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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de sorvetes probióticos à base de extrato solúvel de soja / Development of probiotic ice cream from soluble soybean extract

Fernández, Ludmila Carril 17 April 2015 (has links)
Sorvetes são alimentos que apresentam grande potencial como veículo de espécies de micro-organismos probióticos, tendo em vista que apresentam elevada aceitabilidade em todas as faixas etárias. Os alimentos elaborados a base de soja se destacam no mercado devido às inúmeras evidências científicas sobre seus efeitos benéficos à saúde humana. Desta forma, no presente trabalho objetivou-se o desenvolvimento de sorvetes probióticos formulados com diferentes extratos solúveis de soja (in natura e fermentados), utilizando-se a cepa Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2B20. Primeiramente, avaliou-se o desempenho fermentativo (pH e acidez titulável) de 5 cepas de Lactobacillus em meio formulado com os extratos solúveis de soja ESL e ES60, cujos resultados demonstraram que estes extratos são adequados para a formulação de meios de fermentação. Na sequência foram processados sorvetes probióticos formulados com os respectivos extratos in natura (ESL e ES60) e fermentado (ESL F e ES60 F) por Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2B20. Nos sorvetes confeccionados com os extratos na forma in natura, uma suspensão de células da referida cepa foi adicionada à calda previamente ao processo de batimento e congelamento. Os sorvetes foram estocados a -23 ºC por 5 meses e avaliados periodicamente quanto às características físico-químicas (pH, acidez titulável, composição centesimal e overrun), microbiológica (viabilidade celular) e sensoriais. Os resultados demonstram que a cepa de Lactobacillus avaliada foi capaz de fermentar os açúcares presentes nos respectivos extratos de soja produzindo ácido láctico, atingindo a concentração de 0,90% no meio formulado com o extrato de soja desengordurado ES60. Os sorvetes confeccionados com os respectivos extratos fermentados apresentaram diferenças significativas (P<0,05) quanto ao pH e acidez titulável em relação aos sorvetes com extratos in natura, atingindo valores de pH inferiores a 4,0 com produção máxima de ácido láctico de 1,36%. A composição centesimal dos sorvetes desenvolvidos está de acordo com o padrão mínimo estabelecido pela ANVISA, apresentando uma composição média de 2,5% de proteínas, 5,0-6,0% de gordura e 36,0% de sólidos totais. As características probióticas dos sorvetes estudados foram preservadas, apresentando contagens de células viáveis superiores a 106 UFC/g, com redução do número de células inferior a um ciclo logarítmico ao longo de 150 dias de estocagem a -23ºC. A análise sensorial revelou que os sorvetes formulados com os respectivos extratos in natura não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre si (P>0,05) para os atributos avaliados e apresentaram maior aceitabilidade, sendo o sorvete formulado com o extrato ESL o que obteve maior aceitação, com médias acima de 6,0 correspondente a \"gostei ligeiramente\". Os resultados demonstraram ainda que a fermentação dos extratos interferiu negativamente nas características sensoriais dos respectivos sorvetes, apresentando diferenças significativas em relação aos extratos in natura, além de resultar nos menores escores de aceitação, tendo o sorvete fermentado ES60 F sido avaliado como \"desgostei moderadamente\". Estes resultados permitem concluir que o extrato solúvel de soja é um insumo adequado para a formulação de meio de cultivo de espécies de microorganismos probióticos, além de apresentar potencial para a confecção de sorvetes probióticos mediante adaptações da tecnologia de produção de gelados comestíveis. / Ice creams are foods that have great potential as a vehicle for species of probiotic microorganisms due to its high acceptability by all age people. Foods made with soybeans byproducts stand out in the market due to the numerous scientific evidences that show its beneficial effects on human health. Therefore, this study aimed to the development of probiotic ice cream formulated with different soybean soluble extracts (in natura and fermented), using the strain Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2B20. Primarily, it was evaluated the fermentation performance (pH and titratable acidity) of 5 Lactobacillus strains in media formulated with soluble soybean extracts ESL and ES60 (Olvebra®), and the results showed that these soybean byproducts are suitable for the formulation of fermentation media. The probiotic ice cream were formulated with the soybean extracts in natura (ESL and ES60) and fermented (ESL F and ES60 F) by Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2B20. For the manufacture of ice cream with the soybean extracts in natura, a cell suspension was added to the basic ice cream formulation before beating and freezing procedures. The ice creams were stored at -23 ° C for 5 months and evaluated periodically regarding the physico-chemical characteristics (pH, titratable acidity, chemical composition and overrun), microbiological (cell viability) and sensorial evaluation. The results shown that the Lactobacillus strain were capable to metabolize the sugars presented in the soluble soybean extracts producing lactic acid reaching a concentration of 0.90% in the media formulated with defatted soybean extract ES60. The ice creams made with fermented extracts showed significant differences (P <0.05) regarding pH (< 4,0) and titratable acidity (1,36%) in relation to the ice creams manufactured with extracts in natura. The results concerned to the chemical composition of the ice cream, showed that the values obtaneid are in accordance with those stablished by ANVISA, presenting an average composition of 2.5% protein, 5,0-6,0% fat and 36,0% total solids. The probiotic characteristics, of the formulated ice creams, were preserved presenting viable cell counts greater than 106 UFC/g, and a decreasing in the cell number lower than one log cycle after 150 days of storage at -23 ºC. Regarding the sensorial evaluation, the results revealed that the ice creams formulated with soybean extracts in natura showed no significant differences between them (P> 0.05) for the evaluated attributes and they showed higher acceptability. The ice cream formulated with ESL extract presented higher acceptance, with average notes greater than 6.0, corresponding to \"like slightly\". The results also showed that the fermentation of the extracts influenced negatively on the sensory properties of the ice cream, showing significant differences regarding the ice cream made with the extracts in natura, and lower acceptance scores, being the fermented ice cream ES60 F evaluated as \"moderately disliked\". These results indicate that the soluble soybean extracts evaluated in the present work are suitable for culture medium formulation for probiotic microorganisms, and also shown its potential for making probiotic ice cream by adaptation of the technology.

Etude de la composition du microbiote intestinal des canards. Impact du gavage, de l’ajout d’un probiotique (Lactobacillus sakei) et d’un composé organométallique (cadmium) / Study of ducks intestinal microbiota composition. Impact of overfeeding, addition of a probiotic (Lactobacillus sakei) and an organometallic compound (cadmium)

Vasai, Florian 12 December 2013 (has links)
Le microbiote intestinal constitue un élément important pour l’hôte, il est impliqué notamment au niveau immunologique ou physiologique. La connaissance de la composition de ce microbiote est la première étape dans la compréhension des phénomènes qui lui sont associés. Les travaux de cette thèse se sont articulés selon plusieurs objectifs. La première étape a été de faire un état des lieux de la composition du microbiote de deux types génétiques parentaux : le canard Pékin (Anas Platyrhynchos), le canard de Barbarie (Cairina Moschata) ainsi que de leur hybride ; le canard mulard. Nous avons ainsi pu observer des compositions différentes selon le type génétique avec tout de même la prédominance dans chacune des trois espèces de deux phyla : les Firmicutes et les Bacteroidetes. Différentes conditions rencontrées dans l’environnement sont à même de créer un déséquilibre dans la composition du microbiote. Une des conditions possibles est un changement dans l’alimentation ainsi la seconde étape a été de voir l’impact du gavage sur les communautés bactériennes composant le microbiote. Celui-ci induit bien des modifications au sein du microbiote en privilégiant certaines classes bactériennes notamment les Bacilli et les Clostridia selon le type génétique. Un effet du gavage a été montré au niveau du microbiote iléal tandis que l’on retrouve un effet du type génétique ainsi que du gavage mais plus faible que dans l’iléon au niveau des caeca. Deux autres travaux ont été réalisés, le premier concernait l’ajout d’un probiotique (Lactobacillus sakei) sur le microbiote des canards mulards durant la phase de gavage. Nous avons montré que lors de cet ajout, nous observions une forte augmentation des lactobacilli au niveau de l’iléon. Enfin suite aux fortes contaminations retrouvées dans le sud-ouest ainsi que ses effets toxiques montrés dans différentes études, le dernier travail effectué a été de voir l’effet du cadmium sur le microbiote des canards Pékin et Barbarie. Nous avons pu ainsi observer les modifications de la communauté microbienne lors de l’ajout de cadmium ainsi l’accumulation de celui-ci dans les reins au cours du gavage. Des effets combinés entre le cadmium et la période de gavage ainsi qu’avec le type génétique ont été mis en lumière. Une tendance à une accumulation différentielle du cadmium a été observé selon le type génétique. / The intestinal microbiota is an important element for the host; it is particularly involved in immunological or physiological level. Knowledge of the composition of the microbiota is the first step in understanding the phenomena associated with it. The work of this PhD was organized according to several objectives. The first step was to realize a molecular inventory of the microbiota composition of the two parental genetic types: the Pekin duck (Anas Platyrhynchos), the Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) and their hybrid, the mule duck. We have observed different compositions depending on the genetic type although with a predominance of two phyla: the Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes for all ducks species. Different conditions encountered in the environment are likely to create an imbalance in the composition of the microbiota. One is a change in diet; therefore the second step was to see the impact of overfeeding on bacterial communities. Overfeeding causes many changes in the bacterial microbiota and increase two classes: Bacilli and Clostridia according to the genetic type. The effect of overfeeding has been shown principally on the ileal microbiota while genetics and overfeeding both affected weekly cecal microbiota. We then studied the impact of adding a probiotic strain (Lactobacillus sakei) on the microbiota of mule ducks during the overfeeding period. We could see here a significant effect of this addition only in the ileum with a sharp increase in lactobacilli. Finally, due to high levels of contamination found in the southwest of France and its toxic effects on metabolism shown in various studies, the last work was to see the effect of cadmium on the microbiota of Pekin and Muscovy ducks. We observed changes in the microbial community when adding cadmium and see the accumulation of it in the kidneys during overfeeding. Combined effects between cadmium and the feeding period as well as the genetic type were highlighted. Finally

Rôle de GroEL, une protéine sécrétée par les probiotiques, dans la prévention de l'inflammation du côlon / Role of a probiotic secreted protein, GroEL, in the prevention of colonic inflammation

Dias, Alexandre 20 December 2018 (has links)
Introduction : L’inflammation intestinale observée dans les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin (MICI) est essentiellement située au niveau du côlon et peut sur le long terme provoquer l’apparition du cancer colorectal (CCR). Cette inflammation est étroitement régulée par les cellules immunitaires de la muqueuse intestinale qui sont majoritairement représentées par les macrophages. Ces derniers jouent un rôle clé dans la pathogenèse des MICI et contribuent au maintien de l’inflammation intestinale. A l’heure actuelle, les traitements disponibles proposés pour traiter ces pathologies visent surtout à diminuer l’inflammation. Les travaux menés au cours de cette thèse, s’inscrivent dans ce contexte. En effet, des expériences précédentes réalisées par notre laboratoire avaient montré que des surnageants de biofilms du probiotique Lactobacillus induisaient une réponse anti-inflammatoire chez les macrophages humains. Il avait également été remarqué que l’immunodéplétion de GroEL (une protéine de choc thermique) du surnageant bactérien abrogeait de manière dose-dépendante ces propriétés anti-inflammatoires. Méthodes : Par conséquent, au cours de ce travail de thèse nous nous sommes intéressés aux effets bénéfiques que pourrait exercer GroEL sur l’inflammation intestinale via son action au niveau des macrophages. Pour ce faire, nous avons étudié les effets de GroEL provenant de la souche Lactobacillus reuteri sur des modèles in vitro (macrophages humains), ex vivo (explants tissulaires de côlon) et in vivo (modèles murins d’inflammation intestinale et de polypose). Résultats : Nous avons démontré que la protéine GroEL provenant de la souche L. reuteri prévient la polarisation des macrophages vers un phénotype M1 (pro-inflammatoire) tout en favorisant la polarisation des macrophages vers un phénotype M2 (anti-inflammatoire). De façon similaire, le traitement des macrophages par cette protéine a permis de diminuer l’inflammation et le stress oxydant induits par le LPS. Ces expériences ont été confirmées sur des explants tissulaires de côlon, où le traitement par GroEL a permis de réduire l’inflammation, l’apoptose et le stress oxydant provoqués par le LPS. Par ailleurs, l’effet anti-inflammatoire de GroEL de L. reuteri a pu être démontré sur un modèle murin d’inflammation intestinale induite par le DSS. Dans ce modèle, l’administration intra-rectale de GroEL de L. reuteri a permis de prévenir le raccourcissement du côlon, la dégradation de la muqueuse intestinale et la perte de poids provoqués par le DSS. Enfin, nous avons également remarqué que GroEL de L. reuteri pouvait agir comme un agent prophylactique étant donné que les souris APCMin/+ traitées avec cette protéine présentaient une diminution significative du nombre de polypes sporadiques situés au niveau du côlon. Conclusion : La protéine GroEL de L. reuteri, par ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires, pourrait être un complément thérapeutique intéressant aux traitements disponibles dans la prise en charge des MICI et la prévention du CCR.Mots clés : GroEL, inflammation du côlon, probiotiques, MICI et CCR. / Introduction : Intestinal inflammation observed in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is mainly located in the colon and could lead to the onset of colorectal cancer (CRC). This inflammation is tightly regulated by the immune cells of the intestinal mucosa which are predominantly represented by macrophages. These cells play a key role in the pathogenesis of IBD and contribute to the maintenance of intestinal inflammation. Currently, available treatments proposed to treat these pathologies are aimed primarily at reducing inflammation. The work carried out during this thesis is part of this context. Indeed, previous experiments performed by our laboratory showed that supernatants of probiotic Lactobacillus biofilms induced an anti-inflammatory response in human macrophages. It was also noted that this effect was abrogated upon immunodepletion of the stress protein GroEL (a heat shock protein). Methods : Therefore, during this thesis work we have been interested in the beneficial effects that GroEL could exert on intestinal inflammation via its action on human macrophages. In order to do this, we used GroEL from the Lactobacillus reuteri strain and its effect in vitro (in human macrophages isolated from buffy coats), ex vivo in colon human explants and in vivo in two different models was analyzed (murine models of intestinal inflammation and polyposis). Results : We found that Lactobacillus reuteri GroEL inhibited the polarization of macrophages towards a M1-like phenotype (pro-inflammatory) while facilitating the polarization of macrophages towards an M2-like phenotype (anti-inflammatory). As a consequence, macrophages treated with L. reuteri GroEL presented a decrease in inflammation and oxidative stress induced by LPS. This was confirmed in colon tissues from biopsies, where L. reuteri GroEL was able to decrease inflammation, apoptosis and oxidative stress induced by LPS. Besides, the beneficial anti-inflammatory effect of Lactobacillus GroEL was demonstrated in a mice model of DSS-induced intestinal inflammation. Rectal administration of L. reuteri GroEL prevented colon shortening and degradation of intestinal mucosa. Further, it abrogated the drastic weight loss induced by DSS. We also showed the potential role of GroEL as a prophylactic agent since APCMin/+ mice treated with L. reuteri GroEL exhibited a significant decrease in the number of sporadic colonic polyps. Conclusion : L. reuteri GroEL protein, by its anti-inflammatory properties, could be an interesting adjunct therapy to the available treatments in the care of IBD and the prevention of CRC.Keywords : GroEL, colonic inflammation, probiotics, IBD and CRC.

Nutritional and environmental effects on triploid Atlantic salmon skeletal deformity, growth and smoltification

Smedley, Marie A. January 2016 (has links)
The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is an iconic species that dominates the global finfish production sector with increasing market demand. The Scottish industry and government alone aspires for expansion of the sector to 210,000 t by 2020 with 154, 000 t produced in 2013. As such, there are pressures to improve sustainable development in particular to minimise the genetic impact of escapees on wild populations and reduce sea lice infection which are required for the granting of “green licenses” in Norway. The use of triploidy has been tested in the 1980’s with little success owing to suboptimal rearing conditions leading to elevated mortalities, poorer growth and a higher prevalence of deformities, in particular of the skeleton. Collectively: recent success of triploid trout farming, expansion to the salmon production sector and potential resulting pressure on wild stocks through escapee increases have reinstated interest to implement artificially induced triploid Atlantic salmon in commercial production. As diploid Atlantic salmon have undertaken extensive domestication to achieve the high quality production and welfare standards observed to date, triploid conspecifics too require husbandry optimisation to realise potential. In particular, industrialisation requires that higher observations of deformities and inconsistent growth trajectories during seawater ongrowing be resolved through optimisation of rearing regimes and subsequent standardization of husbandry protocols. Triploids possess additional genomic material and increased cell size yet reduced frequency that reflects known differences in physiology and supports that, in effect, triploids should be considered as a new species relative to diploid conspecifics. Therefore, this doctoral thesis aimed to study nutrition and temperature effects on triploid Atlantic salmon traits throughout the production cycle from ‘egg to plate’. Nutrition trials aimed to improve growth potential and mitigate skeletal deformities both in freshwater (FW) and saltwater (SW) whilst attempts were made to define a window of smoltification to ensure optimal ongrowing performance. Finally, impacts of embryonic temperature regimes that are known to impact long term performance and deformity development in triploids, were examined in relation to DNA regulation and yolk composition in an attempt to underpin potential mechanisms for the environmental impact of temperature on developmental phenotype. One of the main restrictions to triploid Atlantic salmon implementation is the increased prevalence and severity of skeletal deformities, particularly after the maring phase. The work performed in this thesis first demonstrated that protein and/or phosphorous (P) supplementation throughout SW ongrowing not only reduced the level of severely deformed (≥ 10 deformed vertebrae observable by x-radiography) individuals by 30 % but also sustained 6.8 % faster growth and improved harvest grade compared to triploids fed a standard grower diet (chapter 2). Comparison of x-radiography and severely deformed individuals between harvest and sea transfer highlighted that protein and P supplementation arrested deformity development whereas prevalence increased in triploids fed a standard grower diet. This implied that severe deformities were of FW origin and strongly suggest requirement for improved nutrition in FW to optimise SW performance. Therefore investigation of higher dietary P inclusion in FW was investigated and results showed significantly reduced number of deformed vertebrae and no severely deformed individuals in those fed 19.7 g total P Kg-1 compared with those fed 13.0 & 16.7 g total P Kg-1 (chapter 3). Most deformities were localised in the central (vertebrae 27 – 31) and caudal (vertebrae 52 – 57) regions for all treatments. However, triploids fed lower dietary P displayed a particular increase in prevalence within the tail region (vertebrae 32- 47) which is consistent with SW ongrowing reports and results from chapter 2, further highlighting FW origin of higher vertebral deformities reported in SW ongrowing in triploids. Higher P supplementation in FW also significantly improved growth in triploid parr compared to diploids and lower supplementation. However, this effect did not transpire in later FW smolt stages where weights were significantly higher in triploids fed lower compared to higher P supplementation. Expression of target genes involved in osteogenesis and bone P homeostasis in vertebrates were then analysed and a ploidy effect of osteogenic genes alp, igf1r and opn as well as a dietary effect on P homeostasis gene fgf23 was apparent in the parr stages but not smolt. In addition, stronger ploidy-diet effects were also observed in parr stages for whole body mineral concentrations. Collectively, growth, gene expression and whole body mineral content results indicate these earlier parr life stages may be more sensitive to P supplementation. This pronounced effect may be a consequence of seasonal accelerated growth associated with this period, where higher temperatures were also observed. The potential for shorter P supplementation windows in commercial production was addressed in chapter 4 with hope to cut economic cost to raw mineral inclusion in feed and also mitigate potential anthropogenic eutrophication on the environment that may be induced by P leached through uneaten feed and faeces. Triploids were fed higher dietary P (17.4 g total P Kg-1) until either early (5 g) or later (20 g) parr stages, or smolt (83 g) and monitored for performance throughout freshwater (FW) development. During later parr development (30 g), x-radiography assessment demonstrated that increased dietary P reduced the number of deformities and severely deformed individuals with no indication that feeding P for shorter windows improved skeletal integrity. Hence, P supplementation may be required throughout FW development for optimal skeletal performance. In addition, no differences in deformities were observed between triploid treatments at smolt. An effect of dietary P supplementation on whole body mineral concentration was observed in the early and later parr stages that was not as pronounced as smolt, which is consistent with results in chapter 3. Together, these results indicate that skeletal assessment during early developmental stages may not reflect smolt performance most likely as a consequence of seasonal effects of improved linear growth in the cooler winter temperatures prior to smolt where reversible deformities observed at parr may also be alleviated. In the same study (chapter 4), the inclusion of the probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici (Bactocell™) was also tested as a means to enhance gut assimilation as suggested in previous studies and therefore reduce the levels of P supplementation. Results clearly indicate superior skeletal performance in parr (30 g) as well as significantly less deformed vertebrae and no severely deformed individuals. However, at smolt (~83g), no effects of the dietary probiotic treatment were observed which may also be attributed to seasonal effects. Overall, nutritional research clearly indicate triploids require higher dietary P for optimal growth and skeletal development, which although is not consistent between life stages, is ultimately required throughout FW for optimal skeletal development at smolt. The use of probiotics offer a promising avenue for reduced P requirement in FW feed and further research should verify results and assess long-term performance. Timing of SW transfer according to correct parr-smolt transformation (PST) is essential for survival and growth performance in ongrowing where feeding and growth rate accelerate post-transfer. So far, SW transfer regimes and in particular the smoltification ‘window’ remains loosely defined in triploid Atlantic salmon and it is crucial that this be addressed to ensure optimal ongrowing survival and performance.

Levedura na alimentação de poedeiras comerciais e seu impacto sobre o desempenho produtivo e qualidade dos ovos / Effect of yeast in laying hens feed it is impact on production performance and egg quality

Natália Thaís Gonçalves Koiyama 26 July 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de leveduras, na forma de parede celular e hidrolisada, na dieta de poedeiras sobre o desempenho produtivo, qualidade dos ovos e viabilidade econômica da suplementação destes aditivos. Dois experimentos foram realizados, para cada um deles foram alojadas 256 poedeiras distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em 8 repetições com 8 aves. Foram avaliados os níveis de 0, 225, 450 e 900 g/t de parede celular de levedura na dieta das aves durante o período de 21 a 67 semanas de idade. Os resultados demonstraram um aumento no consumo de ração, produção e massa de ovos, além de uma maior altura do albúmen e unidade Haugh. A espessura da casca e a cor da gema também foram influenciadas pelos tratamentos. A análise da viabilidade econômica demonstrou que mesmo despendendo mais com a alimentação houve um aumento da margem bruta média, devido ao aumento da produção de ovos. Portanto, o uso da parede celular de levedura apresentou efeitos benéficos sobre o desempenho produtivo das poedeiras, como uma melhora na qualidade interna e externa dos ovos, aliado a uma maior rentabilidade da atividade. Para a levedura hidrolisada foram avaliados os níveis de 0, 1, 2 e 4 kg/t. Dois períodos foram analisados, 21 a 40 e 48 a 67 semanas de idade. A adição de levedura hidrolisada na dieta de poedeiras não apresentou melhoria das características analisadas no primeiro período, porém os benefícios surgiram a partir do segundo período. O uso da levedura além de gerar uma menor quantidade de ovos não comerciais, promoveu o aumento do consumo de ração, produção, massa e peso dos ovos, melhoria na qualidade dos ovos em relação a unidade Haugh, altura do albúmen, espessura e resistência da casca; e ainda melhorou a conversão alimentar por massa e dúzia de ovos. A suplementação de levedura hidrolisada para poedeiras proporcionou incremento da margem bruta total média em todos os níveis testados, demonstrando-se viável economicamente. A inclusão de levedura hidrolisada na dieta de poedeiras de 48 a 67 semanas de idade exerceu efeito maximizador do desempenho produtivo e qualidade de ovos, sendo economicamente viável seu uso. / The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of including yeast in the form of cell wall and hydrolyzed, in the diet of laying hens on production performance, egg quality and economic viability of these feed additives. Two experiments were conducted, for each of them 256 laying hens were housed and distributed in a completely randomized design with 8 repetitions of 8 birds. The level of 0, 225, 450 and 900 g/t of yeast cell wall were evaluated in the diet of birds from 21 to 67 weeks of age. The results showed an increase in feed intake, egg production and mass as well as a higher albumen height and Haugh unit. The shell thickness and yolk color were also affected by treatments. The economic viability analysis demonstrated that even spending more on feed an increase in the average gross margin due to increased egg production was observed. Therefore, the cell wall yeast showed a beneficial effect on production performance of laying hens, represented by an improvement of internal and external egg quality, combined with higher profitability. Hydrolyzed yeast was evaluated at the levels of 0, 1, 2 and 4 kg/t. Two periods were analyzed, 21-40 and 48-67 weeks of age. The addition of hydrolyzed yeast in the diet of laying hens did not show improvement of the analyzed characteristics in the first period, however the benefits occurred in the second period. The use of yeast although generate a minor amount of non-commercial eggs, promoted an increase in feed consumption, production, egg mass and weight, improving quality of eggs in relation to Haugh unit, albumen height, shell thickness and resistance; and also improves the feed conversion by eggs mass and dozen. The supplementation of hydrolyzed yeast for laying hens provided increase overall average gross margin on all tested levels, demonstrating to be economically viable. The inclusion of hydrolyzed yeast in the diet of laying hens from 48-67 weeks of age maximized production performance and egg quality, being its use economically viable.

Produção e encapsulamento de lactobacillus plantarum e estudos de estabilidade e aplicação em formulação alimentar

Coghetto, Chaline Caren January 2015 (has links)
Os microrganismos probióticos são considerados suplementos alimentares vivos, apresentando benefícios ao hospedeiro e melhorando o balanço intestinal. A produção de Lactobacillus com alta densidade celular vem sendo estudada e possui grande interesse por parte da indústria, bem como o estudo de novos meios de cultivo alternativos. Outros interesses são a melhora da sobrevivência dos microrganismos durante a passagem pelo trato gastrintestinal por meio da microencapsulação e a elaboração de um produto com potencial probiótico que não necessite da cadeia do frio. Dentro deste contexto o presente trabalho objetivou a produção de microrganismo potencialmente probiótico em meio de cultivo vegetal e após microencapsulado, para obtenção de um pó alimentício para ser diretamente utilizado em alimentos. Na primeira etapa deste trabalho foi realizada uma avaliação de variáveis para fixar os parâmetros de processo e o meio de cultivo em biorreator submerso, para produção de biomassa de Lactobacillus plantarum BL011. O meio de cultivo e parâmetros de processo que apresentaram os melhores resultados para a produção de biomassa e ácido láctico foram: 40 g L-1 de açúcares totais (soro ácido de soja); 15 g L-1 de extrato de levedura; velocidade de agitação de 200 rpm; 25 °C e 4,5 vvm. Os resultados obtidos permitiram uma produção de biomassa de 17,87 g L-1 e 37,59 g L-1 de ácido láctico. Em uma segunda etapa deste trabalho o microrganismo foi microencapsulado pela técnica de electrospraying, utilizando como agentes encapsulantes alginato de sódio (ALG) e uma mistura de alginato de sódio e pectina cítrica (ALG-PEC). As células microbianas livres e microencapsuladas foram submetidas ao suco gástrico simulado (SGS) e suco intestinal simulado (SIS). O microrganismo controle (células livres) demonstrou uma diminuição de 6 e 4,2 log UFC mL-1 depois de 120 min de exposição, respectivamente. No entanto, as células microencapsuladas em ALG e em ALG-PEC apresentaram resistência considerável, diminuindo 2,9 log UFC mL-1 para SGS e 2,7 log UFC mL-1 para SIS. Testes de armazenamento sob temperatura de refrigeração por 21 dias apresentaram boa sobrevivência bacteriana de 9,3 log UFC mL-1 (ALG) e 8,6 log UFC mL-1 (ALG-PEC) para células microencapsuladas, enquanto que as células livres apresentaram uma sobrevivência de apenas 1,2 log UFC mL-1 Na terceira etapa foram realizados experimentos para obtenção do pó alimentício com potencial probiótico, onde o microrganismo microencapsulado em ALG foi liofilizado e analisada a viabilidade no período de 6 meses de armazenamento a temperatura ambiente (25 °C), aqual foi mantida acima de 7 log UFC g-1 de pó alimentício, a análise microbiológica (conforme legislação brasileira) realizada antes e após o período de armazenamento não demonstrou contaminações para os patógenos avaliados. Realizou-se uma análise sensorial adicionando o pó alimentício em suco natural de laranja, obtendo aceitação sensorial elevada, maior que 88 %. O suco com adição do pó alimentício foi exposto aos SGS e SIS e apresentou, após 120 min, redução de apenas 2,4 log UFC mL-1 para SGS e 1,3 log UFC mL-1 para SIS. / Probiotic microorganisms are considered living dietary supplements showing benefic effects to hosts by improving the intestinal balance. The high cell density production of Lactobacillus has been the interest of many studies and presents great interest for industry, along with the development of new alternative culture media. Other concerns are the improvement of the survival of microorganisms during passage through the gastrointestinal tract by means of microencapsulation, and the preparation of a product with probiotic potential that would require no cold chain. In this context, this study aimed at producing potentially probiotic bacterium with alternative sources of cultivation substrates and its microencapsulation to obtain a food powder to be used directly in food. In the first step of this study a screnning of variables was carried out to set the process parameters and culture medium in the submerged bioreactor for the production of L. plantarum BL011 The optimized culture medium and processing parameters for biomass and lactic acid formation were: 40 g L-1 total sugar (liquid acid protein residue of soybean); 15 g L-1 yeast extract; stirring speed of 200 rpm; 25 °C, and 4.5 vvm. The results obtained allowed for a production of 17.87 g L-1 of biomass and 37.59 g L-1 of lactic acid. In a second step of this study L. plantarum BL011 was microencapsulated using the electrospraying technique, using as encapsulating agents sodium alginate (ALG) and a mixture of sodium alginate and citrus pectin (ALG-PEC). The free and microencapsulated cells were subjected to the simulated gastric juice (SGJ) and simulated intestinal juice (SIJ). The microorganism control (free cells) showed a decrease of 6 and 4.2 log CFU mL-1 after 120 min of exposure, respectively. However, the microencapsulated cells in ALG and in ALG-PEC showed significant resistance, decreasing by 2.9 log CFU mL-1 in SGJ, and 2.7 log CFU mL-1 in SIJ. Storage tests under refrigeration temperature for 21 days showed good bacterial survival of 9.3 log CFU mL-1 (ALG) and 8.6 log CFU mL-1 (ALG-PEC) for microencapsulated cells, whereas free cells showed a survival of only 1.2 log CFU mL-1 In the third step of the work, it was obtained a food powder with probiotic potential, where the ALG-microencapsulated bacterium was lyophilized and viability was investigated within 6 months of storage at room temperature (25 °C), keeping 7 log CFU g-1 product of its initial value. Microbiological analyses (according to Brazilian legislation) performed before and after the storage period did not show any contaminations by pathogens. The formulated orange juice containing L. plantarum BL011 obtained high sensory acceptance (> 88 %) in the sensory analysis. The juice with the addition of food powder was exposed to SGJ and SIJ and presented, after 120 min, reduction of 2.4 log CFU mL-1 for SGJ and 1.3 log CFU mL-1 for SIJ.

Uticaj peroralnog tretmana probioticima na zdravstveno stanje i produktivnost krmača i prasadi u uslovima intenzivne proizvodnje / Effect of peroral treatment with probiotics on health status and productivity of sows and piglets in the intesive production conditions

Apić Igor 21 June 2014 (has links)
<p>U intenzivnoj proizvodnji svinja, životinje su izložene brojnim stresogenima, koji smanjuju njihovu prirodnu otpornost na infektivne bolesti. Osim toga, primena klasičnih antimikrobnih preparata ima sve manji terapijski efekt, zbog povećanja rezistencije infektivnih agenasa na ove preparate. Sve ovo značajno povećava ekonomske gubitke u proizvodnji svinja. U poslednje vrme se, sve vi&scaron;e, koriste razni prirodni probiotici, za povećanje prirodnog imuniteta životinja i kao zamena za upotrebu klasičnih antimikrobnih preparata u animalnoj proizvodnji (stimulacija rasta tovnih životinja) i veterinarskoj medicini (profilaksa i terapija infektivnih bolesti). Zbog toga je cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio da se ustanovi da li ishrana gravidnih i krmača u laktaciji, obrocima sa dodatkom probiotskog preparata &quot;Actisaf Sc 47&quot;, koji sadrži živu kulturu kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae (proizvod Lesaffre Group, France), može smanjiti pojavu puerperalnih infektivnih obolenja materice i/ili vimena, smanjiti pojavu infektivne diareje i mortalitet prasadi tokom laktacije, povećati produktivne performanse prasadi do zalučenja i povećati reproduktivnu aktivnost krmača posle zalučenja. Drugi cilj istraživanja je bio da se ustanovi da li individualni peroralni tretman probioticima, samo novorođene prasadi, može smanjiti pojavu infektivne diareje i povećati produktivne parametre prasadi do zalučenja. U prvom delu disertacije su prikazane vrednosti reproduktivne performanse krmača u na&scaron;im proizvodnim uslovima na velikim vojvođanskim farmama svinja. Drugi deo je bio eksperimentalni i podeljen je udva odvojena istraživanja. U prvom delu je 120 krmača podeljeno u tri grupe, po 40 u svakoj: Prva grupa (G+P) je, tokom gravidnosti, hranjena standardnim koncentovanim obrokom sa dodatkom probiotskog preparata. Druga grupa (L+P) je ovakvim obrocima hranjena tokom laktacije. Treća grupa (K) bila je kontrolna i ove krmače su hranjene standardnim obrocima, ali bez dodatka probiotskog preparata. U drugom delu je ukupno 120 legala novorođene prasadi, podeljeno u dve grupe. Prva grupa (60 legala sa ukupno 572 živo rođene prasadi) je formirana od krmača koje nisu manifestovale kliničke znake puerperalnih obolenja materice i/ili vimena (grupa ZK). Druga grupa (60 legala sa ukupno 571 živo rođene prasadi) je formirana od bolesnih krmača (grupa BK). Krmače nisu tretirane probioticima. Neposredno po pra&scaron;enju, 283 prasadi (30 legala) od ZK krmača i 287 prasadi (30 legala) od BK krmača, individualno je tretirano peroralno probiotskim preparatima (One Shot, Coloron Forte Plus i Piggy Guard Forte Plus, proizvod firme &raquo;Hokovit&laquo;, Switzerland), koji povećavaju imunitet na zaraznu diareju, i stimuli&scaron;u rast i razvoj prasadi tokom laktacije. U kontrolnim grupama je bilo 30 legala (289 prasadi) od zdravih i 30 legala (284 prasadi) od bolesnih krmača. Ova prasad nisu bila tretirana peroralnim probioticima. Tokom laktacije, značajno (p&lt;0,01) manji broj krmača tretiranih probioticima (G+P=7,5%, L+P=12,5%), je imalo kliničke znake puerperalnih obolenja materice i/ili vimena, u odnosu na kontrolne krmače (22,5%). Broj legala sa infektivnom diarejom prasadi je bio značajno (p&lt;0,05) manji kod tretiranih (12,5%) u odnosu na kontrolne krmače (27,5%). Prosečan broj zalučene prasadi po leglu (z/p) i prosečna težina legla kod zalučenja (t/l) tretiranih krmača (G+P=11,6 z/p i 103,6 kg t/l, L+P=11,1 z/p i 102,8 kg t/l), bili su značajno veći (p&lt;0,01 ili p&lt;0,05) od ovih vrednosti u leglima kontrolnih krmača (K=10,0 z/p i 79,1kg t/l). Poređenjem rezultata peroralnog tretmana<br />iv<br />prasadi u leglima zdravih, sa netretiranim leglima bolesnih krmača pokazalo se da je: (a) uginuće prasadi u laktaciji smanjeno za 84% (p&lt;0,01), (b) prosečan broj zalučene prasadi po leglu je smanjen za 98% (p&lt;0,01), (c) prosečan dnevni prirat po prasetu je povećan ta 28% (p&lt;0,01) i (d) prosečna telesna masa praseta kod zalučenja je značajno (p&lt;0,01) povećana za 23,4% u tretiranim leglima zdravih krmača, u odnosu na netretirana legla bolesnih krmača. Dobijeni rezultati jasno pokazuju da primena probiotika značajno pobolj&scaron;ava zdravstveno stanje krmača po pra&scaron;enju, zdravstveno stanje njihove prasadi, kao i produktivne prametre legla (prosečan broj zalučene prasadi po leglu i prosečna težina legla kod zalučenja). Na ovaj način su postignuti ciljevi istraživanja i potvrđene radne hipoteze u ovoj disertaciji.</p> / <p>In the intensive pig production, the animals were exposed to various stressogens, which reduces their natural resistance to infectious diseases. In addition, the therapeutic effects of conventional antimicrobial preparations permanently decrease, due to the increasing resistance of infectious agents to these preparations. All this significantly increase the economic losses in pig production. In the recent years, various natural probiotics are using, to increase the natural animals immunity, as well as a substituents for using the traditional antimicrobial preparation in animal production (as a growth promoters of fattened animals) and veterinary medicine (prophylaxis and therapy of infectious diseases). Therefore, the aim of this dissertation was to determine whether feeding pregnant and lactating sows, with diets supplemented with probiotic preparations &quot;Actisaf Sc 47&quot;, containing live culture of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (product of Lesaffre Group, France), has an influence on the: (a) reducing the incidence of puerperal infectious diseases of the uterus and/or the udder, (b) reducing the incidence of infectious diarrhea and mortality of piglets during lactation, (c) increasing the productive performance of piglets within lactation, and (d) increasing the sows reproductive performance up to 45 days after weaning. The secon aim of investigation was to determine whether treatment only newborn piglets with peroral probiotics, can decrease incidence of infectious dirrhea and productive piglets parameters. In the first part of the thesis it was present the reproductive performance of sows in the production conditions on large pig farm in AP Vojvodina. The second part was divided on two separate experiments. In the first part, the total of 120 sows were divided into three groups (40 sows in each): The first group (G+P) were fed standard diets supplemented with probiotic preparation during pregnancy. The second group (L+P) were fed such diets during lactation. The third group (K) was the control and these sows were fed a standard diet, without the probiotic supplementation. In the second experiment, a total of 120 litters of newborn piglets, were divided into two groups. The first group (60 litters with a total of 572 live born piglets) was formed from the sows without clinical signs of puerperal diseases of the uterus and/or the udder (healthy sows, HS). The second group (60 litters with a total of 571 live born piglets) was formed from the sows with clinical signs of puerperal diseases of the uterus and/or the udder (sick sows, SS). Sows were not treated with probiotics. Immediately after farrowing, 283 piglets (30 litters) from the HS sows and 287 piglets (30 litters) from the SS sows, were individually peroral treated with probiotic preparations (One Shot, Colorona Forte Plus and Piggy Guard Forte Plus, products of &quot;Hokovit&quot;, Switzerland), which increase the newborn piglets immunity to infectious diarrhea, and stimulate the development and growth of piglets during lactation. In the control group there were 30 litters (289 piglets) from healthy and 30 litters (284 piglets) from sick sows. These piglets were not treated with oral probiotics. During the lactation period, a significant (p&lt;0.01) smaller proportion of probiotic treated sows (G+P=7.5%, L+P=12.5%) has manifested clinical signs of the uterus and/or the udder disease, as compared to the control sows (22.5%). The incidence of infectious diarrhea in the nursing piglets were significantly (p&lt;0.05) lower proportion of litters in the treated sows (12.5%), compared to the control sows (27.5 %). The average number of weaned piglets per litter (p/l) and average litter weight at weaning (l/w) in the treated sows (G+P=11.6 p/l and 103.6 kg l/w, L+P=11.1 p/l and 102.8 kg l/w,) were significantly higher (p&lt;0.01or p&lt;0.05) in sows treated with probiotics, compared to the control sows (C=10 p/l and 79.1 kg l/w). Comparing the results of peroral piglets treatment in the litters of healthy sows, and untreated piglets in the litters of sick sows showed that: (a) the piglets mortality during lactation was reduced by 84% (p&lt;0.01), (b) the average number of weaned piglets per litter was reduced by 98 % (p&lt;0.01), (c) the average daily gain per piglet was increased by 28% (p&lt;0.01), and (d) the average body weight of piglets at weaning was significantly (p&lt;0.01) increased by 23.4%, in the treated litters of healthy sows, as compared to the untreated litters of sick sows. These results clearly show that the use of probiotics significantly improve the health status of sows and nursing piglets, as well as the productive piglets parameters (weaned piglets per litter and litter weight at weaning). On this way, the research objectives have been achieved and the working hypothesis of this dissertation have been confirmed.</p>

Development of intestinal microflora and occurrence of diarrhoea in sucking foals

John, Jenny, Roediger, Kathrin, Schroedl, Wieland, Aldaher, Nada, Vervuert, Ingrid 18 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Almost all foals develop transient diarrhoea within the first weeks of life. Studies indicated different viral, bacterial, and parasitic causes, such as rotavirus, Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli, and Cryptosporidium are discussed. But little is known about the development of intestinal microflora in foals. The present study investigated whether the supplementation with Bacillus cereus var. toyoi would modify the developing intestinal microflora and consequently reduce diarrhoea in foals. From birth, the foals were randomly assigned to three treatment groups: placebo (10 mL isotonic NaCl, n = 8), low dosage (LD; 5 × 108 cfu B. cereus var. toyoi, n = 7) and high dosage (HD; 2 × 109 cfu B. cereus var. toyoi, n = 10). Treatment groups were supplemented orally once a day for 58 days. Faeces scoring and sampling were performed within the first 24 h after birth and on day 9, 16, 23, 30, 44, 58 of the foal’s life and also on the first day of diarrhoea. Culture-plate methods were used to analyse the bacterial microflora. Results: Eighty-eight per cent of the foals developed diarrhoea (placebo 7/8, LD 5/7, HD 10/10) during the first 58 days of life. Bacillus cereus var. toyoi supplementation had no effect on bacterial microflora. Clostridium perfringens and enterobacteria were equally prevalent in foals with diarrhoea and those who were not afflicted. Conclusions: We conclude that the supplementation of B. cereus var. toyoi had no effect on the occurrence of diarrhoea and health status in the foals.

Modulação da microbiota intestinal de perus de corte desafiados com Salmonella Heidelberg e submetidos a diferentes programas de controle / Modulation of intestinal microbiota of commercial turkeys challenged with Salmonella Heidelberg and submitted to different control programs

Silva, Tarcísio Macedo 14 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by TARCISIO MACEDO SILVA null (tarcisiomedvet@hotmail.com) on 2017-12-12T20:53:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Tarcísio Macedo Silva.pdf: 1757310 bytes, checksum: 128f6aff84e23e2e9f3f06ad11db8914 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ROSANGELA APARECIDA LOBO null (rosangelalobo@btu.unesp.br) on 2017-12-13T12:33:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_tm_me_bot.pdf: 1757310 bytes, checksum: 128f6aff84e23e2e9f3f06ad11db8914 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-13T12:33:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_tm_me_bot.pdf: 1757310 bytes, checksum: 128f6aff84e23e2e9f3f06ad11db8914 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-14 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O presente estudo avaliou uso de ácidos orgânicos (AOs), probiótico e produto de exclusão competitiva (EC) administrados continuadamente, via ração, no controle de Salmonella Heidelberg (SH) e a ação sobre a microbiota e morfometria intestinal. Cento e setenta perus de corte fêmeas foram distribuídas, aleatoriamente, em cinco tratamentos com quatro repetições de oito aves cada. No terceiro e no décimo dia de vida, os animais foram submetidos ao desafio oral de SH. No sétimo, 19º e 35º de vida as aves foram eutanasiadas (n=10 por tratamento) e colhido amostras de segmentos do inglúvio, duodeno, jejuno, íleo e ceco para quantificação de SH, quantificação relativa do microrganismo Faecalibacterium prausnitzii e análise morfométrica. No decorrer do período experimental foram realizadas colheitas de suabes cloacais para pesquisa de SH. A administração do probiótico e produto de EC foi capaz de reduzir a incidência e a colonização de SH no inglúvio. Nos cecos os tratamentos reduziram a colonização de SH somente aos 19 dias de idade. Somente a dieta suplementada com AOs influenciou positivamente na quantidade de F. prausnitizii no ceco (19 e 35 dias) e não houve correlação entre a quantidade relativa desse microrganismo e o número de UFCs de SH. A excreção fecal de SH, foi influenciada pelos tratamentos a partir dos 26 dias de vida das aves, aos 34 dias todos os tratamentos reduziram a excreção fecal. A morfometria intestinal foi influenciada pelos tratamentos somente aos sete dias de vida, onde os animais que receberam AOs apresentaram maiores alturas de vilosidades de jejuno quando comparado com o grupo controle positivo. A administração dos aditivos via ração demonstrou eficácia no controle e na persistência da infecção por SH. No entanto, o uso de AOs foi mais eficaz para modular a microbiota cecal, provando que a composição da dieta pode modular populações de bactérias benéficas, mas tais microrganismos podem não estar correlacionadas com a redução da colonização cecal por SH. / The present study evaluated the use of organic acids (AOs), probiotic and competitive exclusion (CE) product administered continuously in the feed on the control Salmonella Heidelberg (SH) and action microbiota and morphometry intestinal. One hundred and seventy poults females were randomly distributed in five treatments with four replicates of eight birds each. In the 3rd and 10th day of life, the animals were submitted to the challenge with SH. In the 7th, 19th and 35th of life the birds were euthanized (n = 10) and samples of the crop, duodenum, jejunum, ileum and caeca were removed to quantification of SH, quantification relative of the Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and morphometric analysis. During the experimental period were perfomerd clocal swabs for SH research. The administration of probiotic and CE product was able to reduce the incidence and colonization of SH in the crop. In the caecum the treatments reduced SH only 19 days of age. Only the diet supplemented with AOs influenced positively on amount of F. prausnitizii in the cecum (19 and 35 days) and there was no correlation between the amount on the microorganism and the number of UFCs of SH. Fecal excretion of SH, was influenced by the treatments from 26 days of life, at 34 days all treatments reduced faecal excretion. The intestinal morphometry was influenced by the treatments only to seven days of age, where the animals that received AOs had higher jejunal villus heights of villi when compared with the positive control. The feed additives administration demonstrated effectiveness in controlling and in the persistence of the infection by SH. However, the use of AOs was most effective to modulate the cecal microbiota, proving that the composition of the diet can modulate populations of beneficial bacteria, but such microorganisms may not be correlated with the reduction of the SH / Processos: FAPESP 2015/16428-5; 2015/18350-3

Desenvolvimento de leite de cabra fermentado adicionado de cepas probióticas, inulina, amido e gelatina

Garcia, Rita Vieira 29 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-17T14:49:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1272716 bytes, checksum: d982a13cfede81d5211e1cb2bb68ab85 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The dairy sector is seeking to produce foods with functionality as main attribute. In this context, a market to be explored is that of dairy goats, since goat milk is a food alternative of excellent dietary and nutritional characteristics. However, due to its physical and chemical characteristics, the milk produces a soft clot after fermentation, giving a product with poor texture. The objective of this study was to develop a goat milk fermented by the action of probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5, Bifidobacterium BB-12 and Streptococcus thermophilus added of the prebiotic ingredient inulin and thickeners starch and gelatin and to evaluate its physicochemical composition susceptibility to syneresis, bacterial counts and sensory analysis on the first day of preparation and after 15 days of refrigerated storage. The tests were elaborated according to a factorial experimental design with three levels and three central points totaling eleven trials. The minimum and maximum levels were selected based on legal limits, literature data and preliminary tests considering the sensory quality evaluated by tasters. Starch, gelatin and inulin represented the variable ingredients and the fixed ingredients were: milk powder, sugar, milk and yeast. The process steps were milk weighing, mix preparation, heat treatment, cooling, direct inoculation, incubation, cooling, clot breaking, filling and storage. The developed formulations met the legal requirements for fermented milk regarding protein, fat and acidity average values. The starch and gelatin levels, combinations and interaction with inulin were sufficient to promote a significant decrease in the serum separation rate. Most formulations reached the minimum number of microorganisms required by legislation for fermented milk. The sensory properties appearance, color and consistency achieved high scores and aroma and flavor scored around five. In general, no significant changes were observed in the counts of probiotic bacteria and sensory quality of the newly developed formulations in relation to formulations after 15 days of refrigerated storage. The addition of probiotic bacteria and prebiotic ingredient inulin improved the potential of goat milk to provide beneficial effects to human health. / O setor lácteo busca produzir alimentos tendo como atributo principal a funcionalidade. Nesse contexto um mercado a ser explorado é o de lácteos caprinos, uma vez que, o leite de cabra representa uma opção alimentar de excelentes qualidades nutricionais e dietéticas. Contudo, em razão de suas particularidades físicas e químicas, após a fermentação do leite, gera um coágulo macio, conferindo um produto pobre em textura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um leite de cabra fermentado mediante ação das cepas probióticas Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5, Bifidobacterium BB-12 e da bactéria Streptococcus thermophilus, adicionado do ingrediente prebiótico inulina e dos espessantes amido e gelatina bem como avaliar sua composição físico-química, susceptibilidade à sinérese, contagem das bactérias e análise sensorial no primeiro dia da elaboração e após 15 dias de armazenado refrigerado. Os ensaios foram elaborados segundo um planejamento experimental do tipo fatorial com três níveis e três pontos centrais totalizando onze ensaios. Os níveis mínimos e máximos foram escolhidos com base nos limites legais, dados da literatura e testes preliminares considerando a qualidade sensorial emitida por degustadores. O amido, gelatina e inulina representaram os ingredientes das variáveis e os ingredientes fixos foram: leite em pó, açúcar e fermento lácteo. As etapas do processo foram pesagem do leite, preparo da mistura, tratamento térmico, resfriamento, inoculação direta, incubação, resfriamento, quebra do coágulo, envase e armazenamento. As formulações desenvolvidas atenderam as especificações legais para um leite fermentado quanto aos valores médios de proteínas, gordura e acidez. Os teores e combinações de amido e gelatina e suas interações com inulina foram suficientes para promover uma diminuição significativa no índice de separação do soro. A maioria das formulações atingiu o número mínimo necessário de micro-organismos estabelecido na legislação para um leite fermentado. As propriedades sensoriais aparência, cor e consistência alcançaram notas altas e o aroma e sabor obtiveram notas em torno de cinco. De um modo geral não houve alteração significativa na enumeração das bactérias probióticas e na qualidade sensorial das formulações recém-elaboradas em relação às formulações após 15 dias de armazenamento refrigerado. As adições das bactérias probióticas e do ingrediente prebiótico inulina poderão ampliar, ainda mais, a potencialidade do leite caprino em prover efeitos benéficos à saúde das pessoas.

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