Spelling suggestions: "subject:"derivate security"" "subject:"5private security""
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Utgör Privata Militära Företag en tillgång eller ett hot mot den svenska Försvarsmakten gällande återrekrytering med soldaterna ur FS21 i huvudfokus? / Does Private Military Companies represent a threat or an asset to the Swedish Armed Forces regarding re-recruitment with the focus on the soldiers of FS21?Pärnering, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Subject: Independent essay in War Science (15 points) which debate the question if PrivateMilitary Companies is an asset or a threat to the Swedish Armed Forces regarding rerecruitmentwith focus on the soldiers of FS21.That which is investigated is the general attitude amongst soldiers who have completed theirconscript duty according to the old conscript system and now is employed in order to conducta tour abroad with Afghanistan as area of operations. Further investigated is their attitudeagainst the Swedish Armed Forces as an employer, as well as the private sector whichwant/could benefit from the skills the soldiers is possessing. Could the soldiers se themselvesleave the Armed Forces before the contract has expired in benefit of private companies whichclaim they solve similar tasks. Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to contribute with knowledge about a number ofemployed soldiers’ attitude against Private Military Companies. Further; if the soldiersbelieve the Armed Forces provide them as they think they deserve/ want in order to stay andnot leave their job in favour of PMC:s, and through it clarify what the soldiers value asemployees. Order of Approach, Method and Material: The method I’m using is a survey in whichsoldiers and squad leaders have answered the questions. The soldiers and squad leaders isfurther referred to as “the soldiers”. These soldiers were consisting of 59 males and femaleswhich were in the final stage of the preparation for their Afghanistan tour. The name of thetour is FS21. Result: According to the survey a great number of respondent soldiers claimed they wouldleave the Swedish Armed Forces in order to be employed in a PMC if the salary would proveto be better. The things that were most important to the soldiers were the colleagues and a funjob as well as the closest in command. After that the salary was vital. At the bottom,according to the soldiers, was an ethical and fair job which would be highly valued in the eyesof the public. According to the statements made by the soldiers the main reasons to stay in theArmed Forces was the group cohesion, the fellowship, the friends and the closet in command.It’s not about the Armed Forces as a department or an employer, it’s the colleagues. Conclusion: This doesn’t collide with van Doorns theory1, it merely enhance the statementwhich van Doorn expresses; that the abandonment of the conscript system will force the statemanagement out on the labour market embossed by a harsh competition of the working force.In lack of possibility to measure up with the civil salary capacity the consequence could fairlybe that the troops are recruited from marginalized groups, which threatens the Armed Forcescapacity. This could also mean that the Armed Forces train and educate individuals frommarginalized groups, as well as the ordinary male or female, and of a sudden they are mostattractive at the civil sector which appreciate military skills and knowledge and se it assomething they could benefit from.This request that the Swedish Armed Forces have an ambition to keep the soldiers it educate,a more active work in keeping the soldiers in the own organisation – merely by meeting theneeds of the soldiers. It is a constant necessitate re-recruiting every day, not when thecontracts reaches its due date. / Ämne: Självständigt arbete i Krigsvetenskap (15HP) som behandlar frågan huruvida PrivataMilitära Företag är en tillgång eller ett hot mot den svenska Försvarsmakten gällandeåterrekrytering med soldaterna ur FS21 i huvudfokus. Med återrekrytering menas förnyelse avkontrakt som löper mot sitt slut.Det som undersöks är bland annat den generella inställningen hos soldater som har gjortmilitärtjänst enligt det gamla värnpliktssystemet och nu är anställda med målsättning attgenomföra utlandsmission med Afghanistan som operationsområde. Vidare undersöks derasinställning till Försvarsmaktens personalpolitik samt deras inställning till den privata sektornsom vill/kan dra nytta av kompetensen som soldaterna besitter. Skulle dessa soldater kunnatänka sig att lämna Försvarsmakten till förmån för privata företag som säger sig kunna lösaliknande uppgifter, och detta innan kontraktet med Försvarsmakten löpt ut? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med kunskap om inställningen hos anställdasoldater ur FS21. Hur är deras inställning till Privata Militära Företag? Vidare att undersökaom Försvarsmakten, enligt dessa soldater, erbjuder dem det som önskas/anses skäligt för attinte lämna sin anställning till förmån för PMF och därigenom klargöra vad det är soldaternavärderar som anställd. Genomförande, Metod, Material: Metoden jag nyttjat mig av är en respondentundersökninggenom en enkät. Enkätundersökningen har genomförts där soldater och gruppchefer har svaratpå frågorna. Soldaterna och gruppcheferna benämns genom uppsatsen som enbart”soldaterna”. Dessa soldater utgjordes av 59 män och kvinnor som då var i slutskedet på sinutbildning och i sina förberedelser för utlandsmission till Afghanistan. Missionens benämningär FS21. Resultat: Genom enkätundersökningen påpekade väldigt många av de tillfrågade soldaternaatt de skulle lämna Försvarsmakten för att istället ta anställning inom ett PMF om lönenvisade sig vara bättre. Det som var viktigast för soldaterna var arbetskamrater och ett roligtjobb samt den närmaste chefen. Därefter var lönen att betrakta som vital. På näst sista platshamnade enligt soldaterna ett etiskt och korrekt arbete som i allmänhetens ögon är högtvärderat. Enligt de uttalanden som soldaterna gjort i fritextsvaren så är det främstgruppsammanhållningen, samhörigheten, kamraterna och den närmsta chefen som äranledningen till att stanna. Det är inte Försvarsmakten som myndighet eller arbetsgivare i sig,utan kollegorna. Slutsatser: Detta krockar inte med van Doorns teori2, utan snarare förstärker det påståendetsom van Doorn uttrycker om att övergivandet av värnpliktssystemet medför att statsledningentvingas ut på en arbetsmarknad präglad av en hård konkurrens om arbetskraften. I brist avmöjligheter att följa de civila lönetrenderna kan följderna bli att manskapet kan komma attrekryteras ur marginaliserade grupper och därigenom äventyra försvarskraften. Det kan ävenbetyda att Försvarsmakten tränar upp och utbildar individer ur marginaliserade grupper, tillikasom gemene man och kvinna, så att dessa plötsligt blir attraktiva hos den civila sektorn somser soldaternas kunskap och militära färdigheter som något de kan dra nytta av.Det krävs av Försvarsmakten att det finns en ambition att behålla de soldater som utbildas, ettmer aktivt arbete i att behålla soldaterna i de egna leden – främst genom att möta soldaternasbehov.Det är en ständig nödvändighet att återrekrytera varje dag, inte enbart när kontrakten börjarnärma sig sina slut.
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Unaccountable Soldiers: Private Military Companies and the Law of Armed ConflictMcRae, Peter 18 January 2012 (has links)
The use of Private Military Companies (PMCs) has become an increasingly common feature of contemporary armed conflict. Because of their autonomous contractual status, PMCs have presented governments with problems of accountability on several levels, including violations of international human rights and humanitarian law (IHL) standards. This thesis argues that PMCs should be considered to be non-state actors (NSAs), subject to international law from both an International Relations Theory and a Legal Theory perspective. This conclusion is linked to the issue of whether individual PMC employees can be treated as legitimate combatants according to IHL. State practice has not led to a clear understanding of the definition of combatant, a problem which has been compounded by a lack of government policy on the use of PMCs. Using Canadian experience as a case study, the thesis concludes that IHL suggests two options for regularizing the status of PMCs which would both strengthen accountability and uphold the rule of law.
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"We Don't Want the Loonies Taking Over": Examining Masculine Performatives by Private Security in a Hospital SettingJohnston, Matthew 24 August 2012 (has links)
After sixteen intensive months, I quit my employed position as a security guard at a local hospital. By drawing on my autoethnographic experiences in the form of “ethnographic fiction writing”, as well as eight interviews with my former male colleagues, I explore how the guards’ constructions of masculinity intersect with their security assessment and subsequent application of force, chemical incarceration, and other coercive security tactics on involuntarily-committed mental health patients. The narratives are framed by the available literature on gender and masculinity within the security, police, prison and military institutions, as well as the theoretical notions of gendered institutions (Acker), hegemonic masculinity (Connell & Messerschmidt), doing gender (West & Zimmerman), and Dave Holmes’s application of Foucauldian biopolitical power to forensic healthcare settings. These concepts are used in tandem with a creative methodological tool to reveal the “messy”, “bloody” and “gendered” ways in which hospital life unfolds between the guard, the nurse, and the patient prisoner. By escaping more traditional forms of academic writing, I am able to weave raw, sensitive and reflexive thoughts and emotions into the research design and analysis. The analysis is divided into two narratives: “Us” and “Them”. “Us” emphasizes the gendered ways in which the hospital guard learns, reproduces, resists, lives up, or fails to live up to the masculine codes of the profession. Here, the guard must confront cultural demands to demonstrate physical prowess, authority and heroism during a patient battle. “Them” explores how hegemonic masculinity shapes the hierarchical and coercive relations between the guard, the nurse, and the patient, and reinforces psychiatrized discourses that promote punishment, pain, bureaucracy and control. Overall, these findings call for the abolition of physical restraint, chemical incarceration and other coercive security measures within our healthcare institutions, and encourage future research to give voice to the lived experiences of women guards and security management teams.
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Unaccountable Soldiers: Private Military Companies and the Law of Armed ConflictMcRae, Peter 18 January 2012 (has links)
The use of Private Military Companies (PMCs) has become an increasingly common feature of contemporary armed conflict. Because of their autonomous contractual status, PMCs have presented governments with problems of accountability on several levels, including violations of international human rights and humanitarian law (IHL) standards. This thesis argues that PMCs should be considered to be non-state actors (NSAs), subject to international law from both an International Relations Theory and a Legal Theory perspective. This conclusion is linked to the issue of whether individual PMC employees can be treated as legitimate combatants according to IHL. State practice has not led to a clear understanding of the definition of combatant, a problem which has been compounded by a lack of government policy on the use of PMCs. Using Canadian experience as a case study, the thesis concludes that IHL suggests two options for regularizing the status of PMCs which would both strengthen accountability and uphold the rule of law.
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Privatisation et commercialisation de la sécurité : nouvelles perspectives sur les relations entre secteurs public et privéMulone, Massimiliano January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Unaccountable Soldiers: Private Military Companies and the Law of Armed ConflictMcRae, Peter 18 January 2012 (has links)
The use of Private Military Companies (PMCs) has become an increasingly common feature of contemporary armed conflict. Because of their autonomous contractual status, PMCs have presented governments with problems of accountability on several levels, including violations of international human rights and humanitarian law (IHL) standards. This thesis argues that PMCs should be considered to be non-state actors (NSAs), subject to international law from both an International Relations Theory and a Legal Theory perspective. This conclusion is linked to the issue of whether individual PMC employees can be treated as legitimate combatants according to IHL. State practice has not led to a clear understanding of the definition of combatant, a problem which has been compounded by a lack of government policy on the use of PMCs. Using Canadian experience as a case study, the thesis concludes that IHL suggests two options for regularizing the status of PMCs which would both strengthen accountability and uphold the rule of law.
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Privata säkerhets- och militära företag i ett COIN-perspektiv : En fallstudie av Afghanistan / Private Security and Military Companies in a COIN-perspective : A Case Study of AfghanistanHassel, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
Privata säkerhets- och militära företag (PSMF) har använts allt mer i counterinsurgency (COIN)-operationer under de senaste tio åren, där Afghanistan och Irak utgör två tydliga exempel. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur PSMF påverkar säkerhetsarbetet vid genomförande av COIN i ett konfliktområde, Afghanistan. Studien visar att PSMF i Afghanistan under 2008–2011 i huvudsak påverkade säkerhetsarbetet positivt och fyllde en viktig funktion avseende COIN med två undantag. PSMF stöd till militära operationer i form av bevakning och eskortering påverkade COIN till del negativt och PSMF resistens mot korruption var direkt negativt för COIN. PSMF spelade en framträdande roll för att bygga upp och utbilda militära och civila institutioner i Afghanistan, samt påverkade även i huvudsak positivt vid skydd av humanitära projekt och utvecklingsverksamhet. Studien visar att PSMF stöd till säkerhetsarbetet genom bevakning och eskortering i Afghanistan hade positiva sidor genom att de avlastade de reguljära militära styrkorna, men även stor negativ inverkan på COIN då stor användning av främst afghanska säkerhetsföretag, tillika krigsherrar, medgav dem inflytande och möjlighet att undergräva den afghanska regeringens auktoritet. PSMF var även i hög grad inblandade i korruption och studien visar på ett samband mellan PSMF och korruption i Afghanistan, vilket varit negativt för COIN. Studien förordar att PSMF fortsatt används för uppbyggnad av militära och civila institutioner. För att förbättra säkerhetssituationen och minska korruptionen förordas bättre kontroll av PSMF samt att säkerhetspersonal från tredje land används för bevakning och eskortering, i det fall inte reguljär militär och polis kan användas. / Private Security and Military Companies (PSMC) has been used more frequently in counterinsurgency(COIN)-operations during the past ten years, where Afghanistan and Iraq are two examples. The aim of this study is to examine how PSMC affects security in a COIN-context in a certain overseas contingency operation, in Afghanistan. This study proves that PSMC filled an important part and contributed to security within the counterinsurgency effort in Afghanistan during 2008–2011 with two exceptions, concerning base and transport security and concerning corruption. PSMC played a prominent part in building military and civilian institutional capacity in Afghanistan, where training, mentoring, partnering and advisory are important key functions. PSMC also contributes to protection of humanitarian and development projects, since fulfilment of many projects depends on the protection from PSMC. The study shows that PSMC efforts to provide base and transport security had a positive impact in terms of relieving regular military units to conduct military operations, but also major negative impact on COIN in terms of using warlords and powerbrokers as security providers. The illicit conduct of local security providers together with widespread corruption undermined counterinsurgency efforts in Afghanistan. The study proposes further use of PSMC as military and civilian institutional capacity-builders. In order to improve the security situation and reduce corruption this study proposes better oversight of PSMC and the use of third-country nationals for security, in case regular Coalition and Afghan units are not available.
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The impact of absenteeism on the private security industry in Gauteng Province, South AfricaChauke, Busisiwe Patricia 30 June 2007 (has links)
Absenteeism is a grave problem in the workplace in South Africa. One can expect that the impact and patterns would differ from one sector to another. For instance the seriousness of absenteeism in a hospital or the security sector would not be the same as for a coffee shop or being absent from a school. However, absenteeism needs to be addressed in all sectors of the economy since it leads to losses in production and output, as well as a reduction in profits in many South African companies. This study explores absenteeism only in the security industry in Gauteng Province. The personal experiences of practitioners and managers regarding absenteeism, its extent and the impact in this province were examined during the research undertaken for this project.
The aims of this study were largely the following:
• To determine the main causes and reasons given for the current level of absenteeism among contract security personnel in the private security industry in Gauteng;
• To see whether gender and employment grade contribute towards the absence of security officers during working hours;
• To find out whether security officers routinely submit a sick note after being absent;
• To ascertain management practices and responses to combating absenteeism, and
• To identify what can be done to reduce absenteeism.
The main research instrument used was a questionnaire. Some experienced academics were interviewed prior to administering the questionnaires to respondents in order to provide expert opinion and advice regarding this problem. Two different questionnaires were prepared, one for managers and one for security officers. The questionnaire had both closed-ended and open-ended questions. Three hundred questionnaires were distributed to security officers in the Gauteng region, and one hundred to security managers. The questionnaires for the managers had 48 questions while those for the security officers contained 38 questions. Those academics and security managers interviewed all agreed that absenteeism is a workplace problem in the country, a problem that currently has not been investigated in sufficient detail. They accepted that a formal study of this nature would be worthwhile doing in the private security industry.
Furthermore, a literature review was undertaken while a close analytical examination of the various concepts being used in the research was also done. The literature provided the theoretical base to which the study was able to link the collected information from the empirical part obtained by means of the questionnaires. The sources for the literature review consisted of books, journals, the internet and newspaper articles.
The research established various causes of absenteeism in the industry, with the main ones being:
i) Poor salaries
ii) Long working hours
iii) Poor communication with immediate supervisor
iv) Transport problems
v) Poor working conditions
vi) Family problems, and
vii) Boredom
The exploration done in this research was intended primarily to determine ways to address absenteeism. The ideal solution would be to reduce and ultimately prevent absenteeism. As a result and emanating from the research findings a number of recommendations were formulated and directed to the industry as a whole, while others were directed towards the security managers, and lastly some to the security officers themselves. / Criminology and Security Science / M.Tech. (Security Risk Management)
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Quality or reception services offered by security personnel to organisations in the Johannesburg areaMabandla, Vuyokazi 02 1900 (has links)
Quality is critical to private security personnel employed as receptionists in many
organisations, as it plays a vital role in improving organisational productivity. The
main objective of the research was to investigate the quality of reception services
provided by security personnel to organisations in the Johannesburg area as
benchmarked against the appropriate service quality evaluation methodologies when
modelling the impact of service quality on satisfaction and loyalty. A questionnaire
was used and semi-structured interviews were conducted in a focus group with key
informants (business owners, managers and ordinary people) who could provide
valuable information for use in the study. The focus group consisted of eight
respondents. The sample consisted of 200 participants scattered in seven regions on
sites that are managed by Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JCPZ).
The selection of the 200 participants was random and included JCPZ employees.
Primary research shows that the majority of the respondents ranked indicators of
service quality below acceptable level; however, customers‘ tastes and preferences
constantly change and evolve, as do the number of security companies. Thus such
companies should improve conditions in the area of service quality if they want to
stay competitive. To remain competitive, the security companies as well as the
clients need to analyse customers' expectations and perceptions of the service
quality of front office staff, who in this case are often security/guarding personnel.
For customer organisations, the empirical findings can be used to develop a
framework of service quality indicators, which can be used for monitoring and
benchmarking service quality. For organisations, the findings can be used for
resource-allocation decisions pertaining to improved service quality, customer
satisfaction and ultimately intentions. The study concludes that the quality
perceptions of services rendered by security personnel as receptionists are
important for customer satisfaction and that quality dimensions are important for
clientele management - arguably one of the most important aspects of service quality
management. / Business Management / M. Tech.
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Sorria, voce esta sendo filmado : as cameras de monitoramento para segurança em São PauloKanashiro, Marta Mourão, 1974- 20 January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Laymert Garcia dos Santos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T03:18:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Kanashiro_MartaMourao_M.pdf: 1988987 bytes, checksum: b6b82fb95441f45b67f0253e0d7f91e9 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Tendo em vista a proliferação de mecanismos de vigilância e controle nas sociedades contemporâneas ocidentais, esta dissertação busca refletir sobre as representações e discursos associados à inserção das câmeras de monitoramento para segurança no cotidiano brasileiro. A partir de um estudo de caso realizado na região central da cidade de São Paulo (Parque da Luz), do levantamento das proposições e
normas legais que versam sobre o tema e do acompanhamento de publicações e feiras do setor de segurança eletrônica, procura-se fazer emergir tais discursos. A transformação da segurança em mercadoria e sua promoção por meio da idéia de prevenção ou antecipação são alguns dos aspectos percebidos na pesquisa como profundamente equacionados com essa prática. Baseando-se em aspectos como esses, argumenta-se que as câmeras de monitoramento participam de uma forma de exercício do poder na atualidade, que focaliza fluxos e mobilidade em detrimento do ¿indivíduo¿ / Abstract: Considering the proliferation of surveillance and control mechanisms in the occidental contemporaneous societies, this dissertation aims at reflecting on the representations and discourses associated with the input of security camera monitoring system (CCTVs) in the Brazilian daily routine. Starting from a case study in the downtown area in São Paulo City (Parque da Luz), a survey of propositions and legal norms which deal with the subject, and going over publications and electronic security sector fairs, it aims at emerging these different discourses. The transformation of security into goods and its promotion by the idea of prevention or anticipation are some of the aspects focused on this research as deeply equated with this practice. Based on aspects like those, it is argued that the monitoring cameras are part of the current power practice, which focused on flows and mobility to the detriment of the "individual" / Mestrado / Mestre em Sociologia
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