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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Becker, Larissa Vargas 16 February 2009 (has links)
More than 50% of the world population presents conditions of lactase deficiency, in Brazil, 58 million people undergo such genetic disorder. The goal of the present work was to produce probiotic yogurt with reduced contend of lactose added flaxseed oil and to study the viability of lactic and bifid bacteria compared to the flaxseed oil and different contends of lactose. Three out of the seven developed treatments were added with 0,2; 0,5 and 0,8g of lactase enzyme per liter of milk respectively. Microbiological and physic-chemical analysis were carried out in the yogurts. The yogurts with reduced lactose presented a decrease in pH and an increase in the acidity less strong than the other yogurts during twenty-eight days of storage. The contends of lactose found in the yogurts which were added with lactase are considered low, within the patterns and regulations of the for special dietary uses legislation. The ratio found between Streptococcus salivarius ssp. Thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus was 2:1, which favors the decrease of postacidification. The number of viable cells of Bifidobacterium sp. and Lactobacillus acidophilus as well as the lactic bacteria stood until the end of the storage period according to the recommendations of the legislation. The fat contends were higher in yogurts added with flaxseed oil and rice flour concomitantly. Only one of the yogurts fit the legislation concerning protein contend, probably due to the substitution of powder milk by the rice flour in the yogurts. Considering the results it is possible to infer that the enzyme lactase used in the experiment efficiently hydrolyzed the lactose of the yogurts and did not compromised the viability of microorganisms of the traditional culture as the probiotic culture. / Mais de 50% da população mundial apresenta condições de deficiência de lactase, sendo que no Brasil, 58 milhões de pessoas sofrem de tal desordem genética. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de produzir iogurte probiótico com teor reduzido de lactose e adicionado de óleo de linhaça e estudar a viabilidade das bactérias lácticas e bífidas frente ao óleo de linhaça e diferentes teores de lactose. Três dos sete tratamentos desenvolvidos foram adicionados de 0,2; 0,5 e 0,8g de enzima lactase por litro de leite respectivamente. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas e físico-químicas nos iogurtes. Os iogurtes com reduzidos teores de lactose apresentaram queda de pH e aumento de acidez menos acentuada que os demais iogurtes em vinte e oito dias de armazenamento. Os teores de lactose encontrados nos iogurtes com adição de lactase são considerados baixos, dentro dos padrões regulamentados pela legislação de alimentos para fins especiais. A relação encontrada entre Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus e Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus foi de 2:1 favorecendo a diminuição da pós-acidificação. O número de células viáveis de Bifidobacterium sp. e Lactobacillus acidophilus assim como o de bactérias lácticas se mantiveram até o final da estocagem conforme preconizado na legislação brasileira. Os teores de gordura foram maiores para os iogurtes adicionados de óleo de linhaça e farinha de arroz concomitantemente. Apenas um dos iogurtes apresentou-se de acordo com a legislação quanto ao teor de proteínas, provavelmente pela substituição do leite em pó pela farinha de arroz na formulação dos iogurtes. Considerando os resultados obtidos pode-se inferir que a enzima lactase utilizada hidrolisou eficientemente a lactose dos iogurtes e não comprometeu a viabilidade dos microrganismos da cultura tradicional como da cultura probiótica.


Carli, Eliane Maria de 17 February 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of the commercial poultry keeping is getting high productivity for a low cost and offering to the consumer a product with quality. A pathogenic bacterium that has been worring the avicola section during the last years is the Salmonella. To control this bacterium, it was proposed in this paper the Lactobacillus paracasei, used as probiotic. The Lactobacillus paracasei can be in the future a healthy alternative for the indiscriminate antibiotics use, forbidden for export. This assignment was carried out in the Biotery of Veterinary Preventive Medicine of the Federal University of Santa Maria RS (Biotitic of Medicinal Preventive Veterinaries of Public University of Santa Maria RS). Cutting commercial chicks with a day of living were used. They were remained in wire cages, with a heating system. The feeding was ration (not medicated) and water. The treatments were done in the first day of living of the chicks. It was administrated a probiotic sprayed in the water, and salmonella for endo-esofagic inoculation. The pulverization was done with a manual spray. The endo-esofagic inoculation was done with a probe and syringe with 1ml, with 0,1ml of Salmonella Enteritidis for each chick. For the pulverization and for the water, the inoculo had 1010 UFC/ml of Lactobacillus paracasei and for the endo-esofagic tract 103 UFC/ml of Salmonella Enteritidis. Three groups of twenty chicks were used, distributed as follows: Portion 1- Control; Portion 2- pulverization and addiction of probiotic in the drinking water; Portion 3 addition of probiotic in the drinking water and inoculation of Salmonella Enteritidis; In each week, three chicks from each portion were withdrawn from each group to be weighed, sacrificed and for material collection. The presence in the excrements and the colonization of the cecos of cutting chicks for Salmonella Enteritidis was reduced significantly in the groups treated with Lactobacillus paracasei (P2) for pulverization and addiction in the drinking water. Therefore, we can conclude that the use of probiotics inhibits or reduce the salmonella development, in the intestinal treat of the birds, since we can constact its presence in the Treatment Control (P1) in three samples probably because of the presence of bacterium in the feed, water or environment where the birds were. In the treatment with Addiction of Lactobacillus paracasei in the drinking water + inoculation of Salmonella Enteritidis, we verified three absences of salmonella, in the 0; 32; and 42 days of treatment. In the positive samples for salmonella, we observed characteristic damages in the liver, typical of the contamination with salmonella, which affects the bloodstream, probably in an intracellular way, and are removed by the river, spleen or bone marrow. During the 32 and 42 days, there were absences of SE, which indicate the inhibitory capacity of the probiotic used. We observed that the inhibition occurs later. The gain of weight of the portion that received sprayed Lactobacilllus paracasei in the drinking water (P2) did not de different of the other treatments. As this same treatment did not accused the presence of SE in the excrements, while the other groups treated with probiotic the rates of SE in the excrements were detected, there is the indication that the presence of Salmonella Enteritidis does not interfere decisively in the cutting chickens productivity. Although it has not occurred significant variation among the groups, related to the body weight, the group treated with Lactobacilllus paracasei sprayed in the drinking water (P2), presented the best performance. / A avicultura comercial tem como objetivo obter alta produtividade a baixo custo e oferecer ao consumidor produto de qualidade. Uma bactéria patogênica que tem preocupado o setor avícola nos últimos tempos é a Salmonela. Para controlar esta bactéria, foi proposto neste trabalho o Lactobacillus paracasei, usado como probiótico. O Lactobacillus paracasei poderá ser uma alternativa saudável para o uso indiscriminado de antibióticos, proibido para exportação. O presente trabalho foi realizado no Biotério da Medicina Veterinária Preventiva da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria RS. Foram utilizados pintos comerciais de corte com um dia de idade, mantidos em gaiolas de arame, sob aquecimento. Para alimentação foi fornecida ração não medicada e água. Os tratamentos foram realizados no primeiro dia de vida das aves. Administrou-se probiótico por pulverização e na água de bebida, e salmonela por inoculação endoesofágica e probiótico na água de bebida. A pulverização foi realizada com auxílio de pulverizador manual. A inoculação via endoesofágica foi realizada com auxílio de uma sonda e seringa graduada de 1ml, com 0,1ml da cultura de Salmonella Enteritidis para cada pintos. Para a pulverização e para a água de bebida, o inóculo continha 1010 UFC/ml, de Lactobacillus paracasei e para a via endoesofágica 103 UFC/ml, de Salmonella Enteritidis. Foram utilizados três grupos de 20 pintos, assim distribuídos: Lote 1- Controle; Lote 2 pulverização e adição de probiótico na água de bebida; Lote 3 - adição de probiótico na água de bebida e inoculação de Salmonella Enteritidis; A cada semana três pintos de cada lote eram retirados de cada grupo para pesagem, sacrifício e colheta do material. A presença nas fezes e a colonização dos cecos de pintos de corte por Salmonella Enteritidis foi acentuadamente reduzida nos grupos tratados com Lactobacillus paracasei (L2) por pulverização e adição na água de bebida. Com isso podemos constatar que o uso de probióticos inibe ou reduz o desenvolvimento de salmonela, no trato intestinal das aves, já que podemos constatar sua presença no Tratamento Controle (L1), em três amostras analisadas, ocorreu possivelmente devido à presença de bactérias na ração, água ou ambiente, onde as aves se encontravam. No tratamento com Adição de Lactobacillus paracasei na água de bebida + inoculação de Salmonella Enteritidis, verificamos três ausências de salmonela, no 0º; 32º; e 42º dias de tratamento. Nas amostras positivas para salmonela observamos lesões características no fígado, típica de contaminação por salmonela, esta atinge a corrente sanguínea, provavelmente de modo intracelular, e são removidas pelo fígado, baço ou medula óssea. Já no 32º e 42º ocorreram ausências de SE o que indica a capacidade inibitória do probiótico utilizado. Observamos que a inibição ocorre tardiamente. O ganho de peso do lote que recebeu Lactobacilllus paracasei pulverizado e na água de bebida (L2) não diferiu dos demais tratamentos. Como esse mesmo tratamento não acusou a presença de SE nas fezes, enquanto nos demais grupos tratados com probiótico os índices de SE nas fezes foram detectáveis, há indicação de que a presença de Salmonella Enteritidis não interfere decisivamente na produtividade de frangos de corte. Embora não tenha ocorrido variação significativa entre os grupos, em relação ao peso corporal, o grupo tratado com Lactobacillus paracasei pulverizado e na água de bebida (L2), apresentou melhor performance.


Silva, Sabrina Vieira da 14 March 2007 (has links)
The interest for health, nutritive and well enjoyed food has increased worldwide and results in several studies in the area of dairy products. This paper aimed the development of yogurts with different concentrations of traditional and probiotic dairy cultures (0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%). The process of fermentation was followed through the values of pH and acidity expressed in lactic acid. Physical and chemical analysis were carried out (pH value, acidity expressed in lactic acid, lactose proportion, umidity proportion, ash proportion, total dry and not greased extract proportion, protein proportion, fat proportion), color (CIELAB Sistem) and aparent viscosity after the fermentation and during the storage of the product. It was determined the viability of the traditional lactic bacteria (Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus) and the probiotic ones (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium sp.) during the twenty-eight (28) days of storage. Sensorial tests of acceptance and preference were taken with adults and children. The collected data in this study were subjected to statistical analysis (average values with the respective standard deviations, analysis, variation analysis (ANOVA) by the Entirely Casual Delineation (ECD) and by Block Casual Delineation (BCD) and by Tukey's test). The results showed that different concentrations of lactic cultures influenced the fermentation time. There were not significant differences among the samples in relation with the physical and chemical characteristics. It was observed that there was a decrease of the pH value and the lactose proportion and an increase in the acidity expressed in lactic acid proportional to the increase in the concentration of lactic cultures. During the storage time it was noticed a significant decrease in the number of feasible cells of S. termophilus and L. bulgaricus, L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium sp.. The sensorial analysis that, enerally, the yogurt with 1.0% of lactic cultures presentes the best grades concerning to evaluated attributes. The obtained results show the great potential for the production of yogurts using the probiotic lactic cultures. / O interesse por produtos alimentícios saudáveis, nutritivos e de grande aproveitamento tem aumentado mundialmente, o que resulta em diversos estudos na área de produtos lácteos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de iogurtes com diferentes concentrações de culturas lácticas tradicionais e probióticas (0,5%, 1,0% e 1,5%). O processo de fermentação foi acompanhado através dos valores de pH e acidez expressa em ácido láctico. Foram realizadas análises físicoquímicas (valor de pH, acidez expressa em ácido láctico, teor de lactose, teor de umidade, teor de cinzas, teor de extrato seco total e desengordurado, teor de proteína, teor de gordura), cor (Sistema CIELAB) e viscosidade aparente após a fermentação e durante o armazenamento do produto. Determinou-se a viabilidade das bactérias lácticas tradicionais (Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus) e probióticas (Lactobacillus acidophilus e Bifidobacterium sp.) durante os 28 dias de armazenamento. Testes sensoriais de aceitação e preferência foram realizados com adultos e crianças. Os dados obtidos neste estudo foram submetidos a análises estatísticas (valores médios com os respectivos desvios padrão, análise de variância (ANOVA) por Delineamento Inteiramente Casualizado (DIC) e por Delineamento em Blocos Casualizados (DBC) e teste de Tukey). Os resultados mostraram que diferentes concentrações de culturas lácticas influenciaram o tempo de fermentação. Não houve diferenças significativas entre as amostras em relação as características físico-químicas. Observou-se que houve um decréscimo do valor de pH e do teor de lactose e um aumento na acidez expressa em ácido láctico proporcional ao aumento da concentração de culturas lácticas. Durante o tempo de estocagem notou-se um decréscimo significativo no número de células viáveis de S. thermophilus e L. bulgaricus e de L. acidophilus e Bifidobacterium sp.. A análise sensorial mostrou que de uma maneira geral o iogurte com 1,0% de culturas lácticas apresentou as melhores notas em relação aos atributos avaliados. Os resultados obtidos demonstram o grande potencial para a produção de iogurtes utilizando culturas lácticas probióticas.

The effects of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics on gut flora, immune function and blood characteristics of broilers

Akoy, Rebin Aswad Mirza January 2015 (has links)
The microbial populations in the gastrointestinal tracts of poultry play an important role in normal digestive processes and in maintaining animal health. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics on the growth parameters, gut ecosystem, histology and immune function. In this study, four experiments one in vitro and three in vivo were conducted using specific pathogen free (SPF) and Hubbard broiler chickens. The first experiment was designed to determine the influence of inulin as an effective prebiotic on lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains, and to screen LAB for selection as a source of chicken probiotic. Eight strains of LAB were isolated from chicken caeca and three strains from the Plymouth University culture collection were screened for potential probiotic properties for growth in inulin from Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) and commercial inulin (Frutafit® HD, Netherlands). Lactobacillus animalis JCM 8692 strain isolated from chicken caeca showed the highest auto-aggregation and co-aggregation ability, resistance to acidity and bile salts, strong suppression of pathogens and ability to adhere to epithelial cells compared with other isolated strains. The second experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of commercial inulin and Jerusalem artichoke tubers as prebiotic supplementation on the diversity of the caecal microflora, jejunum histology and immune organ of SPF chickens. This investigation has found that inulin which was extracted from JA had a similar result when compared with commercial inulin and could be a suitable candidate for an inulin source in broiler diets. The third experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of Bactocell® (PRO1) and Lb. animalis (PRO2) as probiotic supplements on broiler chickens. EPEF was significantly increased in probiotic1 and probiotic2 compared with control (311.03, 309.87 and 260.06) respectively. Both types of probiotics supported the growth of chicks healthy and could be a suitable candidate as a source of probiotic in broiler diet. The fourth experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of dietary supplementation of a probiotic (Lb. animalis), a prebiotic JA tuber and a combination of both (Synbiotic) in broiler chickens. Growth performance was improved in all additive supplementation compared with the control group. EPEF was increased in probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotic compared with control (290.8±11.8, 300.9±3.86, 322.1±7.09 and 262.3±5.94) respectively. Beneficial bacteria in the guts of chicks fed probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotic was increased compared with chicks fed control diet. The diversity of microbial population in the gastrointestinal tract of chickens improved due to additives. The intestinal villus lengths and microvilli density was improved in all additives supplementation in comparison with control. Overall, it was concluded that probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotics can positively affect production performance and can improve the gut health.

Poly-(vinylpyrrolidone)-poly-(vinylacetate-co-crotonic acid) (PVP : PVAc-CA) interpolymer complex microparticles encapsulating a Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 probiotic strain: microparticle characterization and effect on viability of encapsulated probiotic cells

Mamvura, Chiedza Isabel 08 November 2012 (has links)
Microorganisms have been known to play a major role in human health since early times. The ingestion of microorganisms as probiotics to restore and/or maintain health is a widely accepted and common practice. The challenge in industry is to ensure viability of probiotics until their ingestion to their site of action, the colon, for health benefits to be realised. Microencapsulation is one of the techniques used to protect probiotic bacteria and ensure viability. A method that does not involve the use of extreme temperatures and/or solvents which would otherwise adversely affect viable cells was developed and patented. The method is solventless and is based on complexation of Food and Drug Administration-approved polymers, poly (vinylpyrrolidone) and poly (vinylacetate-co-crotonic acid) in supercritical carbon dioxide. The use of this method of encapsulation was found to be suitable in target release in earlier studies. Microparticles produced were found to have pH-dependent swellability, protecting bioactives, in this case probiotic bifidobacteria, in acid (simulated gastric acid) and only releasing them in an alkaline environment (simulated intestinal fluid). Further studies were, however, needed to investigate the suitability of the microparticles for food and pharmaceutical applications. The current study therefore aimed to characterize these microparticles in terms of size range, distribution of bacteria within the microparticles, and particle size distribution. The average size of the Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12-encapsulating microparticles was found to be within the acceptable size in food applications. High encapsulation efficiency was obtained, with live bacteria distributed evenly within the microparticles, demonstrating the potential of the microparticles to deliver high numbers of probiotic cultures as required for this type of microorganisms to deliver purpoted benefits to the consumer. Probiotic products are normally kept under refrigerated storage, yet the viability of bacterial cells still decreases. An additional benefit of encapsulation within microparticles would be protection of the encapsulated probiotics from the detrimental factors to which the probiotic products are exposed during storage. In order to investigate this for the microparticles in this study, the shelf life of encapsulated B. lactis Bb 12 powder stored in glass vials was investigated. High temperatures were used for accelerated shelf life studies. Encapsulated B. lactis Bb 12 maintained the viable levels above the therapeutic minimum for the duration of the study (12 weeks), which was 7 weeks more than was the case with unencapsulated probiotic. Thus the microparticles provided protection to the probiotic cultures at temperatures much higher than those normally used for storage of probiotic products. These results further indicate the possibility for storage of the B. lactis Bb12 encapsulated in the tested microparticles, at ambient temperatures for at least two months, without drastic loss of culture viability. Research has recently focused on the development of probiotic foods other than dairy and dairy-based foods. This has been necessitated by increasing vegetarian lifestyle and concerns of allergenicity. A maize-based traditional fermented beverage, mageu, was investigated for use as a vehicle for probiotic delivery. Although no significant difference was noted between survival of encapsulated and unencapsulated probiotic was noted, pH decrease in mageu with encapsulated B. lactis Bb 12 was less than with unencapsulated cells. This suggested that encapsulation would ensure that metabolites produced by encapsulated probiotics, if any, would not negatively affect a product in which they are incorporated. Further studies may be needed for investigation of the effect of the encapsulating microparticles in traditional fermented non-dairy products, using more acid-sensitive probiotic strains as the test strain used in the current study is well-known for its inherent resistance to acidity. This study filled gaps in knowledge in terms of the characteristics of microparticles produced using supercritical technology. The main highlights of the research findings were that the microparticles were suitable for food applications, improved probiotic viability under nonrefrigerated temperatures, and delayed browning of the probiotic powder and minimized drop in pH of the fermented product containing the probiotic encapsulated within. The results showed that microparticles encapsulating B. lactis Bb 12 are appropriate to consumers in areas where refrigeration is absent. Furthermore, the study showed that mageu is a suitable alternative vehicle to dairy-based products, for delivery of probiotic B. lactis Bb 12. This possibility extends accessibility of probiotic products to consumers who do not take dairy products for various reasons. There is also a potential increase of probiotic products on the market. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Microbiology and Plant Pathology / unrestricted

Efeito da avaliação da vacinação antirrábica e da suplementação com diferentes doses do probiótico na resposta imune humoral em bezerros nelore / Effect evaluation of antirrabies vaccination and supplementation with different doses of probiotic in the humoral immune response in nelore calves

úbida, Suelen Navas 20 May 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T18:55:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Suelen.pdf: 249147 bytes, checksum: c5002ca2db1a6890b6d5dc5691fd3874 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-20 / Aimed to evaluate the effects of supplementation of probiotics on the humoral immune response in cattle. Forty-two male animals, whole, Pure Origin (PO) Nellore, aged 12 months, all vaccinated with a single dose of rabies vaccines were randomly divided into 3 groups (14 bovine animals/group): Control group (GC) received 70 grams of mineral/animal durig 60 days supplement; the probiotic group GP3 received 3 grams of probiotic added 70 grams of mineral/animal durig 60 days supplement; the probiotic group GP8 received 8 grams of probiotic added 70 grams of mineral/animal durig 60 days supplement. Statistical analyzes were compared between groups control, 3, and 8 grams. Blood samples of animals were collected days 0, 30 and 60 days. Individual neutralizing antibody titers were determined by a neutralization technique based on the Rapid Fluorescent Focus Inhibition Test (RFFIT) and Fluorescent Inhibitio Microtest (FIMT). There were statistically significant differences between the mean serum concentrations between groups control, GP3 and GP8. Concluding that the administration of probiotics interfered in the humoral immune response. / Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com diferentes doses do probiótico sobre a resposta imune humoral em bovinos. Quarenta e dois bovinos machos, Puro de Origem (P.O) da raça Nelore, com idade de 12 meses, todos vacinados com dose única de vacina antirrábica, divididos aleatoriamente em 3 grupos (14 bovinos/grupo): O grupo controle (GC), recebeu 70 gramas de suplemento mineral/animal por 60 dias; o grupo GP3 recebeu 3 gramas de probiótico adicionados em 70 gramas de suplemento mineral/animal por 60 dias e o grupo GP8 recebeu 8 gramas de probiótico adicionado em 70 gramas de suplemento mineral/animal por 60 dias. Análises estatísticas foram comparadas entre os Grupos controle, 3 e 8 gramas. As amostras de sangue dos bovinos foram colhidas nos dias 0,30 e 60. Os resultados demonstraram diferenças estatísticas significativas entre as médias de concentrações séricas entre os grupos. Conclui-se que a administração de probiótico aumentou a resposta imune em bovinos vacinados com uma única dose de vacina antirrábica

Efeito da concentração de bactérias probióticas como imunomoduladora da produção de anticorpos antirrábicos em bovinos vacinados / Concentration effect of probiotic bacteria as production of immunomodulatory antibodies against rabies virus in cattle vaccinated

Martino, Renata Maria Bottino Vizzotto 19 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T18:55:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renata Maria Bottino Vizzotto Martino.pdf: 401581 bytes, checksum: 64d1aad99d4826f7cb866dbff66909b4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-19 / This study assessed the effect of concentration of association a combination of probiotic micro-organisms added to the mineral mixture at different concentrations / day, immunomodulation production of serum antibodies against rabies virus in cattle vaccinated with a single dose of rabies vaccine. Forty-two male Nellore cattle, with 12 months aged, were randomly divided into three groups (n = 14): control group (CG) received 70 grams of mineral mixture / animal / day; 2 grams probiotics groups (G2P) and 8 grams (G8P) received 70 grams of mineral mix / animal / day added to grams of a combination of probiotic microorganisms, respectively 2 and 8 (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus faecium, Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium thermophilum). Individual antibody titers were determined by the technique of neutralization in cell-based Rapid Fluorescent Focus Inhibition Test (RFFIT). We resorted to the analysis of variance on a route (one-way ANOVA) with contrasts using the Tukey method to determine if the experimental groups differed within each moment, and the paired t-test to determine whether differences occurred between times within each group and a 5% level of significance. There were statistically significant differences between the mean serum concentrations between the GC and G8P groups after 30 and 60 days after the first vaccination and 60 days, only the G8P kept 100% with titers of protective antibodies minimum. There was also improvement in the production of antibodies in the G2P group compared to GC after 30 and 60 days, but this difference was not statistically significant. The peak titers of antibodies in cattle for rabies in all groups were after the 30 days. The results obtained allow to attribute beneficial effect immunomodulation with the combination of probiotics in rabies humoral immune response and the concentration of the association of probiotic microorganisms in mineral mixture interfered beneficially in the humoral immune cattle primary response. There is evidence to assign the concentration of probiotic association to the effect on the maintenance of high levels of serum antibodies in cattle with a single dose of rabies vaccine. / Esse estudo avaliou o efeito da concentração da associação de microrganismos probióticos, adicionados à mistura mineral em diferentes concentrações/dia, imunomodulação da produção de anticorpos séricos contra o vírus rábico em bovinos vacinados com uma única dose de vacina antirrábica. Quarenta e dois bovinos machos, da raça Nelore, com idade de 12 meses, foram divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos (n=14): grupo controle (GC) que recebeu 70 gramas de mistura mineral/animal/dia; grupos probióticos 2 gramas (G2P) e 8 gramas (G8P) que receberam 70 gramas de mistura mineral/animal/dia adicionados respectivamente de 2 e 8 gramas de uma associação de microrganismos probióticos (Lactobacilus acidophilus, Estreptococus faecium; Bifidobacterium thermophilum e Bifidobacterium longum). Os títulos individuais de anticorpos foram determinados por meio da técnica de soroneutralização em células baseado no Rapid Fluorescent Focus Inhibition Test (RFFIT). Recorreu-se à análise de variância em uma via (ANOVA one-way) com contrastes pelo método de Tukey para determinar se os grupos experimentais diferiram entre si, dentro de cada momento, e ao teste t-pareado para determinar se ocorreram diferenças entre momentos dentro de cada grupo e com 5% de nível de significância. Houve diferenças estatísticas significativas entre as médias de concentrações séricas entre os grupos GC e G8P, após 30 e 60 dias da primovacinação e após 60 dias, somente o G8P manteve 100% com títulos de anticorpos protetores mínimos. Houve também melhora na produção de anticorpos no grupo G2P em relação ao GC, após 30 e 60 dias, porém esta diferença não teve significância estatística. O pico de títulos de anticorpos antirrábicos nos bovinos em todos os grupos foi após os 30 dias. Os resultados obtidos permitem atribuir efeito benéfico à imunomodulação com a associação de probióticos na resposta imune humoral antirrábica e o aumento da concentração da associação de microrganismos probióticos na mistura mineral interferiu beneficamente na resposta imune humoral de bovinos primovacinados. Há evidências para se atribuir a concentração da associação probiótica ao efeito sobre a manutenção da concentração sérica de anticorpos em bovinos primovacinados contra a raiva.

Efeito da avaliação da vacinação antirrábica e da suplementação com diferentes doses do probiótico na resposta imune humoral em bezerros nelore / Effect evaluation of antirrabies vaccination and supplementation with different doses of probiotic in the humoral immune response in nelore calves

úbida, Suelen Navas 20 May 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:53:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Suelen.pdf: 249147 bytes, checksum: c5002ca2db1a6890b6d5dc5691fd3874 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-20 / Aimed to evaluate the effects of supplementation of probiotics on the humoral immune response in cattle. Forty-two male animals, whole, Pure Origin (PO) Nellore, aged 12 months, all vaccinated with a single dose of rabies vaccines were randomly divided into 3 groups (14 bovine animals/group): Control group (GC) received 70 grams of mineral/animal durig 60 days supplement; the probiotic group GP3 received 3 grams of probiotic added 70 grams of mineral/animal durig 60 days supplement; the probiotic group GP8 received 8 grams of probiotic added 70 grams of mineral/animal durig 60 days supplement. Statistical analyzes were compared between groups control, 3, and 8 grams. Blood samples of animals were collected days 0, 30 and 60 days. Individual neutralizing antibody titers were determined by a neutralization technique based on the Rapid Fluorescent Focus Inhibition Test (RFFIT) and Fluorescent Inhibitio Microtest (FIMT). There were statistically significant differences between the mean serum concentrations between groups control, GP3 and GP8. Concluding that the administration of probiotics interfered in the humoral immune response. / Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com diferentes doses do probiótico sobre a resposta imune humoral em bovinos. Quarenta e dois bovinos machos, Puro de Origem (P.O) da raça Nelore, com idade de 12 meses, todos vacinados com dose única de vacina antirrábica, divididos aleatoriamente em 3 grupos (14 bovinos/grupo): O grupo controle (GC), recebeu 70 gramas de suplemento mineral/animal por 60 dias; o grupo GP3 recebeu 3 gramas de probiótico adicionados em 70 gramas de suplemento mineral/animal por 60 dias e o grupo GP8 recebeu 8 gramas de probiótico adicionado em 70 gramas de suplemento mineral/animal por 60 dias. Análises estatísticas foram comparadas entre os Grupos controle, 3 e 8 gramas. As amostras de sangue dos bovinos foram colhidas nos dias 0,30 e 60. Os resultados demonstraram diferenças estatísticas significativas entre as médias de concentrações séricas entre os grupos. Conclui-se que a administração de probiótico aumentou a resposta imune em bovinos vacinados com uma única dose de vacina antirrábica

Efeito da concentração de bactérias probióticas como imunomoduladora da produção de anticorpos antirrábicos em bovinos vacinados / Concentration effect of probiotic bacteria as production of immunomodulatory antibodies against rabies virus in cattle vaccinated

Martino, Renata Maria Bottino Vizzotto 19 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:53:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renata Maria Bottino Vizzotto Martino.pdf: 401581 bytes, checksum: 64d1aad99d4826f7cb866dbff66909b4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-19 / This study assessed the effect of concentration of association a combination of probiotic micro-organisms added to the mineral mixture at different concentrations / day, immunomodulation production of serum antibodies against rabies virus in cattle vaccinated with a single dose of rabies vaccine. Forty-two male Nellore cattle, with 12 months aged, were randomly divided into three groups (n = 14): control group (CG) received 70 grams of mineral mixture / animal / day; 2 grams probiotics groups (G2P) and 8 grams (G8P) received 70 grams of mineral mix / animal / day added to grams of a combination of probiotic microorganisms, respectively 2 and 8 (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus faecium, Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium thermophilum). Individual antibody titers were determined by the technique of neutralization in cell-based Rapid Fluorescent Focus Inhibition Test (RFFIT). We resorted to the analysis of variance on a route (one-way ANOVA) with contrasts using the Tukey method to determine if the experimental groups differed within each moment, and the paired t-test to determine whether differences occurred between times within each group and a 5% level of significance. There were statistically significant differences between the mean serum concentrations between the GC and G8P groups after 30 and 60 days after the first vaccination and 60 days, only the G8P kept 100% with titers of protective antibodies minimum. There was also improvement in the production of antibodies in the G2P group compared to GC after 30 and 60 days, but this difference was not statistically significant. The peak titers of antibodies in cattle for rabies in all groups were after the 30 days. The results obtained allow to attribute beneficial effect immunomodulation with the combination of probiotics in rabies humoral immune response and the concentration of the association of probiotic microorganisms in mineral mixture interfered beneficially in the humoral immune cattle primary response. There is evidence to assign the concentration of probiotic association to the effect on the maintenance of high levels of serum antibodies in cattle with a single dose of rabies vaccine. / Esse estudo avaliou o efeito da concentração da associação de microrganismos probióticos, adicionados à mistura mineral em diferentes concentrações/dia, imunomodulação da produção de anticorpos séricos contra o vírus rábico em bovinos vacinados com uma única dose de vacina antirrábica. Quarenta e dois bovinos machos, da raça Nelore, com idade de 12 meses, foram divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos (n=14): grupo controle (GC) que recebeu 70 gramas de mistura mineral/animal/dia; grupos probióticos 2 gramas (G2P) e 8 gramas (G8P) que receberam 70 gramas de mistura mineral/animal/dia adicionados respectivamente de 2 e 8 gramas de uma associação de microrganismos probióticos (Lactobacilus acidophilus, Estreptococus faecium; Bifidobacterium thermophilum e Bifidobacterium longum). Os títulos individuais de anticorpos foram determinados por meio da técnica de soroneutralização em células baseado no Rapid Fluorescent Focus Inhibition Test (RFFIT). Recorreu-se à análise de variância em uma via (ANOVA one-way) com contrastes pelo método de Tukey para determinar se os grupos experimentais diferiram entre si, dentro de cada momento, e ao teste t-pareado para determinar se ocorreram diferenças entre momentos dentro de cada grupo e com 5% de nível de significância. Houve diferenças estatísticas significativas entre as médias de concentrações séricas entre os grupos GC e G8P, após 30 e 60 dias da primovacinação e após 60 dias, somente o G8P manteve 100% com títulos de anticorpos protetores mínimos. Houve também melhora na produção de anticorpos no grupo G2P em relação ao GC, após 30 e 60 dias, porém esta diferença não teve significância estatística. O pico de títulos de anticorpos antirrábicos nos bovinos em todos os grupos foi após os 30 dias. Os resultados obtidos permitem atribuir efeito benéfico à imunomodulação com a associação de probióticos na resposta imune humoral antirrábica e o aumento da concentração da associação de microrganismos probióticos na mistura mineral interferiu beneficamente na resposta imune humoral de bovinos primovacinados. Há evidências para se atribuir a concentração da associação probiótica ao efeito sobre a manutenção da concentração sérica de anticorpos em bovinos primovacinados contra a raiva.

Desarrollo, caracterización y optimización de productos fermentados a base de licuados vegetales como alternativa a los yogures convencionales

Bernat Pérez, Neus 19 November 2013 (has links)
El proyecto de tesis tiene como fin desarrollar y caracterizar productos fermentados a partir de licuados vegetales con una excelente calidad nutricional y sensorial. Para conseguir el propósito mencionado se eligieron licuados de almendra, avellana y avena, cuyas propiedades fisicoquímicas y nutricionales son aptas para el proceso de fermentación. Para ello, se estudió el efecto de los tratamientos térmicos y de homogenización sobre las cualidades fisicoquímicas y de estabilidad de los diferentes licuados, para elegir en base a los resultados obtenidos, las condiciones idóneas de su obtención. Por otra parte, se seleccionaron dos cepas probióticas comerciales (L. rhamnosus GG y L. reuteri ATCC 55730) con el fin de obtener productos fermentados a partir de los licuados elegidos y, de este modo, ofrecer nuevas posibilidades y beneficios al consumidor dentro del sector de productos no-lácteos. Por otra parte, con la adición de microorganismos probióticos se pretende satisfacer la demanda actual de productos funcionales; es decir, ofrecer productos que, además del aporte de nutrientes, tengan un efecto beneficioso para la salud. / Bernat Pérez, N. (2013). Desarrollo, caracterización y optimización de productos fermentados a base de licuados vegetales como alternativa a los yogures convencionales [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/33748 / TESIS

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