Spelling suggestions: "subject:"derivate security company"" "subject:"5private security company""
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Utgör Privata Militära Företag en tillgång eller ett hot mot den svenska Försvarsmakten gällande återrekrytering med soldaterna ur FS21 i huvudfokus? / Does Private Military Companies represent a threat or an asset to the Swedish Armed Forces regarding re-recruitment with the focus on the soldiers of FS21?Pärnering, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Subject: Independent essay in War Science (15 points) which debate the question if PrivateMilitary Companies is an asset or a threat to the Swedish Armed Forces regarding rerecruitmentwith focus on the soldiers of FS21.That which is investigated is the general attitude amongst soldiers who have completed theirconscript duty according to the old conscript system and now is employed in order to conducta tour abroad with Afghanistan as area of operations. Further investigated is their attitudeagainst the Swedish Armed Forces as an employer, as well as the private sector whichwant/could benefit from the skills the soldiers is possessing. Could the soldiers se themselvesleave the Armed Forces before the contract has expired in benefit of private companies whichclaim they solve similar tasks. Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to contribute with knowledge about a number ofemployed soldiers’ attitude against Private Military Companies. Further; if the soldiersbelieve the Armed Forces provide them as they think they deserve/ want in order to stay andnot leave their job in favour of PMC:s, and through it clarify what the soldiers value asemployees. Order of Approach, Method and Material: The method I’m using is a survey in whichsoldiers and squad leaders have answered the questions. The soldiers and squad leaders isfurther referred to as “the soldiers”. These soldiers were consisting of 59 males and femaleswhich were in the final stage of the preparation for their Afghanistan tour. The name of thetour is FS21. Result: According to the survey a great number of respondent soldiers claimed they wouldleave the Swedish Armed Forces in order to be employed in a PMC if the salary would proveto be better. The things that were most important to the soldiers were the colleagues and a funjob as well as the closest in command. After that the salary was vital. At the bottom,according to the soldiers, was an ethical and fair job which would be highly valued in the eyesof the public. According to the statements made by the soldiers the main reasons to stay in theArmed Forces was the group cohesion, the fellowship, the friends and the closet in command.It’s not about the Armed Forces as a department or an employer, it’s the colleagues. Conclusion: This doesn’t collide with van Doorns theory1, it merely enhance the statementwhich van Doorn expresses; that the abandonment of the conscript system will force the statemanagement out on the labour market embossed by a harsh competition of the working force.In lack of possibility to measure up with the civil salary capacity the consequence could fairlybe that the troops are recruited from marginalized groups, which threatens the Armed Forcescapacity. This could also mean that the Armed Forces train and educate individuals frommarginalized groups, as well as the ordinary male or female, and of a sudden they are mostattractive at the civil sector which appreciate military skills and knowledge and se it assomething they could benefit from.This request that the Swedish Armed Forces have an ambition to keep the soldiers it educate,a more active work in keeping the soldiers in the own organisation – merely by meeting theneeds of the soldiers. It is a constant necessitate re-recruiting every day, not when thecontracts reaches its due date. / Ämne: Självständigt arbete i Krigsvetenskap (15HP) som behandlar frågan huruvida PrivataMilitära Företag är en tillgång eller ett hot mot den svenska Försvarsmakten gällandeåterrekrytering med soldaterna ur FS21 i huvudfokus. Med återrekrytering menas förnyelse avkontrakt som löper mot sitt slut.Det som undersöks är bland annat den generella inställningen hos soldater som har gjortmilitärtjänst enligt det gamla värnpliktssystemet och nu är anställda med målsättning attgenomföra utlandsmission med Afghanistan som operationsområde. Vidare undersöks derasinställning till Försvarsmaktens personalpolitik samt deras inställning till den privata sektornsom vill/kan dra nytta av kompetensen som soldaterna besitter. Skulle dessa soldater kunnatänka sig att lämna Försvarsmakten till förmån för privata företag som säger sig kunna lösaliknande uppgifter, och detta innan kontraktet med Försvarsmakten löpt ut? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med kunskap om inställningen hos anställdasoldater ur FS21. Hur är deras inställning till Privata Militära Företag? Vidare att undersökaom Försvarsmakten, enligt dessa soldater, erbjuder dem det som önskas/anses skäligt för attinte lämna sin anställning till förmån för PMF och därigenom klargöra vad det är soldaternavärderar som anställd. Genomförande, Metod, Material: Metoden jag nyttjat mig av är en respondentundersökninggenom en enkät. Enkätundersökningen har genomförts där soldater och gruppchefer har svaratpå frågorna. Soldaterna och gruppcheferna benämns genom uppsatsen som enbart”soldaterna”. Dessa soldater utgjordes av 59 män och kvinnor som då var i slutskedet på sinutbildning och i sina förberedelser för utlandsmission till Afghanistan. Missionens benämningär FS21. Resultat: Genom enkätundersökningen påpekade väldigt många av de tillfrågade soldaternaatt de skulle lämna Försvarsmakten för att istället ta anställning inom ett PMF om lönenvisade sig vara bättre. Det som var viktigast för soldaterna var arbetskamrater och ett roligtjobb samt den närmaste chefen. Därefter var lönen att betrakta som vital. På näst sista platshamnade enligt soldaterna ett etiskt och korrekt arbete som i allmänhetens ögon är högtvärderat. Enligt de uttalanden som soldaterna gjort i fritextsvaren så är det främstgruppsammanhållningen, samhörigheten, kamraterna och den närmsta chefen som äranledningen till att stanna. Det är inte Försvarsmakten som myndighet eller arbetsgivare i sig,utan kollegorna. Slutsatser: Detta krockar inte med van Doorns teori2, utan snarare förstärker det påståendetsom van Doorn uttrycker om att övergivandet av värnpliktssystemet medför att statsledningentvingas ut på en arbetsmarknad präglad av en hård konkurrens om arbetskraften. I brist avmöjligheter att följa de civila lönetrenderna kan följderna bli att manskapet kan komma attrekryteras ur marginaliserade grupper och därigenom äventyra försvarskraften. Det kan ävenbetyda att Försvarsmakten tränar upp och utbildar individer ur marginaliserade grupper, tillikasom gemene man och kvinna, så att dessa plötsligt blir attraktiva hos den civila sektorn somser soldaternas kunskap och militära färdigheter som något de kan dra nytta av.Det krävs av Försvarsmakten att det finns en ambition att behålla de soldater som utbildas, ettmer aktivt arbete i att behålla soldaterna i de egna leden – främst genom att möta soldaternasbehov.Det är en ständig nödvändighet att återrekrytera varje dag, inte enbart när kontrakten börjarnärma sig sina slut.
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Komparace českých a slovenských soukromých bezpečnostních služeb v letech 1993 - 2012 / Comparative Analysis of Private Security Companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia 1993-2012Doskočilová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis practically and theoretically deals with the concept - privatization of security. The aim of the practical part is to compare the conception of private security companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The comparison focuses on the factual data (number of PSC, employees, police forces, the amount of wages, the turnover), state regulation and mutual relation of public and private security providers. The findings of the practical part are applied to the theoretical concept of Rita Abrahamsen and Michael Williams - Theory of Security Assemblages. It is based on the claim that the privatization of security is part of a broader process of partial dismantling of the state and at the same time emerging "global assembly, which brings together national and global structures. The privatization of security is enshrined in both the social and the legal environment, and therefore the state itself can participate on its own dismantling by its acting. This is the case of the Czech Republic due to the absence of PSC's regulation, control mechanisms, minimum requirements for skilled employees PSC and the non-definition of the relationship between public and private security sector. It results in weakening the role of the Czech Republic as a guarantor of security. The aforementioned inaction...
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O padrão de atuação das empresas de segurança privada: o caso de AngolaPaoliello, Tomaz Oliveira 09 June 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-06-09 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / Nowadays, one of the phenomena that draws attention and raises the debate
within the discipline of international relations is the rise of the so-called private
security companies. The present dissertation studies the inclusion of such
companies in the Angolan context during the 1990s. This inclusion is marked
by two moments, the first one paradigmatic for the literature on the subject,
the particular action of the company Executive Outcomes. Secondly, we
discuss the development of a local market for private security, built by a series
of devices that make the Angolan landscape a unique and poorly studied
model. Angola was a testing ground for the actions of the private security
companies, but turned out to be an exceptional case with a number of local
companies providing security for the country during its own internal conflict,
and making them fundamental for the design of Power in Angola. This
situation is derived from a number of specific features of the Angolan history,
especially the continued violence and the perpetuation of state fragility. We
further explore the discussion on the role of private security companies as
new actors in the international system, and observe the range of findings
about these companies when confronted with the case of Angola / Nos dias de hoje, um dos fenômenos que chama atenção e suscita o debate
no âmbito da disciplina de relações internacionais é a ascensão das
chamadas empresas de segurança privada. A atual dissertação se dedica ao
estudo da inserção de tais empresas no contexto angolano durante os anos
1990. Essa inserção é marcada por dois momentos, um primeiro,
paradigmático para a literatura sobre o tema, trata da ação particular da
empresa Executive Outcomes. Num segundo momento, abordamos o
desenvolvimento de um mercado local para a segurança privada, construído
por uma série de dispositivos que fazem do panorama angolano um modelo
único e ainda pouco estudado. Angola foi um campo de teste para a atuação
das empresas de segurança privada, mas acabou se transformando num
caso excepcional, com uma série de empresas locais provendo a segurança
para o país durante o conflito interno, e tornando-se fundamentais para o
desenho de poder em Angola. Essa situação é derivada de uma série de
especificidades da história angolana, notadamente a permanente violência, e
a perpetuação da fragilidade do Estado. Desenvolvemos a discussão sobre o
papel das empresas de segurança privada como novos atores no sistema
internacional, e observamos o alcance das descobertas sobre tais empresas
quando confrontadas com o caso de Angola
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[pt] As mudanças contextuais no curso histórico das práticas emergenciais e as
possibilidades discursivas delas emergentes têm permitido a diversificação dos
atores e do modo com que é feita a entrega da ajuda humanitária. As noções de
neutralidade, humanidade e proteção que permeiam o humanitarismo são
manejadas de acordo com distintos princípios e interesses. Ao longo do século
XX e adiante, o conjunto de significantes que se referia à prática da assistência
humanitária deu oportunidade para que novos discursos fossem capazes de criar
outras articulações para o que se compreende como humanitário ou ação
humanitária. O progressivo agenciamento das Empresas Militares ou de
Segurança Privada (EMSPs) neste campo é parte desse fenômeno e desafia o
espaço que, na concepção das agências humanitárias tradicionais, se supunha
desmilitarizado. A dissertação analisa como se deu o processo discursivo de
abertura às EMSPs e como a emergência do novo humanitarismo contribuiu
para o cenário de disputas políticas que visam legitimar uma determinada cadeia
discursiva em detrimento de outras narrativas no que se propõe como campo geral
da discursividade humanitária. / [en] The contextual changes in the historical course of the practices of
emergency and the discursive possibilities resulting from that, have yielded the
diversification of actors and the way in which the humanitarian aid is delivered.
The notions of neutrality, humanity and protection that pervade the
humanitarianism are managed in accordance to different principles and interests.
Throughout the twentieth century and on, the set of signifiers referring to the
practice of humanitarian assistance have opened up the opportunity for new
discourses to be creating other articulations to what is understood as
humanitarian or humanitarian action. The progressive agency of Private
Military or Security Companies (PMSCs) in this field is part of that phenomenon
and defies the space that, according to the traditional humanitarian agencies, was
supposed to be demilitarized. The dissertation examines how the discursive
process of openness to PMSCs have taken place and how the emergence of the
new humanitarianism contributed to the scenario of political disputes that seek
to legitimize a particular discursive chain rather than other narratives within what
I propose as the general field of humanitarian discursivity.
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