Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cualitative study."" "subject:"4qualitative study.""
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Patienters upplevelse av kontinuitet, delaktighet och tillit i sin cancervård : en kvalitativ studieKlingvall, Linda, Zander, Isabelle January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hur personer med diagnostiserad cancersjukdom upplever kontinuitet, delaktighet och tillit i samband med vård och behandling. Metod: En kvalitativ studiedesign användes och bekvämlighetsurval användes som urvalstyp. I urvalet ingick patienter diagnostiserade med cancersjukdom behandlade vid en onkologisk dagvårdsavdelning eller en onkologisk vårdavdelning. Inklusionskriterier var att patienten talade svenska flytande och var över 18 år. Patienter i livets slutskede samt med sjukdom som innebar en kognitiv nedsättning exkluderades. Åtta deltagare inkluderades och medgav sitt deltagande, fyra var kvinnor och fyra var män. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Resultat: Huvudresultatet visade att respondenternas övergripande upplevelse av vården var positiv och upplevde det som viktigt att ha en specifik plats eller person att kunna vända sig till och ha kontakt med. En bristande kontinuitet identifierades, en konsekvens av detta blev att den upplevda delaktigheten och tryggheten minskade. Slutsats: Begreppen delaktighet, kontinuitet och tillit verkar ha betydelse för varandra. Om något av begreppen brister kan patienten uppleva otrygghet i sin vård. Det är därför viktigt för sjukvårdspersonalen att tillgodose behoven av delaktighet, kontinuitet och tillit i cancervården. / Aim: The aim was to explore how people diagnosed with cancer experience continuity, participation and trust during care and treatment. Method: A qualitative design was used and sample of convenience was used. Patients diagnosed with cancer and treated at an oncology daycare center or at a oncology care ward were the sample of study. To be included the patients was to speak Swedish fluently and be at least 18 years old. Patients in the end of life care and with disease which meant a cognitive reduction were excluded. Eight patients were included in the study, four women and four men. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with these eight participants. Result: The main result showed that the responders experience overall were positive and they thought it to be very significant to have a specific place or person to contact. A lack of continuity was identified and one the consequence of this was that the experience of participation and security decreased. Conclusion: Participation, continuity and trust seems to affect each other. If one construct is lacking the patient can experience insecurity. This is why it is important for caregivers to meet the needs of participations, continuity and trust in the care.
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The effects of immigration and resettlement on the mental health of South-Asian communities in MelbourneMunib, Ahmed Mujibur Rahman Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
This research explores the relationship between immigration experiences and psychological well-being within the Indian and Bangladeshi communities in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. The researcher conducted individual in-depth interviews with thirty-eight adult Australian permanent residents/citizens born in India and Bangladesh with the aim of examining personal post-migration accounts of adjustment, acculturation and coping in a foreign society and the effect on their mental health. Through qualitative analysis, the personal experiences and stories of South-Asian migrants and the psychological consequences of resettlement in Australia are explored. The study investigated coping strategies and psychosocial protective mechanisms and explored factors relevant to both successful and unsuccessful resettlement, and their relationship to psychological well-being. The results indicated that social and emotional disconnection, isolation and alienation, lack of recognition of professional skills, experiences of racism and discrimination, cultural incongruity, feelings of cultural uprooting and inadequate English language competency, all may contribute to psychological distress, difficulties in adjustment to life in Australia and in some cases, repatriation to the country of origin.
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Inflytande och delaktighet : Allt handlar om mötenAscard-Erlandsson, Lisa, Tuormaa, Liina January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats är ett examensarbete på 15 hp och behandlar hur förskollärare och barn, på en förskola, upplever barns inflytande och delaktighet i verksamheten. Studiens syfte är att få en inblick i och förståelse för hur förskollärare och barn upplever barns inflytande och delaktighet, på en förskola. Vi vill även undersöka förhållandet mellan deras upplevelser. Studien har gjorts med en kvalitativ forskningsansats och empiri har samlats in via intervjuer och fokusgrupper. Vår text är skriven utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv med en filosofisk hållning inspirerad av Reggio Emilia filosofin. I resultatet framkom det att förskollärarna upplevde olika påverkansfaktorer för barns inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan. Barnen i studien upplevde sig nöjda med hur mycket de fick bestämma. I resultatet vid jämförandet av gruppernas upplevelser såg vi en likhet i att både förskollärarna och barnen menade att olika mötesplatser har en central roll gällande barns inflytande och delaktighet. Förskollärarna var dock oroade över att barnen inte ges samma möjlighet till inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan. Vårt resultat visar att barnen inte reflekterat över detta.
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Shopping on social media: : A qualitative study to explore Chinese consumers’ purchasing experience on WeChatGu, Lingtao, Mu, Feiyan January 2018 (has links)
WeChat is a widely used multi-functional social media platform in China. The increasing number of WeChat users provides new possibilities and challenges for company marketing strategy. We draw literature from word-of-mouth (WOM) and e-service quality (e-SQ). Qualitive study approach was conducted, and ten interviews done with Chinese consumers with shopping experience on WeChat. This thesis aims to explore the purchasing experience of Chinese consumers on WeChat, and specifically we want to understand how do WOM/ eWOM influences Chinese consumers on their shopping experience on WeChat, and what aspect of the e-SQ may affect Chinese consumers’ shopping experience on WeChat. The results reveal that in the brand awareness period, people are more likely to be influenced by WOM to notice products or services. Furthermore, offline WOM has more influential persuading power than online WOM. In terms of e-service quality, the professionalism and convenience of website design is the foundation of consumer purchase. Fulfillment and security perform quite well on WeChat according to our research findings. At the same time, consumers on WeChat are inclined to buy products with less need of customer service.
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Dansens påverkan på den psykiska hälsan hos individer med Parkinsons sjukdom / How dance activity affects the mental health in individuals with Parkinson’s diseaseGyrling, Therese, Ljunggren, Magnus January 2018 (has links)
I Sverige beräknas ca 18000-20000 individerha Parkinsons sjukdom (PS) och de flesta som drabbas är över 65 år. PS associeras med motoriska och icke-motoriska symtom som alla påverkar livskvaliteten hos de drabbade. För att minska psykisk ohälsa och öka livskvaliteten behöver man identifiera alternativa, ej farmakologiska behandlingar vid PS samt förebygga depression. Syftet var att undersöka hur dans påverkar den psykiska hälsan hos individer med PS. Kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer användes. Tio informanter med variation i hur länge de har haft sjukdomen, ålder och kön intervjuades. Resultatet visar att dansen gav individerna glädje, gjorde att de kände sig som en del av något större och gav dem ökad självkänsla. Studien visar på dansens betydelse för den psykiska hälsan hos individer med PS. Det är viktigt att undersöka alternativa behandlingsmetoder vid PS för att minska den psykiska ohälsan, läkemedelsanvändningen samt öka livskvaliteten. / In Sweden, approximately 18000-20000 individuals are expected to have Parkinson's disease (PD) and the individuals affected are mostly over 65 years old. PS is associated with motor and non-motor symptoms that all affects the quality of life of the individuals. In order to reduce mental illness and increase quality of life, alternative, non-pharmacological treatments of PD, and prevention of depression need to be identified. The aim of the study was to investigate how dance affects the mental health of people with PD. Qualitative method and semi-structured interviews was used. Ten informants with variation of how long they have had the disease, age and gender were interviewed. The result shows that the dance gave the individuals joy, made them feel part of something bigger and gave them greater self-esteem. The study shows the importance of dance for the life situation and mental health of people with PD. It is important to investigate alternative treatment methods in PD to reduce mental illness, drug use and increase quality of life.
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Perceived Impacts of Volunteer Tourism in Favela Communities of Rio de Janeiro, BrazilJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: This phenomenological qualitative study examines the experiences of volunteer tourism on host communities using social representations theory. The experiences of three stakeholder-groups (community residents, volunteers, and nongovernmental organizations) are considered. Overall objectives of this project are to investigate the following questions: a) what are the effects of volunteer tourism on a community as perceived by different stakeholders; b) what effects do volunteer tourists have on the community compared to other forms of tourism as perceived by different stakeholders; c) how do the various stakeholders perceive the different forms of tourism in communities in which they live or work; and d) why and how do nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) use volunteer tourism as a strategy for their projects. This study attempts to describe and interpret these meanings with a high degree of depth and richness using interviews, observation, and document analysis. Each chapter is written as a stand-alone paper to be published in a journal and describes the perspectives of the three groups interviewed with the final chapter a summary and comparison from all three groups. Findings show that there are both positive and negative impacts of volunteer tourism in favela communities, with the majority of the three groups expressing its positives and its importance to the community. All groups mentioned similar positive and negative elements of volunteer tourism with some elements that were unique to each group. This study also attempted to compare and contrast the differences between volunteer tourism and favela tours. The findings show that volunteer tourism helps recreate the social representations of the favela thereby improving self-esteem in the community, helps breakdown preconceptions, and helps create community pride. The community feels as equals with the volunteers and describes the interactions as friendships, sharing cultural experiences, and exchanging of knowledge. Conversely, all three groups described favela tours as dehumanizing using words like `safari tour' or `zoo tour' and felt that their community was being sold as a commodity. However, the interviews showed that all three groups, although had strong opinions about the ethical implications of favela tours, still felt conflicted when comparing it with some of the potential social and economic benefits that it may bring. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Community Resources and Development 2013
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Händelser av betydelse för övergång till palliativ vård för patienter med hjärtsvikt : En intervjustudie med Critical Incident TechniqueChavda, Poonam, Ingvarsson, Agneta January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: I Sverige har cirka 200 000 personer hjärtsvikt. Sjukdomen kan vara kronisk, komplex och innebär en livslång behandling. Det är en allvarlig sjukdom där cirka 50 % med svår hjärtsvikt dör inom ett år. Det finns inga klara riktlinjer när transition till palliativ vård för patienter med hjärtsvikt sker. Syfte: Syftet var att identifiera erfarenheter som sjuksköterskor ansåg vara av betydelse för att initiera palliativ vård för patienter med hjärtsvikt, samt vilka åtgärder som därefter vidtogs. Metod: En kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats valdes. Totalt genomfördes 15 ostrukturerade intervjuer, alla intervjuer analyserades utifrån Critical Incident Technique. Resultat: Det framkom att ett allmänt försämrat hälsotillstånd var erfarenheter som sjuksköterskan ansåg vara av betydelse för transition till palliativ vård. I resultatet framkom även att åtgärder som vidtogs ledde till att vården blev mer palliativt inriktad. Slutsats: Att identifiera patienter med hjärtsvikt som var i behov av palliativ vård var viktigt men svårt och krävde kunskap. Det finns behov av att utarbeta hjälpmedel och verktyg för att underlätta identifieringen till palliativ vård, eftersom det leder till att vården blir mer personcentrerad och behandlingsstrategin förändras. / Abstract Background: In Sweden, approximately 200,000 people have heart failure. Heart failure can be chronic, complex and involves lifelong treatment. It is a serious disease in which about 50% with severe heart failure die within a year. There are no clear guidelines when transition to palliative care for patients with heart failure occurs. Objective: The purpose was to identify experiences that nurses considered to be important for initiating palliative care for patients with heart failure, and what actions thereafter were taken. Methods: A qualitative design with inductive approach was chosen for this study. A total of 15 unstructured interviews were conducted and analyzed on the basis of the Critical Incident Technique. Results: The result was divided into two parts. It was found that a generally deteriorated health were experiences that the nurse considered to be of importance for transition to palliative care. In the results it emerged that measures that was taken led to more oriented palliative care for the patients. Conclusion: To identify patients with heart failure who were in need of palliative care was important but difficult and required knowledge. There is a need to develop aids and tools to facilitate identification for palliative care, as it causes care to be more person-centered and the treatment strategy changes.
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O processo de amamentação e suas implicações na vida da mãe adolescente / The breastfeeding process and its implications in the life of the teenage motherCaroline Cândido Garcia Leal 22 December 2017 (has links)
A amamentação possui vários benefícios para a saúde da criança, mulher-mãe, família, sociedade e planeta, se constituindo em uma prática importante. Entretanto, recebe influências sociais, culturais e econômicas que resultam das condições concretas em que a mulher-mãe-nutriz vive e que, na situação especial de ser adolescente, pode resultar no desmame. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral compreender a vivência de amamentação de um grupo de mães adolescentes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa com utilização do método photovoice, desenvolvida junto a um grupo de 12 mães adolescentes que compareceram, em consulta puerperal e ou de puericultura, à rede de atenção primária à saúde do município de Ribeirão Preto - SP. Com a aprovação do Comitê de Pesquisa local (CAAE: 50437515.2.0000.5393), a coleta de dados foi desenvolvida entre março de 2016 e fevereiro de 2017. Os dados foram coletados, em grande parte, no domicílio das mães adolescentes, por meio de duas entrevistas (uma estruturada, para caracterização das participantes e outra não estruturada, para investigação da vivência em amamentação) e uma sessão de grupo focal. Os dados foram transcritos e analisados, de acordo com a análise temática indutiva, sob o referencial teórico da Psicologia sócio-histórica de Vygotski. Os resultados foram descritos e analisados em torno de três temas: Construindo sua história em amamentação; Revelando singularidades do cotidiano da amamentação das mães adolescentes; Saberes e práticas construídos pelas mães adolescentes. O cotidiano de amamentação das mães adolescentes é fortemente influenciado pelo apoio de seu meio familiar e social que pode se constituir em fator facilitador ou dificultador da amamentação. A mãe da adolescente é a pessoa mais influente na iniciação e manutenção da amamentação, seguida do pai do bebê, parentes e profissionais de saúde, que ora apoiam ora desestimulam essa prática. Também vivenciam a solidão e/ou desamparo e até o abandono por parte da família ou do meio social. Somam-se as responsabilidades dos afazeres domésticos e dos cuidados com o filho, as dificuldades de permanência na escola e de trabalho fora do lar e a conciliação com a amamentação. O aleitamento materno influencia em necessidades de lazer, sono e repouso. Por outro lado, a satisfação das necessidades de conforto e de higiene e fatores como a calma, paciência e persistência em amamentar facilitaram o cotidiano em amamentação da mãe adolescente. Seus saberes e práticas em amamentação são construídos por meio da observação de mulheres de sua convivência, de experiências anteriores e de informações dos profissionais de saúde, que ora incentivam, ora desestimulam a amamentação. Essa construção está pautada na perspectiva biológica da amamentação. As mães apresentam preocupação com a estética mamária e absorvem as crenças, tradições e o modo de vida de suas culturas familiar e social. Consideramos a necessidade de o enfermeiro dar vez e voz às diversas faces que permeiam o contexto de vida individual, familiar e social das adolescentes, por meio de uma atitude de escuta acolhedora para a construção de vínculo de confiança em toda e qualquer oportunidade de contato com elas, a fim de favorecer a amamentação / Breastfeeding has several health benefits for child and mother, family, society and planet, being an important practice. However, it receives social, cultural and economic influences that result from the concrete conditions in which the woman-mother-nursing mother lives; and regarding the special situation of being an adolescent, it can result in weaning. This study aimed to understand the experience of breastfeeding in a group of teenage mothers. This is a photovoice qualitative research developed with a group of 12 teenage mothers, who attended the puerperal appointment and/or the childcare visits at the primary health care network in the city of Ribeirão Preto-SP. After the approval of the Ethics Research Committee (CAAE: 50437515.2.0000.5393), the data collection was performed from March 2016 to February 2017. Data were collected largely in the teenage mothers\' home, through two interviews (one structured to characterize the participants and the other unstructured to investigate the experience of breastfeeding) and a focus group session. Data were transcribed and analyzed according to the thematic inductive analysis, using as theoretical reference the socio-historical Psychology of Vygotsky. The results were described and analyzed around three themes: Building a breastfeeding history; Revealing singularities of the breastfeeding routine of teenage mothers; Knowledge and practices built by teenage mothers. The breastfeeding routine of teenage mothers is strongly influenced by the support of their family and social environment, which can be a facilitating or difficult factor for breastfeeding. The mother of the teenage mother is the most influential person in the initiation and maintenance of breastfeeding, followed by the baby\'s father, relatives and health professionals, who can encourage or discourage this practice. They also experience loneliness and/or helplessness and even abandonment by the family or the social environment. The responsibilities of household chores and childcare, difficulties in staying at school and of working outside home and its reconciliation with breastfeeding are faced in this situation. Breastfeeding influences leisure, sleep and rest needs. On the other hand, the satisfaction of the needs of comfort and hygiene and factors such as calmness, patience and persistence in breastfeeding facilitated the breastfeeding routine of the teenage mother. Their knowledge and practices in breastfeeding are built through the observation of women from their coexistence, previous experiences and information from health professionals, who can encourage or discourage breastfeeding. It is necessary for nurses to give voice to the various faces that permeate the individual, family and social life context of adolescents, through a welcoming listening attitude to build a bond of trust in any opportunity to contact them to encourage breastfeeding
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Trajetória dos maus-tratos infantis: um estudo na perspectiva da psicopatologia do desenvolvimento / Trajectory of child abuse: a study on Development Psychopathology perspectiveLilian Paula Degobbi Bergamo 22 December 2011 (has links)
Bérgamo, L. P. D. (2011). Trajetória dos maus-tratos infantis: um estudo na perspectiva da Psicopatologia do Desenvolvimento. Tese de Doutorado, Departamento de Psicologia e Educação, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto - SP. Esta pesquisa teve por objeto de estudo o fenômeno dos maus-tratos contra crianças, norteando-se pela hipótese da existência de uma trajetória dessa problemática, caracterizada por sua continuidade no tempo, baseando-se numa articulação entre fase desenvolvimental - tipo de maltrato - tipo de consequência para a criança. Adotou-se como referencial a Psicopatologia Desenvolvimental, onde fenômeno ocorreria por problemas no sistema cuidador(es)-criançaambiente, associados a fatores de risco nos contextos \"desenvolvimental\" (características do cuidador e da criança), \"interacional\" (características da relação cuidador-criança e na família) e o \"mais amplo\" (características do entorno e percepção do apoio social). O objetivo geral foi verificar a existência de uma trajetória dos maus-tratos, buscando compreender sua constituição e manutenção no tempo. Especificamente, objetivou-se conhecer como os maustratos se manifestam em diferentes fases do desenvolvimento infantil e identificar as variáveis associadas, funcionando como risco ou proteção, nos três contextos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, com delineamento transversal. Três grupos de participantes/mães foram constituídos, cujos casos foram notificados aos Conselhos Tutelares de Ribeirão Preto/SP, considerando as seguintes faixas etárias: 0-3, 4-6 ou 7-11 anos. Realizou-se um levantamento nos prontuários dos Conselhos, seguindo o critério de amostragem utilizado em estudos de casos múltiplos. Na coleta de dados, utilizou-se: (a) Questionário de Caracterização Sócio-Demográfica, visando caracterizar o cuidador, a criança, a família e o contexto em que se encontram; (b) Roteiros de Entrevista sobre o Desenvolvimento Infantil e da Interação Cuidador-Criança, visando informações sobre o desenvolvimento infantil, a interação mãe-criança e as práticas parentais adotadas, assim como sobre as situações de maus-tratos; (c) Child Behavior Checklist - CBCL, visando a obtenção de dados sobre o comportamento da criança. Referente à análise dos dados, o conjunto de informações concernente a cada caso foi estudado e analisado, observandose padrões de repetição no interior de cada um, de modo a compreender sua dinâmica e, dentro disso, os maus-tratos. Numa segunda etapa, procedeu-se à comparação dos \"casos\", visualizandose convergências e divergências, possibilitando a constituição de três agrupamentos, por meio dos quais chegou-se a diferentes categorias analíticas sobre o fenômeno. Uma das categorias descreve uma Trajetória persistente de dificuldades no sistema mãe-criança-ambiente - maustratos recorrentes, refletindo a continuidade dos maus-tratos no tempo e dos elementos associados à sua manutenção. Nesse sentido, encontrou-se fatores de risco estáveis nos três contextos analisados, além das crianças apresentarem problemas comportamentais significativos. A outra categoria a que se chegou é Dificuldades no sistema mãe-criança-ambiente condicionadas a determinadas circunstâncias / circunscritas no tempo - maus-tratos ocasionais, na qual os maus-tratos se manifestam devido a fatores no contexto interacional, além das crianças apresentarem alguns problemas comportamentais, geralmente internalizantes. A última categoria - Ausência de dificuldades significativas no sistema mãe-criançaambiente - ausência de maus-tratos - sintetiza as características de um grupo no qual não se identificou fatores de risco específicos, mas sim, diversos fatores de proteção. Assim, podese dizer que a hipótese estabelecida para o estudo foi comprovada. Os resultados, entretanto, trouxeram informações adicionais, indicando haver situações de maus-tratos que parecem mais circunscritas no tempo. Ainda, apresenta-se um modelo descritivo envolvendo os elementos associados à manutenção do fenômeno no tempo, bem como das características mais proeminentes em cada faixa etária, dando pistas sobre as variáveis que estão atreladas à origem dos maus-tratos e das que podem mantê-lo no tempo. / Bérgamo, L. P. D. (2011). Trajectory of child abuse: a study on Development Psychopathology perspective. Tese de Doutorado, Departamento de Psicologia e Educação, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto - SP. This research had as object of study the occurrence of child abuse, guided by the hypothesis of the existence of a trajectory to this problem, characterized by its continuity in time, based on an articulation between the development phase - type of abuse - type of consequence to the child. Developmental psychopathology was adopted as referential , in which the phenomena would occur due to problems in the system caregiver - child - environment, associated to risk factors in the context of \"development\" (characteristics of the caregiver and the child), \"interaction\" (characteristics of the relation caregiver - child and in family) and the \"broader\" (characteristics of the surrounding and perception of social support). The general goal was to verify the existence of a trajectory of the abuse, seeking to understand its constitution and maintenance in time. Specifically, the goal was to know how the abuse manifests in different phases of child development and identify the variables associated to them, working as risk or protection, in the three contexts. It is a research with a qualitative approach, and transversal delineation. Three groups of participants/mothers were formed, whose cases were notified to the child protection service of Ribeirão Preto/SP, considering the following ages: 0-3, 4-6 or 7-11 years old. A study of the child protection´s Record books was performed, following the sample criteria used in multiple case studies. It was used for data collection: (a) Social-demographic characterization questionnaire, to characterize the caregiver, the child, the family and the context they are in; (b) Interview routines about child development and caregiver - child interaction, to obtain information about child development, mother - child interaction and parental practices adopted, as well as abuse situations; (c) Child Behavior Checklist - CBCL, to obtain data about child behavior. Concerning data analysis, the information referring to each case was studied and analyzed, observing repetition patterns in each one, in order to understand their dynamics and the abuse in them. In a second phase a case comparison was carried out, observing divergences and convergences, enabling the constitution of three groups, by which three different analytical categories of the event were found. One of the categories describes a persistent trajectory of difficulties in the mother-child-environment - recurrent abuse, reflecting the continuity of the abuse in time and the elements associated to its maintenance. In that sense, stable risk factors were found in the three analyzed contexts, in addition, the children presented significant behavior problems. The other category found is difficulties in the mother-child-environment system conditioned to certain circumstances / limited in time - occasional abuse, in which the abuse manifests due to factors in the interactional context, in addition, the children presented some behavior problems, generally internalizing ones. The last category - Absence of significant difficulties in the mother-child-environment system - absence of abuse - summarizes the characteristics of a group in which no specific risk factors were found, but protection factors were. Therefore one may say that the hypothesis established for the study was proved. The results, however, brought additional information, indicating the existence of abuse situations that seem to be limited in time. Also, it presents a descriptive model involving the elements associated to the maintenance of the occurrence in time, as well as the most prominent characteristics of each age range, giving clues about the variables that are connected to the origin of the abuse and the ones that may sustain it in time.
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Att leva med stomi : En kvalitattiv litteraturstudie ur patienters perspektivArleide, Pereira Da Silva Nyberg January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bristande information och undervisning av sjuksköterskor påverkar patienters anpassning till och acceptans av det nya livet med stomi, vilket också påverkar anhörigas kapacitet att vårda och stödja sin familjemedlem med stomi. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med stomi. Metod: Datamaterialet består av 12 kvalitativa artiklar som analyserats utifrån en systematisk litteraturstudie med beskrivande syntes. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras utifrån tre teman: Påverkan av självbild; En förändrad livssituation och Stöd i bemötandet. Slutsats: Att leva med stomi upplevs som en begränsning av fysiska aktiviteter och väcker negativa reaktioner, relaterade till den förändrade kroppen. Trots detta upplever patienterna att livet är mindre besvärligt än förut. Genom god information och undervisning kan sjuksköterskor hjälpa patienterna att tro på sig själva och bli mer självständiga i att sköta stomin. Kunskapen om vardagliga, fysiska men även sexuella aktiviteters anpassningar är något som sjuksköterskor behöver inhämta och dela med patienterna. Detta behöver patienterna veta, för att uppleva sig trygga med sig själva och inte som begränsade. Detta bidrar även till att utforma en bättre vård utifrån patienternas behov vilket lindrar lidandet och förbättrar patienternas livskvalité. / Background: Lack of information and education from nurses, affect patients’ adaptation to and acceptance of their new life with ostomy, which also affects the families’ ability to care for and support their relatives with ostomy. Aim: To describe patients’ experiences of living with the ostomy. Method: The data materials consist of 12 qualitative articles that are analyzed by a systematic literature study with descriptive synthesis. Results: The result is presented in three themes: Impact in self-image; A changed life situation and Support in the treatment. Conclusion: Living with the stoma is perceived as a limitation of physical activity and awakens negative reactions, related to the changed body. Despite that, patients consider that life is less difficult than before and with good information and education, nurses can help patients to believe in themselves, and be more independent in managing the ostomy. Knowledge of everyday life, physical but also sexual activities, is something that nurses need to collect and share with the patients. The patients need to know this, to feel safe with themselves and don’t look upon themselves as limited. This helps to perform better care based on patients’ needs, which relieves suffering and improves life quality for the patients.
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