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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Qualité de l'éducation au Burkina-Faso : efficacité des enseignements-apprentissages dans les classes des écoles primaires / Quality of Education in Burkina-Faso : effectiveness of teaching and learning in Primary School Classes

Ouédraogo, Étienne 28 September 2016 (has links)
Le thème de cette thèse se situe à l'intersection de plusieurs disciplines relevant des sciences de l'éducation : la pédagogie, la didactique, la psychologie, la sociologie afin d'éclairer ce qui relève de « la relation éducative scolaire ». Notre objet de recherche se centre sur les facteurs d'efficacité, ou supposés tels, des enseignements-apprentissages dans des classes de CMl. Plus précisément, cette recherche porte sur les organisateurs qui structurent et déterminent les pratiques de classe des enseignants du Burkina Faso. Ces classes ont été les lieux de collecte de nos données en 2013. Une enquête exploratoire nous a permis de tirer leçon et de restreindre nos ambitions initiales en focalisant nos analyses sur les interactions entre l'enseignant et ses élèves au cours d'une séance pédagogique, en l'occurrence de grammaire. Puis nous avons constitué un corpus composé d'entretiens et d'observations pour un public de 12 enseignants et 36 élèves. Ainsi nous nous sommes évertués à rechercher les dimensions de trois organisateurs qui présentent les fréquences les plus élevées en comparaison des déclarations des élèves et des enseignants. La méthode retenue est déductive. Les résultats de cette recherche tendent à montrer que le domaine de l' « organisation pédagogique » domine dans les interactions en classe, suivi du « climat relationnel » puis, de façon ténue, de la « gestion didactique » peu présente dans les classes observées. Notre ambition est de mieux comprendre les pratiques d'enseignement dans le but de suggérer des actions et des modes d'intervention en faveur de l'amélioration de la qualité de l'éducation. / The topic of this Thesis is at the crossroad between many topics of education sciences: pedagogy, didactics, psychology and small group sociology in order to illuminate what concerns « educational relationship in schools ». It focuses on the effectiveness of teaching-learning in fourth grade classes. This Research paper focuses especially on organizers who structure and determine teachers' class activities in Burkina Faso. Classrooms were the places where we collected our data in 2013. An exploratory survey led us to narrow our goal, limiting it to the classroom-interactions between the teacher and his pupils during an educational session, namely grammar class. Secondly, we created a body of data including interviews and comments through films the a sample of 12 teachers and 36 pupils. Then, we tried to find the dimensions of the three areas compared with pupils' and teachers' declarations. The method is the deductive one. The results tend to illustrate that the "educational organization" dominates, followed by "relationship atmosphere" and lastly the "didactic management". Our goal is to better understand teachers' practices in order to suggest actions to be conducted towards improving the quality of education.

Politique de recrutement des enseignants non fonctionnaires et qualité de l'éducation de base au Sénégal : quels enseignements vers l'Education Pour Tous (EPT)? / Impact of the contractual teacher's recrutment policy on the quality of primary education in Sénégal : what lessons for Education for all ?

Diop, Aliou 14 June 2011 (has links)
Au début des années 1990, le Sénégal, à l'instar de nombreux pays d'Afrique subsaharienne, était confronté à une baisse de sa couverture scolaire au primaire. Malgré les nombreuses mesures prises pour accroître l'offre scolaire à moindre coût (création des classes à double flux, renforcement des classes multigrades, création des écoles de formation des instituteurs qui forment en un an au lieu de quatre ans comme précédemment, augmentation du recrutement d'instituteurs adjoints, etc.), cette baisse s'est poursuivie jusqu'en 1994. Pour renverser cette tendance à la baisse, les autorités ont alors fait appel à des enseignants non fonctionnaires (volontaires de l‟éducation et maîtres contractuels). Comparés à leurs collègues titulaires, ces « nouveaux enseignants » ont reçu une formation professionnelle de courte durée et sont employés dans des conditions moins favorables. De plus, leurs salaires sont considérablement plus faibles que dans la fonction publique. Ces conditions conduisent selon certains discours à un manque de motivation doublé de lacunes importantes sur le plan des compétences professionnelles, le tout pouvant avoir un impact très négatif sur la qualité de l'éducation. Après avoir resitué les enjeux actuels de l‟école sénégalaise, dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à l'évaluation de l'impact de cette politique de recrutement des enseignants non fonctionnaires sur la qualité de l'enseignement primaire, ceci en utilisant les données issues des enquêtes PASEC réalisées en 2006/2007 et en appliquant les méthodes d'impact quasi expérimentales. La difficulté empirique de l'évaluation d'impact réside ici dans l'estimation du contrefactuel. En effet, il n'est pas possible d'observer chaque élève membre d'une classe tenue par un enseignant non-fonctionnaire (volontaire de l'éducation et maître contractuel) dans la situation où il aurait été membre d'un groupe pédagogique confié à un maître titulaire. Pour contourner cette difficulté, nous recourons aux techniques d'observation appariées proposées par Rubin (1974). Nos résultats montrent qu'en deuxième année, les enseignants titulaires sont plus efficaces que les maîtres contractuels pour transmettre les connaissances aux élèves. En cinquième année, ce sont les maîtres contractuels qui sont plus performants. Quant aux volontaires de l'éducation, ils ne se démarquent pas significativement des titulaires dans les deux niveaux d'études considérés. / In the early 1990s, like in many other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Senegal was also facing a decrease in the gross school enrolment ratio (GER). Despite the numerous measures taken for increasing GER at lower cost (creation of double shift classes, strengthening of multi-grade classes, creation of training schools which train teachers curriculum in one year instead of four as previously, increased recruitment of assistant teachers, etc.), this decline continued until 1994. In order to reverse this downward trend, the government recruited non-civil servant teachers (education volunteers and contract teachers). Compared to their tenured colleagues, these "new teachers" received a short duration professional training and employed under less favorable conditions (without tenure and other social advantages). Moreover, the wages they earn are considerably lower than those in the public services. These conditions lead to low motivation and significant deficiencies of skills, and consequently imply a negative impact on the quality of education. After relocating the current issues of Senegalese school, in this thesis we evaluate the impact of the contractual teachers‟ recruitment policy on the quality of primary education by using data from PASEC surveys that was conducted in school year 2006/2007 and by applying the quasi-experimental impact method. In this study, the empirical difficulty of evaluating the impact lies in estimating the counterfactual. Indeed, it is not possible to observe each student of a class taught by “non-civil servant teachers” in a situation where the student was a member a class ruled by a civil servant teacher. To avoid this difficulty, we use the matched observational techniques proposed by Rubin (1974). Our results show in the second grade, civil servants are more effective than contract teachers in transmitting knowledge to students. On the other hand for the fifth grade, contract teachers are more efficient for pupil‟s results. The performance of volunteer teachers is not significantly different from the civil servant teachers at both educational levels.

Příležitosti a limity systémů řízení kvality ve vzdělávání / Opportunities and limits of evaluating the quality and efficiency in education

Suchomelová, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis entitled "Opportunities and limits of evaluating the quality and efficiency in education " explores the possibilities of detecting and evaluating the quality, efficiency and impact of education. The thesis is composed of two parts . The theoretical part describes the basic terms and definitions of the education, presents analysis of approaches to evaluating the quality and effectiveness of further education, including explanations of specific models and evaluation methods which measure the impact of training on person or on the company in general. The empirical part deals with the analysis of the evaluation system of education in practice, particularly in two companies (Wrigley, Staropramen Brewery) and five secondary schools. At the end everything is summarized and some recommendations and suggestions are provided.

Municipalização do ensino fundamental e qualidade do ensino: estudo de caso do Município de Martinópolis / Municipalization of the elementary school system and quality of education: A case study of the Municipality of Martinópolis

Espósito, Ione Cavalcante 29 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T18:49:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IONE_DISSERTACAO_IONE_29_07_2010.pdf: 6710290 bytes, checksum: 69b25d16a859485f06193c82e0cd6863 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-29 / The purpose of this study was to verify if the process of school municipalization in the Municipality of Martinópolis contributed for the quality improvement of municipal education. To such purpose, this research study tried to identify the policies and actions of the Municipal Secretary of Education of Martinópolis which targeted the quality improvement of education of the Municipality, to analyze the impact of these policies and actions on the activities of the municipal schools according to the perspective of the secretaries of education of two municipal administrations, of school supervisers and coordinators of the Municipality and of the principals of municipal schools, and finally to verify if, along the process of consolidation of school municipalization, the municipalized schools of Martinópolis presented significant improvement in their performance in the external evaluations Prova Brasil and SARESP , having as reference their performance in the previous condition of state school. This research used the case study approach of a predominantly qualitative nature for understanding, in a deeper way, the process of municipalization implemented by the Municipality of Martinópolis. For the qualitative data collection, a guide of semi-structured interview was used. For the analysis of the municipalized schools performance in Portuguese and Mathematics, the results of SARESP in the years 1996, 1997 (at the state administration), in the years 2004, 2005 and 2008 (at the municipal administration) and of the Prova Brasil in the years 2005 and 2007 were utilized. Among the main politics and actions implemented by the municipal government, three were unanimously cited by the interviewees: the continuity of the actions initiated by the previous government, the investment in teacher training and the student learning improvement. The analysis of the results of SARESP, in the years 1996, 1997, 2004, 2005 and 2008 and of the results of Prova Brasil, in the years 2005 and 2007, showed that the performance of the municipal schools of Martinópolis, in Portuguese Language and in Mathematics, displayed an evolution not significant and the municipal schools could not reach the standards established by these evaluation systems for characterizing a quality education. Many actions were implemented by the Municipality of Martinópolis for improving the quality of education, but they were not reflected in the results of the external evaluations. / O propósito desta pesquisa foi verificar se o processo de municipalização do ensino no município de Martinópolis contribuiu para a melhoria da qualidade da educação municipal. Para tal propósito, este pesquisa buscou Identificar as políticas e ações da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Martinópolis que visaram à melhoria da qualidade da educação do município nas duas últimas gestões do governo municipal, analisar o impacto dessas políticas e ações sobre a atuação das escolas do município de Martinópolis, segundo a perspectiva dos secretários de educação de duas gestões municipais, dos supervisores e coordenadores de ensino do Município e dos gestores das escolas municipais e, finalmente, verificar se, ao longo do processo de consolidação da municipalização do sistema escolar, as escolas municipais de Martinópolis apresentaram melhoria significativa no seu desempenho nas avaliações externas Prova Brasil e SARESP , tendo como referência seu desempenho na condição prévia de escola estadual. Este trabalho foi um estudo de caso de natureza predominantemente qualitativa para entender de forma mais aprofundada o processo de municipalização realizado no Município de Martinópolis. Para a coleta dos dados qualitativos, foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada. Para a análise do desempenho das escolas municipalizadas em Português e Matemática, foram selecionados os resultados do SARESP, nos anos de 1996 e 1997 (na gestão estadual), nos anos de 2004, 2005 e 2008 (na gestão municipal) e da Prova Brasil, nos anos de 2005 e 2007. Entre as principais políticas e ações implementadas pela gestão municipal, três foram citadas de modo unânime pelos entrevistados: a continuidade das ações iniciadas pelo governo anterior, o investimento na capacitação dos docentes, e o plano de carreira para os profissionais da educação. Segundo os entrevistados, as políticas de valorização dos profissionais da educação e de melhoria da aprendizagem dos alunos foram as ações de maior impacto, embora seus efeitos ainda não se tenham manifestado nas avaliações externas da escolas. A análise dos resultados do SARESP, nos anos de 1996, 1997, 2004, 2005 e 2008 e dos resultados da Prova Brasil, nos anos de 2005 e 2007, mostrou que o desempenho das escolas do Município de Martinópolis, tanto em Língua Portuguesa como em Matemática, manifestou uma evolução pouco significativa, e as escolas pesquisadas não conseguiram atingir os índices estabelecidos por esses sistemas de avaliação para caracterizar uma educação de qualidade. Várias ações foram realizadas pelo Município de Martinópolis, na busca da melhoria da qualidade da educação, mas essas ações não se refletiram nos resultados das avaliações externas.

Municipalização do ensino fundamental e qualidade do ensino: estudo de caso do Município de Martinópolis / Municipalization of the elementary school system and quality of education: A case study of the Municipality of Martinópolis

Espósito, Ione Cavalcante 29 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:54:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IONE_DISSERTACAO_IONE_29_07_2010.pdf: 6710290 bytes, checksum: 69b25d16a859485f06193c82e0cd6863 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-29 / The purpose of this study was to verify if the process of school municipalization in the Municipality of Martinópolis contributed for the quality improvement of municipal education. To such purpose, this research study tried to identify the policies and actions of the Municipal Secretary of Education of Martinópolis which targeted the quality improvement of education of the Municipality, to analyze the impact of these policies and actions on the activities of the municipal schools according to the perspective of the secretaries of education of two municipal administrations, of school supervisers and coordinators of the Municipality and of the principals of municipal schools, and finally to verify if, along the process of consolidation of school municipalization, the municipalized schools of Martinópolis presented significant improvement in their performance in the external evaluations Prova Brasil and SARESP , having as reference their performance in the previous condition of state school. This research used the case study approach of a predominantly qualitative nature for understanding, in a deeper way, the process of municipalization implemented by the Municipality of Martinópolis. For the qualitative data collection, a guide of semi-structured interview was used. For the analysis of the municipalized schools performance in Portuguese and Mathematics, the results of SARESP in the years 1996, 1997 (at the state administration), in the years 2004, 2005 and 2008 (at the municipal administration) and of the Prova Brasil in the years 2005 and 2007 were utilized. Among the main politics and actions implemented by the municipal government, three were unanimously cited by the interviewees: the continuity of the actions initiated by the previous government, the investment in teacher training and the student learning improvement. The analysis of the results of SARESP, in the years 1996, 1997, 2004, 2005 and 2008 and of the results of Prova Brasil, in the years 2005 and 2007, showed that the performance of the municipal schools of Martinópolis, in Portuguese Language and in Mathematics, displayed an evolution not significant and the municipal schools could not reach the standards established by these evaluation systems for characterizing a quality education. Many actions were implemented by the Municipality of Martinópolis for improving the quality of education, but they were not reflected in the results of the external evaluations. / O propósito desta pesquisa foi verificar se o processo de municipalização do ensino no município de Martinópolis contribuiu para a melhoria da qualidade da educação municipal. Para tal propósito, este pesquisa buscou Identificar as políticas e ações da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Martinópolis que visaram à melhoria da qualidade da educação do município nas duas últimas gestões do governo municipal, analisar o impacto dessas políticas e ações sobre a atuação das escolas do município de Martinópolis, segundo a perspectiva dos secretários de educação de duas gestões municipais, dos supervisores e coordenadores de ensino do Município e dos gestores das escolas municipais e, finalmente, verificar se, ao longo do processo de consolidação da municipalização do sistema escolar, as escolas municipais de Martinópolis apresentaram melhoria significativa no seu desempenho nas avaliações externas Prova Brasil e SARESP , tendo como referência seu desempenho na condição prévia de escola estadual. Este trabalho foi um estudo de caso de natureza predominantemente qualitativa para entender de forma mais aprofundada o processo de municipalização realizado no Município de Martinópolis. Para a coleta dos dados qualitativos, foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada. Para a análise do desempenho das escolas municipalizadas em Português e Matemática, foram selecionados os resultados do SARESP, nos anos de 1996 e 1997 (na gestão estadual), nos anos de 2004, 2005 e 2008 (na gestão municipal) e da Prova Brasil, nos anos de 2005 e 2007. Entre as principais políticas e ações implementadas pela gestão municipal, três foram citadas de modo unânime pelos entrevistados: a continuidade das ações iniciadas pelo governo anterior, o investimento na capacitação dos docentes, e o plano de carreira para os profissionais da educação. Segundo os entrevistados, as políticas de valorização dos profissionais da educação e de melhoria da aprendizagem dos alunos foram as ações de maior impacto, embora seus efeitos ainda não se tenham manifestado nas avaliações externas da escolas. A análise dos resultados do SARESP, nos anos de 1996, 1997, 2004, 2005 e 2008 e dos resultados da Prova Brasil, nos anos de 2005 e 2007, mostrou que o desempenho das escolas do Município de Martinópolis, tanto em Língua Portuguesa como em Matemática, manifestou uma evolução pouco significativa, e as escolas pesquisadas não conseguiram atingir os índices estabelecidos por esses sistemas de avaliação para caracterizar uma educação de qualidade. Várias ações foram realizadas pelo Município de Martinópolis, na busca da melhoria da qualidade da educação, mas essas ações não se refletiram nos resultados das avaliações externas.

The impact of national research and education networks on the quality of education and research output

Zelalem Assefa Azene 11 1900 (has links)
The rapid growth of universities in the Least Developing Countries (LDCs) is aimed at enhancing access to tertiary education, which has resulted in a sharp increase in the enrolment rate. However, the quantitative increase has been marred with a correspondingly continuous decline in the quality of education. This is attributed to a wide range of limiting factors mainly classified as institutional problems. Some of these problems include a shortage of resources, limited skills and incompetent human capital, lack of ICT infrastructure, and the ineffective use of existing ICT resources. These problems and others have adversely affected how national education and research network can improve research output and quality of education. In this study, a survey, in the form of an exploratory quantitative research design is used. A descriptive non-experimental quantitative approach was also chosen, and a questionnaire was administered to approximately one hundred and seventy-two (172) participants drawn from twenty-nine (29) Ethiopian Public Universities. The results of the analysis show that the study variables namely NREN service for education, EthERNet, electronic device and research output have a significant and positive impact on the Quality of Education (QE) to differing degrees. Also, the study variables such as NREN service for research, high-performance computing, and remote computing facilities indicated that they had a significant and positive impact on Research Output (RO) to differing degrees. The study explored the impact of EthERNet in improving the quality of education and research output by examining the existing network infrastructure and NREN services. The study employed the use of the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) to assess the existing network infrastructure and NREN services to determine that a reliable network can improve the quality of education and research output. Besides, Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to identify the positive and negative factors that impact on the roles, relationships, and formation of quality of education and research output. Furthermore, a three-step design science approach was applied to propose and justify the theoretical framework, which is used as a base to develop a service portfolio and roadmap conceived to design the required NREN service for EthERNet. This research contributed to the body of knowledge by finding the missing link between the quality of education and research outputs. From a theoretical perspective, the research contributed a theoretical framework by developing the construct and their measures that can be used in assessing the adoption and usage of technology. Furthermore, the study contributes to the literature by demonstrating an analytical process which could be used as a guide for future NREN service requirement to improve the quality of education and research output with the existing findings being used as a reference point. / School of Computing / Ph. D. (Computer Science)

The responses of primary school Heads of Department to curriculum changes since 2005

Cornelissen, Stephanie January 2013 (has links)
With nineteen years of democracy behind us, South Africa has experienced uncountable changes within its borders and on various playing fields. One of the most memorable changes, in my opinion, was in education. This motivated me to embark on a study about the responses of Heads of Departments (HoDs) to curriculum changes. I especially wanted to focus on the management of those changes. The focus on HoDs arose from the devolution of responsibility from the principal to the HoD with regard to curriculum change. This uninterrupted cycle of curriculum change that South Africa is experiencing occupies the HoDs to a large extent. They have to ensure that the changes take place as smoothly as possible with as little resistance as possible. In order to accomplish this, one would think that the HoD would be trained in managing a department and curriculum changes. This is unfortunately not the case, and they are following their own guidelines that they have constructed through trial and error. This study was conducted through a narrative design within a qualitative framework, allowing me to give a voice to those who have none. It required me to have focus group interviews, which laid the foundation for my semi-structured interview. The use of documents assisted with the crystallisation of the data. This research was conducted in the Lady Frere district of the Eastern Cape. There were two sets of HoDs from different schools, and one participant willing to participate in a semi-structured interview. The purpose of this study was to find out what guidelines HoDs had constructed by looking at HoDs’ responses to, and management of curriculum changes since 2005. It became very clear that there is some confusion about what is expected of the HoD during the change process and the HoDs in this study felt it better to follow traditional methods of teaching, as this was all they knew. However, the focus on producing quality education was very important to them. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Educational Choices and Schooling Quality in Developing Countries / Choix et Qualité de l’Éducation dans les Pays en Développement

Le Mau de Talancé, Marine 04 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’étudier les choix d’éducation en adoptant une approche originale intégrant la notion de qualité de l’enseignement. Cette étude se concentre sur deux pays : l’Indonésie et le Pakistan. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons que la scolarisation obligatoire a eu des effets sur les taux de scolarisation qui se sont répercutés sur les comportements de fécondité. Ces effets ne sont cependant pas automatiques et peuvent cacher une grande hétérogénéité. Nous nous intéressons ensuite au concept de qualité de l’éducation, une notion qui a de multiples facettes. Si on l’appréhende par le prisme des résultats scolaires, les enseignants semblent jouer un rôle majeur. Cependant, cette définition n’est pas entièrement satisfaisante quand on s’intéresse aux choix de scolarisation. En effet, les performances académiques des écoles ne reflètent qu’une partie de l’opinion des parents. Les parents semblent également rationaliser leurs choix a posteriori et considèrent que les écoles privées sont meilleures. Une approche qui considère la qualité subjective de l’éducation (perçue par les parents) permet de mieux comprendre leurs choix en termes d’éducation. Les parents non satisfaits par l’enseignement public ont tendance à s’orienter vers le privé, ce qui peut expliquer l'expansion de ce secteur dans de nombreux pays en développement. Le développement des écoles privées pourrait néanmoins accroître les inégalités car certaines franges de la population n’y ont pas accès. / This thesis aims at better understanding the multiple aspects of education in developing countries with a focus on Indonesia and Pakistan. First, we show that compulsory education could positively impact educational attainment and change fertility behaviours, even though these effects can be heterogeneous. Then, we consider the multifaceted notion of quality of education. If we consider that the quality of education encompasses only learning outcomes, teachers play a central role in knowledge acquisition. However, this measure is unsatisfactory when trying to understand schooling behaviours. Indeed, student achievement only partly explains parents' opinions. Parents also tend to be subject to an ex-post rationalization bias and to value private schools more. The subjective dimension of the quality of education helps to understand school choice. Parents' dissatisfaction with public schools partly explains why they send their children to private establishments. Nevertheless, the expansion of the private education sector could increase gender and socio-economic inequalities.

Uplatnění managementu kvality v procesu adaptace zaměstnanců / Applying quality management in the employee's adaptation process

Hazuchová, Eva January 2020 (has links)
Quality management in the area of human resources management was previously mainly used in industrial companies. At present it is also promoted in the sphere of state administration. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the human resources management process in the area of the adaptation process of employees of the central body of the state administration of the Czech Republic from the point of view of quality management and to propose recommendations to improve its efficiency with application of process management, change management in relation to ISO 9001 and Methodical Guideline for Quality Management in Service Offices (hereinafter the Methodical Guideline). The theoretical part defines the basic concepts and principles of employee education in state administration and quality management. The definition of basic concepts and principles is based on the study of professional literature and binding documents that link the principles of quality management and human resources management with a focus on the adaptation process. The second chapter of the theoretical part defines the quality management in terms of the requirements of the Methodical Guideline and the requirements of ISO 9001. The empirical part examines the state of quality management in the process of adaptation in the Industrial...

Zjišťování a hodnocení kvality, efektivity a dopadů dalšího vzdělávání / Looking into and Evaluation Quality, Efficiency and Effects of Further Education

Žufanová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
Looking into and Evaluation Quallity, Efficiency and Effects of Further Education A thesis centers upon description and comparison of methods that gain a feedback in the field of the quality of further education. It considers both institutions providing further education and institutions/organisations (e.g. schools, offices of public administration) representing source of participants of further education courses. A theoretical part the thesis compares well known methods reporting on the quality and effectivity of further education in a view of both a provider and a customer. A research aims for an analysis of gaining a feedback in the field of further education from 50 providing institutions and 340 institutions/organizations in a role of a customer. Those 340 institutions/organizations include 32 offices of public administrative and another 308 publicly figuring organizations (e.g. schools). This part of the thesis also presents positives and negatives of chosen methods. A conclusion of the thesis summarizes findings and provides recommendations for both surveyed groups.

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