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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tolfternas samkväm : folkbildning och bibliotek för arbetarkvinnor 1902-1907 / Tolfternas samkväm : popular education and library for working women 1902-1907

Håkansson Petré, Lisbeth January 2014 (has links)
Tolfterna was a popular education organization that existed between 1896 and1964 and that arranged social evenings and set up a library for working women. This thesis purpose is to investigate Tolfternas's activities in 1902-1907 and hereby place Tolfterna in the education- and library history. The thesis examines the library catalog and the protocols from the social evenings and analyses them by means of the popular education ideologies of the early 1900's: Patriarchal education, civic education, self-education and the domestic/housewife ideal.The analysis shows that the organizers of Tolfterna as well as the working women who visited the social evenings had political and social interests. This places Tolfterna in a civic education context.The social evenings contained a mix of politically orientated discussions, traditional lectures and entertainment as music and reading. The library had self-education orientation, it contained mostly fiction and was run by the working women. The non-fiction section contained mainly books about issues discussed at the social evenings such as women’s and worker’s rights, the peace question etc. Tolfternas activities can be described as a mix of civic education and self-education. The domestic/housewife ideal, which was common in popular education for women, is not represented. Tolfterna was a radical organization as they wanted to liberate and support the working women. Meanwhile Tolfterna was a part of patriarchal education since the organizers did not let the working women take active part in the planning of the activities or the development of the organization. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Klivet in i hemmets trygga sfär : Mannen som hot och utopi hos Maria Sandel

Teglund, Matilda January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka hur mannen konstrueras hos Maria Sandel. Några noveller ur Vid svältgränsen och andra berättelser analyseras, liksom ett par kapitel ur Familjen Vinge, samt en episod ur Mannen som reste sig.Tesen är att mannen hos Sandel konstrueras i förhållande till hemmet. Vid detta kan man urskilja två roller. Den ena är mannen som sabotör, den andra är mannen som konstruktör. Mannen som konstruktör blir också, i sin kontext, till en utopi.Fokus för analysen är skötsamhetsbegreppet och hemmet. Dessutom diskuteras Ellen Keys inflytande över författarskapet och hur det yttrar sig i texterna. Slutsatsen är att Ellen Keys idéer är närvarande men att Sandel förhåller sig ambivalent till dem. Denna ambivalens kan i viss mån härledas till motsägelser hos Ellen Key själv. De utopiska mansrollerna, där mannen intar en omvårdande roll, utgör också exempel på detta.

Pädagogische, psychologische und kulturanalytische Traditionen und Perspektiven im Werk Ellen Keys

Mann, Katja 07 April 2003 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine biographische und werkanalytische Untersuchung über Ellen Key dar. Mittels biographisch-historischer, phänomenologischer und hermeneutischer Methoden wurden mehrere voneinander abgrenzbare Facetten des Lebenslaufes und des Werkes der schwedischen Reformpädagogin in ihren Beziehungen untereinander wie auch zu den epochalen und gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen herausgearbeitet. Im Sinne des Strukturmodells Wilhelm Diltheys sind alle diese Facetten als Strukturelemente aufzufassen, welche in ihrer Anordnung und gegenseitigen Bedingtheit die Individualität Ellen Keys abbilden. Strukturelemente, die im Rahmen dieser Untersuchung detailliert dargelegt wurden, sind: Ellen Keys Verhältnis zur Philosophie, zur Dichtung, zur Frauenfrage, zum libertären Sozialismus, zum Pazifismus, zur Religion, zur Anthropologie und Psychologie sowie zur Pädagogik. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Keys Denken weit über pädagogische Einflüsse hinaus sehr stark von europäischen Kulturtraditionen, insbesondere auch von deutschsprachiger Philosophie und Dichtkunst, geprägt war. Ihr pädagogisches Konzept kann daher nur unter Berücksichtigung ihrer kulturanalytischen und kulturkritischen Neigungen und Interessen angemessen verstanden und eingeordnet werden. Ellen Key stand im Schnittpunkt bedeutender Kulturtraditionen Europas wie etwa des Darwinismus, der nietzscheschen Philosophie, des libertären Sozialismus eines Oscar Wilde, der Pädagogik Rousseaus und des Menschen- wie auch Weltbildes Goethes. Daneben unterhielt sie intensive persönliche Kontakte zu bedeutenden Künstlern, Wissenschaftlern und Schriftstellern ihrer Zeit, wie etwa Rainer Maria Rilke, Romain Rolland, Georg Brandes, Stefan Zweig, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Poul Bjerre und Bertha von Suttner. All diese Einflüsse haben es Ellen Key ermöglicht, ein Werk zu schaffen, welches die Pädagogik in ihren vielschichtigen und komplexen Zusammenhängen mit anderen Kulturbereichen definiert - eine Art von Erziehungslehre, die durch ein hohes Maß von Integration vielfältiger wissenschaftlicher und philosophischer Erkenntnisse und Überlegungen besticht und damit auch zukünftig große Aktualität aufweist. / The following essay is intended as a biographical and analytical examination of Ellen Key and her work. Using biographical/historical, phenomenological and hermeneutical methods several disconnected facets of the life and work of the Swedish reformist educationalist were elaborated in their relationship to each other as well as to their contemporary and social setting. In close adherence to Wilhelm Dithey's structural model all of these facets can to perceived as structural elements which in their sequence and mutual conditionality reflect the individuality of Ellen Key. Structural elements presented in detail in the course of this examination are: Ellen Key's relationship to philosophy, poetry, women's rights, libertarian socialism, pacifism, religion, anthropology, psychology and education. It was possible to demonstrate that Key's thinking encompassed far more than just pedagogical influences and was very strongly determined by European cultural traditions and especially by German philosophy and poetry. Her pedagogical concept can therefore only be adequately understood and quantified when one considers her inclinations and interests when analysing and criticising contemporary culture. Ellen Key found herself at the crossing point of significant European cultural traditions like Darwinism, Nietschean philosophy, libertarian socialism as promulgated by Oscar Wilde, Rousseau's theory of education and Goethe's views on mankind and the world picture. She also had close personal contacts to eminent artists, scientists and writers of her time like Rainer Maria Rilke, Romain Rolland, Georg Brandes, Stefan Zweig, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Poul Bjerre and Bertha von Suttner. All these influences allowed Ellen Key to create a work which defines pedagogy in its multifarious and complex connections with other cultural areas - a sort of educational doctrine, which achieves significance through its high level of integration of diverse scientific and philosophical insights and reflections and in doing so demonstrates its continued relevance for the future.

Utmanande bildningssyn : Mönster i motståndet mot Ellen Keys och Honorine Hermelins pedagogiska tänkesätt

Lundh, Tina January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Folksagans prinsessa - en god förebild än idag : ”Prins Hatt under jorden” genom illustrationer av Elsa Beskow / The Folk Tale Princess – A good role model even for today : “Prince Hat Under Ground” through illustrations of Elsa Beskow

Björk, Chanda January 2006 (has links)
<p>The text discusses the folk-tale princess as a good role model for both children and adults, from a feminist debate concerning this issue. Also an iconographic study, it compares women in folk-tale illustrations with women represented in fin-de-Siècle art concentrating on the Great mother goddess and the femme fatale, finding similarities between folk-tale illustrations and other art. Besides that, the text look at the interest for Swedish folk-tales in the 1890´s, the connection between women as illustrators of children’s books and ideas about nature and womanhood that might have had influence on the Swedish artist Elsa Beskow at the time.</p>

Folksagans prinsessa - en god förebild än idag : ”Prins Hatt under jorden” genom illustrationer av Elsa Beskow / The Folk Tale Princess – A good role model even for today : “Prince Hat Under Ground” through illustrations of Elsa Beskow

Björk, Chanda January 2006 (has links)
The text discusses the folk-tale princess as a good role model for both children and adults, from a feminist debate concerning this issue. Also an iconographic study, it compares women in folk-tale illustrations with women represented in fin-de-Siècle art concentrating on the Great mother goddess and the femme fatale, finding similarities between folk-tale illustrations and other art. Besides that, the text look at the interest for Swedish folk-tales in the 1890´s, the connection between women as illustrators of children’s books and ideas about nature and womanhood that might have had influence on the Swedish artist Elsa Beskow at the time.

Hand i hand? : Möten mellan kvinnor i 1890-talets Stockholm

Kärkkäinen, Heli January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka hinder som fanns att få till stånd jämlika möten över- och underklassen under det sena 1800-talet i Stockholm. Ett ytterligare syfte är att granska hur den borgerliga kvinnan respektive arbetarkvinnan konstruerades av sig själv och av varandra. Materialet som granskas är anteckningar från Samkväm för kvinnor ur olika yrkesgrupper och protokoll från Stockholms Allmänna Kvinnoklubb.Metoden som används är hermeneutisk och teorierna som används är den där Simone de Beauvoir beskriver hur den andra konstrueras, samt Karin Johannissons slutsatser om hur arbetarkvinnan närmast ansågs som en annan ras under det sena 1800-talet.Undersökningen visar att det fanns en uppriktig vilja bland de borgerliga kvinnorna att mötas på jämlika villkor. Men de ekonomiska skillnaderna skapade hinder för det, liksom tidens föreställningar om arbeterskan.Hur den borgerliga kvinnan konstrueras av arbeterskorna framträder inte tillräckligt tydligt för att kunna dra några generella slutsatser av, medan hon av ”de sina” betraktas som det självklara subjektet. Arbetarkvinnan ser sig som ett subjekt i Kvinnoklubben, medan hon ser sig som ett objekt i den omgivande världen. För de borgerliga kvinnorna blir hon det objekt genom vilket de själva konstruerar sig som subjektet.

Utmanande bildningssyn : Mönster i motståndet mot Ellen Keys och Honorine Hermelins pedagogiska tänkesätt

Lundh, Tina January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Hjalmar Söderberg och romanen Doktor Glas : i samtidens genuspolitiska diskussioner

Lindström, Karsten January 2014 (has links)
women. The womens social movements for emancipation and equality within marriage created both freedom and anxiety among the population. A Swedish suffragette, Ellen Key was in the forefront to form opinions that reached the population. In addition, she also became a friend to the Swedish journalist and writer Hjalmar Soderberg. In this way, Key influenced Soderbergs social knowledge and writing. Most likely she had an impact on his novel Doctor Glas, which he worked on during their long acquaintance. Moreover, several of the Nordic novelists during the period, were introduced to the writings of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Particularly, Key was one of the first women to read Nietzsche as she could oversee with his misogyny and turned it into benefits to the emancipation. The aim of this essay is to examine the influence of the emancipation debates on the novel Doctor Glas. In addition, I also examine the influence of the German philosopher on the thinking of the Nordic writers. Particularly, I will try to explain the behaviour of the protagonist of the novel that ended in the death of the priest. My conclusion is a misled doctor by a twisted mind filled with philosophical beliefs of “superior” mentality.

Den segregerade småstadens dilemma. En geokritisk analys av folkhemsskildringen i Torbjörn Flygts Underdog / The dilemma of a segregated small town. A geocritical reading of the Swedish folkhem in Underdog by Torbjörn Flygt

O'Nils, Rebecka January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to show how the novel Underdog by Torbjörn Flygt can be read as a critique of the Swedish folkhem. I use a geocritical perspective in my analysis to show that the novel criticizes the folkhem primarily through the portrayal of the characters Monika and Roger and their complex relation with the suburban area Borgmästaregården, in which the story takes place. By the history of the Swedish folkhem, I discuss how and why the development of the two characters, as well as the story of the novel, are influenced by Borgmästaregården. By focusing on the characters Monica and Roger, I discuss how the Swedish folkhem was inspired to help women and children by the ideas of Ellen Key and Alva and Gunnar Myrdal. During the folkhem era, functionalism was used to plan and modernize old city centers as well as new suburban areas, such as Borgmästaregården. But components of the functionalist city planning have been heavily criticized by Jane Jacobs. I argue that the story of Underdog shows how the characters are influenced by the suburban area in which they live, but in a way that is more in line with the negative consequences that Jacobs has described than the visions of the Swedish folkhem.

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