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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mapping and analysing the current waste paper recycling system in Europe for a new fiber-based packaging material / Kartläggning och analys av det nuvarande återvinningssystemet för pappersavfall i Europa för ett nytt fiberbaserat förpackningsmaterial

Cakal, Hande Seker January 2023 (has links)
Fiber-based packaging has emerged as an alternative to plastic packaging, driven by concerns regarding environmental impact and excessive usage of plastic. In response to market trends favouring circular packaging solutions, Stora Enso is preparing to introduce Papira, an innovative fiber-based cushioning packaging material, in Europe. However, assessing the practical acceptability of new materials within existing recycling systems is crucial alongside laboratory tests that analyse recyclability. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine waste paper recycling practices implemented in Europe and identify factors that should be considered when introducing a new product into the European market to provide insights that will help evaluate the positioning of Papira and provide recommendations accordingly. To accomplish this aim, after creating a conceptual framework, a combination of interviews and desk research, including analysis of academic and grey literature sources, was employed to gather valuable insights and develop a comprehensive understanding. The scope of the study focuses on paper and board waste generated by households including eight countries: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Poland, Sweden, and the Netherlands. One of the key findings of this study is the variation observed in the practices employed within the waste paper recycling system. The implementation of the Extended Producer Responsibility system highlights the prominence of both single and multiple Producer Responsibility Organizations, while the household separate collection system involves the collection of waste through different fractions. Consequently, the fractions collected and the designated mills for separated materials play a crucial role in the mechanical sorting stage, alongside the divergence in manufacturing methods employed by mills during the material recycling phase. This underscores critical considerations that arise during the introduction of new fiber-based products. Notably, the composition and fiber content of a product significantly influence its registration within the system, thereby impacting pricing. Additionally, effective labelling is imperative to provide clear guidance to consumers regarding proper disposal methods. Moreover, the suitability of products for mechanical sorting is contingent upon ensuring that sorting technologies align with the waste composition. Lastly, the study identifies four key aspects that hold significance for recycling processes: printing inks, additives, pulping time, and fiber length. In conclusion, Papira, with its high fiber content and biobased additives, has shown promising environmental qualities. However, at the same time, it requires further recognition by the recycling system and consumers, appropriate classification in accordance with the standards, and testing by sorting facilities and recycling mills to meet industry standards and optimise its integration into the recycling system. This study highlights the importance of encompassing the monitoring of actions under the PPWR proposal, the role of consumer communication, and the imperative of maintaining consistent communication among all stakeholders. / Fiberbaserad förpackning har framträtt som ett alternativ till plastförpackning, drivet av oro överplastens miljöpåverkan och överdriven användning. Som svar på marknadstrender som främjarcirkulära förpackningslösningar förbereder Stora Enso att införa Papira, ett innovativt fiberbaseratdämpningsmaterial för förpackningar, i Europa. Att bedöma den praktiska acceptansen av nya materialinom befintliga återvinningssystem är dock avgörande, tillsammans med laboratorietester somanalyserar återvinningsbarhet. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka återvinningspraxis förpappersåtervinning som tillämpas i Europa och identifiera faktorer som bör beaktas vid introduktionenav en ny produkt på den europeiska marknaden för att ge insikter som hjälper till att utvärderapositioneringen av Papira och ge rekommendationer därefter. För att uppnå detta syfte användes enkombination av intervjuer och skrivbordsforskning, inklusive analys av akademiska och grålitteraturkällor, för att samla värdefull information och utveckla en omfattande förståelse. Studiensomfattning fokuserar på pappers- och kartongavfall som genereras av hushåll i åtta länder: Belgien,Finland, Frankrike, Tyskland, Luxemburg, Polen, Sverige och Nederländerna. En av huvudresultaten av denna studie är den variation som observeras i de metoder som används inomåtervinningssystemet för pappersavfall. Införandet av det utökade producentansvarssystemet belyserbåde enskilda och flera organisationer med producentansvar, medan det separata insamlingssystemetför hushåll innebär insamling av avfall genom olika fraktioner. Följaktligen spelar de insamladefraktionerna och de avsedda fabrikerna för separerade material en avgörande roll i det mekaniskasorteringsskedet, tillsammans med skillnader i tillverkningsmetoder som används av fabrikerna undermaterialets återvinningsfas. Detta betonar viktiga överväganden som uppstår vid introduktionen av nyafiberbaserade produkter. Särskilt sammansättningen och fiberinnehållet i en produkt påverkar avsevärtdess registrering inom systemet, vilket i sin tur påverkar prissättningen. Dessutom är effektiv märkningav avgörande betydelse för att ge tydliga anvisningar till konsumenter om rätt hantering av produkten.Dessutom är lämpligheten hos produkter för mekanisk sortering beroende av att sorteringsteknikernaöverensstämmer med avfallsammansättningen. Slutligen identifierar studien fyra nyckelaspekter somär betydelsefulla för återvinningsprocesser: tryckbläck, tillsatser, pulpingstid och fiberlängd. Avslutningsvis har Papira, med sitt höga fiberinnehåll och biobaserade tillsatser, visat lovandemiljöegenskaper. Samtidigt kräver det ytterligare erkännande av återvinningssystemet ochkonsumenter, lämplig klassificering i enlighet med standarder och tester genom sorteringsanläggningaroch återvinningsverk för att uppfylla branschstandarder och optimera dess integration iåtervinningssystemet. Denna studie belyser vikten av att omfatta övervakningen av åtgärder enligtPPWR-förslaget, rollen för konsumentkommunikation och nödvändigheten av att upprätthålla enkonsekvent kommunikation bland alla intressenter.

Essays in Public Economics and Development

Lal, Parijat January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation is motivated by the study of economic development and inequality within and across nations. Spanning topics in labor and public economics, this collection of papers speaks to two overarching themes: (i) how the distribution of power affects economic outcomes, and (ii) how governments can mobilize resources and spend them effectively. In Chapter 1, I study how the allocation of ownership and control rights within firms affect responses to economic shocks. To shed light on this issue, I study the heterogeneous effects of a pro-competitive reform on cooperative manufacturing firms and their non-cooperative counterparts in India. The reform removed firm-size restrictions on the production of “reserved” items, increasing competition for incumbents in “de-reserved” product markets. Using a difference-in-differences approach, I find that supplier cooperatives (SCs), owned and controlled by producer-members who supply material inputs, are resilient to the shock in terms of total revenue and move away from the production of de-reserved items. SCs increase their share of income spent on materials relative to similarly sized non-cooperatives in the same industry and location, with some evidence of downward adjustments in labor spending. These cooperatives are able to withstand competitive pressure from entrants while broadly catering to the interests of their membership. On the other hand, worker cooperatives (WCs), owned and controlled by worker-members employed at the firm, face a sharp decline in revenue due to de-reservation, unlike their non-cooperative counterparts. A potential channel behind these results is that WCs are less likely to respond by picking up items that are not directly affected by the reform. Spending on labor does not fall as much as revenue for WCs, which is in line with the immediate interests of membership, but adjustments to labor inputs vary sigificantly across employment categories. In the following chapter, my co-author, Utkarsh Kumar, and I study the equilibrium effects of subsidizing public services in the presence of vertically differentiated public and private suppliers. We evaluate one of India’s largest welfare schemes, Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), which subsidized childbirth at public health institutions. JSY did not improve health outcomes despite a substantial increase in take-up of institutional care. We document three equilibrium responses that explain this policy failure. First, JSY led to a mismatch in patient risk across health facilities. High-risk mothers sorted out of the highest-quality care at private facilities and into lower-quality public facilities. Second, in response to congestion and deterioration of care at public hospitals, only mothers with high socio-economic status sorted out of congested public facilities into more expensive private facilities. Third, private hospitals increased prices without improvements in healthcare quality in a specific subset of states, further crowding out high-risk and poor mothers. These findings point to the need for complementary public policies in addition to JSY. In Chapter 3, I, along with my co-authors, Alexander Klemm and Li Liu, explore the increasingly prominent position of services in international trade and their potential to facilitate tax-driven reporting and reallocation of economic activity. Given their potential in countering this form of base erosion, withholding taxes (WHTs) on payments for services have featured extensively in ongoing reforms of the international tax architecture. The rationale behind WHTs is to preserve some taxation rights in the source country given their straightforward application, which is particularly important for low-income countries in the absence of more effective rules. We build a simple model of reporting decisions when firms have economic activities in one country and affiliates in others. We then test the predictions of this model using newly compiled data on treaty and non-treaty rates for 120+ countries over 2009-2021. Our findings indicate that while there is no significant relationship between WHTs and services trade in general, these taxes do have a strong negative impact on services imports from known low-tax jurisdictions, when base erosion is a particular concern.

Sustainability and the Circular Economy

Clift, R., Martin, G., Mair, Simon 08 November 2021 (has links)
No / Sustainability is a triad including techno-economic efficiency, compatibility with the “Planetary Boundaries”, and equity - enabling a decent quality of life for all. Circular Economy models often focus only on closing material flows in order to increase economic activity or market share. This overlooks the equity dimension. Here we focus on the Performance Economy, which extends the Circular Economy in ways that can enhance equity. The Performance Economy model concentrates on making best use of stocks in the economy, including labour which is a renewable resource. Extending product life through re-use, remanufacturing and reprocessing and shifting from non-renewable inputs (including energy) to renewable inputs (including labour) can improve resource efficiency and increase the supply of rewarding employment. The Performance Economy requires changes in business practices more than technological innovation, including a different view of the functions of value chains, and can be promoted by different approaches to taxation.

Anpassning till EPR i svensk textilindustri : Svenska textilföretags utmaningar och möjligheter / Adapting to EPR in the Swedish Textile Industry : Challenges and Opportunities for Swedish Textile Companies

Samuelsson, Hanna, Dheim, Emelin, Hasselberg, Stina January 2024 (has links)
Den höga textilkonsumtionen i Sverige har resulterat i stora mängder textilavfall, vilket har en negativ påverkan på miljön. Denna kandidatuppsats, författad på° svenska, behandlar hur svenska textilföretag anpassar sig vid ett införande av utökat producentansvar (EPR) för textilier som miljöreglering. Genom att ge producenter ansvar för att hantera sina egna produkter genom hela livscykeln, syftar lagförslaget att främja hållbarhet och cirkulär ekonomi i den textila värdekedjan. Detta är avsett att minska miljöpåverkan och öka återanvändningen av material. Denna studie identifierar de möjligheter och utmaningar som svenska textilföretag möter vid ett införande av EPR för textilier samt undersöker på vilket sätt textilföretagen anpassar sig efter dessa. Studien ämnar att skapa fördjupad förståelse för hur textilsektorn kan navigera genom dessa förändringar för en effektiv implementering av lagen. Studien har samlat empiri genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samt data genom en litteraturstudie. Den kvalitativa metodologin återspeglar ett bekvämlighetsurval på fem respondenter som besitter arbetsroller inom hållbarhet. Insikter från intervjuer, kombinerat med en tematisk analys, identifierar återkommande mönster som presenteras i resultat. Dessa mönster kopplas sedan till litteraturen i analysen och presenteras i diskussionen. Bland möjligheterna som identifierades framhålls ökade incitament för cirkularitet och främjande av samarbetsstrukturer. Vidare möjligheter tyder på åtgärder som främjar cirkulära processer, såsom design för återvinning och användning av återvunnet material. Utmaningarna identifieras ekonomiskt olönsamma strategier, upplevd osäkerhet där otydliga krav presenteras samt bristfällig innovation, där mycket teknologisk utveckling saknas. Utöver dessa möjligheter och utmaningar pekar studien på att företag upplever en viss osäkerhet kring EPR för textilier och därför anpassar sig olika. Bristen på detaljerade tillvägagångssätt hindrar företagen från att förbereda sig fullt ut. Därav väljer vissa att jobba proaktivt och förbereda sig inför vad som komma skall medan andra väntar genom att jobba mer reaktivt för att se hur andra företag agerar. / The high consumption of textiles in Sweden has resulted in large amounts of textile waste, which has a negative impact on the environment. This bachelor's thesis, written in Swedish, addresses how Swedish textile companies adapt to the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for textiles as an environmental regulation. By assigning producers responsibility for managing their own products throughout their entire lifecycle, the proposed legislation aims to promote sustainability and a circular economy in the textile value chain. This is intended to reduce environmental impact and increase the reuse of materials. This study identifies the opportunities and challenges faced by Swedish textile companies with the introduction of EPR for textiles and examines how these companies adapt to these changes. The study aims to create an in-depth understanding of how the textile sector can navigate these changes for effective implementation of the law. The study collected empirical data through semi-structured interviews and additional data through a literature review. The qualitative methodology reflects a convenience sample of five respondents who hold roles in sustainability. Insights from the interviews, combined with a thematic analysis, identify recurring patterns that are presented in the results. These patterns are then connected to the literature in the analysis and discussed in the discussion section. Among the identified opportunities are increased incentives for circularity and the promotion of collaborative structures. Further opportunities include measures that promote circular processes, such as design for recycling and the use of recycled materials. The challenges identified include economically unfeasible strategies, perceived uncertainty due to unclear requirements, and inadequate innovation, where much technological development is lacking. In addition to these opportunities and challenges, the study indicates that companies experience some uncertainty regarding EPR for textiles and therefore adapt differently. The lack of detailed procedures prevents companies from fully preparing. As a result, some choose to work proactively and prepare for what is to come, while others adopt a more reactive approach, waiting to see how other companies act.

Från Ronja Rövardotter till Hundraåringen : Kartläggning av hur specialeffekter och visuella effekter används inom svensk filmbransch idag och vad branschens inställning till det är

Gustavsson, Sara, Helmersson, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
"Technology has been a key element in the changing creative possibilities available to filmmakers, but deep down the questions of staging, point of view, pace, suspense, time and psychology faced by filmmakers as they walk onto the set in the morning have remained remarkably consistent". Cousins, 2004, s13. Sättet att göra film på har ständigt förändrats och fortsätter att förändras men som citatet syftar till så verkar inställningen till film stå sig lika genom tiderna. I grund och botten handlar det om att berätta en historia som berör publiken. En historia berättad utifrån filmskaparnas olika stilar. Tack vare teknikutvecklingen har många effekter i film, både digitala och fysiska blivit möjliga och vem vet vad den tekniska, och kanske framförallt den digitala utvecklingen, kommer att leda till för effekter i film i framtiden? Vi är trots allt bara i början av den digitala eran. Samtidigt som det nya introduceras kanske de gamla beprövade fysiska effekterna etsar sig fast som klassiska och erkända arbetsmetoder. Vad vi behandlar i den här uppsatsen är hur digitala och fysiska tekniker att skapa effekter används och nyttjas i den svenska filmbranschen. Hur ser beslutsfattare i branschen på effekter som filmskapande och varför ser användandet ut som det gör idag? Vi har också undersökt vad det är som styr användandet av effekter inom filmskapande utifrån ekonomiska, tekniska och konstnärliga överväganden. Vi har samlat in information genom kvalitativa, djupgående intervjuer med tre produktionsbolagsföreträdare och tre finansiärer. Vi har även samlat in information kring begreppen fysiska effekter och digitala effekter bland sex stycken filmarbetare som aktivt arbetar med effektskapande på olika sätt. Det har visat sig att det råder meningsskiljaktigheter när det kommer till definition av begreppen kring digitala effekter och fysiska effekter mellan de bolagsföreträdare och finansiärer vi har intervjuat och de aktiva effektmakare som vi har bett definiera begreppen. För att underlätta framtida kommunikation kommer vi i den här uppsatsen definiera dessa begrepp utifrån våra resultat. Våra resultat tyder på att det finns en vilja inom filmbranschen att arbeta med effekter inom film men att det samtidigt saknas resurser och kompetens idag. Samtidigt tycker vi oss utläsa en okunskap kring effekter vilket ställer till det för dem som vill arbeta med effekter. Exempelvis gällande Guldbaggegalan, där kategorin "Bästa Visuella Effekter" togs bort efter bara några år efter införandet för att det ansågs vara för svårt att utläsa vad som var effekter och inte i en film. Utifrån det vi kan utläsa från våra resultat finner vi det motsägelsefullt att vilja utveckla branschen och arbetet med effekter och samtidigt inte utveckla kunnandet kring det, när man istället för att plocka bort en kategori på grund av okunskap istället borde lära sig mer om det. / "Technology has been a key element in the changing creative possibilities available to filmmakers, but deep down the questions of staging, point of view, pace, suspense, time and psychology faced by filmmakers as they walk onto the set in the morning have remained remarkably consistent." Cousins, 2004, s13. The way of filmmaking has always been changing and it continues to change but as the quote leads up to it seems like the attitude stays the same. It is essentially about telling a story, which affects the audience. To tell a story with the different approaches the creators favors. Thanks to the technical development, many of these effects, both physical and digital have become practicable and who knows what the technique and digital progress will lead to in the future of filmmaking. After all, we are only in the beginning of the digital era. In the same time, the old and proven effect making techniques might inculcate as both classic and recognizable working methods. In this essay, we will talk about how the techniques of digital and practical effects are being used in the Swedish film industry. What does the decision makers in the business think about using effects in filmmaking and why are effects being used the way they are in todays film industry? We also wanted to examine what regulates he use of effects based on economical, technical and artistic considerations. We have collected our data from interviews with three representatives from production companies and three film financiers. We have also collected information considering the definitions of visual effects and special effects from six filmmakers who that works with effect making on a daily basis. It has become apparent that there are some confusion considering the definitions of the concepts of visual effects and special effects between the producers and financiers and the filmmakers. In order to ease future communication, we will in this essay define these concepts out of our results. Our result suggests that there is a will in the Swedish film industry to work with effects in filmmaking but in the same time parts of the industry lacks of resources and capability. Simultaneously, we can note that the ignorance around the concept of effects causes communication problems for digital artists and prop makers. For instance, on the Swedish film gala "Guldbaggegalan" they added a new category only a few years back and this year they took it away because of the problems of recognizing what's visual effects and what's not. It is interesting that there is an interest in developing effects in filmmaking and at the same time takes away the award. Instead of taking it away, they should focus on educating people about effects.

Odbytové organizace a jejich význam ve společné zemědělské politice / Marketing Estabilishments and their Importance in the Common Agricultural Policy

IRMIŠOVÁ, Monika January 2008 (has links)
The thesis is aimed at an analysis of marketing organizations within the frame ot the Common Agricultural Policy. Marketing organizations are one ot the forms of co-operation and these are usually horizontal co-operation, i.e. at the same level ot the logistics chain. This form of co-operation is called marketing organizations or marketing co-operatives in the agrarian sector. Voluntary grouping of farmers into marketing organizations is common both in the Czech Republic and within the whole European Union. To conclud the thesis, it can be said that the existence of co-operation is very important for functioning of agriculture and that agribusiness without any membership in any co-operative association is often very difficult.

The evaluation of KwaZulu-Natal's priority agricultural sectors for effective export promotion / Amorie Visser

Visser, Amorie January 2012 (has links)
This study provides the strategies that can be implemented to promote the agricultural sector in KwaZulu-Natal and the theory behind economic development, as well as the importance of trade and export growth. There are restrictions in terms of trade and it is important that these are addressed before making a decision to choose a viable, potential and realistic country to export to. This study is aimed answer the research question if agriculture can be seen as a primary export sector in KwaZulu-Natal. Furthermore, this study includes background on the KwaZulu-Natal Province and mainly focus on the indicators such as GDP, employment, health issues and other indicators that will indicate that this province is of importance in South Africa in terms of the agricultural sector. This study uses SARS data to analyse and calculate the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) of all agricultural products of the province. This is done to identify if there is a comparative advantage in the products studied in this study. The products of KwaZulu-Natal also show that this province’s agriculture can be seen as a primary export sector and that this sector is a major contribution to South Africa’s GDP and development. This study uses the Decision Support Model (DSM) to compare the results from the Revealed Comparative Advantage to identify the products and sectors which have the most export potential in the international market. This study reveals that the agricultural products and industries in KwaZulu-Natal with the highest overall export potential are chocolate and cocoa preps, refined soybean oil, and leather products as the three top performers among agricultural products and have the most export potential in the province. Concluding remarks are based on the findings made throughout the study. / Thesis (MCom (International Trade))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Värna Vårda Visa! : Bevarandet av kulturarv och dess roll inom upplevelseturismen ur ett producentperspektiv

Blomberg, Victoria, Wolf, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Vår uppsats handlar om hembygdsföreningeni rollen som turistisk aktör. Vi granskar vilka drivkrafter som aktören uppvisar samt hur dessa påverkar synen på modernisering och digitalisering inom den egna föreningen. Vi vill också lyfta fram hembygdsförening som en vagga i vårt kulturarv. Att låta dåtidens levnadssätt gå hand i hand med nutidens digitaliserade levnadssätt kan göra ett modernt historiskt-och kunskapsmässigt samarbete för kommande generationer. Vidare diskuteras hur medvetenheten om dessa drivkrafter är viktiga för att balansera den konventionella synen på turism ur ett management perspektiv, tillsammans med den ideella föreningens mer psykosociala identitetsskapande syn. Vårt syfte är att definiera hur en hembygd arbetar med turism och hur stor roll turismen har inom föreningen. Vihar sedan använt oss av frågeställningar och en problemformulering där vi tagit upp olika hjälpmedel och undersökt vilka drivkrafter som får aktörerna att ta tag i vissa projekt och användandet av digitalisering. Vårt angreppssätt i dennauppsats är att använda oss av teori som ett ramverk för de påståenden och argument som presenteras i vår empiri och metod-del. Med stöd av vårt teoretiska angreppssätt tillsammans med intervjuresultaten är det vår förhoppning att tydliggöra betydelsen av kulturarvsturismen.Genom kvalitativa intervjuer tar vi upp begreppet kulturarv och förklarar dess innebörd på ett konkret sett. Vi träffar äldre människor där många har minnen från förr och med egna ord kan återspegla historien. I vår uppsats har vi redogjort för Sveriges kulturarvshistoria inom hembygdsföreningar, där vi analyserar de drivkrafter som ligger bakom arbetet med att bevara Sveriges historia hos de enskilda aktörerna. Vår bakgrund inom medieteknik gör att vårt arbete präglas av en världsbild där tekniken är ett verktyg som underlättar utvecklingen av produkter inom turism. Genom insamlat resultat ser vi att aktörerna är överens om att vår historia om hembygdsföreningar och kulturarv behöver bevaras för att människan ska kunna känna en gemenskap och trygghet till sin hembygd. Kulturarvet kan också användas som ett verktyg för att framföra kunskap till olika generationer och vidare kan den digitala utvecklingen av kulturarvsattraktioner nå ut till fler människor i framtiden på ett mer interaktivt sätt. I vår uppsats har vi också kommit fram till att kulturarvsattraktioner spelar en viktig roll inom upplevelseturism på många olika plan genom att studera drivkrafter hos de eldsjälar som erbjuder omgivningen något varaktigt och minnesvärt, som räcker långt framöver. / Our essay revolves around the local history associations and the actors within it as part of the tourism sector. We have researched the driving-forces that these actors possess, their view on modernization and digitalization within the association. With this paper we also want to highlight that local history associations works as a cradle for our cultural heritage. These actors want the life of past times to go hand-in-hand with the digital lifestyle of modern times, which will contribute with historical knowledge for future generations.Furthermore,we discuss how these driving-forces are an important part of the balance between the conventional view on tourism from a management perspective, and the non-profit association’s psycho-social view. Our purpose is to define how local history works within tourism and how big of a role it has within the associations. We discuss different tools at hand and explore what driving-forces that get the actors to use digitalization in certain projects. The method of our essay is to use a theory as a framework for thestatements and arguments that are introduced in our empirical data. With the support of our theory and the results of the interviews, it is our hope to clarify the meaning of cultural heritage site tourism and how the actors work within it.We have used qualitative interviews to discuss the concept of heritage sites and to explain its meaning in a concrete way. We have met with elderly people and made it possible for them to share their memories from past times while also exploring their role within heritage site tourism. In this essay we described the heritage site through local history associations, where we analyze the underlying driving-forces behind the work of individual actors as they attempt to preserve the history of Sweden. This essay also presents the concept of interactive digital storytelling where technology functions as a tool that simplify development of the tourism product . As a conclusion our results show that the actors agreed upon that our history in terms of local history associations and heritage sites needs to be preserved, so that future generations do not lose the feeling of safety and a sense of belonging that comes from being part of a community in their local home environment. The cultural heritage site can be used as a tool to present knowledge to different generations through the means of digital development, the heritage sites can reach a wider audience in the future by presenting interactive modern day solutions.In our essay, we have also found that cultural heritage sites plays an important role in leisure tourism on many different levels through driving-forces of the individuals that offer their surrounding something memorable that will last for eternity.

Les effets du lien social et du niveau de défense des ressources sur l’utilisation des tactiques producteur et chapardeur par les diamants mandarins

Desjardins, Marie-Claire 04 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs espèces s’alimentant en groupe ont un comportement correspondant au jeu producteur-chapardeur (P-C). Même si à l’origine ce jeu ne prenait pas en compte plusieurs éléments susceptibles d’être présents dans un groupe social, certaines études récentes suggèrent que des facteurs, notamment le niveau de défense des ressources et les liens sociaux, pourraient affecter ses prédictions. Notre étude avait pour but d’étudier les effets de ces facteurs en exposant des groupes de diamants mandarins à quatre traitements expérimentaux faisant varier la taille du groupe et le degré d’attachement des oiseaux. Notre étude est la première à montrer que le niveau de défense des ressources a un réel effet sur les fréquences d’utilisation des tactiques producteur et chapardeur. De fait, contrairement à ce qui est prédit dans le jeu P-C original, nous avons trouvé que la fréquence des chapardeurs n’augmente pas avec la taille du groupe dans un contexte favorisant la défense des ressources. Par ailleurs, nous n’avons pas trouvé d’effet significatif du lien social sur les fréquences d’utilisation des tactiques. Cependant, nos résultats suggèrent que les liens de couple changent le comportement individuel des sujets en ce qui a trait au chapardage et à l’agressivité : bien que le résultat soit non significatif, les individus chapardent davantage leur partenaire social que les autres membres du groupe, mais avec une agressivité plus faible. Les résultats obtenus sont prometteurs et ouvrent la voie à de nombreuses autres études sur l’effet des liens sociaux et la défense des ressources chez les espèces grégaires. / Many species foraging in groups show behaviours in agreement with the producer-scrounger (PS) game. Originally, the PS game did not consider many elements likely to be found within feeding groups. However, recent studies suggest that some factors, namely resource defendability and social attachment, could indeed influence the predictions of the PS game. Thus, to investigate the effects of resource defendability and social bonds, we exposed flocks of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), a monogamous species, to four different treatments intended to vary: (1) group size and, (2) degree of attachment among birds in a group. For the first time, we show that resource defendability has a true impact on the use of the two foraging tactics in the PS game. As a matter of fact, contrary to what is predicted in the original PS game, we found that the frequency of scrounger tactic did not increase with group size when tested in an economically defendable feeding context. On the other hand, even though pair bonding changed the individual scrounging and aggressive behaviours of the birds, we found no significant influence of this factor on the tactic use. Although the result was not significant, we found that scrounging was more frequent between social pairs than between experimental pairs, but individuals initiated aggressions towards their social partner with a lesser intensity. Thus, our results are promising and they call for many more studies on the effects of social bonds and resource defendability in gregarious species.

Les risques découlant de la diffusion sur les plateformes néomédiatiques du point de vue des producteurs audiovisuels

Leblanc, Evelyne 12 1900 (has links)
La diffusion sur les plateformes néomédiatiques d’œuvres audiovisuelles, comme les sites Internet des télédiffuseurs ou des webdiffuseurs, la vidéo sur demande, la télévision mobile ou la webdistribution, modifie les risques que les producteurs audiovisuels doivent gérer normalement sur les plateformes traditionnelles, comme la télévision. La mutation des risques découle de quatre sources en particulier, soit du marché, des pratiques d’affaires, des lois et règlements et des techniques elles-mêmes. Ces sources peuvent également induire des normes pouvant constituer un cadre juridique afin de moduler ou éliminer les risques. Le présent mémoire analyse les risques encourus lors de la diffusion sur les plateformes néomédiatiques d’œuvres audiovisuelles du point de vue des producteurs par l’entremise du processus de gestion de risques. Il identifie et recense ainsi les risques en mutation et les nouveaux risques auxquels les producteurs sont confrontés. Puis, les risques identifiés y sont définis et le cadre juridique est abordé dans le contexte de la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie de gestion de risques et des mesures afin d’atténuer ou d’éviter les risques encourus par les activités de production et d’exploitation des producteurs. / The broadcasting of audiovisual works over new media platforms (for example : broadcasters’ websites, video on demand, mobile television or the distribution over the Internet) alters the risks producers usually face when broadcasting over traditional platforms like television. The transformation of risks has four main sources: the market, the business practices, the laws and regulations and the technologies themselves. These sources may also engender standards to create a legal framework that can modulate or eliminate the risks. This thesis will analyze, from the point of view of audiovisual producers, the risks incurred by broadcasting audiovisual works over new media platforms. This analysis will be made under the theory of risk management. First, the modified risks will be identifying as well as the new risks the producers are confronted with. Then, these risks will be defining and the legal framework will be studied as well as the risk management strategy that could help producers limit or avoid risks incurred by their productions and their exploitation activities.

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