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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Percepção sobre o papel do Código de Ética Profissional na solução de dilemas éticos: um estudo empírico na Controladoria Geral do Município do Rio de Janeiro (CGM) / Perceptions about the role of the Code of Professional Ethics in solving ethical dilemmas: an empirical study in Controladoria Geral do Município do Rio de Janeiro (CGM)

Vania Silva de Carvalho 03 March 2009 (has links)
O grande impacto dos escândalos que afetam organizações das mais diversas áreas, inclusive as públicas, tem difundido um interesse generalizado em comportamentos éticos e antiéticos. A administração ideal baseia-se em um modelo de gestão, cujo processo utiliza mecanismos que assegurem sua eficiência e eficácia e, conseqüentemente, propiciem a redução de conflitos dentro da organização. A observância de um código de ética profissional favorece essa redução de conflitos, pois seu objetivo central é a formação da consciência sobre padrões de conduta. Nesse contexto, os servidores públicos devem constituir e observar determinadas regras de conduta que norteiam seu exercício profissional, pois a consciência dos princípios morais, seja no exercício do cargo ou função, ou fora dele, refletirá no exercício vocacional do poder do estado. Seus atos, comportamentos e atitudes deverão preservar a honra e a tradição do Funcionalismo Público diante da sociedade. Entretanto, a efetividade do cumprimento de um Código de Ética não se baseia nas leis administrativas e nem com estas se confunde, mas se apóia no sentimento de adesão moral e de convicção íntima de cada servidor público. Diante dos desafios encontrados na gestão de organizações públicas e de sua importância para a sociedade em geral, o objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar os fatores que influenciam a percepção dos servidores públicos civis municipais quanto ao valor do Código de Ética Profissional da Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro como auxiliar na solução de dilemas éticos. A amostra foi constituída por 90 (noventa) servidores lotados na Controladoria Geral do Município (CGM). A metodologia utilizada para a análise exploratória e confirmatória dos dados, necessitou de técnicas de análise fatorial na redução de dados e regressão linear múltipla para testar as cinco hipóteses oriundas do problema de pesquisa. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a percepção dos servidores sobre os valores morais professados no Código de Ética e o conhecimento deles sobre o Código influenciam a percepção sobre o seu valor como auxiliar na resolução de dilemas éticos. Os resultados também sugerem que o servidor municipal percebe, em um nível baixo, o compromisso da Administração com o código. / The major impact of the scandals that affect organizations in several areas, including the public, has been promoting widespread interest in ethical and unethical behavior. The ideal Administration is based on a model of management, that uses mechanisms to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness and, consequently, provide a reduction of conflicts within the organization. The observance of a professional code of ethics favors the reduction of conflicts, as their central goal is the formation of consciousness about standards of conduct. In this context, civil servants must establish and observ certain rules of conduct that guide their professional practice, as the awareness of moral principles, whether in the exercise of public office or function or outside, will reflect in the exercise of the vocation of the State. Their actions, behaviors and attitudes must preserve the honor and tradition of the civil service in the face of society. However, the effectiveness of compliance with a code of ethics is not based on administrative laws and not be confused with these, but is based on the moral sense of adhesion and intimate conviction of each civil servant. In the face of the challenges encountered in the management of public organizations and their importance to society in general, the goal of this research is to examine the factors that influence the perception of civil municipal public servants on the value of the Professional Code of Ethics of the City of Rio de Janeiro as an aid in resolving ethical dilemmas. The sample consisted of 90 (ninety) civil servants blended in the City General Controller (CGC). The methodology for the analysis of exploratory and confirmatory data, needed factor analysis techniques to reduce data and multiple linear regression to test the five hypothesis from the research problem. The results showed that the perception of moral values professed by the civil servants in the Code of Ethics and their knowledge of the Code influence the perception of its value as an aid in the resolution of ethical dilemmas. The results also suggest that civil servant observe a low commitment of the Administration with the Code.

Análise da evolução da organização da produção da função operacional em instituição financeira pública : os limites da mudança no Banco Regional de Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul -BRDE : final dos anos 80 a 1994

Santos, Fernando Luiz Motta dos January 1996 (has links)
Esta dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção trata de um estudo de caso que tem por objetivo descrever e analisar a evolução da organização da produção da função operacional de uma instituição financeira pública: o Banco Regional de Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul - BRDE. O período coberto, final dos anos 80 a 1994, com ênfase para a fase 1992-1994, tem cada uma das configurações existentes examinadas, basicamente, a partir de nove fatores de análise. Alguns fatos de 1995 são relatados para melhor compreensão da fase examinada. Há uma breve revisão cobrindo os sistemas de gestão da produção, a questão da mudança nas organizações, bem como três dos métodos usados: a Gestão da Qualidade Total (TQC), o Aperfeiçoamento de Processos Empresariais e a Reengenharia. Estes três métodos são comparados entre si e contextualizados dentre os demais métodos gerenciais de aperfeiçoamento empresarial. As funções e o marco legal da operação dos bancos de desenvolvimento no Brasil são descritos sumariamente. Há uma breve caracterização do BRDE, com ênfase na evolução de suas atividades operacionais, da sua política de recursos humanos e das estruturas organizacionais com que operou no período em pauta. São tecidas considerações sobre o tempo de atravessamento operacional. Um amplo e detalhado projeto de melhoria com a participação do autor é analisado, tanto sob o aspecto de suas recomendações técnicas, como da metodologia e das intercorrências durante sua elaboração. Constatou-se que a atividade operacional no banco de desenvolvimento examinado possuiu o caráter de produção artesanal durante todo o período analisado. O processamento operacional passou, inicialmente, de uma lógica funcional taylorista/fordista com produção em linha para uma lógica de produção celular com minifábricas focalizadas. Posteriormente, foi tentada uma lógica onde se buscou transformar cada funcionário numa célula, proposta que não foi possível ser implantada, tal o nível de polivalência exigido. Verificou-se que a uma fase de mudanças suaves, espaçadas e razoavelmente consensuais, realizadas num ambiente externo relativamente estável (anos 80), sucedeu uma série de mudanças impostas, ambiciosas, executadas em curto espaço de tempo, sem que a mudança anterior pudesse se consolidar (período 1992-1994). A superposição do período de aprofundamento da análise com o reinício das atividades operacionais da instituição tornou muito dificil discernir, no crescimento do volume operacional, o que foi causado pelos processos de mudança do que foi devido à ocupação da capacidade instalada. Observou-se pouco uso de indicadores de defeito e deficiências na aferição da eficiência do emprego dos recursos alocados à função operacional. Verificou-se que distintas fontes de origem política são a gênese do poder na instituição - diretores nomeados, dois a dois, por Governador de Estado membro - o que, em geral, implica que haja falta de unidade na Direção, e que a duração média dos mandatos seja inferior à das gestões estaduais. A falta de envolvimento das chefias dos segmentos organizacionais atingidos foi identificada como a principal causa para a truncada implantação do projeto de melhoria do qual o autor participou. Propõe-se uma nova definição para Processo Empresarial. São apresentadas recomendações, tanto para a instituição estudada, como para novas pesquisas. / The aim of this Industrial Engineering's dissertation is to describe and analyze the evolution in production organization of operational function in a public financiai institution. For the purposes of this dissertation the Banco Regional de Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul - BRDE, has been chosen as a case study. The covered period- end of 80's till 1994, emphasizing the 1992-1994 period - has one of each configuration examined from nine analysis factors. Some 1995 information is presented for the better understanding of the subjects under discussion. A brief review covers production management systems, organizational changes, as well as three of the methods used for it: Total Quality Control (TQC), Business Process lmprovement and Reengineering. These methods are compared and contextualized within the other managerial improvement methods. The functions and the legal limits for development bank's operations in Brazil are briefly described. There is a short BRDE's characterization, emphasizing the evolution of operational activities, human resources politics and the organizational structures the bank had pursued at the considered period. Some comments are made on the operational lead time. A wide and detailed improvement project shared by the author is analyzed covering their technical advice, as well as the methodology and the developing intercurrencies. It was verified that the operational activities of the development bank under examination has pursued an artesanal production character during the whole analyzed period. Operational processing moved, at first, from a Taylor/Ford functional logic with a lined production, to a cellular organization based on focused manufacturing. Lately there were attempts to turn each worker into a production cell, a proposal impossible to implant, as the polyvalent skill required. It was verified that after a period of soft, scattered and reasonably consensual changes, which took place in a basically stable environment in the 80's, succeeded a sequence of imposed, ambitious changes, which took place in a short period of time, without the consolidation of the previous change (1992-94 period). The superposition of the deeping analysis period with the operational recommencement of the institution rendered a lot difficult to discern on the operational data increasing, what was caused by the process of changing and what was related to the natural occupation of the idle capacity. It was observed small usage of defect rates and deficiencies in checking the efficiency of the resources designated to operational function. It was verified that different political origins are the genesis of institution's power - appointed directors, two by two, by Member-State Governar - which, in general, implies lack of unity at the Board and the average length of mandates are inferior of those of the state administrations. The lack of involvement from department's chief, who were affect by the change, was identified as the main cause of the mutilated implementation of the improvement project which the author has participated. A new definition for Business Process is proposed. Advice is presented for the analyzed institution, as well as for further research.

“Samverkan - Inte mitt ansvar” : - Samverkan inom etableringsinsatser sett ur arbetsförmedlarnas synvinkel på Arbetsförmedlingen. / “Collaboration - Not My Responsibility” : - Collaboration within establishment activities from the employees' point of view at the Employment Service.

Lambe, Marijana, Abou-Hamidan, Tamam-Eugenia January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study has been to investigate how employees at the employment agencies experience collaboration with other national agencies during their work with new arrivals. This puts focus on interaction between different national agencies. The questions of the study are: - How do the employment agencies describe their role within the framework of the collaboration process between the municipality and the Employment Service? - How do the employment agencies describe power, responsibility and control in the collaboration process between the municipality and the Employment Service - How do the employment agencies describe the division of responsibility in the collaboration process between the municipality and the Employment Service? The study has a qualitative approach that tries to capture the perceptions of the employees’ concept of "responsibility" in the process of collaborating in public activities. In order to answer the questions of the study, 10 interviews were conducted with employees that are collaborating with the municipality and other organizations on the establishment of new arrivals to Sweden. During the interviews the most commonly encountered concepts were scope of responsibility, power, rules, knowledge, autonomy and overview of the collaboration. The concepts are reported in the results section with a descriptive analysis and interpretation. The study concluded that there is no one who takes responsibility for the process of cooperation.

The Impact of Accountability and Accountability Management on Performance at the Street Level

Hwang, Kwang Seon 02 September 2013 (has links)
Performance management is prevalent in public organizations and public services, but the push for performance may harm genuine accountability. One critical reason for this is that little knowledge has developed about the scope and effect of actual accountability requirements in the public management field. This dissertation furthers our understanding of accountability and performance by distinguishing them as different dimensions of public management. Building on this distinction, the effect of accountability (A) on performance (P) and accountability management’s (M) mediating role in the relationship between accountability and performance were investigated empirically in child welfare services in Virginia. The study had two stages: interviews and a survey. The qualitative content analysis of the interviews provides several noteworthy findings. Accountability can be understood more with the terms: explanation, expectation, people/society, action/decision, and values. Conversely, performance can be considered more in line with the terms: productivity/outcome, timely work, team playing, learning, and strategy. The incompatible characteristics found between accountability and performance highlight problems behind performance-driven accountability. The survey portion of the study, built upon the interview data, also presents notable findings. (1) Accountability affects performance both directly and indirectly, and (2) accountability management matters in the relationship between accountability and performance. While the empirical literature on the A → P link focuses on the effects of competing accountability requirements, my study examines dimensions of the accountability requirements’ impact. Formal (e.g., legal) as well as informal (e.g., ethical) accountability requirements are critical for ensuring higher performance. Compliance strategies implicitly connect informal accountability requirements with work performance. The findings support the study’s argument that accountability should be stressed for better performance and highlight the need for the careful design of accountability mechanisms in social services. Ultimately, this study may serve as a foundation for future efforts to establish more appropriate accountability and performance arrangements. / Ph. D.

Innovation i stadsutvecklingsprojekt : En studie om implementeringen av en innovation i Norra Djurgårdsstaden / Innovation in Urban Development Projects : A Study of the Implementation of an Innovation at Stockholm Royal Seaport

Saeed, Ismail, Ahmed, Yusuf January 2021 (has links)
Förvaltningen av städer är en mångfacetterad uppgift och framtiden för med sig stora utmaningar i takt med den växande urbaniseringen och klimatförändringarna. Detta kräver att städer är innovativa och kreativa för att effektivt kunna hantera kommande utmaningar. Implementering av innovationer i städer och offentliga organisationer kan se lovande ut på papper men vara utmanade att genomföra i praktiken. Studier visar att organisationer, privat som offentligt, allt som oftast kämpar för att implementera innovationer eller misslyckas helt med att skörda de förväntade nyttorna med den antagna innovationen. I denna rapport har därför en närmare studie på implementeringen av en innovation i stadsutvecklingsprojektet Norra Djurgårdstaden genomförts med syftet att utreda hur innovationer implementeras i ett stadsutvecklingsprojekt. Vidare syftar studien även till att utreda vilka förutsättningar som möjliggör en lyckad implementering samt de utmaningar som uppstår i samband med implementeringsprocessen. För att kunna uppfylla studiens syfte och besvara forskningsfrågorna har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod använts. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med de individer som var direkt involverade i implementeringen och användningen av innovationen. Studiens konceptuella ramverk bygger främst på litteraturstudier inom problemområdet och en implementeringsmodell som bryter ner implementeringen av innovationer i byggprojekt i sex olika faser. En tematisk analys av resultatet utifrån litteraturstudien och implementeringsmodellen gav underlag till studiens slutsatser. Studien mynnar ut i att implementeringen av innovationer i stadsutvecklingsprojekt startar med identifieringen av en tydlig vision av innovationen och målen som ska uppnås med tillämpningen av innovationen. Vidare ska innovationen och de förväntade målen överensstämma med projektets- och/eller organisationens övergripande mål för att motivera avsättningen av resurser för vidare utredning. Organisationen behöver demonstrera sitt engagemang under hela implementeringsprocessen. Inför tillämpningen av innovationen ska organisationen förbereda sig genom att bl. a erhålla de resurser och tillstånd som krävs för tillämpningen. Efter en period av justering och anpassning av innovationen för att få en så effektiv användning som möjlig så ska slutligen en efterhandsutvärdering genomföras där de förväntade nyttorna jämförs mot de faktiska resultaten. Framgångsfaktorerna som identifierades under innovationsimplementeringen var bland annat kompetensen inom projektgruppen, engagerat ledarskap med ett högt initiativtagande, etappvis arbetsgång med långsiktig planering och ett bibehållet engagemang genom hela processen. De utmaningar som uppstod under innovationsimplementeringen var bland annat arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist, juridiska påtryckningar från tredje man, långa och byråkratiska processer samt information – och kunskapsbrist hos slutanvändare. / The management of cities is a multifaceted task and the future brings with it great challenges along with the growing urbanization and climate change. Therefore there is a need for innovative and creative cities to be able to effectively deal with the coming challenges. Implementing innovations in cities and public organizations might seem promising in principle but can become challenging to accomplish in practice. Studies illustrate that organizations, both private and public, very often struggle with implementing innovations or fail to reap the expected benefits of the adopted innovations. This paper therefore conducts a study of the implementation of an innovation in the urban development project Stockholm Royal Seaport, with the aim of studying how innovations are implemented in urban development projects. This paper further aims to identify the enabling conditions that facilitate successful implementations of innovation aswell as the barriers that arise during the implementation process. A qualitative research method has been used to be able to fulfill the aim of this paper and to answer the research questions. Semi-structured interviews has been conducted with individuals who were directly involved with the implementation and use of the innovation. The conceptual framework that this paper is based upon consists of a literature review of the chosen research area and an implementation model that breaks down the implementation of innovation in construction projects into six different phases. A thematic analysis of the empirics based on the literature review and the implementation model provided the basis for the conclusions presented in this paper. The study establishes that the implementation of innovation in urban development projects starts with the identification of a clear vision of the innovation and the benefits that are expected to be obtained by implementing the innovation. Furthermore, the innovation and the expected benefits should be aligned with the projects and/or the organizations overarching goals in order to motivate the allocation of resources for further investigation. The organization needs to demonstrate its commitment throughout the implementation process. The organization also needs to prepare for the implementation of the innovation by obtaining the needed resources and permits. After the necessary modifications and adjustments of the innovation are completed to ensure maximal efficiency, a post-use evaluation should be conducted where the expected benefits are compared to the actual outcome. The enabling conditions that were identified during the implementation of the innovation included the competence within the project group, commited leadership with high initiative, a gradual work progress with long term planning and a sustained commitment throughout the entire process. The barriers that were identified during the implementation of the innovation included high work load and lack of time, legal pressure from third party, long and bureaucratic processes as well as lack of information and knowledge amongst end-users.

Definição e estabelecimento de processos de fábrica de software em uma organização de TI do setor público. / Definition and establishment of software factory processes in an IT organization of the public sector.

Nomura, Luzia 07 April 2008 (has links)
Um crescente número de empresas produtoras de software tem adotado um modelo organizacional de Fábrica de Software (FS), que facilita a terceirização por intermédio da segmentação das atividades e adoção de um sistema de produção mais flexível, dinâmico e controlado. Uma FS pode atender a múltiplas demandas de natureza e escopos distintos com o intuito de prover as necessidades específicas de cada cliente. Em face da diversidade e complexidade deste contexto, uma das questões principais a resolver é como mapear todos os processos envolvidos, identificando claramente o que, quem e, sobretudo como cada trabalho deve ser executado e controlado, visando o alinhamento dos processos à estrutura organizacional e conceitual de FS com foco nos processos de integração, alinhamento e reuso. Este estudo tem como objetivo mapear, definir, reestruturar e estabelecer processos de Fábrica de Software, conduzidos pelo método de pesquisaação em uma organização produtora de software do setor público, considerando seu contexto operacional, técnico e cultura organizacional. O desenvolvimento, execução, acompanhamento e resultados são descritos pelos ciclos da pesquisa-ação envolvendo o estudo de estruturas organizacionais, metodologias de desenvolvimento de sistemas, e mudanças organizacionais. Para isso foram definidas uma Estrutura Organizacional de Referência de FS, uma Arquitetura de Definição de Processos para FS e uma Metodologia de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas e Integração com foco organizacional, concebidos e desenvolvidos com base na literatura, experiência profissional e pesquisa empírica, que serviram como guia de condução da pesquisa-ação, culminando na associação do estudo empírico com o estudo teórico. As contribuições empíricas e teóricas geradas referem-se à melhoria dos processos organizacionais e operacionais de uma empresa de TI do setor público com base nos conceitos de FS. / A growing number of software producing companies have adopted an organizational model of Software Factory (SF), which facilitates outsourcing by segmenting activities and by adopting a more flexible, dynamic and controlled production system. A SF can serve the multiple demands of different nature and scopes with the purpose of providing each customers specific needs. Because of the diversity and complexity of this context, one of the main issues to be solved is how to map all the processes involved, clearly identifying what, who and mainly how each work must be executed and controlled, aiming at aligning the processes to the organizational and conceptual structure of SF focusing on the integration, aligning and reuse processes. The purpose of this study is mapping, defining, restructuring and establishing the Software Factory process, conducted by the action research method in a software producing organization of the public sector, considering its operational, technical and organizational culture context. The development, execution, follow-up and results are described by the action research cycles involving the study of organizational structures, system development methodologies and organizational changes. For this, a Reference Organizational Structure of SF, and Processes Definition Architecture for SF and a Integration System Development Methodology with organizational focus were defined, conceived and developed based on the literature, professional experience and empirical research, which served as a guiding line of the action research, peaking at the association of the empirical study with the theoretical study. The generated empirical and theoretical contributions refer to the improvement of the organizational and operational processes based on the SF concepts.

Korttidsfrånvaro i en offentlig organisation : En kvalitativ studie inom hemtjänsten / Short-term absence in a public organization : A qualitative study within home care

Backlund, Kristin, Palm, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka varför korttidsfrånvaron hade ökat inom hemtjänsten i en offentlig organisation med fokus på den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Studien bygger på nio intervjuer som analyserades genom en grundläggande kvalitativ metod. Resultatet visar att de anställda upplevde tidspressade arbetsdagar där arbetsbelastning generellt ansågs vara för hög. Det fanns inte alltid tid till att utföra arbetsuppgifterna under ordinarie arbetstid och inga marginaler fanns för de oväntade händelser som ofta uppkom i arbetet. De anställda upplevde att gemenskapen i arbetsgruppen var god men kände en ensamhet under arbetsdagen och önskade mer gemensam tid tillsammans. Det var skilda meningar om ledarskapet och stödet från chefen. Några av de anställda önskade mer stöd och uppmuntran samt att arbetet utöver vårdarbetet skulle uppskattas mer medan andra var nöjda. Slutsatsen var att korttidsfrånvaron hade ökat på grund av den höga arbetsbelastningen, en stressig arbetsmiljö samt långa arbetsperioder utan ledighet. / The purpose of the study was to examine why the short-term absence had increased within home care in a public organization with focus on the psychosocial work environment. The study is based on nine interviews and the data were analyzed using a basic qualitative research. The results shows that the employees experienced time-pressured working days where the workload generally was considered to be too high. There was not always time for them to perform their duties during normal working hours and there were no margins for the unexpected events that often arose in the work. The employees felt that the community of the workgroup was good but felt a loneliness during the working day and wanted more shared time together. The conclusion was that the short-term absence had increased due to the high workload, a stressful work environment, and long periods of work without time off.

Definição e estabelecimento de processos de fábrica de software em uma organização de TI do setor público. / Definition and establishment of software factory processes in an IT organization of the public sector.

Luzia Nomura 07 April 2008 (has links)
Um crescente número de empresas produtoras de software tem adotado um modelo organizacional de Fábrica de Software (FS), que facilita a terceirização por intermédio da segmentação das atividades e adoção de um sistema de produção mais flexível, dinâmico e controlado. Uma FS pode atender a múltiplas demandas de natureza e escopos distintos com o intuito de prover as necessidades específicas de cada cliente. Em face da diversidade e complexidade deste contexto, uma das questões principais a resolver é como mapear todos os processos envolvidos, identificando claramente o que, quem e, sobretudo como cada trabalho deve ser executado e controlado, visando o alinhamento dos processos à estrutura organizacional e conceitual de FS com foco nos processos de integração, alinhamento e reuso. Este estudo tem como objetivo mapear, definir, reestruturar e estabelecer processos de Fábrica de Software, conduzidos pelo método de pesquisaação em uma organização produtora de software do setor público, considerando seu contexto operacional, técnico e cultura organizacional. O desenvolvimento, execução, acompanhamento e resultados são descritos pelos ciclos da pesquisa-ação envolvendo o estudo de estruturas organizacionais, metodologias de desenvolvimento de sistemas, e mudanças organizacionais. Para isso foram definidas uma Estrutura Organizacional de Referência de FS, uma Arquitetura de Definição de Processos para FS e uma Metodologia de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas e Integração com foco organizacional, concebidos e desenvolvidos com base na literatura, experiência profissional e pesquisa empírica, que serviram como guia de condução da pesquisa-ação, culminando na associação do estudo empírico com o estudo teórico. As contribuições empíricas e teóricas geradas referem-se à melhoria dos processos organizacionais e operacionais de uma empresa de TI do setor público com base nos conceitos de FS. / A growing number of software producing companies have adopted an organizational model of Software Factory (SF), which facilitates outsourcing by segmenting activities and by adopting a more flexible, dynamic and controlled production system. A SF can serve the multiple demands of different nature and scopes with the purpose of providing each customers specific needs. Because of the diversity and complexity of this context, one of the main issues to be solved is how to map all the processes involved, clearly identifying what, who and mainly how each work must be executed and controlled, aiming at aligning the processes to the organizational and conceptual structure of SF focusing on the integration, aligning and reuse processes. The purpose of this study is mapping, defining, restructuring and establishing the Software Factory process, conducted by the action research method in a software producing organization of the public sector, considering its operational, technical and organizational culture context. The development, execution, follow-up and results are described by the action research cycles involving the study of organizational structures, system development methodologies and organizational changes. For this, a Reference Organizational Structure of SF, and Processes Definition Architecture for SF and a Integration System Development Methodology with organizational focus were defined, conceived and developed based on the literature, professional experience and empirical research, which served as a guiding line of the action research, peaking at the association of the empirical study with the theoretical study. The generated empirical and theoretical contributions refer to the improvement of the organizational and operational processes based on the SF concepts.

Proposta de um modelo conceitual para a avaliação institucional da divisão de confiabilidade metrológica aeroespacial / A proposal of a conceptual model of institutional evaluation for the aerospace metrological reliability division

João Evangelista dos Santos 17 December 2009 (has links)
As organizações públicas não vêm recebendo a mesma atenção que o setor privado quando se trata de avaliação institucional, fato que tem gerado perda de eficácia e distanciamento da sociedade. Este trabalho apresenta uma formulação conceitual preliminar, com o intuito de propor um processo de avaliação institucional para a Divisão de Confiabilidade Metrológica Aeroespacial, organização militar pertencente ao Instituto de Fomento e Coordenação Industrial e subordinada ao Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial do Comando da Aeronáutica. A Divisão de Confiabilidade Metrológica Aeroespacial é uma entidade pública responsável pelo gerenciamento de várias atividades no âmbito do Sistema de Metrologia Aeroespacial, entre as quais se destacam a normalização metrológica, a coordenação de programas interlaboratoriais e o aperfeiçoamento dos recursos humanos voltados à atividade metrológica na Aeronáutica brasileira. Este trabalho é baseado em revisão teórica e está sendo discutido no nível gerencial da organização para futura utilização. O processo de avaliação ora proposto engloba não somente uma sugestão de modelo conceitual de avaliação, como também a identificação inicial dos atuais fatores críticos de sucesso e dos indicadores de desempenho considerados mais adequados para a organização em foco. / Public organizations have not received the same attention as the private ones, concerning institutional evaluation, which generates loss of effectiveness and estrangement of the society. This work presents an authors preliminary formulation to propose a process of institutional evaluation for the Aerospace Metrological Reliability Division (a military organization pertaining to the Industrial Fostering and Coordination Institute), subordinated to the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, which belongs to the Brazilian Aeronautical Command. Aerospace Metrological Reliability Division is a public entity, responsible for managing and coordinating several activities related to the Aerospace Metrology System, among which stands out for its metrological standardization processes, interlaboratory comparison programs and human resources improvement, related to calibration and test activities in the Brazilian Air Force. This work is based on theoretical revision and it is being currently discussed in the managerial level of the organization to be used in the near future. The evaluation process proposed includes not only a suggested conceptual evaluation model, but also the identification of current Critical Success Factors and more adjusted Performance Indicators for the Organization on focus.

"Måla fan på väggen" -En kvalitativ studie om anställdas upplevelser av och strategier i en neddragningsprocess i en offentlig organisation

Torpling, Sandra, Sjöstrand, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
This study focuses on employees in a public organization and their experiences of cutback management. In January 2017, the Swedish Migration Agency decided to initiate a cutback process in which a large number of employees risked losing their job. Such process is still ongoing, and we have performed qualitative interviews with seven respondents prior receiving a potential notice of termination. Through such interviews it emerged how the respondents experienced the cutback management process, and we divided such experiences into six themes. These were communication, participation, acknowledgement, job security, trust and motivation. Six of the respondents experienced a lack of communication, not being involved in the cutback process and a lack of acknowledgement by the management. Along with the insecurity a cutback process creates due to the risk of losing one’s job, such experiences led to a lower motivation, a lower organizational commitment but also a lower work commitment. Their experiences led as well to a lower trust both in the Swedish Migration Agency and the state as employers. As a consequence of their experiences, but specially of the job insecurity and family situation of each respondent, more than half of the respondents had left or decided to leave the organization. Our result differs from previous research specially in the matter concerning the work commitment and public service motivation. Our study shows that it is possible the employees of today’s public organizations work for the state because of what the state can do for them and not because of what they can do for the state and the users of public service. Our study shows the public service motivation appears to be in decline, and thus also the work commitment in times of cutbacks.

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