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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Training family therapists to work with families with young children: Current practices in accredited family therapy programs and recommendations for the future

Crane, Jodi M. 12 1900 (has links)
This study examined how current family counseling/therapy programs train students to work with families with young children and made recommendations for training in this area based on recommendations of child and family therapy experts and the research and clinical literature. These recommendations explored what knowledge and skills all students should acquire versus students who want to specialize with this population. Changes to accreditation standards were also proposed as well as a description of resources to support changes in program curricula. Current training was measured by examining curricula from master's level marriage and family counseling/therapy programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE) and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP) and master's level social work programs with a family-related concentration accredited by the Council on Social Work Education Commission on Accreditation (CSWE), the accreditation standards from these three organizations, course syllabi from the COAMFTE and CACREP programs, and surveys of COAMFTE and CACREP program directors (60% response rate). Recommendations for training were obtained through a qualitative analysis of quotations from the literature concerning training and through interviews of child and family therapy experts (65% response rate). The results revealed the number of courses recommended by the literature and experts was much greater than the number of child-related courses per program and a great variety of textbooks were used. Accreditation standards also required little child-related course material. The on-campus clinics had low percentages of child-related facilities but high percentages of child-related resources. The results also showed the experts recommended much greater percentages of experiential activities than were required by the programs. Finally, a much larger percentage of experts than program directors agreed that accreditation standards should be changed to include more child-related courses.

Once I was curious, I wasn't as scared : Informellt lärande vid plötslig förändring

Groth, Susanna January 2021 (has links)
Psykoterapeuterna i denna studie gick från att träffa sina patienter på en mottagning, till att distansarbeta online i Mars 2020. Förändringen var såväl påtvingad som plötslig och innebar ett nytt sätt att arbeta, vilket förde med sig utmaningar såväl som lärande. Denna flermetodsstudie som bygger på en enkät, följd av fem semi-strukturerade intervjuer och har haft för avsikt att undersöka dels hur deltagarna uppfattade och hanterade förändringen, dels vilket informellt lärande den resulterade i. Vidare har den även haft som syfte att undersöka om distansarbetet påverkat eventuella implicita psykologiska kontrakt mellan patienter, psykoterapeuter och arbetsgivare. Det insamlade materialet har sammanställts och resultatet har presenterats i relation till tidigare forskning, samt analyserats med hjälp av Michael Erauts typologi av olika typer av informellt lärande. Studien visar att trots initialt motstånd har merparten av deltagarna, på egen hand, funnit sätt att anpassa eller utveckla sitt tidigare arbetssätt till det nya formatet. Sociala kontakter har spelat en viktig roll för att bearbeta förändringen och nyfikenhet inför det nya har visat sig vara en positiv komponent medan upplevd isolering har varit negativ. Vidare framkommer att det sociala respektive psykologiska kontraktet till såväl arbetsgivare som patient har påverkats av förändringen, om än inte alltid på liknande sätt. / Psychotherapists in this study went from seeing clients face to face to working online, remotely from one week to another in March 2020. The change was obligatory as well as sudden and the new way of working brought challenges, but also learning. This mixed method study has through a survey, followed by five semi structured interviews, attempted to learn more about the participants attitudes to the change, how they handled the new situation and the informal learning that took place as a result of it. Furthermore, the study also looks at the effect that working remotely has had on any potential implicit psychological contracts between client, psychotherapist and employer. The result of the study was first presented in relation to previous research, then analysed with the help of Michael Eraut’s Typology of Informal Learning. The study shows that the majority of the participants have in spite of initial resistance, independently found ways of adapting their way of working, or develop it, to suit the new situation. Social contacts have played an important role in processing the change and curiosity has been a positive component whereas perceived isolation has been detrimental. The social and psychological contract to employer as well as client is found to have been affected by the change, though not in similar ways.

Therapists’ Experiences of Incidental Encounters with their Clients

Ketaineck, Beth 17 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Factors that Promote and Inhibit Client Disclosure of Suicidal Ideation

Orf, Robert William 16 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The journey to be a therapist : personal experiences of ethics in training and therapy

Makena, Paul Tshwarelo 06 1900 (has links)
The tone of this dissertation is in the first person as allowed by the lens of constructivism used in it. Being constantly self-reflective, the author takes the reader through his personal journey to be a therapist, and the ethical dimensions encountered in the process, to indicate that one cannot do therapy \\'ithout considering ethics in the fusion of the professional and personal selves of the therapist.- What is lost in the delineated field of observation is hoped to be gained, in the richness of its personal material. Not aiming at drawing any generalisable arguments, the purpose of the dissertation is to provoke a dialogue about our ethical conduct with clients, indicating that our therapeutic conduct is enriched by constantly involving ourselves in the ethical dilemmas that emerge in the therapeutic process. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

The journey to be a therapist : personal experiences of ethics in training and therapy

Makena, Paul Tshwarelo 06 1900 (has links)
The tone of this dissertation is in the first person as allowed by the lens of constructivism used in it. Being constantly self-reflective, the author takes the reader through his personal journey to be a therapist, and the ethical dimensions encountered in the process, to indicate that one cannot do therapy \\'ithout considering ethics in the fusion of the professional and personal selves of the therapist.- What is lost in the delineated field of observation is hoped to be gained, in the richness of its personal material. Not aiming at drawing any generalisable arguments, the purpose of the dissertation is to provoke a dialogue about our ethical conduct with clients, indicating that our therapeutic conduct is enriched by constantly involving ourselves in the ethical dilemmas that emerge in the therapeutic process. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Psykoterapi i fjärde åldern / Psychotherapy in the fourth age

Malmberg Ekdahl, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Socialstyrelsen har konstaterat att äldres psykiska hälsa är ett eftersatt område, trots att många äldre drabbas av psykiska besvär, och efterlyser behandlingsalternativ till medicinering. Man konstaterar samtidigt att det saknas undersökningar av effekten av psykoterapi för personer i högre åldrar, något som delvis kan bero på att många studier har en åldersgräns på 75 år. Tidigare studier visar också att psykoterapeuter föredrar att ta emot yngre patienter i psykoterapeutisk behandling. Studien är en beskrivning av några psykoterapeuters upplevelser av det psykoterapeutiska arbetet med personer som är 75 år och äldre. Sju psykoterapeuter intervjuades i denna kvalitativa undersökning där datainsamling skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som analyserades med tematisk analys. Det som upplevs vara vanligast förekommande tema för denna åldersgrupp är förluster och skam kopplat till detta. Det finns många tankar som rör det existentiella men samtal som rör den egna döden tycks förekomma i väldigt begränsad utsträckning. Det framkommer också att samtliga psykoterapeuter i studien ser behovet och nyttan med psykoterapi för äldre men att det oftast handlar om mycket korta terapier, mellan en till tio gånger. / The National Board of Health and Welfare has found that older peoples mental health is a neglected area, despite the fact that many older people suffer from mental health problems and calls for alternative treatment to medication. It also notes that there are no studies of the efficacy of psychotherapy for people at older ages, which may partly be due to the fact that many studies have an age limit of 75 years. Previous studies also show that psychotherapists prefer to receive younger clients in the psychotherapeutic treatment. The study is a description of some therapists experiences of psychotherapeutic work with people who are 75 years and older. Seven psychotherapists interviewed in this qualitative study in which data collection was done through semi-structured interviews were analyzed by thematic analysis. What is perceived to be more predominant theme for this age group is loss and shame attached to loss. There are many thoughts concerning the existential issues but topic concerning their own dead seems to occur to a very limited extent. It also emerges that all therapists in the study sees the need and usefulness of psychotherapy for older people but it usually involves very short therapies, between one to ten times.

Boundary constructions in treatment relationships between service providers and homeless youth a project based upon an independent investigation /

Terbieten, Allison May. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--Smith College School for Social Work, Northampton, Mass., 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 45-47).

A Validity and Reliability Study of Value Systems Analysis in Counseling and Psychotherapy

Rishe, Harvey Lawrence 05 1900 (has links)
The purposes of the study were (1) to assess the validity and reliability of Values for Helpers, (2) to determine whether the test would be a usable instrument for analysis of value systems of mental health professionals, (3) to provide information on possible utilization of the test as a measurement tool for assessing the quality of relationship skills of helpers, and (4) to provide information of a heuristic nature for future research with Values for Helpers. To accomplish these purposes, the following questions were examined. 1. What are the relationships between the scales of the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values and Values for Helpers? 2. What are the relationships between the scales of the Personal Orientation Inventory and Values for Helpers? 3. What are the relationships between the total scores on Myrick and Kelly's Counselor Evaluation Rating Scale and the scales of Values for Helpers? Conclusions based on the results suggested that (1) there was acceptable reliability for Values for Helpers, (2) the tribalistic and conformist scales of Values for Helpers demonstrated negative convergent validity with the scales of the Personal Orientation Inventory, (3) the existential scale of Values for Helpers demonstrated positive convergent validity with the scales of the Personal Orientation Inventory, (4) the existential scale of the Values for Helpers demonstrated concurrent validity when related to the Counselor Evaluation Rating Scale, and (5) the existential scale of Values for Helpers appeared to exhibit very low predictive validity for counselor success in developing relationship skills and demonstrating positive practicum performance as measured by the Counselor Evaluation Rating Scale.

Singularidade do trabalho do terapeuta na clínica infantil do autismo

Jorge Roberto Fragoso Lins 02 May 2017 (has links)
Tratou-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória que usou os referenciais da psicanálise, tendo como seu principal aporte teórico os fundamentos da teoria winnicottiana sobre o adoecimento precoce e a clínica do autismo infantil. Foi realizado um estudo dos principais textos de Winnicott referentes a esta temática e de outros autores da psicanálise, psicologia e psiquiatria que colaboraram com a discussão sobre a temática do autismo infantil como de sua clínica. Este trabalho teve como fonte de suas consultas livros, teses e dissertações, como de trabalhos publicados na base de dados da Scielo e do Portal PePSIC. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi o de investigar as especificidades do trabalho do terapeuta na clínica psicanalítica do autismo infantil. Quanto aos específicos, tentamos identificar algumas das principais estratégias clínicas adotadas e as particularidades que se revestem o setting terapêutico. O trabalho partiu da premissa da existência de uma especificidade própria na clínica psicanalítica do autismo infantil, visto que, trata-se de uma clínica que atende crianças que se refugiam em seu próprio mundo, eximindo-se de um contato com o outro, como também, possui uma série de dificuldades de linguagem, comunicação e interação que representam uma problemática a mais para o desenvolvimento de uma terapia. A pesquisa considerou que o sujeito com autismo mesmo não demandando diretamente nada de seu terapeuta, basta a sua presença no setting para provocar uma demanda clínica. Desse modo, foi possível observar que diante das estratégias clínicas adotadas no setting que a clínica infantil do autismo é uma clínica que demanda um quê a mais que pode ser visto como singular. / It was an exploratory bibliographical research that used the references of psychoanalysis, having as its main theoretical contribution the fundamentals of the Winnicottian theory on the early illness and the clinical of the infantile autism. A study of the main Winnicott texts related to this topic and other authors of psychoanalysis, psychology and psychiatry, who collaborated with the discussion on the theme of autism as a child of his clinic, was carried out. This work had as a source of his consultations books, theses and dissertations, as of works published in the database of Scielo and the PePSIC Portal. The general objective of this research was to investigate the specificities of the therapist's work in the psychoanalytic clinic of childhood autism. As to the specific ones, we tried to identify some of the main clinical strategies adopted and the peculiarities that are the therapeutic setting. The work started from the premise of a specific specificity in the psychoanalytic clinic of childhood autism, since it is a clinic that serves children who take refuge in their own world, avoiding contact with the other, as well as , Has a series of difficulties of language, communication and interaction that represent an additional problem for the development of a therapy. The research considered that the subject with autism even does not demand anything directly from their therapist, it is enough their presence in the setting to provoke a clinical demand. Thus, it was possible to observe that, in view of the clinical strategies adopted in the setting, the autistic child clinic is a clinic that demands something that can be seen as singular.

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