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Prediction of the effects of drugs on cardiac activity using computer simulationsCano García, Jordi 22 March 2021 (has links)
[ES] Las enfermedades cardiovasculares siguen siendo la principal causa de muerte en Europa. Las arritmias cardíacas son una causa importante de muerte súbita, pero sus mecanismos son complejos. Esto denota la importancia de su estudio y prevención. La investigación sobre electrofisiología cardíaca ha demostrado que las anomalías eléctricas causadas por mutaciones que afectan a canales cardíacos pueden desencadenar arritmias. Sorprendentemente, se ha descubierto una gran variedad de fármacos proarrítmicos, incluidos aquellos que usamos para prevenirlas. Las indicaciones de uso de fármacos actuales intentaron solucionar este problema diseñando una prueba para identificar aquellos fármacos que podían ser peligrosos basado en el bloqueo de un solo canal iónico. El estudio de las interacciones fármaco-canal ha revelado la existencia no sólo de compuestos que bloquean múltiples canales, sino también una gran complejidad en esas interacciones. Esto podría explicar por qué algunos medicamentos pueden mostrar efectos muy diferentes en la misma enfermedad. Existen dos desafíos importantes con respecto a los efectos de los fármacos en la electrofisiología cardíaca. Por un lado, las empresas y entidades reguladoras están buscando una herramienta de alto rendimiento que mejore la detección del potencial proarrítmico durante el desarrollo de fármacos. Por otro lado, los pacientes con anomalías eléctricas a menudo requieren tratamientos personalizados más seguros. Las simulaciones computacionales contienen un poder sin precedentes para abordar fenómenos biofísicos complejos. Deberían ser de utilidad a la hora de determinar las características que definen tanto los efectos beneficiosos como no deseados de los fármacos mediante la reproducción de datos experimentales y clínicos.
En esta tesis doctoral, se han utilizado modelos computacionales y simulaciones para dar respuesta a estos dos desafíos. El estudio de los efectos de los fármacos sobre la actividad cardíaca se dividió en el estudio de su seguridad y de su eficacia, respectivamente. Para dar respuesta al primer desafío, se adoptó un enfoque más amplio y se generó un nuevo biomarcador fácil de usar para la clasificación del potencial proarrítmico de los fármacos utilizando modelos del potencial de acción de células y tejidos cardíacos humanos. Se integró el bloqueo de múltiples canales a través de IC50 y el uso de concentraciones terapéuticas con el fin de mejorar el poder predictivo. Luego, se entrenó el biomarcador cuantificando el potencial proarrítmico de 84 fármacos. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el biomarcador podría usarse para probar el potencial proarrítmico de nuevos fármacos. Respecto al segundo desafío, se adoptó un enfoque más específico y se buscó mejorar la terapia de pacientes con anomalías eléctricas cardíacas. Por lo tanto, se creó un modelo detallado de la mutación V411M del canal de sodio, causante del síndrome de QT largo, reproduciendo datos clínicos y experimentales. Se evaluaron los posibles efectos beneficiosos de ranolazina, a la par que se aportó información sobre los mecanismos que impulsan la efectividad de la flecainida. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que, si bien ambos fármacos mostraron diferentes mecanismos de bloqueo de los canales de sodio, un tratamiento con ranolazina podría ser beneficioso en estos pacientes. / [CA] Les malalties cardiovasculars continuen sent la principal causa de mort a Europa. Les arrítmies cardíaques són una causa important de mort sobtada, però els seus mecanismes són complexos. Això denota la importància del seu estudi i prevenció. La investigació sobre electrofisiologia cardíaca ha demostrat que les anomalies elèctriques que afecten a canals cardiacs poden desencadenar arrítmies. Sorprenentment, s'ha descobert una gran varietat de fàrmacs proarrítmics, inclosos aquells que utilitzem per a previndre-les. Les indicacions d'ús de fàrmacs actuals van intentar solucionar aquest problema dissenyant una prova per a identificar aquells fàrmacs que podien ser perillosos basada en el bloqueig d'un sol canal iònic. L'estudi de les interaccions fàrmac-canal ha revelat l'existència no sols de compostos que bloquegen múltiples canals, sinó també una gran complexitat en aquestes interaccions. Això podria explicar per què alguns medicaments poden mostrar efectes molt diferents en la mateixa malaltia. Existeixen dos desafiaments importants respecte als efectes dels fàrmacs en la electrofisiologia cardíaca. D'una banda, les empreses i entitats reguladores estan buscant una eina d'alt rendiment que millore la detecció del potencial proarrítmic durant el desenvolupament de fàrmacs. D'altra banda, els pacients amb anomalies elèctriques sovint requereixen tractaments personalitzats més segurs. Les simulacions computacionals contenen un poder sense precedents per a abordar fenòmens biofísics complexos. Haurien de ser d'utilitat a l'hora de determinar les característiques que defineixen tant els efectes beneficiosos com no desitjats dels fàrmacs mitjançant la reproducció de dades experimentals i clíniques.
En aquesta tesi doctoral, s'han utilitzat models computacionals i simulacions per a donar resposta a aquests dos desafiaments. L'estudi dels efectes dels fàrmacs sobre l'activitat cardíaca es va dividir en l'estudi de la seva seguretat i la seva eficacia. Per a donar resposta al primer desafiament, es va adoptar un enfocament més ampli i es va generar un nou biomarcador fàcil d'usar per a la classificació del potencial proarrítmic dels fàrmacs utilitzant models del potencial d'acció de cèl·lules i teixits cardíacs humans. Es va integrar el bloqueig de múltiples canals a través d'IC50 i l'ús de concentracions terapèutiques amb la finalitat de millorar el poder predictiu. Després, es va entrenar el biomarcador quantificant el potencial proarrítmic de 84 fàrmacs. Els resultats obtinguts suggereixen que el biomarcador podria usar-se per a provar el potencial proarrítmic de nous fàrmacs. Respecte al segon desafiament, es va adoptar un enfocament més específic i es va buscar millorar la teràpia de pacients amb anomalies elèctriques cardíaques. Per tant, es va crear un model detallat de la mutació V411M del canal de sodi, causant de la síndrome de QT llarg, reproduint dades clíniques i experimentals. Es van avaluar els possibles efectes beneficiosos de ranolazina, a l'una que es va aportar informació sobre els mecanismes que impulsen l'efectivitat de la flecainida. Els resultats obtinguts suggereixen que, si bé tots dos fàrmacs van mostrar diferents mecanismes de bloqueig dels canals de sodi, un tractament amb ranolazina podria ser beneficiós en aquests pacients. / [EN] Cardiovascular disease remains the main cause of death in Europe. Cardiac arrhythmias are an important cause of sudden death, but their mechanisms are complex. This denotes the importance of their study and prevention. Research on cardiac electrophysiology has shown that electrical abnormalities caused by mutations in cardiac channels can trigger arrhythmias. Surprisingly, a wide variety of drugs have also shown proarrhythmic potential, including those that we use to prevent arrhythmia. Current guidelines designed a test to identify dangerous drugs by assessing their blocking power on a single ion channel to address this situation. Study of drug-channel interactions has revealed not only compounds that block multiple channels but also a great complexity in those interactions. This could explain why similar drugs can show vastly different effects in some diseases. There are two important challenges regarding the effects of drugs on cardiac electrophysiology. On the one hand, companies and regulators are in search of a high throughput tool that improves proarrhythmic potential detection during drug development. On the other hand, patients with electrical abnormalities often require safer personalized treatments owing to their condition. Computer simulations provide an unprecedented power to tackle complex biophysical phenomena. They should prove useful determining the characteristics that define the drugs' beneficial and unwanted effects by reproducing experimental and clinical observations.
In this PhD thesis, we used computational models and simulations to address the two abovementioned challenges. We split the study of drug effects on the cardiac activity into the study of their safety and efficacy, respectively. For the former, we took a wider approach and generated a new easy-to-use biomarker for proarrhythmic potential classification using cardiac cell and tissue human action potential models. We integrated multiple channel block through IC50s and therapeutic concentrations to improve its predictive power. Then, we quantified the proarrhythmic potential of 84 drugs to train the biomarker. Our results suggest that it could be used to test the proarrhythmic potential of new drugs. For the second challenge, we took a more specific approach and sought to improve the therapy of patients with cardiac electrical abnormalities. Therefore, we created a detailed model for the long QT syndrome-causing V411M mutation of the sodium channel reproducing clinical and experimental data. We tested the potential benefits of ranolazine, while giving insights into the mechanisms that drive flecainide's effectiveness. Our results suggest that while both drugs showed different mechanisms of sodium channel block, ranolazine could prove beneficial in these patients. / This PhD thesis was developed within the following projects: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) DPI2015-69125-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE): Simulación computacional para la predicción personalizada de los efectos de los fármacos sobre la actividad cardiaca. Dirección General de Política Científica de la Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEU2016/088): “Modelos computacionales personalizados multiescala para la optimización del diagnóstico y tratamiento de arritmias cardiacas (personalised digital heart). Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Innovación y Transferencia de la Universitat Politècnica de València, Ayuda a Primeros Proyectos de Investigación (PAID-06-18), and by Memorial Nacho Barberá. Instituto de Salud Carlos III (La Fe Biobank PT17/0015/0043). / Cano García, J. (2021). Prediction of the effects of drugs on cardiac activity using computer simulations [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/164094
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Relation entre la méthylation des promoteurs du gène IGF1 et les variations de la croissance des enfants / Relationship between DNA methylation of IGF1 gene promoters and child growth variationsOuni, Meriem 02 July 2015 (has links)
A l'interface de la génétique et de l'environnement, l'épigénétique contribue à la diversité phénotypique. Déterminer l'impact de la variation épigénétique sur les caractères quantitatifs (QT) est un nouveau défi. La croissance staturale fournit l’opportunité d’étudier la variabilité de plusieurs traits phénotypiques liés entre eux : des QT cliniques (la taille, l’accélération de la vitesse de croissance en réponse à l'hormone de croissance, GH) et des QT biologiques tels que la concentration d’IGF1 et la réponse de cette concentration à la GH. L’ « Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 » (IGF1) contrôle la croissance postnatale chez les mammifères, y compris l'homme. Nous l’avons choisi comme locus candidat pour nos études épigénétiques. Nous avons quantifié la méthylation des deux promoteurs P1 et P2 de ce gène, qui régulent son expression. Notre objectif était d’évaluer la contribution de la méthylation d’ADN de ces promoteurs i) à la taille des enfants en croissance, ii) à l’IGF1 circulant, iii) et à la réponse de ces paramètres à un traitement par la GH. Taille et IGF1 circulant. La relation entre la méthylation des promoteurs d’IGF1 et la taille a été étudiée au sein de deux cohortes du service d'endocrinologie pédiatrique, totalisant 216 enfants prépubères de différentes statures. Nous avons montré que la méthylation d'un groupe de six CGs situés dans la partie proximale du promoteur P2 du gène IGF1 présentait une corrélation inverse avec la croissance et l'IGF1 circulant. Les enfants les plus grands sont ainsi moins méthylés sur ces CGs que les enfants de petite taille. La contribution de la méthylation à la variance de la taille a été évaluée à environ 13%, et à 10% pour la variance de l'IGF1 sérique. Pour montrer que l’association observée reflète une causalité biologique, nous avons étudié le lien entre la méthylation des promoteurs P1 et P2 et l'activité transcriptionnelle du gène IGF1 in vivo et in vitro. Nous avons montré que les quantités de transcrits de classe II, issus du promoteur P2, sont inversement corrélés à la méthylation du promoteur P2 dans les cellules sanguines mononucléées. In vitro, nous avons cloné le promoteur P2 déméthylé ou méthylé dans un plasmide rapporteur (luciferase) transfecté dans la lignée HEK293 : le promoteur déméthylé s’est révélé nettement plus actif (+57%). Finalement, nous suggérons que l’hyperméthylation de certains CGs du P1 et du P2 d’IGF1 pourrait être un des nombreux mécanismes moléculaires responsables d’une moindre expression du gène et d’un phénotype de petite taille. La réponse au traitement par la GH. Une fraction des enfants de petite taille est traitée par l'hormone de croissance (GH) pour accélérer sa croissance, mais l’efficacité du traitement est très variable entre les individus. Les causes de cette variabilité sont partiellement comprises : la génétique joue un rôle, mais il reste une place possible pour la variabilité épigénétique. Dans ce but, nous avons étudié l'effet direct de la variabilité épigénétique sur la transcription du gène IGF1 et l’IGF1 circulant, dans un test aigu d’administration de GH, puis sur la réponse thérapeutique à un traitement d’un an par la GH. Après une injection de GH, nous avons constaté une augmentation variable du nombre de transcrits d’IGF1 chez les enfants étudiés. L'augmentation des transcrits de la classe II était inversement corrélée à la méthylation des CGs du P2. La variabilité de méthylation au CG-137 contribuait pour 20% à 67% de l’expression d’IGF1 en réponse à la GH. Chez 136 enfants de petite taille, nous avons montré que la méthylation de l'ADN du promoteur P2 était associée à la réponse au traitement par la GH au cours de la première année. Cette association est observée pour l'augmentation de la vitesse de croissance et pour les taux d’IGF1. (...) / At the interface of genetics and environment, epigenetics contributes to phenotypic diversity. Quantifying the impact of epigenetic variation on quantitative traits (QT), an emerging challenge in humans. Growth provides a handset of quantitative traits to epigenetic studies. We studied the variability of several inter-related QTs: clinical QTs (height, height reponse to growth hormone and biological QT (serum IGF1 and serum IGF1 response to GH). Since insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) controls postnatal growth in mammals including human, we tested whether the CG methylation of the two promoters (P1 and P2) of the IGF1 gene could be a epigenetic contributor to the individual variation i) in circulating IGF1 and stature in growing children. ii) on response of these parameters to treatment with (GH). Child height and circulating IGF1. To explore the relation between IGF1 promoter methylation and height, we studied two cohorts of pedriatric endocrinology department, totalling 216 prepubertal children with various statures. The methylation of a cluster of six CGs located within the proximal part of the IGF1 P2 promoter showed a strong negative association with serum IGF1 and growth. These correlations were observed in two cohorts of growing children. Tall children show lower levels of methylation in several CGs in P2 and P1 promoters of IGF1 gene than short children with idiopathic short stature. CG methylation contributed 13% to the variance of height and 10% to the variance of serum IGF1. To test if the found association reflected biological causality, we tested if methylation at the P2 promoter affects the transcriptional activity of the IGF1 gene. The transcriptional activity of the P2 promoter was inversely correlated with the CG methylation in mononuclear blood cells. We established that high levels of CG methylation at the two promoters of IGF1 contributed to the many molecular mechanisms responsible for “idiopathic” short stature. Response to treatment with (GH). Short children using growth hormone (GH) to accelerate their growth respond to this treatment with a variable efficacy. The causes of this individual variability are partially understood and could involve epigenetics. In this aim, we investigated the contribution of DNA methylation to the response to GH at two levels: direct effect of GH on transcription of IGF1 gene, on circulating IGF1 and on the growth response to GH. Following a GH injection, we found a variable increase in IGF1 transcripts across the studied children. The increase in P2-driven transcripts showed a strong inverse correlation with 4/8 of P2 CGs. Among the CGs of P1 promoter, only CG-611 showed an inverse correlation with P1-driven transcripts. Variability of DNA methylation in these CGs contributes with 27% to 67% of increase in transcripts. In 136 children with idiopatic short stature, we showed that DNA methylation of the P2 promoter is associated with growth response to GH during the first year of GH administration, for both increment in growth rate and circulating IGF1. CG-137 methylation of P2 promoter contributes 25% to variance of growth response to GH. The link between DNA methylation and the response to a treatment in humans illustrating the role of epigenetic marks as potent contributors to conclusion « pharmacoepigenetics». Our work can find application in growth physiology and therapeutics, as well as for studies in aging, longevity or cancer where IGF1 has a prominent role.
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Mechanistic Basis for Atrial and Ventricular Arrhythmias Caused by KCNQ1 MutationsBartos, Daniel C. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Cardiac arrhythmias are caused by a disruption of the normal initiation or propagation of electrical impulses in the heart. Hundreds of mutations in genes encoding ion channels or ion channel regulatory proteins are linked to congenital arrhythmia syndromes that increase the risk for sudden cardiac death. This dissertation focuses on how mutations in a gene (KCNQ1) that encodes a voltage-gated K+ ion channel (Kv7.1) can disrupt proper channel function and lead to abnormal repolarization of atrial and ventricular cardiomyocytes.
In the heart, Kv7.1 coassembles with a regulatory protein to conduct the slowly activating delayed rectifier K+ current (IKs). Loss-of-function KCNQ1 mutations are linked to type 1 long QT syndrome (LQT1), and typically decrease IKs, which can lead to ventricular action potential (AP) prolongation. In patients, LQT1 is often characterized by an abnormally long corrected QT (QTc) interval on an electrocardiogram (ECG), and increases the risk for polymorphic ventricular tachycardias.
KCNQ1 mutations are also linked to atrial fibrillation (AF), but cause a gain-of-function phenotype that increases IKs. Surprisingly, patients diagnosed with both LQT1 and AF are increasingly identified as genotype positive for a KCNQ1 mutation. The first aim of this dissertation was to determine a unique functional phenotype of KCNQ1 mutations linked to both arrhythmia syndromes by functional analyses via the whole-cell patch clamp technique in HEK293 cells.
A proportion of patients with LQT1-linked KCNQ1 mutations do not have abnormal QTc prolongation known as latent LQT1. Interestingly, exercise can reveal abnormal QTc prolongation in these patients. During exercise, beta-adrenergic activation stimulates PKA to phosphorylate Kv7.1, causing an increase in IKs to prevent ventricular AP prolongation. Therefore, the second aim of this dissertation was to determine a molecular mechanism of latent LQT1 through functional analyses in HEK293 cells while incorporating pharmacological and phosphomimetic approaches to study PKA regulation of mutant Kv7.1 channels.
The findings in this dissertation provide new insight into how KCNQ1 mutations disrupt the function of Kv7.1 in a basal condition or during beta-adrenergic activation. Also, this dissertation suggests these approaches will improve patient management by identifying mutation specific risk factors for patients with KCNQ1 mutations.
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Relation entre la méthylation des promoteurs du gène IGF1 et les variations de la croissance des enfants / Relationship between DNA methylation of IGF1 gene promoters and child growth variationsOuni, Meriem 02 July 2015 (has links)
A l'interface de la génétique et de l'environnement, l'épigénétique contribue à la diversité phénotypique. Déterminer l'impact de la variation épigénétique sur les caractères quantitatifs (QT) est un nouveau défi. La croissance staturale fournit l’opportunité d’étudier la variabilité de plusieurs traits phénotypiques liés entre eux : des QT cliniques (la taille, l’accélération de la vitesse de croissance en réponse à l'hormone de croissance, GH) et des QT biologiques tels que la concentration d’IGF1 et la réponse de cette concentration à la GH. L’ « Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 » (IGF1) contrôle la croissance postnatale chez les mammifères, y compris l'homme. Nous l’avons choisi comme locus candidat pour nos études épigénétiques. Nous avons quantifié la méthylation des deux promoteurs P1 et P2 de ce gène, qui régulent son expression. Notre objectif était d’évaluer la contribution de la méthylation d’ADN de ces promoteurs i) à la taille des enfants en croissance, ii) à l’IGF1 circulant, iii) et à la réponse de ces paramètres à un traitement par la GH. Taille et IGF1 circulant. La relation entre la méthylation des promoteurs d’IGF1 et la taille a été étudiée au sein de deux cohortes du service d'endocrinologie pédiatrique, totalisant 216 enfants prépubères de différentes statures. Nous avons montré que la méthylation d'un groupe de six CGs situés dans la partie proximale du promoteur P2 du gène IGF1 présentait une corrélation inverse avec la croissance et l'IGF1 circulant. Les enfants les plus grands sont ainsi moins méthylés sur ces CGs que les enfants de petite taille. La contribution de la méthylation à la variance de la taille a été évaluée à environ 13%, et à 10% pour la variance de l'IGF1 sérique. Pour montrer que l’association observée reflète une causalité biologique, nous avons étudié le lien entre la méthylation des promoteurs P1 et P2 et l'activité transcriptionnelle du gène IGF1 in vivo et in vitro. Nous avons montré que les quantités de transcrits de classe II, issus du promoteur P2, sont inversement corrélés à la méthylation du promoteur P2 dans les cellules sanguines mononucléées. In vitro, nous avons cloné le promoteur P2 déméthylé ou méthylé dans un plasmide rapporteur (luciferase) transfecté dans la lignée HEK293 : le promoteur déméthylé s’est révélé nettement plus actif (+57%). Finalement, nous suggérons que l’hyperméthylation de certains CGs du P1 et du P2 d’IGF1 pourrait être un des nombreux mécanismes moléculaires responsables d’une moindre expression du gène et d’un phénotype de petite taille. La réponse au traitement par la GH. Une fraction des enfants de petite taille est traitée par l'hormone de croissance (GH) pour accélérer sa croissance, mais l’efficacité du traitement est très variable entre les individus. Les causes de cette variabilité sont partiellement comprises : la génétique joue un rôle, mais il reste une place possible pour la variabilité épigénétique. Dans ce but, nous avons étudié l'effet direct de la variabilité épigénétique sur la transcription du gène IGF1 et l’IGF1 circulant, dans un test aigu d’administration de GH, puis sur la réponse thérapeutique à un traitement d’un an par la GH. Après une injection de GH, nous avons constaté une augmentation variable du nombre de transcrits d’IGF1 chez les enfants étudiés. L'augmentation des transcrits de la classe II était inversement corrélée à la méthylation des CGs du P2. La variabilité de méthylation au CG-137 contribuait pour 20% à 67% de l’expression d’IGF1 en réponse à la GH. Chez 136 enfants de petite taille, nous avons montré que la méthylation de l'ADN du promoteur P2 était associée à la réponse au traitement par la GH au cours de la première année. Cette association est observée pour l'augmentation de la vitesse de croissance et pour les taux d’IGF1. (...) / At the interface of genetics and environment, epigenetics contributes to phenotypic diversity. Quantifying the impact of epigenetic variation on quantitative traits (QT), an emerging challenge in humans. Growth provides a handset of quantitative traits to epigenetic studies. We studied the variability of several inter-related QTs: clinical QTs (height, height reponse to growth hormone and biological QT (serum IGF1 and serum IGF1 response to GH). Since insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) controls postnatal growth in mammals including human, we tested whether the CG methylation of the two promoters (P1 and P2) of the IGF1 gene could be a epigenetic contributor to the individual variation i) in circulating IGF1 and stature in growing children. ii) on response of these parameters to treatment with (GH). Child height and circulating IGF1. To explore the relation between IGF1 promoter methylation and height, we studied two cohorts of pedriatric endocrinology department, totalling 216 prepubertal children with various statures. The methylation of a cluster of six CGs located within the proximal part of the IGF1 P2 promoter showed a strong negative association with serum IGF1 and growth. These correlations were observed in two cohorts of growing children. Tall children show lower levels of methylation in several CGs in P2 and P1 promoters of IGF1 gene than short children with idiopathic short stature. CG methylation contributed 13% to the variance of height and 10% to the variance of serum IGF1. To test if the found association reflected biological causality, we tested if methylation at the P2 promoter affects the transcriptional activity of the IGF1 gene. The transcriptional activity of the P2 promoter was inversely correlated with the CG methylation in mononuclear blood cells. We established that high levels of CG methylation at the two promoters of IGF1 contributed to the many molecular mechanisms responsible for “idiopathic” short stature. Response to treatment with (GH). Short children using growth hormone (GH) to accelerate their growth respond to this treatment with a variable efficacy. The causes of this individual variability are partially understood and could involve epigenetics. In this aim, we investigated the contribution of DNA methylation to the response to GH at two levels: direct effect of GH on transcription of IGF1 gene, on circulating IGF1 and on the growth response to GH. Following a GH injection, we found a variable increase in IGF1 transcripts across the studied children. The increase in P2-driven transcripts showed a strong inverse correlation with 4/8 of P2 CGs. Among the CGs of P1 promoter, only CG-611 showed an inverse correlation with P1-driven transcripts. Variability of DNA methylation in these CGs contributes with 27% to 67% of increase in transcripts. In 136 children with idiopatic short stature, we showed that DNA methylation of the P2 promoter is associated with growth response to GH during the first year of GH administration, for both increment in growth rate and circulating IGF1. CG-137 methylation of P2 promoter contributes 25% to variance of growth response to GH. The link between DNA methylation and the response to a treatment in humans illustrating the role of epigenetic marks as potent contributors to conclusion « pharmacoepigenetics». Our work can find application in growth physiology and therapeutics, as well as for studies in aging, longevity or cancer where IGF1 has a prominent role.
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Inequality and the Value of NatureMeya, Jasper Nikolaus 03 April 2019 (has links)
Diese wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Doktorarbeit bündelt sieben Forschungsarbeiten zur Ökonomie des Natur- und Umweltschutzes. Dabei untersuche ich, wie der ökonomische Wert, den die Gesellschaft der Natur beimisst, von der Verteilung des Einkommens oder der Ausstattung mit Umweltgütern, innerhalb oder über Generationen hinweg, abhängt. Dazu werden drei neue umweltökonomische Modelle zum Einfluss der Verteilung auf die aggregierte Zahlungsbereitschaft für den Erhalt reiner öffentliche Umweltgüter, lokaler Umweltgüter oder Naturkapital entworfen. Es zeigt sich, dass für viele Umweltgüter der ökonomische Wert umso größer ist, je gleichmäßiger das Einkommen oder die Ausstattung mit dem Umweltgut verteilt sind. Auf dieser Grundlage werden modellgestützte Methoden zur Berücksichtigung von Verteilungsaspekten in ökonomischen Analysen von Projekten und Politiken mit Umweltauswirkungen entwickelt. Insbesondere werden Korrekturfaktoren hergeleitet, mit denen ökonomische Naturbewertungen hinsichtlich einer gesellschaftlichen Zielverteilung angepasst und gesellschaftliche Zahlungsbereitschaften geschätzt werden können. Anhand einer Reihe von Anwendungsbeispielen -- zum globalen Biodiversitätsschutz, Walderhaltung in Polen oder einer Wasserqualitätsverbesserung in der Ostsee -- werden die Ungleichheitskorrekturen beziffert und empirisch getestet. Schließlich weist eine Fallstudie für das Weserästuar nach, dass eine Berücksichtigung von Umweltfolgen die Ergebnisse von Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen in der Verkehrswegeplanung erheblich verändern kann. Insgesamt zeigt diese Dissertation, dass die Verteilung von wirtschaftlichen und natürlichen Ressourcen innerhalb und zwischen Generationen den ökonomischen Wert, den die Gesellschaft der Natur beimisst, wesentlich beeinflusst. Sie trägt damit zur Entwicklung volkswirtschaftlicher Methoden bei, die nicht nur auf Effizienz, sondern auch auf Gerechtigkeit und Verteilung zielen, und damit dem Leitbild einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung folgen. / This doctoral thesis presents seven research papers in environmental and resource economics. I study how the economic value that society attaches to nature depends on the distribution of income or the provision of environmental goods, within or across generations. To this end, three novel environmental economic models are developed on how the distribution affects aggregated willingness to pay for pure public environmental goods, local environmental goods or natural capital. The analyses show that for many environmental goods the economic value is the higher the more equal incomes or environmental good endowment are distributed. For practical applications theory-based adjustment factors are derived. These allow to estimate societal willingness to pays from secondary data or to conduct inequality-adjustments in cost-benefit analysis. In a series of applications -- to global biodiversity conservation, forest protection in Poland or water quality improvement in the Baltic Sea -- inequality adjustments are quantified and empirically tested. Turning to international environmental agreements, a simulation study shows that uncertainties about the regional distribution of climate change damages can increase the stability of climate coalitions if transfer schemes are implemented. Finally, a case study on the deepening of the Weser estuary highlights that accounting for environmental costs can substantially change the results of cost-benefit analyses in transportation infrastructure planning. Overall, this dissertation shows that the distribution of economic and natural resources within and across generations substantially affects the economic value that society attaches to nature. I thus contribute to the development of economic methods that aim not only at efficiency, but also at equity and distribution, and thus follow the vision of a sustainable development.
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Relation entre la méthylation des promoteurs du gène IGF1 et les variations de la croissance des enfants / Relationship between DNA methylation of IGF1 gene promoters and child growth variationsOuni, Meriem 02 July 2015 (has links)
A l'interface de la génétique et de l'environnement, l'épigénétique contribue à la diversité phénotypique. Déterminer l'impact de la variation épigénétique sur les caractères quantitatifs (QT) est un nouveau défi. La croissance staturale fournit l’opportunité d’étudier la variabilité de plusieurs traits phénotypiques liés entre eux : des QT cliniques (la taille, l’accélération de la vitesse de croissance en réponse à l'hormone de croissance, GH) et des QT biologiques tels que la concentration d’IGF1 et la réponse de cette concentration à la GH. L’ « Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 » (IGF1) contrôle la croissance postnatale chez les mammifères, y compris l'homme. Nous l’avons choisi comme locus candidat pour nos études épigénétiques. Nous avons quantifié la méthylation des deux promoteurs P1 et P2 de ce gène, qui régulent son expression. Notre objectif était d’évaluer la contribution de la méthylation d’ADN de ces promoteurs i) à la taille des enfants en croissance, ii) à l’IGF1 circulant, iii) et à la réponse de ces paramètres à un traitement par la GH. Taille et IGF1 circulant. La relation entre la méthylation des promoteurs d’IGF1 et la taille a été étudiée au sein de deux cohortes du service d'endocrinologie pédiatrique, totalisant 216 enfants prépubères de différentes statures. Nous avons montré que la méthylation d'un groupe de six CGs situés dans la partie proximale du promoteur P2 du gène IGF1 présentait une corrélation inverse avec la croissance et l'IGF1 circulant. Les enfants les plus grands sont ainsi moins méthylés sur ces CGs que les enfants de petite taille. La contribution de la méthylation à la variance de la taille a été évaluée à environ 13%, et à 10% pour la variance de l'IGF1 sérique. Pour montrer que l’association observée reflète une causalité biologique, nous avons étudié le lien entre la méthylation des promoteurs P1 et P2 et l'activité transcriptionnelle du gène IGF1 in vivo et in vitro. Nous avons montré que les quantités de transcrits de classe II, issus du promoteur P2, sont inversement corrélés à la méthylation du promoteur P2 dans les cellules sanguines mononucléées. In vitro, nous avons cloné le promoteur P2 déméthylé ou méthylé dans un plasmide rapporteur (luciferase) transfecté dans la lignée HEK293 : le promoteur déméthylé s’est révélé nettement plus actif (+57%). Finalement, nous suggérons que l’hyperméthylation de certains CGs du P1 et du P2 d’IGF1 pourrait être un des nombreux mécanismes moléculaires responsables d’une moindre expression du gène et d’un phénotype de petite taille. La réponse au traitement par la GH. Une fraction des enfants de petite taille est traitée par l'hormone de croissance (GH) pour accélérer sa croissance, mais l’efficacité du traitement est très variable entre les individus. Les causes de cette variabilité sont partiellement comprises : la génétique joue un rôle, mais il reste une place possible pour la variabilité épigénétique. Dans ce but, nous avons étudié l'effet direct de la variabilité épigénétique sur la transcription du gène IGF1 et l’IGF1 circulant, dans un test aigu d’administration de GH, puis sur la réponse thérapeutique à un traitement d’un an par la GH. Après une injection de GH, nous avons constaté une augmentation variable du nombre de transcrits d’IGF1 chez les enfants étudiés. L'augmentation des transcrits de la classe II était inversement corrélée à la méthylation des CGs du P2. La variabilité de méthylation au CG-137 contribuait pour 20% à 67% de l’expression d’IGF1 en réponse à la GH. Chez 136 enfants de petite taille, nous avons montré que la méthylation de l'ADN du promoteur P2 était associée à la réponse au traitement par la GH au cours de la première année. Cette association est observée pour l'augmentation de la vitesse de croissance et pour les taux d’IGF1. (...) / At the interface of genetics and environment, epigenetics contributes to phenotypic diversity. Quantifying the impact of epigenetic variation on quantitative traits (QT), an emerging challenge in humans. Growth provides a handset of quantitative traits to epigenetic studies. We studied the variability of several inter-related QTs: clinical QTs (height, height reponse to growth hormone and biological QT (serum IGF1 and serum IGF1 response to GH). Since insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) controls postnatal growth in mammals including human, we tested whether the CG methylation of the two promoters (P1 and P2) of the IGF1 gene could be a epigenetic contributor to the individual variation i) in circulating IGF1 and stature in growing children. ii) on response of these parameters to treatment with (GH). Child height and circulating IGF1. To explore the relation between IGF1 promoter methylation and height, we studied two cohorts of pedriatric endocrinology department, totalling 216 prepubertal children with various statures. The methylation of a cluster of six CGs located within the proximal part of the IGF1 P2 promoter showed a strong negative association with serum IGF1 and growth. These correlations were observed in two cohorts of growing children. Tall children show lower levels of methylation in several CGs in P2 and P1 promoters of IGF1 gene than short children with idiopathic short stature. CG methylation contributed 13% to the variance of height and 10% to the variance of serum IGF1. To test if the found association reflected biological causality, we tested if methylation at the P2 promoter affects the transcriptional activity of the IGF1 gene. The transcriptional activity of the P2 promoter was inversely correlated with the CG methylation in mononuclear blood cells. We established that high levels of CG methylation at the two promoters of IGF1 contributed to the many molecular mechanisms responsible for “idiopathic” short stature. Response to treatment with (GH). Short children using growth hormone (GH) to accelerate their growth respond to this treatment with a variable efficacy. The causes of this individual variability are partially understood and could involve epigenetics. In this aim, we investigated the contribution of DNA methylation to the response to GH at two levels: direct effect of GH on transcription of IGF1 gene, on circulating IGF1 and on the growth response to GH. Following a GH injection, we found a variable increase in IGF1 transcripts across the studied children. The increase in P2-driven transcripts showed a strong inverse correlation with 4/8 of P2 CGs. Among the CGs of P1 promoter, only CG-611 showed an inverse correlation with P1-driven transcripts. Variability of DNA methylation in these CGs contributes with 27% to 67% of increase in transcripts. In 136 children with idiopatic short stature, we showed that DNA methylation of the P2 promoter is associated with growth response to GH during the first year of GH administration, for both increment in growth rate and circulating IGF1. CG-137 methylation of P2 promoter contributes 25% to variance of growth response to GH. The link between DNA methylation and the response to a treatment in humans illustrating the role of epigenetic marks as potent contributors to conclusion « pharmacoepigenetics». Our work can find application in growth physiology and therapeutics, as well as for studies in aging, longevity or cancer where IGF1 has a prominent role.
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The Water Crisis in the Greek Island Complex of the Cyclades: Diagnosis, Analysis, and RectificationPapasozomenou, Ourania 17 October 2018 (has links)
Das vorliegende Buch hat die Analyse des funktionsgestörten Wassersektors auf den beiden Zykladen Inseln Tinos und Syros in Griechenland zum Ziel. Die Bevölkerung dieser Inseln leidet unter einer Kombination aus mangelnder Wasserqualität, -quantität und hohen Wasserpreisen. Die Arbeit setzt sich mit Gründen der Ineffektivität zentral geplanter Maßnahmen (technische Lösungen und administrative Reformen) bei der Lösung solcher Probleme auseinander. Die übergeordnete Forschungsfrage hierbei lautet: Warum ist der Wassersektor angesichts einer Vielzahl von Lösungsversuchen immer noch dysfunktional?
Um diese Frage zu beantworten, liegt der Fokus auf der institutionellen statt auf der physikalischen Dimension des Problems. Hierbei verfolgte ich eine abduktive Strategie innerhalb des Forschungsprozesses. Auf institutionentheoretischen Annahmen basierend, komme ich zu zwei Schlussfolgerungen, die einen Teufelskreis vermuten lassen: i) Institutionen und Politik haben zu einer chronischen Dysfunktionalität, die sich in einer unsteten und unsicheren Wasserversorgung äußert, geführt. ii) Diese Dysfunktionalität verhindert eine Veränderung der existierenden Institutionen.
Basierend auf meiner Analyse schlussfolgere ich, dass die Top-down-Strukturen und die zentral gesteuerten Regularien die Hauptursache sind, dass es zu keiner vernünftigen Veränderung oder gar einer Lösung der Probleme im Wassersektor kommt. Mehr noch, sie sind die eigentlichen Gründe für die Misere und deren Persistenz. Eine Dezentralisierung der Steuerung und eine Unabhängigkeit der lokalen politischen Ebene (institutionell und finanziell) stellen einen vielversprechenden Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Situation dar. Beamte vor Ort kennen die örtlichen Gegebenheiten und fühlen sich verantwortlich für die lokale Bevölkerung. / This study aims at diagnosing the dysfunctional water sector of Tinos and Syros, islands in the Cyclades island complex of Greece. At present, these islands suffer from insufficient water quantity, combined with poor quality and high cost. The research problem addressed in this thesis is the apparent inability of centrally planned technical and administrative-reform solutions that have been promoted to rectify the problems. This work explores the reasons for the inability to rectify the water sector and aims to answer the overarching research question: Why is the water sector in the Cyclades still dysfunctional, despite the attempted solutions?
To explore these emergent questions related to policy making, I revisit existing legal rules and relations relevant to the context, viewed in parallel with aspects of human behaviour and transactions under the analytical lens classical institutional economics offers. The reasons for the water-supply dysfunction in the study islands are, thus, sought after in terms of transactions amongst actors, working rules regulating those transactions, and officials’ remedial power at all levels. Based on my analysis, I conclude that top-down structures and centrally planned policies have been hindering the meaningful change and rectification of the water sector and have, in fact, created and prolonged the dysfunction. Decentralising governance, granting local-level autonomy (institutional and financial) is a plausible way of rectifying the water sector, as local officials are knowledgeable about local conditions and feel liable to their fellow citizens, who would willingly cooperate with this level of government.
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Detecção automática de massas em mamografias digitais usando Quality Threshold clustering e MVS / Automatic mass detection on digital mammography using Quality Threshold clustering and MVSSILVA, Joberth de Nazaré 20 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-08-16T18:29:06Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Breast cancer is worldwide the most common form of cancer affecting woman, sometimes in
their lives, at the proportion of either one to nine or one to thirteen women who reach the age
of ninety in the west world (LAURENCE, 2006). Breast cancer is caused by frequent
reproduction of cells in various parts of the human body. At certain times, and for reasons yet
unknown, some cells begin to reproduce at a higher speed, causing the onset of cellular
masses called neoplasias, or tumors, which are new tissue formation, but from pathological
origin. This work has proposed a method of automatic detection of masses in digital
mammograms, using the Quality Threshold (QT), and the Supporting Vector Machine
(MVS). The images processing steps were as follows: firstly, the pre-processing phase took
place which consisted of removing the background image, smoothing it with a low pass filter,
to increase the degree of contrast, and then, in sequence, accomplishing an enhancement of
the Wavelet Transform (WT) by changing their coefficients with a linear function. After the
pre-processing phase, came the segmentation with the use of the QT which divided the image
in to clusters with pre-defined diameters. Then, the post-processing occurred with the
selection of the best candidates to mass formed by the MVS analysis of the shape descriptors.
For the extraction phase of texture features the Haralick descriptors and the function
correlogram were used. As for the classification stage, the MVS was used again for training,
validation of the MVS model and final test. The achieved results were: sensitivity of 92. 31%,
specificity of 82.2%, accuracy of 83,53%, a false positive rate per image of 1.12 and an area
under a FROC curve of 0.8033. / O câncer de mama é, mundialmente, a forma mais comum de câncer em mulheres afetando,
em algum momento suas vidas, aproximadamente uma em cada nove a uma em cada treze
mulheres que atingem os noventa anos no mundo ocidental (LAURANCE, 2006). O câncer
de mama é ocasionado pela reprodução frequente de células de diversas partes do corpo
humano. Em certos momentos e por motivos ainda desconhecidos algumas células começam a
se reproduzir com uma velocidade maior, ocasionando o surgimento de massas celulares
denominadas de neoplasias ou tumores que são tecidos de formação nova, mas de origem
patológica. Neste trabalho foi proposto um método de detecção automática de massas em
mamografias digitais usando o Quality Threshold (QT), e a Máquina de Vetores de Suporte
(MVS). As etapas de processamento das imagens foram as seguintes: primeiramente veio a
fase de pré-processamento que consiste em retirar o fundo da imagem, suavizá-la com um
filtro passa-baixa, aumentar a escala de contraste, e na sequencia realizar um realce com a
Transformada de Wavelet (WT) através da alteração dos seus coeficientes com uma função
linear. Após a fase de pré-processamento vem a seguimentação utilizando o QT que segmenta
a imagem em clusters com diâmetros pré-definidos. Em seguida, vem o pós-processamento
com a seleção dos melhores candidatos à massa feita através da análise dos descritores de
forma pela MVS. Para fase de extração de características de textura foram utiliza os
descritores de Haralick e a função correlograma. Já na fase de classificação a MVS
novamente foi utilizada para o treinamento, validação do modelo MVS e teste final. Os
resultados alcançados foram: sensibilidade de 92,31%, especificidade de 82,2%, Acurácia de
83,53%, uma taxa de falsos positivos por imagem de 1,12 e uma área sob a curva FROC de
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Visualization of Ant Pheromone Based Path FollowingSutherland, Benjamin T. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
This thesis develops a simulation and visualization of a path finding algorithm based on
ant pheromone paths created in 3D space. The simulation is useful as a demonstration of
a heuristic approach to NP-complete problems and as an educational tool for
demonstrating how ant colonies gather food. An interactive real time 3D visualization is
built on top of the simulation. A graphical user interface layer allows user interaction
with the simulation and visualization.
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Athletes' heart and exercise related sudden cardiac death : across the age spanWilson, Mathew January 2010 (has links)
Background - Regular exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and subsequent sudden cardiac death (SCD). However, a small, but notable proportion of athletes die suddenly due to inherited or congenital disorders of the heart that predispose to malignant ventricular arrhythmias. Such tragedies are highly publicised, particularly when high-profile athletes are involved. To date, limited evidence for the efficacy of cardiovascular pre-participation screening exists outside of the Italian experience. Furthermore, limited data exists examining the impact of ethnicity on cardiac adaptations to physical training. Whilst the cardiovascular benefits of exercise are well known, the impact of life-long endurance exercise is less well understood. Long term high-intensity endurance exercise is associated with changes in cardiac morphology together with electrocardiographic alterations that are believed to be physiologic in nature. Recent data however, has suggested a number of deleterious adaptive changes in cardiac structure, function and electrical activity in response to life-long endurance activity. Aims and Objectives - The aims of this PhD were; 1) To find an effective preparticipation screening method that would successfully identify pre-existing cardiovascular abnormalities, 2) To identify the prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Long QT syndrome in elite UK athletes; 3) To examine the impact and significance of ethnicity upon left ventricular remodelling in elite athletes, and 4) To examine the acute and chronic impact of ultra-endurance exercise across the life-span in male endurance athletes. Major Results and Conclusions – 1) Study 2 sought to confirm the efficacy of resting 12-Lead ECG ‘alongside’ personal/family history questionnaires and physical examinations as collective tools to identify diseases that have the potential of causing sudden death within a cohort of elite junior athletes (n=1074) and physically active school children (n=1646). Nine participants were identified with a positive diagnosis of a disease associated with SCD. None of those diagnosed with a disease associated with SCD were symptomatic or had a family history of note. Thus, personal symptoms and family history questionnaires alone are inadequate in the identification of individuals with diseases associated with SCD. In conclusion, resting 12-Lead ECG is paramount when screening for diseases that have the potential of causing sudden death in the young. 2) Study 3 examined 3,500 asymptomatic elite athletes (75% male) with a mean age of 20.5 ± 5.8 years with 12-lead ECG and 2-dimensional echocardiography. None had a known family history of HCM. Of the 3,500 athletes, 53 (1.5%) had LVH (mean 13.6 ± 0.9mm, range 13 to 16mm), and of these 50 had a dilated LV cavity with normal diastolic function to indicate physiological left ventricular hypertrophy. Three (0.08%) athletes with LVH had a non-dilated LV cavity and associated deep T-wave inversion that could have been consistent with HCM. However, none of the 3 athletes had any other phenotypic features of HCM on further non-invasive testing and none had first-degree relatives with features of HCM. In conclusion, the prevalence of HCM in elite athletes is significantly less than in the general population; with the demands of strenuous exercise on the cardiovascular system selecting out most individuals with HCM. Study 4 examined 2000 elite athletes in order to identify the prevalence of Long QT syndrome. Three athletes had a QTc value of >500 ms and all exhibited one of: paradoxical prolongation of QTc during exercise, a confirmatory genetic mutation, or prolonged QTc in a first-degree relative. In contrast, none of the athletes with a QTc value of <500 ms had any other features to indicate LQTS. Accordingly, the prevalence of a prolonged QTc interval in elite British athletes is 0.4%. 3) Study 6 examined 300 nationally ranked UK black male athletes (mean age 20.5 years) in comparison to 150 black and white sedentary individuals and 300 highly-trained white male athletes. Black athletes exhibited greater LV wall thickness and cavity size compared with sedentary black and white individuals. Black athletes had greater LV wall thickness compared with white athletes. A minority of black athlete’s exhibit LVH ≥15 mm; proposing that in the absence of cardiac symptoms or a family history of HCM, an LV wall thickness ≥15 mm in black athletes may represent physiologic LVH when the LV cavity is enlarged and diastolic indexes are normal. 7 black athletes (12%) with LVH displaying deep T-wave inversions in leads V1 to V4. In conclusion, in the absence of obvious pathology, these electrical anomalies in black athletes likely represent a normal spectrum of ECG changes in response to physical training. 4) Study 8 examined 17 male participants (age 33.5 ± 6.5 years, 26–40 years) using cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and echocardiography before and after a marathon to investigate the relationship between systolic function and diastolic function against biomarkers of cardiac damage. Results demonstrates biomarkers of myocardial cell damage following an acute bout of prolonged exercise are not associated with either systolic or diastolic functional measures, and do not seem to be associated with any detectable myocardial inflammation, oedema, or scarring using either gold standard techniques of gadolinium enhanced CMR or echocardiography respectively. The impact of multiple episodes of prolonged exercise, as experienced by highly trained veteran endurance athlete is not fully understood. 5) Study 10 examined the cardiac structure and function of 12 life-long, competitive endurance veteran athletes (> 50 yrs, mean ± SD marathons 178 ± 209 (range 20 – 650)) against 17 young male endurance athletes (<40 yrs) using echocardiography and CMR with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) to assess myocardial fibrosis. Lifelong veteran athletes had smaller LV and RV end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes (p<0.05) but maintained LV and RV systolic function compared with young athletes. In 6 (50%) of the veteran athletes LGE of CMR indicated the presence of myocardial fibrosis; no LGE in the young athletes. The prevalence of LGE in veteran athletes was not associated with the number of competitive marathons or ultra-endurance marathons (>50 miles) completed, age, LV and RV end-diastolic volumes or LV mass (p>0.05). In conclusion, there is limited evidence at present demonstrating that cardiovascular re-modelling following lifelong endurance exercise leads to long-term disease progression, cardiovascular disability or SCD.
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