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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Slaying of Lady Mondegreen, being a Study of French Tonal Association and Alignment and their Role in Speech Segmentation

Welby, Pauline Susan January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Prosody and rhythm in the post-Tridentine reform of plainchant

Veltman, Joshua Joel January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Iconicity in Language and Speech

Cwiek, Aleksandra 13 July 2022 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem großen Oberthema der Ikonizität und ihrer Verbreitung auf verschiedenen linguistischen Ebenen. Ikonizität bezeichnet die Ähnlichkeit zwischen der sprachlichen Form und ihrer Bedeutung (vgl. Perniss und Vigliocco, 2014). So wie eine Skulptur einem Objekt oder einer Person ähnelt, kann auch der Klang oder die Form von Wörtern der Sache ähneln, auf die sie verweisen. Frühere theoretische Ansätze betonen, dass die Arbitrarität von sprachlichen Zeichen und deren Bedeutung ein Hauptmerkmal menschlicher Sprache ist und Ikonizität für die Sprachevolution eine Rolle gespielt haben mag, jedoch in der heutigen Sprache zu vernachlässigen ist. Im Gegensatz dazu ist das Hauptanliegen dieser Arbeit, das Potenzial und die Bedeutung von Ikonizität in der heutigen Sprache zu untersuchen. Die einzelnen Kapitel der Dissertation können als separate Teile betrachtet werden, die in ihrer Gesamtheit das umfassende Spektrum der Ikonizität sichtbar machen. Von der sprachevolutionären Debatte ausgehend wird in den einzelnen Kapiteln auf die unterschiedlichen Ebenen der Ikonizität eingegangen. Es werden experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Lautsymbolik, am Beispiel der deutschen Pokémon-Namen, zur ikonischen Prosodie und zu ikonischen Wörtern, den sogenannten Ideophonen, vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse der einzelnen Untersuchungen deuten auf die weite Verbreitung der Ikonizität im heutigen Deutsch hin. Darüber hinaus entschlüsselt diese Dissertation das kommunikative Potenzial der Ikonizität als eine Kraft, die nicht nur die Entstehung der Sprache ermöglichte, sondern auch nach Jahrtausenden bestehen bleibt, sich immer wieder neu entfaltet und uns tagtäglich in mündlicher, schriftlicher Form und in Gesten begegnet. / This dissertation is concerned with the major theme of iconicity and its prevalence on different linguistic levels. Iconicity refers to a resemblance between the linguistic form and the meaning of a referent (cf. Perniss and Vigliocco, 2014). Just like a sculpture resembles an object or a model, so can the sound or shape of words resemble the thing they refer to. Previous theoretical approaches emphasize that arbitrariness of the linguistic sign is one of the main features of human language; iconicity, however, may have played a role for language evolution, but is negligible in contemporary language. In contrast, the main point of this thesis is to explore the potential and the importance of iconicity in the language nowadays. The individual chapters of the dissertation can be viewed as separate parts that, taken together, reveal the comprehensive spectrum of iconicity. Starting from the language evolutionary debate, the individual chapters address iconicity on different linguistic levels. I present experimental evidence on sound symbolism, using the example of German Pokémon names, on iconic prosody, and on iconic words, the so-called ideophones. The results of the individual investigations point to the widespread use of iconicity in contemporary German. Moreover, this dissertation deciphers the communicative potential of iconicity as a force that not only enabled the emergence of language, but also persists after millennia, unfolding again and again and encountering us every day in speech, writing, and gestures.

Le chunking perceptif de la parole : sur la nature du groupement temporel et son effet sur la mémoire immédiate

Gilbert, Annie 03 1900 (has links)
Dans de nombreux comportements qui reposent sur le rappel et la production de séquences, des groupements temporels émergent spontanément, créés par des délais ou des allongements. Ce « chunking » a été observé tant chez les humains que chez certains animaux et plusieurs auteurs l’attribuent à un processus général de chunking perceptif qui est conforme à la capacité de la mémoire à court terme. Cependant, aucune étude n’a établi comment ce chunking perceptif s’applique à la parole. Nous présentons une recension de la littérature qui fait ressortir certains problèmes critiques qui ont nui à la recherche sur cette question. C’est en revoyant ces problèmes qu’on propose une démonstration spécifique du chunking perceptif de la parole et de l’effet de ce processus sur la mémoire immédiate (ou mémoire de travail). Ces deux thèmes de notre thèse sont présentés séparément dans deux articles. Article 1 : The perceptual chunking of speech: a demonstration using ERPs Afin d’observer le chunking de la parole en temps réel, nous avons utilisé un paradigme de potentiels évoqués (PÉ) propice à susciter la Closure Positive Shift (CPS), une composante associée, entre autres, au traitement de marques de groupes prosodiques. Nos stimuli consistaient en des énoncés et des séries de syllabes sans sens comprenant des groupes intonatifs et des marques de groupements temporels qui pouvaient concorder, ou non, avec les marques de groupes intonatifs. Les analyses démontrent que la CPS est suscitée spécifiquement par les allongements marquant la fin des groupes temporels, indépendamment des autres variables. Notons que ces marques d’allongement, qui apparaissent universellement dans la langue parlée, créent le même type de chunking que celui qui émerge lors de l’apprentissage de séquences par des humains et des animaux. Nos résultats appuient donc l’idée que l’auditeur chunk la parole en groupes temporels et que ce chunking perceptif opère de façon similaire avec des comportements verbaux et non verbaux. Par ailleurs, les observations de l’Article 1 remettent en question des études où on associe la CPS au traitement de syntagmes intonatifs sans considérer les effets de marques temporels. Article 2 : Perceptual chunking and its effect on memory in speech processing:ERP and behavioral evidence Nous avons aussi observé comment le chunking perceptif d’énoncés en groupes temporels de différentes tailles influence la mémoire immédiate d’éléments entendus. Afin d’observer ces effets, nous avons utilisé des mesures comportementales et des PÉ, dont la composante N400 qui permettait d’évaluer la qualité de la trace mnésique d’éléments cibles étendus dans des groupes temporels. La modulation de l’amplitude relative de la N400 montre que les cibles présentées dans des groupes de 3 syllabes ont bénéficié d’une meilleure mise en mémoire immédiate que celles présentées dans des groupes plus longs. D’autres mesures comportementales et une analyse de la composante P300 ont aussi permis d’isoler l’effet de la position du groupe temporel (dans l’énoncé) sur les processus de mise en mémoire. Les études ci-dessus sont les premières à démontrer le chunking perceptif de la parole en temps réel et ses effets sur la mémoire immédiate d’éléments entendus. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent qu’un processus général de chunking perceptif favorise la mise en mémoire d’information séquentielle et une interprétation de la parole « chunk par chunk ». / In numerous behaviors involving the learning and production of sequences, temporal groups emerge spontaneously, created by delays or a lengthening of elements. This chunking has been observed across behaviors of both humans and animals and is taken to reflect a general process of perceptual chunking that conforms to capacity limits of short-term memory. Yet, no research has determined how perceptual chunking applies to speech. We provide a literature review that bears out critical problems, which have hampered research on this question. Consideration of these problems motivates a principled demonstration that aims to show how perceptual chunking applies to speech and the effect of this process on immediate memory (or “working memory”). These two themes are presented in separate papers in the format of journal articles. Paper 1: The perceptual chunking of speech: a demonstration using ERPs To observe perceptual chunking on line, we use event-related potentials (ERPs) and refer to the neural component of Closure Positive Shift (CPS), which is known to capture listeners’ responses to marks of prosodic groups. The speech stimuli were utterances and sequences of nonsense syllables, which contained intonation phrases marked by pitch, and both phrase-internal and phrase-final temporal groups marked by lengthening. Analyses of CPSs show that, across conditions, listeners specifically perceive speech in terms of chunks marked by lengthening. These lengthening marks, which appear universally in languages, create the same type of chunking as that which emerges in sequence learning by humans and animals. This finding supports the view that listeners chunk speech in temporal groups and that this perceptual chunking operates similarly for speech and non-verbal behaviors. Moreover, the results question reports that relate CPS to intonation phrasing without considering the effects of temporal marks. Paper 2: Perceptual chunking and its effect on memory in speech processing: ERP and behavioral evidence We examined how the perceptual chunking of utterances in terms of temporal groups of differing size influences immediate memory of heard speech. To weigh these effects, we used behavioural measures and ERPs, especially the N400 component, which served to evaluate the quality of the memory trace for target lexemes heard in the temporal groups. Variations in the amplitude of the N400 showed a better memory trace for lexemes presented in groups of 3 syllables compared to those in groups of 4 syllables. Response times along with P300 components revealed effects of position of the chunk in the utterance. This is the first study to demonstrate the perceptual chunking of speech on-line and its effects on immediate memory of heard elements. Taken together the results suggest that a general perceptual chunking enhances a buffering of sequential information and a processing of speech on a chunk-by-chunk basis.

Didaktické využití hudebních aktivit ve výuce francouzské výslovnosti / Developing pronunciation through musical activities in French lessons

Prucek, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Title of the thesis: Developing pronunciation through musical activities in French lessons Keywords: communicative approach, phonetics, phonology, pronunciation, prosody, activity, music, rhythm, rhythmisation, melody, tempo, intonation, accent, song, rap, facial expressions Abstract: This thesis deals with the teaching of French phonetics, considers the status of phonetics in communicatively oriented teaching, and comes to the fact that the teaching of phonetics and phonology is not a priority in the communicative approach. The work demonstrates the importance of such teaching, and therefore explores how the teaching of pronunciation or some of its components could be made more attractive. Based on the proven relationship of music and language, both as auditory phenomena, this thesis approaches the interwoven elements of these two areas. The aim is to explore how the musical elements, such as: rhythm, melody, tempo, phrasing, etc., could be used in the teaching of French pronunciation - especially at the suprasegmental level. The work offers a basic inventory of exercises which benefit from this characteristic and which has been verified in practice, and in the final analysis summarises their effectiveness in foreign language teaching.

Traduire Shâmlu, poète iranien en français / Translate Shâmlu, Iranian poet in French

Hempartian, Azita 23 December 2013 (has links)
La littérature persane est surtout connue en Occident par les excellentes traductions en français d'illustres poètes classiques comme Omar Khayyam, Roumi, Hafîz. Genre majeur de la littérature persane, la poésie s'impose pendant des siècles avec ses règles draconiennes de prosodie et de versification. Dans les années 1930, une jeune génération de poètes, sensibles aux transformations sociales, politiques, culturelles et ayant découvert la poésie et la littérature occidentales, s'est engagée dans une lutte systématique contre ces règles intangibles. Le pionnier de ce mouvement est Nimâ Yshij. Il rejette les règles de la poésie classique, aussi bien en ce qui concerne la métrique que la place de la rime. Ahmad Shâmlu, disciple de Nimâ, va plus loin en refusant même la prosodie. En rupture permanente, Shâmlu a marqué la poésie moderne persane, par son œuvre, par ses idées et par ses attitudes. Soucieux des événements de son temps et de sa société, ce poète, traducteur et directeur de revues, a lutté toute sa vie pour ses idéaux humanistes. Une anthologie de ses œuvres traduites en français permettra de faire découvrir aux amateurs ce grand poète persan moderne et contemporain. / Persian literature is best known in the West by the excellent French translations of famous classical poets like Omar Khayyam, Rumi, Hafeez. As a major genre of Persian literature, poetry has for centuries imposed draconian rules of prosody and versification. In the 1930s, younger generation of poets, sensitive to social, political and cultural changes, discovered Western poetry and literature, and engaged in a systamtic struggle against these intangible rules. the pioneer of this movment in Nima Yshij. Her rejected the rules of classical potry, where both versification and rhyme are concerned. Ahmad Shâmlu, a disciple of Nima, goes even further by refusing prosody. Breaking constantly with traditon, Shâmlu has left his mark on modern Persian poetry, in his work, and by his ideas and attitudes. Mindful of the events of his time and of his life for his humanistic ideals. An antthology of his works translatedinto French will enable poetry-lovers to discover this great modern contemporary Persian poet.

Synthèse de parole expressive au delà du niveau de la phrase : le cas du conte pour enfant : conception et analyse de corpus de contes pour la synthèse de parole expressive / Expressive speech synthesis beyond the level of the sentence : the children tale usecase : tale corpora design and analysis for expressive speech synthesis

Doukhan, David 20 September 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est de proposer des méthodes permettant d'améliorer l'expressivité des systèmes de synthèse de la parole. Une des propositions centrales de ce travail est de définir, utiliser et mesurer l'impact de structures linguistiques opérant au delà du niveau de la phrase, par opposition aux approches opérant sur des phrases isolées de leur contexte. Le cadre de l'étude est restreint au cas de la lecture de contes pour enfants. Les contes ont la particularité d'avoir été l'objet d'un certain nombre d'études visant à en dégager une structure narrative et de faire intervenir une certain nombre de stéréotypes de personnages (héros, méchant, fée) dont le discours est souvent rapporté. Ces caractéristiques particulières sont exploitées pour modéliser les propriétés prosodiques des contes au delà du niveau de la phrase. La transmission orale des contes a souvent été associée à une pratique musicale (chants, instruments) et leur lecture reste associée à des propriétés mélodiques très riches, dont la reproduction reste un défi pour les synthétiseurs de parole modernes. Pour répondre à ces problématiques, un premier corpus de contes écrits est collecté et annoté avec des informations relatives à la structure narrative des contes, l'identification et l'attribution des citations directes, le référencement des mentions des personnages ainsi que des entités nommées et des énumérations étendues. Le corpus analysé est décrit en terme de couverture et d'accord inter-annotateurs. Il est utilisé pour modéliser des systèmes de segmentation des contes en épisode, de détection des citations directes, des actes de dialogue et des modes de communication. Un deuxième corpus de contes lus par un locuteur professionnel est présenté. La parole est alignée avec les transcriptions lexicale et phonétique, les annotations du corpus texte et des méta-informations décrivant les caractéristiques des personnages intervenant dans le conte. Les relations entre les annotations linguistiques et les propriétés prosodiques observées dans le corpus de parole sont décrites et modélisées. Finalement, un prototype de contrôle des paramètres expressifs du synthétiseur par sélection d'unités Acapela est réalisé. Le prototype génère des instructions prosodiques opérant au delà du niveau de la phrase, notamment en utilisant les informations liées à la structure du conte et à la distinction entre discours direct et discours rapporté. La validation du prototype de contrôle est réalisée dans le cadre d'une expérience perceptive, qui montre une amélioration significative de la qualité de la synthèse. / The aim of this thesis is to propose ways to improve the expressiveness of speech synthesis systems. One of the central propositions of this work is to define, use and measure the impact of linguistic structures operating beyond the sentence level, as opposed to approaches operating on sentences out of their context. The scope of the study is restricted to the case of storytelling for children. The stories have the distinction of having been the subject of a number of studies in order to highlight a narrative structure and involve a number of stereotypical characters (hero, villain, fairy) whose speech is often reported. These special features are used to model the prosodic properties tales beyond the sentence level. The oral transmission of tales was often associated with musical practice (vocals, instruments) and their reading is associated with rich melodic properties including reproduction remains a challenge for modern speech synthesizers. To address these issues, a first corpus of written tales is collected and annotated with information about the narrative structure of stories, identification and allocation of direct quotations, referencing references to characters as well as named entities and enumerations areas. The corpus analyzed is described in terms of coverage and inter-annotator agreement. It is used to model systems segmentation tales episode, detection of direct quotes, dialogue acts and modes of communication. A second corpus of stories read by a professional speaker is presented. The word is aligned with the lexical and phonetic transcriptions, annotations of the corpus text and meta-information describing the characteristics of the characters involved in the story. The relationship between linguistic annotations and prosodic properties observed in the speech corpus are described and modeled. Finally, a prototype control expressive synthesizer parameters by Acapela unit selection is made. The prototype generates prosodic operating instructions beyond the sentence level, including using the information related to the structure of the story and the distinction between direct speech and reported speech. Prototype validation control is performed through a perceptual experience, which shows a significant improvement in the quality of the synthesis.

Le discours rapporté dans les débats politiques télévisés : formes et fonctions des recours au discours autre : le cas des débats de l'entre-deux-tours des présidentielles françaises (1974-2012) / Reported speech in televised political debates : forms and functions of the use of other speech : the case of the debates between the two rounds of the French presidential elections (1974-2012)

Caillat, Domitille 08 December 2016 (has links)
Inscrite dans le champ de l’analyse du discours en interaction, notre thèse propose une étude des formes et des fonctions des discours rapportés (DR) dans le cadre des six débats télévisés de l’entre-deux-tours des présidentielles ayant eu lieu en France entre 1974 et 2012. Il y est question de déterminer avec précision à quoi sert le DR — dont on pourrait penser qu’il n’est pas véritablement constitutif du genre — dans ces interactions où chacun des candidats poursuit les objectifs particuliers de s’autopromouvoir et de délégitimer son adversaire.L’analyse détaillée des quelques quatre cents extraits recensés dans le corpus montre que les DR répondent, selon leur lieu d’apparition dans l’échange en cours, la nature de leur source (l’adversaire, un tiers extérieur au débat ou le locuteur lui-même) et leur teneur propositionnelle, à trois différentes visées qualifiables d’autopromotionnelle, de défensive et de polémique — visées auxquelles contribuent en outre parfois leur mode de mise en scène para- et non verbale (mouvements de la voix, mais aussi mimiques, postures, regards et gestuelles déployés par le locuteur conjointement au DR).Répondant ainsi à une intuition de départ, ce travail met à jour le fait que non seulement les discours rapportés sont mis au service des objectifs spécifiques des candidats lors des débats, mais encore qu’ils occupent, selon la nature de leur source, des fonctions différentes mais complémentaires (fonctions relatives à la dynamique des échanges et à l’élaboration d’un discours en confrontation, fonctions strictement argumentatives ou encore fonctions relatives à la finalité des débats en eux-mêmes). / Grounded in the framework of the discourse-in-interaction analysis, this work analyses the forms and functions of reported speech within the six second-round debates of the French presidential election taking place in France between 1974 and 2012. Its object is to precisely determine the purpose of reported speech (which one might think that it is not truly constitutive of the genre) within these interactions in which candidates’main aims are self-promotion and the opponent depreciation.By analysing in details the almost four hundreds extracts recorded in the corpus, our work shows that reported speeches aim, depending on their place within the exchanges, their source (the opponent, a third party or the speaker) and their propositional content, three different purposes we can consider as self-promotion, defence and argument — these purposes can be furthermore supported by some para- and non-verbal elements (voice movements, facial expression, posture, eye expression and gesture deployed at the same time).Following an initial intuition, this study reveals that not only reported speeches serve the candidates’ main goals during debates, but also, depending on their source, they assure different and complementary functions (functions serving the dynamic within the exchanges and the construction of a speech in confrontation, functions exclusively argumentative, or also functions relating to the debates global purpose).

A importância da prosódia na avaliação de qualidade e na compreensão e compreensibilidade da fala interpretada simultaneamente

Penha, Layla 28 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Layla Penha.pdf: 3636004 bytes, checksum: 1250eb28a67e8200c80d85ca12e44e67 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / This paper addresses the area of simultaneous interpretation, interpreting mode inserted in the field of Conference Interpreting. The purpose of this study is to verify the prosodic features of semi-spontaneous and interpreted speeches of a group of interpreters and analyze how such features may interfere in the assessment of quality and comprehension of the message delivered in interpretation. The subjects of this study were twelve female conference interpreters. The interpreters were recorded when producing a semi-spontaneous speech and during the simultaneous interpretation of a lecture. Three sampling segments representing the speech (extracted from the start, middle and end positions of the lecture) were selected. We conducted three types of assessment: an acoustic analysis of the selected speech samples, a perceptive assessment on the quality and comprehensibility of interpreters oral production, and an assessment on the quality of the content of the interpretation compared to the original lecture. Using the software Praat, we analyzed the prosodic features of interpreters semi-spontaneous and interpreted speeches acoustically, comparing them in terms of number and distribution of intonation groups and pauses; speech rate; and average, minimum and maximum fundamental frequency rates. By means of a questionnaire based on the Likert Scale applied to 90 judges, we assessed the impressive effects of interpreters oral production. Three interpreter trainers followed an assessment protocol to compare the speech produced by interpreters and the original lecture and verify completeness of original sense (S), errors (E) and omissions (O). Results were then compared for similarities and differences. This project was approved by the Brazilian Research Ethics Committee under no. 44465314.0.0000.5482 / Esta dissertação contempla a interpretação simultânea, modalidade inserida dentro da área de Interpretação de Conferências. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar as características prosódicas da fala semi-espontânea e da fala interpretada de um grupo de intérpretes e analisar como as características da fala interpretada podem influenciar a avaliação de qualidade e compreensão da mensagem produzida pelo intérprete. Participam como sujeitos da pesquisa doze intérpretes de conferência, do sexo feminino. As intérpretes foram audiogravadas em uma fala semi-espontânea e durante a interpretação simultânea de uma palestra. Três segmentos amostrais representativos do discurso (nas posições inicial, medial e final da palestra) foram selecionados. Foram realizados três tipos de estudo: um de natureza acústica, um de natureza perceptiva da qualidade e compreensibilidade da produção oral dos intérpretes e outro da qualidade da interpretação em relação ao discurso interpretado em termos de conteúdo semântico-discursivo. Com a utilização do software Praat, foram analisadas acusticamente as características prosódicas da fala semi-espontânea das intérpretes e dos extratos selecionados, comparando-os em termos de número e distribuição de grupos entoacionais e pausas, taxa de elocução e frequência fundamental média, mínima e máxima. Por meio de um questionário com base na escala de Likert aplicado a 90 juízes, foram avaliados os efeitos impressivos da produção oral dos intérpretes e através de um protocolo de avaliação aplicado a 3 profissionais da área de formação em interpretação foram comparadas as transcrições do discurso produzido pelas intérpretes em relação ao discurso interpretado para verificação da manutenção do sentido original (S), presença de erros (E) e de omissões (O). Os resultados foram discutidos para verificação de similaridades e diferenças entre as avaliações. Esse projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa sob o no. 44465314.0.0000.5482

Bilingüismo e code-switching: um estudo de caso

Cristino, Luciana dos Santos 11 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luciana dos Santos Cristino.pdf: 1353094 bytes, checksum: b2d7384b589b3b92a00a9607815843dd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims at investigating the occurrence of code-switching in the speech of a late bilingual subject, under sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic perspectives. Code-switching or code alternation is a communicative strategy used by bilingual speakers in a given social situation. The word bilingual primarily describes someone who is proficient in two languages. This term can, however, also include the many people in the world who have varying degrees of proficiency in three, four or even more languages simultaneously (Wei, 2000) Adopting the parameters of qualitative research, we have done a case study of a 39-year-old Nigerian male bilingual who has lived in Brazil for about 6 years working as an English teacher and is married to a Brazilian. The data was collected by means of five different instruments: audio and video recording of an oral presentation of the subject to a group of students in a Brazilian school in a bilingual context (English/Portuguese), followed by an interview session; a closed individual interview recorded on audio tape, made by means of discrete questions; a written questionnaire in order to collect some personal data about the subject; a visual perception test to detect the preferential language in a free speech context; and an auto-confrontation or reflexive interview. Only the passages where the code-switching phenomenon occured were transcribed and analyzed. Some sentences of this corpus were selected for acoustic analysis and some charts of duration and F0 measures were made to analyze some prosody aspects of the native speaker when speaking the first language and the second language. The final results indicate that: (1) although the subject prefers the mother tongue (English), code-switching occurs in both ways: first language second language / second language first-tongue language; (2) the data analyses suggest that the subject uses different strategies for choosing lexical items, according to the context, the interlocutor, and the place, and that the change of the linguistic code appears most of the time initiated by the OK interjection. The emotional aspect is also worth mentioning: the subject is always worried about the interlocutor and wants to know whether he has made himself clear. The pronunciation of Portuguese words are heavily influenced by his first language; (3) we could observe, from the acoustic analyses , that the intonation curve of the yes/no questions produced in English bears much resemblance to English melodic patterning in that the subject keeps the the intonational aspects of the matrix language; (4) there is considerable alteration in the fonotaxe of some words used by the speaker; (5) the altered lexical item is replaced by words belonging to the same syntactic level / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar a ocorrência de code-switching na fala de um sujeito bilíngüe tardio (inglês/português), enfocando aspectos prosódicos e de uso lexical, sob uma perspectiva sociolingüística e psicolingüística. Code-switching ou alternância no código lingüístico é uma estratégia comunicativa usada pelo falante bilíngüe de acordo com a situação socialmente estabelecida. A palavra bilíngüe descreve primariamente alguém que seja proficiente em duas línguas. Este termo pode porém, ser usado para incluir muitas pessoas no mundo que tenham diversos níveis de proficiência em duas, três ou mais línguas simultaneamente (Wei, 2000). Seguindo os parâmetros da pesquisa qualitativa, fIzemos um estudo de caso de um bilíngüe do sexo masculino, com 39 anos de idade, nacionalidade Nigeriana, professor de língua inglesa, residente no Brasil há aproximadamente 6 anos e casado com uma brasileira. Os dados foram coletados por meio de cinco instrumentos distintos: gravação em áudio e vídeo de uma apresentação oral do sujeito de pesquisa acima citado a um grupo de alunos de uma escola brasileira em contexto bilíngüe (inglês/português), seguida de sessão de perguntas; uma entrevista fechada individual gravada em áudio, composta por perguntas pontuais; um questionário escrito para levantamento de dados pessoais do sujeito da pesquisa; um teste de percepção visual, para detectarmos a língua preferencialmente escolhida para o discurso livre; e uma auto-confrontação ou entrevista reflexiva. Foram transcritos e analisados apenas os trechos que ocorrem o code-switching. Foram selecionadas algumas sentenças deste corpus para a análise acústica e elaborados alguns gráficos das medidas de duração de F0 para análise dos aspectos prosódicos do falante nativo quando produz na primeira língua e na segunda língua. Os resultados obtidos indicam que: (1) embora o sujeito tenha preferência pela língua materna (inglês), o code-switching ocorre nos dois sentidos: primeira língua segunda língua / segunda língua primeira língua; (2) a análise dos dados trouxe à tona que o sujeito utiliza diferentes estratégias para escolha do léxico, de acordo com o contexto, do interlocutor, do local, e a mudança do código lingüístico aparece na maioria das vezes iniciado com a interjeição Ok . A questão emocional também aparece como um fator: o sujeito sempre se preocupa com o interlocutor, e com a compreensão das mensagens. A pronúncia das palavras do português é fortemente influenciada pela primeira língua do sujeito; (3) com o auxílio da análise acústica pudemos verificar que a curva entoacional de frases interrogativas totais produzidas em português revelam traços prosódicos do inglês, ou seja, o sujeito mantém a língua matriz nos aspectos entoacionais; (4) a fonotaxe sofre alteração em algumas palavras pelo falante utilizada; (5) o léxico alterado é substituído por palavras do mesmo nível sintático

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