiquement utilisée à la fois lors des études de l’accumulation de lipides chez les microorganismes oléagineux tels que Yarrowia lipilytica ou Rhodotorula glutinis, et aussi dans le cas d’études de la production d’antibiotiques par les Streptomyces. L’étude du métabolome couplée à l’étude du protéome nous a permis d’établir la direction générale des flux globaux de carbone, d’énergie et de pouvoir réducteur lors des différentes phases de croissances. Ces travaux démontrent une hétérogénéité métabolique dans la population bactérienne totale, avec la présence de 2 à 3 sous-populations différentes pouvant coexister. Les évolutions temporelles du protéome et notamment des régulateurs transcritptomiques montrent des réactions tardives, très certainement dues à la présence d’effecteurs intracellulaires accumulés, ainsi qu’au dynamisme de la culture. / Streptomyces are filamentous Gram positive bacteria found in the soil upper layers. The model strain S. coelicolor M145 can produce antiobiotics and accumulate low levels of triacylglycerol when cultivated with glucose or glycerol as carbon source. This strain produces actinorhodin only when glycerol is used as carbone source, but the fatty acids accumulation as esterified oleic acid occurs with both carbon sources. However, the fatty acids accumulation only last for a short period of time, and afterward, a production of secondary metabolites is observed and the previously accumulated fatty acids are consummed. Those results suggest that the carbon source act as an effector for the production of secondary metabolites and the lipids metabolism is some ways linked to the secondary metabolism. With this work, we will try to establish the links between the primary and secondary metabolism via the lipids metabolism with S. coelicolor. First, in order to obtain cultures with an exponential growth phase and a non-exponential growth phase under a nitrogen limitation, a synthetic media and fed-batch feeding strategies have been designed. The nitrogen limitation is usually used to study lipids accumulation with oleaginous microorganisms such as Yarrowia lipilytica or Rhodotorula glutinis, and also during studies of antibiotics production with Streptomyces. The metabolomics study paired with the proteomics study made possible to establish the global directions of carbon, energy and reduced power fluxes during all the obtained growth phases. This work also showed that the microbial population is heterogeneous and 2 to 3 subpopulations can coexist with both carbon sources. The proteomics temporal changes and in particular of transciptional regulators show some late reactions to the nitrogen limitation especially when glycerol is used, probably because of the intracellular accumulation of effector compounds over time, and because of growth kinetics.

Škola, základ života - Soubor školských staveb v Ostravě na Černé louce / School, the Foundation of Life – a Complex of Educational Buildings in Ostrava, Cerna louka

Dufková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is a design of a new complex of schools in Ostrava. The place of this project is located close to a historical centre next an exhibition grounds Černá louka. The main idea is a design of single houses which are created to a closed block with an inner area with large garten. The children from secondary school will during their environment lessons plant various plants and students from the high school will get to know in their biology lessons these plants. The complex is divided by functions to five different houses: kindergarten, primary school with secondary shool, grammer school, kitchen with school canteen and sport complex.

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