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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pour un Test projectif tactile à partir des planches de Rorschach en relief : de la Perception tactile à la Représentation / Tactilo-kinaesthetic exploration procedures for apprehending the Rorschach test

Raguin, Odile 25 September 2015 (has links)
La plupart des méthodes projectives (Didier ANZIEU, Catherine CHABERT, 1961) ont comme support de travail la vue. Le processus haptique est-il suffisamment discriminatif pour valider la fiabilité de ce test sous ce mode ? Un étalonnage différencié respecte-t-il la valeur donnée à ce test par H. Rorschach ? Le sujet, en perdant la vue, va devoir mobiliser ou trouver des nouvelles ressources physiques et psychiques pour devenir autonome et poursuivre sa vie. Tout en lui est effracté : sa construction narcissique, sa représentation du monde et son altérité dans le regard de l’autre. Le Rorschach permet d’aborder la richesse psychique d’un sujet. Il nous donne à voir les potentialités psychiques du sujet dans sa relation à lui-même et aux autres. Or, il fait appel à une activité visuelle qui organise un matériel informel. C’est une activité imageante qui fait passer du perceptif au projectif, du perçu au vécu…Le toucher, dans certaines situations, peut être un relais de perception, de projection et donner à voir les représentations du sujet. Cette recherche peut permettre d’envisager une autre manière d’étalonner ce test afin de pouvoir le quantifier, le qualifier en changeant par exemple l’item « couleur » par l’item texture…Dans cette étude, il nous faut vérifier que cela n’enlève pas la valeur que donnait H. Rorschach à ce test, à cet item mais au contraire l’ouvre à une autre dimension clinique, celle d’une clinique spécifique du sujet mal ou non-voyant. En respectant un protocole spécifique, une telle passation permettrait une médiation pour le sujet en situation de handicap visuel vers une « meilleure » ré-élaboration de son projet de vie. Par ailleurs, cette étude pourrait ouvrir d’autres approches sur le dessin en relief et permettre notamment à toute une partie de la population vieillissante d’utiliser cette modalité dans la vie quotidienne, pour de nouveaux repères. / This research follows a study already begun in Master 1; it deals with the haptic process adapted to 3-dimensional Rorschach-plates. Is the haptic process sufficiently discriminating to validate the reliability of this test under this mode ? Does differentiated calibration respect the values given to this test by H. Rorschach ? After loss of sight, a subject is going to have to mobilize or find new physical and psychic resources to become autonomous and go on living. Everything in that person is broken: their narcissistic construction, their representation of the world and their differences in the eye of others. The Rorschach test allows us to approach a subject’s psychic wealth. It shows us the psychic potential of a subject in relation to himself and to others. Yet the Rorschach test calls on visual activity to organize an informal material. It is an activity based on images which leads one from the perceptive to the projective, from perceived to experienced. In certain situations, touch can be an intermediary for perception, for projection and can show how the subject is represented. Through this research, we can consider calibrating this test in another way in order to measure quantity and quality by changing “colour” for ‘texture’, for example. In this study, it is essential to verify that this does not remove the value given by H. Rorschach to this item in this test, but on the contrary opens it to other clinical dimensions, that specific of the blind or partially-sighted.Moreover, this study could open up new approaches to 3-dimensional drawings and allow a great part of the ageing population to use this method in daily life, to find new bearings. For instance, using certain textures to find one’s way around the flat by 3-dimensional pictograms.

Standardisation of the seven graphology factors scale for application in industry

Elliott, Charmaine Adelina Eliot 06 1900 (has links)
The 7 Graphology Factors Scale is standardised for application in industry. A literature study based on the personality theories of Freud, Jung, Murray and Cattell precedes the empirical research. Graphology is conceptualised, relevant existing graphology models are explored and a graphology theory and method for use in industry proposes that graphology should be regulated and applications classified on the same basis as psychometric tests. The empirical research is based on a sample comprising 360 subjects, stratified according to gender, position and language. The written protocol is subject to analysis of 59 characteristics on the basis of the configuration of the writing. language is irrelevant and the presentation of an intervening stimulus is avoided. Factor analysis results in eight secondary factors. These are I Task Orientation - Directive, II Task Orientation- Conscientious, Ill Emotional Stability, IV Extroversion, V Independence, VI Conceptualisation, VII Openness to Experience and VIII Need for Power. Cronbach's alpha coefficient achieves 0, 61 for Factor I. Stepwise regression analysis provides correlations between factors of the Thematic Apperception, Structured Objective Rorschach and 16 Personality Factor tests with all but Factor Ill, which is hypothesised to be a new construct. Five of the factors are hypothesised to align with the Big Five Personality Model. Thr9e-way analysis of variance, t-tests and the Mantei-Haenszel tests are applied to establish differentiation based on the stratification criteria. Norm tables based on Indigenous, English and Afrikaans first language groups are provided in stens and bands. Conclusions are that graphology has a worthy theoretical heritage and offers benefits to the psychological profession and specifically industry, as part of an assessment strategy. limitations are outlined and recommendations are made for further research. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Industrial Psychology)

Standardisation of the seven graphology factors scale for application in industry

Elliott, Charmaine Adelina Eliot 06 1900 (has links)
The 7 Graphology Factors Scale is standardised for application in industry. A literature study based on the personality theories of Freud, Jung, Murray and Cattell precedes the empirical research. Graphology is conceptualised, relevant existing graphology models are explored and a graphology theory and method for use in industry proposes that graphology should be regulated and applications classified on the same basis as psychometric tests. The empirical research is based on a sample comprising 360 subjects, stratified according to gender, position and language. The written protocol is subject to analysis of 59 characteristics on the basis of the configuration of the writing. language is irrelevant and the presentation of an intervening stimulus is avoided. Factor analysis results in eight secondary factors. These are I Task Orientation - Directive, II Task Orientation- Conscientious, Ill Emotional Stability, IV Extroversion, V Independence, VI Conceptualisation, VII Openness to Experience and VIII Need for Power. Cronbach's alpha coefficient achieves 0, 61 for Factor I. Stepwise regression analysis provides correlations between factors of the Thematic Apperception, Structured Objective Rorschach and 16 Personality Factor tests with all but Factor Ill, which is hypothesised to be a new construct. Five of the factors are hypothesised to align with the Big Five Personality Model. Thr9e-way analysis of variance, t-tests and the Mantei-Haenszel tests are applied to establish differentiation based on the stratification criteria. Norm tables based on Indigenous, English and Afrikaans first language groups are provided in stens and bands. Conclusions are that graphology has a worthy theoretical heritage and offers benefits to the psychological profession and specifically industry, as part of an assessment strategy. limitations are outlined and recommendations are made for further research. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Industrial Psychology)

Validity in psychological measurement:an investigation of test norms

Roivainen, E. (Eka) 20 October 2015 (has links)
Abstract A psychological test may be defined as an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behaviour. The interpretation of test results is usually based on comparing an individual’s performance to norms based on a representative sample of the population. The present study examined the norms of popular adult tests. The validity of the Wartegg drawing test (WZT) was studied using two rating scales, the Toronto Alexithymia Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory as criterion tests. Weak to moderate correlations were found. It is concluded that the WZT has some validity in the assessment of Alexithymia. Efforts to develop a psychometrically valid and reliable method of interpreting the WZT should be continued. Cross-national and historical analyses of the norms of Wechsler’s adult intelligence scale (WAIS) were performed. The results show that the Finnish WAIS III test norms are distorted in the younger age groups. Significant cross-national and cross-generational differences in relative subtest scores, test profiles were also observed. Differences in general intelligence cannot explain such variations, and educational and cultural factors probably underlie the observed differences. It is suggested that the concept of a national IQ profile is useful for cross-national test validation studies. The validity of a validity scale, the Chapman Infrequency Scale, was studied in the context of a survey study. Results showed that careless responding is significantly more frequent among psychiatric patients relative to healthy respondents. The common procedure of excluding careless responders from final samples may affect the results of survey studies targeting individuals with psychiatric symptoms. Cut-off scores for exclusion should be flexible and chosen according to the demographic and health characteristics of the sample. In conclusion, the results of this study underscore the need for up-to-date and representative test norms for valid test interpretation. / Tiivistelmä Psykologiset testit voidaan ymmärtää otoksiksi tutkittavan käyttäytymisestä. Mittauksen tulosta tulkitaan yleensä vertaamalla sitä tavalliseen tai keskimääräiseen tulokseen eli testinormeihin. Väitöskirjatutkimus tarkastelee suosittujen aikuistestien normien pätevyyttä. Warteggin piirrostestin validiteettia aleksitymian ja depression mittarina tutkittiin käyttämällä vertailukriteerinä kahta lomaketestiä, Toronton aleksitymia-asteikkoa ja Beckin depressioasteikkoa. Mitatut korrelaatiot olivat melko matalia. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä oli, että Wartegg-testi saattaa olla hyödyllinen menetelmä aleksitymian toteamisessa ja että empiiriseen tutkimukseen perustuvaa tulkintamenetelmien kehittämistä pitäisi jatkaa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös Wechslerin aikuisten älykkyystestien (WAIS) eri versioiden osatestien kansallisten normien välisiä eroja ja eroja ikäkohorttien välillä. Tulokset osoittivat, että suomalaiset WAIS III testinormit ovat vinoutuneet nuorempien ikäryhmien osalta. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin merkitseviä eroja osatestien keskiarvojen suhteissa eli testiprofiileissa eri maiden ja ikäkohorttien välillä. Kyseisiä eroja ei voida selittää älykkyyden yleisellä faktorilla, vaan niiden taustalla on luultavasti koulutukseen ja kulttuuriin liittyviä tekijöitä. Osa eroista kansallisissa testiprofiileissa näyttää olevan luonteeltaan pysyviä, ja tätä tietoa voidaan käyttää hyväksi testinormien pätevyyttä arvioitaessa. Chapmanin vastaustapa-asteikon (CIS) validiteettia tutkittiin Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1966 syntymäkohortin kyselytutkimusaineistolla. Psykiatrisista oireista kärsivät henkilöt saivat korkeampia pistemääriä kuin terveet vastaajat. Johtopäätöksenä oli, että vastaustapamittarit voivat karsia psykiatrisia potilaita liian herkästi ulos tutkimusjoukosta, mikä voi vääristää tutkimusten tuloksia. Kriteeripistemäärän pitäisi olla joustava ja sen määrityksessä pitäisi ottaa huomioon tutkimusjoukon ominaisuudet. Tutkimukset osoittavat, että testituloksen luotettava tulkinta vaatii ajanmukaiset ja edustavaan otokseen perustuvat testinormit.

Psychopathologie du regard et de l'acte dans la clinique du sujet incarcéré / Act and look psychopathology in jailed subject clinic

Roustant, Jean-Philippe 20 October 2017 (has links)
L’approche de la problématique des agirs via les tests projectifs en se penchant sur l’expression des défaillances narcissiques du sujet, propose, le plus souvent, une vision unitaire basée sur le mécanisme du recours à l’acte tel que définit par Balier. Nous proposerons de traiter cette question à partir d’une dimension plurielle différenciant deux types d’agirs : le recours à l’acte (Balier) et l’acting-out (Lacan). Nous présenterons une étude mixte, quantitative et qualitative, à partir de la comparaison de Rorschach et TAT administrés à 24 sujets. Notre analyse de ces deux formes d’agir portera principalement sur la capacité du sujet à pouvoir ou non se différencier de l’environnement. Le groupe recours à l’acte se caractérise par une continuité intérieur / extérieur et un transitivisme morbide expression d’une absence de constitution d’un soi différencié. Le groupe acting-out présente une problématique narcissique spécifique dans la validation du spéculaire par le symbolique. Les prises en charges thérapeutiques peuvent ainsi s’aider de ces résultats pour proposer des approches différentielles au sein desquelles les tests projectifs pourraient avoir une fonction pré-thérapeutique. / In the modern societies, the answer to the criminal act is a prison sentence. Due to the nature of certain acts, with this prison sentence, some court-ordered treatments (COT) (obligations and injunctions of treatments) have been added. Ethically, this law request and its social asking don’t exempt to think about the prisoner ‘asking, which is the trigger of psychotherapies. There is any retroactivity of the law and of pronounced sentence. For this research, the prisoners were selected on their own asking of care (the court-ordered treatments couldn’t applicate). The asking of the prisoners is therefore a criterion common to them (these prisoners). In this context, the acts have distinguished according to the mechanisms which have governed the nature of the act: recourse of act or acting out. Many experts agree on the existence of premature narcissistic failures. However, discussions persist on the nature of the act and on its aspect, either single dimension or multiple and complex dimensions (objective behavior, social consequences and underlying mechanisms ...). Yet all these theoretical models on narcissistic failures lean on the “recourse to act” as if there was only a simple nature to act.

Arts-Based Assessments and Projective Tests: An Interpretation of Self

Bailey, Hannah, Giacona, Noelle M., Yang, Angel 01 April 2019 (has links) (PDF)
This research seeks to understand the relationship between arts-based assessments and perception of self through exploration of participants’ interpretations of their own animal drawings. Subjects’ experiences with projective tests, personality assessments and tools, and art assessments were also examined for contextual understanding and comparison. To conduct this mixed methods pilot study, a survey was administered to alumni of the Loyola Marymount University Marital and Family Therapy Department. The findings suggest evidence of self- projection within arts-based assessment interpretation by way of metaphor, and highlight the potential for interpretation bias in therapeutic assessment, both in administration and perception. This pilot study has provided foundational information for future research, and suggests the following to be considered for continued exploration: styles of interpretation, framework of questions, usefulness of assessments, consistency of assessment interpretation, and how demographics plays a role in each of these elements.

L'elaboració del complex d'Èdip en nens adoptats: dols i vincles

Ballús Barnils, Elisabeth 02 November 2009 (has links)
La nostra investigació empírica s'emmarca, a nivell teòric, dins la teoria relacional pròpia de la psicoanàlisi.Objectius: l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és conèixer com els nens adoptats elaboren el complex d'Èdip, tenint en compte que a tots ells els acompanyen dues variables indissociables d'aquesta condició d'ésser un nen adoptat:- Ser un nen abandonat pels pares biològics. - Tenir una doble parentalitat: pares biològics i pares adoptius. Amb aquesta recerca volem aprofundir -mitjançant el test projectiu Pota Negra, de L. Corman (1961)- especialment en aquells aspectes que configuren la realitat interna de cada nen. Paral·lelament, hem volgut analitzar aquells aspectes de la realitat externa pre-adoptiva i post-adoptiva que s'erigeixen com a factors importants per al bon desenvolupament psicològic de l'infant.Metodologia: el nostre estudi s'ha realitzat amb nens d'adopció internacional, concretament amb 5 nens i 5 nenes del Nepal, amb edats compreses entre els 6 i els 12 anys. Tots ells han estat adoptats fa més de dos anys per famílies que no tenien fills biològics.Els instruments aplicats han estat diversos. Pels pares s'ha utilitzat l'entrevista semiestructurada elaborada per la investigadora i el CBLC -Qüestionari Infantil de Comportament 4/18-, de T. Achenbach (1991). Quan als nens, el test projectiu Pota Negra, de L. Corman (1961). Conclusions: el test projectiu Pota Negra ens ha permès conèixer les principals variables que articulen la realitat interna del nen adoptat, evidenciant la manca d'estructura triangular edípica, i per tant de la no elaboració de l'Èdip, en tots els subjectes de la nostra mostra. Les dificultats per a poder elaborar l'Èdip estan vinculades a la condició de ser un nen adoptat. S'ha pogut observar, entre d'altres, com aquets nens presenten simptomatologia post-adoptiva diversa, com indicador del seu malestar emocional per l'experiència viscuda. / Nuestra investigación empírica se enmarca, a nivel teórico, en la teoría relacional propia del psicoanálisis.Objetivos: el objetivo principal de esta tesis es conocer como los niños adoptados elaboran el complejo de Edipo, teniendo en cuenta que a todos ellos les acompañan dos variables indisociables de esta condición de ser un niño adoptado:- ser un niño abandonado por los padres biológicos- tener una doble parentalidad: padres biológicos i padres adoptivosCon esta investigación queremos profundizar -mediante el test proyectivo Pata Negra, de L. Corman (1961)- especialmente en aquellos aspectos que configuran la realidad interna de cada niño. Paralelamente, hemos querido analizar aquellos aspectos de la realidad interna pre-adoptiva i post-adoptiva que se erigen como factores importantes para el buen desarrollo psicológico del niño.Metodología: nuestro estudio se ha realizado con niños de adopción internacional, concretamente con 5 niños y 5 niñas del Nepal, con edades comprendidas entre los 6 y los 12 años. Todos ellos han sido adoptados hace más de dos años por familias que no tenían hijos biológicos.Los instrumentos aplicados han sido diversos. Para los padres se ha utilizado la entrevista semiestructurada elaborada por la investigadora i el CBLC - Cuestionario Infantil de Comportamiento 4/18-, de T. Achenbach (1991). En cuanto a los niños, el test proyectivo Pata Negra, de L- Corman (1961).Conclusiones: el test proyectivo Pata Negra nos ha permitido conocer las principales variables que articulan la realidad interna del niño adoptado, evidenciando la falta de estructura triangular edípica. I por tanto la no elaboración del Edipo, en todos los sujetos de nuestra muestra. Las dificultades para elaborar el Edipo están vinculadas a la condición de ser un niño adoptado. Se ha podido observar, entre otros, como estos niños presentan sintomatología pots-adoptiva diversa, como indicador de su malestar emocional por la experiencia vivida. / Our empirical investigation is framed, at theoretical level, in the own relational theory of the psychoanalysis.Objectives: the primary target of this thesis is to know as the adopted children elaborate the Oedipus Complex, considering that all of them have two inseparable variables due to their condition of being an adopted child: - to be a child abandoned by the biological parents- to have double parents: biological parents and adoptive parents With this investigation we want to deepen - by means of the projective test Corman’s Patte Noire (1961) - especially in those aspects that form the internal reality of each child. At the same time, we have wanted to analyze those aspects of post-adoptive and pre-adoptive of the external reality that are elevated like important factors for the good psychological development of the child.Methodology: our study has been made with children of international adoption, concretely with 5 boys and 5 girls from Nepal, with ages between the 6 and 12 years old. All of them have been adopted for more than two years by families who did not have biological children.The applied instruments have been diverse. For the parents, we have used a semi-structured interview elaborated by the investigator and the CBLC - Child Behavior Checklist 4/18-, Achenbach,T. (1991). For the children, we have applied the projective test Corman’s Patte Noire (1961).Conclusions: the projective test Black Leg has allowed us to know the main variables that articulate the internal reality of the adopted child, demonstrating the lack of Oedipus triangular structure and therefore the non-elaboration of the Oedipus, in all the subjects of our sample. The difficulties to elaborate the Oedipus are bound to the condition of being an adopted child. It has been possible to observe, among others, as these children have diverse pots-adoptive symptomatology, as indicator of its emotional malaise by the lived experience.

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