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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UTRIKESFÖDDAS UPPLEVELSER AV ATT HANTERA HUSHÅLLSEKONOMIN : En kvalitativ studie av deltagarnas upplevelser av Grönkvistprogrammet

Escobar Despessailles, Nadia January 2017 (has links)
Idag finns det ett samband mellan ekonomi och hälsa, kopplat till utrikesfödda i Sverige. Det är ofta utrikesfödda som drabbas av ojämlikhet på arbetsmarknaden, som därefter påverkar ekonomin. Ett interventionsprogram (Grönkvistprogrammet) har utvecklats och implementerats i syfte att minska den ekonomiska stressen och främja hälsan på kort- och långsiktig väg av Landstinget Västmanland och Samhällsmedicinska enheten. Studien undersökte deltagarnas upplevelser av programmet. Teorierna KASAM samt Socialt stöd har kopplats samman med resultatet. Metoden i studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och tio deltagare har intervjuats i enskilda intervjuer. Resultatet påvisade att den ekonomiska betydelsen för deltagarna var av stor vikt och hade en viktig roll i det dagliga livet. Programmet hade även påverkat deltagarna genom, förändrade levnadsvanor, mer insikt om ekonomin och relaterade områden samt att de har mer självmakt efter programmet. Deltagarnas positiva upplevelser var att handledarna var kunniga och att materialet förekom på olika språk. Deltagarna hade även fått mer kunskap om Sverige generellt och deltagarna upplevde att spridning av den nya kunskapen var möjlig efter programmet. Utvecklingsmöjligheterna som framkom i resultatet var att programtiden kunde ha varit längre, fler moment i programmet som berör ekonomin, mer extern reklam för programmet samt fortsatt spridning av programmet till andra målgrupper. / Today there is a connection between the economy and health, linked to foreign-born personsin Sweden. There are foreign born who suffer from inequality in the labor market which subsequently affects the economy. An intervention program (Grönkvist program) has been developed and implemented in order to reduce the financial stress and promote health in the short and long-term way of Västmanland County Council and Community Medicine Unit. The study examined the participants' perceptions of the program. The theories SOC and Social support has been linked with the outcome. The method of study was a qualitative approach and ten participants were interviewed in individual interviews. The results demonstrate that the economic importance of the participants were of great importance and had an important role in daily life. The program also had affected the participants through,changing lifestyles, more insight about the economy and related areas and that they havemore empowerment after the program. The participant’s positive experiences was that the supervisors were knowledgeable and that material occurred in different languages. The participants also had gained more knowledge about Sweden and the participants generally felt that dissemination of the new knowledge was possible after the program. The development opportunities that emerged in the result was that the program time could have been longer, more program elements that affect the economy, more external advertising forthe program and the continued spread of the program to other target groups.

Le processus d'investigation d'une lésion pulmonaire suspecte de néoplasie tel que vécu et décrit par des individus

Melançon, Martine January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Sickle cell disease and the family: a phenomenological study

Garrett, Kevin C. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Family Studies and Human Services / Joyce A. Baptist / Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a prevalent, pervasive chronic illness. It is a hereditary condition that affects those of African, Mediterranean, Indian, Middle Eastern, and Hispanic/Latino descent. It causes extreme pain for patients and a myriad of other symptoms and complications. The medical issues associated with and the very nature of SCD has the potential to cause psychological distress and related problems for patients. Parents, caregivers, significant others, and family members are similarly affected by a family member with SCD. Applying the Vulnerability-Stress-Adaptation Model, this qualitative study used heterogeneous sampling and explored the experience of three families with SCD. Three main themes emerged from the data, analyzed using thematic analysis: Stress and Challenges, Adapting to and Coping with the Demands of SCD, and Individual and Family Strengths. The pervasiveness and unpredictability of SCD as well as the strengthening effects of having experienced SCD were shared across families, despite their heterogeneity. Clinical implications for families with SCD are discussed.

The Art of Personalization -An explorative study of Swedish party leaders and their strategical communication

Boudin, Joel January 2019 (has links)
This study explores the phenomenon of personalization within the political sphere. More specifically, it aims at exploring the strategical personalization of Swedish party leaders during the national election campaign of 2018. A further aim is to generate theoretical contributions to the area of personalization. As empirical material, the social media updates of three party leaders are analyzed under the period of 13 weeks before the election day, using a mixed methodological approach for an in-depth qualitative study. Regarding methodologies, grounded theory and coding is employed along with a rhetorical analysis that enable a systematic analysis of visual messages. The result indicates that the studied party leaders portrayed themselves as an integrated part of society, mediating a sense of presence and acknowledgement of the voters. In addition to this, the party leaders presented themselves as ordinary people and unified with the voters. The result also points to the practice of mediating a sense of social and cultural status, involving influencers in the communication and stepping into roles outside of the explicitly political arena. In terms of theoretical contributions, the generated theory contributes in the sense that it offers additional dimensions to the notion of "self-presentation", which is recognized as a common theme among prior theories. According to prior theories, individual politicians presents themselves as professional politicians and ordinary human beings. While the generated theory supports this perspective, it also highlights the aspect of intentionally integrating the voters into the self-presentations of individual politicians. Moreover, the generated theory emphasizes the perspective of social and cultural significance when regarding self-presentations of representatives.

Internal marketing through gamification : A qualitative study on the influence of game elements within an app on internal marketing activities

Grönvall, Alf, Holmner Härgestam, Axel January 2019 (has links)
AbstractThe subject of gamification is a relatively new and novel concept when it comes to stimulating behavior. Gamification is the use of game elements in a non-game context. Gamification is a tool that can motivate people to engage with activities related to health, education and personal productivity. Gamification can be used in a plethora of areas, and business and organizational contexts are no exception.This study investigates how gamification and the use of game elements in an organizational context influence internal marketing activities. Internal marketing is a management philosophy that explores how to treat employees as internal customers to increase the quality of service. This study investigates how gamification and game elements can help accomplishing this goal through influencing internal marketing activities. The study answers the following research question:The purpose of the study is to investigate how gamification and game elements of an app influence internal marketing activities. The app we are investigating was developed by Volvo Group for their employee ambassador program, called #WeAreVolvoGroup. The app is the context which is being investigated as it contains elements of gamification. A conceptual framework has been developed containing game elements as an influence on seven internal marketing activities, which are job product development, employee recruitment, training and education, motivation and reward, internal market research, internal communication, and retention of staff.A qualitative study was conducted by interviewing managers and users of the app, #WeAreVolvoGroup. By using the thematic analysis, the results were presented and combined into themes that were further analyzed and connected to the conceptual framework. The conceptual framework was revised by retracting internal marketing activities that the app did not contribute to, which were job product development, employee recruitment, training and education, and retention of staff, and adding additional factors that the app contributes to. The findings of this study demonstrate that gamification influences the internal marketing activities that were present in the app listed as motivation and reward, internal communication, and internal market research, as well as additional factors which was company culture and personal branding. Our findings showed that the gamification and game elements of the app influenced these activities

Patienters upplevelse av bemötande från distriktssköterskan inom palliativ hemsjukvård

Nyberg, Ulrika, Knutsson, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Merparten av patienter med en palliativ diagnos vill vårdas i hemmet, vilket är möjligt med hjälp av bland andra distriktssköterska, hemtjänst samt anhöriga. Patienter som vårdas i hemmet upplever ofta bättre livskvalitet än dem som vårdas på sjukhus. Distriktssköterskan ansvarar för att vården fungerar och är den bästa möjliga för patienten. Vad patienten värdesätter i bemötandet för att det ska kännas genuint och trovärdigt är viktigt för att denne ska känna sig sedd och vara involverad i sin egen vård. Syfte:Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av bemötandet från distriktssköterskan i palliativ hemsjukvård. Metod: En kvalitativ ansats med beskrivande design har använts i studien och data har samlats in med semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt åtta patienter. Resultat: De tre kategorierna som framkom under studien var: att få tid, bli sedd och få respekt, att känna kontinuitet och trygghet, att bli tagen på allvar och känna delaktighet i vården. Slutsats:För att patienterna ska uppleva ett bra bemötande krävs kontinuitet, korrekt information och delaktighet i vården och få tid med distriktssköterskan och känna sig sedd som medmänniska. / Background: Most of the patients with a palliative diagnose want to be taken care of in their own homes. This is possible with help from a team consisting of among others; district nurses, assistant nurses and significant others. Patients living at home often experience better quality of life, compared to them taken care of at the hospital. The district nurse is responsible that the care is well functioning and is the best care for the patient. How the patient experience the treatment from the district nurse is very interesting. What the patient value in the treatment to make it feel genuine and credible. The encounter in the care relationship is important for the patient to feel seen and be involved in their own care. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe patients with a palliative diagnosis how they experienced the encounter from the district nurse in home care. Method: A qualitative approach has been used and eight patients has been interviewed. Results: The results became three categories: To have time, be seen and have respect. To feel safe and continuity, and to be takenseriously and involved in their own care. Conclusion: For the patients to experience a good encounter it takes continuity, correct information and a possibility to take part in their own care. To have time with the district nurse and to feel seen by the district nurse is important.

Konsumtionsval, uppfattningar och inställningar : vad utgör studenters attityder till fermenterade drycker? / Consumption, perceptions and preferences : what’s behind students’ attitudes toward fermented beverages?

Andersson, Max, Öhman, Eric January 2019 (has links)
Fermentering av livsmedel är något som människan gjort sedan de första mänskliga civilisationerna. Dessa uråldriga metoder används än idag och fermenterade drycker har under senare årtionden fått en ökad acceptans världen över och anses idag vara en trend. Syftet är att studera studenters attityder till fermenterade drycker med låg eller ingen alkoholhalt, med fokus på kännedomen om denna typ av drycker, varför och när dessa konsumeras, samt vid vilka sammanhang/tillfällen. I studien har en kortare inledande enkät distribuerats till studenter vid Högskolan Kristianstad, vilken följts av individuella, semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten visade på stora skillnader i huruvida studenterna kände till och hade provat fermenterade drycker. Studenternas attityder till fermenterade drycker präglades av flera olika faktorer, exempelvis hens egna värderingar, normer och målsättningar. I enkäten visade det sig att många konsumerade fermenterade drycker för dess hälsofrämjande effekter, som ersättning till alkohol och för att testa något nytt. Detta framkom även i intervjuerna där hälsa och miljömedvetenhet var viktiga anledningar till varför fermenterade drycker konsumerades, men också nyfikenhet inför det nya. Resultaten från både enkäten och intervjuerna visade att denna typ av drycker främst konsumerades vid måltider, fester eller vid andra sociala event. Samtliga informanter var ense om att fermenterade drycker erhåller komplexa egenskaper och kanske är det just dessa karaktärsdrag som gör dryckens stora platstagande möjligt. Utifrån denna studie kan det dras en slutsats om att fermenterade drycker fyller flera roller inom kategorin låg eller icke alkoholhaltiga drycker. / Fermentation is a process that mankind has used since the first civilizations. These ancient methods are still being used today and fermented beverages has since the last few decades gained an acceptance over the world and is considered a trend. The aim of this study was to study students’ attitudes toward fermented beverages with low or no alcoholic contents, with a focus on the knowledge about these beverages, why and when they are consumed and also in what context. The study consisted of an initial shorter questionnaire which was distributed to students at the Kristianstad University, Sweden followed by an individual semi-structured interview. The results showed great variations regarding the students’ knowledge of fermented beverages and if they had tried any of these. The students’ attitudes were characterized by values and norms and the results from the questionnaire showed that many individuals consumed fermented beverages for its health-promoting effects. Instead of drinking alcoholic beverages and also to try something new. This also emerged from the interviews where health and environmental awareness were important reasons as to why fermented beverages were consumed, but also curiosity over trying something new. The results from both the questionnaire and the interviews showed that these beverages were consumed at dinner, parties or other social gatherings. All informants agreed that fermented beverages derive complex attributes and that maybe it might be these attributes that makes it possible for these beverages to take on a large audience as they do today. From this study a conclus

Dark patterns – An end user perspective

Maier, Maximilian January 2019 (has links)
Technology has become ubiquitous in people’s everyday life. The number of websites and mobile applications available is growing, but so are various persuasive approaches to influence human behavior and decision-making in online environments. While designing for persuasion has many potential benefits, recent years have revealed different deceptive design techniques that utilize the understanding of psychological principles to nudge people in a desired direction. This thesis outlines and explores this phenomenon known as dark patterns, which favors business goals over user values. Practitioners have laid out many deceiving design strategies in the past, but it remains unclear how the end user perceives and experiences them. Therefore, a qualitative method approach was chosen to study the end users’ perspectives on the subject. The analysis of the data shows that even though there was some awareness, many manipulative techniques were unknown. Participants blame the businesses, remark however to be partly responsible for their own fate. In addition, the acceptability of such techniques shifts depending on the respective dark pattern.

What's the hype about esports? : A qualitative study about esports consumer motivation

Chang, Zining January 2019 (has links)
Esports som åskådarsport har fått en betydande publik under det senaste decenniet, det lockarnästan en halv miljard människor över hela världen och har även fått stöttning från storakända företag. Anledningen till varför människor tittar på esport är dock fortfarande inte välundersökt. Uses and Gratifications är en metod som fokuserar på åskådare och betraktar demsom aktiva konsumenter. Utifrån Uses and Gratifications teorier är syftet till denna kvalitativastudie att ta reda på vilka faktorer som kan påverka människors motivation att se på esport,samt hur esport definieras av och konsumeras av människor. Tio personer som är intresseradeav esport deltog i semi-strukturerade intervjuer, och resultatet visade att hedonisktillfredsställelse, social tillfredsställelse, funktionell tillfredsställelse och teknologisktillfredsställelse kan alla ha inverkan på konsumtionen av esport. Respondenterna ser esportsom ett bra sätt att passera tid och bli underhållna, de får social tillfredsställelse när deinteragerar med likasinnade personer. I spel kan de dokumentera och visa sina framsteg, ochpresentera och dela information om sig själva i relation till esport. De flesta respondenternaser fram emot esports framtid. / Esports as a spectator sport has gained a significant audience during the last decade, attractingalmost half a billion viewers worldwide and input from large well-known companies, but thereason as to why people watch esports is still not well studied. Adopting uses and gratificationapproaches - which is an approach that focuses on the audience and view them as activeconsumers, the aim of this qualitative study is to learn about what factors influence peoples’motive to watch esports, as well as how esports is being defined by people and how it isconsumed. Ten people who are interested in esports participated in semi-structured interviews.The result showed that hedonic gratification, social gratification, utilitarian gratification andtechnology gratification all can have impact on the consumption of esports. The respondentsconsider esports as a good way to pass time and to be entertained. They gain socialsatisfaction when interacting with likeminded people. In games, they are able to documentand show their progress, and to present and share information about themselves in relation toesports. Most of the respondents look forward to the future of esports.

”Det är väl lite ovanligt att tänka på vilket bränsle som är bra för klimatet när man ska byta bil” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fyra mäns klimatengagemang

Evertsson, Louice January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur män förhåller sig till klimatengagemang i relation till maskulinitet. Studien genomfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra informanter som definierade sig som män. Intervjuerna genomfördes i mars och april 2019. Informanterna upplevde att det fanns en spänning mellan maskulinitet och klimatengagemang när det kom till traditionella könsroller och bemötande från omgivningen. Informanterna upplevde att deras klimatengagemang betraktades som feminint av andra män och de upplevde även att deras klimatengagemang ledde till ett avståndstagande från andra män. Spänningen förstärktes även genom den avsaknad av klimatrelaterade normer som informanterna upplevde. En maskulin aspekt av klimatengagemang som informanterna upplevde var att män tenderar att agera kunskapsbärare samt att det råder en dissonans mellan klimatrelaterade värderingar och maskulint kodade beteenden.

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