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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Národohospodářský význam výroby elektrické energie z obnovitelných zdrojů v ČR / Economic importance of electricity from renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic

Procházka, Štěpán January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the national economy importance of electricity from renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part introduces the different types of RES legislation relative to RES and energy intensity of the economy of the Czech Republic. Analytical part shows the financial impact of support RES in the Czech Republic to year 2030.

The never-ending story : Discovering touch points and customer experiences along the customer journey

Lindberg, Daniel Francesco, Vermeer, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Today’s society is earmarked by developments in technology so drastic, that our lives are continuously changed, impacted and remolded. When thinking about how many impressions one goes through during a single day, the results will be uncountable. And at an increasing pace, many of these impressions are shifting to the digital realm. This thesis acknowledges these rapid changes in the modern world of marketing, particularly the digital aspects of it. Yet while a great amount of research has been conducted to more closely understand digital marketing and how to conduct it, a significantly little amount of research has been spent focusing on the customer. This while the path that a customer takes from need to purchase may have grown to be more complex than ever. Not all the impressions that a customer gains on a certain product or brand come solely from the company behind it. As such, we decided to focus on exploring this customer journey – a relatively nascent theme in the field of marketing research. More specifically, we aim to answer the following research question: How is the customer purchasing decision affected by the customer’s interaction with touch points throughout the customer journey? Our main purpose was to arrive at a model as an answer to the research question, that could be used as a foundation for future research studies. We were intensely curious at gaining a better understanding of the customer journey and what the customers experience as they are touched by different influential channels during their travel from need to purchase. Our study shows that it is possible to synthesize the state of current research on the topic of the customer journey and support it with empirical data gathered from interviews with a variety of customers. Central to our thesis are the following two definitions that we have constructed based on current literature: The customer journey is the individual experience that a customer has when interacting with touch points in the path from a pre-purchase to a post-purchase setting. Touch points are moments of contact between customer and company that individually and collectively influence customer experience. The third critical element is that of the customer experience, which we don’t explicitly define, but implicitly construe as a distinct construct with a powerful impact by serving as the catalyst between touch points and customer actions and perceptions.The result is a conceptual model of the customer journey that we feel could be a foundation for future research on the customer journey to build upon and perhaps one day could serve as an overarching model for marketing as a whole.

Vill du bli medlem? : En kvantitativ studie om studenters köpintentioner gentemot Mälardalens studentkår.

Vahlkvist, Jonathan, Gren, Max January 2020 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Datum: 2020-06-07 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp Institution: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens högskola Författare: Jonathan Vahlkvist – (97/12/20) Max Gren – (94/02/02) Titel: Vet du ens om att jag finns? – En utredning av studentkårens marknadskommunikation. Handledare: Aswo Safari Nyckelord: Förtroende, engagemang, Mälardalens studentkår, köpintentioner, kommunikationsstrategi, attityd Frågeställning: Vilka faktorer påverkar studenters framtida köpintentioner gentemot studentkåren? Avgränsningar: Faktorer: attityd, engagemang, förtroende, kommunikationsstrategi. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utvärdera påverkan mellan studentkårens kommunikation och studenternas upplevda förtroende, engagemang, attityd och köpintentioner. Därav ämnar denna studie att undersöka Mälardalens studentkårs kommunikation och relation till studenterna, för att bidra till förbättrade kommunikationsmöjligheter, som sedan kan resultera i en bättre studentkår för studenterna på Mälardalens högskola. Metod: Studien använder en deduktiv ansats. Empiriska data är framtagen i form av enkäter riktade till studenter på Mälardalens högskola. Slutsats: De faktorer som påverkar studenternas framtida köpintentioner gentemot studentkåren är förtroende, engagemang samt attityd. De kommunikationsstrategier som lämpar sig bäst för Mälardalens studentkår är de med fokus på att kommunicera regelbundet med medlemmarna, kommunicera med underhållande och kreativ information samt den där kommunikationen är tydlig och korrekt.

Influencer marketing and its effectiveness on consumers’ attitudes and purchase intention / Influencer marknadsföring och dess effektivitet på konsumenters attityder och köpintentioner

Wärme, Erica, Olsson, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Social media is nowadays one of the best ways to reach new potential customers. Social media platforms allow influencers to promote brands and reach even more customers. These new platforms are relatively untested as regards its effectiveness. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if influencers affected customers´ attitudes and purchase intentions more than online adverts, regarding energy drinks. The thesis used an experiment in order to investigate this further. Combined with previous research in this area and the data from the study’s questionnaire, a result for this thesis could be formulated. The study showed that there was no statistical significant difference of effectiveness between using an influencer or an online advert when it comes to what affects consumers attitudes and purchase intentions, regarding energy drinks.

Factors that influence consumer attitude and intention to purchase organic foods

Mathope, Matseke Betty 27 February 2020 (has links)
The South African Organic farming industry has indicated a stable increase in the production of organic products from insignificant informal sectors to a fast-growing formal sector. Although there is no documented evidence of the origins of the sector, it can be considered that the formalisation of the organic industry started in 1994 with the formation of Organic Agriculture Association of South Africa (OAASA). The expanding organic food sector is a current organisational change in food demand in South Africa. Therefore, it is becoming vital for food marketers to know consumer needs and demands for food in South Africa, particularly organic food, as consumer preferences sturdily affects the direction of the marketers’ approach, in terms of what is in demand and consumed. Accordingly, this research investigated the factors that influence consumer attitude towards organic food and how consumer attitude influences consumers’ buying intentions. A non-experimental quantitative approach was employed to respond to the purpose and goals determined for the study. A survey was circulated to South African purchasers residing in the Gauteng Province, who were over the age of 18 years and liable for their own domestic food acquisitions. A total of 310 questionnaires were completed, but only 301 responses without errors were utilised for statistical analysis. Data collection was conducted by means of an in-store intercept approach and snowball sampling was applied to supplement the purposive sampling approach to achieve a statistically significant respondent sample. In order to examine and understand the socioeconomic characteristics of the sample and further determine the type of respondents who took part in the research, descriptive statistical analysis was used for this current research. Furthermore, to meet the goals of the research, inferential statistical analysis was used to attain the description view of every recognised variable’s performance of the participants. The findings of this research firstly showed that product quality, subjective norms, health and environmental concerns had a positive influence on consumer attitude towards organic food. The analysis further indicated that health concerns had the strongest influence on the respondents’ attitude for organic food, followed by product quality, then subjective norms. Surprisingly, environmental concerns showed no statistically significant influence on the consumers’ attitudes towards the purchase of organic foods. Secondly, the results showed that the respondents had a favourable and positive attitude for organic food. The participants believed that organic food was higher quality, healthier, safer, fresher and tastier than conventionally grown food. Thirdly, the results showed that even though the respondents considered price as a significant influence when purchasing food, and also considered organic foods to be expensive than conventional food products, they still intended to purchase more organic food. The results further showed that, though some respondents had access to organic food in the retail-stores where they regularly shop, other respondents still expressed difficulty in finding organic food products. However, this does not change their intent to purchase more organic food. Lastly, the results indicated that, although respondents had a great intent to buy organic food, this did not translate into actual purchase behaviour, because actual shopping behaviour of organic food was low, which reiterates the intention-behaviour gap. This means that, although the respondents had a strong intention to purchase organic foods, there are still hurdles which hindered them from making the actual buying of organic foods. The intention-behaviour gap among consumers is mostly triggered by the inaccessibility of organic food products, consumers’ lack of confidence in the trustworthiness of organic food certifications, and the high price of organic food. It is therefore advised that organic food sellers must aim to expand purchasers’ awareness of organic food, in terms of what makes organic food distinctive from non-organic food and the justifications for high prices of these products, so they will be more prepared to buy organic food. Organic food traders and marketers must improve the accessibility of these foods by supplying them where it is convenient for purchasers to buy such products. It is also suggested that the South African government must put in place official certification and inspection programmes for organic food products to improve consumer confidence in certified organic food products. This current research can contribute by adding value to the literature on environmental sustainability in the perspective of a growing economy, specifically South Africa. The research further extends its contribution in assisting organic food producers, operations, sellers, government and regulatory institutions to further understand the factors that influence consumer attitude for organic food and consumers’ buying intentions. This will enable the effective development of organic agricultural programmes (e.g. certification) and improve marketing campaigns that will motivate South Africans to select organic food products. / Life and Consumer Sciences / M. Cons. Sci.

“Vårt uppdrag är oändligt men våra resurser är ändliga” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om yrkesverksammas upplevelser av svårigheter med att motverka prostitution

Gidhammar, Maria, Heinemo, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Prostitution är ett komplext, världsomfattande samhällsproblem som kan leda till flertalet negativa konsekvenser för den utsatta. I Sverige har köp av sexuella tjänster varit kriminaliserat sedan år 1999 och den svenska regeringen lägger stor vikt vid bekämpandet av prostitution. Trots detta är prostitution ett utbrett problem i Sverige. Flertalet kartläggningar indikerar att fenomenet ökar, framförallt via internet, samt att det tycks gå ner i åldrarna. Tidigare forskning inom området visar att svårigheter med att motverka problemet bland annat beror teknologins framväxt, attityder och normer i samhället och brist på resurser inom rättsväsendet. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka svårigheter med att förebygga prostitution ur yrkesverksammas perspektiv, samt vad som kan göras för att förbättra det förebyggande arbetet. Genom kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer och en tillämpning av rutinaktivitetsteorin besvaras studiens frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att bristen på personal och kompetens, den ökade tillgängligheten via internet samt porrens påverkan på attityder och normer försvårar motverkandet av prostitution. Därtill visas att ytterligare åtgärder krävs, bland annat tidiga insatser gällande utbildning samt en omarbetning av sexköpslagen. / Prostitution is a complex, worldwide societal problem that can lead to several negative consequences for the victim. In Sweden, the purchase of sexual services has been criminalized since 1999, and the Swedish government allocates great importance to combat prostitution. Despite this, prostitution is a widespread problem in Sweden. Various studies indicate that the phenomenon is increasing, primarily via the internet, and that prostitution seems to be declining with age. Previous research in the field shows that difficulties in counteracting the problem are partly due to the development of technology, attitudes and norms in society and a lack of resources in the judicial system. The purpose of the present study is to investigate difficulties in preventing prostitution from the perspective of professionals, as well as what can be done to improve the preventive work. Through a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews and an application of the routine activity theory, the research questions are answered. The results show that the lack of personal with relevant skills, the increased accessibility via the internet and the impact of porn on attitudes and norms make it more difficult to counteract prostitution. In addition, it is shown that further measures are required, including early efforts regarding education and a adjustment of the Sex Purchase Act. / <p>2021-01-13</p>

Elektronický obchod dumelektra.cz / E-commerce dumelektra.cz

Grochál, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with the thought of running a bussines on the internet. In connection with this there are introduced posibilities in what way is possible to run an e-commerce. Then there is mentioned description of one functional e-shop, which was created within the scope of this thesis. Also there is outlined easy leaving of this business segment - but only for this concreete case.

Standardizace činností procesů nákupu ve vazbě na produkční proces / Standardization of Purchasing Activities in Connection With the Production Process

Trojanová, Martina January 2018 (has links)
Dissertation focuses on standardization processes of purchase in relation to the production of the company XYZ s.r.o. The dissertation has three parts. The first one is theoretical knowledge of the purchasing process and supplier selection. The second is about a description of the company and analysis of the current state in purchase. In the third part is proposed appropriate measure to improve the purchasing process and proposal for purchasing standards.

Návrh změn nákupního procesu ve vazbě na řízení dodavatelů / Suggestion of Changes in the Purchasing Process in Relation to Supplier Management

Losart, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This master`s thesis focuses on suggestion of changes in the purchasing process in relation to supplier management. Served suggestion of changes in the purchasing structure to the satisfaction of the customer in term sof delivery dates, quality and cost. Analyzes the current state of purchasing process and suggest, based on critical points further steps to improve the situation of management contracts. Evaluates the theoretical approaches and implementation conditions with all the benefits.

Návrh řízení nákupu k dosažení vysoké přidané hodnoty pro zákazníka / Design of Purchasing Management to Achieve High Added Value for the Customer

Kvasničková, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
Topic of magister thesis is „Design of purchasing management to achieve high added value for the customer. Thesis is based on analyses of current situation, internal data, cooperation with employees of departments from Purchasing, Planning and Logistics. Suggestions are focused on decreasing value of inventory with positive impact on customers in company PODNIK s.r.o. Suggestions will be used as an inspiration for management for developing new strategy of management of supplier-customer relationship.

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