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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diskurser om det "äldsta yrket" En komparativ studie om attityden till, och synen på prostitution i Sverige och Nederländerna.

Blomér, Emma, Öhlén, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen har till syfte att titta på hur verksamma inom stödorganisationer ser på sina klienter, samt vad de har för attityder till prostitution. Genom en diskursanalys lyfts diskursen om prostitution utifrån det nederländska och svenska samhället fram. Frågeställningar i uppsatsen är: Vilket syfte har organisationerna i arbetet med prostitution? Vilken syn på prostitution har de anställda på stödorganisationerna? Vad har organisationerna att erbjuda och hur arbetar de? Går det att finna skillnader eller likheter mellan synen på prostitution i de olika länderna? Uppsatsen har en beskrivande och tolkande design med ett kvalitativt diskursanalytiskt förhållningssätt. Frågeställningar rörande de anställdas värdegrund och förhållningssätt till sina klienter utgjorde grunden i uppsatsen. Intervjuer med sammanlagt tolv personer utfördes, sex stycken i Sverige och sex stycken i Nederländerna varav samtliga arbetar inom stödorganisationer för prostituerade. Textmaterial från organisationerna samlades även in vid intervjuerna. De två ländernas intervjuer och textmaterial bearbetades separat och jämfördes sedan. Resultatet visade på en rad olika subjektpositioner som karaktäriserar diskursen om prostitution. Den svenska diskursen präglas av radikalfeministiska värderingar, och den nederländska diskursen av liberalfeministiska värderingar. Mikroperspektivet, eller individperspektivet finns hos den svenska diskursen om prostitution, då det fokuseras mycket på den prostituerade individen. I det nederländska samhället ligger fokuset på makro eller samhällsnivå, där prostitutionsfrågan är en samhällsfråga och har mindre att göra med individen som prostituerar sig.</p> / <p>The<strong> </strong>aim of the essay<strong> </strong>is to look at how support organizations are working and dealing with prostitution clients and the attitude the employees of these organizations have toward their clients. Discourse analysis is used in the interpretation of the data collected.</p><p>The questions of the study were: What is the purpose of the organizations, which work with prostitution? What are the views of the employees of these organizations towards prostitution? What do the organizations have to offer their clients? Are there differences or similarities in the Swedish and Dutch discourse on prostitution?</p><p>Interviews with a total of twelve respondents were performed, six in Sweden and six in the. Text material from the organizations was also collected and used in the study.</p><p>The interview results and the text material collected from the two countries were analyzed separately and then compared. The result showed<strong> </strong>different<strong> </strong>subject positions. The Swedish discourse showed influences from radical feministic values, and the Dutch discourse from liberal feministic values. A micro- or individual understanding of the question is reflected in the Swedish discourse of prostitution. In the Dutch material, the focus is on the macro- or the society understanding, where prostitution is a question of society and has less to do with the prostitutes as individuals.</p>

Vi ser samma tjejer gå på gatan nu som för fyra år sedan : En kvalitativ studie av aktörers arbete med sexuellt människohandlade kvinnor

Mahmutovic, Dzana, Petersson, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur Socialtjänst, Polis och frivilligorganisationer i Göteborgs kommun arbetar med sexuellt människohandlade kvinnor. Metoden som har används är kvalitativ i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt var empowerment. För studien innebar detta att vi tog fäste vid sexuellt människohandlade kvinnors begränsade möjligheter att kunna utöva makt över sina liv då deras liv styrs av exempelvis hallickar och människohandlare. Studiens resultat har bland annat visat att respondenterna arbetar med både kort- och långsiktiga insatser men att arbetet präglas av restriktioner och motkrav. Men även att respondenterna upplever att samverkan och Polisens arbete är av största vikt för att nå framgång i arbetet med sexuellt människohandlade kvinnor. / The aim of the study was to explore how the social services, the police and voluntary organizations in the municipality of Gothenburg work with sexually trafficked women. The method that has been used is qualitative in form of semi-structured interviews. The theoretical starting point was empowerment. For the study, this meant that we had a basis in the limited opportunities of sexual trafficked women to exercise power over their lives, as their life is controlled by, for example, pimps and traffickers. The results of the study has shown that respondents work with both short- and long-term measures but that the work is characterized by restrictions and counterclaims. The results also showed the respondents feel that cooperation and the work of the police is crucial for success in the work with sexual trafficked women.

Sexarbetare : Aktörer inom en stigmatiserande struktur / Sex workers : agents within a stigmatizing structure

Bremer, Sabina, von Feilitzen, Torun January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to nuance the stigmatized image through which sex workers are often portrayed in today’s society. To this end, we describe and analyze female sex workers' thoughts on and experiences with sex work. Our analysis of these experiences sheds light on how the agency of sex workers can manifest itself within the structure of the environment they live in. We use Goffman's (2011) theory on stigma and Gidden's (1984) structuration theory as our theoretical framework, and conduct four interviews with female sex workers in Stockholm (Sweden). All participants demonstrated agency inter alia through different strategies but, at the same time, had to adjust to society's structure and the stigma attached to it. However, our study suggests that sex work in itself did not have a negative impact on the participants. Instead, the negative aspects that the participants in some cases had experienced through selling sex were consequences of factors both unrelated and indirectly related to sex work, stigma being one of them.

Le proxénète et sa place parmi les prostituées

Savoie-Gargiso, Isa January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Not Fooling Around: The Politics of Sex Worker Activism in Brazil

Murray, Laura Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
Brazil was once a model country in terms of government support for sex worker rights organizations and its solidarity based approach to HIV prevention. In the early 2010s, however, political setbacks in these areas raised important questions regarding the limits of state sanctioned activism. Using the extended case method approach, I conducted an ethnography of sex worker activism and the complex bureaucratic field in which this advocacy took place. I explored the following questions: What motivates the state to defend sex workers in some contexts and not in others? Why and how do sex worker organizations attract or deflect the state’s attention? What are the most effective and sustainable forms of activism? What can be learned about state and civil society relationships more broadly through the lens of Brazil’s sex worker movement? I conducted field work over a thirty-six month period from November 2011 through October 2014 in three Brazilian cities: Corumbá, Belém and Rio de Janeiro. Research included archival research, participant observation, twenty-one life histories with activists at three sex worker rights organizations and forty-four in-depth interviews with members of government, social service agencies, NGOs, and security officials (i.e. police) who regularly interacted with sex workers. My results suggest that the difficulties sex worker activists faced are related to a broader pattern of how the Brazilian state has historically structured its relationship to prostitution. I argue that state action and inaction in prostitution contexts is purposefully ambiguous and flexible. This allows state actors, through their diverse and non-unified mechanisms, the autonomy to shape the inclusion/exclusion of sex workers into government policies and programs that align with current sexuality politics and neoliberal agendas. I conclude that sex worker activists produced new meanings of prostitution and activism through what I term “puta politics.” By using the body and cultural forms as sites of resistance, they celebrated and made visible what is commonly perceived of as transgressive and/or immoral. In doing so, sex worker activists challenged gender and sexuality norms and disrupted hierarchies and divisions between institutional structures and the street. Such activism permitted several of the organizations at the center of my research to survive, though not unscathed, the deleterious effects of institutionalization and bureaucratization.

PROSTITUTION OCH MÄNNISKOHANDEL FÖR SEXUELLA ÄNDAMÅL : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelser av handlingsutrymme och utvecklingsmöjligheter hos socialarbetare inom kommunala myndigheter och frivilligorganisationer

Lundh, Ida, Alexander, Strömlund January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how social workers in municipal authorities and NGOs experience their discretion and if there are any areas of development, in social work with youths and adults who are exposed to prostitution or human trafficking for sexual purposes. The study's aim and the questions at issue were answered through eight semi-structured interviews with female social workers in two municipalities in mid-Sweden. The study includes Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory of human development (1979) and Lipskys (1980) concept about street-level bureaucrats. The result shows that all social workers are experiencing that they’ve discretion in their work. A majority experience their discretion as free, because they make assessments and decisions on their own. The majority experience that external factors as workplace climate, colleagues, guidelines, routines, norms, views in society or laws does not delimitate their discretion and all social workers claim that social workers’ knowledge is inadequate. The majority also claims that knowledge is inadequate in society. Other areas of development are resources such as staff, sheltered housing for men and housing for women with active drug abuse. An increased priority of the target group in organisations is also an expressed development area, to strengthen the work around the target group. / Studien syftar till att undersöka hur socialarbetare inom kommunala myndigheter och frivilligorganisationer upplever deras handlingsutrymme och vilka utvecklingsområden som finns i det sociala arbetet med ungdomar och vuxna som är utsatta i prostitution eller människohandel för sexuella ändamål. Studiens syfte och frågeställningar besvarades genom åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnliga socialarbetare i två kommuner i Mellansverige. Den teoretiska referensramen i studien består av Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska systemteori (1979) samt Lipskys (1980) begrepp gällande gräsrotsbyråkrater. Resultatet visar att samtliga socialarbetare upplever att de har ett stort handlingsutrymme i arbetet med målgruppen. Majoriteten av socialarbetarna upplever att handlingsutrymmet i arbetet är fritt då de gör egna bedömningar och beslutar på egen hand. Majoriteten upplever även att handlingsutrymmet inte begränsas av yttre faktorer såsom klimat på arbetsplatsen, kollegor, riktlinjer, rutiner, normer, värderingar i samhället eller lagar. I resultatet framkommer även att samtliga socialarbetare hävdar att kunskapen är bristfällig hos socialarbetare och majoriteten upplever att den även är bristfällig i samhället. Socialarbetarna beskriver även andra utvecklingsområden som resursbrist i form av personal, skyddade boenden för män, boenden för kvinnor i aktivt missbruk, samt en ökad prioritet inom organisationerna för att ha möjlighet att stärka arbetet kring målgruppen.

Novas formas de sociabilidade envolvendo sexo em troca de bens e vantagens entre jovens de 18 a 25 anos no Município de Rio Branco-Acre / New forms of sociability involving sex in exchange for goods and advantages of youth from 18 to 25 years old in the city of Rio Branco Acre

Herleis Maria de Almeida Chagas 17 March 2016 (has links)
Resumo Introdução - A prostituição configura uma troca de favores sexuais em que elementos sentimentais, como o afeto, estão ausentes em pelo menos um dos protagonistas. Além da prostituição propriamente dita, em que se explicita a prática da troca de sexo por dinheiro e o sujeito prostituído reconhece sua condição de fornecedor de sexo, existem situações de troca sexual por bens e vantagens socioeconômicas. Essa prostituição não explícita ou não intencional, na qual a pessoa que fornece sexo não se vê como prostituída, tem sido observada em diversas situações de encontros sociais entre os jovens. Objetivo - Conhecer e descrever a percepção de adolescentes e jovens universitários acerca da prostituição e troca de sexo por bens materiais e status. Método - Estudo qualiquantitativo, realizado com 130 jovens, de ambos os sexos, de diferentes cursos do campus da União Educacional do Norte (Uninorte), faculdade privada localizada em Rio Branco (Acre). Os dados foram obtidos com o auxílio do software Qlqt- online, processados e analisados através da técnica do discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC) e o software Qualiquantsoft, tendo como base a teoria das representações sociais. Resultados - A maioria dos entrevistados relaciona o comportamento feminino adotado com prostituição. Isso demonstra que jovens de ambos os sexos não naturalizam, mesmo na sociedade atual, a possibilidade de troca de sexo por coisas valorizadas pelo consumismo, sendo essa postura comumente condenada com veemência, sobretudo pelas mulheres. Conclusão - É fundamental a implementação de ações referentes à sexualidade entre adolescentes e jovens na perspectiva intersetorial dos serviços, visto que essas questões são trabalhadas de maneira diferenciada para meninos e meninas, influenciados por normas socioculturais em torno da educação sexual. / Introduction - Prostitution set up an exchange of sexual favors in that sentimental elements, like affection, they are absent in at least one of the protagonists. Apart from prostitution itself, in which it explains the practice of exchanging sex for money and the subject prostituted recognizes their status as \"sex provider,\" there are situations of sexual exchange for goods and socioeconomic benefits. This \"no explicit prostitution\" or \"unintentional\" in which the person who provides sex is not seen as prostituted, has been observed in various situations of social gatherings among young people. Objective - Understand and describe the perception of teenagers and university students about prostitution and exchange of sex for material goods and status. Method - Qualitative and quantitative study, conducted with 130 young people of both sexes, of different courses from the campus of North Educational Union (Uninorte), private college located in Rio Branco (Acre). Data were obtained with the help of online software Qlqt, processed and analyzed through discourse technique of the collective subject (DCS) and Qualiquantsoft software, based on the theory of social representations. Results - Most interviewed related female behavior adopted with prostitution. This shows that young people of both sexes not naturalize, even in today\'s society, the possibility of exchange of sex for things valued by consumerism, and this customary stance strongly condemned, especially by women. Conclusion - The implementation of actions related to sexuality among adolescents and young people in intersectoral perspective of services is essential, as these issues are worked differently for boys and girls, influenced by socio-cultural norms around sexual education.

Novas formas de sociabilidade envolvendo sexo em troca de bens e vantagens entre jovens de 18 a 25 anos no Município de Rio Branco-Acre / New forms of sociability involving sex in exchange for goods and advantages of youth from 18 to 25 years old in the city of Rio Branco Acre

Chagas, Herleis Maria de Almeida 17 March 2016 (has links)
Resumo Introdução - A prostituição configura uma troca de favores sexuais em que elementos sentimentais, como o afeto, estão ausentes em pelo menos um dos protagonistas. Além da prostituição propriamente dita, em que se explicita a prática da troca de sexo por dinheiro e o sujeito prostituído reconhece sua condição de fornecedor de sexo, existem situações de troca sexual por bens e vantagens socioeconômicas. Essa prostituição não explícita ou não intencional, na qual a pessoa que fornece sexo não se vê como prostituída, tem sido observada em diversas situações de encontros sociais entre os jovens. Objetivo - Conhecer e descrever a percepção de adolescentes e jovens universitários acerca da prostituição e troca de sexo por bens materiais e status. Método - Estudo qualiquantitativo, realizado com 130 jovens, de ambos os sexos, de diferentes cursos do campus da União Educacional do Norte (Uninorte), faculdade privada localizada em Rio Branco (Acre). Os dados foram obtidos com o auxílio do software Qlqt- online, processados e analisados através da técnica do discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC) e o software Qualiquantsoft, tendo como base a teoria das representações sociais. Resultados - A maioria dos entrevistados relaciona o comportamento feminino adotado com prostituição. Isso demonstra que jovens de ambos os sexos não naturalizam, mesmo na sociedade atual, a possibilidade de troca de sexo por coisas valorizadas pelo consumismo, sendo essa postura comumente condenada com veemência, sobretudo pelas mulheres. Conclusão - É fundamental a implementação de ações referentes à sexualidade entre adolescentes e jovens na perspectiva intersetorial dos serviços, visto que essas questões são trabalhadas de maneira diferenciada para meninos e meninas, influenciados por normas socioculturais em torno da educação sexual. / Introduction - Prostitution set up an exchange of sexual favors in that sentimental elements, like affection, they are absent in at least one of the protagonists. Apart from prostitution itself, in which it explains the practice of exchanging sex for money and the subject prostituted recognizes their status as \"sex provider,\" there are situations of sexual exchange for goods and socioeconomic benefits. This \"no explicit prostitution\" or \"unintentional\" in which the person who provides sex is not seen as prostituted, has been observed in various situations of social gatherings among young people. Objective - Understand and describe the perception of teenagers and university students about prostitution and exchange of sex for material goods and status. Method - Qualitative and quantitative study, conducted with 130 young people of both sexes, of different courses from the campus of North Educational Union (Uninorte), private college located in Rio Branco (Acre). Data were obtained with the help of online software Qlqt, processed and analyzed through discourse technique of the collective subject (DCS) and Qualiquantsoft software, based on the theory of social representations. Results - Most interviewed related female behavior adopted with prostitution. This shows that young people of both sexes not naturalize, even in today\'s society, the possibility of exchange of sex for things valued by consumerism, and this customary stance strongly condemned, especially by women. Conclusion - The implementation of actions related to sexuality among adolescents and young people in intersectoral perspective of services is essential, as these issues are worked differently for boys and girls, influenced by socio-cultural norms around sexual education.

Le débat sur la prostitution à Londres, 1749-1802 / The debate on prostitution in London, 1749-1802

Bernos, Marlène 06 October 2011 (has links)
Le dix-huitième siècle est une période propice à l’essor du débat sur la prostitution à Londres.Parce que la politique répressive des autorités se révèle défaillante dans son combat en la matière, un grand débat se fait jour dès le milieu du siècle, dans l’espoir de trouver des recours plus adaptés à l’ampleur du phénomène. Cette thèse est consacrée à l’analyse chronologique de ce débat qui adopte, au fil de son évolution, une dynamique complexe. Créé à Londres en 1758, le Magdalen Hospital devient la première maison de charité pour prostituées repenties en Angleterre. Il est la concrétisation d’une vigoureuse croisade humanitaire menée par des réformateurs philanthropes, afin de porter secours aux nombreuses filles publiques de la ville. Soutenue par le discours sentimental, une politique de »victimisation » à l’égard de la prostituée est mise en place, avec des répercussions majeures sur son image : celle-ci a subi le « crime » de séduction, et c’est par nécessité économique,non par choix, qu’elle se prostitue. À partir des années 1780, on constate néanmoins un tournant sensible dans le débat. Le discours philanthropique semble s’essouffler et présage le retour d’une pensée plus radicale : celle qui rappelle le crime de la prostitution. Dans un contexte social agité, ce commerce est devenu un « mal national » auquel il faut s’attaquer avec plus de fermeté. Par-dessus tout, ce sont deux discours habituellement opposés, celui delà charité et celui de la répression, qui, au tournant du siècle, collaborent peu à peu afin de combattre le « fléau ». / The eighteenth century witnessed an intensifying debate on prostitution in London. Asrepressive state policies became a less effective counter to the burgeoning sex trade, agrowing debate starting in the middle of the century sought a more coherent response. Thisthesis offers a chronological analysis of the debate, which took on a complex dynamic overthe course of its development. Founded in London in 1758, the Magdalen Hospital becamethe first charity house in England for repentant prostitutes. It represented the concretization ofa vigorous humanitarian crusade spurred on by philanthropist reformers hoping to help thecity’s many « streetwalkers ». A new policy, rooted in sentimentalist discourse, whichmaintained the « victimization » of the prostitute, had major repercussions on her image: theprostitute was seen to have been subjected to the crime of « seduction », and it was financialnecessity, not choice, which had led her to prostitution. The 1780s, however, brought about anoticeable shift in the debate. As the philanthropic discourse ran out of steam, it presaged thereturn of a more radical line of thought, which evoked the « crime » of prostitution. At a timeof social turbulence, prostitution increasingly became seen as a « national evil », which neededto be attacked with greater firmness. Above all, it was these two normally opposed lines ofthought – that of charity and that of repression – which, at the turn of the century, tentativelyworked together to put an end to the « scourge » of prostitution.

Towards developing a policy framework on risky behavior among commercial sex workers: an intervention research study

Mabuza-Mokoko, Evodia, Malekgota, Anna 03 August 2012 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Social Work))

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