Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cualitative study."" "subject:"4qualitative study.""
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Man blir lite taggad men också frustrerad : En explorativ studie av checkpoints i spelet A Story About My UncleEriksson, Sebastian, Zethraeus, Sebastian January 2013 (has links)
In this study we pose the question if you through finding patterns in implementation of checkpoints can find ways to tailor the experience of the game A Story About My Uncle to hardcore gamers. To find out the answer we had hardcore players playing a modified level from the game A Story About My Uncle that was used as stimulus material for the following focus group interview. The analysis of the gathered material resulted in four patterns that can be used when implementing checkpoints to tailor the experience of the game A Story About My Uncle to hardcore gamers. Elements of checkpoints that our study showed to be important when it comes to how the game is experienced are density, placement and clearness. / I den här studien ställde vi oss frågan om man genom att hitta mönster inom implementation av checkpoints kunde finna sätt att anpassa spelupplevelsen i spelet A Story About My Uncle till hardcore spelare. För att ta reda på det lät vi hardcorespelare spela en modifierad bana ur spelet A Story About My Uncle som användes som stimulusmaterial för en följande fokusgruppsintervju. Analysen av det insamlade materialet resulterade i fyra mönster som kan användas vid implementering av checkpoints för att anpassa spelupplevelsen i spelet A Story About My Uncle till hardcorespelare. Faktorer för checkpoints som i vår studie visat sig ha stor betydelse i hur spelet upplevs är densitet, placering och tydlighet.
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Common Ground by Artefacts : Everyday Collaborative ManipulationsLing, Peter January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores how cognitive artefacts contribute to the process of reaching common ground within collaborative groups through a study of both Clark's theory of Common Ground and of how artefacts are understood to be used, both by individuals and as seen in distributed cognition. This was accompanied by an ethno-methodologically inspired study in the natural setting of a kitchen to observe how artefacts are used when negotiationg common ground. After the study's completion, participants were interviewed in order to establish whether common ground was successfully established ant to look for consistency between obeservations from the study and how the participants motivate their actions. The study was analysed in order to find patterns, of which four distinct kinds were indentified; these categories were then related to facts established in the study of Common Ground and artefacts.
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Distriktssköterskors tillvägagångssätt för professionell kompetensutveckling inom hemsjukvård : - En intervjustudie / District nurse's approach for professional competence development in home care : - An interview studyWalderot, Katrin, Wästlund, Kristin January 2018 (has links)
Introduktion: Distriktssköterskor som arbetar inom hemsjukvård ställs inför allt mer avancerad vård i hemmet då dagens medicinska utveckling medger denna möjlighet till allt fler patienter. Denna utveckling medför ökade krav på distriktssköterskors kompetens och det innebär även ett ökat behov av kompetensutveckling. Syfte: Att beskriva distriktssköterskors tillvägagångssätt för att utveckla sin professionella kompetens inom hemsjukvården. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med innehållsanalys har använts i studien där semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med tio stycken distriktssköterskor arbetandes inom hemsjukvård. Resultat: Studien resulterade i fyra kategorier: Eget sökande efter kunskap, Kollegialt lärande, Kunskap genom andra vårdgivare och Utbildas via arbetsgivaren. Konklusion: Resultatet visar på att distriktssköterskor tar ett stort eget ansvar för sin professionella kompetensutveckling. För att patientsäkerheten inte ska äventyras söker distriktssköterskor kunskap på egen hand, de har ingen särskild tid avsatt för detta under arbetstiden. Distriktssköterskorna behöver mer tid och resurser för professionell kompetensutveckling på arbetstid, en samordning inom professionen krävs för att effektivisera kunskapssökning samt att arbetsgivare behöver få en ökad medvetenhet om distriktssköterskors behov av professionell kompetensutveckling. / Introduction: District nurses who are working in home care are faced with increasingly advanced home care, as the current medical development is allowing more and more opportunities for patients. This development implies increasing demands on district nurses’ skills and as a consequence, the need for further education increases. Aim: To describe district nurses’ approach to developing their skills in home care. Method: The qualitative method content analysis has been applied in the study, where semistructured interviews were made with ten district nurses working in home care. Results: The study resulted in four categories: Searching for knowledge on their own, Collegial Learning, Knowledge through other healthcare providers and Education through the employer. Conclusion: The result shows that district nurses take a large responsibility for their professional competence development. In order to ensure that patient safety is not compromised, district nurses seek knowledge on their own, they have no special time allocated for this during their working hours. District nurses need more time and resources for professional competence development during working hours, coordination within the profession is required to streamline knowledge search and employers need to gain increased awareness of district nurses' need for professional competence development.
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Varför spela och varför sluta? : En studie av fotbollsspelande i ungdomsåren och dess effekter på det mentala välbefinnandet, utifrån vuxna mäns tillbakablickande / Why play and why quit? : A study about soccer-playing in adolescence and the impact on mental wellness, based on adult men's retrospectionMelke, Gabriel, Gül, Johannes January 2017 (has links)
Studiens huvudsyfte är att belysa innebörden av ett medlemskap i en fotbollsförening med fokus på aktivitetens betydelse för det mentala välbefinnandet. Empirin utgörs av intervjuer med vuxna män som är eller varit aktiva spelare. Ambitionen har varit att försöka fånga orsaker till att man börjar spela, att man fortsätter men också orsaker till varför man slutar. Fokus ligger på den mentala hälsan och vår avsikt har varit att undersöka vilka effekter aktiviteten har. Metoden är kvalitativ i det att vi genomfört intervjuer med 16 män födda mellan 1987-1991. respondenterna är således mellan 26 och 30 år gamla, några har slutat spela, några håller fortfarande på, men gemensamt är att de "i backspegeln" kan se tillbaka på medlemskapets/aktivitetens betydelse för det mentala välbefinnandet. Den teoretiska ramen utgörs främst av ett pedagogiskt perspektiv, ett socialt perspektiv samt till viss del av hälsoperspektiv. Resultatet har främst delats upp i tre teman, med anknytning till lika många frågeställningar i denna studie. Dessa teman innehåller totalt 6 underkategorier, vilkas information förklarar att det mentala välbefinnandet påverkas av fotbollsspelande i ungdomsåren. Underkategorierna är bland annat, positivt: gemenskap och familjekänsla, negativt: krav och utanförskap. Slutsatsen av denna studie är att fotbollsspelande i ungdomsåren har en effekt avseende det mentala välbefinnandet, i negativ och positiv bemärkelse. / The study's main aim is to enlighten the meaning of a membership in a soccer-club, with a focus on the importance to mental wellness. Empirical consists of interviews with the adult men who are or have been active players. The aim has been to try to capture the reasons why they start to play, to continue but also reasons why they quit. The focus is on the mental health and our intention has been to examine the impact of the activity. The method is qualitative in what we conducted interviews with 16 men born between 1987-1991. The respondents are thus between 26 and 30 years old, some have stopped playing, some are still on, but the common thing is that they can look back in the "rear-view" on the membership/activity and the importance to mental wellness. The theoretical part consists mainly of a pedagogical perspective, a social perspective and partially of a health perspective. The result has been divided in to three themes, which are linked to the issues of the study These categories contain a total of 6 subcategories, whose information explaining that soccer-playing in adolescence has an impact on mental wellness. The subcategories include, positive: fellowship and family feeling, negative: performance requirements and alienation. The conclusion of this study is that soccer-playing in adolescence has an impact on mental wellness, in negative and positive terms.
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Marketing innovative products in a conservative industry : A look at Cross-Laminated TimberLindholm, Jonatan, Reiterer, Stefan Markus January 2017 (has links)
Background: Previous experience with the construction industry tells us that it’s often conservative and slow to adopt changes or use radical new ideas. This is a problem faced by Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT), as it’s provides a new way of working with wooden construction, that is still unfamiliar to most companies. Marketing this new solution is therefore hard, especially since a lot of the public is still unsure about the qualities and properties of the product. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify the different selling points of CLT to see how this product can be marketed towards an audience that is still sceptical towards the wooden material. Method: Results are gathered with the help of an interview study with six different companies that all in some way worked with CLT. The results are then put through a grounded analysis. Conclusion: The results show us that the most important thing to do when marketing a product that few people know of, or are sceptical towards, is to make sure that information about the benefits of using the product gets out. The most important marketing point for CLT seems to be the environmental advantage compared to concrete and the speed of which buildings can be erected.
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Being an effective project manager : an exploration within project-oriented organisationsBarmayehvar, Behnod January 2013 (has links)
As more organisations apply project management to perform projects in order to deliver high quality products and services, the demand for project managers grows, and thus more research is required on the effectiveness of project managers (Crawford, 2005). Hence, this research project aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the effectiveness of project managers within project-oriented organisations.The purpose of this research project is to fill the research gap by bringing the practical perspective of the effectiveness of project managers, from different informants in various fields, into the theoretical perspective in the form of a conceptual model (i.e. the combination of the constructs: core categories, categories, and concepts) through in-depth interviews and the grounded theory method. This qualitative study attempts to provide a fresh insight into the leading and managing projects, and hence into the effectiveness of project managers in project-oriented organisations.This research project is one of the very rare studies investigating the matter of an effective project manager, particularly within project-oriented organisations. It is also one of the very few studies investigating the role of leadership in the effectiveness of project managers, particularly within project-oriented organisations. In addition, it is one of the very rare studies providing the conceptual model as the criteria for project managers to become effective within project-oriented organisations. Furthermore, it is one of the very rare studies providing the practical model as the tool to evaluate the effectiveness of project managers within project-oriented organisations. The research project provides an insightful understanding of the notion of leadership, management, and emotional intelligence, and uncovers their roles in the effectiveness of project managers within project-oriented organisations.The research project highlights the value of qualitative inquiry for exploring individuals’ perceptions and lived experiences, as well as investigating phenomena which have been relatively under-investigated to date. It also highlights the usefulness of grounded theory, which builds concepts grounded in empirical data.
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Explicit Grammar Instruction: In-Service Teacher Attitudes and Classroom ImplementationsEdwall, Nicolina January 2020 (has links)
The importance of explicit grammar instruction has been debated during decades within the second language acquisition discourse community. Researchers’ views on the topic are controversial, and there is still no clear answer to be found. In terms of English teacher attitudes, previous research shows no indication of a gradually decreasing interest in explicit grammar instruction in L2 or FL classrooms. Despite this, the Swedish National Agency of Education does not mention explicit grammar instruction in their official documents regarding the subject of English. Hence, this paper aims to examine if the Swedish context has an impact on in-service English teachers’ attitudes towards explicit grammar instruction. To investigate their attitudes, along with their preferred approaches to explicit grammar instruction, semi-structured interviews were conducted with five English teachers at upper secondary school. The interviews were recorded, carefully analysed and partly transcribed. The results show that all of the interviewed English teachers were positive towards explicit grammar instruction and use it in their teaching. In terms of approaches to explicit grammar instruction, all of the five teachers explained that they highlight a certain grammatical rule when they notice that many of their students have a hard time with it. It is often after a writing assignment that the grammatical difficulties are revealed and will be brought up in class. The teachers tend to explain the rule by using the whiteboard, a relevant YouTube clip or a PowerPoint. An interesting finding was that all of the teachers referred to their own experience when explaining why they use a specific approach to explicit grammar instruction, whereas none of the teachers referred to research within the field. In addition, all of the interviewed teachers expressed that the official steering documents by the Swedish National Agency of Education should mention grammar instruction more explicitly. However, they were still positive towards the official documents, because of the fact that these focus on communication. The current paper provides an indication of how English teachers in Sweden prefer to work with explicit grammar instruction, along with suggestions for further research on the topic.
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Egenvård vid diabetes typ 2 ur ett patientperspektivSundelius, Frida, Thorén, Ingeborg January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 är en växande sjukdom utan botemedel. Det finns fleraegenvårdsåtgärder som gör att det går att utesluta mediciner längre fram och somdessutom förhindrar senkomplikationer. Omfattande kvantitativ forskning finnsinom området diabetes typ 2 och dess behandling. MEN det svårare att hittakvalitativ forskning som beskriver patienternas upplevelser kring egenvård. Syfte:Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelser kring egenvård vid diabetes typ 2.Metod: En litteraturstudie som har baserats på tio vetenskapliga studier avkvalitativ ansats. Dessa har hämtats från PubMed och CINAHL för att analyserasoch besvara syftet. Resultat: Fyra huvudkategorier identifierades: Kost, Fysiskaktivitet, Blodsockerkontroll och Information Slutsats: Att få diagnosen diabetestyp 2 framkallar flera olika känslor. Sjukdomen innebär flera livsstilsförändringardär information är en av de avgörande faktorerna för att dessa förändringar skakunna ske. / Background: Diabetes type 2 is a growing disease that lacks a cure. Thera areseveral measures of selfmanagement that can lead to the exclusion ofpharmacological treatment and prevent later-on complications. Vast quantativeresearch exists within the field of type 2- diabetes and it´s treatment. However it´smore difficult to find qualitative research describing patients experiences ofselfmanagement regarding type 2-diabetes. Purpose: The purpose was toenlighten patients experiences about selfmanagement concering type 2-diabetes.Method: A study of litterature based upon ten scientific reports with a qualitativeapproach. Theses have been gathered from PUBMED and CINAHL to beanalyzed in regards to the purpose. Results: Four main categorys were identyfied.Diet, Physical activity, Bloodsugar control and Information. Conclusion:Recieving diagnosis of type2-diabetes induces several different emotions. Thedisease requires several changes of life-style whereas information is one oft thekeyfactors leading to that theses changes really occur.
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CONSTANTLY NEW CHALLENGES FOR NURSESBengtsson, Anna-Karin January 2020 (has links)
ABSTRACT Introduction: The number of patients treated in inadequate hospital wards is increasing. Elderly and fragile patients with medical conditions are particularly vulnerable for being placed in inadequate hospital wards. They also run a twice as high risk of health-related complications and increased mortality. RNs obtain specific knowledge by working on specific wards. However, RNs’ experience of caring for outliers seems relatively unexplored, as few studies explore RNs’ experiences in giving nursing care to outliers. Aim: The aim of the study was to explore RNs’ experience of giving care to outliers with medical conditions at a university hospital in Sweden. Method: An interview study with 14 RNs from medical and surgical wards were conducted by semi-structured interviews. The inclusion criteria were that they had worked as an RN for minimum two years and had experience of outliers. Data were collected between December 2016 and January 2018. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using conventional qualitative content analysis to identify categories and themes according to the aim of the study. Result: One overarching theme emerged: The interviewed nurses experienced that outliers’ medical and nursing care was delayed and therefore hospitalization was prolonged. The informants’ experience is substantiated by five main categories: Inadequate information from ER to the ward leads to concern, Nursing interventions are performed later and lead to a sense of powerlessness, Unavailable drugs lead to delayed or no drug administration, Patients on inadequate wards do not receive proper information, and The RN does not know when the patient is ready for discharge planning. Conclusion: RNs described their experience of caring for outliers as an obstacle course and that this risks prolonged hospitalization. They are not equipped to make the most appropriate decisions, as they have other specific knowledge than the specific needs of outliers, and as a result, care is not given. Keywords: outlier, registered nurse, experience, qualitative study, conventional content analysis, care undone, patient safety.
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UI-based, NPC-guided or No Tutorial at All? A Qualitative Study Comparing the Effects of Different Tutorials in the Same Game / Text instruktioner, exempel eller inget alls? En kvalitativ studie som jämför effekterna av olika tutorials i samma spelMalthed, Alexander, Hjelmqvist, Mathias January 2020 (has links)
One of the many challenges of game development is creating an effective tutorial. Although tutorials can be designed to instruct in numerous different ways, little is known about how they differ in terms of effectiveness. To examine the effectiveness of the three different tutorial types, a first-person puzzle game with three versions was developed. For the purpose of an observational analysis, four participants per version (n = 12) had their gameplay recorded and were then interviewed after their gameplay session concluded. The results show that text instructions were more effective than using NPCs as examples to show the game mechanics. The lack of a tutorial made the participants vary in their understanding of the game’s mechanics, some of which failed completely to learn an important game mechanic. A broad variation like this can make it difficult for developers to balance the later challenges in the game. / En av de många utmaningarna av spelutveckling är att skapa en effektiv tutorial. Även om en tutorial kan bli designad att instruera på flertalet olika sätt, saknas det kunskap om hur de skiljer sig i deras effektivitet. För att undersöka effektiviteten av tre olika typer av tutorials, utvecklades ett pusslespel i förstapersonsperspektiv med tre versioner. För syftet av en observationsanalys spelades spelsessionerna av fyra deltagare per version (n = 12) in, och deltagarna intervjuades direkt efteråt. Resultatet visar att textinstruktioner var mer effektivt än att använda NPCer som exempel för att visa spelmekanikerna. Saknaden av en tutorial gjorde att deltagarna varierade i deras förståelse av spelets mekaniker, varav några misslyckades helt att lära sig en viktig spelmekanik. En sådan bred variation kan göra det svårt för utvecklare att balansera de senare utmaningarna i spelet.
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