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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation du captage des polluants lors des opérations de meulage / Numerical simulation of polutant capture in grinding operations

Tafnout, Fatna 01 October 2012 (has links)
Ce travail à la fois expérimental et numérique s'inscrit dans le cadre des études menées sur le captage des polluants sur les machines tournantes et porte plus particulièrement sur la caractérisation de la dispersion des fines particules d'usinage : i.e. ces particules sont assimilées à un traceur passif du fait de leur temps de réponse aérodynamique négligeable. L'objectif recherché à travers cette étude est de développer une méthode numérique de conception des captages des polluants sur machines d'usinage. Le premier travail a donc consisté à réaliser un dispositif expérimental recréant une situation similaire à une opération de meulage, mais dans un cadre parfaitement contrôlé. L'écoulement retenu est celui engendré par un cylindre en rotation dans une veine d'essai ventilée. Un polluant particulaire, représenté par des microbilles de verre sphériques, est généré dans la veine d'essai (en utilisant un système d'ensemencement en particules), recréant ainsi les effets aérauliques des plus grosses particules d'usinage. Un gaz traceur, représentant la fraction fine de particules, est injecté simultanément avec le jet de particules via un capillaire placé à la source. Les propriétés du jet de particules obtenu sont caractérisées par vélocimétrie par suivi de particules (PTV) afin d'obtenir des données d'entrée et de validation pour les simulations numériques. La méthode de suivi de particules, mise au point dans le cadre de cette étude reste robuste même dans les zones fortement chargées en particules (i.e. la région source du jet). Le champ de vitesse de la phase gazeuse a quant à lui été caractérisé par vélocimétrie par images de particules (PIV), au moyen d'un code développé spécifiquement (Belut 2006 [4]). La dispersion d'un gaz traceur (hexafluorure de soufre - SF6) émis simultanément avec le jet de particules est ensuite étudiée expérimentalement : la dispersion d'un tel gaz est en effet jugée représentative de celle des plus fines particules d'usinage dont le temps de réponse aérodynamique est négligeable. Enfin, une modélisation complète du banc d'essai est réalisée afin de permettre une comparaison avec les résultats expérimentaux pour ainsi progresser dans la validation des modèles utilisés pour décrire la dispersion d'un traceur gazeux représentatif des fines particules. Le logiciel commercial Fluent est employé pour les simulations numériques / This study based at the same time in experimental and numerical aspect, is part of the framework to understand deeply the capture of pollutants on rotating machines and focuses especially on the characterization of the dispersion of fine particles generated by machining operations : i.e. these particles are assimilated as a passive tracer due to their negligible aerodynamic response time. The main objective covered by this study is to develop a numerical method of close capture exhausts systems for machining devices. The first task was to achieve an experimental device re-creating a similar grinding operation in a perfectly controlled environment. The flow used is defined as the one generated by a rotating cylinder in a ventilated test rig. A pollutant of particles, represented by spherical glass beads, is produced inside the test rig (by using a seeding system of particles), recreating therefore the aerodynamic effects of largest machining particles. A tracer gas, representing the fraction of fine particles, is injected simultaneously with the jet of particles through a capillary tube placed at the source. The properties of the jet of particles obtained are characterized by particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) allowing then to obtain data input and validation of numerical simulations. This particle tracking technic, developed in this study remains as robust method even in heavily loaded particles (i.e. the source region of the jet). The velocity field of the gas phase has meanwhile been characterized by particle image velocimetry (PIV), using a code developed specifically for this assay (Belut 2006 [4]). The dispersion of a tracer gas (sulfur hexafluoride - SF6) emitted simultaneously with the jet of particles is then studied experimentally : the dispersion of such a gas is indeed considered representative of finest particles which aerodynamic response time is negligible. Finally, a complete modeling of the experimental test rig is performed to allow comparison with experimental results in order to progress in the validation of models used to describe the dispersion of a tracer gas representative of finest particles. The commercial soft ware FLUENT is used for numerical simulations

Geometrische und stochastische Modelle zur Optimierung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Strömungsmessverfahrens 3D-PTV

Putze, Torsten 08 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (3D PTV) ist eine Methode zur bildbasierten Bestimmung von Geschwindigkeitsfeldern in Gas- oder Flüssigkeitsströmungen. Dazu wird die Strömung mit Partikeln markiert und durch ein Mehrkamerasystem beobachtet. Das Ergebnis der Datenauswertung sind 3D Trajektorien einer großen Anzahl von Partikeln, die zur statistischen Analyse der Strömung genutzt werden können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene neu entwickelte Modelle gezeigt, die das Einsatzspektrum vergrößern und die Leistungsfähigkeit der 3D PTV erhöhen. Wesentliche Neuerungen sind der Einsatz eines Spiegelsystems zur Generierung eines virtuellen Kamerasystems, die Modellierung von komplex parametrisierten Trennflächen der Mehrmedienphotogrammetrie, eine wahrscheinlichkeitsbasierte Trackingmethode sowie eine neuartige Methode zur tomographischen Rekonstruktion von Rastervolumendaten. Die neuen Modelle sind an drei realen Experimentieranlagen und mit synthetischen Daten getestet worden. Durch den Einsatz eines Strahlteilers vor dem Objektiv einer einzelnen Kamera und vier Umlenkspiegeln, positioniert im weiteren Strahlengang, werden vier virtuelle Kameras generiert. Diese Methode zeichnet sich vor allem durch die Wirtschaftlichkeit als auch durch die nicht notwendige Synchronisation aus. Vor allem für die Anwendung im Hochgeschwindigkeitsbereich sind diese beiden Faktoren entscheidend. Bei der Beobachtung von Phänomenen in Wasser kommt es an den Trennflächen verschiedener Medien zur optischen Brechung. Diese muss für die weitere Auswertung zwingend modelliert werden. Für komplexe Trennflächen sind einfache Ansätze über zusätzliche Korrekturterme nicht praktikabel. Der entwickelte Ansatz basiert auf der mehrfachen Brechung jedes einzelnen Bildstrahls. Dazu müssen die Trennflächenparameter und die Kameraorientierungen im selben Koordinatensystem bekannt sein. Zumeist wird die Mehrbildzuordnung von Partikeln durch die Verwendung von Kernlinien realisiert. Auf Grund von instabilen Kameraorientierungen oder bei einer sehr hohen Partikeldichte sind diese geometrischen Eigenschaften nicht mehr ausreichend, um die Mehrbildzuordnung zu lösen. Unter der Ausnutzung weiterer geometrischer, radiometrischer und physikalischer Eigenschaften kann die Bestimmung der 3D Trajektorien dennoch durchgeführt werden. Dabei werden durch die Analyse verschiedener Merkmale diejenigen ausgewählt, welche sich für die spatio-temporale Zuordnung eignen. Die 3D PTV beruht auf der Diskretisierung der Partikelabbildungen im Bildraum und der anschließenden Objektkoordinatenbestimmung. Eine rasterbasierte Betrachtungsweise stellt die tomographische Rekonstruktion des Volumens dar. Hierbei wird die Intensitätsverteilung wird im Volumen rekonstruiert. Die Bewegungsinformationen werden im Anschluss aus den Veränderungen aufeinander folgender 3D-Bilder bestimmt. Durch dieses Verfahren können Strömungen mit einer höheren Partikeldichte im Volumen analysiert werden. Das entwickelte Verfahren basiert auf der schichtweisen Entzerrung und Zusammensetzung der Kamerabilder. Die entwickelten Modelle und Ansätze sind an verschiedenen Versuchsanlagen erprobt worden. Diese unterschieden sich stark in der Größe (0,5 dm³ – 20 dm³ – 130 m³) und den vorherrschenden Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten (0,3 m/s – 7 m/s – 0,5 m/s). / 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (3D PTV) is an image based method for flow field determination. It is based on seeding a flow with tracer particles and recording the flow with a multi camera system. The results are 3D trajectories of a large number of particles for a statistical analysis of the flow. The thesis shows different novel models to increase the spectrum of applications and to optimize efficiency of 3D PTV. Central aspects are the use of the mirror system to generate a virtual multi camera system, the modelling of complex interfaces of multimedia photogrammetry, a probability based tracking method and a novel method for tomographic reconstruction of volume raster data. The improved models are tested in three real testing facilities and with synthetic data. Using a beam splitter in front of the camera lens and deflecting mirrors arranged in the optical path, a four headed virtual camera system can be generated. This method is characterised by its economic efficiency and by the fact that a synchronisation is not necessary. These facts are important especially when using high speed cameras. When observing phenomena in water, there will be refraction at the different interfaces. This has to be taken into account and modelled for each application. Approaches which use correction terms are not suitable to handle complex optical interfaces. The developed approach is based on a multiple refraction ray tracing with known interface parameters and camera orientations. Mostly the multi image matching of particles is performed using epipolar geometry. Caused by the not stable camera orientation or a very high particle density this geometric properties are not sufficient to solve the ambiguities. Using further geometrical radiometrical and physical properties of particles, the determination of the 3D trajectories can be performed. After the analysis of different properties those of them are chosen which are suitable for spatio-temporal matching. 3D PTV bases on the discretisation of particle images in image space and the following object coordinate determination. A raster based approach is the tomographic reconstruction of the volume. Here the light intensity distribution in the volume will be reconstructed. Afterwards the flow information is determined from the differences in successive 3D images. Using tomographic reconstruction techniques a higher particle density can be analysed. The developed approach bases on a slice by slice rectification of the camera images and on a following assembly of the volume. The developed models and approaches are tested at different testing facilities. These differ in size (0.5 dm³ – 20 dm³ – 130 m³) and flow velocities (0.3 m/s – 7 m/s – 0.5 m/s).

Volumetric measurements of the transitional backward facing step flow

Kitzhofer, Jens 22 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis describes state of the art volumetric measurement techniques and applies a 3D measurement technique, 3D Scanning Particle Tracking Velocimetry, to the transitional backward facing step flow. The measurement technique allows the spatial and temporal analysis of coherent structures apparent at the backward facing step. The thesis focusses on the extraction and interaction of coherent flow structures like shear layers or vortical structures.

Étude et amélioration du suivi tridimensionnel des flux d’air dans une pièce de bâtiment / Study and enhancement of the 3d tracking of airflow in buildings

Rezig, Sawsen 13 July 2017 (has links)
Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse visent à décrire une approche Lagrangienne de caractérisation de flux d’air par suivi de particules, nous avons implémenté un système de caméras synchronisées pour l’acquisition des images de bulles de savon remplies à l’hélium. L’approche développée pour le calcul des trajectoires des particules est basée sur une méthode multi-échelle de détection de points intérêt et de reconstruction 3D. Le système permet ainsi de réaliser un suivi tridimensionnel et fournir une description des flux d’air présents dans une pièce à grande échelle. / In this thesis, we describe an approach for Lagrangian characterizing of airflows using particle tracking velocimetry, a camera system was implemented here and Helium filled bubbles images were acquired in a synchronized way. We developed a new system for particle trajectories calculation based on a multi-scale image processing technique and well-known 3D reconstruction methods. Our system allows tracking particles in 3D space and providing yet a global description of airflows in large-scale environment.The application is supposed to improve the optimization of ventilation in building rooms in order to reduce energy consumption by optimal positioning and shaping of air diffusers. A major constraint here is to preserve human comfort

Particle dynamics in turbulence : from the role of inhomogeneity and anisotropy to collective effects / Dynamiques des particules dans la turbulence : la rôle de l'inhomogeneité, l'anisotropie, et les effets collectifs

Huck, Peter Dearborn 06 December 2017 (has links)
La turbulence est connue pour sa capacité à disperser efficacement de la matière, que ce soit des polluantes dans les océans ou du carburant dans les moteurs à combustion. Deux considérations essentielles s’imposent lorsqu’on considère de telles situations. Primo, l’écoulement sous-jacente pourrait avoir une influence non-négligeable sur le comportement des particules. Secundo, la concentration locale de la matière pourrait empêcher le transport ou l’augmenter. Pour répondre à ces deux problématiques distinctes, deux dispositifs expérimentaux ont été étudiés au cours de cette thèse. Un premier dispositif a été mis en place pour étudier l’écoulement de von Kàrmàn, qui consiste en une enceinte fermé avec de l’eau forcé par deux disques en contra-rotation. Cette écoulement est connu pour être très turbulent, inhomogène, et anisotrope. Deux caméras rapides ont facilité le suivi Lagrangien des particules isodenses avec l’eau et petites par rapport aux échelles de la turbulence. Ceci a permis une étude du bilan d’énergie cinétique turbulente qui est directement relié aux propriétés de transport. Des particules plus lourdes que l’eau ont aussi été étudiées et montrent le rôle de l’anisotropie de l’écoulement dans la dispersion des particules inertielles. Un deuxième dispositif, un écoulement de soufflerie ensemencé avec des gouttelettes d’eau micrométriques a permis une étude de l’effet de la concentration locale de l’eau sur la vitesse de chute des gouttelettes grâce à une montage préexistant. Un modèle basé sur des méthodes théorique d'écoulements multiphasiques a été élaboré enfin de prendre en compte les effets collectifs de ces particules sedimentant dans un écoulement turbulent. Les résultats théoriques et expérimentaux mettent en évidence le rôle de la polydispersité et du couplage entre les deux phases dans l’augmentation de la sédimentation des gouttelettes. / Turbulence is well known for its ability to efficiently disperse matter, whether it be atmospheric pollutants or gasoline in combustion motors. Two considerations are fundamental when considering such situations. First, the underlying flow may have a strong influence of the behavior of the dispersed particles. Second, the local concentration of particles may enhance or impede the transport properties of turbulence. This dissertation addresses these points separately through the experimental study of two different turbulent flows. The first experimental device used is the so-called von K\'arm\'an flow which consists of an enclosed vessel filled with water that is forced by two counter rotating disks creating a strongly inhomogeneous and anisotropic turbulence. Two high-speed cameras permitted the creation a trajectory data base particles that were both isodense and heavier than water but were smaller than the smallest turbulent scales. The trajectories of this data base permitted a study of the turbulent kinetic energy budget which was shown to directly related to the transport properties of the turbulent flow. The heavy particles illustrate the role of flow anisotropy in the dispersive dynamics of particles dominated by effects related to their inertia. The second flow studied was a wind tunnel seeded with micrometer sized water droplets which was used to study the effects of local concentration of the settling velocities of these particles. A model based on theoretical multi-phase methods was developed in order to take into account the role of collective effects on sedimentation in a turbulent flow. The theoretical results emphasize the role of coupling between the underlying flow and the dispersed phase.

Geometrische und stochastische Modelle zur Optimierung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Strömungsmessverfahrens 3D-PTV

Putze, Torsten 02 December 2008 (has links)
Die 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (3D PTV) ist eine Methode zur bildbasierten Bestimmung von Geschwindigkeitsfeldern in Gas- oder Flüssigkeitsströmungen. Dazu wird die Strömung mit Partikeln markiert und durch ein Mehrkamerasystem beobachtet. Das Ergebnis der Datenauswertung sind 3D Trajektorien einer großen Anzahl von Partikeln, die zur statistischen Analyse der Strömung genutzt werden können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene neu entwickelte Modelle gezeigt, die das Einsatzspektrum vergrößern und die Leistungsfähigkeit der 3D PTV erhöhen. Wesentliche Neuerungen sind der Einsatz eines Spiegelsystems zur Generierung eines virtuellen Kamerasystems, die Modellierung von komplex parametrisierten Trennflächen der Mehrmedienphotogrammetrie, eine wahrscheinlichkeitsbasierte Trackingmethode sowie eine neuartige Methode zur tomographischen Rekonstruktion von Rastervolumendaten. Die neuen Modelle sind an drei realen Experimentieranlagen und mit synthetischen Daten getestet worden. Durch den Einsatz eines Strahlteilers vor dem Objektiv einer einzelnen Kamera und vier Umlenkspiegeln, positioniert im weiteren Strahlengang, werden vier virtuelle Kameras generiert. Diese Methode zeichnet sich vor allem durch die Wirtschaftlichkeit als auch durch die nicht notwendige Synchronisation aus. Vor allem für die Anwendung im Hochgeschwindigkeitsbereich sind diese beiden Faktoren entscheidend. Bei der Beobachtung von Phänomenen in Wasser kommt es an den Trennflächen verschiedener Medien zur optischen Brechung. Diese muss für die weitere Auswertung zwingend modelliert werden. Für komplexe Trennflächen sind einfache Ansätze über zusätzliche Korrekturterme nicht praktikabel. Der entwickelte Ansatz basiert auf der mehrfachen Brechung jedes einzelnen Bildstrahls. Dazu müssen die Trennflächenparameter und die Kameraorientierungen im selben Koordinatensystem bekannt sein. Zumeist wird die Mehrbildzuordnung von Partikeln durch die Verwendung von Kernlinien realisiert. Auf Grund von instabilen Kameraorientierungen oder bei einer sehr hohen Partikeldichte sind diese geometrischen Eigenschaften nicht mehr ausreichend, um die Mehrbildzuordnung zu lösen. Unter der Ausnutzung weiterer geometrischer, radiometrischer und physikalischer Eigenschaften kann die Bestimmung der 3D Trajektorien dennoch durchgeführt werden. Dabei werden durch die Analyse verschiedener Merkmale diejenigen ausgewählt, welche sich für die spatio-temporale Zuordnung eignen. Die 3D PTV beruht auf der Diskretisierung der Partikelabbildungen im Bildraum und der anschließenden Objektkoordinatenbestimmung. Eine rasterbasierte Betrachtungsweise stellt die tomographische Rekonstruktion des Volumens dar. Hierbei wird die Intensitätsverteilung wird im Volumen rekonstruiert. Die Bewegungsinformationen werden im Anschluss aus den Veränderungen aufeinander folgender 3D-Bilder bestimmt. Durch dieses Verfahren können Strömungen mit einer höheren Partikeldichte im Volumen analysiert werden. Das entwickelte Verfahren basiert auf der schichtweisen Entzerrung und Zusammensetzung der Kamerabilder. Die entwickelten Modelle und Ansätze sind an verschiedenen Versuchsanlagen erprobt worden. Diese unterschieden sich stark in der Größe (0,5 dm³ – 20 dm³ – 130 m³) und den vorherrschenden Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten (0,3 m/s – 7 m/s – 0,5 m/s). / 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (3D PTV) is an image based method for flow field determination. It is based on seeding a flow with tracer particles and recording the flow with a multi camera system. The results are 3D trajectories of a large number of particles for a statistical analysis of the flow. The thesis shows different novel models to increase the spectrum of applications and to optimize efficiency of 3D PTV. Central aspects are the use of the mirror system to generate a virtual multi camera system, the modelling of complex interfaces of multimedia photogrammetry, a probability based tracking method and a novel method for tomographic reconstruction of volume raster data. The improved models are tested in three real testing facilities and with synthetic data. Using a beam splitter in front of the camera lens and deflecting mirrors arranged in the optical path, a four headed virtual camera system can be generated. This method is characterised by its economic efficiency and by the fact that a synchronisation is not necessary. These facts are important especially when using high speed cameras. When observing phenomena in water, there will be refraction at the different interfaces. This has to be taken into account and modelled for each application. Approaches which use correction terms are not suitable to handle complex optical interfaces. The developed approach is based on a multiple refraction ray tracing with known interface parameters and camera orientations. Mostly the multi image matching of particles is performed using epipolar geometry. Caused by the not stable camera orientation or a very high particle density this geometric properties are not sufficient to solve the ambiguities. Using further geometrical radiometrical and physical properties of particles, the determination of the 3D trajectories can be performed. After the analysis of different properties those of them are chosen which are suitable for spatio-temporal matching. 3D PTV bases on the discretisation of particle images in image space and the following object coordinate determination. A raster based approach is the tomographic reconstruction of the volume. Here the light intensity distribution in the volume will be reconstructed. Afterwards the flow information is determined from the differences in successive 3D images. Using tomographic reconstruction techniques a higher particle density can be analysed. The developed approach bases on a slice by slice rectification of the camera images and on a following assembly of the volume. The developed models and approaches are tested at different testing facilities. These differ in size (0.5 dm³ – 20 dm³ – 130 m³) and flow velocities (0.3 m/s – 7 m/s – 0.5 m/s).

Modellering av miljözoners inverkan på luftkvalitet i centrala Uppsala / Modeling of environmental zones' impact on air quality in central Uppsala

Pedersen, Niklas January 2019 (has links)
In order to improve the air quality in Uppsala, a proposition to introduce one of two new emission zones (EZ), starting in the year 2020, has been proposed. In what is called Environment Zone Class 2 (EZ2), only cars that meet emission class Euro 5 and higher are allowed and in Environment Zone Class 3 (EZ3), only electric, fuel cell and gas vehicles are allowed. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how EZ: s would affect the air quality, regarding nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particles (PMx), within the zone of the city of Uppsala. Using the traffic simulation software PTV Vissim and the emissions modeling software EnViver, four scenarios have been created, two representing today's fleet of vehicles and two examining a modified fleet. Scenario 1 examines an exclusion of all non EZ2 vehicles (Euro 4 and lower) within the zone and scenario 2 examines an EZ2 solely on the road Kungsgatan. Scenario 3 and 4 examine an EZ2 and EZ3 where all cars that do not currently meet the requirements for each EZ are replaced with ones that do. The results indicate that all proposals, except scenario 2, lead to a reduction of NOx and PM2 within the zone. Scenario 1 shows a decrease by 51% for NOx and 57% for PM10, scenario 3 shows a decrease by 17% and 24% respectively and scenario 4 shows a decrease by 66% and 43% respectively. For scenario 2 the emissions show an increase by 10% and 7% each within the zone.

Application of Road Infrastructure Safety Assessment Methods at Intersections

Adedokun, Adeyemi January 2016 (has links)
Traffic safety at intersections is a particularly difficult phenomenon to study, given the fact that accidents occur randomly in time and space thereby making short-term measurement, assessment and comparison difficult. The EU directive 2008/96/EC introduced road infrastructure safety management, which offers a five layer structure for developing safer road infrastructure has been used to develop tools for accident prediction and black spot management analysis which has been applied in this work to assess the safety level of intersections in Norrköping city in Sweden. Accident data history from STRADA (Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition) and the network demand model for Norrköping city were used to model black spots and predict the expected number of accidents at intersections using PTV Visum Safety tool, after STRADA accident classification was restructured and the Swedish accident prediction model (APM) was configured and tested to work within the tool using the model from the Swedish road administration (SRA). The performance of the default (Swiss) and the Swedish APM was compared and identified locations with the high accident records, predicted accident counts and traffic volumes were audited using qualitative assessment checklist from Street-Audit tool. The results from these methods were analysed, validated and compared. This work provides recommendations on the used quantitative and qualitative methods to prevent accident occurrence at the identified locations.

Inclined Negatively Buoyant Jets and Boundary Interaction

Crowe, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Inclined negatively buoyant jets are commonly used to dispose brine effluent produced by desalination plants. Desalination and associated research has expanded in recent years due to the continued depletion and degradation of natural potable water sources. Desalination plants are the preferred option for meeting water demand deficits in many countries around the world. Inclined negatively buoyant jets are produced when the brine is discharged at an upward inclined angle via an offshore pipeline and diffuser system. Previous experimental studies have focused on the rapid mixing and dilution achieved by these discharges, as well as geometric parameters. Dilution measurements between these experimental studies vary significantly, which is possibly due to variations in the location of a lower boundary on observed flow behaviour. In the present study, velocity field information is experimentally measured for inclined negatively buoyant jets and compared to integral model predictions. Experiments are conducted with and without a lower boundary influencing observed flow behaviour, thus allowing the effects of a lower boundary to be determined. The particle tracking velocimetry experimental technique is employed to measure near field velocities of these discharges. Firstly, discharges with source angles between 15\degree and 75\degree are investigated without boundary influence in stationary ambient conditions. The source was a minimum of 655 mm above the bottom of the experimental tank to ensure there was no lower boundary influence on observed behaviour. Time-averaged and fluctuating data are extracted along the trajectory of discharges. All non-dimensionalised geometric and centreline velocity parameters are found to collapse. Empirical coefficients are compared to previous experimental studies and integral model predictions. A new detrainment model is developed to predict the behaviour of inclined negatively buoyant jets without boundary influence. The model further develops recent attempts to allow for buoyancy flux reduction along the flow path. The reduction in buoyancy flux is dependent on the local parameters of the flow and simulates experimentally observed detrainment. Dilution, geometric, and velocity predictions are found to be improved over previous models when compared to experimental data. Finally, a raised platform was placed inside the experimental tank to determine the influence of a lower boundary on inclined negatively buoyant jets. Source angles of 30\degree, 45\degree, and 60\degree are investigated at three different non-dimensional source heights. The lower boundary is horizontal and ambient conditions are again stationary. Discharges impinge the lower boundary before forming a radially spreading layer along the boundary. Geometric and velocity data are compared to the first set of experiments in this study to determine the influence of the lower boundary on observed flow behaviour. Empirical coefficients at maximum height are similar with and without the influence of the boundary, whereas coefficients are substantially influenced at the return point when the boundary is present.

Experimental Two-Phase Flow Characterization of Subcooled Boiling in a Rectangular Channel

Estrada Perez, Carlos E. 16 January 2010 (has links)
On the efforts to provide a reliable source of experimental information on turbulent subcooled boiling ow, time resolved Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) experiments were carried out using HFE-301 refrigerant ow through a vertical rectangular channel with one heated wall. Measurements were performed at liquid Reynolds numbers of 3309, 9929 and 16549 over a wall heat flux range of 0.0 to 64.0 kW=m2. From the PTV measurements, liquid two dimensional turbulence statistics are available, such as: instantaneous 2-D velocity fields, time-averaged axial and normal velocities, axial and normal turbulence intensities, and Reynolds stresses. The present results agree with previous works and provide new information due to the 2-D nature of the technique, for instance, this work shows that by increasing heat ux, the boiling bubbles influence on the liquid phase is portrayed as a persistent increase of axial velocity on regions close to the heater wall. This persistent increase on the axial velocity reaches a maximum value attributed to the terminal bubble velocity. These new observed phenomena must be considered for the development and improvement of two-phase ow turbulence models. To this end, an extensive error analysis was also performed with emphasis on the applicability of the PTV measurement technique on optically inhomogeneous flows. The error quantification exhibited negligible optically induced errors for the current conditions, making the data acquired in this work a vast and reliable source.

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