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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Schoolyard Politics: Ethics and Language at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

Hatcher, Robert 12 1900 (has links)
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has been both contentious and successful. By examining the ICTY from a Levinasian ethical standpoint, we might be able to understand how the court uses language to enforce ethical and moral standards upon post-war societies. Using linguistic methods of analysis combined with traditional data about the ICTY, I empirically examine the court using ordinary least squares (OLS) in order to show the impact that language has upon the court's decision making process. I hypothesize that the court is an ethical entity, and therefore we should not see any evidence of bias against Serbs and that language will provide a robust view of the court as an ethical mechanism.

Termo de ajuste de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho / The commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel)

Ferreira, Cristiane Aneolito 06 May 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo enfoca o termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho. Importante salientar que os conflitos de massa trouxeram nova roupagem ao sistema jurídico brasileiro de forma a consagrar e a insculpir o preceito da tutela coletiva. Neste sentido, a efetividade dos direitos metaindividuais ganhou corpo por intermédio das formas extrajudiciais e judiciais de solução de conflitos coletivos, tudo em prol da garantia dos direitos sociais, da paz social e do pleno emprego. A coletivização dos interesses implicou redução dos conflitos trabalhistas individuais, abrangência de interesses de grupo, categoria ou classe, maior observância dos valores sociais do trabalho, conciliando, portanto, os princípios fundamentais e basilares da República Federativa do Brasil. O alicerce dos direitos metaindividuais trabalhistas estrutura-se nos direitos humanos fundamentais e, neste contexto, devem pautar-se as cláusulas mínimas a serem estipuladas no ajuste de conduta como forma de tutela contra as lesões a interesses difusos e coletivos na esfera da relação de trabalho. A defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis foi conferida ao Parquet Trabalhista na qualidade de órgão agente e consagrada pela Constituição de 1988, dissociando-se, efetivamente, da função eminentemente parecerista (órgão interveniente) até então prevalecente. A estrutura do termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta, bem como sua forma de celebração, natureza jurídica, objeto, limite das cláusulas, dano moral coletivo, hipóteses de flexibilização da multa estipulada, competência territorial para assinatura, descumprimento do ajuste, além de outros aspectos polêmicos alusivos ao tema constituem objeto da presente dissertação. Não menos importante é a abordagem do procedimento investigatório e do inquérito civil, instrumentos comumente utilizados no exercício do poder de investigação consagrado pelo artigo 127 da Constituição Federal brasileira à Instituição do Parquet em defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis. / The present study focuses on the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel). It is important to stress that the mass conflicts brought new drapery to the Brazilian legal system in order to establish and inscribe the precept of the collective protection/injunction. So, the effectiveness of the metaindividual rights got stronger through the mediation of the extrajudicial and judicial forms of solution of the collective conflicts, everything in favor of the social rights guaranty, social peace and full employment. The collectivization of the interests implied reduction of the individual labor conflicts, coverage of the interests of group, category or class, better compliance of the social values of work, reconciling, therefore, the fundamental and basic principles of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The basis of the labor metaindividual rights structures itself in the fundamental human rights and, in this context, there should be the minimum clauses to be stipulated in the conduct settlement as a form of tutelage against the damages to diffuse and collective interests in the sphere of the working relationship. The defense of the legal system/order, the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights was given to the Labor Parquet as an agent organ and consecrated by the 1988 Constitution, dissociating, effectively, from the eminently function of giving an option (intervening Organ) prevailing until then. The structure of the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement, as well as its form of celebration, legal nature, object, limit of the clauses, collective wounded feelings, hypotheses of relaxation of the stipulated fine, territorial jurisdiction for signature, noncompliance of the settlement/adjustment, besides other polemic aspects allusive to the theme are object of the present essay. Not less important is the approach of the investigative proceeding and of the civil investigation, instruments commonly used in the performance of the investigation Power consecrated by the section 127 of the Federal Brazilian Constitution to the Institution of the Parquet in defense of the legal system/order, of the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights.

Roten till det onda : en studie i häxmotiv, kvinnlig sexualitet, husmoderlighet och moderlighet i Ulla Isakssons historiska roman Dit du icke vill / The Root of Evil : a study of witches, female sexuality, housewife-attitudes and disposition for maternity in Ulla Isaksson´s historical novel  Dit du icke vill

Widén, Anita January 2008 (has links)
<p>Ulla Isaksson (1916 – 2000) wrote many novels, often with a woman or several women as protagonists. In <em>Dit du icke vill</em> (“Where Thou Willst Not”) from 1956 she depicts a crisis of faith in a woman, which would not have been successful had she chosen a contemporary setting. She uses an adequate historical framework, the prosecution of witches in Sweden in the 17<sup>th</sup> century, well documented in reliable sources. Her novel includes a message about oppression of women, manifest in patriarchal ambition to control ancient wisdom about healing and herbs and the denial of pre-Christian habits that include knowledge about female fertility, earlier exercised by midwives and wise women and men.</p><p>In “The Root of Evil” the novel is placed in a feminist tradition, where the author, like older writers like Fredrika Bremer, Ellen Key and Elin Wägner, pleads for “social mothering”.  A major difference is that, in her own life, Ulla Isaksson has experienced pregnancy, giving birth and breastfeeding which none of the pioneering Swedish feminist writers had. Emilia Fogelklou, pioneering theologian, wrote about witches as wise women, a study that influenced Ulla Isaksson. The witches are described as mirroring Hanna “the Good Mother”. Their fantasies about life at “Blåkulla” are similar to the everyday life at a wealthy farmstead. This kind of mirroring reminds of the theories of Gilbert and Gubar, who assume that female writers in the 19<sup>th</sup> Century hid their revolt against patriarchy in mad women, like “The Madwoman in the Attic” in Jane Eyre. In the 1950s, golden age of the Swedish housewife, a female writer might well hide her anger at the circumscribed role model dedicated to women in a similar use of Anti-Women. The real witches clearly contrast the obedient protagonist, a true “Angel in the house”.</p><p>The villagers´ struggle to clear the ground from the ensnaring roots that hinder the male prosecution of witches imply a symbolic reading: this evil root is ancient matriarchal knowledge of childbearing and birth control. A theory on the original causes for the witch hunts in western Europe is introduced: the population sank in the 15<sup>th</sup> century and one reason, beside plagues, starvation and warfare, was that women aware of how to prevent childbearing and giving birth to a lot of children were killed during the witch hunt. Churches and kings introduced the prosecution of witches and wise women, including midwives.</p>

Roten till det onda : en studie i häxmotiv, kvinnlig sexualitet, husmoderlighet och moderlighet i Ulla Isakssons historiska roman Dit du icke vill / The Root of Evil : a study of witches, female sexuality, housewife-attitudes and disposition for maternity in Ulla Isaksson´s historical novel  Dit du icke vill

Widén, Anita January 2008 (has links)
Ulla Isaksson (1916 – 2000) wrote many novels, often with a woman or several women as protagonists. In Dit du icke vill (“Where Thou Willst Not”) from 1956 she depicts a crisis of faith in a woman, which would not have been successful had she chosen a contemporary setting. She uses an adequate historical framework, the prosecution of witches in Sweden in the 17th century, well documented in reliable sources. Her novel includes a message about oppression of women, manifest in patriarchal ambition to control ancient wisdom about healing and herbs and the denial of pre-Christian habits that include knowledge about female fertility, earlier exercised by midwives and wise women and men. In “The Root of Evil” the novel is placed in a feminist tradition, where the author, like older writers like Fredrika Bremer, Ellen Key and Elin Wägner, pleads for “social mothering”.  A major difference is that, in her own life, Ulla Isaksson has experienced pregnancy, giving birth and breastfeeding which none of the pioneering Swedish feminist writers had. Emilia Fogelklou, pioneering theologian, wrote about witches as wise women, a study that influenced Ulla Isaksson. The witches are described as mirroring Hanna “the Good Mother”. Their fantasies about life at “Blåkulla” are similar to the everyday life at a wealthy farmstead. This kind of mirroring reminds of the theories of Gilbert and Gubar, who assume that female writers in the 19th Century hid their revolt against patriarchy in mad women, like “The Madwoman in the Attic” in Jane Eyre. In the 1950s, golden age of the Swedish housewife, a female writer might well hide her anger at the circumscribed role model dedicated to women in a similar use of Anti-Women. The real witches clearly contrast the obedient protagonist, a true “Angel in the house”. The villagers´ struggle to clear the ground from the ensnaring roots that hinder the male prosecution of witches imply a symbolic reading: this evil root is ancient matriarchal knowledge of childbearing and birth control. A theory on the original causes for the witch hunts in western Europe is introduced: the population sank in the 15th century and one reason, beside plagues, starvation and warfare, was that women aware of how to prevent childbearing and giving birth to a lot of children were killed during the witch hunt. Churches and kings introduced the prosecution of witches and wise women, including midwives.


趙奕 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

Verwertungsverbot der Rechtswidrig Erhobenen Beweise im Litauischen strafverfahren / Duomenų (įrodymų), gautų pažeidžiant teisę, naudojimo neleistinumas Lietuvos baudžiamajame procese / Inadmissibility of Illegaly Obtained Evidence in Lithuanian Criminal Process

Juozapavičius, Audrius 02 March 2012 (has links)
Unabhängig von der Rechtstradition stößt man in jedem Rechtssystem auf das strafprozessuale Problem des Verwertungsverbots rechtswidrig erhobener Beweise. Es ist bereits in der Idee des Rechtsstaates selbst verschlüsselt. Einerseits muss der Staat die Gesellschaft und ihre Mitglieder vor straftätlichen Versuchen beschützen, Straftaten aufklären und Personen, die Straftaten begangen haben, bestrafen. Andererseits, der Staat hat gesetzmäßige Maßnahmen anzuwenden und allgemein anerkannte Normen der Menschenrechte und des Schutzes der Freiheiten einzuhalten. In der Praxis gelingt es nicht immer, bei der Aufklärung der Straftaten die Verletzung des Rechtsmäßigkeitsgrundsatzes während der Hauptverfahrenstätigkeit, d. h. der Beweisansammlung zu vermeiden. In derartigen Fällen entsteht meistens die Frage, ob die Ergebnisse, d. h. die Beweise, einer Handlung, die rechtswidrig durchgeführt wurde, bei Begründung der Beteiligung eines Schuldigen an der Straftatbegehung und seines Verschuldens verwertet werden dürfen. Der Gegenstand dieser Dissertationsforschung umfasst gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse, die sich danach gestalten, wenn die Beweise, die für eine gerechte Entscheidung eines Strafverfahrens wichtig sind, rechtswidrig erhoben wurden, und, wenn das Dilemma der Verwertungszulässigkeit bzw. des Verwertungsverbots solcher Beweise entschieden wird. / Disertacijoje tiriama teisės pažeidimo, padaryto gaunant įrodymą, įtaka sprendžiant tokio įrodymo naudojimo leistinumo (neleistinumo) Lietuvos baudžiamajame procese klausimą. Analizuojama įrodymų leistinumo samprata Lietuvos baudžiamojo proceso teisėje, atskleidžiama šio teisinio reiškinio esmė ir procesinė teisinė reikšmė dabartinio baudžiamojo proceso teisinio reguliavimo kontekste, identifikuojami tradicinio mokymo apie įrodymų leistinumą teigiami aspektai ir trūkumai; analizuojami įrodymų, gautų pažeidžiant teisę, naudojimo neleistinumo konstituciniai aspektai, įrodymų, gautų pažeidžiant teisę, naudojimo neleistinumo prasmė ir pateisinimas teisinės valstybės baudžiamajame procese. Atliktos norminės ir specialiosios literatūros analizės, empirinės medžiagos studijos bei lyginamosios informacijos tyrimo pagrindu pasiūloma alternatyvi įrodymų leistinumo samprata, apibrėžiama jos turinį sudarančių teisinių kategorijų įrodymų rinkimo leistinumas ir įrodymų naudojimo neleistinumas esmė ir procesinė teisinė reikšmė, nustatomi konkretūs įrodymų, gautų pažeidžiant teisę, naudojimo neleistinumo Lietuvos baudžiamajame procese pagrindai. / The dissertation investigates an impact of the law infringement made by obtaining evidence, meeting the question of the admissibility (inadmissibility) of evidence in the Lithuanian criminal process. The analysis touches upon the conception of the admissibility of evidence in the Lithuanian criminal process law, uncovering the nature of this juridical topic along with the procedural juridical meaning in the context of the present – day criminal process legal regulation, identifying the positive aspects and weaknesses of traditional teaching on admissibility of evidence; inadmissibility of illegally obtained evidence constitutional aspects, meaning and justification in the criminal process of the state governed by the rule of law are analyzed. On the basis of the accomplished standard and special literature analysis, empirical matter studies and the comparative information research, the alternative admissibility of evidence conception is proposed, defining the nature and procedural legal meaning of the content composing legal categories – evidence collection admissibility and the evidence evaluation inadmissibility. Finally, apparent fundamentals of the illegally obtained evidence inadmissibility in the Lithuanian criminal process are identified.

Judicial creativity or justice being served ? a look at the use of joint criminal enterprise in the ICTY prosecution /

Williams, Meagan. Meernik, James David, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of North Texas, Dec., 2008. / Title from title page display. Includes bibliographical references.

Joint Criminal Enterprise : die Entwicklung einer mittäterschaftlichen Zurechnungsfigur im Völkerstrafrecht /

Haan, Verena, January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Bremen, Univ., Diss., 2007

Bezbožnost v klasických Athénách / The Impiety in Classical Athens

Novotný, Matěj January 2018 (has links)
Matěj Novotný - Impiety in Classical Athens Abstract The thesis discusses the definition and prosecution of impiety in democratic Athens during the Classical period, i.e. in 5th-4th centuries BCE. The question of "impiety" in the narrower sense, i.e. of what was denoted by the Greek word ἀσέβεια (literally, "the absence/negation of respect"), is set into larger context of other crimes of religious character, covered by special laws: "sacrilege" (ἱεροσυλία), digging out sacred olive-trees, offences against festivals and other delicts which were not subsumed under any more general term in the laws, pragmatically formulated as they were. The dissertation builds on the work of the researchers who show considerable scepticism towards the reliability of later sources, for example Plutarch or Diogenes Laertius - this is connected with doubts concerning processes against philosophers before Socrates. At the same time, the thesis follows the scholars who doubt the authenticity of the documents inserted in the speeches of the Attic Orators. For these reasons, a considerable part of the thesis is devoted to the rebuttal of late reports and inserted documents. A particular attention is given to the Decree of Diopeithes, which is mentioned in Plutarch's Life of Pericles and is usually interpreted as criminalising...

An assessment of the criminology significance of motor vehicle crash data within the criminal justice context

Roets, Andre 02 1900 (has links)
This research assessed the criminological significance of motor vehicle crash data within the criminal justice context. The study was conducted at the southern region Accident Bureau of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD). The objectives of this research are to: a. Explore and describe the extent and criminological impact of road traffic crashes on a macro level. b. Explore and describe the impact of road traffic crashes on a micro level. c. Explain the criminological significance of road traffic crash data in relation to effective road safety management. d. Evaluate and describe the attendance and recording procedure of road crashes. e. Evaluate and describe the supervisor’s responsibility in relation to the quality of crash data recorded. f. Evaluate and describe the effectiveness of crash statistics accessed by management and/or officials. g. Evaluate and explain the current prosecution procedure as part of the CJS. h. Evaluate existing policy about the crash-recording process applicable to operational law enforcement practitioners of the EMPD. i. Explore and describe the current state of motor vehicle insurance and its necessity from a criminological perspective. The researcher followed a mixed-methods approach, collecting quantitative data from recorded Accident Report Forms and qualitative data from interviews with participants active in their fields of expertise. Road crashes are characterised by injury and damage; victims suffer trauma and economic consequences, and the society and the economy as a whole are affected. The research suggests that accurate road crash data form a crucial component in the investigation, prosecution and development of road safety strategies in the quest towards improved road safety efforts. It also indicates that existing crash data are of such a sub-standard that traffic professionals will not be able to develop effective and efficient road safety strategies in pursuit of road safety / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

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