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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Categorização da quarta sessão de psicoterapias bem e mal sucedidas / Categorization of the fourth session of successful and unsuccessful psychotherapies

Rossi, Patricia Rivoli 02 May 2012 (has links)
O Sistema Multidimensional de Categorização de Comportamentos na Interação Terapêutica (SiMCCIT) desenvolvido por Zamignani e Meyer em 2007 pretende descrever o que ocorre em sessões de psicoterapias por meio de categorias de comportamentos de terapeutas e clientes. A pergunta que o presente estudo pretendeu responder é se o eixo correspondente ao comportamento verbal vocal desse sistema é capaz de identificar diferenças entre terapias bem e mal sucedidas quando aplicado às quartas sessões. A avaliação das terapias foi feita com um critério misto definido por: a) os resultados do Inventário de Aliança Terapêutica (WAI), b) presença de comportamentos de melhoras e de análise e c) relato de outras mudanças de comportamentos do cliente. De um total de 25 terapias com as quatro primeiras sessões gravadas em áudio, seis foram consideradas bem sucedidas, seis mal sucedidas e 13 foram consideradas terapias com resultados intermediários. Foi realizada a categorização da quarta sessão das terapias bem sucedidas e das terapias mal sucedidas. Os dados sugerem a existência de algumas diferenças entre as sessões das terapias bem e mal sucedidas, embora não significativas estatisticamente. Nas sessões das terapias bem sucedidas observou-se que: a categoria Solicitação de Relato tendeu a ser um pouco mais frequente em todos os casos; a categoria Solicitação apresentou uma porcentagem discretamente maior e ocorreu uma correlação positiva entre facilitação e empatia. Nas sessões das terapias mal sucedidas constatou-se que: a categoria relato ou foi menos frequente ou mais frequente que nas sessões das Terapias Bem Sucedidas; quanto mais os clientes relatavam mais os terapeutas facilitavam seus relatos e que quanto mais os terapeutas solicitavam reflexões, mais metas os clientes se propunham a realizar. Como as diferenças da categorização não foram estatisticamente significativas em casos julgados diferentes concluiu-se que o eixo de comportamento verbal vocal do SiMCCIT diferenciou pouco as terapias bem e mal sucedidas. Algumas variáveis dificultaram a observação da capacidade do sistema de diferenciar as sessões das terapias bem e mal sucedidas: o número reduzido da amostra e o uso de apenas um dos eixos do sistema. Discutiu-se assim a necessidade de ampliar a amostra e utilizar outros eixos do sistema, como o de temas / The Multidimensional System for coding Behaviors in Therapist-Client Interaction (SiMCCIT), developed by Zamignani and Meyer, intend to describe what happens in psychotherapy sessions using behavioral categories of therapists and clients. The question that this study intended to answer was if this system is able to identify differences between successful and unsuccessful therapies. The assessment of therapy success was made with a mixed criterion defined by: (a) the results of the Working Alliance Inventory (WAI); (b) presence of improved behavior and analysis and (c) report of other changes in client behavior. In the total of 25 therapies with the first four sessions audio recorded, six were considered successful, six unsuccessful and 13 intermediate. The fourth sessions of successful and unsuccessful therapies were categorized. The data suggest some differences between the successful and unsuccessful therapy sessions, although not statistically significant. In the successful therapy sessions it was noted that: the category Request Report tended to be slightly more frequent in all sessions, the category Request showed a slightly higher percentage, and there was a positive correlation between Facilitation and Empathy. In the sessions of unsuccessful therapies it was found that: clients reported more or less than in successful therapies, the more clients reported more therapists facilitated their reports and that the more therapist asked reflections, the more goals clients proposed to undertake. Because the differences in categorization were not statistically significant in cases considered different it was concluded that the axis of vocal verbal behavior of SiMCCIT did not differentiate the successful from unsuccessful therapies. Some variables hampered the ability of the system to differentiate between sessions of successful and unsuccessful therapies: the reduced number of the sample and the use of only one of the axes of the system. It was discussed the need to expand the sample and use other axes of the system, such as themes

Get published! Straight talk from the editors at Partnership

Fox, David, Kandiuk, Mary, Smith, Ann 31 January 2013 (has links)
This presentation covers the origin, history and scope of Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research; the editorial process and timeframes; research and scholarship for librarians; the peer review process; the components of a good research article; practical tips on what editors look for in a manuscript submission with examples from Partnership journal. The presentation is intended for anyone writing a research article but should be particularly helpful to first-time authors.

Kognitiv-behaviorale und tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Therapie der Generalisierten Angst: Ein Therapieprozessvergleich / Cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic psychotherapy of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A comparative psychotherapy process study.

Hofmann, Norina 23 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Categorização da quarta sessão de psicoterapias bem e mal sucedidas / Categorization of the fourth session of successful and unsuccessful psychotherapies

Patricia Rivoli Rossi 02 May 2012 (has links)
O Sistema Multidimensional de Categorização de Comportamentos na Interação Terapêutica (SiMCCIT) desenvolvido por Zamignani e Meyer em 2007 pretende descrever o que ocorre em sessões de psicoterapias por meio de categorias de comportamentos de terapeutas e clientes. A pergunta que o presente estudo pretendeu responder é se o eixo correspondente ao comportamento verbal vocal desse sistema é capaz de identificar diferenças entre terapias bem e mal sucedidas quando aplicado às quartas sessões. A avaliação das terapias foi feita com um critério misto definido por: a) os resultados do Inventário de Aliança Terapêutica (WAI), b) presença de comportamentos de melhoras e de análise e c) relato de outras mudanças de comportamentos do cliente. De um total de 25 terapias com as quatro primeiras sessões gravadas em áudio, seis foram consideradas bem sucedidas, seis mal sucedidas e 13 foram consideradas terapias com resultados intermediários. Foi realizada a categorização da quarta sessão das terapias bem sucedidas e das terapias mal sucedidas. Os dados sugerem a existência de algumas diferenças entre as sessões das terapias bem e mal sucedidas, embora não significativas estatisticamente. Nas sessões das terapias bem sucedidas observou-se que: a categoria Solicitação de Relato tendeu a ser um pouco mais frequente em todos os casos; a categoria Solicitação apresentou uma porcentagem discretamente maior e ocorreu uma correlação positiva entre facilitação e empatia. Nas sessões das terapias mal sucedidas constatou-se que: a categoria relato ou foi menos frequente ou mais frequente que nas sessões das Terapias Bem Sucedidas; quanto mais os clientes relatavam mais os terapeutas facilitavam seus relatos e que quanto mais os terapeutas solicitavam reflexões, mais metas os clientes se propunham a realizar. Como as diferenças da categorização não foram estatisticamente significativas em casos julgados diferentes concluiu-se que o eixo de comportamento verbal vocal do SiMCCIT diferenciou pouco as terapias bem e mal sucedidas. Algumas variáveis dificultaram a observação da capacidade do sistema de diferenciar as sessões das terapias bem e mal sucedidas: o número reduzido da amostra e o uso de apenas um dos eixos do sistema. Discutiu-se assim a necessidade de ampliar a amostra e utilizar outros eixos do sistema, como o de temas / The Multidimensional System for coding Behaviors in Therapist-Client Interaction (SiMCCIT), developed by Zamignani and Meyer, intend to describe what happens in psychotherapy sessions using behavioral categories of therapists and clients. The question that this study intended to answer was if this system is able to identify differences between successful and unsuccessful therapies. The assessment of therapy success was made with a mixed criterion defined by: (a) the results of the Working Alliance Inventory (WAI); (b) presence of improved behavior and analysis and (c) report of other changes in client behavior. In the total of 25 therapies with the first four sessions audio recorded, six were considered successful, six unsuccessful and 13 intermediate. The fourth sessions of successful and unsuccessful therapies were categorized. The data suggest some differences between the successful and unsuccessful therapy sessions, although not statistically significant. In the successful therapy sessions it was noted that: the category Request Report tended to be slightly more frequent in all sessions, the category Request showed a slightly higher percentage, and there was a positive correlation between Facilitation and Empathy. In the sessions of unsuccessful therapies it was found that: clients reported more or less than in successful therapies, the more clients reported more therapists facilitated their reports and that the more therapist asked reflections, the more goals clients proposed to undertake. Because the differences in categorization were not statistically significant in cases considered different it was concluded that the axis of vocal verbal behavior of SiMCCIT did not differentiate the successful from unsuccessful therapies. Some variables hampered the ability of the system to differentiate between sessions of successful and unsuccessful therapies: the reduced number of the sample and the use of only one of the axes of the system. It was discussed the need to expand the sample and use other axes of the system, such as themes

Accelerated internationalisation as a network-based international opportunity development process

Juho, A. (Anita) 02 December 2011 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of the present study is to examine theoretically and empirically how entrepreneurs act in pursuit of accelerated internationalisation. The study will facilitate a better understanding of the accelerated internationalisation process in the case of small and medium sized enterprises in high tech context. The theoretical background is based on international entrepreneurship literature and internationalisation process research. The research setting is small high tech firms at the start of the internationalisation process. The firms represent two distinct types of internationalising firms, an international late starter and international new venture. The empirical study is a qualitative longitudinal comparative multiple case study of two case firms. The main data gathering method was interviews and observations supported by secondary data. In this study, the four theory-based determinants of internationalisation were identified; 1) processuality 2) knowledge, 3) networks and 4) opportunity development. These determinants were used as the key elements for exploring accelerated internationalisation as an outcome of interlinked entrepreneurial actions. The active networking and learning undertaken in pursuit of international opportunity development are the intertwined entrepreneurial actions which are likely to create an accelerated internationalisation process. The study provides potentially interesting findings for entrepreneurs and external facilitators. First, the accelerated internationalisation process may be either periodic or cyclical in nature depending on the entrepreneur’s access to the relevant knowledge and networks. However, the relevance of the existing and pursued networks and knowledge is dependent on business context and changes in that business context may change the value of networks and knowledge as they are not inherently stable. Secondly, the networking and learning components mediate international opportunity development which may occur either as a network driven international opportunity development or as a knowledge driven international opportunity development. Thirdly, it is important to be aware of the differences between the temporary and voluntary networks which drive the international opportunity development process. Those network actors with temporary collaborative contracts and in possession of expert knowledge have a mainly instrumental role in knowledge and resource sharing; whereas the voluntarily developed networks not only provide knowledge and resources, but relevant contacts and particularly, facilitate in international business opportunity development. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella sekä teoreettisesti että empiirisesti, kuinka yrittäjät toimivat pyrkiessään nopeutettuun kansainvälistymiseen. Tutkimus auttaa ymmärtämään syvällisemmin pienten korkean teknologian yritysten nopeutettua kansainvälistymistä. Tutkimuksen teoriatausta on rakennettu kansainvälistä yrittäjyyttä ja kansainvälistymisprosessia käsittelevän kirjallisuuden perusteella. Tutkimuskohteena ovat pienet korkean teknologian yritykset, jotka ovat kansainvälistymisprosessinsa alussa. Tapausyritykset edustavat kahta erityyppistä kansainvälistyvää yritystä: vakaan kansallisen liiketoiminnan jälkeen kansainvälistyvää yritystä ja välittömästi yritystoiminnan aloittamisen jälkeen kansainvälistyvää yritystä. Empiirinen tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena pitkittäistutkimuksena, jossa vertaillaan kahta yritystä monitapaustutkimuksena. Ensisijaisina aineistonkeruumenetelminä ovat haastattelut ja havainnointi, joita tuetaan tarkentavalla kirjallisella aineistolla. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana ovat teoriataustan perusteella tunnistetut neljä kansainvälistymisen perustekijää: 1) prosessuaalisuus, 2) tieto, 3) verkostot ja 4) liiketoimintamahdollisuuden luominen, joita hyödynnetään lähtökohtana tarkasteltaessa nopeutettua kansainvälistymistä. Yrittäjän aktiivinen verkostoituminen ja oppiminen kansainvälisen liiketoimintamahdollisuuden luomiseksi nähdään toisiinsa kietoutuneina toimintoina, jotka yhdessä saavat aikaan nopeutetun kansainvälistymisprosessin. Näin ollen nopeutetun kansainvälistymisen nähdään olevan seurausta useista toisiinsa liittyvistä toimista, joita yrittäjä tekee kehittäessään yrityksen kansainvälistä liiketoimintaa. Tutkimus tarjoaa mielenkiintoisia löydöksiä yrittäjille sekä tukitoimintoja tarjoaville organisaatioille: Yrittäjän pääsy merkitykselliseen tietoon ja verkostoihin vaikuttaa nopeutettuun kansainvälistymiseen, joka voi olla tyypiltään joko vaiheittainen tai syklinen prosessi. Huomionarvoista on, että muutokset liiketoimintaympäristössä voivat muuttaa olemassa olevien sekä tavoiteltavien verkostojen ja tiedon arvoa yrittäjän kansainvälistymisprosessissa. Näin ollen tieto ja verkostot tulisi nähdä muuttuvina elementteinä, jotka vaikuttavat kansainvälisen liiketoimintamahdollisuuden luomiseen. Lisäksi kansainvälisen liiketoimintamahdollisuuden luominen voi olla joko verkostolähtöinen tai tietoon perustuva prosessi, jossa tulee huomioida erilaisten verkostotoimijoiden rooli. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että väliaikaiset sopimusperustaiset toimijat ovat tyypillisesti asiantuntijoita, joiden rooli on lähinnä tiedon ja resurssien tarjoaminen, kun taas vapaaehtoisuuteen perustuvat verkostosuhteet tarjoavat tiedon ja resurssien lisäksi hyödyllisiä kontakteja sekä erityisesti auttavat kansainvälisten liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien luomisessa.

Contracting in software business:analysis of evolving contract processes and relationships

Warsta, J. (Juhani) 12 December 2001 (has links)
Abstract The relationships between software producing companies, their customers and other parties involved have growing importance in the turbulent and fast developing business environment of today. The software industry itself is characterized by the Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS), tailored, and Modified-Off-The-Shelf (MOTS) businesses modes. In this versatile context of cooperation, financing and acquisitions demand exact details of the ownership of the products, i.e. the Intellectual Property Rights of these products and services. Legal forms and contracting procedures are emerging as the critical issues for the development of the information technology industry. This study addresses the problem of how software contracting has been approached and what concepts and models have been presented to understand it. Further, the question of the role of inter-organisational relationships (business-to-business) and intra-organisational process evolution in software contracting is discussed. The domains of interest and of relevance in this research are software development process, business process, legal process, and the contracting process itself, and the evolving interaction between these processes. The focus of this study is especially on contracting and on analysing the process of contracting, i.e. the dynamics, dependencies and elements of process related issues. The empirical part of the study was completed by analysing twelve software producing companies - eight were Finnish firms established in Silicon Valley (USA) and the rest were local Finnish firms with international operations. Based on the empirical findings, a software-contracting model was elaborated to describe how the contracting processes form and evolve in the context of software business. The model gives more understanding of the evolving contract processes and relationships. Further, the research produced concepts of how to manage contracting processes in the software business. Contributions of this study are, first, the well-defined model for contracting process in a software developing company. The elaborated model gives new insight into the elements, interrelationships and governance structures included in the contracting process and the relationship development between cooperating companies. Software companies can compare their contractual situation with the model. This enables them to develop their own processes further to respond to the present-day requirements. Secondly, the study specifies and introduces three different generic contracting networks for COTS, tailored, and MOTS business modes of software developing companies. It was established that these three business modes have similarities as well as differences in the application of software contracting processes. The COTS business relied firmly on multiform licensing practices, whereas the tailored business saw the framework contract as the main contractual tool and interestingly the MOTS business employed combinations of these two previous forms, i.e. both licensing and framework contracts. This study evoked some interesting future research prospects. In order to create a more accurate overall view of the whole contracting process the research should be continued and take the interplay of both customer and supplier under closer scrutiny. Another important issue would be to examine the contracts used in these different business modes from a strict legal viewpoint and the possible transformation of the predominant legal practices.

Significant Events in Psychotherapy from the Viewpoint of Transgender Clients

McIntyre, Rebecca 04 October 2023 (has links)
This study examined the hindering and helpful events that transgender and gender-nonconforming Ontarians experienced in therapy. To explore descriptive accounts of these experiences, we employed a systematic and rigorous investigation using the significant events framework and thematic analysis to interpret findings. Eleven participants underwent semi-structured interviews, providing rich accounts of their recent therapy experiences alongside their contexts and impacts. From these interview transcripts, we constructed eight major themes relevant to the research question: (1) Helpful and Hindering Relational Gestures; (2) Expectations about the Therapist’s Role; (3) Therapist’s Perception of Transness; (4) Topics in Therapy; (5) Significant Relational-Emotional Experiences; (6) Significant Event Impacts on the Client; (7) Client Processes in Understanding Significant Therapy Events; and (8) Contexts. Implications for therapeutic work are discussed.

Theoretical Hedging: The Scope of Knowledge in Translation Process Research

Marin Garcia, Alvaro 06 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Efeitos da evocação sobre os comportamentos clinicamente relevantes na psicoterapia analítica funcional / Not informed

Vartanian, Joana Figueiredo 02 June 2017 (has links)
A Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAP) aponta a relação terapêutica como meio de promoção de mudanças clínicas. Os comportamentos do cliente em sessão são classificados como CCR1s (comportamentos problema), CCR2s (comportamentos de melhora) e CCR3 (descrições funcionais a respeito do próprio comportamento). É papel do terapeuta atuar sobre esses CCRs com o intuito de aumentar CCR2 e CCR3, bem como diminuir a emissão de CCR1, o que é planejado por meio das regras: estar atento aos CCRs (regra 1), evocar diretamente CCRs (regra 2), consequenciar CCRs (regra 3), observar os efeitos do seu comportamento sobre o comportamento do cliente (regra 4) e fornecer interpretações analítico-funcionais e implementar estratégias de generalização (regra 5). Compreende-se que a similaridade funcional do contexto terapêutico com outros ambientes do cliente possibilita o acesso do terapeuta à classe de comportamentos alvo de intervenção clínica e que, ainda, é papel do terapeuta evocá-los diretamente, componente da FAP expresso pela regra 2. As pesquisas que investigam o mecanismo de mudança da FAP têm enfatizado o papel da consequenciação (regra 3) sobre a mudança comportamental observada nos clientes, entretanto, há indícios de que tal mudança seja também resultado de um processo evocativo ocorrendo em sessão, responsável por produzir o aumento da emissão de CCR2s e diminuição de CCR1s quando a FAP é conduzida. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi o identificar quais os efeitos da evocação direta pelo terapeuta na FAP (variável independente) sobre os CCRs do cliente em sessão (variáveis dependentes), sendo utilizado delineamento experimental de caso único de reversão, com arranjo A-B1-BC1-B2-BC2 para uma cliente, com controle da inserção da evocação (arranjo A-BC1-B1-BC2-B2) para outro cliente. A fase A foi correspondente à linha de base, com realização de análise de contingências externas, as fases B corresponderam à condução de FAP sem evocação direta e as fases BC, à FAP completa. As sessões foram categorizadas com o Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Rating Scale (FAPRS) pela terapeuta e aferidoras de concordância, foi aplicado semanalmente o Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2) que possibilitou o acompanhamento da evolução global dos clientes. Após três meses do encerramento do estudo, foi realizada uma sessão de follow-up com cada cliente, a qual indicou a manutenção de progressos com os mesmos. Como resultado no FAPRS, registrou-se o abrupto aumento de CCR2s e diminuição de CCR1s quando a evocação direta foi inserida, o aumento de CCR1 e diminuição de CCR2 quando a mesma foi retirada, bem como a replicação dessas duas fases e de seus efeitos sobre os comportamentos dos dois clientes. Nas fases em que a evocação não esteve presente, as porcentagens de CCRs assemelharam-se às observadas na linha de base. Observou-se também a importância da consequenciação com função evocativa, o que sustenta que a evocação e a consequenciação atuam de forma complementar. Tais resultados solidificam a proposta de que a produção de CCR2 nas sessões FAP tenha também por base a existência de processos evocativos atuantes, já que diante da ausência da evocação, registrou-se imediata diminuição de sua ocorrência. Nesse sentido, a evocação direta pode ser destacada como possuindo impacto relevante no mecanismo de mudança dessa psicoterapia / Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) points to the therapeutic relationship as a way of promoting clinical changes. The client behaviors in session are classified as CRB1s (problem behaviors), CRB2s (improvement behaviors) and CRB3 (functional descriptions regarding any client´s behavior). FAP therapist should act on these CRBs in order to increase CRB2 and CRB3 and to reduce the emission of CRB1, which is planned by using the rules: to be aware of CRBs (rule 1), to evoke CRBs directly (rule 2), to contingently respond to CRBs (rule 3), to observe the effects of therapist´s behavior on client´s behavior (rule 4) and to provide analytic-functional interpretations and implement generalization strategies (rule 5). It is understood that the functional similarity of the therapeutic context to other client environments allows the therapist to access the class of target behaviors of clinical intervention and that it is also the role of the therapist to directly evoke them, a component of FAP expressed by rule 2. Researches focused on investigate the mechanism of change in FAP have emphasized the role of consequence (rule 3) on behavioral change observed in clients, however, there is evidence that such a change is the result of an evocative process occurring in session, which is responsible for producing increased CRB2s and decreased CRB1s emissions when FAP is conducted. Thus, the goal of this investigation was to identify the effects of direct evocation by the therapist in FAP (independent variable) on client CRBs in session (dependent variables), using an experimental design of a single-case experimental procedure, with design A -B1-BC1-B2-BC2 for one client, with control of the insertion of the independent variable (design A-BC1-B1-BC2-B2) to another client. Phase A corresponded to the baseline, without systematic use of FAP, phases B corresponded to FAP without direct evocation and phases BC, to the use of complete FAP. The sessions were categorized with the instrument Functional Analytical Psychotherapy Rating Scale (FAPRS) by the therapist and independent coders. The Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2) was applied weekly, allowing the therapist to monitor the overall evolution of clients and after three months of the end of the phases, a follow-up session was conducted with each client, which indicated the maintenance of the observed effects. As a result in FAPRS, it occurred the abrupt increase of CRB2s and decrease of CCR1s when direct evocation was inserted, the increase of CRB1 and decrease of CRB2 when it was withdrawn, as well as the replication of these two phases and their effects on the behaviors of the two clients. In the phases in which evocation was not present, the percentages of CRBs were similar to those observed in baseline. It was also observed the importance of the consequences with evocative function, which maintains that the evocation and the consequences provided by the therapist act in a complementary way. These results solidify the proposal that the increase of CRB2 in FAP is also based on the existence of evocative processes, since in the absence of evocation it is observed its immediate decrease. Therefore, direct evocation can be highlighted as having a relevant impact on the mechanism of change of this psychotherapy

"Och fungerar det inte, gör vi på något annat sätt" : en klinisk fallstudie av IT-relaterat förändringsarbete i småföretag

Lychnell, Lars-Olof January 2006 (has links)
<p>Småföretag har inte samma finansiella och personella resurser som stora företag och kan få svårt att genomföra önskade IT-relaterade förändringar. De företag som väljer att satsa för att uppnå sina visioner måste många gånger hitta andra lösningar för att nå framgång. Avhandlingen bygger på en åtta månader lång fallstudie i ett småföretag och identifierar kompensationer som ett sätt att lösa problemet.</p><p><em>En kompensation </em>är en ersättning för en förändring i ett informationssystem. Ett exempel på kompensation är att göra dubbelarbete istället för att integrera två informationssystem. Andra exempel är att införa regler för hur informationen skall användas och tolkas istället för att sätta restriktioner i informationssystemet, eller att ta fram en rapport ad hoc med en rapportgenerator istället för att låta externa experter utveckla rapporten direkt i verksamhetssystemet.</p><p>Småföretagens korta planeringshorisont med intuitiva och erfarenhetsbaserade beslutsprocesser bildar <em>en gynnsam miljö </em>för att arbeta med kompensationer - det går snabbt att samla hela personalen och säga: ”nu gör vi så här istället”. Men, kompensationen kan också visa sig vara ett tveeggat svärd. I fallstudien visar sig kompensationerna många gånger bidra till <em>negativa bieffekter </em>när de väl används. Exempel på negativa bieffekter är merarbete, stress, ökad osäkerhet och tekniska problem.</p><p>Fyra risker med att arbeta med kompensationer har identifierats. <em>Resursberoendet</em>: om kompensationen leder till att arbetsbördan ökar, är risken stor att personerna får mindre tid att delta i förändringsarbetet <em>Illusionen</em>: om kompensationen ger sken av att lösningen fungerar i praktiken, är risken stor att ledningens fokus flyttas till andra mer akuta projekt trots att viktiga problem kvarstår. <em>Den tekniska skulden</em>: när tekniska problem inte åtgärdas ordentligt, utan hanteras med kompensationer, ackumuleras problemen till en ”teknisk skuld”. Skulden växer i takt med att nya förändringar genomförs och den tekniska infrastrukturen blir mer och mer komplex. På sikt blir det både svårt och dyrbart att åtgärda problemen. <em>Legitimeringen</em>: om arbetet med kompensationer anses ”fungera i praktiken” kan det bli legitimt att inte lösa problem ordentligt. Det bidrar till att företaget inte utvecklar viktiga kompetenser som till exempel användning av formella metoder, beställarkompetens och förmågan att samarbeta med externa experter.</p><p>Kompensationer är en viktig del i småföretagets arbete med IT-relaterade förändringar och kan inte undvikas. Tidigare forskning har dock inte tagit hänsyn till hur kompensationer påverkar förändringsarbetets framgång. Dessa studier har identifierat <em>framgångsfaktorer </em>som användarinvolvering, VD:s stöd, samarbetet med externa experter och användningen av formella metoder. Den här studien visar på att <em>kompensationerna kan påverka framgångsfaktorerna negativt </em>via de fyra riskerna, exempelvis genom att tiden för användarinvolvering minskar, VD:s fokus förskjuts samt att relationerna med externa experter aldrig utvecklas.</p><p>Implikationen är att <em>kompensationerna måste hanteras medvetet </em>därför att de får konsekvenser som kan vara svåra att förutse intuitivt. Dessa konsekvenser kan bidra till att förutsättningarna för framtida förändringar försämras. Det är därför viktigt att överväga vad som lönar sig mest för att uppnå en varaktig framgång: att <em>tillsätta resurser </em>för att göra de nödvändiga förändringarna i informationssystemen, att sänka <em>ambitionsnivån </em>eller att hitta <em>smarta kompensationer</em>. För småföretag som vill förbättra sättet att bedriva förändringsarbete blir konsekvensen att det inte räcker att ta hänsyn till traditionella framgångsfaktorer. De småföretag som verkligen vill få bättre effekter måste också <em>ifrågasätta hur det egna, invanda sättet att arbeta med IT-relaterad förändring påverkar möjligheterna att genomföra både aktuella och framtida förändringarna.</em></p> / Lic.-avh. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2006

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