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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In-Cylinder Experimental and Modeling Studies on Producer Gas Fuelled Operation of Spark Iginited Gas Engines

Shivapuji, Anand M January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The current work, through experimental and numerical investigations, analyses the process and cycle level deviations in engine response on fuelling multi-cylinder natural gas engines with producer gas. Producer gas is a low calorific value bio-derived alternative with composition of 19 ± 1% CO and H2, 2 ± 0.5 % CH4, 12 ± 1% CO2 and 46 ± 1% N2 and has thermo-physical properties significantly different from natural gas. Experimental investigations primarily address the energy balance (full cycle analysis) and in-cylinder response (process specific analysis) at various operating conditions covering naturally aspirated and turbocharged mode of operation with natural gas and producer gas. Numerical investigations are based on two thermodynamic scope mathematical models, a zero dimensional model (Wiebe function) and a quasi-dimensional model (propagating flame front heat release). A detailed diagnostic analysis on a six cylinder (E6) indicates, turbocharger mismatch, the first explicit impact of fuel thermo-physical property variation. Turbocharger matching and optimization resulted in a peak load of 72.8 kWe (BMEP 9.47) at a maximum brake torque ignition angles of 22 deg before TDC and compressor pressure ratio of 2.25. Engine energy distribution analysis indicates skewed energy balance with higher cooling load (in excess of 30%) as compared to fossil fuel operation. This is attributed to the presence of nearly 20% H2 which enhances the convective cooling through the higher thermal conductivity. Parametric variation of H2 fraction on a two cylinder engine (E2) with four different syngas compositions (mixture H2 varying from 7.1% to 14.2%) depicts enhanced cooling load from 33.5% to 37.7%. Process level comparison indicates significant deviations in the heat release profile compared to fossil fuels. It has been observed that with an increase in mixture hydrogen fraction (from 7.1% to 14.2%), the fast burn phase combustion duration reduces from 59.6% to 42.6% but the terminal stage duration increases from 25.5% to 48.9%. The enhanced cooling of the mixture (due to the presence of hydrogen), particularly in the vicinity of walls is argued to contribute towards the sluggish terminal phase combustion. Immediate implication of thermo-kinematic response variation is on the magnitude and sensitivity of combustion descriptors and the need for dependent control system calibration for producer gas fuelled operation is established. Descriptor analysis is extended to knocking pressure traces and a new simple methodology is proposed towards identifying the occurrence and regime of knock. Analysing the implications through numerical investigation, the influence of the altered thermo-kinematic response for producer gas fuelled operation impacts 0D simulations. Zero dimensional simulations fail with conventional coefficients requiring fuel specific coefficients. Based on fuel specific coefficients, the suitability of 0D model for the simulation of varying operating conditions ranging from naturally aspirated to turbo charged engines, compression ratios and different engine geometries is established. The analysis is extended to quasi-dimensional through the eddy entrainment and laminar burn up model. The choice of laminar flame speed and turbulent parameters is validated based on the assessment of the flame speed ratio (4.5 ± 0.5 for naturally aspirated operation, turbulent Reynolds number of 2500 ± 250 and 9.0 ± 1.0 for turbocharged operation, turbulent Reynolds number of 5250 ± 250). In the estimation of laminar flame speed, the limitation of GRIMech 3.0 mechanism for H2-CO-CH4 systems is explicitly established and GRIMech 2.11 is used to arrive at experimentally comparable results. In-cylinder engine simulation results covering parametric variation of load, ignition angle and mixture quality, for engine natural gas fuelled naturally aspirated operation and producer gas fuelled naturally aspirated and turbocharged after cooled are compared with experimental results. The quasi dimensional analysis is extended to simulate end gas auto-ignition and is validated by using experimental manifold conditions for turbocharged operation for which knock has been observed. Extending the model to a Waukesha cooperative fuels research engine, motor methane number of 110 is reported for standard composition producer gas. The use of quasi dimensional models with end gas reaction kinetics enabled for knock rating of fuels represents first of its kind initiative.

Market Potential Analysis of Producer Services : A Study of Jönköping County

Kantola, Jan January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the market potential of producer services in Jönköping County. In relation to the main purpose, the idea is to examine which factors that have a positive impact on the development of a long run qualitative producer service industry in the region.</p><p>The favourable location of Jönköping County is one of the main factors for why the county has one of the highest densities of manufacturing firms in Sweden. Moreover, the region has comparative advantages in several products, for an example; wood, rubber, machinery and electronically goods. Earlier research and comparisons with other international manufacturing clusters indicates that these areas tend to contain highly developed producer service industries. The thesis gives a case example of how the beneficial, mutual interaction between the manufacturing and producer service industries works in the car industry in Germany. However, to be able to establish a successful and close relationship between the above mentioned industries, the theoretical framework distinguishes several important factors; for instance, education and infrastructure are assumed to be the two most vital ingredienses. Nonetheless, also the firms’ production milieu and technology affects the successful development of a cluster district. Furthermore,when relating the theoretical assumptions to the descriptive statistics, with the intention to elucidate the industrial structure of Jönköping County, one can differentiate three major producer service sectors, namely; “Transport and mail”, “Consulting, marketing, law” and finally “Rentals of premises, labour and machinery”. Nevertheless, several alarming observations can be noticed concerning the wage level, education intensity, productivity and gross profit percentage within the county’s producer service industry; where all these features are below the domestic average. Nevertheless, the empirical analysis indicates that the region has a varying, but yet a positive market potential in the majority of the county’s municipalities. With correct priorities, Jönköping County has good future prospects to reach a high competitive position, but to accomplish this; the education intensity has to be improved.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda om Jönköpings län besitter marknadspotential inom närindustriella tjänster. I relation till syftet är avsikten också att ta reda på vilka faktorer som kan underlätta utvecklingen av en långsiktig kvalitativ service industri i länet. Den fördelaktiga geografiska positionen är en av faktorerna till varför Jönköpings län har blivit ett av Sveriges industritätaste områden; där regionen har komparativa fördelar i trä, gummi, maskin och elektroniska produkter. Genom tidigare forskning och vid jämförelser med andra internationella tillverkningskluster hävdas det att det finns tydliga tecken på att dessa områden bör innerhålla starkt utvecklade centra för närindustriella tjänster. I uppsatsen nämns framförallt den tyska bilindustrin som ett exempel på hur nära samarbetet mellan tillverkning och service industrin kan bedrivas. För att kunna nå en nära samverkan mellan de nämnda industrierna så pekar teoridelen ut flera viktiga ståndpunkter, där bland annat utbildning och infrastruktur är av allra högsta vikt. Men även företagens produktionsmiljö och teknologi reflekterar hur ett framgångsrikt klusterområde utvecklas. När man därefter relaterar dessa utgångspunkter till den deskriptiva statistiken med syfte att klargöra Jönköpings läns industristruktur, kan man konstatera att den största industritjänsten utgörs av transport och logistik. Därefter följer marknadsföring,redovisning och juridisk rådgivning, medan den tredje och sista tjänsten är uthyrning av lokaler, maskiner och personal. Dock påträffas flera oroväckande iakttagelser gällande lönenivåer, utbildningsintensitet, produktivitet och bruttovinstandelar inom produktionstjänster i länet, då samtliga faktorer hamnar under riksgenomsnittet. Vidare indikerar de empiriska resultaten och analysen på att det finns en varierande men positiv marknadspotential i majoriteten av länets kommuner. Med rätta prioriteringar så finns det således goda framtidsutsikter för att regionen skall kunna skaffa sig en hög konkurrenskraft i framtiden. Men då krävs det framförallt en högre utbildningsgrad bland den arbetsföra befolkningen i länet.</p>

The political economy of natural gas producer cooperation : cartelisation and market power

Dietsch, Marcel January 2011 (has links)
In 2001 the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) was created by some of the world’s leading natural gas producing and exporting countries in order to promote their mutual interests through cooperation, in particular with regard to extracting the maximum value from their natural gas exports. My core research question is: Does cooperation among GECF member countries explain those exporters’ market power in highly import-dependent natural gas consuming countries? To determine the influence of the GECF’s cooperative actions and policies, I study the GECF’s cooperative behaviour and measure the role of (collusive) producer conduct in terms of its contribution to achieving the main GECF objective: attaining gas prices that are measurably above the cost of production and hence help producers earn significant economic rents. I employ a variety of methods from the international relations literature on cooperation and cartelisation, collective action theory and an economic measurement model in three case studies. I find that cooperation among GECF members partly explains their market power in a number of import-dependent gas markets. This is so despite the GECF’s weak degree of institutionalisation. The reasons for the GECF’s influence on effective cooperative results are: first, conducive structural conditions in many gas importing markets favouring cartelisation; second, GECF members use methods such as artificial market entry barriers (e.g. long-term term contracts negotiated in a non-transparent way) to secure their market power and third, the GECF faces less severe internal procedural challenges that plague other cartels such as collective action problems, especially cheating. Cooperation among GECF exporters hence contributes to high(er) prices of natural gas. This causes economic inefficiencies and a transfer of wealth—and political power—from gas consumers to producers. It also hinders climate change mitigation as cleanerburning gas remains too expensive to replace ‘dirty’ coal in power generation.

Influence d’une augmentation du taux de testostérone sur les décisions d’approvisionnement chez les diamants mandarins mâles (Taeniopygia guttata)

Le Hô, Mewen 04 1900 (has links)
Un animal qui s’approvisionne en groupe peut rechercher soi-même sa nourriture (tactique producteur) ou tenter de se joindre à des parcelles déjà découvertes par un autre individu (tactique chapardeur). Bien que les modèles de jeu producteur-chapardeur partent du principe que les gains moyens à l’équilibre associés à chacune de ces tactiques sont égaux et ne dépendent pas des caractéristiques des individus, de plus en plus d’études démontrent que le gain de chaque tactique est influencé par certaines caractéristiques phénotypiques (agressivité, capacités d’apprentissage,…). Dans cette étude, nous nous intéressons aux effets de la testostérone sur le choix des tactiques d’approvisionnement chez les mâles de diamant mandarin (Taeniopygia guttata). La testostérone est connue pour influencer le développement du cerveau et l’agressivité, nous avons donc testé les effets d’une exposition prénatale à la testostérone ainsi que durant l’âge adulte sur le choix des tactiques d’approvisionnement lorsque la nourriture est cryptique ou défendable. Nous avons réalisé deux expériences : nous avons tout d’abord utilisé la longueur du tarse ainsi que la différence entre les longueurs des doigts 2 et 4 comme des indicateurs de l’exposition prénatale à la testostérone puis testé si ces différences morphologiques se traduisent par des différences dans le choix des tactiques dans une condition défendable et une condition cryptique. Nous avons trouvé que le choix des tactiques chez les diamants mandarins était limité par le phénotype. Une exposition précoce à la testostérone au cours du développement prénatal pourrait donc être la cause d’au moins une part de la variation observée dans le choix des tactiques d’approvisionnement. Ensuite, nous avons manipulé le taux de testostérone plasmatique chez des mâles adultes grâce à des implants hormonaux sous-cutanés puis comparé le comportement des individus lorsqu’ils portaient un implant hormonal et un implant contrôle et ce, dans chacune des deux conditions d’approvisionnement. Nous n’avons mis en évidence aucun effet du taux de testostérone plasmatique sur le choix des tactiques à l’âge adulte. Nos résultats sont en accord avec l’hypothèse que le choix des tactiques d’approvisionnement peut être influencé par les hormones. Notre conclusion est que les hormones stéroïdiennes peut affecter le choix des tactiques via l’existence d’effets maternels dans le jeu producteur-chapardeur. / An animal foraging in groups can search for its own food (producer tactic) or try to join food patches previously discovered by another group member (scrounger tactic). Although producer-scrounger game models assume that the payoffs associated with both tactic are equal at equilibrium and so do not depend on individual characteristics, there is recent evidence that tactic choice is constrained by certain phenotypical traits (aggressivity, learning abilities…). In this study, we examined the effect of testosterone on tactic use in male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Because testosterone is known to affect both brain development and aggressiveness, we tested whether differences in testosterone exposure either during development or in adulthood had an effect on producer-scrounger tactic use, when food was cryptic or defendable. First, we measured the tarsus length and the distance between the end of the fourth and the end of the second digit as proxies of prenatal exposure to testosterone, and tested whether they were correlated with foraging tactic use under both conditions. We found that tactic choice in zebra finches is phenotypically constrained. We suggest that early exposure to sex hormones during the embryonic period could be responsible for at least a part of the variation in tactic choice. Second, we manipulated the circulating level of testosterone in adult male zebra finches using subcutaneous testosterone implants, and compared the behavior of individuals when they had either a control implant or a testosterone implant. This time we found no effect of plasmatic level of testosterone on tactic choice. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that tactic choice in zebra finches could be mediated by hormones. Our finding that steroid hormones can affect tactic use provides evidence for maternal effects in producer-scrounger games.


Merida, Carolina 28 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:47:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CAROLINA MERIDA.pdf: 11839445 bytes, checksum: e14f83a3bb4d80b7c6b38f725c77990a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-28 / This research deals with the issue of economic valuation of ecosystem services based on positive incentive mechanisms as a strategy to stimulate the recovery and preservation of the environment, given the inefficiency of environmental protection currently used, primarily guided by command and control instruments. Taking as starting point the analysis of the interrelationship between the environment and sustainable development, the work also holds the examination of the legal issues underlying the use of payments for environmental services in Brazil. The chosen approach to face the issue concerns the study of the program Producer of Water", established under the Municipality of Rio Verde, Goias State, in order to verify the results obtained with respect to the recovery and preservation of riparian forests in around the headwaters of the Watershed of Abobora Stream, responsible for supplying approximately 70% of the population of that municipality. In summary, the question that this study seeks to answer relates to the effectiveness of payments for ecosystem services as a tool to promote sustainable development and social and environmental justice. The methodology has privileged the bibliographic research, in foreign and domestic literature, also drawing on the application of questionnaires to participants of "Producer of Water" program, Rio Verde, as well as the analysis of official data and documents obtained from the Department of Sustainable Economic Development of the Municipality of Rio Verde, Goias, and authoritative legal theory, focused on Machado (2012), Nusdeo (2012) and Altmann (2009). / A presente pesquisa versa sobre a temática da valoração econômica dos serviços ambientais, baseada em mecanismos positivos de incentivo, como estratégia para estimular a recuperação e a preservação do meio ambiente, ante a ineficácia dos mecanismos de proteção ambiental, atualmente utilizados, pautados preponderantemente em instrumentos de comando e controle. Tendo como ponto de partida a análise da inter-relação entre o meio ambiente e o desenvolvimento sustentável, o trabalho se detém, ainda, no exame dos aspectos jurídicos que fundamentam a utilização do pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil. A abordagem escolhida para enfrentamento do tema diz respeito ao estudo do Programa Produtor de Águas , instituído no âmbito do Município de Rio Verde, Estado de Goiás, com o propósito de verificar os resultados obtidos com relação à recuperação e preservação das áreas de matas ciliares no entorno das nascentes da Microbacia do Ribeirão Abóbora, responsável pelo abastecimento de aproximadamente 70% da população do citado município. Em suma, a questão que o presente estudo busca responder refere-se à efetividade do pagamento por serviços ambientais enquanto instrumento para a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável e da justiça socioambiental. A metodologia utilizada privilegiou a pesquisa bibliográfica, na literatura estrangeira e nacional, valendo-se, ainda, da aplicação de questionários aos participantes do Programa Produtor de Águas , de Rio Verde, bem como, da análise de dados e documentos oficiais obtidos junto à Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico Sustentável do Município de Rio Verde, Goiás, além de teoria jurídica abalizada, centrada em Machado (2012), Nusdeo (2012) e Altmann (2009).

Manual operativo para implementação do Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais na Bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão Lajeado - UGRHI-19 - São Paulo - Brasil /

Oliveira, Silvia Mayumi Shinkai de January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Milton Dall´Aglio Sobrinho / Resumo: A gestão dos recursos hídricos é crucial para garantir a disponibilidade e qualidade das águas e a adoção do pagamento por serviços ambientais (PSA) pode ser considerada uma das alternativas viáveis para melhoria da política pública de recursos hídricos. Este projeto aborda o PSA como instrumento de melhoria a ser introduzido na Bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão Lajeado, UGRHI- 19, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O objetivo foi contribuir com a introdução de medidas eficazes para garantia da disponibilidade hídrica da Bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão Lajeado e melhorar a qualidade de suas águas. A metodologia incluiu a realização de pesquisa da literatura existente sobre o tema, levantamento e análise de diversos casos exemplares de PSA existentes no Brasil e no mundo para auxiliar na definição das ações a serem implementadas na referida bacia hidrográfica. Também utilizou-se o estudo de caso da Bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão Lajeado o qual é gerenciado por meio de um consórcio intermunicipal delimitado pela sua bacia hidrográfica composta pelos municípios de Alto Alegre, Barbosa e Penápolis sendo contemplado no chamamento público 01/2017 da Agência Nacional das Águas com recursos financeiros para implementar o Programa Produtor de Água na referida bacia. Como resultado deste trabalho obteve-se um Manual Operativo elaborado com especificações técnicas detalhadas para a devida implementação do PSA na área de estudo e assim contribuir com a melhoria da qualidade dos recursos hídricos d... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The management of water resources is crucial to ensure water availability and quality, and the adoption of payment for environmental services (PES) can be considered one of the viable alternatives for improving public water policy. This project addresses the PSA as an improvement instrument to be introduced in the Ribeirão Lajeado Basin, UGRHI-19, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The objective is to contribute with the introduction of effective measures to guarantee the water availability of the Ribeirão Lajeado River Basin and to improve the quality of its waters. The methodology included the research of the existing literature on the subject, survey and analysis of several case studies of PES existing in Brazil and in the world to define the actions to be implemented in the Ribeirão Lajeado River Basin and also the case study of this Basin which is managed by an intermunicipal consortium delimited by its hydrographic basin composed of the municipalities of Alto Alegre, Barbosa and Penápolis. The Ribeirão Lajeado River Basin was contemplated in the public call 01/2017 of the National Agency of the Waters with financial resources to implement the Program Producer of water. As a result of this work, the Operational Manual prepared with technical specifications for the proper implementation of the PES in the area of study and, thus, contribute to the improvement of the quality of the water resources of this hydrographic basin. / Mestre

O perfil das cooperativas leiteiras fluminenses e a ado??o de pr?ticas ambientais conservacionistas / The profile of fluminese dairy cooperatives and the adoption of environmental conservation practices

OLIVEIRA, Sabrina da Costa de 22 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-26T19:30:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Sabrina da Costa de Oliveira.pdf: 7923454 bytes, checksum: 7e0abeab415ea68ffa06cabc394dceeb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-26T19:30:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Sabrina da Costa de Oliveira.pdf: 7923454 bytes, checksum: 7e0abeab415ea68ffa06cabc394dceeb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-22 / Given the importance of the Rio dairy farming and aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the activity in the state of Rio de Janeiro, as well as the satisfaction and well-being of the producer, it is essential to develop policies and incentive programs created by state government in partnership with the Rio de Janeiro dairy cooperatives. These partnerships can promote effective actions and boosters, to develop the technical assistance activities and placement of information directed to the adoption of a set of conservation practices that ensure environmental sustainability of the activity. This study aimed to identify and characterize the fluminense dairy cooperatives registered in the system OCB / SESCOOP-RJ, diagnosing the availability of technical assistance from these, the average volume of milk picked up monthly, the adoption of soil conservation practices and feelings and ideas of producers regarding the use of conservation techniques in environmental terms. The work was carried out in the North /Northwest; Mountain and South Central regions of Rio de Janeiro estate, through semi-structured interviews with 14 administrative managers from 14 different cooperatives located in 12 municipalities in the state, as well as a total of 21 producers of 3 selected cooperatives. For these same cooperative focus group meetings were held by the 109 cooperative of three municipalities on different dates. It was identified by the diagnosis that dairy cooperatives registered until the month of December 2011 represent 10% of all registered cooperatives in the OCB / SESCOOP-RJ System, but this total only 4% is in full operation. It was found that the highest average monthly volumes of milk received by cooperating, in the considered period of study, are related to cooperatives who reported participating in rational use of natural resources programs, developed in partnership with the State Technical Assistance Company (EMATER - RJ). In both Regions were identified that cooperative farmers using soil conservation techniques, but require instruction on the importance of adopting a set of practices for the system sustainability production. Due to a deficient information system by the cooperatives, producers demonstrate the need for information tools availability for sharing the experiences and ideas that encourage the adoption of these environmental practices. / Diante da relev?ncia da pecu?ria leiteira fluminense e visando a garantia da sustentabilidade da atividade no estado do Rio de Janeiro, assim como a satisfa??o e o bem estar do produtor, torna-se indispens?vel o desenvolvimento de pol?ticas e programas de incentivos criados pelo governo do estado em parcerias com as cooperativas leiteiras fluminenses, para que atrav?s destas parcerias possam ser promovidas a??es efetivas e incentivadoras, que desenvolvam as atividades de assist?ncia t?cnica e veicula??o de informa??es direcionadas ? ado??o de um conjunto de pr?ticas ambientais conservacionistas que garantam a sustentabilidade da atividade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e caracterizar as cooperativas leiteiras fluminenses registradas no Sistema OCB/SESCOOP-RJ, diagnosticando a disponibilidade de assist?ncia t?cnica por parte destas, o volume m?dio de leite captado mensalmente, a ado??o de pr?ticas de conserva??o do solo e os sentimentos e ideias dos produtores quanto ao uso de t?cnicas conservacionistas em termos ambientais. O trabalho foi realizado nas regi?es Norte /Noroeste; Serrana e Centro Sul fluminense, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas ? 14 gestores administrativos de 14 cooperativas distintas localizadas em 12 munic?pios do estado, bem como ? um total de 21 produtores de 3 cooperativas selecionadas. Para estas mesmas cooperativas foram realizadas reuni?es de grupo focal junto ? 109 cooperados de 3 munic?pios em datas distintas. Identificou-se por meio do diagn?stico que as cooperativas leiteiras registradas at? o m?s de dezembro de 2011 representam 10% do total de cooperativas registradas no Sistema OCB/SESCOOP-RJ, por?m deste total apenas 4 % encontra-se em pleno funcionamento. Foi detectado que os maiores volumes m?dios mensais de leite captado por cooperado, no per?odo de estudo considerado, est?o relacionados ?s cooperativas que declararam participar de programas de uso racional dos recursos naturais, desenvolvidos em parceria com a Empresa de Assist?ncia T?cnica do Estado (EMATER ? RJ). Em ambas as regi?es foram constatadas que os produtores cooperados utilizam t?cnicas de conserva??o do solo isoladamente ou a associa??o de duas ou mais destas, por?m demandam de instru??es sobre a import?ncia da ado??o de um conjunto das pr?ticas visando ? sustentabilidade do sistema de produ??o. Em decorr?ncia do resultado de um sistema de informa??es deficientes por parte das cooperativas, os produtores demonstram a necessidade da disponibilidade de ferramentas de divulga??o, compartilhamento de experi?ncias e ideias que estimulem a ado??o destas pr?ticas.

Análise do uso de controles e gestão financeira em propriedades rurais produtoras de grãos da Região Oeste do Paraná / Analyses of the use of controls and financial management in grain production rural properties in the west of Parana

Souza, Leonor Venson de 19 September 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T16:05:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonor_Souza-v1.pdf: 4735894 bytes, checksum: ac5321523593c495313137ad20bbe9f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-19 / Taking into account the economical aspects in the agricultural area in Brazil from the last decades and also the performance from the grains production broadcasted by official records, this agricultural sector has been drawing attention to many researches and showing a total lack of proper financial management.Given the importance of financial management and controls and also by analyzing the situation on the country land where the rural producers have been dedicating more time to things related to production than to financial management which demands more assertive decisions that are essential to the maintenance of those rural enterprises and also considering the lack of proper management of the agricultural areas, the objective of this study was to analyze the use of controls and financial management in grain production rural areas from the west of Parana State in Brazil. We have divided a study in two different steps; first we have made an structured survey in 80 rural producers in the West of Parana, from October 2015 to February 2016, about the use of controls and financial management done by the producers. On the second step, we have shown to 10 of those who participated on the survey a proposal of a system of information on cash flow. Inspired by an accounting model which was adapted for this system and it was applied to 10 of those properties between the months of February and July in 2016. The study, that was descriptive and qualitative, was based on literature review and on periodicals identified in researches and surveys based on specialized bibliographies and in libraries. The results from the first step showed an absence of controls and financial management in the surveyed rural properties , regardless of the technological information and communication advancements, many decisions are still based in empirical knowledge and the systems of financial managements are rarely used and restrict. The use of a system of information of cash flow in the rural activity, on the second step, pointed out innumerous benefits such as control of expenses and the analysis of results, among others, was only possible to be estimated by the rural manager. Considering the advancements in the use of technology of information and better access to the internet in the country, new researches can contribute to foster management techniques in the rural field such as distance learning and the development of tools that can be more proper to the profile of the rural producers / Considerando o crescimento econômico do setor agrícola no Brasil registrado nas últimas décadas e o desempenho da produção de grãos divulgado por organismos oficiais o setor agrícola vem chamando atenção por diversas pesquisas demonstrando um setor ainda carente de práticas de gestão financeira. Dada a importância dos controles e gestão financeira e analisando a realidade do campo onde o produtor rural tem dedicado maior tempo aos aspectos relacionados à produção do que à gestão financeira exigindo decisões mais assertivas e essenciais para a manutenção dos empreendimentos rurais e considerando a escassez de práticas de gestão adequadas ao setor do agronegócio este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o uso de controles e gestão financeira em propriedades rurais produtoras de grãos da região Oeste do Paraná. Dividiu-se o estudo em duas etapas: na primeira, levantou-se, por meio de entrevista estruturada aplicada a 80 produtores rurais da região Oeste do Paraná, no período de outubro de 2015 a fevereiro de 2016, o uso de controles e gestão financeira pelos produtores. Na segunda etapa, apresentou-se a 10 propriedades rurais participantes da pesquisa uma proposta de utilização de um sistema de informação de fluxo de caixa. Inspirado em um modelo contábil, se adaptou esse sistema, que foi aplicado a essas 10 propriedades entre os meses de fevereiro e julho de 2016. O estudo, que foi descritivo e cuja análise, qualitativa, fundamentou-se na revisão da literatura e em periódicos identificados em pesquisas realizadas em bases bibliográficas especializadas e nas bibliotecas. Os resultados da primeira etapa demonstraram a ausência de controles e gestão financeira nas propriedades rurais pesquisadas, apesar dos avanços evidenciados no uso da tecnologia da informação e comunicação, como também que muitas decisões ainda são pautadas em conhecimentos empíricos e que sistemas de gestão financeira são pouco utilizados e restritos. A utilização de um sistema de informações de fluxo de caixa na atividade rural, na segunda etapa, apontou inúmeros benefícios, como o controle dos gastos e a análise dos resultados, entre outros, antes apenas estimados pelo produtor rural. Considerando os avanços no uso da tecnologia de informação e o maior acesso à Internet no campo, novas pesquisas poderão contribuir no sentido de implementar práticas de gestão financeira na atividade rural, tais como o ensino a distância e o desenvolvimento de ferramentas mais adequadas ao perfil do produtor rural.

Ações em educação ambiental; análise multivariada da percepção ambiental de diferentes grupos sociais como instrumentos de apoio a gestão de pequenas bacias - estudo de caso da microbacia do córrego da Capituva, Macedônia, SP / Environmental education; perception environmental of different social group multivariable data analysis as instrument of support management watershed – the Capituva watershed study, Macedônia, SP

Scatena, Lúcia Marina 16 December 2005 (has links)
O objetivo precípuo desta investigação foi potencializar ações em educação ambiental e efetuar uma análise multivariada da percepção ambiental de diferentes grupos sociais como instrumentos de apoio à gestão de pequenas bacias. Este trabalho foi norteado por pesquisa-ação, baseado em pesquisas qualitativa, quantitativa e estudo de caso da microbacia do córrego da Capituva, Macedônia, SP. As metodologias foram divididas nas fases: exploratória &#8213; escolha e caracterização da área de estudo e público alvo, histórico da ocupação e dinâmica do desenvolvimento do município; estudo preliminar e de diagnóstico &#8213; caracterização da estrutura fundiária e dos usuários da terra, sistema de produção agrícola, caracterização da qualidade ambiental e análise multivariada de dados e; ações em educação ambiental. Optar pela participação de produtores rurais na pesquisa, teve o propósito de identificar problemas concretos, definir prioridades, escolher soluções viáveis em função das condições sócio-econômicas e do saber popular existente. Envolver professores, alunos e profissionais do município em ações de educação ambiental, teve por objetivo verificar a percepção da comunidade e despertar seu interesse e participação em projetos de proteção e recuperação de recursos naturais. A investigação mostrou que a população identifica os principais problemas ambientais, mas necessita informações de saneamento básico e técnicas para alterações no processo produtivo para possíveis soluções preventivas e corretivas. Esses produtores rurais, segmentos sociais diretamente onerados pelo ato de gestão ambiental, não têm condições para intervir em processo decisório. Os processos de gestão são complexos, por envolverem profundos conflitos entre os diversos usuários das bacias e por não estarem em consonância com a realidade econômica da maioria desses produtores. Os proprietários rurais não formam categoria homogênea: possuem características, opiniões e sistemas produtivos diversos. Por isso, este trabalho propõe que as intervenções educacionais sejam amplas o suficiente para contemplar diversos públicos e procedimentos. A participação dos alunos foi estimuladora; dado seu interesse no assunto, eles expressaram grande preocupação com o córrego e sua nascente. Desse modo, acreditamos ter contribuído para: o processo de gestão de microbacias; o estudo do meio ambiente com tema centralizado em microbacia; prover algumas necessidades de informações de problemas ambientais na microbacia; e reconhecer problemas existentes. O instrumental estatístico usado &#8213; via análise fatorial de correspondência múltipla e análise de Cluster &#8213; permitiu mostrar a complexidade da realidade estudada pela identificação de três tipos de produtores rurais. O que foi depreendido nesta investigação, revela que esses métodos estatísticos constituem interessante caminho metodológico para estudos futuros sobre percepção, avaliação e análise de impactos ambientais, sociais e econômicos / The main objective was oriented procedures in environmental education and to make perception environmental of different social group multivariable data analysis. This work was focused on field research, qualitative and quantitative research and, the Capituva watershed study. The methodology was divided into three stages: the exploratory – choice and characterization of the study area and the people involved in it; the preliminary and diagnostic study &#8213; characterization of the landed system, the land users, the system of agricultural production, and the environmental quality and multivariable data analysis; the environmental education procedures. The participation of rural producers in this research had the purpose of identifying actual problems, determining priorities, and finding solutions considering their socioeconomic conditions and rudimentary knowledge. The enrollment of municipal district teachers, students, and professionals in the environmental education procedures was intended to verify the community's perception, and stimulate their interest and participation in projects of environment management. This investigation has showed that the population can identify their main environmental problems, but they need information on basic sanitation and techniques to alter their production process to acquire feasible, preventive and corrective solutions. These rural producers are socially harmed and directly overburdened by the environment management procedures and they cannot take part in the decision-making processes. Management processes are complex because they involve conflicts among the several users of the basins and also because they are not fairly consistent with the economic reality of rural producers. This project focuses on assisting these producers to overcome the difficulties enabling them to reach a consensus, to develop the habit of cooperation, and to receive fair subsidies so that the small producers can implement their goals. The land owners are not a homogeneous category. They have different characteristics, opinions and productive systems. In view of this, this study suggests the educational sector to take an effective action to benefit the producers. The participation of the students was exciting since they expressed interest in the subject and concern about the stream of Capituva. Thus, we believe to have contributed towards the process of watershed management, the study of the environment focusing on watersheds, the provision of relevant information about the watershed environmental problems, and the acknowledgement of difficulties. The statistics multiple correspondence factorial analysis and Cluster analysis permitted to identify three groups rural producers and to show methodological procedure to study environment impact, social and economic analysis

Market Potential Analysis of Producer Services : A Study of Jönköping County

Kantola, Jan January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the market potential of producer services in Jönköping County. In relation to the main purpose, the idea is to examine which factors that have a positive impact on the development of a long run qualitative producer service industry in the region. The favourable location of Jönköping County is one of the main factors for why the county has one of the highest densities of manufacturing firms in Sweden. Moreover, the region has comparative advantages in several products, for an example; wood, rubber, machinery and electronically goods. Earlier research and comparisons with other international manufacturing clusters indicates that these areas tend to contain highly developed producer service industries. The thesis gives a case example of how the beneficial, mutual interaction between the manufacturing and producer service industries works in the car industry in Germany. However, to be able to establish a successful and close relationship between the above mentioned industries, the theoretical framework distinguishes several important factors; for instance, education and infrastructure are assumed to be the two most vital ingredienses. Nonetheless, also the firms’ production milieu and technology affects the successful development of a cluster district. Furthermore,when relating the theoretical assumptions to the descriptive statistics, with the intention to elucidate the industrial structure of Jönköping County, one can differentiate three major producer service sectors, namely; “Transport and mail”, “Consulting, marketing, law” and finally “Rentals of premises, labour and machinery”. Nevertheless, several alarming observations can be noticed concerning the wage level, education intensity, productivity and gross profit percentage within the county’s producer service industry; where all these features are below the domestic average. Nevertheless, the empirical analysis indicates that the region has a varying, but yet a positive market potential in the majority of the county’s municipalities. With correct priorities, Jönköping County has good future prospects to reach a high competitive position, but to accomplish this; the education intensity has to be improved. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda om Jönköpings län besitter marknadspotential inom närindustriella tjänster. I relation till syftet är avsikten också att ta reda på vilka faktorer som kan underlätta utvecklingen av en långsiktig kvalitativ service industri i länet. Den fördelaktiga geografiska positionen är en av faktorerna till varför Jönköpings län har blivit ett av Sveriges industritätaste områden; där regionen har komparativa fördelar i trä, gummi, maskin och elektroniska produkter. Genom tidigare forskning och vid jämförelser med andra internationella tillverkningskluster hävdas det att det finns tydliga tecken på att dessa områden bör innerhålla starkt utvecklade centra för närindustriella tjänster. I uppsatsen nämns framförallt den tyska bilindustrin som ett exempel på hur nära samarbetet mellan tillverkning och service industrin kan bedrivas. För att kunna nå en nära samverkan mellan de nämnda industrierna så pekar teoridelen ut flera viktiga ståndpunkter, där bland annat utbildning och infrastruktur är av allra högsta vikt. Men även företagens produktionsmiljö och teknologi reflekterar hur ett framgångsrikt klusterområde utvecklas. När man därefter relaterar dessa utgångspunkter till den deskriptiva statistiken med syfte att klargöra Jönköpings läns industristruktur, kan man konstatera att den största industritjänsten utgörs av transport och logistik. Därefter följer marknadsföring,redovisning och juridisk rådgivning, medan den tredje och sista tjänsten är uthyrning av lokaler, maskiner och personal. Dock påträffas flera oroväckande iakttagelser gällande lönenivåer, utbildningsintensitet, produktivitet och bruttovinstandelar inom produktionstjänster i länet, då samtliga faktorer hamnar under riksgenomsnittet. Vidare indikerar de empiriska resultaten och analysen på att det finns en varierande men positiv marknadspotential i majoriteten av länets kommuner. Med rätta prioriteringar så finns det således goda framtidsutsikter för att regionen skall kunna skaffa sig en hög konkurrenskraft i framtiden. Men då krävs det framförallt en högre utbildningsgrad bland den arbetsföra befolkningen i länet.

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