Spelling suggestions: "subject:"purposefulness"" "subject:"purposefullness""
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Effectiveness of performance appraisal: An integrated frameworkIqbal, M.Z., Akbar, Saeed, Budhwar, P. 12 June 2019 (has links)
Yes / Based on a robust analysis of the existing literature on performance appraisal (PA), this paper makes a case for an integrated framework of effectiveness of performance appraisal (EPA). To achieve this, it draws on the expanded view of measurement criteria of EPA, i.e. purposefulness, fairness and accuracy, and identifies their relationships with ratee reactions. The analysis reveals that the expanded view of purposefulness includes more theoretical anchors for the purposes of PA and relates to various aspects of human resource functions, e.g. feedback and goal orientation. The expansion in the PA fairness criterion suggests certain newly established nomological networks, which were ignored in the past, e.g. the relationship between distributive fairness and organization‐referenced outcomes. Further, refinements in PA accuracy reveal a more comprehensive categorization of rating biases. Coherence among measurement criteria has resulted in a ratee reactions‐based integrated framework, which should be useful for both researchers and practitioners.
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Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal: Evidence on the Utilization CriteriaIqbal, M.Z., Akbar, Saeed, Budhwar, P., Shah, S.Z.A. 12 June 2019 (has links)
Yes / This study examines the relationships between performance appraisal (PA) purposes and immediate and ultimate outcomes. Drawing upon expectancy theory and Greenberg's taxonomy, we explore the roles of multiple mediators as sets of person- and organization-referenced ratee reactions and reveal the multiple why-related aspects of the relationships between PA purposes and PA effectiveness. Our research is based on a questionnaire survey of 563 employees from the telecommunications sector of Pakistan. The results of structural equation modeling analysis suggest that individual-focused PA better serves the employee perspective, whereas position- and organization-focused PA better serves the organizational perspective. These findings indicate that inclusion of role definition and strategic purposes in the PA system is likely to render PA more effective and practical. The findings also corroborate that ratee reactions mediate the relationship between PA purposes and PA effectiveness, albeit to varying degrees. Our findings have theoretical and practical implications.
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A comparison of Buddhist compassion to Christian love : an apologetic study / D.J. McCoyMcCoy, Daniel James January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis will be a contrast of the Buddhist and the Christian responses to this-worldly suffering. Many scholars have proposed that the best way to create a better world with less suffering is to make Christianity more like Buddhism, so that an interfaith synthesis between the two religions results. These scholars’ proposals are described in Chapter 2. However, what these scholars desire (i.e. less this-worldly suffering) will not logically result from the solution they suggest (i.e. Buddhicizing Christianity). For to make Christianity more like Buddhism in its essentials would render Christianity less potent to oppose this-worldly suffering.
The thesis will thus contrast Buddhism with Christianity in five crucial areas, namely, their viewpoints on ultimate reality, ultimate attachments, ultimate aversions, ultimate example, and ultimate purpose. These five areas provide the content to accurately define Buddhist compassion and Christian love.
Chapter 3 describes Buddhism’s struggle to ground love of neighbor ontologically, whether by the ontological givens of dependent co-arising or nirvana. Buddhism struggles to ground not only whether we should love our neighbors, but also whether we can do so. Christianity, on the other hand, proves entirely capable of grounding love of neighbor—whether should or can—given its theistic ontology.
Chapter 4 describes the Buddhist and Christian responses to suffering when it comes to attachments. Buddhism asks us to let go of rigid attachments to persons, truth and goodness. Meanwhile, Christians are to cling to God, and as a result of loving God, they are to love people, hunger and thirst for the good, and rejoice in the truth. These ultimate attachments to persons, truth, and goodness help overcome this-worldly suffering.
According to Chapter 5, Buddhism and Christianity differ sharply when it comes to aversion to and grief over sin. Buddhists cultivate equanimity toward the sin, reasoning that the problem is not actually the person’s fault and, furthermore, that the problem is not really a problem. Christians, however, are to love people enough that they hate the sin which destroys them. In hating evil and restoring people, Christianity undermines immense worldly suffering.
Chapter 6 contrasts Gautama and Jesus as examples of combatting suffering. At each juncture, Jesus offered more to actually fight against suffering than did Gautama. Incredibly, the interfaith scholar who would Buddhicize Christianity’s ultimate example would mar the portrait of the paradigm who exemplifies the very qualities the interfaith scholar wants to emulate.
Chapter 7 examines the Buddhist emphasis on “thusness” and the Christian emphasis on purposefulness. Insofar as the interfaith scholar would Buddhicize Christianity’s ultimate purpose, the robust purposefulness that gives one’s life meaning and motivation would erode into a purposelessness which, however emancipating, leaves one comparatively impotent in the face of this-worldly suffering.
In light of these five contrasts, Christian love and Buddhist compassion are able to be defined and contrasted. The logical conclusion drawn is that to Buddhicize Christianity’s ultimacy would be to truncate Christianity’s efficacy, a result which should motivate these interfaith scholars to reconsider their proposals. / PhD, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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A comparison of Buddhist compassion to Christian love : an apologetic study / D.J. McCoyMcCoy, Daniel James January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis will be a contrast of the Buddhist and the Christian responses to this-worldly suffering. Many scholars have proposed that the best way to create a better world with less suffering is to make Christianity more like Buddhism, so that an interfaith synthesis between the two religions results. These scholars’ proposals are described in Chapter 2. However, what these scholars desire (i.e. less this-worldly suffering) will not logically result from the solution they suggest (i.e. Buddhicizing Christianity). For to make Christianity more like Buddhism in its essentials would render Christianity less potent to oppose this-worldly suffering.
The thesis will thus contrast Buddhism with Christianity in five crucial areas, namely, their viewpoints on ultimate reality, ultimate attachments, ultimate aversions, ultimate example, and ultimate purpose. These five areas provide the content to accurately define Buddhist compassion and Christian love.
Chapter 3 describes Buddhism’s struggle to ground love of neighbor ontologically, whether by the ontological givens of dependent co-arising or nirvana. Buddhism struggles to ground not only whether we should love our neighbors, but also whether we can do so. Christianity, on the other hand, proves entirely capable of grounding love of neighbor—whether should or can—given its theistic ontology.
Chapter 4 describes the Buddhist and Christian responses to suffering when it comes to attachments. Buddhism asks us to let go of rigid attachments to persons, truth and goodness. Meanwhile, Christians are to cling to God, and as a result of loving God, they are to love people, hunger and thirst for the good, and rejoice in the truth. These ultimate attachments to persons, truth, and goodness help overcome this-worldly suffering.
According to Chapter 5, Buddhism and Christianity differ sharply when it comes to aversion to and grief over sin. Buddhists cultivate equanimity toward the sin, reasoning that the problem is not actually the person’s fault and, furthermore, that the problem is not really a problem. Christians, however, are to love people enough that they hate the sin which destroys them. In hating evil and restoring people, Christianity undermines immense worldly suffering.
Chapter 6 contrasts Gautama and Jesus as examples of combatting suffering. At each juncture, Jesus offered more to actually fight against suffering than did Gautama. Incredibly, the interfaith scholar who would Buddhicize Christianity’s ultimate example would mar the portrait of the paradigm who exemplifies the very qualities the interfaith scholar wants to emulate.
Chapter 7 examines the Buddhist emphasis on “thusness” and the Christian emphasis on purposefulness. Insofar as the interfaith scholar would Buddhicize Christianity’s ultimate purpose, the robust purposefulness that gives one’s life meaning and motivation would erode into a purposelessness which, however emancipating, leaves one comparatively impotent in the face of this-worldly suffering.
In light of these five contrasts, Christian love and Buddhist compassion are able to be defined and contrasted. The logical conclusion drawn is that to Buddhicize Christianity’s ultimacy would be to truncate Christianity’s efficacy, a result which should motivate these interfaith scholars to reconsider their proposals. / PhD, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Sociologie a existencialismus. Otázka "smyslu" z perspektivy existencialistické sociologie / Sociology and Existentialism. Question of "Purpose" from an Existentialist ViewpointHlaváček, Karel January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis Sociology and Existentialism. Question of "Purpose" from an Existentialist Viewpoint deals with the problem of aim and purpose of sociology. First we want to doubt what we grasp as nonproblematic reception of attitudes on what sociology actually is, which is to be found especially in common sociological discourse. We want to accomplish this by challenging sociology to defend itself against what existentialism perceives as ultimate concern of human beings and by suggesting that in order to comply with this challenge sociology should become religious in Tillich's and Fromm's sense. Second we aim to conceptualize what purposeful sociology would mean and analyze how sociology has been loosing purpose. Third we aim to hint at what sociology should do in order to stay purposeful.
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Vem skall fylla uniformen? : Generation OfficerArklöf Grande, Marcus, Werner, Anders January 2020 (has links)
The Swedish Armed Forces must double its personnel volumes with 50% within the next 15 years period. With already existing challenges to procure new personnel and to keep those already serving in the current organizational structures this mission comes with some problems. The numbers leaving the Armed Forces are for the moment at a higher rate than what is recruited. This study sets out with the aim of finding what directions the Armed Forces can take to turn this trend around. The research has, by asking already serving commissioned and noncommissioned officers, examined what factors and motivators made them choose the profession and what factors makes them stay in the service. Further, to examine these factors and motivators deeper, interviews with cadets were made with the aim to find out what attracted them to serve. The data emerging consisted of seven categories each one giving a deeper understanding of what attracted the individual to the Armed Forces and what made them take the step to join. These categories are responsibility, leadership, stimulation, purposefulness, development, security and belonging. To put these factors in to a generational perspective, and to give them a wider meaning, third grade high school students were asked to explain their interpretation of them and how important they are. This secondary empirical gathering gave the researchers the opportunity to compare already existing theories about generations with the actual motivating factors of those already serving. What emerged was the combining factors of motivation to attract individuals to the Armed Forces, purposefulness, stimulation and belonging. This consists with the use of normative power when it comes to controlling the personnel in the organization and how important the use of the right organizational powers is to attract and get compliance from individuals. The Swedish Armed Forces cannot in its aim to expand depend on general knowledge about what attracts individuals from a particular generation. Instead a deeper more purposeful examination of what drives an individual to serve must be developed, something this study has tried to accomplish. The result of this study concludes that belonging to an organization with a purpose creates individual stimulation and allows the organization to use normative powers. / Försvarsmakten skall under de närmsta 15 åren nästan fördubbla sin personal ram. Men hur skall man kunna öka i personalvolymerna när man redan nu har svårt att behålla personalen. Utflödet av personal är större än inflödet just nu. Denna forskning inledde med att intervjua officerare som redan tjänstgör i myndigheten. Detta för att undersöka vilka faktorer som för dem är viktiga till varför de valde att söka till Försvarsmakten efter den gamla värnplikten och varför individen fortfarande är kvar i Försvarsmakten. Den andra respondentgruppen bestod av kadetter som är i början av sin karriär. Data från dessa intervjuer kodades och sju kategorier utkristalliserades. Ansvar, ledarskap, stimulans, meningsfullhet, utvecklande, trygghet och tillhörighet. Dessa kategorier användes vid framtagningen av breddstudieenkäten som ställdes till två gymnasieklasser som studerar på ett högskoleförberedande program. Gymnasieeleverna fick svara vad de framkomna kategorierna betydde för dem och deras svar utgör grunden i denna forsknings empiri. För att kunna förstå officerarna, kadetterna och gymnasieeleverna så analyserades empirin ur ett generationsperspektiv. Denna jämförelse visade att oberoende vilken generation som individen tillhör så är stimulans, meningsfullhet och tillhörighet de kategorier som är starka faktorer som har fått individerna att söka till Försvarsmakten. Meningsfullhet skapar förutsättning för den normativa styrformen som också är den mest lämpliga styrformen för att skapa motivation samt efterlevnad för organisationens mål. Försvarsmakten kan inte i sin eftersträvan att öka personalmässigt endast förliga sig på kunskapen kring generationsforskningen. Försvarsmakten måste skapa sig en djupare kunskap om vad som driver individen och vilka förutsättningar myndigheten har att bidra till individens utveckling.
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Motgångarna är min drivkraft : Unga svensk-somaliska högskolestudenters beskrivning av identitetsskapande och meningsfullhet / The challenges are my motivation : The narration of identity formation and meaningfulness of young Somali-Swedish university studentsAhmed Mohamed, Jafar January 2023 (has links)
I media under de senaste åren har en mörk bild av unga svensk-somalier vuxit fram bland annat kopplat till gängkriminalitet. Det påverkar även de unga svensk-somalier som inte hamnat snett. Som en kontrast till dem som hamnat i kriminalitet, arbetslöshet och utanförskap lyfts svensk-somaliska högskolestudenter fram i denna studie. Syftet var att skapa förståelse för deras identitetsskapande och upplevelse av meningsfullhet samt hur det påverkar deras välbefinnande. Studien utgick ifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv och analyserades med hjälp av teorierna KASAM och social identitetsteori samt begreppen etnicitet, mellanförskap och dubbel kulturell tillhörighet. Metoden var kvalitativ och kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 10 respondenter. Respondenterna var högskolestuderande med svensk-somalisk ursprung i åldern 21-24 år. Resultatet visade att etnicitet, religionstillhörighet, familj, vänner och föreningsliv varit viktigt i identitetsskapandet. Religion, familj och målmedvetenhet beskrevs som viktiga delar för att skapa meningsfullhet. Dessutom var det vanligt att motgångar och negativt bemötande vändes till en motivationskälla. De framgångsfaktorer för välbefinnande som framkom var gemenskap, socialt stöd, tro, målmedvetenhet och att vända motgångar till motivation. / In the media in the recent years, a negative picture of young Somali-Swedes has emerged, among other things linked to gang crime. It also affects the young Somali-Swedes who have not gone astray. As a contrast to those who ended up in crime, unemployment and exclusion, Somali-Swedish university students are highlighted in this study. The aim was to create an understanding of their identity formation and experience of meaningfulness and how it affects their well-being. The study was based on a social psychological perspective and has been analyzed with the help of the theories Sense of Coherence (SOC) and Social Identity Theory (SIT) as well as the concepts of ethnicity, in-betweenness and dual cultural belonging. The method was qualitative and qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten respondents. The respondents were university students of Somali-Swedish origin aged 21-24. The results showed that ethnicity, religious affiliation, family, friends and participation in civic society were important in the formation of identity. Religion, family and sense of purpose were described as important elements in creating meaning. In addition, it was common that adversity and negative treatment were turned into a source of motivation. The factors of success for well-being that were found were community, social support, faith, purposefulness and turning adversity into motivation.
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Smysl v práci. Motivace pracovníků vybraných nízkoprahových zařízení pro děti a mládež / Purpose at work. Motivations of Workers of Selected Low-threshold Facilities for Children and YouthValentová, Michaela January 2022 (has links)
Purpose at work. Motivations of Workers of Selected Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth Bc. Michaela Valentová Abstract Diploma thesis focuses on the experience of purposefulness of employees of low- threshold facilities for children and youth. In theoretical part low-threshold facilities are firstly conceptualized as a part of Czech organized civil society. Secondly, relevant theories of purpose are introduced. In empirical part, qualitative research is conducted by in-depth interviews with nine employees of two typical civil society organizations. Workers of low-threshold facilities for children and youth construct their purpose around four categories: helping clients, professionality, work ethics and self-development. Each of these categories brings specific consequences for their organizations. The theory expects purpose to be inspirational for others, however research participants do not reflect on the possibility to inspire their clients that way. This work suggests it is caused by workers' strong emphasis on professionality which creates borders in relationships between clients and workers and also limits the possibility to inspire one another with purpose. Keywords low-threshold facility for children and youth, civil society organization, CSO, non-profit organization, mission, meaning of...
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