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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sémantické preference a prozodie intenzifikačních výrazů ve finštině / Semantic preference and prosody of intensification expressions in Finnish

Vorlíková, Zuzana January 2019 (has links)
ABCTRACT This master's thesis is focused on Finnish intensification expressions in the form of the genitive case of adjectives and on adjectives intensified by them. Research is carried out in the form of corpus-based analysis for the purpose of seeing if semantics of intensification expressions affect the possibility of their combination with intensified adjectives. The first chapters of the thesis are dedicated to the theoretical study of semantic relationships and intensification. First of all, the corpus analysis attention focuses on what semantic features intensification expressions themselves have. Intensification expressions are categorized into groups on the basis of these features. Three of the groups are a subject of a more detailed analysis. Each group is represented by three intensification enpressions whose adjective collocations and wider context are examined. The purpose of this part of the analysis is to find out if different groups of intensification expressions appear in different contexts and if expressions belonging to the same group prefer a combination with the same adjectives. Key words: Finnish, intensification expressions, semantic preference and prosody, adjectives, corpus-based analysis

Emprego não-convencional de vírgula e sentidos dos enunciados : reflexões a partir de textos de São Paulo e do Acre /

Silveira, Valéria Barbosa Ferreira January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Luciani Ester Tenani / Resumo: Esta tese busca compreender a relação existente entre o emprego de vírgula considerado “erro”, conforme gramática normativa, e os efeitos de sentidos percebidos por meio desses empregos em enunciados escritos produzidos em ambiente escolar. Para tanto, este trabalho objetivou investigar as possíveis relações entre sentidos do enunciado escrito e o emprego não-convencional de vírgula por meio de análises qualitativas desse tipo de uso de vírgula. O corpus desta pesquisa conta com vinte textos de dez alunos em processo de escolarização no final do Ensino Fundamental e no início do Ensino Médio em uma escola situada no interior de São Paulo e outra no interior do Acre, respectivamente. Fez-se tanto a descrição dos textos que compõem o corpus desta pesquisa como dos contextos de produção desses. Posteriormente, levantou-se os usos de vírgula nos textos classificando-os, sintaticamente, conforme prescrição da norma vigente, como convencionais ou não convencionais. Entre estes últimos, foram observados usos desta pontuação tomados como “erros” na gramática prescritiva, por exemplo: emprego de vírgula entre sujeito e predicado, nome e complemento, verbo e complemento etc. Os dados de uso não convencional passaram por análise lógico/semântica para averiguar as possíveis relações dessa natureza indiciadas por meio dos usos de vírgula pesquisados. A escolha metodológica em analisar os usos não-convencionais de vírgula justifica-se por possibilitarem a recuperação de processos linguísti... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This thesis arose from the need to identify and understand reasons why students present difficulties in using a comma in a recurring manner. To identify and understand these reasons, this study objectived to investigate the unconventional use of comma in texts of students in the process of schooling at the end of Elementary School and in beginning High School. We consider that the function of the school is to contribute to the student reaching the standard norm in order to manipulate his writing in a conscious way that the arrangements made in writing produce several meanings depending on, among other aspects, the use of the comma. In order to achieve this objective, we have researched what is recommended in the official national and state education documents for the conventional use of the comma, and we are confronted with occurrences of comma in the texts of students of the last year of Elementary School in the State of São Paulo and texts by students of the first year of High School in the State of Acre, Brazil. After surveying the conventional and unconventional uses of the comma, we relate these uses with genres requested to produce the texts and seek to establish relations with the conditions of written production, based on indications that answer our questions. In order to interpret the data, we start from the theoretical framework about one of the types of literacy, the school, because they are institutionalized reading and writing practices that constitute as a right... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Role of stress pattern in production and processing of compound words and phrases in Mandarin Chinese / Le rôle de l'accent prosodique lors du traitement auditif de mots composés et de syntagmes du chinois mandarin

Shen, Weilin 28 September 2015 (has links)
La présente thèse étudie le rôle de l'accent prosodique (accent de mot vs. accent de syntagme) lors du traitement auditif de paires minimales ambigües (mots composés vs. syntagmes) du chinois mandarin. Deux types de paires minimales ont été utilisés: 1) Mots composés avec un ton neutre (ex: dong3xi0 « chose ») vs. Syntagme avec un ton plein (ex: dong3xi1 « est et ouest ») qui se distinguent par la réalisation du ton sur la syllabe finale ; 2) Mots composés Verbe-Nom (VN) (ex: 'chaofan « riz frit ») vs. Syntagmes Verbe-Objet (VO) (ex: chao'fan « frire du riz ») se distinguant par la position de l'accent prosodique. Nos données comportementales et neurophysiologiques démontrent que : 1) la syllabe finale est plus longue et l'étendue de la F0 est plus large dans les VO que dans les VN, 2) la prosodie assiste le système de traitement pour anticiper la structure morphologique des séquences ambigües, et 3) un traitement hiérarchique « de droite-à-gauche » des informations prosodiques en complément d'un traitement séquentiel « de gauche-à-droite » prend place en chinois mandarin. Prises dans leur ensemble, nos données précisent la description fonctionnelle et structurale du modèle Prosody-Assisted-Processing (PAP) pour le chinois mandarin. / The present thesis investigates the role of prosodic stress (i.e. lexical versus phrasal stress) on the auditory processing of Mandarin Chinese ambiguous compound /phrase minimal pairs. Two types of compound/phrase minimal pairs were used: 1) Compound word with a neutral tone (e.g. dong3xi0 "thing") vs. phrase with a full tone (e.g. dong3xi1 "east and west") distinguished by the final syllable tone realization; 2) Verb-Noun (VN) compound word (e.g. 'chaofan "fried rice") and Verb-Object (VO) phrase (e.g. chao'fan "fry the rice") distinguished by the position of the prosodic stress. Combined behavioral and neurophysiological data demonstrate that 1) the final syllable was more lengthened and the F0 range was larger in VO than in VN, 2) prosodic structure does assist the processing system in anticipating morphological structure, and 3) a right-to-left hierarchical processing of prosodic information in addition to a sequential left-to-right one is involved during the processing of ambiguous spoken sequences in Mandarin Chinese. Taken together, our findings allowed us to precise the functional and structural description of the Prosody-Assisted-Processing (PAP) model for Mandarin Chinese.

Étude d'un biais prosodique précoce : le cas de la loi iambo-trochaïque / Early prosodic biases : the iambic trochaic law

Abboub, Nawal 25 September 2015 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse a été d'explorer certains des mécanismes relatifs à la perception de la prosodie linguistique. Cet intérêt provient du fait que la prosodie, qui est portée dans le signal acoustique par les indices d'intensité, durée et pitch, pourrait guider les nourrissons dans l'apprentissage des mots et de leur ordre dans les phrases. Nous avons donc étudié un mécanisme qui pourrait sous-tendre ces capacités prosodiques précoces : la loi iambo-trochaïque (iambic-trochaic law : ITL). L'ITL (Woodrow, 1909; Hayes, 1995; Nespor et al., 2008) est un des principes d'organisation de la perception auditive qui a été proposé comme ayant un rôle important non seulement dans la perception chez l'adulte, mais aussi pendant l'acquisition du langage chez le nourrisson. L'ITL postule une préférence générale pour le regroupement des éléments sonores (syllabes, notes musicales...) en paires, en fonction des variations d'intensité, de tonalité (pitch) ou de durée de ces éléments : les sons forts ou aigus marquent le début de groupes de pattern trochaïque (fort-faible ou aigu-grave), alors que les sons longs marquent la fin de groupes de pattern iambique (court-long). Toutefois, les langues diffèrent dans leur façon d'utiliser ces indices acoustiques pour marquer la proéminence prosodique dans les mots et dans les syntagmes. Par exemple, le français ne possède pas d'accent lexical mais un accent au niveau du syntagme où la dernière syllabe est allongée, ce qui crée un contraste court-long (pattern iambique basé sur la durée). A l'inverse, en anglais ou en allemand, l'accent lexical est en général sur la première syllabe, qui est plus forte et/ou plus aigüe, ce qui induit un pattern trochaïque basé sur l'intensité ou le pitch. L'environnement linguistique pourrait donc interagir avec l'ITL. Cette thèse s'articule en deux axes. D'une part, dans une tâche de segmentation / reconnaissance de paires de syllabes, nos données montrent que des sensibilités à l'ITL sont présentes chez l'adulte (Exp. 1) et le nourrisson de 7,5 mois (Exp. 2), français et allemands. De faibles différences cross-linguistiques entre les deux groupes sont retrouvées pour le groupement basé sur l'intensité. D'autre part, à l'aide de la NIRS (Near InfraRed Spectroscopy), nous avons mesuré les réponses d'activité cérébrale chez des nouveau-nés et mis en évidence que des sensibilités à l'ITL sont présentes à la naissance et déjà influencées par la langue entendue in utero (Exp. 3-6). Pour finir, nous avons exploré de quelle manière l'environnement linguistique influence les compétences de discrimination de patterns rythmiques d'accentuation des mots chez des nourrissons de 10 mois (Exp. 7). Nos résultats révèlent que des nourrissons bilingues apprenant le français et une langue avec un accent lexical variable sont capables de discriminer des patterns d'accentuation contrairement aux monolingues français. Pris ensemble, nos résultats contribuent à la compréhension de l'origine développementale de l'ITL, de sa modulation par l'environnement linguistique et du développement langue-spécifique du traitement et des préférences rythmiques. / The goal of this doctoral dissertation was to explore the mechanisms underlying linguistic prosodic perception. Prosody is carried in the speech signal by a number of acoustic cues, including duration, intensity and pitch. Importantly for language acquisition, prosody could help infants learn words and word order in their native language. Therefore, we studied a mechanism that could support these early prosodic abilities: the iambic/trochaic law (ITL). The ITL (Woodrow, 1909; Hayes, 1995; Nespor et al., 2008) is a mechanism that organizes auditory perception and was proposed to have an important role not only in adult speech perception but also in language acquisition in infancy. The ITL states that sounds (e.g., syllables, musical notes, etc.) contrasting in intensity/pitch form pairs with initial prominence, i.e., a trochaic pattern (strong-weak or high-low), and those contrasting in duration form pairs with final prominence, i.e., an iambic pattern (short-long). However, languages differ in how these acoustic cues mark prosodic prominence both at the level of words and of phonological phrases. For example, French has no lexical stress but has phrase-final stress, the last syllable of the phrase being lengthened, creating a short-long pattern (duration-based iambic pattern). Conversely, in English or in German, lexical stress is usually on the first syllable, which has higher intensity and/or pitch (intensity- or pitch-based trochaic pattern). Listeners' language background is therefore likely to interact with the ITL bias. This thesis is divided into two main parts. First, in a segmentation / syllable pair recognition task, we found that sensitivity to the ITL was present in French and German adults (Exp. 1) and 7.5-month-old infants (Exp. 2). We found weak cross-linguistic differences between the two language groups for the intensity grouping in adults and infants. Secondly, using NIRS (Near InfraRed Spectroscopy), we measured cortical responses in newborns and demonstrated that sensitivity to the ITL was present at birth and were already influenced by the language the infants heard in utero (Exp. 3-6). Finally, we observed how language background influences the ability to discriminate lexical stress patterns in 10-month-olds (Exp. 7). Our findings show that bilingual infants simultaneously learning French and a language with variable lexical stress were able to discriminate stress patterns whereas monolingual French infants could not. Taken together, our results contribute to a better understanding of the developmental origin of the ITL, its modulation by linguistic experience, and language-specific processing and rhythmic preferences.

Est-ce que la reconnaissance de la prosodie émotionnelle dans la langue française est modulée par les accents régionaux français et québécois ?

Rolinat, Amélie 12 1900 (has links)
Mémoire de maîtrise présenté en vue de l'obtention de la maîtrise en psychologie (M. Sc) / Contexte : La prosodie de la parole, c'est-à-dire les variations du ton de la voix lorsque l'on parle, joue un rôle clé dans les interactions sociales en apportant entre autres des informations importantes liées à l'identité, l'état émotionnel ou encore l'origine géographique. La prosodie est modifiée par les accents d’une personne, en particulier si elle parle une langue étrangère. Ces accents ont un impact important sur la façon dont la parole est reconnue, avec des conséquences significatives sur la façon dont le locuteur est perçu socialement, comme une baisse d’empathie ou encore une moins grande confiance. Cependant, il est moins clair si cet impact, généralement négatif, persiste dans le contexte des accents régionaux qui constituent des variations plus subtiles du signal vocal. Objectif et hypothèse : L'objectif de ce présent mémoire est de comprendre comment des individus francophones de différentes régions (France, Québec) expriment et reconnaissent des phrases émotionnelles prononcées par des personnes originaires de la même région ou non. Plusieurs études suggèrent un avantage de groupe, qui renvoie à l’idée que même si les émotions pourraient être reconnues de manière universelle, nous reconnaissons mieux les productions émotionnelles de personnes de notre propre groupe culturel que de personnes extérieures à ce groupe. Est-ce que cet avantage persiste dans le cas des accents régionaux, pour lesquels deux populations partagent la même langue ? Cette question reste très peu étudiée et ne l’a jamais été avec la langue française. Nous souhaitons 1) créer et valider une banque de phrases émotionnelles prononcées en français avec des accents de France et du Québec ; 2) caractériser les profils acoustiques de ces productions émotionnelles. Sur la base de données de la littérature (e.g., Mauchand et Pell, 2020), nous nous attendons à ce que les québécois (Qc) montrent une prosodie émotionnelle plus expressive que les Français (Fr). Méthode : Nous avons créé de courtes phrases émotionnelles dans 5 émotions (Joie, Tristesse, Colère, Fierté, Honte), prononcées par des acteurs quebecoie.s.es et français. Cette de banque de stimuli a été validé avec une étude en ligne par des françaises et québécoises. 4 Avec un modèle général mixte, nous avons analysé les paramètres vocaux: moyenne et l’écart type de la fréquence fondamentale, l’écart-type et la moyenne de l'intensité, Shimmer moyen, Jitter, HNR, l’indice Hammarberg, pente spectrale et durée des phrases. Résultats : Les paramètres de la fréquence fondamentale moyenne (F0M), d’intensité, de durée, de pente spectrale et d’indice Hammarberg sont significativement différents selon les émotions et entre les origines, Nous avons aussi noté une interaction entre les sexes des locuteurs et leurs origines. De manière globale, sur les cinq émotions considérées, les Fr parlent avec une F0M plus élevée, sauf pour la tristesse. Les Qc parlent eux, pour toutes les émotions, avec une plus grande intensité et une plus longue durée. Au final, nous pouvons considérer que les Qc expriment de manière plus prononcée les émotions que les Fr, sauf au niveau de la colère. En ce qui concerne les différences liées au sexe des locuteurs, nous avons remarqué que les hommes Qc ont une prosodie émotionnelle plus forte que les hommes Fr. Des différences entre les femmes Qc et Fr ont été seulement observées dans les émotions de honte et de fierté, des émotions plus sociales. Conclusion : Nous avons pu caractériser l’expression vocale émotionnelle des Fr et Qc qui, malgré leur langue commune, s’expriment de manière très distincte pour transmettre leurs émotions. Ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes sur les interactions interculturelles d’une même langue mais de régions différentes et confirment la prosodie de langage, en particulier émotionnelle, comme un véritable marqueur identitaire. / Context: The prosody of speech, i.e. the variations in tone of voice when speaking, plays a key role in social interactions by providing important information linked to identity, emotional state and geographical origin. Foreign accents have a major impact on the way speech is recognized, with significant consequences for social evaluations, such as reduced empathy towards the speaker. However, it is less clear whether this impact persists in the context of regional accents, which are more subtle variations of the speech signal. Objective and hypothesis: The aim of this dissertation is to understand how French-speaking individuals from different regions (France, Quebec) express and recognize emotional phrases spoken by people from the same or different regions. Given the hypothesis of group advantage, we believe that expression and perception differ according to culture. Based on Mauchand and Pell’s (2020) study, we expect Quebecers (Qc) to show a more expressive emotional prosody than French people (Fr). Method: We created short emotional sentences in 5 emotions (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Pride, Shame), spoken by Quebecois and French actors. This bank of stimuli was validated with an online study by French and Quebecers. Using a general mixed model, we analyzed the vocal parameters: mean and standard deviation of the fundamental frequency, standard deviation and mean of the intensity, mean Shimmer, Jitter, HNR, Hammarberg index, Spectral Slope, Duration. Results: The parameters of fundamental frequency (F0M), intensity, duration, spectral slope and Hammarberg index differed significantly between the emotions, origins and sexes. For example, of the five emotions, Frs spoke with a higher F0M except for sadness, but Qc spoke with greater intensity and longer duration. The Qc expressed the emotions in a more pronounced way than the Fr, except for anger. Also, many significant differences show that Qc men have a stronger emotional prosody than Fr men. Finally, only differences between Qc and Fr women were observed in the emotions of shame and pride, emotions that are not in the 6 primary emotions, but which 6 would be more cultural emotions. Conclusion: We were able to characterize the emotional vocal expression of Fr and Qc who, despite their common language, express themselves in very distinct ways to convey their emotions. These results open up interesting perspectives on intercultural interactions in the same language but in different regions and show that speech prosody, particularly emotional prosody, could be considered as a marker of regional identity.

House Music: Anxiety, Order, Form, and the Domestic in the Works of Elizabeth Bishop, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Anne Sexton

Basekic, Alexandra E January 2022 (has links)
This dissertation discusses the way in which mid-20th century American female poets Elizabeth Bishop, Anne Sexton, and Gwendolyn Brooks addressed anxieties around seeking, keeping, and surviving home spaces while incorporating elements of formal poetic structure (including metre, stanzaic configurations, and rhyme). Susan Fraiman, in Extreme Domesticity: A View from the Margins, suggests that domestic space and practice can become sites of improvisation, rebellion, and refuge. Building on this theory, I show how form and domestic subject matter can interact to signify active responses to trauma resulting from childhood abandonment, physical/sexual abuse, homophobia, madness, and systemic racism. I argue that poetic form at its most effective does not function as an homage to either patriarchal canonical models of restraint or craftspersonship but animates the work from the inside out and effectively creates poem-spaces that are metaphorical “homes” rather than “houses”.   My work adds to the fields of American poetry and prosodic scholarship by incorporating close reading techniques that neither follow New Criticism mandates that privilege authorial choice/structural integrity over biographical and sociopolitical resonances nor assign specific meaning to how form is used. Instead, this project encourages readers, students of poetry, and practitioners to rethink how formal structures in poetic work can emerge from and engage with the highly personal and how the implementation of formal technique can potentially offer shelter and a means of articulating trauma and resistance whilst extending into the public sphere (either thematically or through the vehicle of performance) to offer intimacy and forge community. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / The mid-20th century American female poets Elizabeth Bishop, Anne Sexton, and Gwendolyn Brooks addressed anxieties around seeking, keeping, and surviving home spaces while incorporating elements of poetic form (including metre, stanzas, and rhyme). I show how form and domestic subject matter can interact to signify active responses to trauma resulting from childhood abandonment, physical/sexual abuse, homophobia, madness, and systemic racism. I argue that form at its most effective should be neither a “container”—a “house” of words—nor a sign that the poet is conservative and/or old-fashioned. Rather, I invite my readers to consider the formal poem as a potential “home” in which the structure becomes an extension of the inner personal forces that animate it, helping it to offer shelter and a means of resistance to the writer and reader/listener, as well as forge connections in the public sphere, both thematically and in performance.

Acoustic Analysis of Speech of Persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorders

John, Jeeva 04 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Perception of Parkinsonian speech: Ratings by self and listeners vs. acoustic measures

Kozlosky, Kenneth Michael 05 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

The Novel Application of Emotional Contagion Theory to Black andMantled Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra and A. palliata) Vocal Communication

Schwartz, Jay W. 22 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The Effects of Internal and Experience-Based Factors on the Perception of Lexical Pitch Accent by Native and Nonnative Japanese Listeners

Goss, Seth Joshua 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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