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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos ugdymo(si) prielaidos pradinio ugdymo bendrojoje programoje(projekte) / Premise of nurturing the competence of ability to learn in the general syllabus (draft) of primary education

Kasiulienė, Inga 01 September 2008 (has links)
Šiuo metu Lietuvos švietimo turinys yra atnaujinamas, kad padėtų asmenims ir visuomenei atsakyti į dabarties iššūkius, padėtų pasinaudoti dabarties atveriamomis galimybėmis. Vienas svarbiausių Bendrosios pradinio ugdymo programos rengėjų uždavinių - pritaikyti Lietuvos poreikiams ir integruoti į pradinio ugdymo turinį aštuonias esmines kompetencijas, rekomenduotas Europos parlamento ir Tarybos visoms Europos Sąjungos šalių švietimo sistemoms kaip ypač svarbią mokymosi visą gyvenimą turinio dalį. Kadangi mokėjimo mokytis kompetencija yra pati svarbiausia ir pagrindinė, duodanti pradžią visų kitų kompetencijų plėtotei, todėl šiame darbe ir bus analizuojama mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos ugdymo prielaidos naujoje Pradinio ugdymo bendrojoje programoje (projektas,2007).Mokėjimas mokytis Pradinio ugdymo bendrojoje programoje (projektas, 2007) išskirtas kaip viena iš veiklos sričių, vadinasi tai yra tikrai labai svarbus komponentas. Tyrimo problema: Pasikeitus Pradinio ugdymo bendrajai programai ir atsiradus į kompetencijų plėtojimą orientuotam ugdymui neaišku, kaip ugdyti pačią pagrindinę - mokėjimo mokytis kompetenciją pradinėse klasėse. Tyrimo objektas- mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos raiška.Šio tiriamojo darbo tikslas- atlikus Pradinio ugdymo bendrosios programos analizę atskleisti mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos ugdymo prielaidas.Tikslui pasiekti keliami tokie uždaviniai:apibrėžti į kompetencijų plėtotę orientuoto ugdymo ypatumus; išskirti mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays the content of education in Lithuania is being renewed in order to help people and the society to take up the modern challenge and use the opportunities of the present. One of the most important aims of the creators of the General syllabus of primary education is to adapt to the Lithuanian needs and to integrate into the content of primary education the eight basic competences recommended by the European Parliament and Council to all the educational systems of the European Union as the most essential part of life-long learning content. Since the competence of ability to learn is most important and essential for the initial development of all the rest of the competences, in this research study, premise of nurturing the competence of ability to learn in the General syllabus (draft of 2007) of primary education will be analyzed. The problem of the research: After the general syllabus of primary education was changed and the education was oriented towards nurturing the competences, it has been unclear how to nurture the most important competence of ability to learn in primary classes. The subject of the research is the expression of the competence of ability to learn.The aim of the research is to reveal the premise of nurturing the competence of ability to learn after having analyzed the General syllabus of primary education.In order to achieve the aim, the following tasks were set:to define the peculiarities of nurturing the competences oriented education;to distinguish... [to full text]

Individualizuotų ugdymo(si)programų svarba ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymui / The importance of individualized educational programmes in educationof pre-school children

Grinevičienė, Asta 03 September 2008 (has links)
Šiandien ikimokyklinės įstaigos stovi radikalių permainų kryžkelėje. Kiekviena ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaiga 2008/09 mokslo metams yra parengusi savąją ugdymo programą, kuria jau vadovaujasi tolesniame darbe. Individualizuotų programų kūrimas padidino pedagogų atsakomybę, tiesiogiai skatino pedagogus tobulėti, kelti savo kompetencijos lygį Iki šiol dauguma šalies ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų nėra pilnai persiorientavę keisti savo darbo stiliaus į individualizuojančią ugdomąją veiklą individualizuotų ugdymo(si) programų kūrime. Tyrimo problema: ar ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdyme svarbu individualizuoti ugdymo(si) programas? Tyrimo objektas: individualizuotų ugdymo(si) programų svarba ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymui. Tyrimo klausimas: ar svarbu ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdyme individualizuoti ugdymo(si) programas? Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti individualizuotų ugdymo(si) programų svarbą ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymui. Uždaviniai: ●išskirti ikimokyklinio ugdymo teorinius ugdymo principus; ●išskirti individualizuotų ugdymo(si) programų kūrimo etapus; ●pagrįsti individualizuotų ugdymo(si) programų kūrimo svarbą vaikų ugdymui; ●išryškinti individualizuotų ugdymo(si) programų įgyvendinimo ypatumus; ●parengti individualizuotų ugdymo(si) programų kūrimo modelį. Šiai problemai spręsti buvo parinktas aprašomasis kiekybinis ir kokybinis tyrimas. Aprašomojo tyrimo pagalba buvo aiškinamasi konkreti tyrėją dominanti problema, suformuluoti ir pritaikyti galimi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Pre-school institutions are in the crossroads of changes today. Every pre-school institution has prepared its own educational programme for the 2008/09 school year. This programme will be followed in the future educational work. Creating of the individualized programmes has put higher responsibility on pedagogues, encouraged them to improve and raise the level of their personal competence. The majority of pedagogues of our country, however, are not totally reorientated to change the style of their work into individualized educational activity. The problem of the research: are the educational programmes being individualized in education of pre-school children? The object of the research: the importance of individualized educational programmes in education of pre-school children. The question of the research: are the educational programmes being individualized in education of pre-school children? The aim of the research: to investigate the influence of individualized educational programmes on education of pre-school children. The objectives of the research: ● to distinguish the major educational principles of pre-school education from educational theories; ● to distinguish the stages of the creation of individualized educational programmes; ● to justify the importance of the creation individualized educational programmes to child’s upbringing; ● to highlight the peculiarities of the implementation of individualized educational programmes; ● to prepare the model for the... [to full text]

Atleidimo nuo bausmės programų EB ir JAV efektyvumas kovojant su karteliais bei EB ir JAV bendradarbiavimas / The Efficiency of the E.C. and U.S. Leniency Programmes in the Fight against Cartels and the Cooperation of E.C. and U.S

Šimelytė, Justė 04 March 2009 (has links)
Karteliai yra slapti konkurentų susitarimai, kuriais koordinuojamos ar nustatomos kainos, ribojama pasiūla, gamybos apimtys, dalinamasi rinkomis ar vartotojais, sumažinama prekių kokybė ar jų pasirinkimas, todėl yra pripažįstami vienais iš rimčiausių konkurencijos pažeidimų. Susitarimai dėl kartelių yra slapti, gerai koordinuoti, o jų dalyviai, vengdami griežtos atsakomybės ir prisidengdami slapyvardžiais, susitikimus organizuoja užsienio kurortuose. Vis dažniau sudaromi tarptautiniai karteliai, kuriais nustatomos kainos, ribojama pasiūla pasauliniu mastu. Tai apsunkina kartelių atskleidimą bei konkurencinės teisės įgyvendinimą, todėl reikalingas specialus mechanizmas, ardantis ir užkertantis kelią kartelių egzistavimui. 1978 m. pirmąkart atleidimo nuo bausmių programą pritaikė JAV Konkurencijos skyrius. 1996 m. Komisija paskelbė pranešimą, kuris numatė, jog kartelio dalyviui, kuris bendradarbiaus kartelio tyrimo metu, gali būti nepaskirta arba sumažinta bauda. Nuo 2006 m. gruodžio mėn. 8 d. taikoma jau trečioji atleidimo nuo baudų ir baudų sumažinimo kartelių bylose programa. Šis magistro darbas analizuoja atleidimo nuo bausmių programų įgyvendinimo efektyvumo prielaidas: griežtos atsakomybės, kartelių kriminalizavimo, kartelių demaskavimo rizikos, programų sąlygų aiškumo bei lankstumo, harmonizavimo įtaka. Taip pat atskleidžiama viešo ir privataus konkurencijos teisės įgyvendinimo reikšmė sėkmingam atleidimo nuo bausmių programų taikymui. JAV ir EB bendradarbiavimo aspektai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Cartels are agreements or concerted practices between two or more competitors aimed at coordinating their competitive behaviour on the market or influencing the relevant parameters of competition through practices such as the fixing of purchase or selling prices or other trading conditions, the allocation of production or sales quotas, the sharing of markets including bid – rigging, restrictions of imports or exports or anti-competitive actions against other competitors. Such practices are among the most serious violations of Article 81 EC. The amount of international cartels is constantly growing. The members of cartels create sophisticated schemes, hold meetings in hotels and use pre-paid phone – cards. All these facts makes the investigation of cartel complicated. Therefore, there is a trong need to have a special programme able to combat illegal agreements. The original version of the U.S. Corporate Leniency programme traces back to 1978. In 1996 Commission announced Notice on Immunity from fines and reduction of fines in cartel cases. Since the 8 th of December 2006 the new Notice replaced the 2002 Leniency Notice in which no undertaking has contacted the Commission in order to take advantage of the favourable treatment set out in the previous Notice. These master thesis analyses the key features that determine the effective enforcement of leniency programme: the importance of strict sanctions, criminal penalties for cartels, clarity and flexibility, harmonisation of... [to full text]

Darbo rinkos mokymo programų įgyvendinimo edukacinių technologijų tyrimas Alytaus PRC / Research of realization technoligies according to labour market teaching programmes in Alytus vocational training centre

Miglinienė, Rima 14 January 2009 (has links)
Darbo autorius Rima Miglinienė Darbo tema Darbo rinkos mokymo programų įgyvendinimo edukacinių technologijų tyrimas Alytaus PRC Darbo rengimo vieta Lietuvos žemės ūkio universitetas. Profesinės pedagogikos ir psichologijos katedra. Kaunas, 2008 metai. Darbo apimtis 57 psl. Lentelių, paveikslų ir priedų skaičius 20 lentelių, 22 paveikslai, 3 priedai Naudotų literatūros šaltinių skaičius 41 Tyrimo objektas Darbo rinkos mokymo programų dalyvių edukacinės technologijos ir jų realizavimas. Tyrimo metodai Literatūros šaltinių analizė; Anketinė apklausa, skirta įvertinti besimokančiųjų atsakomybės prisiėmimą už mokymąsi bei mokymosi poreikių nustatymui.(sukurta tyrėjo pagal (Teresevičienė, Gedvilienė, Zuzevičiūtė, 2006)) Mokymosi stilių tyrimas (pagal David Kolb metodiką). Tyrimo rezultatai Įvertinus tyrimo rezultatus galima teigti, kad Alytaus PRC taikomos edukacinės (pedagoginės) technologijos atitinka besimokančiųjų poreikius. Suaugę besimokantieji pagal darbo rinkos mokymo programas yra skatinami kurti savo mokymosi strategijas, skatinama jų mokymosi motyvacija. Pasitvirtino tik antroji tyrimo hipotezės dalis (besimokantieji nekuria savo mokymosi strategijos). Jiems yra priimtina mokytojo sukurta mokymosi strategija. Tyrimais patvirtinta pirmoji hipotezės dalis (besimokantieji jaučiasi atsakingi už mokymąsi). Tarp besimokančiųjų vyrauja refleksyvaus stebėjimo mokymosi būdas ir išradingas mokymosi stilius. / Author of the work: Rima Miglinienė Topic of the work: Research of realization technoligies according to labour market teaching programmes in Alytus vocational training centre Preparation place of the work: Lithuania’s University of Agriculture. Departament of professional pedagogics and psychology Kaunas, 2008. Span of the work: 57 pages Work consists: 20 tables, 22 pictures, 3 annexes. Sources of the literature: 41 Object of the research: Educational technoligies and their realization with participants of labour market teaching programmes Methods of the research: Analysic of the sources of literature; Anestionaire for estimating students learning responsibility and determing their learning responsibility and determing their learning needs (created by the researcher according to Teresevičienė, Gedvilienė, Zuzevičiūtė, 2006); Research of learning styles (according to David Kolb’s methodics). Results of the reseach: The results of the research show possibility to state that educational (pedagogical) technologies in AVTC corespond to the needs of the students. Grown up learners who study according to the labours market teaching programmes are stimulated to create their own learning programmes and to motivate their learning. The research hypothesis affirmed only the second part. Student don’t create their own learning strategies. They accept the learning strategies created by a teacher. The first part wasn’t proved. Students feel responsibility... [to full text]

Socializacijos programų įgyvendinimas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose: pedagogų požiūris / The realization of the programmes of socialization at school of general education: point of view of the teachers

Ramonienė, Vilija 14 July 2011 (has links)
Mokyklos vykdo daug ir įvairių socializacijos programų. Vienos jų yra įtrauktos į ugdymo turinį, kitos vykdomos popamokinėje veikloje, įvairiuose būreliuose mokykloje ir už jos ribų ir kt. Yra programos vykdomos visus metus, šalies lygmens, programos remiamos savivaldybių, tarptautinės ir nacionalinės programos. Šių programų gausa neretai yra iššūkis mokytojams, socialiniams pedagogams, nes reikia susitarti, kokias programas rinktis ir kaip jas įgyvendinti mokykloje. Nėra atliktų tyrimų, kaip socializacijos programos padeda mokytojams ir mokyklai siekti iškeltų ugdymo tikslų ir kaip tai padeda įvairios mokykloje vykdomos socializacijos programos. Todėl mokykloje turėtų būti išanalizuotos ir pasirengtos kompleksiškai įgyvendinti įvairios socializacijos programos. Darbo tikslas: Išnagrinėti socializacijos programų įgyvendinimą bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose pedagogų požiūriu. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išnagrinėti mokslinę literatūrą socializacijos sampratos ir ugdymo turinio klausimais 2. Išstudijuoti dokumentus ir teisės aktus, reglamentuojančius socializaciją, ir apžvelgti nacionalinių socializacijos programų raidą. 3. Išsiaiškinti socialinių pedagogų ir mokytojų nuomonę apie galimybes įgyvendinti socializacijos programas mokyklos lygmeniu ir palyginti mokytojų, socialinių pedagogų nuomones apie socializacijos programų įgyvendinimo mokyklose galimybes. 4. Parengti rekomendacijas, kaip socializacijos programos tinka ugdyti tam tikras bendrąsias kompetencijas ir gyvenimo įgūdžius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Schools implement a lot of various programmes of socialization. Some of them are included into the content of training, some are included into the content of training, some are developed in extracurricular activities, in various clubs at school and outside it and etc. There are some programmes which are accomplished the whole year, the state programmes, the programmes which are supported by the institutions of local government, international and national programmes. The abundance of these programmes is often the challenge for the teachers, social pedagogues, because it is needed to agree about the chosen programmes and how to realize them at school. There are not any researches, how the programmes of socialization help the teachers and school to achieve the raised training purposes. In the research it is tried to find out the opinion of the social pedagogues and the teachers about the realization of the preventive programmes and the programmes of socialization and compare the opinions of the teachers and social pedagogues about the possibilities of realization of the programmes of socialization at schools. The purpose of the research: To analyse the realization of the programmes of socialization at schools of general education from the point of view of the teachers. The objectives of the research: 1. To analyse the scientific literature, which concerns the concept of socialization and the problems of the content of training. 2. To study the documents and the acts of law... [to full text]

Crime and punishment on the box : a contextual/discursive/semiotic analysis of SABC documentaries in the global era.

Burelli, Elaine. January 2005 (has links)
The SABC has embraced a mandate that advocates the promotion of cultural diversity within the broader ambit of national identity. Although SABC3 consitutes the commercial wing of the station, it too is required to produce programmes in accordance with the spirit of this mandate. With tight budgets, pressure for audience ratings and an assortment of individual producers with individual production agendas, it may be naIve to presume that the SABC could consistently give priority to this mandate. Nonetheless, this is what it has undertaken. Considering this unifying and optimistic mandate, how then are frightening, troubling or disillusioning social phenomena depicted? The representation of one such phenomenon, crime, has been selected here for examination as it appears in Special Assignment and Expressions programmes. The way in which the SABC tackles essentially negative material and puts it in documentary form for national consumption sends out a message to South African viewers. The nature of this message - and its relation to the broadcaster's mandate - forms the basis for this dissertation. Each of nine selected documentaries is analysed using a mixture of semiotic, discursive and contextual principles. The programmes are examined in terms of four sections. The first is global trends and theories. Criminological, documentary and other theories that are global in scope have been adapted to powerfully, but subtly, underscore all of the documentaries, with implications for the representation of national identity. Secondly, a sociological examination of the way in which the local has been depicted (and whether it is given much attention at all) has implications for the fulfilment of the part of the mandate relating to cultural diversity. Thirdly and fourthly, the overall portrait of national identity in the documentaries is largely dependent on the combined representation of national culture - including values, symbols, rituals and beliefs - and the nation-state. Both of these should be construed in an optimistic light, taking into account, nonetheless, the critical watchdog function of the media. The evaluation remains strictly textual and preferred meaning is determined through theoretically supported analysis rather than via audience research. Issues such as global neoliberalism and its impact on the SABC and newsroom values are touched on and acknowledged, but ultimately, their effect on the fulfilment of the mandate is not examined in this dissertation. The central thrust of the dissertation in thus, strictly, the way in which the levels of the global, national and local, as they are represented in the documentaries, constitute interlocking factors, which impinge on the manner in which the SABC complies with its mandate. The findings of the dissertation were unsurprising in many respects. Overall, there appeared to be no consistent pattern to which documentaries were produced. The immediacies of production pressures and deadlines appear to outdo the broadcaster's mandate in terms of priority. Having said this, however, certain features do recur, such as the prevalence of sensationalism or, on the positive side, the humanising of criminals in a way that offers hope. Consequently, the study isolates approaches that foster national identity and those that do not, noting the frequency with which they occur and thereby implicitly offering a roadmap for future productions. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2005.

Ethnography of production practices in Kenyan television entertainment programmes: imagining audiences.

Kingara, George Ngugi. January 2010 (has links)
How television entertainment programmes producers in Kenya conceptualise audiences is the primary objective of this study. It begins with a brief examination of how the operations of broadcast media institutions in Kenya have been historically linked to government and commerce. Throughout the history of television in Kenya, producers have conceptualised audiences in line with the political, economic and socio-cultural factors that were paramount in the instituting of broadcasting in this society. This historical background continues to shape the character of television entertainment programmes, and therefore how producers conceptualise audiences for these programmes. During their production practices, producers are also influenced by particular communication dynamics within which television programmes are produced and viewed. The dynamics of 'being the audience of television' include that the 'active audience' is autonomous in its various relationships with programmes content, yet the subjectivity of viewers to the institutional systems within which broadcasting happens constrains the audience‘s freedom in how it relates to entertainment programmes. Programme content hails and guides the audience into 'attending' to given shows in specific ways. This study reveals that the audience multi-facetedly relates with entertainment programmes, but the degree to which the audience can exercise its 'will' over the television text is limited. This is because television programmes are constructed meanings, framed and constricted by the elements that constitute them. Also, structures of culture constrain the plurality of the resources audiences have at their disposal as tools for 'reading‘ the programmes. The research-participant producers conceptualised the audience from a 'value-based‘ socio-cultural perspective. Therefore, they attached a kind of magnanimity to television as an institution for influencing in specific ways the segments of society they imagined watched it. Hence, producers of the particular entertainment programmes considered in this case study intended them to represent quality socio-cultural values for the social development of Kenyan society. In agreement with the producers, the audience respondents cited in this study appeared to consider entertainment programmes as important narratives capable of helping them better understand the social world they live in. They saw entertainment programmes as stories that authenticate their world by reflecting that world back to them. Overall, the findings of this case study established that Kenyan producers of television entertainment programmes technically operated within the political economic conventions of television production. However, a strong philosophical, moral-value code appeared to guide the producers‘ sense of purpose and duty to their audience. Apparently, the producers‘ resolve to embed in programmes meanings that propagated particular socio-cultural ideals was as prominent as the institutional political economic objectives for which they were hired to fulfil. This 'extra‘ sense of purpose catalysed the producers‘ unique regard for entertainment programmes as functional narratives, whose primary objective it should be to elevate society‘s moral fabric. Conclusively, the research-participant producers employed an old-fashioned approach to conceptualizing the audience. They saw the audience as congregated in masses of social categories cemented together by a tangible cultural-national identity. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2010.

Refinement of modelling tools to assess potential agrohydrological impacts of climate change in southern Africa.

Perks, Lucille Annalise. January 2001 (has links)
Changes in climate due to anthropogenic influences are expected to affect both hydrological and agricultural systems in southern Africa. Studies on the potential impacts of climate change on agrohydrological systems had been performed previously in the School of Bioresources Engineering and Environmental Hydrology (School of BEEH). However, refinement of these modelling tools and restructuring of the databases used was needed to enable more realistic and dynamic simulations of the impacts of changes in climate. Furthermore, it was realised that modifications and linkages of various routines would result in a faster processing time to perform climate impact assessments at the catchment scale. Baseline ("present") climatic information for this study was obtained from the School of BEEH's database. Scenarios of future climate were obtained from six General Circulation Models (GCMs). Output from the five GCMs which provided monthly climate output was used in the climate impact assessments carried out. Potential changes in variability of rainfall resulting from climate change was assessed using the daily climate output from the sixth GCM. As the spatial resolution of the climatic output from these GCMs was too coarse for use in climate impact studies the GCM output was interpolated to a finer spatial resolution. To assess the potential impact of climate change on water resources in southern Africa the ACRU hydrological modelling system was selected. The ACRU model was, however, initially modified and updated to enable more dynamic simulation of climate change. In previous hydrological studies of climate change in southern Africa Quaternary Catchments were modelled as individual, isolated catchments. To determine the potential impact of changes in climate on accumulated flows in large catchments the configuration of the Quaternary Catchments needed to be determined and this configuration used in ACRU. The changes in hydrological responses were calculated both as absolute differences between future and present values and the ratio offuture hydrological response to the present response. The large degree of uncertainty between the GCMs was reflected in the wide range of results obtained for the water resources component of this study. In addition to the climate impact studies, sensitivity and threshold studies were performed using ACRU to assess the vulnerability of regions to changes in climate. Potential change in the yields and distributions of parameters important to agriculture, such as heat units, crops, pastures and commercial tree species were assessed using simple crop models at a quarter ofdegree latitude / longitude scale. Most species were simulated to show decreases in yields and climatically suitable areas. There are many sources of uncertainties when performing climate impact assessments and the origins of these uncertainties were investigated. Lastly, potential adaptation strategies for southern Africa considering the results obtained are presented. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2001.

Demand-driven type analysis for dynamically-typed functional languages

Dubé, Danny January 2002 (has links)
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.

Public works programmes and a basic income grant as policy responses to unemployment and poverty in South Africa.

Biyase, Mduduzi Eligius. January 2007 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

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