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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deskriptive Ergebnisse der Organisationsstudie "Arbeitsmarktpolitische Bildungsmaßnahmen in Österreich 2006"

Schedlberger, Markus, Schneider, Ulrike, Trukeschitz, Birgit, Irmer, Manon January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Series: Forschungsberichte / Institut für Sozialpolitik

What Determines the Quality of Job Training Services? A Multi-Level Analysis for Austria.

Trukeschitz, Birgit, Schneider, Ulrike January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Within the last few decades, the provision of social services was and still is changing in many ways: due to ideological changes and cost containment efforts, the public sector has been gradually withdrawing from his dual role as financier and provider of social services. The public sector now prefers acting as a financier rather than a provider. It purchases services on behalf of service users, while private sector organizations assume the responsibility for service provision. Recently, European rules for public procurement policies and the efforts to liberalize service markets have promoted changes in the funding relationship between public entities on the one hand and nonprofit or forprofit organisations on the other hand. Increasingly, in terms of instruments the public sector follows a contractual approach to managing its relationship with private and nonprofit organizations. Performance related forms of funding are becoming gradually more important whereas funding via grants is on the decline. Moreover, modes of public procurement are relying more heavily on competitive processes. (...) (author´s abstract) / Series: Working Papers / Institut für Sozialpolitik

Beschaffung von Dienstleistungen in der österreichischen Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Arbeitsmarktpolitische Bildungsmaßnahmen.

Schedlberger, Markus January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
(kein Abstract vorhanden) / Series: Working Papers / Institut für Sozialpolitik

Text Mining Supported Skill Monitoring - A Framework for Analyzing Job Announcements with Special Focus on Curriculum Planning and Spatial Applications

Ledermüller, Karl 18 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In our fast changing global village, the wealth of nations and the wealth of individuals are to some extent determined by a production factor which is called human capital. Nations are seen to be more competitive and therefore create a higher level of wealth if they have a better educated workforce. On an individual basis human capital, which is seen as ones skills and competencies, also define the success on the labor market. This success on the labor market generates individual wealth. The probability of an individual receiving a proper job is assumed to be higher, if the skills, competencies and signals of the employee reflect the skills, competencies and signals required at the job market. This dissertation wants to explore the required skills, competencies and signals by screening job announcements and analyze them via text mining techniques. (author's abstract) Part I chapter I gives an overview of relevant literature, which deals with the economic dimension of knowledge. Starting from the idea of the knowledge based economy the question: "What is useful knowledge?" is raised and discussed with the ideas of Mokyr (2005). These ideas form the framework of the heuristic model for job announcement based competence classification (see chapter: 2.5). This classification is the foundation of the first application of curricular investigation 8. To fill the framework with content, the historical development of the role of skills, competencies and signals is shortly discussed. Starting with the competence and skill dimension in the famous book "Wealth of Nations" from Smith (1868) the dissertation focuses on the 1960's where Schultz (1961) (re-) invented the idea of human capital and the importance of investing in this factor. Theodore W. Schultz received a nobel prize for his ideas. Additionally disparities and similarities according to the approaches of Bourdieu (2005) as a famous sociologist and nobel laureate Spence (1973) are disputed. Chapter 2 debates personal competence from an educational perspective. After discussing "What is educational quality" and "Who is interested in high quality education" it is argued, that employability seems to be important for all stakeholder groups. Basic concepts of employability skills and competencies are defined. Theory comparison in chapter 2.5 leads to a heuristic model for job announcement based competence classification. However, this model could be applied for different problems. Chapter 3 defines the role of the job announcements (and its contained skills and competencies) and critical assumptions which lie behind the analysis of job announcements. Part II explains the used methodology by explaining how the data were harvested from the internet (chapter 4). Data were pre- and post processed (chapter 5) and job announcements were connected with their regional origin (chapter 7). Part III shows two possible applications. The first application is a text mining based context analysis of financial related job announcements to help finding strategies to support curriculum planning focused on employability (see chapter 8). The second application shows (regional) credential inflation effects based on the core/periphery model of Krugman (1991) which are seen as an "adverse reaction" of the knowledge based economy idea (see chapter 9). (author's abstract)

Dependent Forms of Self-employment in the UK. Identifying Workers on the Border between Employment and Self-Employment.

Böheim, Rene, Muehlberger, Ulrike January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
We analyse the characteristics of workers who provide work on the basis of a civil or commercial contract, but who are dependent on or integrated into the firm for which they work. We argue that these dependent self-employed lose their rights under labour law, receive less favourable benefits from social security protection and are often beyond trade union representation and collective bargaining. Using data from the British Labour Force Survey we test two hypotheses: (1) Dependent self-employed workers are significantly different from both employees and (independent) self-employed individuals, thus forming a distinct group. (2) Dependent selfemployed workers have lower labour market skills, less labour market attachment and, thus, less autonomy than self-employed workers. The data support our hypothesis that dependent selfemployed workers are a distinct labour market group which differs from both employees and independent self-employed individuals. Men, older workers, those with low education and a low job tenure have greater odds of working in dependent self-employment than their counterparts. Our results suggest that dependent forms of self-employment are used by firms to increase labour flexibility. (author's abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series

Konzepte zur Erfassung der Beschäftigungs- und Dienstleistungsqualität im sozial- und arbeitsmarktpolitischen Bereich

Irmer, Manon, Szlezak, Katharina January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
(kein Abstract vorhanden) / Series: Working Papers / Institut für Sozialpolitik

Using Non-technological Factors to Explain Changes in Unemployment

Reiss, Lukas 06 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The main research question of this dissertation is whether factors other than labor productivity can help to explain short-run fluctuations and medium-run trends in unemployment in Austria respectively Western Continental Europe. In the part on analyzing short-term-fluctuations I will set up a New Keynesian DSGE model with a richly specified labor market. This model will be used to compare how different labor market specifications fit to Austrian quarterly data. Most importantly, the Bayesian model comparison indicates an important role for nominal wage rigidities and for a timely response of employment to changes in vacancies. Furthermore, models with consensual determination of working hours ('efficient bargaining') tend to perform relatively well. The best model can reproduce the relative volatility of labor market tightness compared to labor productivity comparatively well. Moreover, shock decompositions show that fluctuations in Austrian labor market tightness are mainly driven by demand shocks and to a much smaller extent by productivity shocks. In the part on explaining medium-term-trends in unemployment I will set up a theoretical model and demonstrate that certain stylized facts can also be generated by an increase in international trade (and not only by skill-biased technological change). Furthermore I will show that a differential response of different industrial economies ('US' versus 'Continental Europe') might be due to characteristics of sectors which are not directly exposed to globalization.

Essays on Labor Economics, Dynamic Decision Making and the Role of Gender

Ilieva, Boryana Antonova 04 April 2024 (has links)
Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Heterogenität der Arbeitsmarktresultate über den Lebenszyklus und über die Geschlechter hinweg. Die Dissertation besteht aus drei unabhängigen Forschungsarbeiten (Kapitel 2-4), die sich auf komplementäre Aspekte der übergeordneten Forschungsfrage konzentrieren: Wie bestimmen Erwerbsentscheidungen das Einkommen und welche Rolle spielt die Geschlechtskomponente? Kapitel 1 führt in das Thema Lohn- und Geschlechtergefälle ein und wie diese mit Erwerbsentscheidungen zusammenhängen. Kapitel 2 analysiert Daten des Deutschen Sozio-oekonomischen Panels und der Innovationsstichprobe des Panels und untersucht die Rolle von verzerrten Erwartungen. Es setzt falsche Vorstellungen über die Arbeitsmarktvergütung von Teilzeitarbeitsjahren mit der Neigung von Frauen zur Teilnahme an Teilzeitbeschäftigung und den daraus resultierenden Einkommensverlusten aus der Beschäftigung in Beziehung. Kapitel 3 fügt die Dimension der Karriereentwicklung hinzu. Es zeigt auf, dass Arbeitserfahrung in Teilzeitbeschäftigung im Vergleich zu Vollzeitbeschäftigung mit geringeren Aufstiegsschancen einhergeht, und dass Beförderungen wichtige Quellen für Lohnsteigerungen sind. Zusammengenommen zeigt die Analyse, dass geringere Löhne durch Teilzeiterfahrung zwei Hauptkomponenten haben – einen erschwerten Karriereaufstieg in höher bezahlte Karrierestufen und ein stagnierendes Lohnwachstum unabhängig von der Karrierestufe. Das letzte Kapitel ergänzt die Diskussion über Lösungen für eine seit langem bestehende Herausforderung in der empirischen Arbeitsökonomie - die Selektionsverzerrung bei Löhnen. Es steuert einen neuartigen nicht-parametrischen Schätzer der von Selektionseffekten bereinigten kumulativen Verteilungslohnfunktion bei. In diesem Kapitel wird anhand von administrativen Daten aus Deutschland gezeigt, wie der Schätzer zur Schätzung einer selektionskorrigierten Verteilung der geschlechtsspezifischen Lohnunterschiede eingesetzt werden kann. / The topic of this thesis is the heterogeneity in labor market outcomes over the life cycle and across gender. The thesis comprises three independent research papers (Chapters 2-4), which focus on complementary aspects of the overreaching research question: how do employment choices determine earnings, and what role does the gender component play? Chapter 1 introduces the topic of wage and gender gaps and how these stand related to employment choices. Chapter 2 analyzes data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and the Panel's Innovation Sample and investigates the role of biases in beliefs. It relates misperceptions about the labor market remuneration of years spent working part-time to the women's propensity to engage in part-time employment and the consequent earnings losses. Chapter 3 adds the dimension of career development. It posits that part-time penalties in experience accumulation decrease the chances of being promoted and that promotions are important sources of wage growth. In sum, the analysis shows that part-time wage penalties have two key components - hampered career progression to higher-paying career levels and stagnating wage growth regardless of career level. The final chapter adds to the discussion on solutions to a longstanding challenge in empirical labor economics posed by the selection bias in wages observed by econometricians. It contributes a novel non-parametric estimator of the selection-free cumulative distribution wage function. This chapter leverages administrative data records from Germany to show how the estimator can be applied in estimating a selection-corrected distribution of gender wage gaps.

Three Essays on Labour and Political Economics

Bruns, Benjamin 15 June 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation setzt sich aus drei Aufsätzen zusammen: zwei im Bereich der Arbeitsmarktökonomie und einer im Bereich der politischen Ökonomie. Der erste Aufsatz untersucht die Rolle der zunehmenden Firmenheterogenität für die Stagnation des Gender Wage Gaps auf dem westdeutschen Arbeitsmarkt in den 1990er und 2000er Jahren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die steigende Firmenheterogenität während dieses Zeitraums einen Rückgang des Gender Wage Gaps um 15% bzw. 3,6 Log-Prozentpunkte verhindert hat. Darüber hinaus zeigen die Analysen, dass eine zunehmende Lohnflexibilisierung, bedingt durch einen Rückgang der Tarifbindung und wachsende Dezentralisierungs- und Flexibilisierungstendenzen innerhalb der vorhandenen Tarifbindungsregime, den Anstieg der Lohnungleichheit zwischen Betrieben und folglich die Lohnungleichheit zwischen Männern und Frauen verstärkt hat. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht die Auswirkungen des Anfang der 1990er Jahre von Flüchtlingsmigranten verursachten, plötzlichen Anstiegs des Arbeitskräfteangebots auf Löhne und Beschäftigung der einheimischen Arbeitnehmer. Die empirischen Analysen zeigen, dass ein 1%iger Zuwachs in der Beschäftigung von Migranten mit einer Reduzierung des lokalen Lohn- und Beschäftigungswachstums in den betroffenen Regionen um durchschnittlich etwa 0,68 bzw. 1,13% einhergeht; auf längere Sicht zeigen sich indes keine negativen Auswirkungen. Zwei Drittel des lokalen Beschäftigungsrückgangs werden durch entsprechende Beschäftigungsgewinne in solchen Regionen kompensiert, die von der Flüchtlingszuwanderung nicht betroffen sind. Die Unterschiede zwischen kurz- und langfristigen Konsequenzen sowie die Umverteilung der Beschäftigung zwischen Regionen sind für die politische Evaluation der Vor- und Nachteile von Migration von Bedeutung. Der dritte Aufsatz untersucht, ob die Parteienlandschaft im Gemeinderat einen Effekt auf die Struktur von Gemeindezusammenlegungen hat, indem sie die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Wiederwahl und folglich des Machterhalts der im Amt befindlichen politischen Entscheidungsträger beeinflusst. Die empirischen Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Parteienstruktur für die Realisierung von Gemeindezusammenlegungen von Bedeutung ist. / This dissertation is composed of three essays: two in the field of labour economics and one in political economics. The first essay studies the role of growing workplace heterogeneity for the stagnation of the gender pay gap on the West German labour market during the 1990s and 2000s. The analysis shows that the expansion of workplace-specific wage premiums over that time period prevented the gender wage gap from narrowing by around 15% or 3.6 log points. This effect is not driven by a relocation of men and women across high and low wage firms, but is entirely attributable to a widening in the distribution of wage premiums. The study further shows that rising wage flexibilisation, facilitated by deunionisation and decentralisation tendencies within unions, has led to higher rent-sharing elasticities, and thereby catalysed the role of workplace heterogeneity for overall inequality and the wage gap between genders. The second essay investigates the impact of a refugee-driven labour supply shock on native wages and employment. By exploiting a large and unexpected refugee wave hitting the West German labour market between 1988 and 1993, the analysis shows that an increase in local immigrant employment by 1% reduces native wages and employment by about 0.68 and 1.13%, respectively; in the longer perspective, however, these negative effects disappear. The study also shows that about two-thirds of the local employment decline is compensated by corresponding employment gains in regions not affected by immigration. Both findings—the difference between short and long run effects and the redistribution of native employment across regions — are important for the political evaluation of immigration. The third essay investigates the political determinants of municipality amalgamations. By exploiting a boundary reform in the state of Brandenburg, which reduced the number of municipalities by about 70%, the study asks whether party representation in the town council influences the structure of municipality mergers by affecting the political decision makers’ probability to remain in power. The empirical estimates suggest that political representation matters for the structure of mergers that materialise.

Spatial dependence in German labor markets

Lottmann, Franziska 16 July 2013 (has links)
Diese Dissertation umfasst drei empirische Analysen regionaler Arbeitsmärkte in Deutschland. Wir wenden dabei Methoden der räumlichen Ökonometrie auf regionale Arbeitsmarktdaten an, um der räumlichen Struktur von Arbeitsmarktaktivitäten Rechnung zu tragen. In der ersten Analyse schlagen wir ein räumliches Paneldatenmodell zur Untersuchung deutscher Matchingfunktionen vor. Mit Hilfe dieses Modells sollen verzerrte und ineffiziente Koeffizientenschätzungen aufgrund räumlicher Abhängigkeiten vermieden werden. Wir zeigen, dass das Vernachlässigen der räumlichen Struktur zu nach oben verzerrten Matchingkoeffizienten führt. Das Ziel der zweiten Untersuchung ist es, Bestimmungsfaktoren für regionale Unterschiede in Arbeitslosigkeit zu identifizieren. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein räumlich und zeitlich dynamisches Paneldatenmodell am besten für diese Fragestellung geeignet ist. Zudem zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass die regionalen Unterschiede in der deutschen Arbeitslosigkeit einen Ungleichgewichtszustand darstellen. Diese Erkenntnis kann als Argument für politische Interventionen dienen. In der letzten Analyse wenden wir uns der räumlichen Gewichtungsmatrix zu, der eine zentrale Bedeutung in räumlichen Modellen zukommt. Auf Basis einer empirischen Analyse wollen wir die Definition von räumlichen Gewichten untersuchen und ermitteln Faktoren, die die räumlichen Abhängigkeiten auf Arbeitsmärkten bestimmen. Dabei untersuchen wir sowohl unterschiedliche Dimensionen ökonomischer als auch geographische Distanzen als Wirkungskanal räumlicher Abhängigkeit. Für die Entscheidung, welche dieser Distanzdimensionen einen Einfluss auf die räumlichen Relationen hat, verwenden wir ein räumlich-autoregressives Modell höherer Ordnung. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass geographische Distanz alleine nicht ausreicht, um die räumlichen Interdependenzen zwischen regionalen Arbeitsmärkten zu erklären, sondern auch Dimensionen ökonomischer Distanz einen signifikanten Erklärgehalt haben. / In this dissertation, we present different empirical analyses of regional labor markets in Germany. To account for the spatial structure of labor market activities, we apply spatial econometric methods to regional labor market data. In the first analysis, we propose a spatial panel model for German matching functions to avoid possibly biased and inefficient estimates due to spatial dependence. Based on an official data set, we show that neglecting spatial dependencies in the data results in upward-biased coefficients. Furthermore, our results suggest that a dynamic modeling is more appropriate for matching functions than a static approach. In the second analysis, we study determinants for regional differences in unemployment rates. We specify a spatial panel model to avoid biased and inefficient estimates due to spatial dependence. The study covers the whole of Germany as well as East and West Germany separately. Our results suggest that a spatial dynamic panel model is the best model for this analysis. Moreover, we find that German regional unemployment is of disequilibrium nature, which justifies political interventions. Finally, we study the spatial weights matrix which is the key component in spatial econometric models. We investigate empirically the issue of defining spatial weights in labor market applications and propose factors driving spatial dependence in regional labor markets. In addition to geographic distance, we consider different dimensions of economic distance as transmission channel of spatial dependence. To decide which factors influence spatial dependence in labor markets, we apply a higher-order spatial autoregressive model to data on regional labor markets in Germany. Our results suggest that geographic distance does not capture the spatial dependence between regional labor markets sufficiently but economic distance needs to be considered as well.

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