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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Coevolutionary Genetics of Medicago truncatula and its Associated Rhizobia

Gorton, Amanda 04 December 2012 (has links)
Contrary to the predictions of numerous theoretical models, variation in partner quality continues to persist in mutualisms, including in the symbiosis between legumes and rhizobia. One potential explanation for the maintenance of this genetic diversity is genotype × genotype interactions, however it is unknown which genetic regions might underlie these interactions. To investigate this question, I performed a quantitative trait loci mapping experiment with two different rhizobium strains to locate potential regions of the genome influencing genotype × genotype interactions between the legume Medicago truncatula and its symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti. I found no evidence for genotype × genotype or QTL × rhizobium interactions, however some of the QTLs colocalized with genes involved in the symbiosis signaling pathway, suggesting variation in these genes could potentially affect plant performance and fitness traits. These findings have important implications for the evolutionary interactions between legumes and rhizobia, and the genetic architecture of Medicago truncatula.

Genetic Analysis of Heterosis in Rapeseed (B. napus L.) by QTL Mapping / Genetische Analyse der Heterosis bei Raps (B. napus L.) durch QTL Kartierung

Radoev, Mladen 19 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Genetic mapping of QTL controlling salt tolerance and glucosinolates in Brassica napus and Brassica oleracea

Moursi, Yasser 10 November 2014 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Brassica-Arten sind von großer Bedeutung für die menschliche Ernährung und für die Tierernährung. Brassica napus ist hinter der Sojabohne die zweit wichtigste Ölsaat. Brassica oleracea umfasst mehrere wichtige Gemüseformen. Die Produktivität dieser Arten wird weltweit durch Versalzung als ein biotischer Stressfaktor beeinträchtigt. Die Salztoleranz ist abhängig von der Pflanzenentwicklung, also stadienspezifisch, artspezifisch und organspezifisch. Im Vergleich zu unseren Kenntnissen über Samenglucosinolate ist wenig über die genetische Kontrolle von Blattglucosinolaten bekannt. Die Arbeit hat folgende Zielsetzungen: (1) den Einfluss von Salzstress auf zwei Entwicklungsstadien zu untersuchen, und zwar auf die Keimung und die Jungpflanzenentwicklung, und in doppel-haploiden (DH) Populationen von B. napus und B. oleracea QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) für Salztoleranz in beiden Entwicklungsstadien zu kartieren, und (2) die Variation im Blatt-GSL Gehalt zu untersuchen und QTL zu kartieren für den GSL Gehalt in einer Kontrolle und unter Salzstress. Der Einfluss von Salzstress auf die Keimfähigkeit wurde an drei DH Populationen untersucht, zwei B. napus und eine B. oleracea Population. Die beiden erstgenannten Populationen wurde aus Alesi × H30 bzw. Mansholts × Samourai entwickelt. Die B. oleracea Population entstand aus der Kreuzung zwischen der „rapid cycling“ Linie TO1000DH3 (TO) und einer DH Linie aus dem Broccoli Early Big (EB). Die Anzahl DH Linien 138 Für die QTL Analysen wurde eine framework map verwendet mit 188, 208 bzw. 128 Markern für die Populationen Alesi × H30, Mansholts × Samourai bzw. TO × EB. Die Versuche wurden mit den Salzkonzentrationen 200 mM NaCl für B. napus und 100 mM NaCl für B. oleracea durchgeführt. Von jeder DH Linie wurden 10 Samen in 9 cm Petrischalen auf Filterpapier ausgelegt, das mit 5 ml Leitungswasser als Kontrolle bzw. 5 ml Salzlösung befeuchtet war. Die Petrischalen wurden bei 20 °C im Dunkeln inkubiert. Die Anzahl gekeimter Samen wurde täglich gezählt. Unter Salzstress war die Keimfähigkeit signifikant reduziert und die Keimgeschwindigkeit verlangsamt. Einige DH Linien übertrafen dabei ihre Eltern mit einer höheren Keimfähigkeit und Keimgeschwindigkeit. Es konnten für alle untersuchten Merkmale mehrere QTL identifiziert werden. Einige dieser QTL beeinflussen die Merkmalsausprägung sowohl in der Kontrolle als auch unter Salzstress, während andere QTL nur entweder in der Kontrolle oder in der Stressvariante auftreten. Der Einfluss von Salz auf die Jungpflanzenentwicklung wurde in der B. napus DH Population Mansholts × Samourai und in der B. oleracea Population TO × EB untersucht. Von jeder Population wurden die DH Linien und die Eltern in Topfversuchen im Gewächshaus bei halbkotrollierten Bedingungen angezogen. Die Salzkonzentrationen waren 200 mM NaCl für B. napus und 100 mM NaCl für B. oleracea. Die erfassten Merkmale waren Frischgewicht (FW), Trockengewicht (DW), Chlorophyllgehalt (SPAD), relativer Wassergehalt (RWC), Natriumgehalt (Na+ mg/g DM), Kaliumgehalt (K+ mg/g DM) sowie das Natrium/Kalium-Verhältns (Na+/K+). Der Salzstress begann 21 Tage nach Aussaat und der Versuch wurde 35 Tage nach Aussaat beendet. In beiden Populationen trat für alle Merkmale eine signifikante Variation auf. In beiden Populationen war das Wachstum unter Salzstress gehemmt, wobei FW und DW sehr stark reduziert waren während der RWC nur eine leichte Reduktion zeigte. Die anderen Merkmale zeigten unter Salzstress einen Anstieg mit Ausnahme von K+ in der B. oleracea Population. Die SPAD Werte zeigten einen Anstieg. Auch Na+ mg/g DM und Na+/K+ zeigten einen starken Anstieg. Der K+ Gehalt stieg in der B. napus Population unerwartet an, während er in der B. oleracea Population abnahm. Das Aufrechterhalten von hohen K+ Konzentrationen unter Salzstress ist ein Merkmal für Salztoleranz. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen frühere Ergebnisse dass B. napus eine höhere Salztoleranz hat als B. oleracea. In beiden Populationen wurde sowohl in der Kontrolle als auch unter Salzstress eine Reihe von QTL identifiziert. In der B. napus Population wurden auf verschiedenen Kopplungsgruppen (LG) QTL „hotspots“ entdeckt. Der größte „hotspot“ lag auf LG C3. Auch in der B. oleracea Population wurde auf LG C3 ein „hotspot“ entdeckt mit QTL für mehrere Merkmale. Hier liegen also in derselben Region des Genoms Gene für mehr als nur ein Merkmal sowohl in der Kontrolle als auch unter Salzstress. Die Variation dieser Merkmale wird entweder von einem Gen mit pleiotropem Effekt gesteuert oder von mehreren unabhängigen Genen. Regionen mit QTL für mehrere Merkmale sind von großem Interesse weil dadurch mehr als nur ein Merkmal gleichzeitig verbessert werden kann. Unter den gleichen Bedingungen wurde in den beiden B. napus bzw. B. oleracea Populationen auch die Variation in den Blatt-GSL untersucht. Die Elternlinien beider Populationen unterschieden sich stark in GLS Gehalt und Zusammensetzung. In der B. napus Population hatte Mansholts einen im Vergleich zu Samourai hohen GSL Gehalt sowohl in der Kontrolle als auch unter Salzstress. Unter Salzstress verhielten sich die beiden Eltern unterschiedlich, Mansholts zeigte einen Anstieg und Samourai eine Abnahme des GSL Gesamtgehalts. In der B. oleracea Population zeigte die Elternlinie TO eine höheren GSL-Gehalt als der Elter EB. Die einzelnen GSL Komponenten zeigten in beiden DH Populationen eine Abnahme bei Salzstress mit Ausnahme von RAA und GBC bei B. napus und GBC bei B. oleracea. Aufgrund ihrer antioxidativen Eigenschaften könnte der Anstieg von RAA und GBC dazu dienen die ROS zu detoxifizieren, die als Reaktion auf Salzstress produziert wurden. Mehrere QTL wurden sowohl in der Kontrolle als auch unter Salzstress kartiert. In der B. napus Population wurden QTL „hotspots“ in Regionen identifiziert in denen bereits früher QTL für Samen-GSL lokalisiert wurden. Dies war vor allem auf LG A9 und LG C2 der Fall. In der B. oleracea Population wurden QTL „hotspots“ auf LG C9 und LG C7 lokalisiert. Das gleichzeitige Auftreten von QTL an derselben Position lässt sich teilweise dadurch erklären dass es sich um Komponenten derselben GSL Gruppen handelt. Es gab keine Übereinstimmung zwischen den QTL für die Keimfähigkeit unter Salzstress und den QTL für Variation bei Jungpflanzen. Dies weist darauf hin dass für die Salztoleranz während der Pflanzenentwicklung unterschiedliche Mechanismen verantwortlich sind. Durch die Kombination von QTL für Salztoleranz in den unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsstadien lässt sich eine verbesserte Anpassung an Salzstress erreichen.

Chickpea improvement through genetic analysis and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping of ascochyta blight resistence using wild Cicer species

Aryamanesh, Nader January 2008 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The genetics of ascochyta blight resistance was studied in five 5 x 5 half-diallel cross sets involving seven genotypes of chickpea (ICC 3996, Almaz, Lasseter, Kaniva, 24B-Isoline, IG 9337 and Kimberley Large), three accessions of Cicer reticulatum (ILWC 118, ILWC 139 and ILWC 184) and one accession of C. echinospermum (ILWC 181) under field conditions. Both F1 and F2 generations were used in the diallel analysis. Almaz, ICC 3996 and ILWC 118 were the most resistant genotypes. Estimates of genetic parameters, following Hayman's method, showed significant additive and dominant gene actions. The analysis also revealed the involvement of both major and minor genes. Susceptibility was dominant over resistance to ascochyta blight. The recessive alleles were concentrated in the two resistant chickpea parents ICC 3996 and Almaz, and one C. reticulatum genotype ILWC 118. High narrow-sense heritability (ranging from 82 to 86% for F1 generations, and 43 to 63% for F2 generations) indicates that additive gene effects were more important than non-additive gene effects in the inheritance of the trait and greater genetic gain by breeding resistant chickpea cultivars using carefully selected parental genotypes. Current simple leaf varieties are often susceptible to ascochyta blight disease whereas varieties of other leaf types range from resistant to susceptible. The inheritance of ascochyta blight resistance and different leaf types and their correlation were investigated in intraspecific progeny derived from crosses among two resistant genotypes with normal leaf type (ICC 3996 and Almaz), one susceptible simple leaf type (Kimberley Large) and one susceptible multipinnate leaf type (24 B-Isoline). ... An interspecific F2 mapping population derived from a cross between chickpea accession ICC 3996 (resistant to ascochyta blight, early flowering, and semi-erect plant growth habit) and C. reticulatum accession ILWC 184 (susceptible to ascochyta blight, ii late flowering, and prostrate plant growth habit) was used for constructing a genetic linkage map. F2 plants were cloned through stem cuttings taken at pre-flowering stage, treated with plant growth regulator powder (0.5 mg/g indole butyric acid (IBA) and 0.5 mg/g naphthalene acetic acid (NAA)) and grown in a sand + potting mix substrate. Clones were screened for ascochyta blight resistance in controlled environment conditions using a 19 scale. Three quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were found for ascochyta blight resistance in this population. Two linked QTLs, located on linkage group (LG) 4, explained 21.1% and 4.9% of the phenotypic variation. The other QTL, located on LG3, explained 22.7% of the phenotypic variation for ascochyta blight resistance. These QTLs explained almost 49% of the variation for ascochyta blight resistance. LG3 had two major QTLs for days to flowering (explaining 90.2% of phenotypic variation) and a major single QTL for plant growth habit (explaining 95.2% of phenotypic variation). There was a negative correlation between ascochyta blight resistance and days to flowering, and a positive correlation between days to flowering and plant growth habit. The flanking markers for ascochyta blight resistance or other morphological characters can be used in marker-assisted selections to facilitate breeding programs.

Efficient Bayesian methods for mixture models with genetic applications

Zuanetti, Daiane Aparecida 14 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2017-01-16T12:38:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseDAZ.pdf: 20535130 bytes, checksum: 82585444ba6f0568a20adac88fdfc626 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-17T11:47:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseDAZ.pdf: 20535130 bytes, checksum: 82585444ba6f0568a20adac88fdfc626 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2017-01-17T11:47:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseDAZ.pdf: 20535130 bytes, checksum: 82585444ba6f0568a20adac88fdfc626 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-17T11:47:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseDAZ.pdf: 20535130 bytes, checksum: 82585444ba6f0568a20adac88fdfc626 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / We propose Bayesian methods for selecting and estimating di erent types of mixture models which are widely used in Genetics and Molecular Biology. We speci cally propose data-driven selection and estimation methods for a generalized mixture model, which accommodates the usual (independent) and the rst-order (dependent) models in one framework, and QTL (quantitative trait locus) mapping models for independent and pedigree data. For clustering genes through a mixture model, we propose three nonparametric Bayesian methods: a marginal nested Dirichlet process (NDP), which is able to cluster distributions and, a predictive recursion clustering scheme (PRC) and a subset nonparametric Bayesian (SNOB) clustering algorithm for clustering big data. We analyze and compare the performance of the proposed methods and traditional procedures of selection, estimation and clustering in simulated and real data sets. The proposed methods are more exible, improve the convergence of the algorithms and provide more accurate estimates in many situations. In addition, we propose methods for predicting nonobservable QTLs genotypes and missing parents and improve the Mendelian probability of inheritance of nonfounder genotype using conditional independence structures. We also suggest applying diagnostic measures to check the goodness of t of QTL mapping models. / N os propomos métodos Bayesianos para selecionar e estimar diferentes tipos de modelos de mistura que são amplamente utilizados em Genética e Biologia Molecular. Especificamente, propomos métodos direcionados pelos dados para selecionar e estimar um modelo de mistura generalizado, que descreve o modelo de mistura usual (independente) e o de primeira ordem numa mesma estrutura, e modelos de mapeamento de QTL com dados independentes e familiares. Para agrupar genes através de modelos de mistura, nós propomos três métodos Bayesianos não-paramétricos: o processo de Dirichlet aninhado que possibilita agrupamento de distribuições e, um algoritmo preditivo recursivo e outro Bayesiano nãoparamétrico exato para agrupar dados de alta dimensão. Analisamos e comparamos o desempenho dos métodos propostos e dos procedimentos tradicionais de seleção e estimação de modelos e agrupamento de dados em conjuntos de dados simulados e reais. Os métodos propostos são mais extáveis, aprimoram a convergência dos algoritmos e apresentam estimativas mais precisas em muitas situações. Além disso, nós propomos procedimentos para predizer o genótipo não observável dos QTLs e de pais faltantes e melhorar a probabilidade Mendeliana de herança genética do genótipo dos descendentes através da estrutura de independência condicional entre os indivíduos. Também sugerimos aplicar medidas de diagnóstico para verificar a qualidade do ajuste dos modelos de mapeamento de QTLs.

Déterminisme génétique de la résistance au flétrissement bactérien chez l'aubergine et applications en sélection variétale / Genetic determinism of the resistance in the bacterial withering to the eggplant and the applications in varietal selection

Salgon, Sylvia 23 May 2017 (has links)
La culture de l’aubergine est confrontée au flétrissement bactérien, maladie causée par le complexe d’espèces Ralstonia solanacearum. La résistance variétale est la méthode la plus efficace pour contrôler cette maladie. Un QTL majeur (ERs1) a précédemment été cartographié dans une population de lignées recombinantes (RIL) issue du croisement aubergine sensible (S) MM738 × aubergine résistante (R) AG91-25. Initialement, ERs1 a été détecté avec 3 souches du phylotype I, alors qu’il est contourné par la souche PSS4 de ce même phylotype. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient (i) de préciser la position d’ERs1 et de définir son spectre d’action, (ii) d’identifier d’autres QTLs contrôlant les souches virulentes sur AG91-25, et (iii) d’introgresser certains de ces QTLs dans des cultivars S. Pour cela, 2 populations d'haploïdes doublés (HD), MM152 (R) × MM738 (S) et EG203 (R) × MM738 (S), ont été créées. La population RIL a été phénotypée avec 4 souches supplémentaires appartenant aux phylotypes I, IIA, IIB et III, tandis que les populations HD l’ont été avec les souches virulentes PSS4 et R3598. Les analyses de cartographie génétique ont confirmé l’existence d’ERs1 (renommé EBWR9), défini sa position sur le chromosome (chr) 9 et validé son contrôle spécifique de 3 souches du phylotype I. EBWR2 et EBWR14, 2 autres QTLs à large spectre, ont été détectés sur les chr 2 et 5. Les analyses QTL ont mis en évidence un système de résistance de type polygénique chez EG203. Le transfert de la résistance dans 2 cultivars locaux a été initié et a permis l’introgression d’EBWR9 et d’EBWR2. Ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives quant à la création de variétés à large spectre de résistance. / Eggplant cultivation is confronted by the bacterial wilt disease caused by the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex. Breeding resistant cultivars is the most effective strategy to control the disease but is limited by the pathogen’s extensive genetic diversity. A major QTL (ERs1) was previously mapped in a recombinant inbred lines (RIL) population from the cross of susceptible (S) MM738 × resistant (R) AG91-25 lines. ERs1 was originally found to control 3 strains from phylotype I, while being ineffective against the strain PSS4 from the same phylotype. The objectives of this thesis was to (i) clarify the position of ERs1 and define its spectrum of action, (ii) found other QTLs, promptly to control virulent strains on AG91-25 and (iii) introgress some of the QTLs into two S cultivars. For this purpose, the new doubled haploid (DH) populations MM152 (R) × MM738 (S) and EG203 (R) × MM738 (S) were created. The RIL population was phenotyped with 4 additional RSSC strains belonging to phylotypes I, IIA, IIB and III and the DH populations were phenotyped with virulent strains PSS4 and R3598. QTL mapping confirmed the existence of ERs1 (renamed EBWR9), defined its position on chromosome (chr) 9 and validated its specific control of 3 phylotype I strains. EBWR2 and EBWR14, 2 broad-spectrum resistance QTLs, were detected on chr 2 and 5. QTL analysis reveals a polygenic system of resistance in EG203. The transfer of resistance into 2 local cultivars was initiated and allowed the introgression of EBWR9 and EBWR2 QTLs through a backcross scheme. These results offer perspectives to breed broad-spectrum R cultivars.

Mapeamento genetico da resistencia a mancha angular em feijoeiro comum ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) / Genetic mapping of resistance to angular leaf sport in common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Oblessuc, Paula Rodrigues, 1981- 13 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Luciana Lasry Benchimol, Anete Pereira de Souza / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T09:26:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Oblessuc_PaulaRodrigues_M.pdf: 2069238 bytes, checksum: 9bb655ec20a8c552a66d533e2467aa51 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) é o legume mais consumido em todo o mundo. O melhoramento do feijoeiro busca ferramentas robustas de transferência de genes de resistência à doenças para cultivares de interesse. A doença da mancha angular, causada pelo fungo Pseudocercospora griseola (Sacc.) Crous & U. Braun, é responsável por grandes prejuízos aos produtores de feijão. Novo mapa genético para feijão utilizando marcadores microssatélites foi desenvolvido a partir de uma população segregante de 380 linhagens endogâmicas. A população foi gerada pelo cruzamento entre a variedade 'IAC-UNA' (Mesoamericana/suscetível) e a linhagem 'CAL 143' (Andina/resistente). O mapa UC foi gerado com 198 microssatélites ligados, distribuídos nos onze grupos de ligação, usando LOD mínimo de 3,0 e fração de recombinação máxima de 0,40. O comprimento total de mapa encontrado foi de 1.864,2 cM. Os dados fenotípicos das linhagens da população UC quanto à resistência à mancha angular foram obtidos em condições naturais de infecção por P. griseola, em campo, e em condições controladas de casa de vegetação (raça 60.54). Onze QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci) associados à resistência a mancha angular foram mapeados por mapeamento por intervalo composto. Sete QTLs foram identificados a partir dos dados fenotípicos de campo e outros quatro QTLs, obtidos dos dados de casa de vegetação. Os efeitos dos QTLs foram quantificados. O total da variação fenotípica explicada foi de 34% no experimento de campo, no qual foi identificado o QTL de maior efeito sobre o fenótipo (9,1%). No experimento de casa de vegetação, foi possível explicar 18% do total da variação fenotípica, sendo obtido o segundo QTL de maior efeito, sendo de 7,2%. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho indicam um padrão de herança poligênico de resistência à mancha angular, sendo necessária a realização de experimentos fenotípicos com repetições para reduzir os efeitos ambientais e com isso, isolar melhor os efeitos genéticos. / Abstract: Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most consuming legume worldwide. Common bean breeding is seeking alternatives to transfer resistance genes to cultivars of interest. The angular leaf spot disease caused by the fungus Pseudocercospora griseola (Sacc.) Crous & U. Braun is responsible for great losses for common bean producers. A new genetic map for common bean using microsatellites was obtained from a segregating population of 380 endogamic lines. This population was generated from the 'IAC-UNA' (Mesoamerican/ susceptible) x 'CAL 143' (Andean/resistant) cross. The UC map was generated with 198 microsatellites assigned to eleven linkage groups, using a minimum LOD of 3.0 and a maximum recombinant ratio of 0.40. Total map length found was 1864.2 cM. The angular leaf spot resistance phenotypic data from UC lines was obtained under natural infection condition with P. griseola, on the field, and with controlling greenhouse conditions (race 60.54). Eleven QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci) were mapped for angular leaf spot resistance using compositive interval mapping. Seven QTLs were identified from field condition and other four QTLs, obtained from greenhouse data. The QTL effects were quantified. Total phenotypic variance explained was 34% on field experiment, in which the major QTL involved on phenotype was identified (9.1%). On the greenhouse experiment it was possible to explain 18% of total phenotypic variance, with the second major QTL, being of 7.2%. The results obtained in this work indicate a polygenic inheritance for angular leaf spot resistance, and it is necessary to carry out new phenotypic experiments with repetitions in order to reduce the environmental effects and, thus, better isolate the genetic effects. / Mestrado / Genetica Vegetal e Melhoramento / Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular

Identificação de QTLs em soja associados à resistência ao nematoide-das-lesões-radiculares / QTL identification in soybean related to root lesion nematode

José Maurício Terasawa 26 February 2018 (has links)
Soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) é uma das mais importantes oleaginosas no mundo e sua relevância pode ser também mensurada pela extensão da sua produção no Brasil, onde representa quase a metade do total da área plantada com grãos. A importância da soja está também associada à multiplicidade de utilização do grão, como por exemplo, na alimentação humana e animal, na indústria química e na geração de energia como biodiesel. A produtividade da soja tem sido frequentemente impactada devido ao ataque de pragas e doenças. Dentre as espécies de fitonematoides, o nematoide-das-lesões-radiculares (Pratylenchus brachyurus Godfrey), tem gerado significativas perdas econômicas aos produtores, variando entre 30 a 50%, dependendo da infestação da cultura. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci), a partir de um conjunto de fenótipos associados à resistência ao nematoide-das-lesões-radiculares utilizando a abordagem de mapeamento multivariado. Uma população de 174 indivíduos F2, obtidos a partir do cruzamento entre duas linhagens de soja FTPG06A e FTPG12X (com baixo fator de reprodução do nematoide), foi utilizada para a obtenção dos valores genéticos preditos (BLUPs - Best Linear Unbiased Predictions) de cinco características estudadas e também para a genotipagem com o SoySNP6k Bead Chip. As características avaliadas foram: fator de reprodução (FR), peso fresco (PA) e comprimento (CA) da parte aérea, peso fresco (PR) e comprimento (CR) da raiz. Um total de 1.240 marcadores SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) foram mapeados nos 20 grupos de ligação (GLs) da soja. O comprimento total do mapa foi de 3.084,46 centiMorgans (cM), com intervalo médio de 2,54 cM entre marcadores adjacentes. A identificação de QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci) para os caracteres fenotípicos foi realizada utilizando-se o mapeamento de intervalos múltiplos univariado (MIM) e multivariado (MT-MIM), com estimativa dos efeitos principais dos QTLs e análises de epistasia envolvendo pares de QTLs. Na abordagem MIM foram identificados três QTLs associados à variável CR, nos GLs (Grupos de Ligação) A2 e E (2 QTLs), explicando um total de 34,22% da variação fenotípica dessa variável para a população em estudo. Na abordagem MT-MIM, foram selecionados dois conjuntos de variáveis, de acordo com a correlação entre as mesmas. Três regiões genômicas foram reveladas, sendo estatisticamente significativas para as variáveis CR, FR e CA. A comparação dos seis QTLs identificados no presente estudo com o banco de dados de QTLs do Soybase forneceu evidências de que cinco QTLs, ainda não foram descritos na literatura. Uma busca por sequências candidatas em duas regiões de interesse, associadas à variável FR, foi realizada, com base na plataforma de dados genômicos PlantGDB. Várias sequências candidatas indicam relação com mecanismos importantes na resposta das plantas a estresses bióticos. Dessa forma, os resultados obtidos no presente estudo forneceram informações para auxiliar na melhor compreensão da arquitetura genética dos caracteres quantitativos analisados. / Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is one of the most important oil crop worldwide and its relevance can also be measured by the extension of soybean grain production in Brazil, where it represents almost half of the total planting area with grains crops. Importance of soybean is also related to a multiplicity of usage of the grain, for example, in human consumption, animal feed, chemical industry and for energy generation as biofuel. Soybean yield has been frequently reduced by occurrence of pest and diseases. Among phytonematodes species, root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus brachyurus Godfrey) has caused significant economic losses to farmers, ranging from 30 to 50%, depending on crop infestation. This research aimed to identify QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci), from a set of phenotypes associated with resistance to root lesion nematode, using the multivariate multiple interval mapping. A mapping population of 174 F2 plants derived from a by-parental cross between two soybean breeding lines FTPG06A and FTPG12X (with low nematode reproduction factor), was used for prediction of genetic values (BLUPs - Best Linear Unbiased Predictions) for five traits studied and also for genotyping with SoySNP6k Bead Chip. Traits evaluated were reproduction factor (FR), shoot weight (PA), shoot length (CA), root weight (PR) and root length (CR). A total of 1,240 SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) markers were mapped into 20 soybean linkage groups (LG). A total map length was 3,084.46 centiMorgans (cM) with an average of 2.54 cM between flanking markers. QTL mapping for those traits was performed using univariate (MIM) and multivariate (MT-MIM) multiple-interval mapping, with main QTL effects estimates and epistasis analysis between QTL pairs. MIM analysis identified three QTLs associated to CR trait at LG A2 and LG E (2 QTL), explaining 34,22% of phenotypic variation estimated for this mapping population. For MT-MIM analysis, two sets of traits were selected, according to the correlation among them. Three genomic regions statistically significant for CR, FR and CA traits were identified. Comparison between six identified QTL and QTL database at Soybase provided evidence that five QTL have not been published yet. Search for candidate sequences located in two regions associated with FR trait were further performed on the PlantGDB genomic data platform. Several candidate sequences indicate relationships with important plant response mechanisms to biotic stresses. Thus, results obtained in the present study provided information to improve knowledge of the genetic architecture of the analyzed quantitative traits.

Identificação de QTLs em soja associados à resistência aos percevejos e a caracteres agronômicos utilizando a abordagem de mapeamento multivariado / QTL identification in soybean related to stink bug resistance and agronomic traits using the multivariate multiple interval mapping approach

Milene Möller 10 April 2017 (has links)
A soja é a cultura agrícola brasileira que mais se expandiu nas últimas três décadas. Atualmente é uma commodity comercializada em larga escala na forma de grão, farelo e óleo. Por ser uma importante fonte de proteína, possui papel fundamental na indústria alimentícia, tanto humana quanto animal. O monocultivo em extensas áreas tem ocasionado o aumento da vulnerabilidade da cultura a patógenos e insetos-praga, com consequências relevantes na produção dos grãos. Dentre tais insetos-praga, os percevejos fitófagos representam um dos grupos de maior relevância para a cultura, pois podem comprometer o rendimento, a qualidade e a sanidade dos grãos. As perdas no rendimento da cultura devido ao ataque por percevejos são superiores a 30%, e o comprometimento no valor germinativo das sementes pode ser superior a 50%. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci), a partir de um conjunto de fenótipos associados à resistência aos percevejos e a caracteres agronômicos, utilizando a abordagem de mapeamento multivariado. Uma população de 228 indivíduos F2, obtida a partir do cruzamento entre as cultivares IAC-100 e CD-215, foi utilizada para a obtenção dos dados genotípicos. Os caracteres agronômicos avaliados na geração F2:3 foram: número de dias para o florescimento (NDF), altura da planta no florescimento (APF), número de dias para a maturidade (NDM), altura da planta na maturidade (APM), acamamento (AC), valor agronômico (VA) e produtividade de grãos (PG). Oito caracteres associados à resistência aos percevejos foram avaliados: período de granação (PEG), retenção foliar (RF), número de vagens por planta (NVP), índice percentual de dano nas vagens (IPDV), número de sementes (NS), peso de cem sementes (PCS), peso de sementes boas (PSB) e peso de sementes manchadas (PSM). O mapa genético obtido, representando os 20 grupos de ligação (GLs) da soja, foi constituído por 417 marcadores SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), 61 SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat), 30 AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) e 8 marcadores TRAP (Target Region Amplification Polymorphism). A cobertura do genoma da soja foi de 2.814,82 centiMorgans (cM), com um intervalo médio de 5,46 cM entre marcadores adjacentes. A identificação de QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci) para os caracteres fenotípicos foi realizada utilizando-se o mapeamento de intervalos múltiplos univariado (MIM) e multivariado (MT-MIM), com estimativa dos efeitos principais dos QTLs. A abordagem MIM revelou um total de 60 QTLs, distribuídos por 13 GLs da soja, sendo 29 QTLs associados a caracteres de resistência aos percevejos e 31 QTLs relacionados a caracteres agronômicos. A percentagem da variação fenotípica explicada pelos QTLs (R2) variou de 14,27% para AC a 65,45% para NDM. Na abordagem MT-MIM, foram selecionados nove conjuntos de variáveis, de acordo com a correlação entre as mesmas. Foram reveladas 20 regiões genômicas distintas, com uma alta tendência de concentração de QTLs em posições similares. No geral, para a maioria das características, os valores marginais de R2 obtidos para os modelos MT-MIM foram superiores em relação aos modelos MIM, variando de 27,98% para APF a 65,30% para NDM. A abordagem MT-MIM permitiu a identificação de 13 novas posições genômicas, com efeito em pelo menos uma das variáveis analisadas, que não foram reveladas nos modelos MIM. Uma comparação com o banco de dados do Soybase forneceu evidências de que muitos QTLs, identificados nesta população em estudo, coincidem com QTLs descritos em outros backgrounds genéticos. No entanto, 56 QTLs identificados no presente estudo ainda não foram descritos na literatura. A maioria dos QTLs identificados explicam, individualmente, até 10% da variação fenotípica das características avaliadas. No entanto, QTLs presentes em oito novas regiões identificadas pela abordagem MT-MIM e oito novos QTLs identificados pela abordagem MIM contribuíram para explicar uma maior percentagem da variação dos fenótipos estudados. Esses QTLs devem ser melhor investigados considerando sua relevância para a seleção simultânea de características de interesse, permitindo uma maior eficiência de seleção e um maior ganho genético. Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo forneceram informações para auxiliar na melhor compreensão da arquitetura genética dos caracteres quantitativos analisados, bem como sobre a relação genética entre os mesmos. / Soybean is the Brazilian crop with the most expansion along the past three decades. Currently, it is a commodity commercialized in large scale as grain, bran and oil. Because it is an important source of protein, it plays a fundamental role in the food industry, both human and animal. Soybean monoculture in large areas has increased crop vulnerability to pathogens and insect pests, with significant consequences on grain production. Among such pest insects, stink bugs are considered a major pest of soybean crop, feeding directly on seeds, reducing yield and seed quality. Losses in crop yield due to stink bugs attack are greater than 30% and seed germination compromising can be greater than 50%. This study aimed to identify QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci), for stink bug resistance traits and agronomic traits using the multivariate multiple interval mapping. An F2 mapping population of 228 plants derived from a biparental cross between IAC-100 and CD-215 was used for genotyping. An F2:3 population was developed to evaluate eight stink bug resistant traits such as graining period, leaf retention, pod number per plant, percentage of pod damage, number of seeds, hundred seed weight, weight of healthy seeds and spotted seed weight. Other seven agronomic traits were evaluated such as number of days to flowering, plant height at flowering, number of days to maturity, plant height at maturity, lodging, agronomic value and grain yield. A total of 417 SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) markers, 61 SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat), 30 AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) and 8 TRAP (Target Region Amplification Polymorphism) markers were mapped into 20 soybean linkage groups. The total map length was 2,814.82 cM with an average of 5.46 cM between markers. QTL mapping for those traits was performed using univariate (MIM) and multivariate (MT-MIM) multiple interval mapping, with main QTL effects estimates. MIM analysis identified a total of 60 QTL, through 13 soybean linkage groups, with 29 QTL related to stink bug resistant traits and 31 QTL related to agronomic traits. Phenotypic variation explained by QTL ranged from 14.27% for lodging to 65.45% for number of days to maturity. The traits were divided into nine groups for MT-MIM analysis considering their correlation coefficient. Twenty different genomic regions were identified showing a very high QTL clustering. For most of the traits phenotypic variation estimates for MT-MIM models were higher than MIM models, ranging from 27.98% to 65.30% for plant height at flowering and number of days to maturity, respectively. MT-MIM analysis showed 13 genomic regions controlling at least one of the evaluated traits which were not identified at MIM analysis. Comparison between identified QTL and QTL database at Soybase demonstrated that some QTL were similar to those described in different genetic background. However, 56 QTL detected in the present study were described for the first time in literature. Most of the QTL identified explain, individually, less than 10% of phenotypic variation. However, eight genomic regions identified with MT-MIM analysis and eight QTL identified with MIM analysis explain a great amount of phenotypic variation. These QTL should be investigated considering their importance for simultaneous selection for a high genetic gain. Results obtained in the present study provided information for a better understand of genetics architecture underlying quantitative traits studied and the genetic relation among them.

Desenvolvimento da plataforma DART e mapeamento de locos associados com tolerância à seca em feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) / Development of DArT platform and quantitative trait loci identification associated to drought tolerance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Briñez Rodriguez, Boris, 1975- 06 June 2013 (has links)
Orientadores: Luciana Lasry Benchimol Reis, Matthew Ward Blair / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T08:28:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrinezRodriguez_Boris_D.pdf: 6826443 bytes, checksum: 0422d2a5e7a57388d0cc9defcf04a3f2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) é uma cultura importante economicamente tanto para o consumo nacional como para a exportação. A seca é um dos principais estresses abióticos em todo o mundo e afeta cerca de 60% da área de cultivo de feijão. O avanço nas tecnologias de marcadores moleculares oferecem poderosos métodos para examinar as relações entre as características, gerando um grande volume de informações potencialmente úteis para assessorar os programas de melhoramento. O presente projeto teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento da Plataforma DArT para feijão comum junto à empresa DArT Pty Ltd, e o mapeamento destes marcadores juntamente com microssatélites e SNPs na população AND 277 x SEA 5 proveniente do CIAT (Colômbia), a fim de localizar os QTLs associados à tolerância à seca. O genitor SEA 5 é uma linhagem avançada do BAT 477, é tolerante à seca e de origem Mesoamericano e o genitor AND 277 é um genótipo resistente à mancha angular e antracnose e de origem Andina. Um total de 4.468 marcadores DArTs, 288 marcadores SNPs e 180 marcadores microssatélites polimórficos foram identificados na população e utilizados na genotipagem para construir um mapa genético saturado. A fenotipagem das 105 linhagens endogâmicas recombinantes (RILs) na geração F8 mais os dois genitores foi realizada avaliando 18 características associadas à tolerância a seca utilizando um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições, aplicando um estresse terminal na fase vegetativa V3/V4. Dois mapas foram construídos, um integrando 80 SSR e 251 SNPs e outro com cinco SSR, 91 SNPs e 4.468 DArTs. A identificação dos QTLs foi realizada através da análise de mapeamento por intervalo composto (CIM) para o mapa SSR - SNPs e mapeamento de precisão (SML) para o mapa SSR-SNPs-DArT. Um total de 12 QTLs foram identificados para o tratamento não irrigado e 29 QTLs para o tratamento irrigado pela análise CIM. Para as análises SML, 23 QTLs foram identificados para o tratamento não irrigado e 11 QTLs para o irrigado. QTLs de maior efeito foram encontrados para clorofila, biomassa fresca do caule e da folha, Massa seco da folia, temperatura da folha, número de vagens, número de sementes, massa de sementes, dias para florescimento, massa seca das vagens e produtividade nos dois tratamentos. Todos os QTLs detectados sob condições de seca apresentaram o alelo do genitor SEA 5. Este estudo é importante para o melhoramento genético não só para entender melhor a herança genética de uma característica tão complexa como a tolerância à seca, bem como para encontrar ferramentas moleculares a serem utilizados para a seleção assistida por marcadores / Abstract: Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important food legume for consumption and for exportation. Drought is one of the main abiotic stresses in the world and affects about 60% of bean growing area across the world. The advance in technologies of molecular markers provide a powerful method to examine the relationships between traits, generating large amount of potentially useful information to assist the breeding programs. The objective of this project was the development of DArT platform for common beans with DArT Pty Ltd and the mapping of these markers with microsatellites and SNPs in the population AND 277 x SEA 5 from CIAT (Colombia), in order to locate the QTLs associated with drought tolerance. The SEA 5 parent is a drought tolerant advanced line (Mesoamerican) and the AND 277 is resistant to the angular leaf spot and antracnose (Andean). A total of 4.468 DArT markers, 288 SNP and 180 SSR polymorphic markers were identified in the population and used in genotyping to constructed a saturated genetic map. Phenotyping of 105 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) in F8 generation plus the genitors were performed evaluating 18 traits associated with drought tolerance using a completely randomized design with four replicates, applying terminal stress at vegetative phase V3/V4. Two maps were constructed, one integrating 80 SSR and 251 SNPs and another with five SSR, 91 SNPs and 4,468 DArTs. The identification of QTL analysis was performed by composite interval mapping (CIM) for the SSR - SNPs map and the precision mapping (SML) to map DArT-SSR-SNPs. A total of 12 QTLs were identified for the non-irrigated treatment and 29 QTLs for the irrigated treatment by CIM analysis. For SML analysis, 23 QTLs were identified for the non-irrigated and 11 QTLs for irrigated treatment. QTLs of major effect was found for chlorophyll, fresh biomass of stem and leaf dry weight, leaf temperature, number of pods, number of seeds, seed weight, days to flowering, dry weight of pods and yield in both treatments. All QTLs detected under dry conditions showed the allele of parent SEA 5. This study is important for genetic improvement not only to better understand the genetic inheritance of a trait as complex as drought tolerance, as well as to find molecular tools to be used for marker assisted selection / Doutorado / Genetica Vegetal e Melhoramento / Doutor em Genetica e Biologia Molecular

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