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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimering av projektering i byggbranschen / Optimization of project planning in the construction industry

Dedic, Benjamin, Ekström, Philip, Nilsson, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
I varje projekt finns det brister i kommunikation som kan leda till att kostnad, tid och kvalitét påverkas. Varje projekt är en tillfällig organisation med olika företag och olika personer med varierande erfarenheter inom projektering. Detta medför att varje projekt är i sig unikt och hur alla ska kommunicera med varandra kan vara stora frågetecken under projekteringens förlopp. Denna rapport tittar närmare på vilka brister och svårigheter som kan uppkomma i projekteringskedet.

Projektové vyučování v matematice na 1. stupni základní školy zaměřené na environmentální výchovu / Projects in teaching mathematics at primary schools

PAVLOVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
Dissertation "Project teaching in mathematics in primary schools focused on environmental education" describes the possible uses of the project method for teaching mathematics in primary schools including environmental focus. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on educational area of mathematics and its applications in the core curriculum, possible teaching methods, characteristics of project teaching and its historical development. The second part contains proposals on own projects including practical realization of some of them.

Projekt jako vyučovací metoda při výuce fyziky / Project as an education method in teaching of physics

ŽAHOUREK, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis ?Project as an educational method for teaching physics ?deals with the possibilities of using project-based method for teaching physics at primary schools. Not only does it contain the theoretical background of project-based teaching, but also deals with practical issues in the form of an implementation of a chosen project ?Physics and physical education?. The aim of said project was to evaluate the efficiency of project-based teaching as far as the knowledge of pupils and didactical and organisation issues are concerned. The first part of this work deals with the possibilities of project-based teaching in Czech Republic, its historical development and pedagogical-psychological analysis. The second part states the topics of my own projects (including my own implementation of one of these projects) and also contains some secondary didactical materials.

Projektering av dörrmiljöer - metoder och informationshantering / Design of door environments - methods and information management

Eliasson, Oscar, Söderberg, Adam January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Byggprojekt har blivit allt mer komplexa i tur med att kraven på kvalitet, miljö och hållbarhet har ökat. Med utvecklingen har även BIM-modeller blivit en stor del av byggprojekten. Kraven och komplexiteten gör att mängden information är väldigt stor i projekten. Det gör att modellerna blir tunga och svårarbetade. En delprocess som bidrar till komplexiteten och mängden information är projekteringen av dörrmiljöer. På grund av att modellerna växer kommer lösningar som ska underlätta informationshantering kopplad till modellerna. En sådan lösning är databaser som kopplas till modellen. Studiens avser därför att undersöka om en databas-tjänst kopplad till en modell kan effektivisera projekteringen av dörrmiljöer. Metod: För att uppnå målet och besvara studiens frågeställningar har ett kvalitativt arbetssätt nyttjats. En litteraturstudie gjordes för att samla fakta till problembeskrivning och teoretiskt ramverk. Empirin är baserad på sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer samt en observation och ett test av tjänsten BIMEYE. Utifrån empirin, frågeställningarna och valda teorier har sedan en analys utformats. Resultat:Resultatet visar att projektering av dörrmiljöer bygger på att alla krav identifieras i början av ett projekt och att kunniga projektmedlemmar krävs under dörrprojekteringen, för att kunna identifiera funktionerna på de komplexa dörrmiljöerna. För att tydligare redovisa dörrarna och deras funktioner föredrog respondenterna dörrmiljökort där varje dörr redovisas var för sig. Problem med informationssamordning och att information försvinner, kan lösas genom att samla informationen i en databas så att informationen lagras på en plats. Där kan den göras tillgänglig för bearbetning av alla involverade i projektet. Studien visar att molnbaserade databaser kopplade till BIM-modeller kan effektivisera informationshanteringen under projekteringsarbetet, då den är källan till information för flera olika verktyg. Konsekvenser: Dörrmiljöer kommer att förbli komplexa och innehålla en stor mängd funktioner. För att underlätta och effektivisera arbetsprocessen kan molntjänsten BIMEYE eller liknande tjänst användas. En sådan tjänst bidrar till en säkrare informationshantering och kommer minska antalet missar vid granskning. Vid en övergång till ett databasbaserat arbetssätt rekommenderas utifrån studiens resultat att de anställda utbildas och att en standardiserad arbetsgång tas fram. Begränsningar: Arbetet begränsades till att studera projekteringsprocessen för dörrmiljöer. Det är därför osäkert huruvida studiens resultat går att applicera på andra delprocesser under projekteringen. Studien har också avgränsats från andra molntjänster än BIMEYE vilket kan göra att resultatet inte är tillämpbart för andra liknande tjänster. Dessutom kan det inte uteslutas att resultatet inte är applicerbart för programvarorna ArchiCad och Simplebim eftersom studien har fokuserat på Revit och dess koppling till BIMEYE. / Purpose: Construction projects have become more and more complex, with increasing demands on quality, environment, and sustainability. With the development, BIM models have become a major part of the construction projects. The requirements and complexity create large amounts of information in the projects. This makes the models heavy and hard to work with. One subprocess that contributes to the complexity and amount of information is the design of door environments. Because the models are growing, solutions will be designed to facilitate information management linked to the models. One such solution is databases that are linked to the model. The study therefore intends to investigate whether a database service linked to a model can make the design of door environments more effective. Method: To achieve the goal and answer the study's questions, a qualitative approach has been used. A literature study was done to gather facts for problem description and theoretical framework. The empiricism is based on six semi-structured interviews as well as an observation and a test of BIMEYE. Based on the empiricism, the questions and the selected theories, an analysis has been designed. Findings: The result shows that the design of door environments is based on the fact that all requirements are identified at the beginning of a project and that knowledgeable project members are required during door design, in order to identify the functions of the complex door environments. To give a clearer presentation of the doors and their functions, the respondents preferred door environment drawings where each door is presented separately. Problems with coordination of information and information that disappear can be solved by gathering the information in a database so that the information is stored in one place. There it can be made available for processing by everyone involved in the project. The study shows that cloud-based databases linked to BIM models can streamline information management during the design work, as it is the source of information for several different tools. Implications: Door environments will remain complex and contain a large number of functions. To facilitate and streamline the work process, the cloud service BIMEYE or a similar service can be used. Such a service contributes to a more secure information management and will reduce the number of misses during review. When transitioning to a database-based way of working, it is recommended, based on the study's results, that the employees get trained and that a standardized workflow is developed. Limitations: The work was limited to studying the design process for door environments. It is therefore uncertain whether the results of the study can be applied to other sub-processes during the design phase. The study has also been delimited from cloud services other than BIMEYE which may make the result not applicable to other similar services. Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that the result is not applicable to ArchiCad and Simplebim because the study has focused on Revit and its connection to BIMEYE.


Qais Amarkhil (6616994) 15 May 2019 (has links)
<p>In the field of the construction industry, the research work has been widely focused on identifying key performance indicators and critical success factors without assessing the impact of conflict environment factors. This study focusses on the impact of post-conflict environment factors on local construction organization performance. This research presents a performance prediction model comprising the effect of post-conflict environment factors on construction organization performance. The proposed framework of this study has four stages: identify key performance indicators (KPIs), identify post-conflict environment impacting factors, determine critical success factors (CSFs), and formulate success strategy to improve performance. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and multiple linear regression (MLR) techniques are applied to analyze the data.</p> <p>The study finding indicates that there is a significant relationship between the post-conflict condition impacting factors and local construction organization performance, which is insufficiently studied in previous research work. Thus, the developed framework will benefit academic scholars and industry practitioners to analyze and evaluate challenges and opportunities caused by different external environment conditions in the post-conflict construction industry. </p>

Projekt transferu výroby / Project of production transfer

Polášek, Marek January 2017 (has links)
The present Master thesis deals with a transfer of the production process from Asia to Europe. The aim is to provide a life cycle of the project, its phases and the respective actions, an analysis of the risks associated with this transfer, a successful start-up of series production and the design of the internal audit as a standard of control for setting a stable and quality manufacture of the product in the Brno production plant.

Řízení stavební zakázky ve stavebním podniku / Construction Order Management in the Construction Company

Mlynár, Peter January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with managing construction order in the construction company. The aim of thesis is to describe the process of preparation and execution of a construction. The theoretical part describes and explains basic concepts of project planning, then these concepts are applied to production of constructions. The practical part is based on my preparation of construction documentation on the construction project “Extension of production hall in Martin”.

KOMMUNIKATION KRING DÖRRMILJÖN : En studie av projekterings- och produktionsproblem / COMMUNICATION REGARDING DOOR-RELATED INSTALLATIONS : A study of problems within the planning and building process

Johansson, Tobias, Westh, Alice January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Kommunikationsproblem leder årligen till miljontals kronor i extrakostnader inom byggbranschen. Dörrmiljön utgör ett viktigt moment inom byggnationen där de många inblandade aktörerna skall kommunicera korrekt och i tid för att uppfylla de höga funktionskrav som dörrmiljön innefattar. Syftet med rapporten är att beskriva dörrmiljöns komplexitet, undersöka och redogöra för de huvudsakliga problemområdena som uppstår kring arbete vid dörrmiljön, samt utveckla möjliga lösningsförslag inom området. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en explorativ fallstudie där dörrmiljöns komplexitet anses vara representativ för och återkommande inom husbyggnadsindustrin. Data samlas in genom intervjuer med byggproduktions- och arkitektpersonal samt ett enkätutskick. Resultat: Genom studien har en kartläggning över dörrmiljön tagits fram som belyser och klargör för den mångfald av komponenter och aktörer som dörrmiljön innefattar. Insamlade enkätdata visar att cirka 80 procent av studiens respondenter upplever problem med dörrmiljön i varje eller de flesta projekt. Vidare har ett flertal problemområden identifierats, såsom försvårad erfarenhetsåterföring, undermåliga kravställningar och motstridande funktioner. Dessa områden har analyserats tillsammans med etablerad teori inom bland annat projektledning och kommunikation. Slutligen mynnar studien ut i lösningsförslag kring hanteringen av dörrmiljön. Både etablerandet av en ny samordningsdisciplin och utvecklandet av ett digitalt verktyg som samlar all information kring dörrmiljön diskuteras som potentiella alternativ. Konsekvenser: Dörrmiljön utgörs av en stor mängd komponenter och aktörer på en relativt liten yta. Den är en intrikat detalj från projektering till färdig installation vars helhet och fulla funktion riskerar att undgås av många av de inblandade parterna. Vidare utgör dörrmiljön ofta ett icke-prioriterat moment som saknar centraliserad samordning. För att bemöta dörrmiljöns komplexitet bör den projekteras i ett tidigt skede där alla berörda parter involveras. Begränsningar: Undersökningen begränsas till att studera arbete och rutiner inom projektering samt dess konsekvenser i produktionssammanhang. Sålunda studeras inte tillverkning, inköp, arbetsledning i produktionsfasen eller eftermarknadskonsekvenser. Vidare innebär den explorativa fallstudien att en stor del av resultatet är ny information som saknar bekräftande av tidigare undersökningar. I och med att undersökningen baseras på intervjuer och enkätsvar är den data som studien gett upphov till grundad på människors uppfattning och erfarenheter av verkligheten. / Purpose: Issues regarding communication annually generates millions of Swedish crowns in excess costs within the housing construction industry. The door – with its surrounding installations and functions – make up an important building element in which a multitude of actors require functional communication in order to fulfil its requirements. The purpose of this paper is to describe the complexity surrounding doors, to explore and explain the main problems related to the planning and installation of doors, as well as to develop feasible solutions for these problems. Method: The study is composed of an explorative case study in which the complexity surrounding doors is to be regarded as representative for and typical within the housing construction industry. Data is collected by interviewing production managers and architectural engineers, as well as by a digital survey. Findings: The multitude of components and actors associated with the planning and installation of doors are charted throughout the study. According to the survey within the study, approximately 80 percent of its respondents have experienced door-related issues in either every or most projects. Furthermore, several points of interest are identified as problematic regarding the planning and installation of doors, such as challenges with the storing of knowledge, insufficiently formulated demands, and conflicting functions. These points of interest are combined with established theories within, among other areas, project management and communication. The study resulted in two discussions regarding the handling of doors; the development of digital tools and the establishment of a new consulting role, coordinating the process behind planning and installations of doors. Implications: The door and its surrounding environment depend on many components and professionals. It makes up an intricate detail from early planning to final installation which full extent risks to elude the many actors involved. Furthermore, the importance of the area is often neglected and lack central coordination in project management. To counteract this complexity, the planning regarding doors must be prioritized early in the process and all affected actors should be involved. Limitations: The study is limited to work sets and routines associated with the planning process and its consequences in the context of the production process. Thus, the component production and procurement process, construction supervision and service and management process are not included in the study. Furthermore, the explorative nature of this case study partially amounts to new information that has not been confirmed in previous studies. As the study is achieved using responses from interviews and a survey, the data presented is based on people’s perception and experience of reality.

Projektové řízení v organizaci a jeho uplatnění v oblasti kvality / Project Management in Companies and its Application in Quality Management

Dvořák, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with project management and its application in implementation of ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009 in STAVEBNÍ PRÁCE VALEK s.r.o. organization. Further, it analyses current position of the company and proposes the solution of how to implement quality management system using project management methods.

Kooperativní plánování projektů v aplikaci Getting Things GNOME / Cooperative Project Planning in Getting Things GNOME

Matušov, Izidor January 2013 (has links)
This work dicusses the extension for Getting Things GNOME which makes it possible to use it for planning and managment of cooperative projects. Reader is introduced to basics of project planning and project management and selected methods. The target audience and their needs for the extension were identified and their solutions were proposed. This work includes a walkthrough the extension of the user interface in the form of wireframes. The proposed extension was implemented and tested.

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