Spelling suggestions: "subject:"python"" "subject:"jython""
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Lilla Spöket Laban / Little Ghost LabanTannergård, Karl, Thulin, Per January 2008 (has links)
Detta är slutreflektionen över ett kandidatarbete gjort av Karl Tannergård och Per Thulin. Arbetet har gått ut på att skapa en prototyp av en barnspel baserat på Inger och Lasse Sandbergs böcker om Lilla Spöket Laban och hans familj. Spelet är tvådimensionellt och vänder sig till barn i åldern fyra till sju år. Det är skrivet i programmeringsspråket Python och använder multimediabiblioteket pygame. Utvecklingen har skett i samarbete med animationsstudion PennFilm AB. / Prototyp av ett barnspel baserat på historien om Lilla Spöket Laban av Inger och Lasse Sandberg. / Per Thulin: per@thulin.net Karl Tannergård: admin@kallux.com • Detta är en reflektionsdel till en digital medieproduktion.
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C, C++, Java och Python : En prestandajämförelse mellan fyra programmeringsspråk / C, C++, Java and Python : A performance comparison of four programming languagesWestman, Joakim, Marinescu, Teodor January 2011 (has links)
In today’s society computers are getting a much more important role. To get a computer to work as intended it has to be programmed. A computer program is written with programming languages. There is an abundance of programming languages available today and there are many differences and similarities between them. The different languages have their advantages and their disadvantages where some of them are intended for fast performance, some to be cheap on memory usage, and some are developed to be easy to program on. In our thesis we have chosen to compare four of todays most common languages, C, C++, Java and Python. These languages were chosen because we have worked with three of them during our study period (C, C++ and Java). Python was chosen because it is an interpreted language and not a compiled one. It also have a very different syntax compared to the other languages which makes it interesting. Our comparison, which focuses on performance, has its foundation in the tests we have made, but also on results from a research survey that we also made. I this survey forty software developers, from Swedish companies, have participated. The tests we have made measure the languages performance, regarding time, by implementing and running two common algorithms. During these tests vi have also chosen to register the amount of memory these algorithms use during runtime. The results we have extracted from our tests and our survey are compiled, and these results are then analysed to be able to compare the four programming languages to each other. The tests that have been done show that Java is the language that performs best, with C and C ++ second best and then Python performing the worst. Our survey answers, on the other hand, indicates that C and C++ should have outperformed Java.
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Automation of a long-term measurement of organic solar cells / Automatisering av en långtidsmätning av organiska solcellerFjodorov, Anton January 2011 (has links)
Organic solar cells represent a clean and renewable source of energy. They are cheaper and handier than conventional silicon solar cells, but have lower efficiency and shorter lifetime. This project was conducted to assist a two years' outdoor study on the lifetime of organic solarcells, in order to better understand the lifetime-affecting factors. An outdoor stand for the solar cells was designed, a partly working Python program for automatic measurement control was made and a stable link between all hardware parts in the setup was established. / Organiska solceller representerar en ren och förnybar energikälla. De är billigare och behändigare än konventionella kiselsolceller, men har lägre verkningsgrad och kortare livslängd. Detta projekt utfördes för att assistera en tvåårig utomhusstudie om organiska solcellers livslängd i syfte att bättre förstå de faktorer som påverkar livslängden. Ett utomhusställ designades för solcellerna, ett delvis fungerande Pythonprogram gjordes för automatisk kontroll av mätningen och en stabil länk upprättades mellan samtliga hårdvarudelar i uppställningen.
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Implementering av programmering i matematik åk 7-9 : En litteraturstudie om tre olika programmeringsspråks lämplighet i olika matematikområden / Implementation of programming in secondary school mathematics : A literature study of three programming languages and their compatibility to mathematics educationBalla, Ulrika January 2018 (has links)
Hösten 2018 inrättas det en ny version av läroplanen från 2011 med mer fokus på programmering. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att sammanställa forskningslitteraturens resultat om olika programmeringsspråks lämplighet för högstadiets matematikundervisning, samt lämpliga matematikområden. Frågeställningarna jämför tre programmeringsspråk med avseende på deras lämplighet och för- och nackdelar i matematikundervisningen. Programmeringsspråken, som jämförs, är Scratch, Python och VBA (Visual Basics of Application, programmering i Microsofts kalkylprogram Excel). Litteraturstudiens resultat visar att Scratch och Python anses vara lämpliga för nybörjare och är utvecklade för att de ska vara lätta att lära sig och förstå medan VBA är det programmeringsspråk som är utvecklat för att utföra matematiska beräkningar med. Programmeringsspråken kan användas i matematikundervisningen på likvärdiga sätt och i de flesta matematikområdena beroende på elevernas kompetens och lärarens val av uppgifter och tillvägagångssätt. Vidare är det möjligt att eleverna kan bli mer motiverade till att lära sig matematik om de har tillgång till digitala hjälpmedel eller programmering inom matematikundervisningen
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Implementering av en användbar e-butik för tygmärken : En praktisk fallstudie av webbapplikationen Festing / Implementing a useable e-shop for textile patches : A practical case study of the web application FestingBarrdahl, Adam, Berg, Josefin, Fridberg, Pontus, Gunnarsson, David, Lidberg, Sara, Lindblom, Martin, Melin Wenström, Peter, Olsson, Gustav, Ström, Johan January 2016 (has links)
This report covers the development of the web application Festing and the results and experiences which have been reached and learned during the process. The purpose of the study was to examine how the selling of patches could be both simplified and improved by using an advanced web application designed with focus on usability. Currently the patches are sold in a large but geographically and temporally limited market at Linköping University. The project was comprised of a case study and development of an application following the agile project framework Scrum. According to this the projects has been split up into four sprints after each of which a working product was delivered. This resulted in a usable web application with an intuitive design and multiple functions linked to the selling and buying of patches. Based on interviews, surveys and usability tests this web application is considered to have the long-term potential to take over the current physical market of textile patches. / Rapporten omfattar beskrivningen av utvecklingsprocessen för webbapplikationen Festing samt resultat och erfarenheter som uppnåtts och anskaffats under processens gång. Syftet med studien var att utveckla en avancerad webbapplikation av typ e-butik för att undersöka hur försäljningen av tygmärken kan förenklas och förbättras av en webbapplikation med fokus på användbarhet. Detta då försäljningen i dagsläget består av en stor men fysiskt och geografiskt begränsad marknad vid Linköpings universitet. Projektet har utformats som en fallstudie och utveckling av en webbapplikation enligt det agila arbetssättet Scrum. Arbetet har delats upp i fyra stycken olika sprintar där det i slutet av varje sprint ska ha levererats en fungerande delprodukt. Detta resulterade i en användbar webbapplikation med intuitiv design och flertalet funktioner kopplade till försäljning och köp av tygmärken. Utifrån intervjuer, enkätundersökningar och användbarhetstester anses denna webbapplikation ha potential till att på lång sikt kunna ta över den nuvarande fysiska försäljningen av tygmärken.
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Att utveckla en webbapplikation för att sälja presentböcker / Development of a web application for selling gift booksNorberg, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport har varit att beskriva hur man utvecklar en internetbokhandel i form av enwebbapplikation samt att dokumentera erfarenheter från programutveckling. För att kompensera för konkurrenternas stordriftsfördelar valdes en inriktning mot att säljapresentböcker. Genom att leverera ett komplett paket med inslagning och personlig hälsningtillsammans med boken ska det bli möjligt att uppnå lönsamhet. Utvecklingen har skett i ett enmansprojekt och den ensamme projektmedlemmen har befunnit sig påIrland. Detta gör att kursens inriktning mot agila metoder fått anpassas så att endast de relevantadelarna av metoden (SCRUM) har kommit till användning. Utvecklingen har genomförts i femsprintar. Teknikplattformen har varit HTML och ramverket Bootstrap (CSS och jQuery) på klientsidan och Flasksom är ett ramverk baserat på Python på serversida. Databashanteraren har varit SQLite. Av tidsskälhar asynkron kommunikation mellan klient och server inte implementerats. Den levererade applikationen har ett ”look and feel” som ligger nära de större konkurrenterna. Allspecificerad funktionalitet har inte varit möjlig att leverera inom ett begränsat enmansprojekt. Deviktigaste funktionerna som behöver läggas till för att lansera affärsiden ligger inom områdettilläggstjänster och fulltextsökning. / The purpose of this report is to document the design and development of a web application forselling gift books online. The report and the project to develop the site are included in the courseTDDD83 Computer Engineering - Bachelor Project at the Linköping Institute of Technology. Inaddition to training in the technologies required to build a web application the course is focused onScrum an agile development method. The intent is that the students practice using Scrum in a projectteam of six to eight students. However the project documented in this report only has one team member a student on a one yearexchange programme in Ireland. This being so it has been necessary to adapt the project scope andmethodology to a one-man project. The scope of the development effort is reduced by not requiringthat the application is made available on the internet and by not using asynchronous communicationbetween client and server. For more restrictions see paragraph 1.4 Avgränsningar. The Scrummethod is used only when it is relevant. This adaptation of the method is documented in paragraph2.1 SCRUM. An important part of the Scrum method that is retained is the use of iterations (sprints).Each sprint delivers a working end product. The project was divided in five sprints each of thembetween two and three weeks long. The technical platform with a few exceptions has been mandatory. In addition to HTML theframework Bootstrap based on CSS and jQuery has been used on the client side. On the server sidethe framework Flask based on Python has been used. The RDBMS has been SQLite. For a detaileddescription see paragraph 2.4 Utvecklingsmiljö and 4.3.1 Översikt och kommunikation. The business to sell books online is dominated by a few major companies. A new small player in thismarket can not earn money by doing the same thing. The Vision for the new business is to becomethe preferred choice for customers that want to find a book to be given as a gift. The new businessshall be a one stop shop that takes care of everything needed in this situation. In addition to booksthe customers need services such as gift wrapping, delivery to the receiver of the gift on the rightdate and a possibility to write a personal greeting on a nice looking card that is sent with the gift. Theanalysis behind this Vision can be found in chapter 5 Marknadsföringsplan that includes an analysisof the competitors. Chapter 6 Etiska aspekter looks into issues such as privacy legislation that imposedirect consequences on the design of the database. The design of the web application is based on user stories derived from this analysis. See 3Systemöversikt. Features that must beat the competitors are derived from the Vision and featuresthat are expected from any player in this market are set by the competitors. The ER model in 4.1Databas was defined from an analysis of the user stories. The GUI is close to the de facto standardset by the competitors unless there is a compelling reason to deviate. See 4.2 GUI. It has not been possible to implement all user stories within the time available. Remainingfunctionality required to launch the site is mainly in the area of full text search and add on services.The most important disadvantage in being a one man project has been difficulties to do propertesting. Usability testing requires real users and they cannot be replaced by the same person that hasdone all analysis and all coding.
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Spybot - Webbstyrd robot med värmesensor / Remote controlled robot with heat sensorMelcherson, Tim, Gustavsson, Anna, Gideonsson, Albin January 2017 (has links)
I detta projekt byggdes en fjärrstyrd robot som styrs över Wi-Fi, ochstreamar video till användaren av vad den ser. Som komplement körsäven en temperatursensor för att utöka robotens möjlighet att kännaav sin omgivning. Huvudkomponenten är en Raspberry PI 3 modell B, därall kod för styrning och hemsidekontrollerna körs. Resultatet är enrobot som kan styras utanför synhåll och kan sända tillbaka en stabilkameraström så länge den är kopplad till ett stabilt nätverk.Dessvärre sjunker resultatet i takt med nätverkskvalitén. Vid ettsvagare nätverk blir det långa laddningstider för kameraströmmenvilket leder till att roboten blir mindre responsiv. Det tillsammansmed den förlorade kameraströmmen resulterar i att roboten ärobrukbar. Vid tillräckligt svaga nätverk, eller vid nätverksproblemkommer roboten repetera sin sista order tills dess att kontakt äråterupprättad.
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VDJML: a file format with tools for capturing the results of inferring immune receptor rearrangementsToby, Inimary T., Levin, Mikhail K., Salinas, Edward A., Christley, Scott, Bhattacharya, Sanchita, Breden, Felix, Buntzman, Adam, Corrie, Brian, Fonner, John, Gupta, Namita T., Hershberg, Uri, Marthandan, Nishanth, Rosenfeld, Aaron, Rounds, William, Rubelt, Florian, Scarborough, Walter, Scott, Jamie K., Uduman, Mohamed, Vander Heiden, Jason A., Scheuermann, Richard H., Monson, Nancy, Kleinstein, Steven H., Cowell, Lindsay G. 06 October 2016 (has links)
Background: The genes that produce antibodies and the immune receptors expressed on lymphocytes are not germline encoded; rather, they are somatically generated in each developing lymphocyte by a process called V(D) J recombination, which assembles specific, independent gene segments into mature composite genes. The full set of composite genes in an individual at a single point in time is referred to as the immune repertoire. V(D) J recombination is the distinguishing feature of adaptive immunity and enables effective immune responses against an essentially infinite array of antigens. Characterization of immune repertoires is critical in both basic research and clinical contexts. Recent technological advances in repertoire profiling via high-throughput sequencing have resulted in an explosion of research activity in the field. This has been accompanied by a proliferation of software tools for analysis of repertoire sequencing data. Despite the widespread use of immune repertoire profiling and analysis software, there is currently no standardized format for output files from V(D) J analysis. Researchers utilize software such as IgBLAST and IMGT/High V-QUEST to perform V(D) J analysis and infer the structure of germline rearrangements. However, each of these software tools produces results in a different file format, and can annotate the same result using different labels. These differences make it challenging for users to perform additional downstream analyses. Results: To help address this problem, we propose a standardized file format for representing V(D) J analysis results. The proposed format, VDJML, provides a common standardized format for different V(D) J analysis applications to facilitate downstream processing of the results in an application-agnostic manner. The VDJML file format specification is accompanied by a support library, written in C++ and Python, for reading and writing the VDJML file format. Conclusions: The VDJML suite will allow users to streamline their V(D) J analysis and facilitate the sharing of scientific knowledge within the community. The VDJML suite and documentation are available from https:// vdjserver. org/ vdjml/. We welcome participation from the community in developing the file format standard, as well as code contributions.
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Calcul haute performance & chimie quantique / Hight performance computing & quantum chemistryApplencourt, Thomas 02 November 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est double : - Le développement et application de méthodes originales pour la chimie quantique ; - La mise au point de stratégies informatiques variées permettant la réalisation de simulations à grande échelle. Dans la première partie, les méthodes d'integration de configuration (IC) et monte carlo quantique (QMC) utilisées dans ce travail pour le calcul des propriétés quantiques sont présentées. Nous détaillerons en particulier la méthode d'\IC sélectionnée perturbativement (CISPI) que nous avons utilisée pour construire des fonctions d'onde d'essai pour le QMC. La première application concerne le calcul des énergies totales non-relativistes des atomes de transition de la série 3d ; ceci a nécessité l'implémentation de fonctions de base de type Slater et a permis d'obtenir les meilleures valeurs publiées à ce jour. La deuxième application concerne l'implémentation de pseudo-potentiels adaptés à notre approche QMC, avec pour application une étude concernant le calcul des énergies d'atomisation d'un ensemble de 55 molécules. La seconde partie traite des aspects calcule haute performance (HPC) avec pour objectif l'aide au déploiement des simulations à très grande échelle, aussi bien sous l'aspect informatique proprement dit - utilisation de paradigmes de programmation originaux, optimisation des processus monocœurs, calculs massivement parallèles sur grilles de calcul (supercalculateur et Cloud), outils d'aide au développement collaboratif \textit{et cætera} -, que sous l'aspect \emph{utilisateur} - installation, gestion des paramètres d'entrée et de sortie, interface graphique, interfaçage avec d'autres codes. L'implémentation de ces différents aspects dans nos codes-maison quantum pakcage et qmc=chem est également présentée. / This thesis work has two main objectives: 1. To develop and apply original electronic structure methods for quantum chemistry 2. To implement several computational strategies to achieve efficient large-scale computer simulations. In the first part, both the Configuration Interaction (CI) and the Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods used in this work for calculating quantum properties are presented. We then describe more specifically the selected CI approach (so-called CIPSI approach, Configuration Interaction using a Perturbative Selection done Iteratively) that we used for building trial wavefunctions for QMC simulations. As a first application, we present the QMC calculation of the total non-relativistic energies of transition metal atoms of the 3d series. This work, which has required the implementation of Slater type basis functions in our codes, has led to the best values ever published for these atoms. We then present our original implementation of the pseudo-potentials for QMC and discuss the calculation of atomization energies for a benchmark set of 55 organic molecules. The second part is devoted to the Hight Performance Computing (HPC) aspects. The objective is to make possible and/or facilitate the deployment of very large-scale simulations. From the point of view of the developer it includes: The use of original programming paradigms, single-core optimization process, massively parallel calculations on grids (supercomputer and Cloud), development of collaborative tools , etc - and from the user's point of view: Improved code installation, management of the input/output parameters, GUI, interfacing with other codes, etc.
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Path finding of auto driving car using deep learningChih Yung Tseng (9174176) 27 July 2020 (has links)
this project, CNN has been applied as a training tool to process image
classification and object avoidance on remote robotic cars built with the Nvidia Jetson Nano developer kit. The kit was programmed using the wireless programming
environment, Jupyter notebook. In addition, two different CNN models have been applied to
analyze the output result performance. The main purpose is to
train the robot to identify objects and improve its accuracy. The recognition
and accuracy rate under different conditions can be observed by comparing the
two models with different graphic inputs conditions. This project adopts the
pre-train model for real time
demonstrations and can be executed in a cloudless environment (without networks
involved). As a result, the robot can achieve a high accuracy rate in both CNN
models output result performance. Moreover, the pre train model can execute in
local service to accomplish cloudless.</p>
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