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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


BERNARD, KIVUMBI January 2011 (has links)
Gasification of biomass for electricity power generation has been a proven technology in a number of countries in the world. MSW consists of biomass, glass, plastics, metallic scrap and street debris. Biomass constitutes the highest proportion of MSW and being an energy resource, implies that it can contribute tremendously to the energy needs of any country since every country is endowed with this resource which is generated in enormous tonnes per day. The challenge would then be the choice of the technology to harness this abundant energy resource subject to financial and environmental constraints.    In Uganda, MSW gasification for power generation has never been implemented in spite of the 500-600 tonnes of MSW collected per day, the biomass component of the MSW comprising 88%. MSW is instead collected in skips, transported by trucks to a landfill were it is deposited and left to decompose releasing methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) gases which are highly potent greenhouse gases. In this regard, the many tonnes per day of MSW collected in Kampala city (area of the study) portray significant potential of generating producer gas using the technology of gasification to run engines for power generation and this study evaluated possible gasifier-engine system applications for power generation. Experiments were carried out  at the Faculty of Technology, Makerere University to determine biomass characteristics (e.g. moisture content, ash content) and gasification parameters(e.g. lower heating value)  of MSW required for gasifier-engine applications. After establishing the lower heating value of the producer gas from MSW, a theoretical design of a gasifier-engine system was investigated for possible applications with the biomass component of MSW and an economic analysis was done to assess the feasibility of the project.


BERNARD, KIVUMBI January 2011 (has links)
Gasification of biomass for electricity power generation has been a proven technology in a number of countries in the world. MSW consists of biomass, glass, plastics, metallic scrap and street debris. Biomass constitutes the highest proportion of MSW and being an energy resource, implies that it can contribute tremendously to the energy needs of any country since every country is endowed with this resource which is generated in enormous tonnes per day. The challenge would then be the choice of the technology to harness this abundant energy resource subject to financial and environmental constraints.    In Uganda, MSW gasification for power generation has never been implemented in spite of the 500-600 tonnes of MSW collected per day, the biomass component of the MSW comprising 88%. MSW is instead collected in skips, transported by trucks to a landfill were it is deposited and left to decompose releasing methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) gases which are highly potent greenhouse gases. In this regard, the many tonnes per day of MSW collected in Kampala city (area of the study) portray significant potential of generating producer gas using the technology of gasification to run engines for power generation and this study evaluated possible gasifier-engine system applications for power generation. Experiments were carried out  at the Faculty of Technology, Makerere University to determine biomass characteristics (e.g. moisture content, ash content) and gasification parameters(e.g. lower heating value)  of MSW required for gasifier-engine applications. After establishing the lower heating value of the producer gas from MSW, a theoretical design of a gasifier-engine system was investigated for possible applications with the biomass component of MSW and an economic analysis was done to assess the feasibility of the project.

Plan de negocio para determinar la factibilidad de una productora de material didáctico digital educativo

Espejo Palomino, Cristian Armando, Ortega Bartra, Anita Elizabeth 07 December 2021 (has links)
A lo largo de este plan de negocios, se presentará la implementación de una productora de material didáctico digital educativa, como propuesta de negocio sostenible, que será implementado en la ciudad de Pucallpa. Este emprendimiento tendrá como objetivo expandirse en diversas zonas del Perú, adaptándose a cada región. El documento inicia dando una descripción de la justificación y los objetivos del negocio para poder continuar con el análisis interno y externo que pueden afectar la empresa. Luego, podremos ver el diseño metodológico y cómo funciona el negocio, desde la visión y misión hasta el plan de márquetin y las áreas funcionales de este. En la siguiente parte podremos observar el análisis del plan económico, y finalmente termina con las perspectivas y conclusiones a las que se llegó. / This business plan will show us the implementation of a Digital production company of educational material, as a proposal of a sustainable business, that will take place on Pucallpa City. This company has the objective to expand to different regions of Perú, and adapt its content depending of this region. This document begins giving a description of the justification and the objectives of the business to then continue with an internal and external analysis that could affect the company. After that, we will see the methodological design and how the business works, starting with the vision and mission until observing the marketing plan and functional areas of it. In the next part we could observe and analysis of the economic plan, and finally end with the perspectives and conclusion that the document leads us. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Dinámicas de los fandoms de dramas coreanos en los miembros del grupo de Facebook “Los chicos son mejores q las flores”

Delgado De La Cruz, Nicole Génesis 06 June 2021 (has links)
Debido a la ola coreana, también llamada “Hallyu”, que significa la recepción del público de productos y material coreano, es que hoy en día se ha popularizado su amplio contenido audiovisual (García, 2020). Esta ha traspasado el continente asiático para instaurarse en territorios latinoamericanos. Entre lo más destacado se encuentran los dramas coreanos que atraen al espectador debido al tratamiento, así como la producción y realización de sus historias y personajes, los cuales los encuentra diferentes y entretenidos (Arriojas & Réquiz, 2019). Este proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar las dinámicas de los fandoms de dramas coreanos en los miembros del grupo de Facebook “Los chicos son mejores q las flores”. Además, de identificar y analizar los contenidos que se crean dentro del grupo de fans del K-drama, así como el uso de entrevistas para conocer las identificaciones e interacciones que se generan dentro del mismo. / Due to the Korean wave, also called “Hallyu”, which means the reception of Korean products and material by the public, its extensive audiovisual content has become popular today (García, 2020). This has crossed the Asian continent to establish itself in Latin American territories. Among the highlights are the Korean dramas that attract the viewer due to the treatment, as well as the production and realization of their stories and characters, which they find different and entertaining (Arriojas & Réquiz, 2019). The main objective of this research project is to analyze the dynamics of Korean drama fandoms in the members of the Facebook group “Los chicos son mejores q las flores”. In addition, to identify and analyze the contents that are created within the group of K-drama fans, as well as the use of interviews to know the identifications and interactions that are generated within it. / Trabajo de investigación

Från korta klipp till långa produktioner : Publikens övergång från sociala medier till strömningsplattformar genom kortformatvideos / From shorter clips to longer productions : The transition of the audience from social media to streaming platforms through short-form video

Kotikawatte, Evorda, Gavelius, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the potential challenges and opportunities a digital media producer faces when designing a short video for social media with the purpose of eliciting a desire in the user to transfer over to the media platform of which the forementioned short video is marketing and take part of longer video content. Using a qualitative research method, six professional digital media individuals were interviewed, each with varying degrees of experience in social media conversion. The findings reveal several challenges that digital media producers may encounter in their pursuit of conversion, as well as insights on possible ways to overcome these challenges. Notable discoveries include that short videos may not always be the best option for conversion on social media, and the importance of the first seconds of a short video. Overall, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities digital media producers face in the constantly evolving world of social media.

Kläder, genomslag och tidlöshet : En studie om förutsättningar att slå igenom med ett idrottsrelaterat tidlöst plagg

Nordström, My January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på om det finns förutsättningar att skapa ett idrottsrelaterat plagg som kan få liknande genomslagskraft som en välkänd tidlös symbol inom modevärlden, "den lilla svarta" (Coco Chanel). Begrepp som tidlöshet och genomslag är svårdefinierade visar genomgången litteratur. En ansats är att tillämpa filosofiska begrepp för att kartlägga modefenomenet. Förutom de filosofiska begreppen, litteraturstudier och erfarenheter från "den lilla svarta" innehåller studien utarbetade frågor till tre personer med stor branschvana. I analysen förs ett resonemang som visar att det utefter dessa förutsättningar är möjligt att skapa plagget. / The purpose of the study is to find out if there are prerequisites for creating a sports-related garment that can have a similar impact to a well-known timeless symbol in the fashion world, "the little black dress" (Coco Chanel). Concepts such as timelessness and impact are difficult to define, the review shows literature. One approach is to apply philosophical concepts to map the fashion phenomenon. In addition to the philosophical concepts, literature studies and experiences from "the little black", the study includes elaborate questions for three people with great industry experience. The analysis provides a reasoning that shows that it is possible to create the garment according to these conditions.

En analys av hur svenska modeföretag arbetar med transparens av sin värdekedja : I kommunikation mot slutkonsument / An analysis of how swedish fashion brands works with transparency of their value chain : In communication towards the end consumer

Johansson, Michaela, Carlsson, Lova January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur svenska modeföretag arbetar med transparens av sin värdekedja för att kommunicera de sociala- och miljömässiga avtryck som verksamheten medför. Studiens resultat kan förhoppningsvis bidra till ökad kunskap om hur trovärdighet och tydlighet kan uppnås/användas för att förbättra kommunikationen från företag till konsument. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts för insamling av empiri. Intervjuguiden har baserats på de definierade centrala begreppen utifrån studiens forskningsfrågor som innehåller begreppen transparens, värdekedja, kommunikation, ansvar och framtid. Resultat: Samtliga företag i studien strävar efter transparens i hela sin värdekedja, vilket omfattar fibertillverkning, tygtillverkning, produktion, färgning och transporter. Genom webbplatser, hållbarhetsrapporter, certifieringar och sociala medier kommunicerar företagen transparens till slutkonsument. Samtliga företag i studien anser att det är nödvändigt att skapa förändring och förbättra delar av sin värdekedja för att bidra till en mer hållbar framtid. Även att kommunicera mer till slutkund angående cirkulariteten hos en modeprodukt och hur företagen i studien kan samarbeta med andra företag för att bygga en bättre och mer hållbar framtid. Relevans: Studien bidrar med relevanta utgångspunkter för hur företag bör arbeta med transparens av sin värdekedja för att bidra till en så hållbar textilbransch som möjligt. Relevansen förstärks då studien ligger rätt i tiden med med konstanta förändringar för hållbarhet inom textilbranschen och där transparens är grundstenen. / Purpose: The aim of the study is to look into how Swedish fashion firms use transparency throughout their value chain to explain and communicate the social and environmental impact of their activities. The result of the study can help to increase knowledge about how to develop trustworthiness and reliability in order to improve business-to-consumer communication. Method: The study has a qualitative method with a deductive approach based on semi-structured interviews that have been conducted for collecting the empirical data. The interview guide is based on the study's research questions' stated keywords, which include topics like transparency, value chain, communication, responsibility, and the future. Findings and conclusion: All five companies strive for transparency across their value chain, which includes fiber production, fabric manufacture, production, dyeing and transportation. Through websites, sustainability reports, certifications and social media, the companies communicate transparency to the end consumer. All businesses believe that changing and improving sections of their value chain is necessary to contribute to a more sustainable future. Also, communicate with their end customers more about the circularity of a fashion product and how to collaborate with other companies to build a better future and be more sustainable. Relevance: The study contributes relevant points on how companies should work with transparency within their value chain in order to contribute towards a more sustainable textile industry. The study's relevance is enhanced by the fact that it is timely, given the ongoing changes in the textile industry and transparency is a central part for that development.

Marchandises dangereuses et parcs industriels au Québec

Carrière, Charles-Antoine 04 1900 (has links)
Le manque de données et de littérature sur le sujet de la production de marchandises dangereuses dans les parcs industriels présente des incertitudes quant au portrait de ces entreprises dans la province de Québec. La nécessité de développer un portrait global sur la situation des firmes qui produisent des marchandises dangereuses dans la province est donc nécessaire pour comprendre leur répartition, leurs caractéristiques, leurs liens aux différents moyens de transport ainsi que les risques. L’objectif de ce mémoire est donc de présenter un portrait de l’état des entreprises qui produisent et/ou fabriquent des marchandises dangereuses dans les parcs industriels pour comprendre leur répartition, leur relation aux différents moyens de transport ainsi que leur rôle dans l’économie québécoise. Ce projet comporte quatre volets : le premier porte sur l‘analyse cartographique des sites d’entreprises présents dans les parcs industriels, le deuxième développe une typologie des entreprises productrices de marchandises dangereuses dans les parcs industriels, le troisième analyse les liens intermodaux présents dans les parcs industriels où des marchandises dangereuses sont produites et le dernier fait l’étude de trois parcs industriels possédant différents liens intermodaux. Pour ce faire, les données du Registraire des entreprises du Québec (REQ) sont centrales pour déterminer les sites d’entreprises présents dans les parcs industriels ainsi que ceux qui produisent des marchandises dangereuses pour ainsi développer un portrait géographique et une typologie. Aussi, les données des parcs industriels construits à partir des données des schémas d’aménagement et de développement des MRC sont essentielles pour analyser les liens intermodaux ainsi que les études de cas. Ainsi cette étude fournit un portrait global de la production de marchandises dangereuses dans les parcs industriels de la province ainsi que des liens de ceux-ci aux divers moyens de transport, et aux enjeux de risque associés aux firmes qui produisent des marchandises dangereuses. / The lack of data and literature concerning the production of dangerous goods in industrial parks presents uncertainties about the portrait of these companies in the province of Quebec. The need to develop a global landscape of the firms producing dangerous goods in the province is therefore necessary to understand their distribution, their characteristics, their links to various modes of transportation as well as the risks. The objective of this memoir is therefore to present a picture of the companies that produce and/or manufacture dangerous goods in industrial parks in order to understand their distribution, their access to means of transportation and their role in the province’s economy. This project covers four aspects: the first concerns the cartographic analysis of the companies’ sites where dangerous goods are produced in industrial parks, the second develops a typology of companies producing dangerous goods in industrial parks, the third analyzes the intermodal links present in industrial parks where dangerous goods are produced and the last one studies three industrial parks presenting different intermodal links. To carry out this project, data from the “Registraire des entreprises du Québec (REQ)” are central to determining the sites of companies that are present in industrial parks as well as those where dangerous goods are produced in order to develop a geographical portrait and typology. Also, the industrial parks data, that are built from the “Schéma d’aménagement et de développement” of every regional county municipality are essential to analyze intermodal links in the parks as well as the three case studies. Thus, this study provides a global landscape of the production of dangerous goods in the industrial parks of the province and the links of the parks to various means of transportation, as well as the risks issues associated with firms producing dangerous goods.

Cultivating More Than Coffee: Interrogating Market-based Development, Gendered Empowerment, and the Role of Social Capital in Fair Trade Co-operatives in Nicaragua

Kruger, Rebecca Anne January 2023 (has links)
Recent years have witnessed a proliferation in the number of products receiving specialized ethical certification labels, even though scholars have underscored that the actual effects of such labels are not well understood. (Luetchford 2012) In the area of coffee in particular, case studies have highlighted that Fair Trade labeling seems to operate in unexpected ways, beyond its straightforward financial incentives. This has led to a call for deeper investigation into the specific mechanisms—particularly the extra-economic and social processes—through which Fair Trade acts on coffee growers and their communities. This is seconded by recent studies that have noted a lack of equality between men and women members of Fair Trade co-operatives, in stark contrast to the label’s advertised aims of advancing gender equity and women’s development. (Bacon 2010; Lyon 2008) This friction has contributed to the emergence of separate, all-women’s Fair Trade co-operatives in coffee-growing regions around the globe, and the specialty marketing of their coffee (e.g., Café Femenino and Las Hermanas from Nicaragua) as specifically empowering for women. (Fair Trade USA 2012; Bacon 2010; Lyon 2008) Yet, as with other ethical labels, the actual processes through which these women’s co-operatives affect their members is under-studied and in need of deeper ethnographic investigation. (Hanson et al. 2012; Lyon 2008) In order to address these gaps in the literature, this study captures the complex social processes set in motion by Fair Trade through a comparative ethnography of a traditional mixed men and women’s co-operative and a newer, all-women’s co-operative in neighboring coffee-growing communities in northern Nicaragua. This research positions the sociological construct of social capital as a robust theoretical lens capable of illuminating diverse dynamics within these groups and their larger structural contexts. The use of social capital theory not only allows access to critical and unexplored insights into the “associational life” created by Fair Trade co-operatives, but also presents an opportunity to explore a “strategic site” of social capital in action and extend the theory by addressing debates surrounding its oft-contested definitions and relationship to gender. (Putnam 2000:60; Portes 2010:2; Burawoy 1998) Specifically, this research examines three perspectives on social capital: Bourdieu’s (1986) resource framework, Coleman’s (1988:108) description of social capital as a platform or “appropriable social organization,” and Putnam’s (2000) notion of social capital as trust. Further, this study critically interrogates the characterization of social capital as a kind of “women’s capital,” and its promotion as both a means and an ends to gendered empowerment. (Maclean 2010:498) In pursuit of these aims, this research both draws on and adds to the literature in the areas of ethical consumption and Fair Trade studies, economic sociology, the sociology of globalization, gender theory, gender and development, men and masculinities, local and transnational feminist movements, empowerment frameworks, and the social determinants of health. This extended case method ethnography links microprocesses to macroforces, through a localized understanding of globalization—in this case the impact of Northern ethical consumption practices and ideologies on producer communities in the Global South. In addition, as an applied ethnography in the tradition of public sociology, this study provides analysis that is useful not only to scholars, but could directly inform further setting-appropriate development efforts.

Sustainability amid Monetary Policy : Quantitative Easing and Tightening

Etelkozi, Colman January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine whether the implementation of quantitative easing (QE) and quantitative tightening (QT) in the United States has detracted from the integrity of the country’s macroeconomic environment. In other words, does QE impact macroeconomic stability? Then, evaluate implications and externalities of stability as they relate to sustainability efforts. QE and QT are relatively new phenomena, understanding their effects and implications for the greater economy is a worthwhile endeavor, not least because QE is a current practice of so many central banks internationally. This study has two parallel investigations; first, a time series analysis conducted with a VAR model investigating the relationship of QE/QT usage by the Federal Reserve (Fed) on the macroeconomic stability of the United States. The data used in this study includes 242 monthly observations spanning January 2003 - February 2023. The second, is an OLS regression analysis evaluating whether macroeconomic stability is potentially correlated with sustainability efforts. For this study, 23 annual observations spanning 1995 – 2017 were used. Due in part to the general unavailability of genuine progress indicator (GPI) data. Based on the analysis conducted using a VAR model at lag t-4, QE has a positive relationship with Producer Price Index (PPI) and Federal Funds Rate (FFR). This is in accord with previous empirical literature on the subject. However, the second path of discovery failed to yield significant results with regard to the link between macroeconomic stability and sustainability efforts. Mention of this study’s limitations as well as avenues for future research can be found in the conclusion of this study.

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