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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konstruktion och utprövning av datorbaserat test för intonation och rytm : Icke-språklig Testning Av Prosodi - ITAP / Construction and Evaluation of a Computerized Test of Intonation and Rhythm : Non-Linguistic Testing of Prosody - ITAP

Frisell, Lisa, Olsson, Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
Generally prosody is described as the rhythmic, dynamic and melodic features of language. Prosody is further often described as suprasegmental, since its properties go beyond vowels and consonants, which are segmental characteristics of language. A relationship between prosody and music has been noticed and described for several decades. At present, there are several studies proving relationship between prosodic and musical abilities.   The aim of the present study was to construct a test for prosodic non-linguistic perception and production regarding intonation and rhythm. The test was tried out on 16 children with typical language development aged 4;6-7;6 years.   Before testing of ITAP each participant were asked about musical experience. For formal assurance that the participants had typical language development a pretesting was performed.   The results demonstrate an even range and therefore the complexity of ITAP seems to be on a representative level. Furthermore, ITAP is viable and the design is advantageous. The results of the present study suggest that both phonological working memory and grammatical ability are related to the aspects of intonation tested in ITAP.   The study contributes to the knowledge about possible relations between prosodic and musical abilities, and it provides guidance on what children with typical language development are expected to achieve on ITAP.

Prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne hos svenska förskolebarn med cochleaimplantat / Prosodic Abilities and Phonological Working Memory in Swedish Preschool Children with Cochlear Implants

Elm, Lovisa, Heedman, Linda January 2009 (has links)
Cochleaimplantat (CI) är ett hörselhjälpmedel som kan ge barn med grav hörselnedsättning eller dövhet möjlighet att höra och utveckla talat språk. Svenska grundskolebarn med CI har tidigare visats ha en något nedsatt prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne även om stora individuella variationer förekommer. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne hos svenska förskolebarn med CI. Vidare undersöktes samband mellan prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne. I studien deltog sex förskolebarn med CI och totalt 18 normalhörande kontroller, varav sex var ålders-, köns- och dialektmatchade med barnen med CI. Barnen med CI i föreliggande studie uppvisade som grupp signifikant lägre resultat än de normalhörande barnen på test avseende prosodisk produktion på ord-, fras- och diskursnivå samt på test som undersöker fonologiskt arbetsminne. Gällande receptiv prosodisk förmåga förekom inga signifikanta skillnader. Vid jämförelse med svenska grundskolebarn med CI framkom att både yngre och äldre barn med CI har svårigheter med prosodi på samtliga nivåer. Vidare jämförelser indikerar att en utveckling av receptiv prosodisk förmåga sker under förskole- och skolåren. Korrelationsberäkningarna tyder på att det föreligger ett samband mellan prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne. Barnen med CI i föreliggande studie är en heterogen grupp och några barn uppvisade på vissa deltest likvärdiga resultat som sina matchade kontroller, vilket visar att CI ger goda förutsättningar att utveckla prosodiska förmågor och talad kommunikation. / Cochlear Implant (CI) is a hearing device that can enable deaf children or children with severe hearing impairment to hear and to develop spoken language. Research has shown that Swedish school aged children with CI have poor prosodic abilities to some extent, as well as poor phonological working memory. However, there are large individual differences. The aim of the present study was to investigate prosodic abilities and phonological working memory in Swedish preschool children with CI. Moreover, the relation between prosodic abilities and phonological working memory was examined. Six preschool children with CI participated in the study. The control group consisted of 18 children with normal hearing, out of which six children were matched for age, sex and regional dialect to the children with CI. In the present study the children with CI as a group demonstrated significantly lower results compared to the children with normal hearing on tests concerning prosodic production abilities at word, phrase and discourse level and tests concerning phonological working memory. No significant differences emerged regarding receptive prosodic abilities. In comparison to Swedish school aged children with CI it was shown that both younger and older children with CI have difficulties at all prosodic levels. Furthermore, the comparisons indicate that receptive prosodic skills develop during preschool and school years. Results also indicate a connection between prosodic abilities and phonological working memory. The children with CI in the present study is a heterogeneous group and a few children demonstrated equivalent results as their matched controls on some parts of the tests, which show that CI provides a good foundation for developing prosodic abilities and spoken communication.

Utveckling av kognitiva färdigheter och läsförmåga hos barn med mild och måttlig hörselnedsättning i ett ettårsperspektiv / Development of Cognitive Skills and Reading Ability in Children with Mild or Moderate Hearing Impairment in an One-Year Follow Up Perspective

Andersson, Madeleine, Carlsson, Ann January 2009 (has links)
The capacity to process and to remember information is a basic condition for language ability and for coming reading ability. Reading ability is strongly connected to phonological awareness, receptive vocabulary knowledge and working memory capacity. In what way hearing impairment in children affects development of cognitive skills and later on reading ability is an area that has attracted minor attention for research. The aim with this study was to investigate changes in cognitive skills and reading ability in children with mild or moderate hearing impairment after one year of progress and furthermore if any connections between any increases of the abilities were to be found. Comparisons were made with results from age adequate normal hearing children. Moreover prosodic ability on word-level was tested this year. Eleven Swedish children aged 7:6-10:10 years participated in this study. To illustrate progress of the abilities mentioned the SIPS computer test battery and furthermore some manually given tests for reading and prosodic abilities were used. The results show a developmental trend for the children with hearing impairment on tests of working memory and reading comprehension. The least degree of development was found in the area of phonological skills. The children with hearing impairment showed in general the same capacity as normal hearing children on tests for the different abilities. In the area of working memory the children with hearing impairment had significant lower results on half of the tests than age adequate normal hearing children. Several strong connections were present for children with hearing impairment this year than last year, in-between cognitive skills and reading ability. Correlation appeared between age for insertion of hearing aid and test for decoding ability. Results on tests for prosodic ability reached ceiling effect. / Förmåga att bearbeta och minnas information ligger till grund för språkförmåga och är en förutsättning för kommande läsutveckling. Läsförmåga är starkt sammankopplad med fonologisk medvetenhet, receptivt ordförråd och arbetsminneskapacitet. På vilket sätt hörselnedsättning hos barn påverkar utveckling av kognitiva färdigheter och sedermera läsförmåga är dock ett område som inte tilldragit sig något större forskningsintresse. Syftet med studien var att undersöka förändring av kognitiva färdigheter och läsförmåga hos barn med mild och måttlig hörselnedsättning under ett års tid, samt eventuella samband mellan förmågorna. Årets prestation jämfördes mot tidigare insamlat resultat från åldersmatchade normalhörande barn. Därutöver testades prosodisk förmåga på ordnivå. I studien deltog elva svenska barn i åldrarna 7:6-10:10 år. För att belysa utveckling av nämnda förmågor användes dels det datorbaserade testbatteriet SIPS samt manuella tester. Resultaten visar en utvecklingstrend för gruppen barn med hörselnedsättning inom samtliga deltester som mätte arbetsminne och läsförståelse. Lägst grad av utveckling, där prestation låg i nivå med förra årets mätning, var inom fonologiska färdigheter. Vid jämförelse mellan grupperna presterade barnen med hörselnedsättning i allmänhet i nivå med åldersmatchade normalhörande barn inom de testade delområdena. Inom delområdet arbetsminne hade barnen med hörselnedsättning signifikant sämre resultat i hälften av deltesterna än de åldersmatchade normalhörande barnen. Barnen med hörselnedsättning hade år 2009 fler starka samband mellan deltester som mätte kognitiva färdigheter och läsförmåga, i jämförelse mot förra året. Samband fanns också mellan ålder för insättande av hörapparat och ett deltest som mätte avkodningsförmåga. Takeffekter fanns på tester av prosodisk förmåga på ordnivå för barnen med hörselnedsättning.

正體之變-魏晉四言詩承衍探析 / The research of the changes and development of Four-Word Poetry in Wei and Jin Dynasties

楊君儀, Yang, Chun I Unknown Date (has links)
自先秦《詩經》成了四言體裁集大成作品之後,討論者眾,繁華過盡,後世以四言體裁為研究對象者遂寡,使得四言體裁成為詩歌學術討論相對較缺乏關愛之一環,甚為可惜。晉代摯虞與梁代劉勰不約而同界定四言體裁詩歌為「正體」,正體與四言詩的關係,在先秦《詩‧大序》僅約略可見「正」與「變」的對舉,在漢代以前則呈現正變不明的情況,四言體詩歌可以說是到了摯虞才正式被稱為「正體」。究竟四言體詩歌有何特殊風格與地位?詩論家何以將之標舉為「正體」?而此一「正體」說法,對於魏晉時期的四言詩又有什麼影響?本文透過南朝以前的詩歌論述與詩歌流變,進行詳細且深入的探討。 四言詩歌在魏晉時期與五言詩歌同時並存,其間的消長遂成為當時詩歌流變的脈絡。本文參酌以五言詩為對象進行之討論與其建立的魏晉時期五言詩歌譜系,透過對魏晉時期四言詩脈絡進行詳細歸納整理,並且藉由對四言詩歌作品完整且細密的分類,以嚴謹架構出當時四言詩歌的內在質素。此外,從類型由來與區分的探究中,進一步剖析四言詩之所以被形塑為「正體」依據的緣由,以深入探勘魏晉時期所闕漏的四言詩歌討論,希冀確立四言詩在詩歌史之定位。本研究並在四言詩歌類型的篩選與討論上,透過量化分析方式,藉由創作類型比例的高低作為另一客觀的討論基礎,同時依憑數據化的討論,揭示、呈現四言詩歌在魏晉時期完整且確然的狀態。 / In Jin and Liang Dynasties, Zhi Yu (摯虞) and Liu Xie (劉勰) both defined four-word poetry as " Zheng Ti" (Classical Form). Actually, the form of four-word poetry was called "Zheng Ti" until Zhi Yu. Why those critics called the four-word poetry with classical form? What could we figure out the special type and cultural level of "Zheng Ti"? And the thought of classical form compared what kind of imagination in the four-word poetry during Wei and Jin Dynasties? In this paper, the reasons why four-word poetry associated with "Zheng Ti" were discovered through the Southern Dynasties poetry discussion with variation in prosody. The four-word and five-word poetry both coexist in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The growth and decline between the two forms composed of the poetry changed at that time. In this paper, the four-word poetry classifications system was established and the qualities were found through the researches about five-word poetry classifications and the system of five-word poetry in Wei and Jin Dynasties. Besides, the research through screening and discussion of four-word poetry, based on quantitative analysis, the proportion of every type in the classifications system from high to low could be an objective basis for discussion. Relied upon a discussion of the data, this paper will render the complete and mature condition of four-word poetry, and fill up the lake of discussion in four-word poetry history of positioning in Wei and Jin Dynasties.

Svensk prosodi - en möjlighet för alla?! En studie om vuxnas möjlighet att förbättra sitt uttal med hjälp av uttalsträning och ökad språklig medvetenhet : En studie om vuxnas möjlighet att förbättra sitt uttal med hjälp av uttalsträning och ökad språklig medvetenhet / Swedish Prosody – a Possibility for Everyone?! : A study of the effect of pronunciation exercises and increased linguistic awareness on adult learners of Swedish as a second language.

Sommar, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker möjligheterna för vuxna inlärare med ett redan befäst icke målspråksenligt uttal, att förbättra sitt uttal med hjälp av riktad uttalsträning och ökad språklig medvetenhet. Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på hur samtal som ska tydliggöra svenska språkets karaktärsdrag, gällande uttal och uppbyggnad i kombination med riktad uttalsträning, påverkar inlärarnas förmåga att tillägna sig grunddrag i svensk prosodi. Till grunddragen i svensk prosodi hör betonad och obetonad stavelse, relationen mellan lång och kort vokal och konsonant samt olika intonationsmönster. Studien visar att alla informanter klarade av att uttala alla övningsmeningar med målspråksenligt betonings – och intonationsmönster i talkör. Studien indikerar vidare att det dock inte var lika lätt att implementera det nya målspråksenliga uttalet i informanternas egenproducerade tal. Målspråksenliga betonade stavelser ökade dock hos alla informanters egenproducerade tal, vilket bidrog till fler obetonade stavelser runtomkring de betonade stavelserna, vilket i sin tur gav upphov till en mer svenskklingande prosodi. Intonationsmönstren blev också bättre även om de inte var lika tydliga och frekventa som de betonade stavelserna. Förutom ett förbättrat uttal, fick informanterna även en bättre hörförståelse, framförallt tack vare en ökad medvetenhet om reduktion och dess funktion. / This essay examines the possibility for adult learners of Swedish as a second language to improve their pronunciation with specific exercises concerning pronunciation and increased linguistic awareness, despite an already cemented non-native pronunciation. The aim of this essay is to find out how conversation, concerning linguistic characteristics and the structure of the Swedish language, in combination with specific exercises concerning pronunciation affects the adults ability to acquire the characteristics in Swedish prosody. The characteristics of Swedish prosody are stressed and unstressed syllables, the relationship between long and short vowels and consonants as well as different patterns concerning intonation.   The study shows that all participants could pronounce all the sentences from the exercises used in the study with native-like stress and intonation in choral speech. The study also indicates that is was more difficult for them to implement the new native-like pronunciation in their produced speech. Stressed syllables with native-like accent became more frequent among the adults in the study, which resulted in more unstressed syllables and made the prosy sound more Swedish. The different patterns concerning intonation also improved, but not with same frequency as the stressed syllables. Apart from a better pronunciation, the adults also improved their listening comprehension, mostly thanks to an increased consciousness about reduction and its function.

Testbatteri för talapraxi : Utformning och pilotnormering av ett artikulationstest

Albinsson, Sophie, Berglund, Julia January 2010 (has links)
Talapraxi är en talmotorikstörning som drabbar planeringen och programmeringen av talet, vilket visar sig som avvikelser i artikulation och prosodi. I dag finns inget svenskt test för utredning av talapraxi. Syftet med studien var därför att utforma ett testbatteri på svenska som är känsligt även för lindriga grader av talapraxi. Detta test pilotnormerades på 50 friska deltagare.  För att kunna studera hur kön, ålder och utbildningsnivå kan inverka på prestationen i testbatteriet, eftersträvades en jämn fördelning när det gäller dessa demografiska bakgrundsvariabler. Uppgifterna konstruerades baserat på tidigare forskning gällande de typiska perceptuella dragen vid talapraxi och på testuppgifter som tidigare har visat sig vara känsliga för talapraxi. Deltagarnas prestation varierade mellan testbatteriets olika uppgifter. På några uppgifter hade en stor andel av deltagarna alla rätt, medan andra uppgifter visade sig vara utmanande även för friska personer. Inga signifikanta könsskillnader fanns för prestationerna på någon av uppgifterna i testbatteriet. Utbildningsnivå och ålder påverkade däremot prestationen på vissa uppgifter. Generellt var effektstyrkorna för utbildningsnivå större än för ålder. Testbatteriet bör i framtiden kunna ge ett bra underlag för bedömning av huruvida talapraxi föreligger eller inte. Det bör också kunna användas vid bedömning av talapraxins svårighetsgrad. För att gå vidare med utvecklingen av testbatteriet bör man fortsätta normeringen på ett större antal personer samt kliniskt validera det på personer med diagnostiserad talapraxi. / Apraxia of speech (AOS) is a motor speech disorder that affects the planning and programming of speech, resulting in articulatory and prosodic distortions. To this date there is no available test in Swedish for assessment of AOS. Therefore, the aim of this study was to construct a test battery that enables the assessment of level of severity of the disorder, including mild AOS. A pilot standardization was performed on 50 healthy speakers. In order to determine whether the performance on the test battery is affected by sex, age or level of education, the selection of participants was stratified by these variables. The tasks were constructed based on previous research regarding the perceptual characteristics of AOS, taking into account also the types of tasks that have proved to be challenging for patients with AOS. The performance varied between different tasks of the test battery. On some tasks a high portion of the participants got very high scores, while other tasks were shown to be challenging even for healthy speakers. No significant sex differences were found on any of the tasks. However, age and level of education significantly affected the performance on some of the tasks. Overall, the effect sizes for level of education were larger than for age. In the future, the test battery should be able to determine the presence or absence and severity of AOS. For further development of the test battery, the standardization should continue using a larger sample. A clinical validation on patients with diagnosed AOS is also of great importance.

Emotion recognition in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Siklos, Susan 02 December 2008 (has links)
Despite the anecdotal evidence of social difficulties in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), and the risk for secondary disabilities as a result of these social difficulties, very little research has examined social-emotional functioning in children with FASD. The majority of the research conducted thus far has relied on parent and teacher reports to document social impairments. These parent and teacher reports provide a broad measure of social functioning but are unable to elucidate the specific aspects of social functioning that this group of children might find difficult. As a result, it has been very difficult to develop effective social interventions for children with FASD because it is unclear what aspects of social functioning should be targeted. The current study aimed to examine emotion recognition abilities in children with FASD, as recognition of emotions is an important precursor for appropriate social interaction. The study included 22 participants with diagnosed FASD (ages 8-14), with age- and gender- matched typically developing controls. Participants were assessed using computerized measures of emotion recognition from three nonlinguistic modalities: facial expressions (static and dynamic, child and adult faces), emotional tone of voice (child and adult voices), and body positioning and movement (postures and point-light walkers). In addition, participants completed a task assessing emotion recognition in real-life scenarios. Finally, caregivers completed measures of behavioural functioning, adaptive functioning, FASD symptomatology, and a demographics questionnaire. Overall, findings suggest that children with FASD do have more difficulties than age-matched typically developing peers in aspects of emotion recognition, with particular difficulties in recognizing emotions from adult facial expressions and adult emotional prosody. In addition, children with FASD had more difficulty perceiving differences in facial expressions. When the effect of age was examined, it was found that some aspects of emotion recognition were more impaired in children with FASD between age eight and ten years compared to same-age typically developing peers and compared to children with FASD age 11-14. This finding suggests that younger children with FASD may demonstrate a delay in the acquisition of some aspects of emotion recognition or may be more vulnerable to the information processing demands of some tasks compared to older children with FASD. The types of emotion recognition difficulties found in the current study supported a pattern where children with FASD make more errors on emotion recognition tasks when the complexity of the task is increased and consequently demands greater information processing. As such, it is anticipated that children with FASD would be likely to have the most difficulty with emotion recognition abilities embedded within complex, rapidly changing, real-world social situations, and in recognizing more subtle emotional displays. Caregivers, teachers, and professionals living and working with children and youth with FASD should be aware of possible emotion recognition difficulties in complex social situations and should help foster stronger emotion recognition skills when difficulties are detected.

Modeling Phoneme Durations And Fundamental Frequency Contours In Turkish Speech

Ozturk, Ozlem 01 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The term prosody refers to characteristics of speech such as intonation, timing, loudness, and other acoustical properties imposed by physical, intentional and emotional state of the speaker. Phone durations and fundamental frequency contours are considered as two of the most prominent aspects of prosody. Modeling phone durations and fundamental frequency contours in Turkish speech are studied in this thesis. Various methods exist for building prosody models. State-of-the-art is dominated by corpus-based methods. This study introduces corpus-based approaches using classification and regression trees to discover the relationships between prosodic attributes and phone durations or fundamental frequency contours. In this context, a speech corpus, designed to have specific phonetic and prosodic content has been recorded and annotated. A set of prosodic attributes are compiled. The elements of the set are determined based on linguistic studies and literature surveys. The relevances of prosodic attributes are investigated by statistical measures such as mutual information and information gain. Fundamental frequency contour and phone duration modeling are handled as independent problems. Phone durations are predicted by using regression trees where the set of prosodic attributes is formed by forward selection. Quantization of phone durations is studied to improve prediction quality. A two-stage duration prediction process is proposed for handling specific ranges of phone duration values. Scaling and shifting of predicted durations are proposed to minimize mean squared error. Fundamental frequency contour modeling is studied under two different frameworks. One of them generates a codebook of syllable-fundamental-frequency-contours by vector quantization. The codewords are used to predict sentence fundamental frequency contours. Pitch accent prediction by two different clustering of codewords into accented and not-accented subsets is also considered in this framework. Based on the experience, the other approach is initiated. An algorithm has been developed to identify syllables having perceptual prominence or pitch accents. The slope of fundamental frequency contours are then predicted for the syllables identified as accented. Pitch contours of sentences are predicted using the duration information and estimated slope values. Performance of the phone duration and fundamental frequency contour models are evaluated quantitatively using statistical measures such as mean absolute error, root mean squared error, correlation and by kappa coefficients, and by correct classification rate in case of discrete symbol prediction.

Emotion recognition in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Siklos, Susan 02 December 2008 (has links)
Despite the anecdotal evidence of social difficulties in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), and the risk for secondary disabilities as a result of these social difficulties, very little research has examined social-emotional functioning in children with FASD. The majority of the research conducted thus far has relied on parent and teacher reports to document social impairments. These parent and teacher reports provide a broad measure of social functioning but are unable to elucidate the specific aspects of social functioning that this group of children might find difficult. As a result, it has been very difficult to develop effective social interventions for children with FASD because it is unclear what aspects of social functioning should be targeted. The current study aimed to examine emotion recognition abilities in children with FASD, as recognition of emotions is an important precursor for appropriate social interaction. The study included 22 participants with diagnosed FASD (ages 8-14), with age- and gender- matched typically developing controls. Participants were assessed using computerized measures of emotion recognition from three nonlinguistic modalities: facial expressions (static and dynamic, child and adult faces), emotional tone of voice (child and adult voices), and body positioning and movement (postures and point-light walkers). In addition, participants completed a task assessing emotion recognition in real-life scenarios. Finally, caregivers completed measures of behavioural functioning, adaptive functioning, FASD symptomatology, and a demographics questionnaire. Overall, findings suggest that children with FASD do have more difficulties than age-matched typically developing peers in aspects of emotion recognition, with particular difficulties in recognizing emotions from adult facial expressions and adult emotional prosody. In addition, children with FASD had more difficulty perceiving differences in facial expressions. When the effect of age was examined, it was found that some aspects of emotion recognition were more impaired in children with FASD between age eight and ten years compared to same-age typically developing peers and compared to children with FASD age 11-14. This finding suggests that younger children with FASD may demonstrate a delay in the acquisition of some aspects of emotion recognition or may be more vulnerable to the information processing demands of some tasks compared to older children with FASD. The types of emotion recognition difficulties found in the current study supported a pattern where children with FASD make more errors on emotion recognition tasks when the complexity of the task is increased and consequently demands greater information processing. As such, it is anticipated that children with FASD would be likely to have the most difficulty with emotion recognition abilities embedded within complex, rapidly changing, real-world social situations, and in recognizing more subtle emotional displays. Caregivers, teachers, and professionals living and working with children and youth with FASD should be aware of possible emotion recognition difficulties in complex social situations and should help foster stronger emotion recognition skills when difficulties are detected.

O estatuto prosódico dos advérbios em -mente: um estudo comparativo entre Português Arcaico e Português Brasileiro / The prosodic status of adverbs in -mente: a comparative study of Archaic Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese

Abreu-Zorzi, Thais Holanda de [UNESP] 04 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by THAIS HOLANDA DE ABREU-ZORZI null (thaishabreu@bol.com.br) on 2016-05-15T13:54:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Versão digital tese thais.pdf: 4840618 bytes, checksum: 83b58fcc566c791e3bb53c4516cb488d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-05-17T14:10:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 abreu-zorzi_th_dr_arafc.pdf: 4840618 bytes, checksum: 83b58fcc566c791e3bb53c4516cb488d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-17T14:10:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 abreu-zorzi_th_dr_arafc.pdf: 4840618 bytes, checksum: 83b58fcc566c791e3bb53c4516cb488d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-04 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Esta tese tem como objetivo realizar um estudo comparativo dos advérbios em –mente em duas sincronias da língua portuguesa - Português Arcaico (PA), século XIII, e Português Brasileiro (PB) atual, a fim de observar e descrever possíveis mudanças com relação ao estatuto prosódico dessas formas. Para a descrição do estatuto prosódico desses advérbios, sobretudo no PA, elegeram-se como corpus as 420 cantigas em louvor à Virgem Maria, conhecidas como Cantigas de Santa Maria (CSM), e as 1251 cantigas profanas (510 de amigo, 431 de escárnio e maldizer e 310 de amor). Por outro lado, elegeu-se como corpus de estudo do PB um recorte do banco de dados do “Corpus Online do Português”, elaborado em conjunto pelos pesquisadores Michael Ferreira, da Universidade de Georgetown, e Mark Davies, da Brigham Young University. A partir da coleta das formas adverbiais em -mente nos corpora, são investigadas algumas propriedades dos advérbios em -mente sob o viés da Fonologia Prosódica (SELKIRK, 1984; NESPOR; VOGEL, 1986) e da Fonologia Métrica (HAYES, 1995). Conclui-se que as formas adverbiais em –mente são, do ponto de vista prosódico, compostas (um acento lexical e um secundário), tanto em PA como em PB, visto que tais advérbios podem ser considerados elementos que são formados por partes independentes entre si, em que a Regra de Atribuição do Acento atua em domínios distintos: nas bases já flexionadas e no “sufixo” –mente. Por terem um domínio independente, cada uma das partes formadoras desses advérbios representa uma palavra fonológica (ω) distinta. / This thesis aims to conduct a comparative study of adverbs ending in -mente in two synchronies of the Portuguese language - Archaic Portuguese (AP), from the thirteenth century, and current Brazilian Portuguese (BP) - in order to observe and describe possible changes regarding the prosodic status of these forms. For the description of the prosodic status of these adverbs, especially in AP, a corpus composed of 420 cantigas [a genre of poetry] in praise of the Virgin Mary, known as Cantigas de Santa Maria (CSM), and 1251 profane cantigas (510 cantigas de amigo, 431 cantigas de escárnio e maldizer and 310 cantigas de amor). On the other hand, a part of the database from “Corpus Online do Português" [Online Corpus of the Portuguese Language], prepared jointly by researchers Michael Ferreira, from Georgetown University, and Mark Davies, from Brigham Young University, was elected as study corpus of the BP. From the collection of the adverbial forms ending in -mente in the corpora, some properties of adverbs ending in -mente are investigated under the bias of Prosodic Phonology (SELKIRK, 1984; NESPOR;VOGEL, 1986) and Metrical Phonology (HAYES, 1995) are investigated. It has been concluded that from the prosodic perspective the adverbial forms ending in -mente are compounds (one lexical stress and one secondary stress) in both AP and BP, since such adverbs may be considered elements formed of independent parts among themselves, where the Stress Assignment Rule operates in different domains: in bases already inflected and in the "suffix" ending in -mente. For having an independent domain, each forming part of these adverbs represents a distinct phonological word (ω). / FAPESP: 2011/18933-8

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