Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pushover."" "subject:"pushovers.""
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Modélisation par macro-éléments du comportement non-linéaire des ouvrages à voiles porteurs en béton armé sous action sismique : développement de méthodes simplifiées d'analyse dynamique et de vulnérabilité sismiqueHemsas, Miloud 15 April 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'élaboration de méthodes simplifiées d'analyse du comportement non-linéaire des ouvrages en béton armé à voiles porteurs sous action sismique. Une stratégie de modélisation simplifiée basée sur la notion de macro-éléments a été adoptée, afin de décrire le comportement non-linéaire du mur voile et d'estimer sa capacité résistante vis-à-vis des forces latérales. Les lois de comportement utilisées pour le béton et l'acier sont basées sur la théorie de l'endommagement et de la plasticité. La validation des capacités prédictives du modèle à partir des résultats expérimentaux a été aussi effectuée. De plus, une étude paramétrique a été réalisée pour étudier la sensibilité des résultats aux variations des paramètres liés au modèle, au matériau et/ou type de chargement. / Abstract
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Determinación de la vulnerabilidad sísmica del Mercado Municipal del Balneario de Pucusana mediante el análisis estático no lineal “pushover”Estrella Chavez, Juan Jacob, Ochoa Zamalloa, Ángel Jair 26 August 2021 (has links)
Debido al alto peligro de ocurrencia de sismo, al que está expuesto el balneario de Pucusana y el crecimiento poblacional que ha tenido en los últimos años, hace necesario conocer los efectos que producirían un sismo de gran magnitud en esta localidad, según (Silgado, 1978), en el año 1746 ocurrió un sismo de magnitud estimada de 9.0 MW, seguido de un maremoto que destruyó el puerto del callao y según (Tavera, 2008), el área de estudio ocupa una zona de peligro estimado, se espera un sismo de magnitud 8.8 MW, producto de estos estudios se consideró escoger esta localidad como representativa para elaborar un escenario de riesgo sísmico.
Ante esta realidad, se hace necesario elaborar escenarios de Riesgo para el balneario de Pucusana. Este trabajo de investigación pretende realizar una mejora a la propuesta realizada por el CENEPRED, en su manual de estimación del riesgo, utilizando el Análisis “PUSHOVER”, mediante la metodología ATC-40, el ASCE41-13 y SEAOC VISION 2000, que permitirá determinar la calidad de la estructura a detalle y compararla con el nivel de peligro de sismo que se tiene producto de los trabajos del proyecto SIRAD 2012.
Se ha escogido para realizar este estudio el Mercado Municipal, debido a que es una de las estructuras más importantes del Balneario.
Finalmente, el aporte de esta tesis es determinar el nivel de desempeño del mercado municipal de Pucusana, para la determinación del nivel de vulnerabilidad del mismo. / Due to the high danger of earthquake occurrence, to which the Pucusana city is exposed and the population growth that it has had in recent years, it is necessary to know the effects that a large earthquake would produce in this locality, according to (Silgado, 1978 ), in the year 1746 an earthquake of estimated magnitude of 9.0 MW occurred, followed by a tsunami that destroyed the port of Callao and according to (Tavera, 2008), the study area occupies an estimated danger zone, an earthquake of magnitude 8.8 MW, as a result of these studies, it is considered to choose this locality as representative to elaborate a seismic risk scenario.
Given this reality, it is necessary to develop Risk scenarios for the Pucusana spa. This research work aims to make an improvement to the proposal made by CENEPRED, in its risk estimation manual, using the “PUSHOVER” Analysis, using the ATC-40 methodology, ASCE41-13 and SEAOC VISION 2000, which will determine the quality of the structure in detail and compare it with the level of earthquake danger that exists as a result of the work of the SIRAD 2012 project.
The Municipal Market has been chosen to carry out this study, because it is one of the most important structures in the Spa.
Finally, the contribution of this thesis is to determine the level of performance of the municipal market of Pucusana, to determine its level of vulnerability. / Tesis
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Evaluación de desempeño sísmico de 3 edificaciones de concreto armado para un sismo moderado en la ciudad de Lima / Seismic performance evaluation of 3 reinforced concrete buildings for a moderate earthquake in the city of LimaValencia Hidalgo, Andi Vasilio, Orihuela Palomino, Julio Miguel 09 December 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis es la de evaluar la respuesta de dos edificaciones de concreto armado cuando son sometidas a un sismo moderado. Para efectuar el análisis sísmico basado en el desempeño se requirió calcular los espectros de demanda del sismo moderado y de capacidad e interceptarlo para luego basarnos en los métodos del ATC-40,FEMA – 440 y determinar en qué rango de desempeño se encontraron.
Se analizó los aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos relacionados con la evaluación del daño sísmico sobre edificaciones; asimismo, se estudió otras normas técnicas sismorresistentes que tengan semejanzas con la norma peruana E -030 para este propósito se empleó la metodología del análisis estático incremental no lineal con la utilización del software ETABS.
La evaluación del desempeño sísmico se aplicó en tres edificaciones de ocho , seis y cuatro pisos la misma que se diseñó con la norma E-030 actualizada del 2018, con el fin de verificar las máximas demandas en el rango no lineal a través del análisis estático incremental no lineal “Pushover” . / The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the response of two editions of reinforced concrete when subjected to a moderate earthquake. In order to carry out the seismic analysis based on the performance, it was necessary to calculate the demand spectra of the moderate earthquake and capacity and to intersect it and then based on the methods of the ATC-40, FEMA - 440 and determine in what range of performance they were found.
The conceptual and methodological aspects related to the evaluation of seismic damage on buildings were analyzed. Also, other seismic technical norms that have similarities with the Peruvian norm E-030 were studied for this purpose, the methodology of the non-linear incremental static analysis was used with the use of the ETABS software.
The evaluation of the seismic performance was applied in three buildings of eigth , six and four floors, the same one that was designed with the updated standard E-030 of 2018 ,in order to verify the maximum demands in the non-linear range through the non-linear incremental static analysis "Pushover". / Tesis
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Análisis de costo-beneficio de reforzamientos sísmico convencional y no convencional a través del diseño por desempeño en un hospital de más de 60 años de antigüedad en una zona altamente sísmica / Cost-benefit analysis of conventional and non-conventional seismic retrofitting by design for performance in a hospital more than 60 years old in a highly seismic zoneAltamirano Huachuhuilca, Anilu Gianella, Criales Valer, Xiomara Massiel 06 December 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo se compara el costo beneficio de dos propuestas de reforzamiento para el bloque B del Hospital Casimiro Ulloa el cual es una antigua estructura de más de 60 años de tres niveles de albañilería confinada ubicada en una zona altamente sísmica. El refuerzo convencional es a través de la implementación de placas de concreto y el no convencional es a base de láminas diagonales y anclajes de Polímero Reforzado con Fibras de Carbono (CFRP).
Se realiza el análisis estructural no lineal – Pushover bajo las provisiones del ASCE/SEI 41-13 con el fin de obtener la curva de capacidad del modelo As Built y los modelos reforzados. La norma ATC-40 brinda el método de espectro de capacidad con el cual se logra obtener una visión gráfica del nivel de desempeño ya que superpone la curva de capacidad con la demanda.
El cálculo de costo para ambos reforzamientos contempla el precio de los materiales, mano de obra y equipos. Por otro lado, el reforzamiento de CFRP es calculado con los valores dados por el proveedor Sika Perú.
Los resultados que se obtuvieron al realizar la evaluación sísmica de los tres modelos matemáticos (As Built, placas y CFRP) en términos de capacidad estructural y costo; muestra que el reforzamiento con CFRP es la mejor opción. / This study compares the cost benefit of two reinforcement proposals for Block B of the Casimiro Ulloa Hospital, which is an old three-story, 60-year-old structure built of confined masonry located in a highly seismic area. The conventional reinforcement is through the implementation of concrete walls and the unconventional one is based on diagonal sheets and anchors of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP).
The non-linear structural analysis - Pushover is performed under the provisions of ASCE/SEI 41-13 in order to obtain the capacity curve of the As Built model and the reinforced models. The ATC-40 standard provides the capacity spectrum method with which to obtain a graphic vision of the performance level since it overlays the capacity curve with the demand.
The cost calculation for both reinforcements considers the price of materials, labor and equipment.. On the other hand, the reinforcement of CFRP is calculated with the values given by the provider Sika Peru.
The results that were obtained when carrying out the seismic evaluation of the three mathematical models (As built, plates and CFRP) in terms of structural capacity and cost; shows that the reinforcement with CFRP is the best option / Tesis
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Evaluación del daño en estructuras esbeltas y metodología de refuerzo con materiales compuestos frente a acciones dinámicasBru, David 07 September 2020 (has links)
The research presented in this doctoral thesis focuses on damage assessment in slender structures and on the methodology of reinforcement by means of composite materials. In particular, the dynamic behaviour of masonry belfries and industrial chimneys, as well as concrete buildings constructed in the coastal area of the Spanish east coast in the mid-20th century, has been analysed. These analyses have been carried out based on the study of several specific structures. In relation to the former, research has been carried out on the bell tower of Fiesole Cathedral, Italy. The main objective of the research is to evaluate the problems of dynamic interaction between the inertial forces associated with the swing of the bells and the main structure of the bell tower. In relation to the second structural typology, a study has been carried out to evaluate the origin of the current state of cracking of the industrial masonry chimneys, as well as to evaluate the damage associated with the problems of collapse that they present at the top of the chimneys. This study has focused on two industrial chimneys located in the municipality of Manises, Valencia, and Agost, Alicante. Finally, in relation to the third structural typology analysed, a third study was carried out on the Torre Adoc 10, located in the coastal area of the city of Alicante. The main objective of this research is to analyze the combined effect of corrosion and seismic action after forty years of corrosion processes on the structure, evaluating the distribution of the damage pattern by analyzing the capacity and demand curves. Finally, an analysis related to the seismic vulnerability of industrial masonry chimneys has been carried out, focusing on the chimney of Agost, Alicante. On the basis of this analysis the pattern of damage to the structure has been defined, and a system of reinforcement using composite materials capable of preventing the structural collapse of the stack has been proposed and sized. The content of this doctoral thesis has been structured in three phases according to the development of the work carried out. In this sense, the first phase is called "Phase of structural characterization", the second phase, "Phase of definition of the numerical model" and finally the third phase, "Phase of definition and analysis of variables". During the development of the first phase, the geometric characterisation of the structures is carried out, as well as the characterisation of the materials by means of laboratory tests or on the basis of the available literature. The results obtained from the process of characterisation of the materials allow the mechanical characteristics of the mortars and brick units to be known, but in addition, analysis at a microstructural level of the samples allows the presence of contaminating agents and expansive salts to be determined, which allows the problem of the damage analysed to be put into context later with the numerical models. Finally, the dynamic characterisation of the structures is carried out with the aim of finding out the modal parameters that allow the subsequent calibration of the numerical models. In the second phase, the numerical models are generated defining the behaviour of the materials in the linear and non-linear range. In addition, the models are calibrated from the experimental data obtained in the previous phase, or by means of experimental data from the consulted bibliography. During this phase the results of the calibration have been analysed using genetic algorithms of the Fiesole bell tower, and the influence of the lateral confinement of the tower on the modal response of the structure has been determined. Finally, during the third phase, the variables associated with the damage assessment of the modelled structures are analysed. In this sense, the first variable analyzed focuses on the effect of the swing of the bells. This study analyses the effect of the velocity, the angle of oscillation and the position of the bells along the height of the tower, in order to determine the range of operation of the bells to avoid damage to the structure. In addition, the influence of the harmonics of the inertial force of the bells on the determination of the real response of the structure is evaluated and compared with the simplified solution proposed by DIN 4178. The second variable focuses on the study of the origin of the current state of damage present in masonry industrial chimneys. This study is analysed from two points of view. On the one hand, the effect of the thermal action during the normal operation of the chimney is evaluated, and on the other hand, the effect of the increase in volume of the metallic elements due to corrosion, arranged on the inside of the chimney, is assessed. Finally, the third variable is related to the analysis of the seismic vulnerability of the Agost masonry industrial chimney, and the reinforced concrete building, Torre Adoc 10. This study analyses the seismic demand through the use of elastic response spectra, and compares the capacity of the structure through a sectional analysis, and through a non-linear pushover analysis. From the results, the damage pattern in both structures is analyzed, and the influence of corrosion in the case of the reinforced concrete building is evaluated. Finally, the results of the analysis of the seismic vulnerability in the industrial chimney allow us to propose a reinforcement system using composite materials capable of preventing the collapse of the structure.
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Cross-comparison of Non-Linear Seismic Assessment Methods for Unreinforced Masonry Structures in GroningenPeterson, Viktor, Wang, Zihao January 2020 (has links)
A large amount of low-rise unreinforced masonry structures (URM) can be foundin Groningen, the Netherlands. More and more induced earthquakes with shortduration have been detected in this region due to gas exploitation. Local unreinforcedmasonry (URM) buildings were initially not designed for withstanding seismicactions, so that unexpected damage may occur due to their vulnerability, raising insecurityamong residents. Existing low-rise masonry buildings in Groningen can bedivided into different categories based on their characteristics. Two types of residentialmasonry buildings that fulfil the prerequisites for performing non-linear seismicassessment are chosen to be studied in this thesis project, including the terracedhouse and the detached house.The seismic assessment of structures requires the use of both a discretization methodand a seismic assessment method. The discretization method is used to translate themechanical model into a finite element model used for the numerical analysis. Severalmethods have previously shown to be applicable for seismic assessment, but thiswork investigates the implications of using a continuum model (CM) and an equivalentframe model (EFM) approach to discretization in the general-purpose finiteelement package described in DIANA-FEA-BV (2017). The continuum model approachadopted was in a previous work by Schreppers et al. (2017) validated againstexperimental results and is as such deemed representative of the physical behaviourof the mechanical models investigated. An equivalent frame model approach to beused with DIANA is proposed in the work by Nobel (2017). The continuum modelapproach uses continuum elements with a constitutive model developed for the seismicassessment of masonry structures. This constitutive model captures both shearand flexural failure mechanisms. The equivalent frame model approach uses a combinationof numerically integrated beam elements and nodal interfaces, each witha distinct constitutive model, thus decoupling the description of the flexural andshear behaviour. This approach aims to capture the macro-behaviour at the structurallevel. The applicability of the proposed equivalent frame model approach isevaluated by how well it replicates the validated continuum model approach results.The two discretization methods described are evaluated using two types of seismicassessment methods. The first seismic assessment method used consists of first performinga quasi-static non-linear pushover analysis (NLPO) on the model. Thisresults in the pushover curve, which describes the global behaviour of the modelunder an equivalent lateral load based on the fundamental mode shape of the structure.The pushover curve is then used with the N2-method described in EN1998-1iii(2004) to assess at which peak ground acceleration (PGA) that the model reachesthe near-collapse (NC) limit state. The second seismic assessment method consistsof performing dynamic non-linear time-history analyses (NLTH). This method usesrecorded accelerograms to impose the inertial forces. The PGA for the accelerogramwhere the near-collapse limit state is reached is compared to the PGA fromthe use of the N2-method. The applicability of the pushover analysis in conjunctionwith the N2-method is evaluated by how well it replicates the PGA found from thetime-history analyses and by how well it replicates local failure mechanisms.Therefore, the main objectives of this project can be described by the following twoquestions:i. To what extent can the equivalent frame method be applicable as a properdiscretization method for pushover analyses and time-history analyses oflow-rise unreinforced masonry residential buildings in the Groningen region?ii. To what extent can the non-linear pushover method be adopted toassess the seismic behaviour of low-rise unreinforced masonry residentialbuildings in the Groningen region?The applicability of the equivalent frame model showed to vary. For describing localfailure mechanisms its applicability is poor. Further work on connecting the edgepiers to transverse walls is needed. For seismic assessment using the N2-method theapplicability of the equivalent frame model approach is sensible. The conservativedisplacement capacity counteracts the fact that it is worse at describing local unloading,which produced a larger initial equivalent stiffness of the bi-linear curvesin comparison to the continuum model. For seismic assessment using the timehistorysignals, its applicability is possible. While it could show different behaviourin terms of displacement and damping forces, it still showed a similar PGA at thenear-collapse limit state for the cases at hand.The seismic assessment of the terraced and detached houses by the N2-method issimilar to the seismic prediction by applying time-history analyses. However, thereare still some variations in the initial stiffness, force capacity and displacement capacitybetween these two assessment methods due to the assumptions and limitationsin this study. Overall, considering the pros and cons of the quasi-static pushovermethod, it is deemed applicable during the seismic assessment of the unreinforcedmasonry structures in the Groningen area.
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Evaluación del riesgo sísmico en edificios mediante análisis estático no lineal: Aplicación a diversos escenarios sísmicos de BarcelonaMoreno González, Rosangel 28 September 2006 (has links)
The analysis of the structural seismic response has gained a special importance both for the seismic design of buildings as for predicting the damage caused by earthquakes. In this thesis a complete study about the seismic risk assessment of the two main structuraltypologies of residential buildings of Barcelona, Spain, is presented. These correspond to reinforced concrete buildings with waffle slabs and unreinforced masonry buildings. The main goal of this research is to apply a systematic methodology for the seismic riskassessment, by means of fragility curves, in buildings located in urban zones with moderate seismic hazard.After revising the conceptual aspects involved in the seismic risk assessment and describing the current state of the art, the adopted methodology to evaluate the structuralcapacity, fragility and expected damage analyses is described. To assess the capacity a structural modelling of the buildings and a non-linear static analysis is required. The fragility or vulnerability is evaluated through the capacity spectrum, by means of a simplified procedure. The damage probability matrixes for a given seismic scenario require knowledge of the maximum structural response, which is obtained by using the capacity spectrum method.The methodology has been applied to three reinforced concrete models representative oflow, mid and high rise buildings of the city; this has allowed developing seismic risk scenarios for two earthquakes, which occurrence in Barcelona is reasonably possible. These scenarios take into account the Barcelona seismic zoning.The method has been also applied to characterize the expected seismic behaviour of masonry buildings, modelling three typical buildings of the Eixample District. Two of them present different plane configuration, one more regular than the other. The third isrepresentative of corner buildings, typical of the city's blocks. The better behaviour of the regular buildings compared to corner buildings is confirmed. An aggregate set of buildings, corresponding to a typical line of the district's blocks has been studied. It has been observed that the aggregate behaviour does not improve; instead it inherits the vulnerability of the constituting buildings.A sensitivity analysis of the slight and extensive threshold damage states is carried out; it is observed that little variations in these thresholds significantly influence the expected damage. Consequently, new thresholds for these damage states are proposed based on certain structural characteristics obtained from the non-linear static analysis. The proposed slight damage threshold takes into account the elastic stiffness degradation, while hardening is considered for the extensive damage state. To validate the results obtained with of the employed methodology, a series of non linear dynamic analysis were carried out in two reinforced concrete buildings. The global results were compatible with the ones of the methodology. In general, the results show a good confidence level.Finally, the conclusions drawn the current thesis are summarized and some recommendations for future works are given.
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Seismic Strengthening Of A Mid-rise Reinforced Concrete Frame Using Cfrps: An Application From Real LifeTan, Mustafa Tumer 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Tan, Mustafa Tü / mer
M.S., Department Of Civil Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gü / ney Ö / zcebe
Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. BariS Binici
May 2009, 162 pages
FRP retrofitting allows the utilization of brick infill walls as lateral load resisting elements. This practical retrofit scheme is a strong alternative to strengthen low to mid-rise deficient reinforced concrete (RC) structures in Turkey. The advantages of the FRP applications, to name a few, are the speed of construction and elimination of the need for building evacuation during construction. In this retrofit scheme, infill walls are adopted to the existing frame system by using FRP tension ties anchored the boundary frame using FRP dowels. Results of experiments have previously shown that FRP strengthened infill walls can enhance lateral load carrying capacity and reduce damage by limiting interstory drift deformations. In previous, analytical studies, a detailed mathematical model and a simplified version of the model for compression struts and tension ties was proposed and verified by comparing model estimations with test results.
In this study, an existing 9-storey deficient RC building located in Antakya was chosen to design and apply a hybrid strengthening scheme with FRPs and reduced number of shear walls. Linear elastic analysis procedure was utilized (force based assessment technique) along with the rules of Mode Superposition Method for the reftrofit design. FRP retrofit scheme was employed using the simplified model and design was conducted such that life safety performance criterion is satisfied employing elastic spectrum with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years according to the Turkish Earthquake Code 2007. Further analytical studies are performed by using Modal Pushover and Nonlinear Time-History Analyses. At the end of these nonlinear analyses, performance check is performed according to Turkish Earthquake Code 2007, using the strains resulting from the sum of yield and plastic rotations at demand in the critical sections.
CFRP retrofitting works started at October 2008 and finished at December 2008 for the building mentioned in this study. Eccentric reinforced concrete shearwall installation is still being undertaken. All construction business is carried out without evacuation of the building occupants. This project is one of the first examples of its kind in Turkey.
Keywords: CFRP, Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers, Masonry Infill Walls, Reinforced Concrete Infill Walls, Mid-Rise Deficient Structures, Turkish Earthquake Code 2007, Modal Pushover Analysis, Nonlinear Time History Analysis, Linear Elastic Building Assessment
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Influencia de las irregularidades de piso blando y torsión en el desempeño sísmico mediante el Análisis Estático No Lineal de una vivienda multifamiliar de concreto armado ubicado en la ciudad de Lima - sistema dual de 10 pisos diseñado según el Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones / Influence of Soft Floor and Torsion Irregularities on Seismic Performance Through Nonlinear Static Analysis of A Reinforced Concrete Multifamily House - Dual 10-Story System Designed According To The National Building RegulationsBlas Calhua, Oriol Eliseo, Lagos Carbajal, Wilmer Antony 25 May 2021 (has links)
En la presente tesis se determina la influencia de las irregularidades de piso blando y torsión mediante el desempeño sísmico de ocho edificios de diez pisos - Sistema Dual, ubicados en la ciudad de Lima (Zona 4). Se plantea cuatro modelos por cada irregularidad de estudio, donde el primer modelo es una estructura regular y los tres modelos restantes presentan irregularidades, esto con la finalidad de determinar la influencia de las irregularidades en el desempeño sísmico frente a diferentes niveles de amenaza sísmica (Sismo frecuente, Ocasional, Raro y Muy raro).
Todos los modelos se definieron en función de los parámetros y criterios de la Norma de Diseño Sismo Resistente E.030 (2018). Luego se realiza el Análisis Sísmico Estático y Dinámico, para verificar que los modelos cumplen con el diseño sísmico.
Efectuado el Análisis Sísmico se prosigue a diseñar los elementos estructurales, tales como: vigas, columnas y muros de concreto armado, cuyo resultado del diseño se refleja en los planos estructurales. Cabe recalcar que los planos tienen el mismo diseño estructural de acuerdo a la norma E.060.
Seguidamente se realiza el Análisis Estático No Lineal (AENL) – Pushover, haciendo uso de las recomendaciones del ASCE/SEI 41-13 con la finalidad de determinar la curva de capacidad de los ocho modelos de estudio y obtener los mecanismos de formación de rótulas plásticas en los elementos estructurales.
El punto de desempeño de los ocho modelos de estudio se obtiene mediante el Método del Espectro de Capacidad (ATC-40 y FEMA 440), donde la demanda sísmica se define a través del espectro de diseño de la norma E.030 (2018).
Finalmente, se realiza la evaluación de las irregularidades de piso blando y torsión en el desempeño sísmico de acuerdo con los objetivos de desempeño según Comité Visión 2000 y el ATC-40, para el caso de estudio de irregularidad de piso blando, la curva de capacidad tiene una disminución en la cortante basal y un aumento en el desplazamiento a medida que la irregularidad aumenta en ambas direcciones. Mientras que, en el caso de la irregularidad de torsión, la curva de capacidad tiene una reducción de la cortante basal y desplazamiento a medida que la irregularidad aumenta en ambas direcciones. En todos los casos de estudio de los modelos regulares e irregulares, cumple con la evaluación del desempeño sísmico para los distintos niveles de amenaza sísmica. / In this thesis, the influence of soft floor and torsional irregularities is determined through the seismic performance of eight ten-story buildings - Dual System, located in the city of Lima (Zone 4). Four models are proposed for each irregularity under study, where the first model is a regular structure and the remaining three models present irregularities, with the purpose of determining the influence of irregularities on the seismic performance against different levels of seismic hazard (Frequent, Occasional, Rare and Very Rare earthquakes).
All models were defined based on the parameters and criteria of the Earthquake Resistant Design Standard E.030 (2018). Then, the Static and Dynamic Seismic Analysis is performed to verify that the models comply with the seismic design.
Once the Seismic Analysis is performed, the structural elements are designed, such as: beams, columns and reinforced concrete walls, whose design result is reflected in the structural drawings. It should be noted that the plans have the same structural design according to the E.060 standard.
Next, the Non-Linear Static Analysis (NLSA) - Pushover is performed, making use of the recommendations of ASCE/SEI 41-13 in order to determine the capacity curve of the eight study models and to obtain the mechanisms of formation of plastic hinges in the structural elements.
The performance point of the eight study models is obtained through the Capacity Spectrum Method (ATC-40 and FEMA 440), where the seismic demand is defined through the design spectrum of the E.030 (2018) standard.
Finally, the evaluation of soft-story and torsional irregularities on seismic performance is performed according to the performance objectives according to Vision 2000 Committee and ATC-40, for the soft-story irregularity study case, the capacity curve has a decrease in basal shear and an increase in displacement as the irregularity increases in both directions. While, in the case of torsional irregularity, the capacity curve has a decrease in basal shear and displacement as the irregularity increases in both directions. In all the case studies of the regular and irregular models, it complies with the seismic performance evaluation for the different seismic hazard levels. / Tesis
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Nelineární dynamická analýza konstrukce zatížena seismickými účinky / Nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures with seismic loadsNavrátilová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis compares the methods for the calculation of the response of structures with seismic loads. Linear and nonlinear analyses are used for the calculations. In the case of linear analysis response spectrum method is applied. For nonlinear analysis pushover method is used. These two methods are compared in programs AxisVM and RFEM on the examples of high-rise building and space frame.
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