Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aproper"" "subject:"improper""
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La Traduction des Noms Propres Français : Les noms propres dans les textes socipolitiques et le risque d'incompréhension du lecteur suédois / The Translation of French Proper Names : Proper names in sociopoliticaltexts and the risk of incomprehension of the Swedish readerOlsson, Chloé January 2017 (has links)
When a translator gets a new mission, even though he or she has a lot of experience in the subject, there are great responsibilities when it comes to the exactitude of the information in the translation. The translator can be responsible that the reader miscomprehends the text if the translation is perceived as strange in the target culture. Proper names are very close to cultural differences and, as such, are quite problematic to translate. What the translator can do in order to avoid these problems is to apply a translation strategy during his work. This study has the aim to find an adequate strategy to the translation of proper names in French socio-political texts. In order to analyse different proper names and apply a method, we had to translate a socio-political text into Swedish, more specifically a part of a political text written by Denis Pelletier in 2005 called “L’école, l’Europe, les corps: la laïcité et le voile” which is about the banning for young girls to wear the Islamic veil in French schools. The study highlighted two matters. First, is there a specific strategy that can be applied to French proper names when they are translated into Swedish that are not well known to a Swedish reader? Second, are there any complications to solve in proper names that are related to cultural differences between the source language and the target language? In order to answer these questions we chose to use the theories of Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet presented by Jeremy Munday in Introducing Translation Studies. Theories and Application (2012) that helped us when certain translations of proper names were complicated and it helped us justify changes in the translation. The work on proper names by Peter Newmark presented in A Textbook of Translation (1988) helped us to identify six categories of proper names precisely; toponyms, names of ministries, institutional names, names of public bodies, anthroponyms and names of political parties. While analysing the result we found that the different solutions proposed by Newmark were not applied to each translation of proper names. In addition, the most frequently used translation method was the procedure of couplets.
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Étude mathématique et numérique des méthodes de réduction dimensionnelle de type POD et PGD / Mathematical and numerical study of POD and PGD dimensional reduction methodsSaleh, Marwan 07 May 2015 (has links)
Ce mémoire de thèse est formé de quatre chapitres. Un premier chapitre présente les différentes notions et outils mathématiques utilisés dans le corps de la thèse ainsi qu’une description des résultats principaux que nous avons obtenus. Le second chapitre présente une généralisation d’un résultat obtenu par Rousselet-Chénais en 1990 qui décrit la sensibilité des sous-espaces propres d’opérateurs compacts auto-adjoints. Rousselet-Chénais se sont limités aux sous-espaces propres de dimension 1 et nous avons étendu leur résultat aux dimensions supérieures. Nous avons appliqué nos résultats à la Décomposition par Projection Orthogonale (POD) dans le cas de variation paramétrique, temporelle ou spatiale (Gappy-POD). Le troisième chapitre traite de l’estimation du flot optique avec des énergies quadratiques ou linéaires à l’infini. On montre des résultats mathématiques de convergence de la méthode de Décomposition Progressive Généralisée (PGD) dans le cas des énergies quadratiques. Notre démonstration est basée sur la décomposition de Brézis-Lieb via la convergence presque-partout de la suite gradient PGD. Une étude numérique détaillée est faite sur différents type d’images : sur les équations de transport de scalaire passif, dont le champ de déplacement est solution des équations de Navier-Stokes. Ces équations présentent un défi pour l’estimation du flot optique à cause du faible gradient dans plusieurs régions de l’image. Nous avons appliqué notre méthode aux séquences d’images IRM pour l’estimation du mouvement des organes abdominaux. La PGD a présenté une supériorité à la fois au niveau du temps de calcul (même en 2D) et au niveau de la représentation correcte des mouvements estimés. La diffusion locale des méthodes classiques (Horn & Schunck, par exemple) ralentit leur convergence contrairement à la PGD qui est une méthode plus globale par nature. Le dernier chapitre traite de l’application de la méthode PGD dans le cas d’équations elliptiques variationnelles dont l’énergie présente tous les défis aux méthodes variationnelles classiques : manque de convexité, manque de coercivité et manque du caractère borné de l’énergie. Nous démontrons des résultats de convergence, pour la topologie faible, des suites PGD (lorsqu’elles sont bien définies) vers deux solutions extrémales sur la variété de Nehari. Plusieurs questions mathématiques concernant la PGD restent ouvertes dans ce chapitre. Ces questions font partie de nos perspectives de recherche. / This thesis is formed of four chapters. The first one presents the mathematical notions and tools used in this thesis and gives a description of the main results obtained within. The second chapter presents our generalization of a result obtained by Rousselet-Chenais in 1990 which describes the sensitivity of eigensubspaces for self-adjoint compact operators. Rousselet-Chenais were limited to sensitivity for specific subspaces of dimension 1, we have extended their result to higher dimensions. We applied our results to the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) in the case of parametric, temporal and spatial variations (Gappy- POD). The third chapter discusses the optical flow estimate with quadratic or linear energies at infinity. Mathematical results of convergence are shown for the method Progressive Generalized Decomposition (PGD) in the case of quadratic energies. Our proof is based on the decomposition of Brézis-lieb via the convergence almost everywhere of the PGD sequence gradients. A detailed numerical study is made on different types of images : on the passive scalar transport equations, whose displacement fields are solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. These equations present a challenge for optical flow estimates because of the presence of low gradient regions in the image. We applied our method to the MRI image sequences to estimate the movement of the abdominal organs. PGD presented a superiority in both computing time level (even in 2D) and accuracy representation of the estimated motion. The local diffusion of standard methods (Horn Schunck, for example) limits the convergence rate, in contrast to the PGD which is a more global approach by construction. The last chapter deals with the application of PGD method in the case of variational elliptic equations whose energy present all challenges to classical variational methods : lack of convexity, lack of coercivity and lack of boundedness. We prove convergence results for the weak topology, the PGD sequences converge (when they are well defined) to two extremal solutions on the Nehari manifold. Several mathematical questions about PGD remain open in this chapter. These questions are part of our research perspectives.
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Réduction dimensionnelle de type PGD pour la résolution des écoulements incompressibles / Dimensional reduction of type PGD for solving incompressible flowsDumon, Antoine 03 June 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail consiste à développer la méthode de résolution PGD (Proper Generalized Decomposition), qui est une méthode de réduction de modèle où la solution est recherchée sous forme séparée, à la résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes. Dans un premier temps, cette méthode est appliquée à la résolution d’équations modèles disposant d’une solution analytique. L’ équation de diffusion stationnaire 2D et 3D, l’équation de diffusion instationnaire 2D et les équations de Burgers et Stokes sont traitées. Nous montrons que dans tous ces cas la méthode PGD permet de retrouver les solutions analytiques avec une précision équivalente au modèle standard. Nous mettons également en évidence la supériorité de la PGD par rapport au modèle standard en terme de temps de calcul. En effet, dans tous ces cas, laPGD se montre beaucoup plus rapide que le solveur standard (plusieurs dizaine de fois). La résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes isothermes et anisothermes est ensuite effectuée par une discrétisation volumes finis sur un maillage décalé où le couplage vitesse-pression a été géré à l’aide d’un schéma de prédiction-correction. Dans ce cas une décomposition PGD sur les variables d’espaces uniquement a été choisie. Pour les écoulements incompressibles 2D stationnaire ou instationnaire, de type cavité entrainée et/ou différentiellement chauffé, les résultats obtenus par résolution PGD sont similaires à ceux du solveur standard avec un gain de temps significatif (la PGD est une dizaine de fois plus rapide que le solveur standard). Enfin ce travail introduit une première approche de la résolution des équations de transferts par méthode PGD en formulation spectrale. Sur les différents problèmes traités, à savoir l’équation de diffusion stationnaire, l’équation de Darcy et les équations de Navier-Sokes, la PGD a montré une précision aussi bonne que le solveur standard. Un gain de temps a été observé pour le cas de l’équation de Poisson, par contre, concernant le problème de Darcy ou les équations de Navier-Stokes les performances de la PGD en terme de temps de calcul peuvent encore être améliorées. / Motivated by solving the Navier-Stokes equations, this work presents the implementation and development of a reduced order model, the PGD (Proper Generalized Decomposition).Firstly, this method is applied to solving equations models with an analytical solution. The stationary diffusion equation 2D and 3D, 2D unsteady diffusion equation and Burgers equations and Stokes are processed. We show that in all these cases, the PGD method allows to find analytical solutions with a good accuracy compared to the standard model. We also demonstrate the superiority of the PGD relative to the standard model in terms of computing time. Indeed, in all these cases, PGD was much more rapid than the standard solver (several dozen times). The Navier-Stokes 2D and 3D thermal and isothermal isotherms are then processed by a finite volume discretization on a staggered grid where the velocity-pressure coupling was handled using a prediction-correction scheme. In this case a decomposition of the space variables only was chosen. The results in 2D for Reynolds numbers equal to 100, 1000and 10, 000 are similar to those of the solver standard with a significant time saving (PGD isten times faster than the solver standard). Finally, this work introduces a first approach tosolving the Navier-Stokes equations with a spectral method coupled with the PGD. Different cases were dealed, the stationary diffusion equation, the Darcy equation and the Navier-Sokesequations. PGD showed a good accuracy compared with the standard solver. Saving time was observed for the case of the Poisson equation, on the other hand, about Darcy’s problem or Navier-Stokes’ equations, performance of the PGD in terms of computing time may yet be improved.
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Chaînes alternées dans les graphes arête-coloriés : k-linkage et arbres couvrants / Proper paths in edge-colored graphs : k-linkage and spanning treesMendy, Gervais 28 September 2011 (has links)
Un graphe arête-colorié Gc est un graphe dont les arêtes sont coloriées par un ensemble de couleurs données. Un sous-graphe de Gc est dit proprement colorié s'il ne contient pas d'arêtes adjacentes de même couleur. Un graphe ou multigraphe c-arête-colorié Gc, est dit k-lié (respectivement k-arête-lié) si et seulement si quelque soient 2k sommets distincts de V(Gc), notés, x1 y1 , x2 y2 , ..., xk yk , il existe k chaînes élémentaires sommet-disjointes (respectivement arête-disjointes) proprement arête-coloriées, reliant x1 à y1 , x2 à y2 , ... , xk à yk .Un arbre couvrant propre d'un graphe Gc est un sous-graphe de Gc qui est un arbre couvrant proprement colorié.Un arbre couvrant faiblement colorié est une arborescence telle qu'il existe une chaîne proprement coloriée entre la racine et chaque sommet du graphe.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous donnons des conditions suffisantes pour qu'un graphe arête-colorié soit k-lié. C'est un problème classique en théorie des graphes, avec des applications multiples. Ainsi, nous avons établi entre autres les résultats suivants.A) Tout multigraphe 2-arête-colorié d'ordre n ≥ 242k tel que dc(Gc) ≥ n/2+k –1, est k-lié. B) Tout multigraphe c-arête-colorié d'ordre n ≥ 2k et de taille m≥ cn(n–1)/2 – c(n–2k +1)+1 est k-lié.C) Tout multigraphe c-arête-colorié d'ordre n ≥ 2k tel que dc(x) ≥ n/2 pour tout sommet x, est k-arête-lié.D) Tout multigraphe 2-arête-colorié d'ordre n ≥ 2k ≥ 10 et de taille m ≥ n2 –5n + 11 tel que dc(x) ≥ 1 pour tout sommet x, est k-arête-lié.Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, deux autres problèmes classiques en théorie des graphes sont traités dans la version arête-coloriée. Il s'agit des arbres couvrants et des chaînes hamiltoniennes. Nous donnons ci-dessous quelques résultats.E) Tout graphe simple c-arête-colorié k-connexe d'ordre n ≥ C²k+1 + k + 2 avec c ≥ C²n–k–1 + k +1, a un arbre couvrant propre.F) Tout graphe Gc connexe c-arête-colorié de degré rainbow rd(Gc)=k et d'ordre n ≥ C²k+1 + k + 2 avec c ≥ C²n–k–1 + k +1, possède un arbre couvrant propre.G) Tout graphe simple c-arête-colorié k-connexe d'ordre n ≥ ((k + j)2 + 3(k + j) – 2)/2 avec c ≥ ((n – k – j)(n – k – j – 1))/2 + 2 , où j(j –1)=k , possède un arbre couvrant faiblement colorié.H) Tout multigraphe Gc d'ordre n ≥ 14 et de taille m ≥ (n – 3)(n – 4) + 3n – 2 tel que rd(Gc) = 2, possède une chaîne hamiltonienne propre. I) Tout multigraphe c-arête-colorié d'ordre n ≠ 5, 7 et de taille m ≥ n2 – 3n + 4, possède une chaîne hamiltonienne propre.La plupart des résultats exposés, sont les meilleurs possibles relativement aux propriétés sur les conditions suffisantes. / A c-edge-colored graph Gc is a graph whose edges are colored by a given set of colors. A subgraph of Gc is proper if no two adjacent edges have the same color.A c-edge-colored graph or multigraph Gc is k-linked (respectively k-edge-linked) if for any 2k distinct vertices, say x1 y1 , x2 y2 , ..., xk yk , there exist k vertex-disjoint (respectively edge-disjoint) proper paths joining x1 to y1 , x2 to y2 , ... , xk to yk .A proper spanning tree of a graph Gc is a spanning tree such that any two adjacent edges differ in colors.A weak spanning tree is a spanning rooted tree such that there exists a proper path between the root and every vertex of the graph.In the first part of this thesis, we provide conditions which are sufficient for an edge-colored graph to be k-linked. It is a classic problem in graph theory , with many applications. So, we established among others the following results.A) Every 2-edge-colored multigraph of order n ≥ 242k such that dc(Gc) ≥ n/2+k –1, is k-linked.B) Every c-edge-colored multigraph of order n ≥ 2k and size m≥ cn(n–1)/2 – c(n–2k +1)+1 is k-linked.C) Every c-edge-colored multigraph of order n ≥ 2k is k-edge-linked if for each vertex x, dc(x) ≥ n/2.D) Every 2-edge-colored multigraph of order n ≥ 2k ≥ 10 and size m ≥ n2 – 5n + 11 is k-edge-linked if for each vertex x, dc(x) ≥ 1.In the second part of this thesis, two other classic problems in graph theory are treated in edge-colored version: spanning trees and hamiltonian paths. We give below some results.E) Every c-edge-colored simple k-connected graph of order n ≥ C²k+1 + k + 2 with c ≥ C²n–k–1 + k +1, has a proper spanning tree.F) Every c-edge-colored connected graph Gc of rainbow degree rd(Gc)=k and order n ≥ C²k+1 + k + 2 with c ≥ C²n–k–1 + k +1, has a proper spanning tree. G) Every c-edge-colored simple k-connected graph of order n ≥ ((k + j)2 + 3(k + j) – 2)/2 and c ≥ ((n – k – j)(n – k – j – 1))/2 + 2 , with j(j –1)=k , has a weak spanning tree.H) Every c-edge-colored multigraph Gc of order n ≥ 14 and size m ≥ (n – 3)(n – 4) + 3n – 2 such that rd(Gc) = 2, has a proper hamiltonian path.I) Every c-edge-colored multigraph of order n ≠ 5, 7 and size m ≥ n2 – 3n + 4, has a proper hamiltonian path.Most of the given results are the best possible with regard to the properties on the sufficient conditions.
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Proper connection number of graphsDoan, Trung Duy 16 August 2018 (has links)
The concept of \emph{proper connection number} of graphs is an extension of proper colouring and is motivated by rainbow connection number of graphs. Let $G$ be an edge-coloured graph. Andrews et al.\cite{Andrews2016} and, independently, Borozan et al.\cite{Borozan2012} introduced the concept of proper connection number as follows: A coloured path $P$ in an edge-coloured graph $G$ is called a \emph{properly coloured path} or more simple \emph{proper path} if two any consecutive edges receive different colours. An edge-coloured graph $G$ is called a \emph{properly connected graph} if every pair of vertices is connected by a proper path. The \emph{proper connection number}, denoted by $pc(G)$, of a connected graph $G$ is the smallest number of colours that are needed in order to make $G$ properly connected. Let $k\geq2$ be an integer. If every two vertices of an edge-coloured graph $G$ are connected by at least $k$ proper paths, then $G$ is said to be a \emph{properly $k$-connected graph}. The \emph{proper $k$-connection number} $pc_k(G)$, introduced by Borozan et al. \cite{Borozan2012}, is the smallest number of colours that are needed in order to make $G$ a properly $k$-connected graph.
The aims of this dissertation are to study the proper connection number and the proper 2-connection number of several classes of connected graphs. All the main results are contained in Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
Since every 2-connected graph has proper connection number at most 3 by Borozan et al. \cite{Borozan2012} and the proper connection number of a connected graph $G$ equals 1 if and only if $G$ is a complete graph by the authors in \cite{Andrews2016, Borozan2012}, our motivation is to characterize 2-connected graphs which have proper connection number 2. First of all, we disprove Conjecture 3 in \cite{Borozan2012} by constructing classes of 2-connected graphs with minimum degree $\delta(G)\geq3$ that have proper connection number 3. Furthermore, we study sufficient conditions in terms of the ratio between the minimum degree and the order of a 2-connected graph $G$ implying that $G$ has proper connection number 2. These results are presented in Chapter 4 of the dissertation.
In Chapter 5, we study proper connection number at most 2 of connected graphs in the terms of connectivity and forbidden induced subgraphs $S_{i,j,k}$, where $i,j,k$ are three integers and $0\leq i\leq j\leq k$ (where $S_{i,j,k}$ is the graph consisting of three paths with $i,j$ and $k$ edges having an end-vertex in common).
Recently, there are not so many results on the proper $k$-connection number $pc_k(G)$, where $k\geq2$ is an integer. Hence, in Chapter 6, we consider the proper 2-connection number of several classes of connected graphs. We prove a new upper bound for $pc_2(G)$ and determine several classes of connected graphs satisfying $pc_2(G)=2$. Among these are all graphs satisfying the Chv\'tal and Erd\'{o}s condition ($\alpha({G})\leq\kappa(G)$ with two exceptions). We also study the relationship between proper 2-connection number $pc_2(G)$ and proper connection number $pc(G)$ of the Cartesian product of two nontrivial connected graphs.
In the last chapter of the dissertation, we propose some open problems of the proper connection number and the proper 2-connection number.
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Die toepassing van die sub judice-reël in die Afrikaanse dagblad Beeld / Carla MoutonMouton, Carla January 2007 (has links)
The sub judice rule is a media law practice that is currently often in the
spotlight. Editors and journalists are constantly furiously speaking out against
this rule that limits their freedom of expression in an attempt to assure the
accused's fair and proper trial. Practitioners of the law, on the other side, say
the sub judice rule is indispensable to the proper administration of justice.
The rule, which much prevents the media from interfering with a
pending case, causes confusion under journalists, as it is not consistently
applied. Judges often warn the media against the violation of the rule during a
high profile case, but those who do break the rule are not charged with
contempt of the court.
The aim of this study is to determine how Beeld, the Afrikaans daily
newspaper, applies the sub judice rule in his reporting. The way in which this
leading paper handles the rule is of importance to other journalists as well as
the readers. The origin, development and function of the rule are also
It was established that Beeld did not contravene the sub judice rule as
unceremoniously as a few other newspapers. Beelds violations of the rule
were different experts' nuanced interpretations thereof. These violations is
more based on the perception that the court's independence and worthiness
must be upheld in the public eye than on the rule's actual function to guard
against the interfering in the due course of a case. / Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007
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Unsteady inlet condition generation for Large Eddy Simulation CFD using particle image velocimetryRobinson, Mark D. January 2009 (has links)
In many areas of aerodynamics the technique of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) has proved a practical way of modelling the unsteady phenomena in numerical simulations. Few applications are as dependent on such an approach as the prediction of flow within a gas turbine combustor. Like any form of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), LES requires specification of the velocity field at the inflow boundary, with much evidence suggesting the specification of inlet turbulence can be critical to the resultant accuracy of the prediction. While a database of time-resolved velocity data may be obtained from a precursor LES calculation, this technique is prohibitively expensive for complex geometries. An alternative is to use synthetic inlet conditions obtained from experimental data High-speed Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is used here to provide planar velocity data at up to 1kHz temporal resolution in two test cases representative of gas turbine combustor flows (a vortex generator in a duct and an idealised combustor). As the data sampling rate is approaching a typical LES time-step it introduces the possibility of applying instantaneous experimental data directly as an inlet condition. However, as typical solution domain inlet regions for gas turbine combustor geometries cannot be adequately captured in a single field of PIV data, it is necessary to consider a method by which a synchronous velocity field may be obtained from multiple PIV fields that were not captured concurrently. A method is proposed that attempts to achieve this by a combined process of Linear Stochastic Estimation and high-pass filtering. The method developed can be generally applied without a priori assumptions of the flow and is demonstrated to produce a velocity field that matches very closely that of the original PIV, with no discontinuities in the velocity correlations. The fidelity and computational cost of the method compares favourably to several existing inlet condition generation methods. Finally, the proposed and existing methods for synthetic inlet condition generation are applied to LES predictions of the two test cases. There is shown to be significant differences in the resulting flow, with the proposed method showing a marked ii reduction in the adjustment period that is required to establish turbulent equilibrium downstream of the inlet. However, it is noted the presence of downstream turbulence generating features can mask any differences in the inlet condition, to the extent that the flow in the core of the combustor test case is found to be insensitive to the inlet condition applied at the entry to the feed annulus for the test conditions applied here.
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Proper motions of five OB stars with candidate dusty bow shocks in the Carina NebulaKiminki, Megan M., Smith, Nathan, Reiter, Megan, Bally, John 06 1900 (has links)
We constrain the proper motions of five OB stars associated with candidate stellar wind bow shocks in the Carina Nebula using Hubble Space Telescope ACS imaging over 9-10 yr baselines. These proper motions allow us to directly compare each star's motion to the orientation of its candidate bow shock. Although these stars are saturated in our imaging, we assess their motion by the shifts required to minimize residuals in their airy rings. The results limit the direction of each star's motion to sectors less than 90 degrees wide. None of the five stars are moving away from the Carina Nebula's central clusters as runaway stars would be, confirming that a candidate bow shock is not necessarily indicative of a runaway star. Two of the five stars are moving tangentially relative to the orientation of their candidate bow shocks, both of which point at the OB cluster Trumpler 14. In these cases, the large-scale flow of the interstellar medium, powered by feedback from the cluster, appears to dominate over the motion of the star in producing the observed candidate bow shock. The remaining three stars all have some component of motion towards the central clusters, meaning that we cannot distinguish whether their candidate bow shocks are indicators of stellar motion, of the flow of ambient gas or of density gradients in their surroundings. In addition, these stars' lack of outward motion hints that the distributed massive-star population in Carina's South Pillars region formed in place, rather than migrating out from the association's central clusters.
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Nom propre et roman chez Suzanne JacobDionne, Marie-Eve 05 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la pratique du nom propre dans quatre romans de l'auteure québécoise Suzanne Jacob : Laura Laur (1983), La Passion selon Galatée (1987), Rouge, mère et fils (2001) et Fugueuses (2005).
À partir du postulat de Suzanne Jacob qui affirme que la réalité se compose de conventions, cette étude s'efforce de mettre à l'épreuve l'hypothèse selon laquelle le nom propre est une fiction. À l'aide de balises méthodologiques privilégiant la narratologie et la pragmatique, l'analyse, constituée de lectures microtextuelles, s'intéresse aux commentaires des personnages et de la narration sur le nom, en plus de relever les procédés qui encadrent et mettent en lumière le fonctionnement du nom, autant d'un point de vue sémantique que syntaxique. C'est donc dire que le nom est abordé dans le réseau des différents signes du texte et non pas comme un signifiant isolé.
L'étude se divise en trois chapitres consacrés à des problématiques structurantes du nom propre chez Jacob : « L'omniprésence du nom », « L'instabilité du nom » et « Le nom performé ? » À partir de ces trois axes, la réflexion ouvre sur des enjeux plus vastes qui concernent autant l'identité que les relations sociales et familiales. / This thesis focuses on the use of names in four novels written by Quebec's author Suzanne Jacob : Laura Laur (1983), La Passion selon Galatée (1987), Rouge, mère et fils (2001) and Fugueuses (2005).
Suzanne Jacob thinks that reality is made from conventions. Based on this idea, this thesis confronts the hypothesis that names are fictitious. Using narratological and pragmatical methodologies, this analysis, made of microtext readings, focuses on the characters' and narrators' comments on names, in addition to identifying processes that highlight names functionality on a semantic and syntactic point of view. This means that names will be addressed based on the network of the text’s different signs, and will not be considered as an isolated signifier.
The study is divided in three chapters dedicated to structural problems about names in Jacob's novels : « The ubiquity of the name », « The instability of the name » and « The name performed ? » From these three axes, the reflection opens to broader issues concerning identity as well as social and familial relationships.
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Fungování vlastních jmen ve frazeologických jednotkách / Functioning of proper names in phraseological unitNaydenova, Natalia January 2013 (has links)
(in English): The theme of this thesis project is the "Functioning of proper names in phraseological units". In the study researched phraseological units with proper names (anthroponymes) which are taken from the phraseological dictionary "Russian phraseology: historical and etymological dictionary", ed. V.M Mokienko. The subject of our study is to determine the characteristics of the functioning of proper names in phraseological units, in order to explain and show the translation of the function of proper names, to identify the role of proper names. In the thesis project were performed the following tasks: 1) identify and classify phraseological units with anthroponymes for reasons of their occurrence, and 3) explain by psycholinguistic experiment how the proper name loses its primary function - nominative, getting an evaluation function, and 4) check an acquisition of estimator function by anthroponymes on materials Russian National Corpus. In the study were analyzed 80 phraseological units with anthroponimes, revealed changes in the scope and content of the concept of a proper name in the phraseological unit. Finally, conclusions are made about acquisition the proper name in the frezeologicheskoy unit properties that can be applied to unlimited number of denotations.
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