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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A qualidade na educação infantil comunitária em Porto Alegre : estudo de caso em quatro creches conveniadas

Susin, Maria Otilia Kroeff January 2009 (has links)
Esta tese aborda a qualidade da educação infantil comunitária conveniada no Município de Porto Alegre, seus limites e suas possibilidades. A qualidade é aqui conceituada a partir da realidade social, econômica, política e pedagógica nas quais se inserem as quatro creches, pesquisadas. O conceito de qualidade da educação infantil comunitária conveniada, aqui proposto, está baseado em valores e se estrutura a partir de elementos dinâmicos e em constante reformulação. Por não se tratar de uma qualidade abstrata, este conceito é datado e geograficamente localizado, construído a partir do real e das experiências vividas pelos sujeitos sociais em relação e pertencentes a uma sociedade de classes antagônicas. A análise da qualidade aqui desenvolvida não separa a instância política da base material regida pelo econômico que, no sistema capitalista, possibilita qualidade diferenciada a partir das condições econômicas das famílias e das comunidades onde se localizam as creches comunitárias conveniadas e dos recursos investidos na educação. A separação do econômico e do político materializa as desigualdades próprias do sistema do capital. O arcabouço teórico, orientador da análise da qualidade, desenvolvido nesta tese, está ancorado em autores que discutem o sistema do capital e suas crises, bem como a alternativa de superação proposta que é a reforma do Estado que se torna mínimo para as políticas sociais e, máximo, para o capital. A reconfiguração do Estado é uma necessidade da sociedade capitalista, pois o capital exige não ser onerado com políticas de distribuição de renda que venham a comprometer a expansão e acumulação, molas propulsoras da sua reprodução. Neoliberalismo, globalização, reestruturação produtiva e terceira via, estratégias do capital para a superação de suas crises, redefinem o papel do Estado e, em defesa do capital, redesenham as políticas públicas. A terceira via busca aproximação com a sociedade civil, por meio da parceria público-privada. A aproximação com a sociedade civil, em Porto Alegre, dáse pela parceria do movimento social comunitário com o poder público, na oferta da educação infantil, sendo o conveniamento a base da política municipal de expansão do atendimento desta etapa da educação básica. Os limites e as possibilidades da qualidade na educação infantil são aqui analisados a partir dos seguintes eixos: projeto político-pedagógico e regimento escolar; habilitação e formação continuada dos educadores e espaço físico. Estes parâmetros formam um todo que incorpora outras práticas construídas no cotidiano das instituições comunitárias e das comunidades. Dentre elas estão os critérios de ingresso, a ausência de participação dos pais e da comunidade, a cobrança de mensalidade e a falta de prestação de contas de todos os ingressos pecuniários da instituição. Os limites e as possibilidades da qualidade da educação infantil comunitária fazem parte de uma história de ausência do Estado na oferta de políticas públicas para a infância e colocam como pauta preferencial a luta por direitos sociais e pela garantia a uma educação pública, gratuita, laica e de qualidade para todas as crianças, cujos pais assim o desejarem tendo como utopia a universalização de toda a educação básica. / This thesis approaches the quality of the communitarian early childhood education offered by day nurseries in the context of a partnership with municipal power in the City of Porto Alegre, and elicits the limitations and possibilities of this education. Quality is here conceptualized on the basis of the social, economical, and political reality in which the four day nurseries studied here are inserted. The concept of quality of communitarian early childhood education proposed here is based on values and it is structured by dynamic elements in constant reformulation. For it is not an abstract concept, the idea of quality is dated and geographically delimitated, constructed on the basis of reality and of the actual experiences of social subjects who are in interaction to each other and who belong to a society of antagonistic classes. The analysis of quality that is exposed here, does not separate the political aspects from the material basis given by economy, which in the capitalist system, allows for differences in the degrees of quality depending on the economical conditions of the families and communities where the communitarian day nurseries are inserted, and on the resources that are invested in education. The separation between economical and political aspects materializes the inequalities of the system. The theoretical framework that guides the analysis of quality in this study is based on different authors that discuss the capital system and its crises, as well as the proposed alternative to overcome them, that is, so far, the transformation of the state, which becomes minimal for social policies, and maximal for capital. The reconfiguration of State is a necessity of capitalist society, to make sure that capital demands are not burdened with rent distribution policies that difficult expansion and accumulation, the two driving forces for its reproduction. Neo-liberalism, globalization, productive restructuring and third way, all strategies used by capital to overcome its own crises, redefine the role of State in defense of capital, and redesign public policies. The third way pursues an approach to civil society, through public-private partnership. The approach to civil society, in Porto Alegre, is possible through the partnership between the social communitarian movement and public power to supply early childhood education, being the partnership a policy of the city to expand the coverage to this stage of basic education. The limitations and the possibilities of the quality in early childhood education are analyzed here from two parameters: political-pedagogical project and school regime; license and continued learning for teachers and physical environment. This parameters compose a whole set that incorporates other practices built up in the daily routine of communitarian institutions and communities. As examples of these practices, we could mention the requirements for the enrollment, the lack of participation of parents and community, the required fees, and the lack of accounting for all the pecuniary incomes of the institution. The limitations and possibilities of communitarian early childhood education are part of a history in which the state does not supply public policies to young children, becoming important items on the agenda the struggle for social rights and for a free, public and laic education with quality for all children whose parents make this option, having as an utopia the universalization of all basic education.

As parcerias público-privadas de metrô em São Paulo: as empresas estatais e o aprendizado institucional no financiamento da infraestrutura de serviços públicos no Brasil / São Paulos metro public-private partnerships: state-owned enterprises and institutional learning in financing public servicesinfrastructure in Brazil

Pedro do Carmo Baumgratz de Paula 01 December 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado consiste em um estudo de caso das contratações das parcerias público-privadas (PPPs) das Linhas 4 e 6 de metrô em São Paulo. A partir do estudo indutivo realizado, buscou-se compreender como os instrumentos jurídicos são efetivamente utilizados para viabilizar o provimento de uma atividade de interesse público para a população; a evolução institucional ocorrida no processo de aprendizagem de utilização dessas ferramentas; e o papel desempenhado pelas empresas estatais nesse novo cenário. Para tanto, o texto constrói a evolução das formas de concessão de serviços públicos e situa no plano histórico o surgimento e a adoção das PPPs como indicativos de uma nova forma de atuação estatal na economia. O estudo de caso foi elaborado a partir de análise documental e construção de narrativas, por entrevistas semiestruturadas, dos atores envolvidos nos processos de contratação das Linhas 4 e 6. A observação empírica revelou que as empresas estatais cumprem um papel fundamental na criação de arranjos institucionais funcionais para a viabilização dos empreendimentos conjuntos, exercendo uma função coordenação público-privada e promovendo aprendizado institucional. Também observou-se que complexos arranjos contratuais são utilizados como forma de separar as obrigações contratuais de demandas políticas, insulando os direitos do concessionário de alterações posteriores. Isso ficou evidente, especialmente, no tocante à diferenciação entre tarifa política e tarifa contratual, às garantias de pagamento de contraprestação e aporte e ao sistema de pagamentos de tarifas. Os resultados obtidos a longo dessa pesquisa acrescem ao conjunto de estudos que apontam para a inadequação de medidas institucionais de tamanho único para o desenvolvimento (teoria das dotações institucionais). A experiência indica que as PPPs estudadas foram bem-sucedidas justamente porque foram construídas a partir de soluções e arranjos institucionais específicos ao contexto em que estavam inseridas, levando em consideração as limitações e as potencialidades do direito local. Desse modo, a pesquisa conclui pela existência de um modelo brasileiro de PPPs que envolve, necessariamente, intermediação de empresas estatais na construção de arranjos institucionais cooperativos entre os atores públicos e privados. / This thesis is the written product of a case study of São Paulos Metro Lines 4 and 6 public-private partnerships contracts. The objectives of this empirical study were to fully understand how: the legal tools are handled in order to provide a public service to the people; the institutional development in the process of learning the use of these tools; and the role played by state-owned enterprises in this new context. In order to do so, the text builds on the historical evolution of state concessions and the emergence of PPPs as indicators of a new way of State intervention in the economy. The case study was made using documental analysis and the building of narratives, through interviews with the main actors in the processes of contracting out the services of metro. The empirical observation revealed that state-owned enterprises play a significant role in the making of functional institutional arrangements necessary to the existence and function of joint enterprises, working as a coordinator of the public-private relationship and promoting institutional learning. Also, it was noted that complex contractual arrangements are used as a way of detaching contractual obligations from political demands, insulating concessionarys rights from ulterior changes. This was evidenced, specially, by the description of the contractual differentiation of tariffs (political vs contractual), also by the structure of the counterparts warrantees, and by the payment system that was created. The results from this research add to the growing literature that points out the inadequacy of one size fits all institutional changes in order to promote development. The reported experience indicates that the PPP contracts were well succeeded precisely because they were built on context-specific solution and institutional arrangements, that took into account the limitations and potentialities of the local legal system. In this sense, the research shows the existence of a Brazilian model of PPP contracts that involves, necessarily, the intermediation of state-owned enterprises in the formation of cooperative institutional arrangements between public and private actors.

Espaços livres na paisagem urbana contemporânea de Săo Paulo: os casos da Praça Victor Civita, Brascan Century Plaza e Rochaverá Corporate Towers

Silva, Aline de Alcântara 27 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-15T23:44:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Aline de Alcantara Silva1.pdf: 10151807 bytes, checksum: 916723639dd7d82d1459391f9434b14b (MD5) Aline de Alcantara Silva2.pdf: 24579662 bytes, checksum: 9d20f9549f9618e5742c995d7821699e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-27 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The open spaces, green areas, parks and squares are of great importance to the urban structure, to qualify and regenerate. Some types of urban actions can come from the public sector or through partnerships between the public and private, all benefit when this type of partnership is well developed and applied. One example is the case studies in this research, the Victor Civita Square, the Brascan Century Plaza and Rochaverá Corporate Towers, each within its context was structured public-private partnerships. These projects are described and analyzed within the whole of the contemporary urban landscape that are inserted, covering the whole urban context and history of each one, how their sidewalks and plazas communicate with the environment as, as well the elements of their vegetation and green areas. / Os espaços livres, áreas verdes, parques e praças são de grande importância para a estrutura urbana, pois a qualificam, a regeneram. Alguns tipos de ações urbanísticas podem vir do setor público ou através de parcerias entre o setor público e privado, todos se beneficiam quando esse tipo de parceria é bem aplicada e desenvolvida. Um exemplo são os estudos de caso da presente pesquisa, a Praça Victor Civita, o Brascan Century Plaza e o Rochaverá Corporate Towers, cada um dentro do seu contexto foi estruturado por parcerias publico-privadas. Esses empreendimentos serão descritos e analisados dentro do conjunto da paisagem urbana contemporânea a que estão inseridos, que engloba todo o contexto urbano e histórico de cada um, a forma como suas calçadas e praças se comunicam com o entorno, bem como os elementos que compõem sua vegetação e áreas verdes.

Parceria público-privada para produção de moradia popular no estado de São Paulo: o Programa da Casa Paulista / Public-Private Partnership to Build Social Housing in São Paulo State: The Casa Paulista Program

Gabriel Maldonado Palladini 08 May 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo o programa de parceria público-privada para a construção de moradia popular no centro da cidade de São Paulo. Promovido pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo, o projeto foi escolhido como estudo de caso para discutir a utilização do instrumento jurídico-contratual de parceria público-privada, regido pela lei federal nº 11.079 de 2004 na construção de moradia popular no Estado de São Paulo. De modo específico, pretendeu-se entender como foram feitos os estudos pelas instituições privadas no processo da Manifestação de Interesse Privado (MIP) que resultaram no edital de licitação lançado de 2012. A coleta de informação foi feita a partir de entrevista com os principais atores envolvidos no projeto, desde funcionários do Governo do Estado, consultores privados e funcionários de empresas do setor de construção civil. Como suporte às entrevistas, utilizou-se documentos disponibilizados pela Secretaria de Habitação. Previsto na legislação brasileira desde 1995, o instrumento que permite que instituições privadas ofereçam projetos de parceria entre o setor público e o privado passa a ser mais amplamente utilizado a partir de 2004, com a aprovação da lei federal das PPPs. Partindo de uma análise da própria estrutura administrativa do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, o presente estudo se propôs a entender como as parcerias público-privadas estão sendo utilizadas no setor de habitação social. / The aim of this dissertation is to study the Public-Private Partnership Program for the construction of popular housing in the city of São Paulo. Promoted by the São Paulo Government State, the project was chosen as a case study to discuss the use of the contractual instrument of public-private partnership, governed by federal law 11.079 of 2004 in the construction of popular housing in the State of São Paulo. Specifically, it intends to understand how the studies were done by the private institutions in the process of the Private Interest Manifestation (MIP) that resulted in the auction notice issued of 2012. The data collection was made from interviews with the stakeholders involved in the project, from State Government employees, private consultants and employees of construction companies. To support the interviews, documents made available by the Housing Secretariat of São Paulo State were analyzed. Under Brazilian law since 1995, the instrument that allows private institutions to offer public-private partnership to the government became more widely used in 2004, with the approval of the federal PPP law. Based on an analysis of the administrative structure of the São Paulo Government State, the present study aims to understand how public-private partnerships are used in the social housing sector.

Projeto "Educação Repaginada" de Salto/SP : contradições de uma alternativa à adoção de "sistemas privados de ensino" / Project "Educação Repaginada" of Salto/SP : contradictions of an alternative to the adoption of "private systems of education"

Souza, Rosilene Rodrigues da Silva, 1984- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Theresa Maria de Freitas Adrião / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T22:01:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza_RosileneRodriguesdaSilva_M.pdf: 8269132 bytes, checksum: 26d965c642c1507347370d684a5856a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O objetivo principal da pesquisa, desenvolvida no âmbito do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Política Educacional (GREPPE), consistiu em analisar o processo de implementação do projeto "Educação Repaginada" e suas contradições, buscando investigar em que medida o projeto se constitui numa alternativa à adoção de "sistemas privados de ensino", tendo em vista que pesquisas anteriores indicam o crescimento deste formato de privatização. O estudo compreende o período de 2004, ano que antecedeu o início do primeiro mandato do ex-prefeito José Geraldo Garcia, a 2012, quando se finalizou a elaboração do material didático "Aventura do Conhecimento". O estudo de caso intencionalmente selecionado foi desenvolvido a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa na qual se utilizou como recurso metodológico a pesquisa documental, que permitiu melhor compreensão sobre a educação municipal de Salto, e entrevistas semiestruturadas com sujeitos envolvidos no projeto, que possibilitou a descrição e a análise crítica do mesmo. A discussão teórica teve por objetivo analisar o regime de colaboração para a oferta do ensino fundamental, no contexto da Reforma do Aparelho do Estado, quadro em que se intensificou com o processo de descentralização dos serviços públicos, por meio de sua municipalização e pela ampliação das parcerias público-privadas. Mediante esta análise foi possível investigar em que proporção a experiência de Salto se assemelha e se diferencia das dos municípios que adotam "sistemas privados de ensino". Verificou-se que, apesar dos limites e das contradições, o projeto "Educação Repaginada" reflete a posição da gestão educacional de Salto em ser contrária às políticas de desqualificação da gestão pública, disseminadas em vários municípios paulistas, pós-municipalização do ensino fundamental. / Abstract: The main objective of the research, developed within the Group of Studies and Research in Educational Policy (GREPPE), consisted in analyzing the implementation process of the project "Educação Repaginada" and its contradictions, seeking to investigate to what extent the project is an alternative the adoption of "private systems of education", given that previous studies indicate the growth of this form of privatization. The study covers the period from 2004, the year preceding the beginning of the first term of former mayor José Geraldo Garcia, to 2012, when it completed the preparation of teaching material "Aventura do Conhecimento". The case study selected was developed from a qualitative approach, using as methodological resource the document research, which allowed a better understanding of the education of Salto, and semistructured interviews with people involved in the project, which enabled the description and critical analysis of it. The theoretical discussion aimed to analyze the system of collaboration for the provision of primary education in the context of the Reform of the State Apparatus, which intensified the process of descentralization of public services, through its municipalization and expansion of public-private partnerships. Through this analysis it was possible to investigate to what extent the experience of Salto resembles and differs from the municipalities that adopt "private education systems". It was found that, despite the limits and contradictions, the project "Educação Repaginada" reflects the position of educational management of Salto be contrary to the policies of disqualification of public management, disseminated in several counties, after the municipalization of primary education. / Mestrado / Politicas, Administração e Sistemas Educacionais / Mestra em Educação

Impact of the private sector initiative on the job satisfaction of hospital pharmacists in Lagos state

Ade-Abolade, Khadijah O. January 2009 (has links)
Master of Public Health - MPH / Background: Hospital pharmacy practice is an important aspect of healthcare, as drugs are a key component of patient treatment in hospitals. In Lagos state, Nigeria, provision of healthcare services, including drugs, was at one time entirely free but in the face of ever dwindling resources and increasing government responsibility, the health sector has to compete with other sectors for scarce public funds. Therefore, in 2002, a private sector initiative (PSI) in hospital pharmacy was implemented in seven hospitals in Lagos state as an alternative financing system for managing drug procurement and supply to fee-paying patients. Each of these seven hospitals now has two pharmacies, one providing free drugs to certain categories of patients entitled to this service and the second providing services to all other patients. Aim: This study aimed to explore and describe the impact of this private sector initiative on the job satisfaction of the pharmacists working in these hospitals from the viewpoint of the hospital pharmacists and relevant stakeholders, and to suggest ways of improving the job satisfaction of hospital pharmacists in Lagos state. Study Design: The study utilized a qualitative research design to explore the perceptions and experiences of government-employed pharmacists and key stakeholders on the impact of the private sector initiative. Study Population and Sampling: Individual interviews were conducted with three key informants and two focus group discussions were carried out, one with hospital pharmacists from the fee-paying pharmacies and the second with pharmacists from the free pharmacies from the seven hospitals in Lagos state where the private sector initiative was in operation. Data Collection and Analysis: The audio-taped interviews and focus group discussions were transcribed and analysed to identify the key categories and themes raised by the participants. Results: The study found that most pharmacists felt that the PSI has met the main objective for which it was set up, that is, improving availability of drugs in the hospital but there were some attendant factors like inadequate funding of the free health unit, increased workload of the fee-paying unit and poor working conditions, which affect the job satisfaction of pharmacists. The study however showed that the introduction of the PSI has led to improved performance of roles and recognition of the pharmacists and better working relationships between pharmacists and other healthcare workers which have impacted positively on the job satisfaction of pharmacists. Recommendations: The study recommended that the working conditions should be improved and issues of staffing and workloads should be addressed. Also, alternative but effective means of drug financing should be sought to ensure availability of drugs to all categories of patients.

I hamn : - En fallstudie av det privatoffentliga partnerskapet Vänerhamn / Bring into port : - A case study of the public private partnership Vänerhamn

Hansson, Elin January 2010 (has links)
This study focuses upon the new societal objects that are termed public private partnerships where the public sector forms strategic alliances with the private sector and the civil society to manage the wicked issues of today. An exampel of such cooperation is Vänerhamn AB where the municipalities around the lake of Vänern and the private shipping companies got togheter to handle an economic crisis of the shipping buisiness. The partnership Vänerhamn has developed from a problematic activity to a healthy company and the aim of this thesis is to illuminate this development through an historical institutional approach, focusing critical juncture to discover if the governance theory can be used to understand the partnerships positive process.   This will be done through research questions about the organisation of the partnership, about the members interests with the partnership and about eventually coordination problems in the partnership. The questions derive from dimensions in governance theory, central for the activity of partnerships. Interviews with central informants where held and it was complemented through a document analyses in order to search for indications of the dimensions and that is the methodological approach of the study.   The conclusion of this thesis is that the governance theory can be used to understand Vänerhamns postive development since the members interest with the partnership to a begining was not at all conformed and that led to obvious coordination problems. With more conformed interests the coordination problems were almost absent and the partnership made success. In this case the organisation of the partnership did not matter as it was a registered company during the whole time. The central sapiency of the thesis is that the public sector has to learn more about the private sector and vice versa.

Public-private partnerships in disaster management: A case-study of the city of cape town / A mini-thesis submitted to the School of Government, Faculty of Economic and Management

Buwa, Mbulelo M. January 2012 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / Greater capacity for cities to be disaster resilient is needed. Public-private partnership enhances municipal capacity. This study therefore, interrogates the relationship between the City of Cape Town and its disaster relief partners. It is mainly concerned with policy implementation, and as such, investigates disaster management policy implementation in relation to public-private partnerships. The objectivesof the study were to provide a conceptual framework that defines the terms eminent in the practice and study of disaster management, particularly those that characterize public-private partnerships in the City of Cape Town; to explore the legislative mandate that makes provisions for disaster management and the funding of public-private partnerships in municipalities; to document the current practice of public-private partnerships in the City of Cape Town; to highlight noted challenges in the partnership and where necessary, recommend alternative policy implementation options for enhanced partnership sustainable capacity for disaster relief. The researcher deemed it expedient to utilize the qualitative method for the purposes of the adeptness it affords in expediting malleable, arduous investigation in engaging with the phenomena that “unfold[s] in real-world situations.” As far as the findings of this study are concerned, the public-private partnership of the City of Cape Town with its disaster relief partners is a successful one. It is effective in bringing the much needed awareness and relief to devastated communities. There are four main challenges that impact on this disaster relief partnership have been realized by this study. These namely are the delays in the reimbursement process, the constant change of government personnel dealing with relief partners, absence of a disaster relief official on the sites of distress and unsubsidized expenses incurred by the relief partners. Having realized these challenges, the study makes policy implementation recommendations.

Zadávání veřejných zakázek na úrovni místní samosprávy / Public Procurement of Local Selfgovernment

Najmanová, Alena January 2008 (has links)
This graduation thesis "Public Procurement of Local Selfgovernment" describes the problems of public procurement. The core subject is the difficulty to observe the law on public procurement. This work includes a case study that mainly evaluates the process of a specific public procurement carried out by a local selfgovernment and the method used to appraise the bids. In order to obtain further information on public procurement at the municipal level, the paper includes a survey addressed to the public administration. The work concludes with a SWOT analysis on public procurement.

PPP projekty -- bariéry jejich rozvoje v ČR / PPP projects and barriers to development of PPP in the Czech Republic

Králová, Eva January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the Public Private Partnership and obstacles inhibiting its development in the Czech Republic. The goals of this paper include specification of the Public Private Partnership subject, analysis of the current situation of PPP projects in the Czech Republic and identification of the most important obstacles to its usage in the Czech Republic. This thesis can serve as the starting point for obtaining general knowledge about Public Private Partnership. Moreover, this paper mentions information about current state of PPP projects in Europe and the Czech Republic. Based on the interviews with experts on PPP and the relevant literature which was researched, the final part of this thesis is dedicated to the discovered barriers to development of PPP in the Czech Republic.

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