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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The theological significance of the propeht Huldah's prophecy : a feminist perspective on 2 Kings 22:14-20

Adonis, Melany Marildia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The question I am attempting to answer, IS "What is the theological significance of the prophecy ofHuldah, the prophet? Why is Huldah there?" Scholars have offered different reasons for the presence of Huldah in 2 Kings 22. Why Huldah and not one of the other male prophets, has been approached to "enquire from the Lord". The explanations offered, can all be challenged. It does not supply us with convincing theories which can be used to examine the theological significance of the prophecy of Huldah. I would therefore argue, that the text itself, supply us with clues which can be used to discuss the theological significance of the prophecy of Huldah. Seeing that the text is part of the Deuteronomistic History, clues (to help with the understanding of Huldah),would therefore also be found within this history. In other words, the literary context as well as the Deuteronomistic background of 2 Kings 22, provide us with clues for the theological significance of Huldah as a prophet. Furthermore, I would like to argue that the interpretations made from the clues could be enriched by the fact that I am a woman. A feminist approach could introduce a different perspective 1 therefore did a close reading of the text, 2 Kings 22 1-20 with specific focus on 2 Kings 2214-20. Special attention is given to the language used, the characters included in the story as well as the context of the story. In order to try and get a better understanding of the language, the Hebrew text was used as point of departure and a translation to Engli h was made to use in my discu sion. Through my journey with Huldah, t have been inspired The inclusion of Huldah, highlights the presence of female prophets in the history of Israel. God calls women as well as men. Huldah can be used a a different model for women. In her patriarchal society, she was a married woman who was also a prophet. A prophet who was repected by her people. The king sent his "trusted attendants" (five males) to "enquire from the Lord" and they went to Huldah, the prophet. Therefore, the story of Huldah emphasises the fact that women also played important roles in the history of Israel. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vraag wat ek probeer beantwoord is, "Wat is die teologiese belang van die profeet Guldah ') Waarom is Guldah daar." Talle geleerdes het verskillende redes vir die teenwoordigheid van Guldah in 2 Konings 22 verskaf Redes waarorn Guldah, en nie een van die manlike profete me, genader is om " die Here te raadpleeg" nie. AI die verduidelikings wat aan die hand gedoen word, kan egter bevraagteken word. Dit verskaf nie oortuigende teoriee wat gebruik kan word om die teologiese waarde van Guldah te ondersoek nie. Ek wil dus argurnenteer dat die teks self leidrade verskaf wat gebruik kan word ten einde die teologiese belang van die profesie van Guldah te bespreek. Aangesien die teks deel is van die Deuteronomistiese Geskiedenis sal leidrade, om te help met die verstaan van Guldah dus ook in hierdie geskiedenis gevind word In ander woorde, die literere konteks sowel as die Deuteronomistiese agtergrond van 2 Konings 22, verskaf ons met leidrade vir die teologiese belang van Guldah as profeet. Verder sou ek graag wou argumenteer dat die interpretasies gernaak vanuit die leidrade, verryk kan word deur die feit dat ek 'n vrou is. 'n Ferninistiese benadering kan 'n ander perspektief in Iei. Ek het dus die reks, 2 Konings 221-20 krities gelees met spesifieke fokus op 2 Konings 22.14-20. Spesiale aandag is gegee aan die taalgebruik, die karakters wat ingesluit is in die storie, sowel as die konteks van die storie Ten einde die taalgebruik beter te erstaan, is die Hebreeuse teks as vertrekpunt gebruik en 'n vertaling in Engels gedoen, wat in die bespreking gebruik is. Die reis met Guldah, het my geinspireer. Die teenwoordigheid van vroulike profete word deur die insluiting van Guldah uirgelig. God roep vroue sowel as mans. Guldah verskaf dus 'n ander 'radikale' model vir vroue van haar tyd en daag ook sodoende vroue van vandag uit. In haar patriargale samelewing, was Guldah 'n getroude vrou, sowel as 'n profeet. 'n Profeet wat deur haar mense gerespekteer was. Die koning het sy "getroue volgelinge" (vyf mans) gestuur om "die Here te raadpleeg", en hulle het na Guldah die profeet gegaan. Die storie van Guldah beklemtoon dus die feit dat vroue ook belangrike rolle in die geskiedenis van Israel gespeel het.

A relação interativa entre Jesus e as mulheres a partir de Mc 14,3-9

Creuza Elena da Silva 06 January 2012 (has links)
O propósito deste trabalho é tentar destacar os valores humanos presentes nas relações interativas entre Jesus e as mulheres de seu tempo. Num primeiro momento, fazemos a abordagem de alguns passos da exegese da perícope de Mc 14, 3-9, com o objetivo de tornar clara a compreensão do texto. E no ponto 1.4, a análise de conteúdo, procuramos demonstrar o gesto de uma mulher anônima, na casa de Simão, o leproso, ungindo e reconhecendo Jesus como o Messias esperado por todos. Sua ação lhe garante o título de profetiza. No segundo momento do nosso texto, percebemos Jesus interagindo livremente com as mulheres, incluindo-as no seu movimento de discipulado de iguais, resgatando seus valores, defendendo-as em relação aos privilégios dos homens. Com isso reforçamos que em toda a história do povo de Deus encontramos a luta da mulher, seja por meio de ações ou silêncio, seja buscando vida mais digna. Jesus confirma suas ações e seus silêncios, dando-lhes o lugar devido, incluindo-as como paradigma do verdadeiro discipulado. / The aim of this work is to try and highlight the human values present in the interactive relations between Jesus and the women of his time. As a first step we look at some points highlighted by an exegesis of the pericope Mk 14, 3-9 in order to get a better understanding of the text. And in point 1.4, analysis of the content, we endeavour to highlight the gesture of an anonymous woman, in the house of Simon the leper, anointing and recognising Jesus as the Messiah hoped for by all. Her action guarantees for her the title of prophetess or female prophet. In the second section of our text we see Jesus interacting freely with women, including them in his discipleship of equals, rescuing their values and defending them in face of the privileges of men. Through this we can substantiate the thesis that throughout the entire history of the people of God we encounter the struggle (waged by) women for a more dignified life either through their actions or silently. (Here) Jesus confirms their actions and silences, giving them their rightful place and thus proclaiming them as a paradigm of authentic discipleship.

Les services religieux féminins en Grèce de l’époque classique à l’époque impériale / Women’s religious functions from the classical era to the imperial period

Denis, Patricia 12 June 2009 (has links)
En Grèce ancienne, femmes et filles de citoyens, issues généralement des élites, accomplissaient de nombreux services religieux pour leurs communautés. Ces fonctions, observées du Vème av. J.C. au II/IIIème ap. J.C. en Grèce, Etolie, Thessalie, Epire, Macédoine, îles des Cyclades et de l’Egée et littoral Est d’Asie Mineure, se construisaient et évoluaient avec leur société. Elles permettaient aux femmes de se mouvoir dans la sphère publique, en corrélation avec leur position sociale, et contribuaient à valoriser leur parentés. Beaucoup de ces services s’inscrivaient dans une sphère féminine où le sexe déterminait les rites accomplis, établissant une certaine image de la femme que les pratiques initiatiques accomplies par leurs filles, via ces services, reconduisaient. Toutefois, tous les services religieux ne se définissaient pas par rapport à ce monde féminin, mais tous se lisaient dans un ensemble subtil où il n’est pas toujours aisé d’établir les prérogatives de chaque service par rapport aux autres. Dans cet ensemble, la prêtrise était la charge la plus prestigieuse mais les autres fonctions, désignées par des termes spécifiques exprimant l’aspect principal de la charge, n’étaient pas simplement des auxiliaires ou subalternes. Les services religieux féminins formaient un ensemble complexe, diversifié mais cependant homogène et présentant une profonde cohérence. / In ancient Greece, Thessaly, Aitolia, Epiros, Macedonia, Cyclads, Aegean’s Islands and the eastern coast of Asia Minor, citizen’s wives and daughters, stem from the élite, could carry out religious functions for their people. These functions, influenced by the evolution of the society and observed from the 5th BC to the 2nd/3rd AD, were an opportunity for women to act in the public field, according to their social status, and a way to increase the value of their relatives. Many of these offices were determined by the gender and included in a women’s world. They played a part to create a greek ideal of woman, and the initiatory rites performed by their daughters contributed to carry on this image. However, all the women’s religious functions were not in this women’s world but all formed a group in which they are closely related to each other. The priestess got the most prestigious office but the others functions, usually named by a specific term which indicate its most important sight, were not just only sub-offices. All these offices were part of a complex group with some diversity and fine distinctions and it’s not easy to understand each function and its prerogatives, but this group was still homogeneous and coherent.

The role and status of women during the pre-monarchic period (1200-105 BC)

Sha, Halima 11 1900 (has links)
The lives of women are largely hidden in the Old Testament. New archaeological investigationsinto the households of Iron Age I have brought forward new evidence that sheds light on theauthority status and roles of women in the pre-monarchic tribal community. Conventional theory perceives that women were always oppressed and marginalised under a malevolentsystem of male rule in the Bible. The evidence indicates differently. Investigations in thedomestic sphere, where the household processes were under women’s control and management, imply that women held authority that was equal to male power in the public domain. It has been revealed that women held significant positions in the public sphere as well.This study, therefore, is an investigation into women’s status and the wide-ranging socioeconomicand religious roles they held within a system of male rule that allowed women theirauthority and autonomy in a unique period of Israelite history. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. Th. (Biblical Archaeology)

Construire la parole des dieux : les rites mantiques et leurs agents dans les grands sanctuaires oraculaires du monde grec aux époques hellénistique et romaine

Lesgourgues, Manfred 10 1900 (has links)
Co-tutelle avec l'Université Paris-Nanterre / La pratique de la divination en Grèce ancienne est un phénomène bien connu du grand public, qui l’associe au personnage emblématique de la Pythie de Delphes. Inspirée par Apollon, cette prophétesse délivrait ses oracles en répondant aux questions que lui posaient les fidèles et l’on trouve dans de nombreux textes anciens le déroulement des consultations du dieu résumé sous la forme de deux affirmations complémentaires : « le fidèle a demandé » et « le dieu a répondu ». Pourtant, on ne saurait réduire la pratique divinatoire qui prenait place dans les sanctuaires oraculaires à un tête-à-tête entre deux personnes. Loin de se limiter à un agent inspiré, le personnel sacerdotal des sanctuaires oraculaires était nombreux et se trouvait mobilisé dans des rites complexes pour permettre de mettre en communication le monde des hommes avec celui des dieux. C’est à la diversité de ces agents et à la manière dont leurs interactions permettaient qu’advienne la parole divine qu’est consacré ce travail. Dans une première partie, sont étudiés les agents qui participaient aux rites mantiques des sept sanctuaires oraculaires les mieux attestés du monde grec aux époques hellénistique et romaine : celui de Zeus à Dodone, d’Apollon à Didymes, Claros et Delphes, celui de Trophonios à Lébadée, d’Amphiaraos à Oropos et de Glykon à Abonoteichos. Chaque sanctuaire est l’objet d’un chapitre dans lequel sont considérés, un à un, tous les agents, humains ou non, qui prenaient part au rituel afin de reconstituer les rites d’interrogation du dieu dans leur spécificité. Dans un second temps, cette pratique est pensée de manière transversale comme une pratique institutionnelle qui mobilisait des acteurs distincts à trois niveaux différents : celui de la cérémonie, du rituel et de l’échange verbal. / Divination in ancient Greece is a well-known phenomenon, often associated with the emblematic character of the delphic Pythia. Inspired by Apollo, this prophetess delivered her oracles by answering the questions asked to her, and in many ancient texts the oracular consultations are summarized in the form of two complementary statements: "a man asked" and "The god has answered". However, the practices that took place in the oracular sanctuaries can’t be reduced to a tête-à-tête. Far from being limited to an inspired agent, the priestly staff of the oracular sanctuaries was numerous and took part in complex rites to enable the world of men to be put in communication with the gods. This work studies the diversity of these agents and the way in which their interactions allowed the divine word to come out. In the first part, we study the agents who participated in the rites of the seven oracular sanctuaries best attested in the Greek world in the Hellenistic and Roman times: the shrine of Zeus in Dodona, Apollo in Didyma, Claros and Delphi, Trophonios in Lebadeia, Amphiaraos in Oropos and Glykon in Abonoteichos. Each sanctuary is the subject of a chapter in which all the agents, human or not, who took part in the ritual are taken into consideration, in order to reconstitute the rites of questioning the god in their specificity. In a second part, this practice is thought more broadly as an institutional process who associated distinct actors at three different levels: the ceremony, the rite and the verbal exchange.

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