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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Franquias em campo: uma leitura geográfica da mercantilização do futebol / Franchising in field: a geographical reading of the mercantilization of soccer

Santos, William Jorge Ferreira 14 December 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa busca refletir sobre a produção do espaço urbano, e suas contradições a partir do estudo das Franquias Oficiais de Mercadorias Esportivas em espaços do comércio e do consumo no Estado de São Paulo, que a nosso ver, contribuem para reprodução do urbano. Historicamente, o futebol realizava-se em espaços públicos e abertos, enquanto momento de sociabilidade. Contemporaneamente, embora a presença nesses espaços não tenha desaparecido, estão subjulgados pelo crescente processo de urbanização; ao mesmo tempo, verifica-se que o futebol vem se reproduzindo fora do âmbito jogo, por meio da estratégia de grandes clubes paulistas que buscam um aumento de suas receitas através da expansão de lojas franqueadas, o que revela a transformação dos clubes e do próprio futebol, em signos do consumo. Dessa maneira, a sociabilidade a partir do futebol se torna tanto mediada por mercadorias quanto realizada em espaços-mercadoria como shopping-center, por exemplo. O atual estágio em que o capitalismo se encontra amplia a produção de espaços para consumo massificado, como consequência da vitória do valor de troca sobre o valor de uso. / The research aims to reflect on the production of urban space and its contradictions from the study of Official Franchising of Sports Goods in spaces of trade and consumption in the State of São Paulo. Historically, soccer was realized in public or open spaces, while moment of sociability. Contemporaneously, although the presence of these spaces has not disappeared, they are overwhelmed by the increasing urbanization process; the same time, it appears that soccer has been reproducing outside the game, through the strategy of top clubs from São Paulo who seek an increase of its revenues through the expansion of franchised stores, which shows the transformation of the clubs and their own soccer, in signs of consumption. Thus, sociability from soccer becomes as mediated by commodity as realized in commodity-spaces like shopping mall, for example. The current stage in which capitalism is expands production of spaces for mass consumption, as a result of the victory of exchange value over use value.

Mega-eventos e produção do espaço urbano no Rio de Janeiro: da \"Paris dos Trópicos\" à \"Cidade Olímpica\" / Mega-events and the production of urban space in Rio de Janeiro: from \"Paris of the Tropics\" to \"Olympic City\"

Molina, Fabio Silveira 05 March 2013 (has links)
O tema central desta tese se assenta no papel dos mega-eventos no processo de produção do espaço urbano do Rio de Janeiro desde o início do século XX, marcado pela produção da Paris dos Trópicos, até o momento atual inerente à produção da Cidade Olímpica. Os mega-eventos, configurando-se como verdadeiros espetáculos de ampla abrangência e visibilidade, são acompanhados de megaprojetos urbanos e induzem a diversas intervenções espaciais nas cidades, manifestadas materialmente através da construção de edificado, obras de infraestrutura, conquista de novos terrenos e ressignificações de usos e funções de áreas inteiras. Neste sentido, a partir de seus desdobramentos espaciais, compreende-se a importância que os mesmos possuem nos processos de fragmentação espacial, ao produzir parcelas do espaço valorizadas e vendidas enquanto solo urbano e, ainda, no reforço ou consolidação de áreas de centralidade, por induzir à concentração de investimentos e pessoas, e dinamizar o comércio, os serviços e os fluxos diversos no espaço intra-urbano da cidade, nossa escala de análise. Esta reflexão partiu da identificação do primeiro mega-evento realizado no Rio de Janeiro, a Exposição Nacional de 1908, seguida de outros cujas expressões concretas materializaram-se na cidade, impactando a estrutura urbana carioca em diferentes momentos, a saber: a Exposição Internacional de 1922, a Copa do Mundo de 1950, a Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre o Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (Rio-92), os Jogos Pan-Americanos de 2007 e, uma vez que o Rio de Janeiro sediará os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016, nossa análise se estende à estruturação da cidade nos dias atuais, norteada pela realização desse megaevento. / The central theme of this thesis is based on the role of mega-events in the production of Rio de Janeiro´s urban space from the early twentieth century, marked by the production of the \"Paris of the Tropics\", to the current moment inherent in the production of the \"Olympic City\". Mega-events, configured as spectacles of broad scope and visibility, are accompanied by urban mega-projects and induce to various spatial interventions in the cities, expressed materially by building constructions, infrastructure, conquest of new lands and new uses and functions of entire areas. In this sense, from these spatial expressions, we understand the importance they have in the processes of spatial fragmentation, as long as they produce fractions of space valued and sold as urban land and, also, in strengthening or consolidating areas of centrality, inducing the concentration of people and investments, and boost commerce, services and the various flows in intra-urban space of the city, which is our scale of analysis. This reflection came from the identification of the first megaevent held in Rio de Janeiro, the 1908 National Exhibition, followed by others which concrete expressions materialized in the city and impacted at different times of the urban structure: the 1922 International Exhibition, the World Cup of 1950, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio-92), the Pan-American Games in 2007 and, since Rio de Janeiro will host the forthcoming Olympic Games in 2016, our analysis extends to the impacts on the structure of the city in current days, guided by the realization of this mega-event.

Lugares de memória da ditadura militar em São Paulo e as homenagens ao operário Santo Dias da Silva / Military dictatorship memory places in São Paulo and tributes to the worker Santo Dias da Silva

Antonini, Anaclara Volpi 09 December 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o sentido dos lugares de memória relacionados à repressão e à resistência à ditadura militar em São Paulo e das mobilizações pela sua identificação, preservação e/ou memorialização em um contexto marcado por intensas transformações do espaço e, ao mesmo tempo, políticas públicas deficientes de preservação e afirmação das memórias relacionadas às violações ocorridas no período. Articulamos a noção de Pierre Nora às contribuições da categoria geográfica de lugar para entendê-los como pontos que condensam contraditoriamente tanto as memórias das violações e da repressão, quanto as ligadas à luta e resistência à ditadura, configurando-se como marcos de referência deste passado recente hoje em risco na metrópole. Diante disso, mapeamos os lugares inventariados pelo Memorial da Resistência de São Paulo na região metropolitana e analisamos intervenções e experiências que, mesmo pontuais, contrariam estes processos de apagamento por meio de iniciativas de memorialização nestes lugares. As homenagens anuais ao operário Santo Dias da Silva no local onde ele foi assassinado, por sua vez, permitiram aprofundar o debate sobre o problema de investigação tratando as experiências atreladas à sua memória como elos para pensar as iniciativas de memorialização tanto a partir da teoria da produção do espaço como de lugar e lugar de memória. / The aim of this research is to analyze the purpose of memory places related to repression and resistance to military dictatorship in São Paulo and the mobilizations to identify, preserve, and/or memorialize in a context marked by intense space transformations and at the same time, deficient public preservation and affirmation politics about memory related to violations happened at that time. We articulated Pierre Nora´s concept with contributions of the geographic category of place to understand this points that contradictorily condense, not only the memory of violations and repression, but also the ones related to resistance to dictatorship, being formed as reference frames of this recent past, at risk in the metropolis. We mapped the places listed by Memorial da Resistência de São Paulo in the metropolitan area of this city and analyzed the interventions and experiences that oppose to this abolition process through memorialization initiatives at this places. The each year´s tributes to the worker Santo Dias da Silva in the place where he was assassinated allows us to go deeper in the debate about the topic researched, treating the experiences harnessed to his memory as links to think about memorialization initiatives from production of urban space theory and also as place, and memory place.

A reprodução do espaço urbano na periferia da metrópole e o discurso da sustentabilidade como estratégia de valorização: uma análise crítica do projeto Parque Linear Ribeirão Perus / The reproduction of the urban space on periphery of the metropolis and the discourse of sustainability as value recovery: a critical analysis of the Parque Linear Ribeirão Perus project

Bezerra, Pedro Augusto Bertolini 09 December 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar os desdobramentos da implantação de um parque linear no distrito de Perus, periferia da cidade de São Paulo. A proposta apresentada em 2008 pela Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo, objetiva remodelar a área do entorno do ribeirão que corta o distrito, em grande parte urbanizada, e transformá-lo em um parque com características sustentáveis de recuperação da vegetação das áreas de várzea, melhoria da qualidade das águas do ribeirão, redução nas enchentes além da criação de áreas de lazer para a população. Entretanto, a proposta fora muito criticada por parte da população e por movimentos sociais, que reivindicavam maior participação nas discussões sobre a proposta de implantação do parque, além de criticarem com veemência as remoções necessárias. O discurso da sustentabilidade acaba por consolidar tais projetos como sendo necessários para o futuro das próximas gerações, atribuindo um peso maior a essas ações. Desta maneira, caminhamos no sentido de compreender como esse projeto pode interferir na vida dos moradores da localidade, entendendo-o como parte do urbanismo contemporâneo, portanto, como uma ação do Estado sobre o espaço, que o concebe sem levar em conta os conteúdos e práticas sociais, produzindo uma periferia em fragmentos passível de se integrarem mais intensamente a lógica da valorização em momentos específicos de reprodução crítica do capital. Para tanto, situamos esse debate no âmbito de uma crítica radical ao processo de produção do espaço urbano nos termos de Henri Lefebvre e toda corrente do pensamento geográfico que passou a se apropriar de tais aparatos teórico-metodológicos. Iniciamos a reflexão compreendendo Perus enquanto um fragmento da periferia formada a partir do processo de metropolização da cidade de São Paulo. Em seguida, discutimos as ações do Estado por meio dos planos e projetos existentes tanto na escala do município quanto na escala local (Plano Diretor Estratégico, Plano Regional e Plano de Bairro), associando ao discurso da sustentabilidade que passa a se firmar institucionalmente enquanto ideologia de desenvolvimento. No momento seguinte, examinamos o projeto do Parque Linear Ribeirão Perus e suas consequências a população local e por fim os movimentos de resistência e a perspectiva de reflexão a prática urbana. Esse percurso foi construído a partir de levantamento bibliográfico e leitura sobre o tema proposto, além de incursões a campo, onde foram realizadas entrevistas e participações em debates, oficinas e eventos; também foram realizadas análises a documentos e leis relativos ao processo de planejamento da área analisada. Desta maneira, a possibilidade de implantação deste parque - associado a perspectiva de raridade que a natureza assume nas grandes cidades nos últimos anos o transforma em um elemento de valorização frente a essa economia financeirizada, e aprofunda a segregação socioespacial existente. Sendo assim, este trabalho propõe aprofundar o debate sobre a urbanização no atual momento de reprodução do capital, dando ênfase em três aspectos: o papel do urbanismo por meio do parque linear; o discurso do desenvolvimento sustentável como estratégia; e as resistências como movimento de repensar a vida urbana e sua prática. / This study aims at investigating the consequences of the project of implantation of a linear park in Perus district, outskirts of Sao Paulo. The proposal submitted in 2008 by the Municipality of São Paulo, aims to reshape the stream surrounding the area that cuts the district, largely urbanized, and turning it into a park with sustainable recovery of the features of vegetation in the cultivated plain areas, the improvement of the quality of the stream water, reduce the impact from flooding and the establishment of recreational areas for the population. However, the proposal was widely criticized by the population and by social movements that demanded greater participation in discussions on the implementation of this proposal, besides that, they strongly criticized the necessary removals. The discourse of sustainability ultimately has consolidated such projects as necessary for the future of next generations, giving greater value to these actions. In this way, we have been progressing in order to understand how this project can interfere in the lives of local residents, understanding it as part of the contemporary urban planning, therefore, as a State action on the space, which is being designed without taking into account the content and social practices, producing a periphery in fragments that will be hardly integrated to the logic of value at specific times of critical reproduction of capital. To this end, we place this debate in the context of a radical critique of the urban space production process based on Henri Lefebvre and all current geographical thought that came to make suitable such theoretical and methodological apparatus. We started the reflection looking at Perus as a fragment of the periphery built from the metropolis development. Then we discussed the actions of the State through the existing plans and projects at both levels city and locally (Director Strategic Planning, Regional Planning and Neighborhood Planning), associating the discourse of sustainability that is going to be institutionally established as an ideology of development. At a later time, we explored the project called Perus Linear urban park (Parque Linear Ribeirão Perus) and its consequences to the local population and finally the resistance movements and the prospect of reflection towards the urban practice. This study was built from existing literature and readings about the theme, as well as site visits where interviews were held, participation in debates, workshops and events; There were also analyzes of documents and laws related to the local area planning process. Thus, the possibility of implementing this park - associated with the recent years prospection of nature scarcity in the big cities - makes it a valuable element against this financialized economy and deepens the existing socio-spatial segregation. That said, this paper proposes to deepen the debate on the urban process under capitalism, a framework of three aspects: the role of urban planning through the linear park; the discourse of sustainable development as a strategy; and resistance as a movement to rethink the urban life and practice.

Redefinições do espaço urbano em cidades médias paulistas: a relação entre os eixos de estruturação de mobilidade urbana e a ocupação de fundos de vale / Redefinitions of urban space in medium cities of São Paulo: the relations between of structurals axises of urban mobility and the occupation of the bottom of valleys

Felipe Augusto Rainho Silva 11 May 2018 (has links)
A rápida urbanização pela qual passou a sociedade brasileira foi certamente uma das principais questões sociais do país no século XX. Nesse período, em São Paulo, não apenas a capital, mas as cidades do interior começaram a se expandir rapidamente, dando início a formação de uma rede de cidades, o que tornou possível estabelecer o conceito ou noção de cidade média. A ideia de planejamento urbano foi incorporada nas políticas públicas e por órgãos que se tornaram responsáveis pela elaboração de planos e propostas para essas cidades do interior, na qual destaca-se o CPEU (Centro de Pesquisa e Estudos Urbanísticos), a partir dos anos 1950, que atuava dentro da FAUUSP. Os profissionais ligados a essa instituição atuaram na assistência técnica, orientando na elaboração de planos e organizando o setor de planejamento no interior da estrutura administrativa, além de estabelecer propostas urbanísticas baseadas nos conceitos de cidade-jardim e no urbanismo norteamericano, em contraponto ao que estava sendo implementado na capital. Levando em conta as características particulares dos processos de urbanização dessas cidades, analisamos neste trabalho quatro cidades paulistas (Bauru, Franca, Presidente Prudente e São José dos Campos), na tentativa de compreender: A. Como se deu o processo de expansão do espaço urbano dessas cidades, em de decorrência da implantação de novos eixos de estruturação de mobilidade urbana; B. A relação da abertura desses novos eixos com a ocupação das áreas de fundo de vale. Nossa análise pode ser dividida em três momentos: a expansão dos primeiros núcleos urbanos até o momento da elaboração dos primeiros Planos Diretores; o momento de sua elaboração e suas diretrizes principais; e, após sua aprovação, como tais políticas públicas e a implantação de novos eixos de circulação redefiniram não apenas os processos de expansão dessas cidades, mas influenciaram na estruturação dos seus espaços intraurbanos. / The fast process of urbanization that Brazilian society has been through was certainly one of the major social issues of the country in the 20th century. During this period, in São Paulo, not only the capital, but also the inner cities began to expand quickly, initiating the formation of a network of cities, which made possible to establish the concept or notion of medium city. The idea of urban planning have become embedded in public policies and institutions that became responsible for the elaborations of urban plans and proposals for cities, in which stands out the Master Plans made by CPEU (Research Center and Urban Studies), in the years of 1950. Professionals of this institution worked in technical assistance for medium cities of São Paulo, guiding the elaboration of urban plans and organizing the planning sector within the administrative structure, besides establishing urbanistic proposals based on the concepts of city-garden and North American urbanism, in contrast to which has been implemented in the capital. Considering the particular characteristics of the urbanization processes of these cities, we analysed the expansion process of four cities in Sao Paulo (Bauru, Franca, Presidente Prudente e São José dos Campos), in attempt to understand: A. How was the process of expansion of the urban space of these cities, because of the implantation of new axes of urban mobility structure; B. The relation between the opening of new axes and the occupation of the valley bottom areas. Our analysis can be divided into three moments. The expansion of the first urban nuclei up until the time of the first Master Plans elaboration. The moment of its elaboration and its main directives. Finally, the process of its approval and how such public policies and the establishment of new axes of circulation redefined not only the processes of expansion of these cities but influenced the structuring of their intra-urban spaces.

Cartografias políticas de uma ocupação - cotidiano, território e conflito / Political cartographies of a squat building: quotidian, territory and conflict

Renato Abramowicz Santos 07 March 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca analisar as ocupações de imóveis no centro de São Paulo, tomando como campo empírico para investigação a ocupação Mauá, localizada na rua de mesmo nome, em frente à Estação da Luz, na região da Luz. A pesquisa pretendeu compreender as ocupações a partir de dimensões urbanas e políticas nelas envolvidas e por elas produzidas, em um plano de referência mais amplo no qual estão inseridas: a cidade. Esta pesquisa pretende avançar essa investigação encarando a ocupação não apenas como cenário dos acontecimentos, mas como espaço de integração e produção de relações, dinâmicas e arranjos, políticos e urbanos, ao redor do qual uma série de outros atores, coletivos e circuitos se atravessam, se sobrepõem e se transformam. A ocupação se integra e é afetada pela cidade, do mesmo modo que aquilo que se articula a partir dela também se projeta e se conecta com outras territorialidades, agentes e acontecimentos que constituem esse plano mais amplo e comum em que estão inseridos. Para dar conta de acompanhar e descrever essas escalas variadas de dimensões, realizou-se, nesta pesquisa, uma etnografia desenvolvida a partir da ocupação. As trajetórias sociais, mobilidades e percursos urbanos, circuitos de trabalho e sociabilidade construídos pelos ocupantes são também aspectos fundamentais na construção de cartografias urbanas e políticas que esta pesquisa buscou também reconstituir. A partir da ocupação, compreendida como ponto de onde partem e convergem diversas linhas que compõem uma trama de atores, percursos, eventos e práticas, em escalas variadas, buscou-se observar ainda as diferentes dinâmicas conflitivas que emergem desse campo gravitacional que ela representa, inserida, ela também, em uma região saturada de linhas de força e de conflito que é a da região da Luz. / This work aims at analyzing the process of building occupation in São Paulo, which was substantially expanded during the second half of 1990s. By analyzing « Ocupação Mauá», took as the field of this empirical research, this work aims at understanding the different urban e political dimensions of the squat buildings in São Paulo, which are related to the historical issue of popular housing policy in the city. The squat buildings by housing social movements follow this long lineage; however, there are new forms and dynamics of production of the urban space that need to be set out. On the one hand, this work takes the city as reference plane and as part of a bigger urban mesh, in relation to other events, movements and actors that dispute over other forms of ownership and management of the city, seen here as a conflict space. On the other hand, this research aims at understanding the dimension of the conflict in the production of urban spaces. The conflicted relations with the State and its operators mark the daily life of a squat building, its interactions and local agencies. By this occurs the creation of a gravitational field in which are added a big amount of different movements (political, juridical, cultural). Thus, the occupations not only are transformed into places of experimentation and creation, but also into places of dispute for the production of space. Center and connector of different subjects, movements and experience, an squat building is crossed by these lines and paths, transversally, in its territoriality. These fragments and clues will be gathered by an ethnographic research and the reconstitution of the occupants\' trajectory.

Production Of Urban Space In The Southwestern Periphery Of Ankara

Acar Ozler, Ozgul 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to explain the production of urban space at the southwestern periphery of Ankara between 1985 and 2007. It has been argued that urban development is not a self-regulatory process / on contrary it is a process produced by urban planning practice. In this respect this thesis asks how and what extent urban planning produces particular urban pattern at the peripheral areas. The southwestern periphery is taken into account as a field of case study due to the peculiar development dynamics. Historical development in this area reveals a contrast between planned development directed by master plans and problematic development that has been produced by fragmented and incoherent planning processes. The difficulties of urban plans and urban planning are intimately related with the legal and administrative structures of the planning system. A methodology offered in this thesis is devised to analyze the incremental and piecemeal nature of planning process with reference to these structures. The results of the research has shown that when confronted with legal and administrative conflicts and struggles, fragmented planning decisions manipulating the existing master plan intensify and become the root cause of dispersed, awkward and haphazard spatial patterns of urban expansion.

Production Of Urban Space In The Southwestern Periphery Of Ankara

Acar Ozler, Ozgul 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to explain the production of urban space at the southwestern periphery of Ankara between 1985 and 2007. It has been argued that urban development is not a self-regulatory process / on contrary it is a process produced by urban planning practice. In this respect this thesis asks how and what extent urban planning produces particular urban pattern at the peripheral areas. The southwestern periphery is taken into account as a field of case study due to the peculiar development dynamics. Historical development in this area reveals a contrast between planned development directed by master plans and problematic development that has been produced by fragmented and incoherent planning processes. The difficulties of urban plans and urban planning are intimately related with the legal and administrative structures of the planning system. A methodology offered in this thesis is devised to analyze the incremental and piecemeal nature of planning process with reference to these structures. The results of the research has shown that when confronted with legal and administrative conflicts and struggles, fragmented planning decisions manipulating the existing master plan intensify and become the root cause of dispersed, awkward and haphazard spatial patterns of urban expansion.

Impacts Of Privatization On Urban Planning: The Turkish Case (ankara)

Eren, Sirin Gulcen 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Privatization debate in urban planning literature is accelerating as commodification of urban space increases by the tension between urban planning and privatization. The limited number of studies on the privatization of public lands and its impacts on urban planning processes as well as the theoretical framework in terms of rent, rights to property, and public interest issues has stimulated the aims of this thesis. All these provided a base for this thesis. This Thesis aims to clarify the relationship between capitalist production and public property, which has been created in urban space through privatization within a historical context. Critical evaluation is centered around the differences in implementation, related planning approaches and processes, the roles of the actors, and spatial impacts on the neighboring areas and the urban macroform in case of a de jure-privatization of a public land in the city of Ankara: Meat and Fish Products Firm (EB&Uuml / A.S.) Akk&ouml / pr&uuml / Slaughterhouse Area. How and why market mechanisms functions and reacts is analyzed in this case study. This Thesis argues that de jure-privatization and de facto-privatization conceptual differentiation might be meaningful for urban planning as the related processes and implementation function separately. Even though every de jure-privatization (privatization) experience has its own dynamics and is a unique case, the practice in Turkey differs from the world cases: Firstly, under the same legislation, Turkey exercised liquidation, donation, privatization, and socialization. Secondly, de jure-privatization is public land privatization oriented. Thirdly, as a nodal intervention, privatization has direct impacts on urban planning and the planned growth of the cities. Urbanization processes are not under the control of rational planning as these are completely left to market forces. In this de jure-privatization process, urban space is (re) produced by market-led planning approaches and public interest issue (in urban plans) is neglected. Market-led planning approaches became an act of controlling the means of power, ended the production functions of the state, and produced spaces of consumption while decreasing competitiveness of other spaces and treated public land as a commodity. Public space defined by the urban plan has become private space publicly used. As a result, public good characteristic of public space is lost. In other words, the demands of the market institution have priority for private interests and the rationality of the capitalist (re) produces urban space. The decision to continue production is left to the capitalist. Therefore, urban planning in the privatization process becomes an action to determine the real land value, to generate rent, and to transfer development potential and privileged development rights. This refers to a paradigm shift in urban planning. These outcomes challenge the legitimacy of both planning and market institutions. This thesis stresses that if de jure-privatization is inevitable, purely market-critical comprehensive rational planning should not be left aside for the legitimacy of the market institution and urban planning. This must be because / market cannot also be legitimate and trustable without the emergence of urban planning. Market should also be for public interest otherwise it would shake its own legitimacy. Articulation of urban planning with privatization for public interest could be than spelled. In other words, privatization can be accepted as an ideology by urban planning in spatial terms, if public interest is the objective in all plan hierarchies. In the de jure-privatization process, there are uncertainties, dualisms, and problem areas in terms of administrative action, (re) production of urban space, economic issues, and public interest issues. Without the awareness of these, (re) production of urban space market-critically is irrational. Conclusively, the de jure-privatization related planning processes are defined in this thesis to strengthen urban planning as an institution and ideology.

Social And Spatial Production Of Ataturk Boulevard In Ankara

Kocak, Feryal Aysin 01 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Space is a social product and produced socially. For a social analysis, it is therefore necessary to put equal emphasis on conceptualisations of time and space and to analyse the production process of space. This thesis aims to analyse the production of capitalist space and it is based on Lefebvre&rsquo / s conceptualisation of &lsquo / production of space&rsquo / within the context of Marxist urban space theories. It is based on the argument that every mode of production creates its own spaces and the new spaces call for new social relations. In the analysis of space, historical geographical materialism and realist geography are used. In this thesis, the production of urban space of Ankara is analysed with an emphasis on social relations of planning and architecture. Ankara as the capital city is a spatial representation of nation state and national identity. Spatial representations and practices are analysed in terms of Atat&uuml / rk Boulevard and the squares of Ulus, Sihhiye and Kizilay. Within this scope, public buildings and monuments, housing, transportation and commercial spaces are examined by drawing on Lefebvre&rsquo / s conceptual triad of &lsquo / spatial practices&rsquo / , &lsquo / representations of space&rsquo / and &lsquo / spaces of representation&rsquo / . In the production process of the urban space of Ankara, history of space is considered as the history of its forms and representations and the production of urban space is examined in historical periods. The exploratory type of research used in this study is primarily based on documentary-historical data.

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