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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Colocalisation et interaction des acteurs dans les parcs industriels : études de cas des parcs industriels des énergies nouvelles en Chine / Colocation and interaction of actors in industrial parks : case studies of new energy industrial parks in China

Yang, Fan 21 September 2012 (has links)
Le parc industriel présente une importance prépondérante dans la littérature en science régionale et constitue un enjeu économique vital pour les pays en développement. L'expérience est d'autant plus probante que l'émergence économique de la Chine pourra s'expliquer par la construction massive des parcs industriels sur tout le territoire national depuis des années 1980. La politique chinoise des parcs industriels vise à promouvoir la croissance et l'innovation par la concentration et la mise en réseau des acteurs économiques et technologiques. Elle renvoie à la question de la colocalisation et de l'interaction, qui est étudiée par l'approche de la proximité au sujet des dynamiques localisées, et qui se renforce par une analyse des relations interpersonnelles et inter organisationnelles. Partant de cette approche, notre thèse présente trois études de cas sur les parcs industriels de Jiuquan, de Shuangliu et de Shenzhen qui ont tous une orientation sectorielle vers la manufacture des équipements pour les énergies nouvelles (éolienne, solaire et nucléaire). L'essentiel de nos données provient des entretiens semi-directifs et des observations réalisés dans deux programmes de recherche soutenus par les gouvernements locaux de la province du Gansu en Chine. Nos études empiriques nous permettent notamment d'explorer la dynamique des parcs industriels chinois fondée sur les planifications (spatiale et sectorielle) et les réformes institutionnelles, l'importance des réseaux sociaux (Guanxi) au niveau local, la relativisation des dynamiques de coordination par la stratégie d'intégration et par la rivalité entre entreprises locales du même secteur. / As a crucial economic issue for developing countries, the industrial park has a significant importance in regional science literature. Since the 1980s, China's economic emergence is related to the massive construction of industrial parks throughout the entire national territory. The Chinese industrial park policy aims to promote economic growth and innovation by concentrating and networking the economic and technological actors. It refers to the issue of colocation and interaction, which is studied by the proximity approach about localized dynamics, and which is reinforced by an analysis of interpersonal and inter-organizational relations. Based on this approach, our thesis provides three case studies about industrial parks of Jiuquan, Shuangliu and Shenzhen who all have a sectoral focus on manufacture of new energy equipments (wind, solar and nuclear). Our data comes mainly from semi-structured interviews and observations that were conducted during two research programs with the support of local governments in Gansu Province. The empirical studies allow us to explore the dynamic of Chinese industrial parks based on planning (spatial and sectoral) and institutional innovation, the importance of social networks (Guanxi) at local level, the relativization of coordination dynamics by the integration strategy and rivalry between local firms in the same sector.

När kundklubben tappar i lojalitet : En studie av MQ’s kundklubbmedlemmars bristande lojalitet / When the customer club looses in loyalty : a study of MQ’s customer club members failing loyalty

Silverplats, Therése, Sjöberg, Anna-Paula January 2009 (has links)
There is now a trend to move closer to the customer in the form of long-term and lastingrelationships. The market today is characterized by growing competition with new playersconstantly arising. In order to gain competitive advantage with the increasingly challengingmarket, companies require to place the customer in the centre. Being close to the customerand engage in successful efforts to create customer loyalty has become a critical successfactor in many businesses. Especially when the customers in today's market is becomingincreasingly unfaithful and continuously looking for new companies with new productofferings.Many companies have now also realized the importance of trying to retain existing customersas it is more profitable than constantly trying to acquire new ones. In times of highcompetition a loyalty programme can be used to create customer loyalty. A type of loyaltyprogramme is a customer club. By making use of customer clubs as loyalty programs, thecompany can achieve customer loyalty and differentiate their product offering. The motivebehind most customer clubs is to create purchase fidelity.Many fashion companies face the challenge of working with customer care in a way thatstrengthens the company's relationship with their customers. If a fashion company's customerclub is losing loyalty it may cause a serious problem for the company. The following problemis something that the clothing company MQ face today. We had therefore the task ofundertaking to examine the underlying causes of MQ's lack of customer loyalty amongmembers in the company’s customer club.The purpose of the paper was to examine and describe the important factors affecting thedeclining customer loyalty of MQ. By mapping and analyzing possible links between thevarious factors affecting the decrease in customer loyalty, we wanted to seek the underlyingcauses of the MQ's customer loss.In order to seek the underlying causes of the MQ's decreased customer loyalty a study on asample of the company downgraded gold- and silvermembers in the customer club wascarried out. The survey was carried out by telephone interviews in which a prestructuredquestionnaire served as input. We have also done interviews with key people in MQ.In our theoretic frame of references, we have used theories of Ralf Blomqvist et al. MagnusSöderlund, Philip Kotlas et al. and Stephan A. Butscher. We have also made use of twoscientific articles on the impact of loyalty programs.On collecting the empirical data we quickly realized that the customer club average age of 38years did not correspond well with MQ's target group of 20-40 years. The main reason forrespondents decreasing purchases of MQ in 2008 was that the range is not appealing to them.We also found that MQ had updated concept and audience in recent years and that it mayhave contributed to a vague picture of the company among its customers.In conclusion, we have found that it is primarily the older customers who are no longerattracted by MQ's range. Decreased interest in the company as a fashion supplier has led tocustomer members not visiting MQ's stores often. It has led to reduced sales and downgradedcustomers in the customer club. Most of the respondents in the survey felt that they are notinfluenced by its membership of MQ's customer club. They do not choose MQ over otherstores simply because of their membership in the company's customer club. Customer clubmembers value mostly the economic benefits of membership. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

Les pratiques des PME privées algériennes et leur incidence sur le territoire. Cas des PME agroalimentaires / Practices of private Algerian Small and Medium Enterprises and their impact on the territory. Case of Agrifood factory.

Kellou, Rym 17 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis une trentaine d'années, en même temps que l'accélération de la mondialisation, on assiste au Sud comme au Nord à l'affirmation de l'espace local comme espace de référence pertinent pour l'action et la réflexion économiques. Et cette affirmation s'accompagne de l'émergence d'une autre approche du développement, approche territorialisée aux termes de laquelle le développement est le fait d'une multiplicité d'acteurs organisés en réseaux - formels et informels - et entretenant entre eux des relations intenses et économiquement fécondes. La question que nous aborderons dans ce rapport porte sur la relation entre PME et territoire - au sens .local du mot - et les implications de cette relation en matière de développement des régions. / Since around thirty years, at the same time as the acceleration of the globalization, we are witnessing in the South as in the North to the affirmation of the local space as the relevant reference space for the economic action and reflection. And this assertion is accompanied by the emergence of another approach of the development: territorialized approach under which development is the fact a multiplicity of actors organized in networks - formal and informal- and maintaining between the them intense and economically fertile relationships. The question we address in this report focuses on the relationship between SMEs and territory - at the local sense of the word - and the implications of this relationship in terms of regional development

Public Opinion about International Trade: assessing the impact of cultural proximity / Opinião Pública sobre o Comércio Internacional: avaliando o impacto de proximidade cultural

Giwa, Gillian Travia 28 July 2014 (has links)
The use of experimental methods in International Relations (I.R.) studies continues to be relatively unpopular, and especially so among the International Political Economy (IPE) research fraternity in Brazil. Notwithstanding, this paper is the product of an experimental survey administered among the undergraduate students\' population at the University of São Paulo in April 2014, in which the hypothesis that cultural proximity mattered to public opinion about trade partners was investigated and subsequently validated. In pretreatment tests, language, religion and social norms and values were identified as proxies for cultural proximity. These were incorporated into four treatment vignettes that described a potential trade partnership in terms of its economic gains as well as the cultural (dis)similarity of the partner country. With the addition of a control condition - having no economic or cultural information - the five vignettes were embedded into questionnaires administered to 503 students across 7 faculties. Treatment effects under all conditions confirmed that people\'s decisions were affected by the cultural indicators. Their contradictory response to descriptive questions however, implies that though their actions may be conducive with culturally influence, people\'s declarations will tend to suggest otherwise. / A utilização de métodos experimentais em estudos de Relações Internacionais (RI) continua sendo relativamente incomum e, particularmente, entre os pesquisadores de Economia Política Internacional (EPI) no Brasil. Não obstante, este trabalho foi o resultado de um survey experimental aplicado entre os alunos de graduação da Universidade de São Paulo em abril de 2014, cuja hipótese de que a proximidade cultural importava para a opinião pública no que tange os parceiros comerciais foi investigada e, posteriormente validada. Nos testes de pré-tratamento, a língua, a religião e as normas e os valores sociais foram identificados como os indicadores para a proximidade cultural. Estes indicadores foram incorporados em quatro vinhetas de tratamento, em que uma parceria comercial foi descrita em termos dos ganhos econômicos, bem como a (não) similaridade cultural do país parceiro. Com a adição de uma condição de controle - em que não havia nenhuma informação econômica ou cultural - as cinco vinhetas foram incluídas em questionários aplicados a 503 estudantes entre 7 faculdades. Havia efeitos do tratamento em todas as condições e, portanto, foi possível confirmar que as decisões das pessoas foram afetadas pelos indicadores culturais. No entanto, as respostas contraditórias às questões descritivas sugeriram que por mais que as ações do público tendem a demonstrar coerência com a influência de atributos culturais, suas declarações verbais tendem a apontar ao contrário.

Une étude sur les modèles de gouvernance des zones industrielles et portuaires par l'économie des proximités : les cas du Pecém au Brésil et de Fos-sur-Mer en France / A study on the governance models of industrial and port areas by the economy of proximities : the cases of Pecém in Brazil and Fos-sur-Mer in France

Silva de Pontes, Denio Igor 29 September 2017 (has links)
Nous nous intéressons à la question des interactions entre les acteurs situés dans une agglomération géographique du type zone industrialo-portuaire (ZIP), pour ainsi déclencher des processus de coopération et de construction des réseaux territoriaux d’organisation. Suivant ce raisonnement, nous nous intéressons aux travaux qui cherchent à retracer l’émergence des concepts d’économie des proximités et de gouvernance territoriale. Nous tiendrons compte des approches qui visaient à réaffirmer la valeur des interactions et de la dimension territoriale sur les activités économiques. Nous partons de la constatation que « la propension à interagir avec les autres est une caractéristique fondamentale de l’homme » (Fujita et Thisse, 2003, p.25). Ainsi, nous partageons avec Bourdeau-Lepage et Huriot (2009) l’idée que la proximité traduit la plus ou moins grande facilité d’entrer en relation, donc d’interagir. / We are interested in the question of the interactions between the actors located in a geographical agglomeration of the industrial-port zone (ZIP) type, thus triggering processes of cooperation and construction of territorial organization networks. According to this reasoning, we are interested in works that seek to trace the emergence of concepts of proximity economics and territorial governance. We will take into account approaches to reaffirm the value of interactions and the territorial dimension on economic activities. We start from the observation that "the propensity to interact with others is a fundamental characteristic of man" (Fujita and Thisse, 2003, p.25). Thus, we share with Bourdeau-Lepage and Huriot (2009) the idea that proximity reflects the greater or lesser ease of entering into a relationship, and therefore of interacting.

Fatores que afetam as enteroparasitoses em macacos-prego (Sapajus libidinosus) do ecótono Cerrado/Caatinga / Factors affecting the intestinal parasites in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) of the Cerrado/Caatinga ecotone

Zago, Gisele 06 November 2018 (has links)
Considera-se que viver em grupo aumenta a probabilidade de transmissão de parasitos entre co-específicos, dada a maior proximidade e/ou frequência de interação entre os indivíduos. A transmissão de doenças entre diferentes espécies de hospedeiros, entre indivíduos de uma mesma espécie ou de um mesmo grupo social pode levar populações de animais selvagens ao declínio. Dada a relevância do tema, neste trabalho, buscamos contribuir para o entendimento dos fatores que afetam a ocorrência de parasitoses em primatas selvagens. Investigamos a ocorrência de parasitos intestinais em uma população selvagem de macacos-prego (Sapajus libidinosus), analisando os efeitos de três fatores distintos: proximidade geográfica entre primatas humanos e não humanos; características intrínsecas dos hospedeiros e climáticas do ambiente e, por fim, relações sociais diferenciadas. Encontramos que a sobreposição de área de vida não é suficiente para explicar a co-ocorrência de parasitos intestinais entre as diferentes espécies de hospedeiros na Fazenda Boa Vista (Piauí, Brasil). Ao considerarmos os efeitos dos hospedeiros e do ambiente sobre as parasitoses intestinais de acordo com o modo de transmissão dos parasitos, confirmamos que parasitos com diferentes ciclos de vida e modos de transmissão são afetados diferentemente por características dos hospedeiros e do ambiente: parasitos transmitidos diretamente foram afetados somente por características dos hospedeiros; parasitos transmitidos via hospedeiros intermediários foram afetados somente por características climáticas do ambiente, enquanto parasitos transmitidos via ambiente foram afetados por ambos (hospedeiros e ambiente). Por fim, ao investigarmos os efeitos das interações sociais sobre as parasitoses com base nos modos de transmissão dos parasitos, encontramos que a transmissão de parasitos, mesmo os com modo de transmissão direta, não depende exclusivamente da frequência de associação espacial entre os indivíduos. Os resultados deste trabalho contrariaram as principais premissas do efeito da socialidade sobre a transmissão de parasitos. Assim, é preciso considerar que a chance de aquisição e transmissão de parasitos em espécies sociais é complexa e está sujeita à interação de diversos fatores: individuais, ambientais e dos próprios parasitos, os quais, portanto, devem ser incorporados aos estudos de transmissão de doenças em populações de animais selvagens / Living in a group theoretically increases the probability of transmission of parasites between co-specifics, given the greater proximity and / or frequency of interaction between individuals. Transmission of diseases among different host species, among individuals of the same species or of the same social group, may lead to a decline in wild animal populations. Given the relevance of this research area, we seek to contribute in this thesis to the understanding of the factors that affect the occurrence of intestinal parasites in wild primates. We investigated the occurrence of intestinal parasites in a wild population of capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus), analyzing the effects of three distinct factors: geographical proximity between human and non-human primates; intrinsic host and environment climatic characteristics of the environment and, finally, differentiated social relationships. We found that the living area overlap is not sufficient to explain the co-occurrence of intestinal parasites between the different host species at Fazenda Boa Vista (Piaui State, Brazil). When we considered the effects of host and environmental characteristics on intestinal parasites according to the mode of transmission of the parasites, we confirmed that parasites with different life cycles and modes of transmission are differently affected differently: directly transmitted parasites were affected only by host characteristics; parasites transmitted via intermediate hosts were affected only by climatic characteristics of the environment, and parasites transmitted through the environment were affected by both host and environmental characteristics. Finally, when investigating the effects of social interactions on the occurrence of parasites according to parasite transmission modes, we found that the transmission of parasites, even those with direct transmission, do not depend exclusively on the frequency of spatial association between individuals. The results of this work contradict the main premises about the effect of sociality on the transmission of parasites. Thus, it is necessary to consider that the likelihood of acquisition and transmission of parasites in social species is complex and is subject to the interaction of several factors: individual, environmental and of the parasites themselves, which, therefore, must be considered in studies of disease transmission in wild animal populations

A gradação nas obras de György Ligeti dos anos sessenta

Claudio Horacio Vitale 07 May 2013 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo estudar as obras do compositor György Ligeti dos anos sessenta a através do conceito de gradação. Em termos gerais, as obras desses anos são construídas a partir da harmonia do cluster e da superposição de diferentes estruturas rítmicas. A ideia de gradação é elaborada tomando como base conhecimentos provenientes de diversas áreas tais como a retórica, a literatura, a filosofia, a linguística, as artes visuais e a música. No que diz respeito à análise das obras de Ligeti estudam-se aspectos como: a superposição de diferentes divisões do tempo, as relações entre ritmo e textura e os vínculos entre gradação superpostas. Obras como Atmosphères e o Quarteto de Cordas nº 2 são estudadas com maior detalhamento em função de conceitos como gradação, continuum e desvio. A partir dos diferentes estudos conclui-se que a ideia de gradação, entendida como uma ordenação que aumenta ou diminui progressivamente em relação a uma qualidade ou propriedade, constitui o fundamento das obras escritas por Ligeti nos anos sessenta. Esta noção funciona tanto no nível do procedimento como do próprio pensamento composicional. / The goal of this thesis is to study the works of György Ligeti composed in the sixties, taking as principal idea for this analysis the concept of gradation. In general terms, the works of these years were composed taking into account the cluster harmony and the superposition of different rhythmic structures. The idea of gradation is based on concepts taken from different areas such as rhetoric, literature, philosophy, linguistics, visual arts and music. In the analysis of the works of Ligeti we study several aspects such as: superposition of different divisions of time, relationship between rhythm and texture and connections between overlaid gradation processes. The compositions Atmosph` eres and String Quartet nº 2 are studied in more detail taking into account the concepts of gradation, continuum and deviation. Based on these different studies we conclude that the idea of gradation, understood as an order of things that grows or diminishes progressively with respect to a quality or property, constitutes the basis of the works written by Ligeti in the sixties. This notion is appropriate both at the level of procedure and at the proper compositional thinking.

A gradação nas obras de György Ligeti dos anos sessenta

Vitale, Claudio Horacio 07 May 2013 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo estudar as obras do compositor György Ligeti dos anos sessenta a através do conceito de gradação. Em termos gerais, as obras desses anos são construídas a partir da harmonia do cluster e da superposição de diferentes estruturas rítmicas. A ideia de gradação é elaborada tomando como base conhecimentos provenientes de diversas áreas tais como a retórica, a literatura, a filosofia, a linguística, as artes visuais e a música. No que diz respeito à análise das obras de Ligeti estudam-se aspectos como: a superposição de diferentes divisões do tempo, as relações entre ritmo e textura e os vínculos entre gradação superpostas. Obras como Atmosphères e o Quarteto de Cordas nº 2 são estudadas com maior detalhamento em função de conceitos como gradação, continuum e desvio. A partir dos diferentes estudos conclui-se que a ideia de gradação, entendida como uma ordenação que aumenta ou diminui progressivamente em relação a uma qualidade ou propriedade, constitui o fundamento das obras escritas por Ligeti nos anos sessenta. Esta noção funciona tanto no nível do procedimento como do próprio pensamento composicional. / The goal of this thesis is to study the works of György Ligeti composed in the sixties, taking as principal idea for this analysis the concept of gradation. In general terms, the works of these years were composed taking into account the cluster harmony and the superposition of different rhythmic structures. The idea of gradation is based on concepts taken from different areas such as rhetoric, literature, philosophy, linguistics, visual arts and music. In the analysis of the works of Ligeti we study several aspects such as: superposition of different divisions of time, relationship between rhythm and texture and connections between overlaid gradation processes. The compositions Atmosph` eres and String Quartet nº 2 are studied in more detail taking into account the concepts of gradation, continuum and deviation. Based on these different studies we conclude that the idea of gradation, understood as an order of things that grows or diminishes progressively with respect to a quality or property, constitutes the basis of the works written by Ligeti in the sixties. This notion is appropriate both at the level of procedure and at the proper compositional thinking.

Pôles de compétitivité, transferts de connaissances et dynamiques territoriales : une analyse du pôle Systematic Paris-Région / Competitiveness cluster, knowledge transfers and territorial dynamics : an analysis of Systematic Paris-Region cluster

Rochefeuille, Yohann 19 May 2017 (has links)
Les pôles de compétitivité, labellisés en 2005 par le gouvernement français, ont pour vocation de soutenirdes projets collaboratifs de Recherche et Développement (R&D). Ils ont pour originalité de conduire demultiples organisations (entreprises, universités, laboratoires de recherche, etc.) proches géographiquementà coopérer afin de faire émerger des innovations. La proximité géographique est-elle pour autant unecondition nécessaire à la bonne coordination des activités d'innovation dans les pôles de compétitivité ?Cette thèse se propose d'approfondir la compréhension des dynamiques collaboratives dans les projets deR&D, en particulier en plaçant la focale sur les formes non-spatiales des proximités (institutionnelle,organisationnelle, cognitive et sociale). Notre terrain d'enquête est le pôle de compétitivité Systematic Paris-Région sur la période 2005-2015. Nous proposons d'analyser les dynamiques territoriales du pôle, à partirde l'étude de l'évolution spatiale des coopérations, ainsi que de l'évolution du positionnement desorganisations dans les réseaux collaboratifs de R&D. Ces études représentent la construction et l'analyse deplus de quatre millions de données. Elles mobilisent les concepts et méthodes de la théorie des réseaux,ainsi que de l'analyse en composantes principales (ACP). Aussi, la réalisation de 57 entretiens auprès deresponsables scientifiques et techniques, ainsi que de 3 entretiens auprès de membres salariés du pôle decompétitivité, nous permet d'éclaircir les dynamiques de proximité à l'oeuvre dans les projets collaboratifs dupôle Systematic Paris-Région. / The competitiveness clusters (“pôles de compétitivité”), labeled in 2005 by the French government, aredesigned to support collaborative research and development (R&D) projects. Their originality is that theylead multiple organizations (companies, universities, research laboratories, etc.) geographically close toeach other to cooperate in order to generate innovations. Is geographical proximity a necessary condition forthe proper coordination of innovation activities in competitiveness clusters? This thesis aims to deepen theunderstanding of collaborative dynamics in R&D projects, in particular by focusing on non-spatial forms ofproximity (institutional, organizational, cognitive and social). Our field of inquiry is the competitiveness clusterSystematic Paris-Region over the period 2005-2015. We propose to analyze the territorial dynamics of thecluster, based on the study of the spatial evolution of cooperations, as well as the evolution of the positioningof organizations in collaborative R&D networks. These studies represent the construction and analysis ofmore than four million data. They involve the concepts and methods of networks theory, as well as principalcomponent analysis (PCA). In addition, 57 interviews with scientific and technical managers and 3 interviewswith employees of the competitiveness cluster enabled us to clarify the dynamics of proximity at work in thecollaborative projects of Systematic Paris-Region cluster.

Relationships Among Language Use, Phonological Skill, and Vocabulary in English Language Learning Preschoolers

Hill, Timothy D 10 July 2008 (has links)
The present study present study explored the relationships among language use, phonological skill, and vocabulary development for 36 Cuban and Puerto Rican ELL preschoolers. Family-level variables included mother's education level and mother's language ability. Three-way ANOVAs were used to investigate the relationships among child- and family-level variables and children's performance on articulation (completeness of phonetic inventory (CPI) and proportion of whole-word proximity (PWP)) and language measures (Picture Vocabulary (PV) and Memory for Sentences (MS) subtests of the WLPB-R) in English and Spanish. Regression and correlational analyses were conducted to describe relationships between variables. Findings indicated that children in all language groups (predominantly English speaking, predominantly Spanish speaking and bilingual) demonstrated strong phonological skills, as measured by CPI and PWP, in both languages. Strength in phonological skill appeared to be related to frequency of language use, especially in English. Similarities in children's phonetic inventories across languages suggested that exposure to two languages does not interfere with phonological development in ELL children. The fact that English and Spanish share many of the same phonemes may contribute to this finding. Results for the PWPs were consistent with the findings from the CPI analyses. PWPs were found to predict children's English vocabulary level in the early stages of dual language learning. A predictive relationship was found between mother's English language ability and child's phonological skill, suggesting that when more English was used in the home, children exhibited greater English phonological production skills. In addition, mother's Spanish language ability was shown to predict child's Spanish vocabulary knowledge. This finding supports the use of the native language in the home. While phonological skill was a strength, language skills, as measured by the PV and MS subtests, were significantly below average. With the exception of the PE group in English, all children performed more than 1.5 standard deviations below the mean for both subtests in both languages, suggesting that they are not acquiring sufficient vocabulary knowledge to support academic learning in either language. It is suggested that delivery of adequate vocabulary instruction that meets the needs of these ELL children requires collaboration between teachers and speech-language pathologists.

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