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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Activation of multiple hemopoietic growth factor genes in Abelson virus transformed myeloid cells

Abraham, Samuel D. M. January 1988 (has links)
The stringent requirement for hemopoietic growth factors (HGF) in the induction of hemopoiesis in vitro has raised questions as to their possible role(s) in leukemogenesis. Several recent clinical studies have shown aberrant cell growth factor gene activation in patient derived leukemic cells. Assessment of growth factor activity is often based on in vitro bioactivity assays of conditioned media or body fluids. The specificity of this type of endpoint is, however, open to question due to the overlap in biological activities of many HGFs. In assessing the role of growth factor gene expression in a murine myeloid leukemia model I have used a sensitive RNA detection procedure coupled with a vector-probe system that enables the synthesis of uniformly labelled radioactive DNA probes to detect unambiguously the expression of particular growth factor genes. The Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) derived myeloid transformants used in this study had previously been shown to produce a multi-lineage colony stimulating activity (CSA). While these A-MuLV transformants were shown to produce GM-CSF, it seemed likely that the multi-lineage CSA was due to another factor. In addition to confirming the expression of GM-CSF mRNA, I was able to show that the cells of all four A-MuLV transformed lines tested also expressed interleukin-3 mRNA. This finding was strongly corroborated by bio-activity data obtained using the CM from the A-MuLV myeloid transformants. Additional preliminary analysis by bioactivity assays have also shown the possible presence of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and a recently described pre-B cell factor suggesting perhaps a common mechanism underlying the activation of these various growth factor genes. / Medicine, Faculty of / Medical Genetics, Department of / Graduate

Analýza využití a dosavadní realizace podpory infrastruktury cestovního ruchu na venkově v ČR na příkladu opatření III.1.3 Programu rozvoje venkova ČR / Analysis of the use and implementation of existing infrastructure support rural tourism in the example of measures III.1.3 Rural Development Programme of the Czech Republic

Chadimová, Věra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify and analyze the utilization and implementation of the existing infrastructure support for rural tourism in the Czech Republic on the example of Rural Development Program of the CR, actions III.1.3. The theoretical part deals with the definition of tourism infrastructure, tourism as one of the factors of regional development and the potential to promote tourism with a focus on its infrastructure. The practical part is focused on promoting tourism within the Rural Development Program of the CR. At the micro level there are assessed subsidies for the period 2007-2010. The source for analyzing is the data obtained from publicly available databases of the State Agricultural Intervention Fund and interviews with representatives of the regional offices of the intermediate body (SAIF). In this thesis descriptive, comparative and analytical methods are used. The character of the gained data is both primary and secondary. The main contribution of this work, based on the findings, is evaluation of the use of subsidies to support the tourism infrastructure within the Rural Development Programme of the CR - Encouragement of touristic activities during the 1st half of the current programming period.

Involvement of Beneficial Microbe-derived Cyclodipeptides (CDPs) in Promoting Plant Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses

abdulhakim, fatimah 07 1900 (has links)
Cyclodipeptides (CDPs) are the smallest, most stable cyclic peptides that are synthesized as secondary metabolites by bacteria. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the Pseudomonas argentinensis (SA190) and four (CDPs), named as cis-cyclo-(Pro-Phe) (Cyclo2), cis-cyclo-(Pro-Leu) (Cyclo3), cis-cyclo-(Pro-Tyr) (Cyclo4) and cis-cyclo-(Pro-Val) (Cyclo5), with three concentrations (1µM, 100nM, and 10nM), on the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana under normal plant growth conditions [1/2MS media], salt conditions [125 mM NaCl] and drought conditions [25% PEG]. Moreover, we determined the most effective CDPs with optimal concentration. It was found that cis-cyclo-(Pro-Tyr) (Cyclo4) at a concentration of 100nM had an effect on the plant growth and can mimic the effect of SA190 under normal [1/2MS media] conditions. Also, cis-cyclo-(Pro-Tyr) (Cyclo4) at a concentration of 1µM can mimic the effect of SA190 under salt conditions [125mM NaCl]. Finally, cis-cyclo-(Pro-Val) (Cyclo5) at a concentration of 1µM can mimic the effect of SA190 under drought conditions [25% PEG].

Upplevelser av avslappningsövningar som egenvårdsåtgärd hos personer med symtom på ohälsosam stress : en litteraturöverikt / Relaxation techniques for people who experience symtoms of unhealthy stress problems : a literature review

Sundström, Josefin, Westerlind, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund Ohälsosam stress och utmattningssyndrom ökar i samhället idag och kan leda till allvarliga psykiska och fysiska besvär hos människor. Det höga antalet sjukskrivningsdagar som ohälsosam stress leder till ger stora ekonomiska konsekvenser för samhället. Det är vetenskapligt bevisat att avslappningsövningar såsom meditation, mindfulness och yoga kan få kroppen att slappna av. Det identifieras däremot en kunskapslucka inom delar av hälso- och sjukvården om hur avslappningsövningar kan användas som egenvårdsåtgärd i omvårdnaden av patienter med symptom på ohälsosam stress. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva upplevelser av avslappningsövningar som egenvårdsåtgärd hos personer med symptom på ohälsosam stress. Metod Icke systematisk litteraturöversikt har använts som metod för att sammanfatta tidigare gjord forskning. Sökningar i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL har gjorts och det har gett 16 vetenskapliga artiklar som har svarar mot syftet. Integrerad dataanalys användes för att få en bra bild över resultaten. Resultat I resultatet av litteratursökningen identifierades två huvudkategorier med sammanlagt sex underkategorier. Den första huvudkategorin var “Avslappningsövningars påverkan på ohälsosam stress och utbrändhetsvariabler” med underkategorierna: “Påverkan på ohälsosam stress”, “Mätbar minskning av stressnivåer”, “Påverkan på utbrändhetsvariabler” och “Långvarig påverkan på stress och utbrändhetsvariabler”. Huvudkategori två var “Hindrande och möjliggörande faktorer för att utföra avslappningsövningar” med underkategorierna: “Hindrande faktorer” och “Möjliggörande faktorer”. Slutsats Avslappningsövningar som egenvårdsåtgärd visade sig minska människors stressymptom och främja den psykiska hälsan. Stressreduceringen orsakade även positiva fysiologiska effekter i kroppen. Att utföra avslappningsövningar som egenvård var dock komplicerat för en del stressade deltagare i de undersökta studierna. Denna litteraturöversikts resultat kan vara till hjälp för vårdpersonal som vårdar människor som upplever stressrelaterade besvär. Avslappningsövningar som egenvårdsåtgärd kan ha en betydande roll i omvårdnaden av dessa patienter och de är även till hjälp för stressade yrkesgrupper i samhället såsom till exempel vårdpersonal. / Background Unhealthy stress problems and burnout are increasing in society today and the high number of sick leave days that unhealthy stress entails leads to high costs for society. It is scientifically proven that relaxation methods such as mindfulness, meditation and yoga help people relax and calm down. In healthcare, stressed patients can be helped to perform relaxation exercises, but there is a knowledge gap in how the exercises should be taught as a self-care method to the patients. Aim The purpose was to describe experiences of relaxation therapy as a self-care method for people who experience unhealthy stress problems. Method A non-systematic literature review has been used as a method to summarize previously done research. Searches in the databases PubMed and CINAHL have been done and it has yielded 16 scientific articles that have answered the purpose of the study. Integrated data analysis was used to get a good picture of the results. Results In the result of the literature search, two main categories were identified with a total of six subcategories. The first main category was "Impact of relaxation exercises on unhealthy stress and burnout variables" with the subcategories: "Impact on stress", "Measurable reduction of stress levels", "Impact on burnout variables" and "Long-term impact on stress and burnout variables". The main category two was "Obstructive and enabling factors for performing relaxation exercises" with the subcategories: "Obstructive factors" and "Enabling factors". Conclusions Relaxation exercises were shown to reduce people's stress symptoms and promote mental health. The stress reduction also showed positive physiological effects on the body. But performing relaxation exercises as a self-care method was complicated for some stressed participants in the studies. The results of this study can be helpful for healthcare professionals who take care of people who experience stress-related problems. Relaxation exercises as a self-care measure can play a significant role in the care of these patients and it is also helpful for stressed professional groups in the society, such as caregivers.

Prosazování zájmů v Evropském parlamentu na příkladu schvalování směrnice o jmenné evidenci cestujících / Promoting the interests in the European Parliament: case study of the Passenger Name Record directive

Wágnerová, Iveta January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to find out whose interests are promoted by the European Parliament Committee rapporteurs in a legislative process. The thesis tries to show on the case study of approving the Passenger Name Record (PNR) directive if the rapporteurs of the directive who influence the most the negotiations are influenced by their national party, the national government, the EP political group or by their own ideological interests. It was supposed that a very political topic as the directive PNR undoubtedly is, would be influenced the most by the national governments which alongside France tried to react on the terrorist attack in Paris in 2015 by adopting the directive and improving the security situation in the Europe. Through the interviews with the representatives of the EP political groups and content analysis of the relevant documents, the thesis concludes that in the concrete case of PNR directive, the interests of the governments are not the most significant but the ideological interests of the rapporteurs are. They are either in line with the interest of the EU citizens' better security situation or better protection of their personal data. The rapporteurs voted according to ability to push their interests to the directive proposal.

Att leda hälsofrämjande på distans : Utmaningar och möjligheter ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv / Leading Health Promotion Remotely : Challenges and possibilities from a leadership perspective

Owens, Anna, Lindqvist Weddig, Märta January 2021 (has links)
I samband med Covid-19-pandemins utbrott 2020 skedde många förändringar i arbetslivet. En av de största förändringarna var att många verksamheter som inte tidigare arbetat på distans var tvungna att skicka hem sina anställda. Detta skapade nya förutsättningar för både ledare och medarbetare, inte minst när det kom till hälsofrämjande insatser. I denna studie har det undersökts vilka utmaningar och möjligheter ledare med personalansvar möter när det kommer till att leda hälsofrämjande på distans. Forskning om hur ledare upplever detta är sällsynt varvid denna studie har haft som avsikt att bidra med ny kunskap inom området. De tre delarna av hälsofrämjande ledarskap - att organisera hälsofrämjande aktiviteter, stödjande ledarskapsstil samt utveckla en hälsofrämjande arbetsplats - har använts för att skapa struktur genom studien. Transkriberingen från åtta semi-strukturerade intervjuer har kodats och tematiskt analyserats med hjälp av tidigare teorier kring hälsofrämjande ledarskap och distansarbetets möjligheter och utmaningar. Studien har flera nyckelresultat. En utmaning varit att hitta nya former för att organisera hälsofrämjande aktiviteter. En annan utmaning har varit att kommunikationen med medarbetarna förändrats och det därmed blivit svårare för ledarna att “känna in” hur medarbetarna mår. Studien har visat att distansarbetet därför utmanat och påverkat ledarna att vara mer relationsinriktade och ledarna har upplevt att de fått lägga mer tid och resurser på emotionella insatser. Ytterligare resultat visar att medarbetarnas förmåga att leda sig själva har fått ökad betydelse. Därav har ledarskapet utmanats till att bli mer individualiserat stöttning till självledarskap har använts i större omfattning då det setts som en möjlighet att öka medarbetarnas delaktighet i det hälsofrämjandet arbetet. Bra kommunikation, mer kommunikation, tydlig struktur och en sedan tidigare väl inarbetad kultur är delar som ledarna upplevt möjliggjort det hälsofrämjande ledarskapet på distans. De flesta av ledarna har också upplevt att distansarbetet möjliggjort mer än utmanat det hälsofrämjande ledarskapet när det kommer till att skapa balans mellan arbete och fritid. I bredare perspektiv har studiens slutsatser bland annat varit att ledarna behöver ha kreativitet att bevara och att hitta nya former för hälsofrämjande aktiviteter som fungerar vid distansarbete, samt förmåga att inspirera och motivera till medarbetarnas individuella ansvar och deltagande i hälsofrämjande arbete. Studien har även pekat på att distansarbetet ställt krav på en större emotionell förmåga vilket kan vara viktigt att tänka på vid rekrytering av framtidens hälsofrämjande ledare. / In 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic forced significant changes to work life. One of the most crucial changes was the increasing number of workers who started to work remotely. This created a new basis for both employees and leaders, not least when it came to efforts aimed at promoting health. This study has therefore examined the opportunities and challenges faced by leaders responsible for efforts promoting remote-based health in personnel. Research showing leaders' experience in this matter is sparse, thus the aim of this study is to bring new knowledge to this field. Three different aspects have been focused on regarding health-promoting leadership: organizing health promoting activities; supportive leadership; and creating a health-promoting workplace. Transcripts from eight semi-structured interviews have been coded and thematic analyzed using theories of health-promoting leadership and challenges and possibilities arising when working remotely. The study has several key findings. One challenge has been to find new forms of health-promoting activities. A further finding revealed that the communication with the employees has changed, and it has therefore been more difficult for the leaders “to sense” the wellbeing of their employees. Furthermore, the results showed that working remotely challenged the leaders’ needs for more relationship-oriented health-promoting leadership and leaders experienced they spent more time and effort on emotional interventions. Another finding was that the workers' ability to self-leadership has been given increased meaning. Hence leadership has been challenged to become more individualized and supportive to self-leadership to encourage employees’ participation in health-promoting work. More and better communication, transparent and clear routines of the working structure and incorporated organizational culture have all helped the leaders to continue their health-promoting leadership when working remotely. Most of the leaders also experienced that working remotely has enabled, rather than challenged, health-promoting leadership regarding the creation of work/private life balance. In a broader perspective the conclusions of this study have been that leaders need creativity to preserve and find new forms of health-promoting activities suitable for remote work. Leaders also need the ability to inspire and motivate the workers to have a sense of individual responsibility for taking part in and creating a health-promoting work-place. The study also shows leading workers remotely demands more emotional capacity which is an important indication for recruiters of future health promotion leaders.

Recovery in a digitalized world : An inductive qualitative case study on employers’ and employees’ perceptions of digital solutions to promote recovery / Återhämtning i en digitaliserad värld : En induktiv kvalitativ fallstudie om arbetsgivares och arbetstagares uppfattningar om digitala lösningar för att främja återhämtning

Liljeqvist, Maria, Hillyer, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
Recovery from work is crucial for health and well-being, and organizations have an obligation to enable employee recovery. Organizations can promote employee recovery by implementing strategies and thus reach sustainable development. In 2020, organizations exist in a digitalized world, which has expedited the need to implement digital solutions and use them for processes. Encouraging and fostering recovery are central elements in promoting recovery and digital solutions could help with both elements.The usage of digital solutions include how digital solutions are used and how they could be used. There is no previous research on digital solutions, recovery promotion and usage, so we define our research phenomenon as the usage of digital solutions to promote recovery. We identify our research gap in the connection of recovery and digital solutions in an organizational context. By describing the research phenomenon, we can fill this research gap and thus add to the existing literature on organizational health and well-being. The purpose of this research is to describe organizations’ usage of digital solutions to promote recovery.By performing an inductive qualitative case study, we collect data by performing a documentation review and online surveys. We find that mobile applications, virtual assistants, activity trackers, virtual reality and smart electric bicycles can be used to promote recovery. We also find a favorable context for both recovery and for digital solutions to promote recovery. Further, we see potential for using the identified digital solutions to promote recovery. We conclude that strategy implementation consisting of digital solutions to promote recovery in organizations will lead to a higher level of healthy workforce. / Återhämtning från arbetet är centralt för hälsa och välmående och organisationer har en skyldighet att möjliggöra anställdas återhämtning. Organisationer kan främja anställdas återhämtning genom att implementera strategier och på så sätt nå hållbar utveckling. År 2020 existerar organisationer i en digitaliserad värld, vilken har påskyndat behovet av att implementera digitala lösningar och använda dem för processer. Att uppmuntra och stödja återhämtning är centrala delar i att främja återhämtning och digitala lösningar kan hjälpa båda delar.Användningen av digitala lösningar inkluderar hur digitala lösningar används och hur de kan användas. Det finns ingen tidigare forskning om digitala lösningar, att främja återhämtning och användning, så vi definierar vårt forskningsfenomen som användningen av digitala lösningar för att främja återhämtning. Vi identifierar vårt forskningsgap i kopplingen av återhämtning och digitala lösningar i en organisatorisk kontext. Genom att beskriva forskningsfenomenet kan vi fylla detta forskningsgap och därmed addera till den befintliga litteraturen om organisatorisk hälsa och välmående. Syftet med denna forskning är att beskriva organisationers användning av digitala lösningar för att främja återhämtning.Genom att utföra en induktiv kvalitativ fallstudie samlar vi in data genom att utföra en dokumentinsamling och enkätundersökningar online. Vi finner att mobilapplikationer, virtuella assistenter, aktivitetsmätare, virtual reality och smarta el-cyklar kan användas för att främja återhämtning. Vi finner också en gynnsam kontext för både återhämtning och för digitala lösningar för att främja återhämtning. Vidare ser vi potential för att använda de identifierade digitala lösningarna för att främja återhämtning. Vi drar slutsatsen att strategiimplementering bestående av digitala lösningar för att främja återhämtning i organisationer kommer att leda till en högre nivå av hälsosam arbetskraft.

Development, implementation and evaluation of a health promoting school training programme for educators in high schools of Mankweng Circuit, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mashamba, Takalani Joyce January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Health Sciences)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Background: The purpose of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a Health Promoting School (HPS) training programme for educators in the high schools of the Mankweng Circuit, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Methods: This is an explanatory mixed method study conducted among high school learners to identify risk behaviours, physical environmental and school climate factors to develop, implement and evaluate a Health Promoting School training programme for educators in the high schools of Mankweng Circuit. A structured questionnaire and a semi-structured interview guide were used to collect data. Quantitative data was collected from a total of (n=828) learners on risk behaviours, environmental and the school climate factors including curriculum and policy factors from (n=12) schools, while the key informants involved in decision making at the schools provided qualitative data on the same topics. The study highlighted potential areas for the initiation of Health Promoting Schools in Limpopo Province. Results: About 828 learners participated in this study, of which, 416 (50.2%) were males and 412 (49.8%) were females. More males than females indicate that they consumed alcohol (47% versus 24%, p<0.05), while 11% (90/840) of the learners report to have smoked cigarettes, a higher proportion of which are males rather than females (18% versus 4%, p<0.05). Quantitative results were further explored through analysis of the qualitative data from key informants who confirmed that the use of substances such as tobacco, alcohol and dagga (marijuana) is rife among school learners. Factors relevant to develop a training programme for educators were identified from the findings. The identified factors informed the development of the HPS training programme. Educators received training on HPS programme and the implementation was evaluated. Conclusion: The Health Promoting School (HPS) Training Programme improved the educator’s knowledge, understanding and skills of how schools can become Health Promoting Schools.

Främjande eller hindrande? : En studie om socialarbetares uppfattning av arbetsmarknadsinsatser / Promoting or hindering? : A study about social workers perceotion of labor market initiatives

Durguti, Amra, Ohlsson, Amelia January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka socialarbetares erfarenheter av att stödja deltagare i arbetsmarknadsinsatser. För att undersöka detta genomförde vi fem kvalitativa intervjuer med socialarbetare som är verksamma inom arbetsmarknadsenheter i två olika kommuner. Efter intervjuerna genomfördes en innehållsanalys. Resultatet av denna visar att socialarbetarna upplever att klienten påverkas positivt av rutiner och känsla av sammanhang, samt får en viktig referens att tillföra i CV:et. Respondenterna beskrev även ökad självkänsla och ett kontaktnät som främjande för individen. Enligt resultatet finns det faktorer som hindrar socialarbetarna i arbetet med individen. Dessa faktorer är otydlighet i rollfördelningen mellan arbetsförmedlingen och kommunen, otydligheter i lagen samt att det ibland infinner sig en känsla av tvång hos individen avseende deltagande i en arbetsmarknadsinsats. Slutsatsen är att arbetsmarknadsinsatser ger individen möjlighet att utvecklas på individuell nivå för att på sikt nå ett arbete. Direkta resultat av en arbetsmarknadsinsats är ovanligt, då det tar lång tid att se resultat. / The purpose of this essay was to investigate social workers experiences of supporting participants in labor market initiatives. By interviewing social workers in labor market units, in two different municipalities, and by analyzing their narration of what factors increase a client's chance of employment. After the interviews we performed a content analysis. The result of the analysis shows that the social workers feel that the client is positively affected by routines, the sense of context and receive an important reference to add on the resume. The respondents also described increased self-esteem and a network of contacts as promotion for the individual. According to the result, there are factors that prevent social workers from working with the individual. These factors are ambiguity in the division of roles between the employment service and the municipality, ambiguities in the law and that there is sometimes a feeling of coercion in the individual regarding participation in a labor market initiative. The conclusion is that labor market initiatives give the individual the opportunity to develop on an individual level in order to eventually reach a job. Direct results from a labor market effort are unusual, as it takes a long time to see results.

Konsten att främja närvaro och förebygga och åtgärda problematisk frånvaro

Schmähl Bolmvall, Åsa January 2020 (has links)
The work in primary school, including promoting attendence, preventing absence and remedying problematic absence is formulated in laws and decrees, the regulatory documents of primary school as well as “policydocuments” on a municipaly level and the individual schools documents in form off action plans and routines. It is a very important work, but what is formulated does not always correspond to what is implemented.The purpose of the study is to analyze how the principal and the Student Health Team in grade 7-9 of primary school works with promoting all students attendence, preventing absence and remedying problematic absence. Two questions have been used.- The first question is about what the principal and the Student Health Team do in the concrete work with promoting all students attendence, preventing absence and remedying problematic absence.- The second question it is about what the principal and the Student Health Team do in the work with promoting attendence, preventing absence and remedying problematic absence, in accordance with the action documents such as plans and routines of the individual schools and the municipality.Previous research shows that it is mainly absence in relation to individual-related and social-related problems that is highlighted. Research on promoting attendance and what that work looks like in everyday school activities is not made visible to the same extent (Gren Landell, 2018).The theoretical starting point of the study is social constructionism. The social constructionism is also the starting point for the discourse theoretical approach and the discourse analysis. Three predetermined discourses have been used in the study and it ispromoting attendence, preventing absence and remedying problematic absence. The three predetermined discourses are defined in relation to the school's governing documents. The discourses stand in proportion to the responsibility and authority of the two sub-discourses, responsibility and power and talks and meetings, a collaboration. The theoretical starting point, which includes the three perspectives of special education: the category perspective, the quandary perspective, and the relational perspective has also been used.The chosen method is semistructured qualitative interwievs and anlysis of the schools documents in the form of action plan and routines. The results that are reported are basedon seven interwievs with principals, and seven groupinterwievs with representatives from the Student Health Team, along with eight differently documents.The most important results to emerge is that there is a difference between what the principals and the representatives of the Student Health Teams strives to accomplish, what they claim to be doing and what they actually are doing in the concrete school work. That means that the constructed thoughts, words and deeds do not correspond. The study shows that it is the work with promoting attendence that is desirable and that it visualizes a desirable reality. Meanwhile the study shows that it is the concrete work with preventing absence and remedying problematic absence that is given the most attention in school. The responsibility and authority of the two sub-discourses along with dialogue and meetings and a cooperative work stands in proportion to the overall discourses. It is surprising that what the principals and representatives construct largely corresponds with what the texts in the documents construct. There is a desire to work promotionally from the relational perspective, simultaneously, it is the preventional work in accordance with the categorical perspective that is given the most attention.

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