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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A estética da natureza como mercadoria no discurso imobiliário de Gravatá-PE.

Valença, Mariana Rabêlo 13 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Felipe Lapenda (felipe.lapenda@ufpe.br) on 2015-03-13T11:55:07Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação Mariana Valença.pdf: 1561769 bytes, checksum: 496de507bd586e8e6742cdb83ba497e3 (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T11:55:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação Mariana Valença.pdf: 1561769 bytes, checksum: 496de507bd586e8e6742cdb83ba497e3 (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-13 / mercadoria. Um grande exemplo disso está no setor imobiliário. Além disso, a natureza é evocada em diferentes contextos, em especial no atual debate sobre os limites da sustentabilidade. Portanto, faz-se necessário refletir sobre como a natureza é concebida e reproduzida e como está inserida nos diferentes discursos. Diante disso, como a natureza vem sendo significada dentro do discurso do mercado imobiliário, fundamentando o processo de (re)produção mercadológica do espaço e do capital? Partimos do pressuposto de que não ficam evidentes conflitos e contradições decorrentes de tal prática. Também julgamos ser a incorporação da natureza dentro desses discursos de grande relevância para o sucesso do mercado e para a escolha dos consumidores diretos. Analisamos um espaço cujo sítio geográfico favorece as atividades turísticas, especialmente de segunda residência, Gravatá- PE, que tem recebido muitos investimentos no ramo da construção civil para atender a demanda, sob a forma de grandes empreendimentos caracterizados pela forte presença de elementos naturais, que ganham destaque em seus anúncios. Nosso objetivo foi analisar não só a presença, mas o sentido/significado conferido à natureza nos conteúdos do discurso do mercado imobiliário, através de propaganda impressa de grandes empreendimentos, com divulgação no ano de 2012, na cidade de Gravatá-PE e em áreas circunvizinhas. Para dar sustentação teórica, foram discutidos a concepção de natureza sob uma perspectiva marxista, bem como o método materialista histórico e dialético; a mercantilização da natureza; e a natureza como estética da mercadoria. Nossa leitura foi feita através da análise de conteúdo de materiais publicitários (entre panfletos, folders e livreto) de quinze empreendimentos residenciais (flats, condomínios fechados e loteamentos); e de entrevistas abertas a duas agências imobiliárias renomadas no local e a consumidores desse tipo de empreendimento. Dentro do campo da dialética, trabalhamos sob uma ótica do materialismo histórico, na busca pela compreensão de como a natureza é apropriada pelo trabalho social como condição à construção e desenvolvimento da história social.

Alimentação de lactentes: influência da mídia televisiva

SANTOS, Andréa Marques dos 24 January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Felipe Lapenda (felipe.lapenda@ufpe.br) on 2015-03-16T13:15:54Z No. of bitstreams: 2 dissertacao_andrea_marques_DEFINITIVO.pdf: 1748240 bytes, checksum: 99c86ea466d39a24091274b63764dba4 (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-16T13:15:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 dissertacao_andrea_marques_DEFINITIVO.pdf: 1748240 bytes, checksum: 99c86ea466d39a24091274b63764dba4 (MD5) license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Avaliar a influência do ambiente familiar, mídia televisiva e profissionais de saúde nas escolhas alimentares maternas para seus filhos até 24 meses e o padrão alimentar dessas crianças. Foi realizado um estudo observacional com componente analítico, com dois grupos de mães, o grupo caso constituído por mães integrantes de famílias de baixo nível socioeconômico cadastradas na Unidade de Saúde da Família Carla Nogueira, pertencente ao VI distrito sanitário de Maceió-Alagoas e o grupo comparação constituído de mães que levaram seus filhos para atendimento de rotina em dois consultórios particulares de Pediatria da cidade de Maceió-Alagoas. Amostra foi do tipo intencional, tendo sido entrevistadas, no total 202 mães de crianças até 24 meses, sendo 103 mães pertencentes ao grupo caso e 99 mães pertencentes ao grupo comparação. As variáveis que caracterizaram a amostra foram: idade materna, ocupação materna, número de filhos nascidos vivos, convívio da mãe com o companheiro, chefe da família, escolaridade materna, escolaridade do chefe, renda familiar per capita por número de salários mínimos posteriormente distribuídos em quartis e cuidador da criança. Adicionalmente verificou-se o consumo alimentar das crianças, avaliado por um questionário de frequência alimentar qualitativo validado, o qual foi adaptado para a faixa etária de até 2 anos, tendo sido convertida em escores a mensuração do consumo para caracterização dos hábitos alimentares das crianças. Os resultados evidenciaram que, no grupo caso, as mães passam mais tempo assistindo à televisão ≥ 5 horas/dia e as famílias com mais frequência faziam as refeições em frente à televisão, enquanto no grupo comparação esse comportamento nunca aconteceu em 52,5% (p<0,01). Foi observado que, durante o pré-natal, a maioria das mães recebeu orientação dos profissionais de saúde sobre aleitamento materno. Entretanto, as mães do grupo comparação tiveram melhor apoio no processo de amamentação no pós-parto e orientação com relação à introdução de novos alimentos no dia a dia da criança. Com relação ao padrão alimentar, a mediana dos escores de consumo foi maior nas crianças do grupo caso, no tocante aos alimentos pertencentes ao grupo I- pães e cereais (p=0,05) e grupo VI - produtos industrializados (p<0,01), enquanto as crianças do grupo comparação tiveram os maiores escores de consumo no grupo II - frutas, legumes e verduras (p<0,01); seguido do grupo III - carnes, muídos e ovos (p<0,01) e grupo IV - leite e produtos lácteos (p<0,01). Essas evidências sugerem que a influência da mídia televisiva e a falta de apoio dos profissionais da saúde contribuem para as práticas alimentares inadequadas, independente do nível socioeconômico, motivos pelos quais crianças de até 24 meses já têm no seu cardápio produtos industrializados.

O intercâmbio entre cultura local e global : propaganda da Frevo

Queiroz Mota, Meiriédna January 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T16:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo4653_1.pdf: 1289604 bytes, checksum: 2fbd986ab92c092cdc09ce5b0ebe4f37 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Neste trabalho, defendemos a idéia de que a propaganda contemporânea absorve elementos tradicionais e modernos. Para ser entendida e consumida ela precisa ainda considerar as esferas local e global. O estudo trata do intercâmbio entre cultura local e cultura global, mediante a análise de propagandas da marca Frevo. A análise permite identificar elementos responsáveis por um diálogo midiático entre o pretérito e o atual. O argumento central do trabalho: elementos como o orgulho, a força, a união dos pernambucanos, e assim a valorização da riqueza e diversidade locais, da beleza natural, do não-trabalho, da mulher, constroem uma realidade identificável e vendável de uma marca local inserida num contexto globalizante. A base empírica do trabalho está na construção e temática das propagandas eletrônicas televisivas da Frevo. A ênfase do trabalho está em identificar e demonstrar o intercâmbio entre o local e o global na propaganda dessa marca

Entre o mito e apropaganda politica : Janio Quadros e sua imagem publica (1959-1961) / Between mith and political propaganda : Janio Quadros and his public image

Queler, Jefferson Jose 22 September 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Vavy Pacheco Borges / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T17:26:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Queler_JeffersonJose_D.pdf: 31559792 bytes, checksum: 336a6f360dc8596d1c38294cb8bf08c1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Pretendo, neste texto, analisar a construção da imagem pública de Jânio Quadros entre 1959 e 1961. Durante este período, ele disputou as eleições presidenciais brasileiras e governou o país até sua renúncia à Presidência. De acordo com a historiografia ¿ numa posição similar quando comparada a posições comumente veiculadas pela memória coletiva -, o personalismo dele poderia ser apontado como o principal fator para explicar sua força política, e a propaganda política ajudaria a construir seu prestígio de forma enganosa. Tal ponto de vista pressupõe que o eleitorado brasileiro era passivo e ingênuo, sendo facilmente manipulado por demagogos, o que é uma interpretação clássica para a política na América Latina como um todo, sob a capa do conceito de populismo. Tentando evitar essa perspectiva, sugiro como o espetáculo envolvendo a política naquelas circunstâncias também era formado por partes relevantes da população, isto é, membros de diferentes grupos sociais faziam propaganda por eles próprios, escrevendo e debatendo poesias, textos e músicas com temáticas políticas. Estes aspectos da campanha presidencial são estudados através de cartas então recebidas por Jânio Quadros de várias partes do Brasil e de diferentes grupos sociais, da mesma forma que através de discursos políticos, da imprensa e da propaganda oficial organizada pelo Movimento Popular Jânio Quadros. A análise destas fontes indica o quanto o mencionado líder estava atrelado a projetos políticos e como isso foi decisivo para atrair o apoio do eleitorado em geral, especialmente com a tradição da Democracia Cristã. Em outras palavras, seu personalismo parece apenas tê-lo promovido na medida em que ele era associado a propostas e práticas políticas, as quais foram objeto de discussão entre a população. E, uma vez que estas considerações põem algumas luzes na forma como Jânio Quadros era levado a sério pelo seu eleitorado, também tento mostrar o quão problemática é a perspectiva que defende ter ele renunciado à Presidência em razão de falta de equilíbrio psicológico, procurando sugerir que os projetos políticos implementados por ele talvez possam oferecer pistas para o esclarecimento das motivações de tal ato / Abstract: In this text I intend to analyse the construction of the public image of Jânio Quadros between 1959 and 1961. During this period he disputed the Brazilian presidential elections and ruled the country until his resignation to the presidency. According to the historiography - in a similar position when compared with positions commonly conveyed by the collective memory -, his personalism could be pointed out as the main factor to explain his political force, and political propaganda would help to build his prestige in a misleading way. Such point of view assumes that the Brazilian electorate was passive and naive, being easily manipulated by demagogues, which is a classical interpretation for politics in Latin America as a whole under the cover of the concept of populism. By trying to avoid this outlook, I suggest that the spectacle involving politics in those circunstances was also formed by relevant parts of the population, that is to say that members of different social groups made propaganda by themselves, writing and debating poetry, texts and songs with political themes. These aspects of the presidential campaign are studied through letters then received by Jânio Quadros from varied parts of Brazil and different social groups, as well as through political speechs, the press and the official propaganda organised by the Jânio Quadros Popular Movement. The analysis of these sources indicates how the mentioned leader was attached to political projects and how that was decisive to attract the support of the electorate in general, especially with the tradition of the Christian Democracy. In other words, his personalim just seems to have promoted him as he was associated with political proposals and practices, which were objects of discussion among the population. And since these considerations put some lights in the way Jânio Quadros was taken seriously by his electorate, I also try to show how problematic is the perspective that defends he resigned from presidency because lack of psychological equilibrium, searching to suggest that the political projects implemented by him may offer some clues about the motivations of such act / Doutorado / Politica, Memoria e Cidade / Doutor em História

The Palazzo Medici and its Polyvalent Message: Cosimo de Medici Navigates the Shifting Meaning of Pride

Thieryung, Lisa Morgan 02 November 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates the Medicean ability to present divergent messages to different audiences through the manipulation of art and architecture of the Palazzo Medici. I examine several works of art commissioned and authored by the Medici. First, Donatello’s bronze David, located in the Medici Courtyard, is interpreted through the traditional Christian perspective as seen by the vicini, making the Medici appear pious, reverent, and religiously devout. This work is also interpreted from the amici point of view using ancient and contemporary authors to trace the development of ideas amongst the circle of Classically educated friends of the Medici. Second, Donatello’s bronze Judith and Holofernes, located in the adjacent Medici Garden, is examined in the same way to highlight the divergent message of humility juxtaposed with pride. This exercise shows the Medici had the ability to use one piece of art to set the stage for several different messages. Each type of visitor would view the same piece of art and come away with a different message specifically tailored to them, which allowed the family to increase support for their political faction and maintain their status as de facto rulers of Florence. The Medici family’s success is undisputed amongst scholars, but Cosimo’s use of the Augustan model and his use of the palace as propaganda is a subject that has been left scarcely examined. Much research has been conducted on the exterior due to what is extant, but how those in the Medici faction viewed it is non-existent. This work builds upon F.W. Kent’s position that Renaissance palace were built with several groups in mind. Through this examination of the Medici’s use of polyvalent messaging, a new understanding of the Medici emerges, which shows they were masters of propaganda and can explain why the Palazzo Medici became the model for palaces through Florence, the Italian Peninsula, and eventually greater Europe.

Putting the "Islam" in Islamism: Religious Language and the Model Muslim as Tools of Propaganda

Thomas, Zachary Ross, Thomas, Zachary Ross January 2017 (has links)
This work examines how two Islamist forces, the Islamic State and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, use Islamic messages and themes in their propaganda and narrative in an effort to persuade others to their point of view. It does so through the lens of propaganda analysis and narrative theory, and focuses specifically on the efforts of these groups to create an imaginary "model Muslim" for persuadees to emulate, the use of religiously loaded terms, and the intertwining of government and Islamic themes to create Islamic messages with the intent to persuade.

Ideology and identities : printed graphic propaganda of the Communist Party of South Africa, 1921-1950

Pretorius, Jacqueline Deirdre 04 June 2012 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / The Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA) was founded in 1921 and dissolved in 1950. From the outset the party produced printed propaganda, including an official newspaper, pamphlets and leaflets, and a sizeable volume of this printed material survives. This study provides an account of the printed graphic propaganda produced by the CPSA by firstly describing the production, distribution, consumption and regulation thereof and secondly, by offering a focused examination of the representation and construction of identities in the images contained in the propaganda. The approach taken in the study is informed by the view that meaning is constructed through the use of representational systems which can be analysed with the help of semiotics, iconography and archetypes. A framework for the study is developed by drawing on the work of a number of theorists, primarily from the field of cultural studies. The framework is then applied to the propaganda from each decade of the party’s existence, namely 1921 to 1929, 1930 to 1938 and 1939 to 1950. These time divisions are informed by the name changes of the party paper, which coincided with important changes in CPSA policy. The description of the production, distribution, consumption and regulation of the printed propaganda during each time period is followed by an examination of the representation and construction of identities in the images which appear in the printed material. The images are examined according to their representational meaning, iconographical symbolism and iconological symbolism. This examination results firstly in the description of a number of figurative and abstract symbols, and secondly in the identification of various types of identities constructed in the imag-es, such as the image of the worker, comrade gentleman, the capitalist and the warrior. Some identities, for example the worker, recur in all three decades, whereas other identities appear during one decade, only to disappear during the next. Finally, the iconological symbolism of the images are analysed by drawing on Jung’s theory of archetypes of the collective unconscious, thereby offering a deeper and more speculative interpretation of the meaning of the images.

Boj s propagandou a dezinformáciami (na národnej úrovni a na úrovni EÚ) / Fighting propaganda and disinformation (at national and EU level)

Kleščová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims at main methods of fighting against disinformation and propaganda in society. The goal of this thesis was to find out how the European Union tackles the problem at the level of its three main institutions and how the Czech and the Slovak Republic combat false news and propaganda at the government and state bodies level, at civil society level, and at the level of the media. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first two chapters describe the theoretical framework of communication, differentiate different types of information, and describe the practical determination of disinformation. The third chapter aims at analysis of access of the institutions of the European Union to the problem of disinformation in the society and on the internet. The fourth chapter introduces the results of a survey conducted on the above mentioned levels in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia. In the final part, the access of both countries and the European Union is evaluated by a comparative analysis method.

Investigating the manufacturing of consent and democratic resistance through legacy and new media, in relation to fracking

Roodt, Jean-Pierre January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation concerns the extent to which the propaganda model advanced by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman in their Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media is still applicable to the current media ecosystem, where both legacy and new media converge, especially given the emergence of global democratic resistance both to the excesses of neoliberalism in general, and to the problems associated with shale gas mining through hydraulic fracturing (or fracking) in particular. In this regard, firstly, the tensions between the views of seminal propaganda theorists and of critical theorists opposed to propaganda will be thematized in relation to Chomsky and Herman’s propaganda model, through which they sought to account for the negative impact of neoliberalism on journalistic freedom. Secondly, the primary features of neoliberalism will be considered in relation to the advent of the Internet, which has helped spread laissez-faire capitalism globally, both through integrating financial markets and augmenting consumerism, and through facilitating new practises of consent engineering via digital forms of censorship and surveillance. Thirdly, the correlative emergence around the world of digital democratic resistance on the part of new social movements and through both new and legacy media means, to the excesses of neoliberalism in general, will be investigated. Fourthly, the corporate underpinning of fracking in the United States will be explored, along with the media strategy by which anti-fracking groups – following Vera Scroggins’s activism – have contested government endorsement of such resource extraction. Fifthly, the resonances/dissonances between the media strategies of the American anti-fracking movement and the South African anti-fracking movement – most notably the Treasure the Karoo Action Group (TKAG) – along with the different contexts out of which they emerged and their respective efficacy, will be examined. Finally, some potential deficits in the TKAG media strategy will be identified, and appropriate recommendations will be made.

Investigating modernisation in Iran in relation to the changing fifth news filter of Herman and Chomsky's 'Propaganda Model'

Godfrey, Lianne January 2013 (has links)
The focus of this dissertation falls on the transformation of the fifth news filter of the propaganda model identified by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky in their Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. This transformation entails a shift from an anti-communist orientation, to an anti-Islamic orientation, and while this shift has been alluded to by several theorists, in what follows it will be dealt with more systematically. In this regard, it will be traced from its roots, in the tension between modernisation theory – as espoused by figures such as Daniel Lerner – and the anti-modernisation theory of Iranian scholars such as Ahmad Fardid, Jalal al-e Ahmad and Ali Shari’ati. Following this, the development of the anti-Islamic orientation of the fifth news filter, in the wake of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, and the ensuing Iranian hostage crisis, will be explored. This will be done as a precursor to examining the continued reflection of the related tropes and stereotypes in US mainstream film, with particular focus falling on Ben Affleck’s Argo (2012). Finally, this dissertation will conclude with a consideration of the possible effects of such representations on the tensions between the US and Iran over the latter’s nuclear ambitions.

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