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Performance Comparison of Selective Rake Receivers with CLEAN Algorithms in UWB SystemsYang, Siang-Yu 26 July 2006 (has links)
The Ultra-Wideband (UWB) channel is a dense multipath channel. The system performance and design complexity issues of selective-Rake receiver (SRake) are studied. Rake receiver has difficulties achieving desired system performance in the dense multipath environment. The main ideas of SRake receiver are to obtain the SNR level on known multipath channel and determine the desired number of Rake fingers. In the implementation of the SRake, the CLEAN algorithm is used in selecting the paths with relatively high energy. We can improve the performance of SRake receiver by increasing the accuracy of path selection. By the property of local maximum peak within the smaller partition, Two-Stage CLEAN algorithm acquires the more accurate delay time of multipath. In order to mitigate the sidelobe effect and noise interference, the key assumption in the Deng¡¦s Modified CLEAN algorithm is that using average amplitude around the considered data change as the criterion to determine if the data value is a true path. In this thesis, we investigate CLEAN, Two-Stage CLEAN and Deng¡¦s Modified CLEAN algorithm in three different systems including UWB-Impulse Radio, Pulse Radar and DS-UWB. From the performance comparison, it can be seen that the Two-Stage CLEAN algorithm that has the highest accuracy of path selection in UWB system.
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CDD-DLL for PN Code Tracking in DS-CDMA Communication SystemsYu, Hao-Chih 21 June 2001 (has links)
PN code tracking plays a very important role in CDMA communication systems.
In literature, the influences of multipath fading and of multiuser interference
on PN code tracking are studied separately. The multipath fading influence is
mitigated by combining a rake receiver and a channel estimator in
the Delay-Locked Loop (DLL). The multiuser interference is overcome by
incorporating a data estimator into the DLL. In the downlink, PN code tracking
may suffer from the multipath fading influence. However, the multipath fading
and the multiuser interference influences exist in the uplink. Unfortunately,
sole use of the aforementioned methods cannot solve out both influences simultaneously.
In this thesis, two new Coherent Decision-Directed Delay-Locked Loop (CDD-DLL)
PN-Code tracking schemes are developed and either can overcome both influences.
First, a channel and a data estimators are incorporated into the DLL inherent
with a rake receiver. This new scheme works properly in an environment with
multipath fading and multiuser interference. Second, the original CDD-DLL is
combined with a multipath interference canceller (MPI) to reduce both influences.
Analytical results are derived for the two schemes proposed and are validated
with numerical simulations. Simulation results show that the conventional DLLs
working in a multipath fading and multiuser interference environment can be
significantly improved using the new schemes. Moreover, the latter outperforms
the former because the multipath interference is cancelled completely.
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Blind Adaptive Receivers for Precoded SIMO DS-CDMA SystemLi, Meng-Yi 08 August 2008 (has links)
The system capacity of the direct-sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) system is limited mainly due to the multiple access interference (MAI), this is basically due to the incomplete orthogonality of spreading codes between different users. In wireless communication environments, the use of DS-CDMA system over multipath channels will introduce the effect of inter-symbol interference (ISI), thus the system performance might degrade, dramatically. To circumvent the above-mentioned problems many adaptive multiuser detectors are proposed, such as the minimum mean square error (MMSE) criteria subject to certain constraints. Unfortunately, with the MMSE receiver it requires an extra training sequence, which decreases the spectral efficiency. To increase the spectral efficiency, the blind adaptive receivers are adopted. In the conventional approach the blind adaptive receiver is developed based on the linear constrained minimum variance (LCMV) criteria, which can be viewed as the constrained version of the minimum output energy (MOE) criteria. Other alternative of designing the blind adaptive receiver is to use the linear constrained constant modulus (LCCM) criteria. In general, the LCCM receiver could achieve better robustness due to the changing environment of channel.
With the above-mentioned adaptive linearly constrained multi-user receivers, we are able to reduce the effects of ISI and MAI and achieve desired system performance. However, for worse communication link, the conventional adaptive multi-user detector might not achieve desired performance and suppress interference effectively. In this thesis, we consider a new approach, in which the pre-coder similar to the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems is introduced in the transmitter of the DS-CDMA system. In the receiver, by using the characteristics of pre-coder we could remove the effect of ISI, effectively, and follows by the adaptive multi-user detector to suppress the MAI. Two most common use pre-coders of the OFDM systems are the Cyclic Prefix (CP) or Zero Padding (ZP). Thus the pre-coded DS-CDMA systems associated with the adaptive blind linearly constrained receiver could be employed to further improve the system performance with the cost of decreasing the spectral efficiency.
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New Signal Processing Techniques for MIMO Physical LayerSenaratne, Damith N. Unknown Date
No description available.
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Analog and Digital Approaches to UWB Narrowband Interference CancellationOmid, Abedi January 2012 (has links)
Ultra wide band (UWB) is an extremely promising wireless technology for researchers and industrials. One of the most interesting is its high data rate and fading robustness due to selective frequency fading. However, beside such advantages, UWB system performance is highly affected by existing narrowband interference (NBI), undesired UWB signals and tone/multi-tone noises. For this reason, research about NBI cancellation is still a challenge to improve the system performance vs. receiver complexity, power consumption, linearity, etc. In this work, the two major receiver sections, i.e., analog (radiofrequency or RF) and digital (digital signal processing or DSP), were considered and new techniques proposed to reduce circuit complexity and power consumption, while improving signal parameters. In the RF section, different multiband UWB low-noise amplifier key design parameters were investigated like circuit configuration, input matching and desired/undesired frequency band filtering, highlighting the most suitable filtering package for efficient UWB NBI cancellation. In the DSP section, due to pulse transmitter signals, different issues like modulation type and level, pulse variety, shape and color noise/tone noise assumptions, were addressed for efficient NBI cancelation. A comparison was performed in terms of bit-error rate, signal-to-interference ratio, signal-to-noise ratio, and channel capacity to highlight the most suitable parameters for efficient DSP design. The optimum number of filters that allows the filter bandwidth to be reduced by following the required low sampling rate and thus improving the system bit error rate was also investigated.
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[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar alguns aspectos da
utilização de antenas adaptativas em um sistema celular
digital CDMA. Uma das razões para isto é que as antenas
adaptativas reduzem a interferência que no sistema CDMA
influencia direta e fortemente a capacidade do sistema.
Inicialmente foi feito um resumo dos princípios gerais dos
arranjos de antenas de sistemas celulares digitais e de
algoritmos de adaptação. Com base nestes princípios, é
analisada a aplicação específica a sistemas CDMA,
estabelecendo-se uma modelagem do receptor incluindo o
receptor Rake. É avaliado então através de simulação o
comportamento de dois importantes métodos de filtragem
espacial adaptativa para sistemas CDMA. / [en] This work aims to evaluate some aspects of the use of
adaptive arrays in digital celular CDMA systems. One reason
for that is that adaptive arrays reduce the interference
which strongly affects the performance of the system. First
the general principles of adaptive antennas, digital
cellular systems and adaptation algorithm are sumarized.
Based on that principles, the application to CDMA systems
is addressed, and a receiver model is developed, including
the Rake receiver. Then the behavior of two filtering
techniques is evaluated through computer simulation. / [es] Este trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar algunos aspectos
de la utilización de antenas adaptativas en un sistema
celular digital CDMA. Una de las razones para esto es que
las antenas adaptativas reducen la interferencia, que en el
sistema CDMA influeye directa y fuertemente em la capacidad
del sistema. Inicialmente se realizó un resumen de los
principios generales de los arranjos de antenas de sistemas
celulares digitales y de algoritmos de adaptación. Con base
en estos princípios, se analiza la aplicación específica a
sistemas CDMA, estableciendo una modelaje del receptor
incluindo el receptor Rake. Se evalúa a través de
simulación el comportamiento de dos importantes métodos de
filtraje espacial adaptativa para sistemas CDMA.
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Implementation of Geometrically Based Single-Bounce Models for Simulation of Angle-of-Arrival of Multipath Delay Components in the Wireless Channel Simulation Tools, SMRCIM and SIRCIMNuckols, John Eric 11 August 1999 (has links)
As the demand for wireless communication systems has exploded over the past few years, many researchers have taken on the challenge to model wireless channels more accurately. These models are very useful for enhancing the design of all aspects of wireless communications. Smart antennas and systems used in position location are among the most popular new studies that require signal information such as the amplitude, phase, and angle-of-arrival (AOA) of multipath delay spreads. For proper and efficient implementation of future systems, emerging wireless systems must be able to exploit processing of spatial information. The goal of the work presented in this thesis is to further improve two channel modeling tools, SMRCIM and SIRCIM, by implementing new geometrical models that provide users with angle-of-arrival information as well as amplitude and phase data for wideband wireless communication channels. The new angle-of-arrival models are explained and pseudo code is provided to demonstrate the software implementation of the models. Likewise, the channel models are explained and the usage and results of the simulation tools are described. The SMRCIM and SIRCIM tools are currently being used by researchers throughout the world.
<i>[Vita removed March 5, 2012. Gmc]</i> / Master of Science
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Nouvelles approches pour l'estimation du canal ultra-large bande basées sur des techniques d'acquisition compressée appliquées aux signaux à taux d'innovation fini IR-UWB / New approaches for UWB channel estimation relying on the compressed sampling of IR-UWB signals with finite rate of innovationYaacoub, Tina 20 October 2017 (has links)
La radio impulsionnelle UWB (IR-UWB) est une technologie de communication relativement récente, qui apporte une solution intéressante au problème de l’encombrement du spectre RF, et qui répond aux exigences de haut débit et localisation précise d’un nombre croissant d’applications, telles que les communications indoor, les réseaux de capteurs personnels et corporels, l’IoT, etc. Ses caractéristiques uniques sont obtenues par la transmission d’impulsions de très courte durée (inférieure à 1 ns), occupant une largeur de bande allant jusqu’à 7,5 GHz, et ayant une densité spectrale de puissance extrêmement faible (inférieure à -43 dBm/MHz). Les meilleures performances d’un système IR-UWB sont obtenues avec des récepteurs cohérents de type Rake, au prix d’une complexité accrue, due notamment à l’étape d’estimation du canal UWB, caractérisé par de nombreux trajets multiples. Cette étape de traitement nécessite l’estimation d’un ensemble de composantes spectrales du signal reçu, sans pouvoir faire appel aux techniques d’échantillonnage usuelles, en raison d’une limite de Nyquist particulièrement élevée (plusieurs GHz).Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous proposons de nouvelles approches, à faible complexité, pour l’estimation du canal UWB, basées sur la représentation parcimonieuse du signal reçu, la théorie de l’acquisition compressée, et les méthodes de reconstruction des signaux à taux d’innovation fini. La réduction de complexité ainsi obtenue permet de diminuer de manière significative le coût d’implémentation du récepteur IR-UWB et sa consommation. D’abord, deux schémas d’échantillonnage compressé, monovoie (filtre SoS) et multivoie (MCMW) identifiés dans la littérature sont étendus au cas des signaux UWB ayant un spectre de type passe-bande, en tenant compte de leur implémentation réelle dans le circuit. Ces schémas permettent l’acquisition des coefficients spectraux du signal reçu et l’échantillonnage à des fréquences très réduites ne dépendant pas de la bande passante des signaux, mais seulement du nombre des trajets multiples du canal UWB. L’efficacité des approches proposées est démontrée au travers de deux applications : l’estimation du canal UWB pour un récepteur Rake cohérent à faible complexité, et la localisation précise en environnement intérieur dans un contexte d’aide à la dépendance.En outre, afin de réduire la complexité de l’approche multivoie en termes de nombre de voies nécessaires pour l’estimation du canal UWB, nous proposons une architecture à nombre de voies réduit, en augmentant le nombre d’impulsions pilotes émises.Cette même approche permet aussi la réduction de la fréquence d’échantillonnage associée au schéma MCMW. Un autre objectif important de la thèse est constitué par l’optimisation des performances des approches proposées. Ainsi, bien que l’acquisition des coefficients spectraux consécutifs permette une mise en oeuvre simple des schémas multivoie, nous montrons que les coefficients ainsi choisis, ne donnent pas les performances optimales des algorithmes de reconstruction. Ainsi, nous proposons une méthode basée sur la cohérence des matrices de mesure qui permet de trouver l’ensemble optimal des coefficients spectraux, ainsi qu’un ensemble sous-optimal contraint où les positions des coefficients spectraux sont structurées de façon à faciliter la conception du schéma MCMW. Enfin, les approches proposées dans le cadre de cette thèse sont validées expérimentalement à l’aide d’une plateforme expérimentale UWB du laboratoire Lab-STICC CNRS UMR 6285. / Ultra-wideband impulse radio (IR-UWB) is a relatively new communication technology that provides an interesting solution to the problem of RF spectrum scarcity and meets the high data rate and precise localization requirements of an increasing number of applications, such as indoor communications, personal and body sensor networks, IoT, etc. Its unique characteristics are obtained by transmitting pulses of very short duration (less than 1 ns), occupying a bandwidth up to 7.5 GHz, and having an extremely low power spectral density (less than -43 dBm / MHz). The best performances of an IR-UWB system are obtained with Rake coherent receivers, at the expense of increased complexity, mainly due to the estimation of UWB channel, which is characterized by a large number of multipath components. This processing step requires the estimation of a set of spectral components for the received signal, without being able to adopt usual sampling techniques, because of the extremely high Nyquist limit (several GHz).In this thesis, we propose new low-complexity approaches for the UWB channel estimation, relying on the sparse representation of the received signal, the compressed sampling theory, and the reconstruction of the signals with finite rate of innovation. The complexity reduction thus obtained makes it possible to significantly reduce the IR-UWB receiver cost and consumption. First, two existent compressed sampling schemes, single-channel (SoS) and multi-channel (MCMW), are extended to the case of UWB signals having a bandpass spectrum, by taking into account realistic implementation constraints. These schemes allow the acquisition of the spectral coefficients of the received signal at very low sampling frequencies, which are not related anymore to the signal bandwidth, but only to the number of UWB channel multipath components. The efficiency of the proposed approaches is demonstrated through two applications: UWB channel estimation for low complexity coherent Rake receivers, and precise indoor localization for personal assistance and home care.Furthermore, in order to reduce the complexity of the MCMW approach in terms of the number of channels required for UWB channel estimation, we propose a reduced number of channel architecture by increasing the number of transmitted pilot pulses. The same approach is proven to be also useful for reducing the sampling frequency associated to the MCMW scheme.Another important objective of this thesis is the performance optimization for the proposed approaches. Although the acquisition of consecutive spectral coefficients allows a simple implementation of the MCMW scheme, we demonstrate that it not results in the best performance of the reconstruction algorithms. We then propose to rely on the coherence of the measurement matrix to find the optimal set of spectral coefficients maximizing the signal reconstruction performance, as well as a constrained suboptimal set, where the positions of the spectral coefficients are structured so as to facilitate the design of the MCMW scheme. Finally, the approaches proposed in this thesis are experimentally validated using the UWB equipment of Lab-STICC CNRS UMR 6285.
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An optimised QPSK-based receiver structure for possibly sparse data transmission over narrowband and wideband communication systemsSchoeman, Johan P. 24 August 2010 (has links)
In this dissertation an in-depth study was conducted into the design, implementation and evaluation of a QPSK-based receiver structure for application in a UMTS WCDMA environment. The novelty of this work lies with the specific receiver architecture aimed to optimise the BER performance when possibly sparse data streams are transmitted. This scenario is a real possibility according to Verd´u et al [1] and Hagenauer et al [2–6]. A novel receiver structure was conceptualised, developed and evaluated in both narrowband and wideband scenarios, where it was found to outperform conventional receivers when a sparse data stream is transmitted. In order to reach the main conclusions of this study, it was necessary to develop a realistic simulation platform. The developed platform is capable of simulating a communication system meeting the physical layer requirements of the UMTS WCDMA standard. The platform can also perform narrowband simulations. A flexible channel emulator was developed that may be configured to simulate AWGN channel conditions, frequency non-selective fading (either Rayleigh or Rician with a configurable LOS component and Doppler spread), or a full multipath scenario where each path has a configurable LOS component, Doppler spread, path gain and path delay. It is therefore possible to even simulate a complex, yet realistic, COST207-TU channel model. The platform is also capable of simulating MUI. Each interfering user has a unique and independent multipath fading channel, while sharing the same bandwidth. Finally, the entire platform executes all simulations in baseband for improved simulation times. The research outputs of this work are summarised below: <ul> <li>A parameter, the sparseness measure, was defined in order to quantify the level by which a data stream differs from an equiprobable data stream.</li> <li>A novel source model was proposed and developed to simulate data streams with a specified amount of sparseness.</li> <li>An introductory investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of simple FEC techniques on the sparseness of an encoded data stream.</li> <li>Novel receiver structures for both narrowband and wideband systems were proposed, developed and evaluated for systems where possibly sparse data streams may be transmitted.</li> <li>Analytic expressions were derived to take the effect of sparseness into account in communication systems, including expressions for the joint PDF of a BPSK branch, the optimal decision region of a detector in AWGN conditions as well as the BER performance of a communication system employing the proposed optimal receiver in both AWGN channel conditions as well as in flat fading channel conditions.</li> <li>Numerous BER performance curves were obtained comparing the proposed receiver structure with conventional receivers in a variety of channel conditions, including AWGN, frequency non-selective fading and a multipath COST207-TU channel environment, as well as the effect of MUI</li></ul>. AFRIKAANS : In hierdie verhandeling word ’n in-diepte studie gedoen rakende die ontwerp, implementasie en evaluasie van ’n KPSK-gebaseerde ontvanger struktuur wat in ’n UMTS WKVVT omgewing gebruik kan word. Die bydrae van hierdie werk lˆe in die spesifieke ontvanger argitektuur wat daarop mik om die BFT werksverrigting te optimeer wanneer yl data strome versend word. Hierdie is ’n realistiese moontlikheid volgens Verd´u et al [1] en Hagenauer et al [2–6]. ’n Nuwe ontvanger struktuur is gekonsepsualiseer, ontwikkel en evalueer vir beide noueband en wyeband stelsels, waar dit gevind is dat dit beter werksverrigting lewer as tradisionele ontvangers wanneer yl data strome versend word. Dit was nodig om ’n realistiese simulasie platform te ontwikkel om die belangrikste gevolgtrekkings van hierdie studie te kan maak. Die ontwikkelde platform is in staat om ’n kommunikasie stelsel te simuleer wat aan die fisiese laag vereistes van die UMTS WKVVT standaard voldoen. Die platform kan ook noueband stelsels simuleer. ’n Aanpasbare kanaal simulator is ontwikkel wat opgestel kan word om SWGR kanaal toestande, plat duining (beide Rayleigh of Ricies met ’n verstelbare siglyn komponent en Doppler verspreiding), sowel as ’n veelvuldige pad omgewing (waar elke unieke pad ’n verstelbare siglyn komponent, Doppler verspreiding, pad wins en pad vertraging het) te emuleer. Dit is selfs moontlik om ’n komplekse, maar steeds realistiese COST207-TU kanaal model te simuleer. Die platform het ook die vermo¨e om VGS te simuleer. Elke steurende gebruiker het ’n unieke en onafhanklike veelvuldige pad deinende kanaal, terwyl dieselfde bandwydte gedeel word. Laastens, alle simulasies van die platvorm word in basisband uitgevoer wat verkorte simulasie periodes verseker. Die navorsingsuitsette van hierdie werk kan as volg opgesom word: <ul> <li>’n Parameter, die ylheidsmaatstaf, is gedefin¨ýeer om dit moontlik te maak om die vlak waarmee die ylheid van ’n datastroom verskil van ’n ewekansige stroom te versyfer.</li> <li>’n Nuwe bronmodel is voorgestel en ontwikkel om datastrome met ’n spesifieke ylheid te emuleer.</li> <li>’n Inleidende ondersoek is onderneem om vas te stel wat die effek van VFK tegnieke op die ylheid van ’n enkodeerde datastroom is.</li> <li>Nuwe ontvanger strukture is voorgestel, ontwikkel en evalueer vir beide noueband en wyeband stelsels waar yl datastrome moontlik versend kan word.</li> <li>Analitiese uitdrukkings is afgelei om die effek van ylheid in ag te neem in kommunikasie stelsels. Uitdrukkings vir onder andere die gedeelte WDF van ’n BFVK tak, die optimale beslissingspunt van ’n detektor in SWGR toestande, sowel as die BFT werksverrigting van ’n kommunikasie stelsel wat van die voorgestelde optimale ontvangers gebruik maak, hetsy in SWGR of in plat duinende kanaal toestande.</li> <li>Talryke BFT werksverrigting krommes is verkry wat die voorgestelde ontvanger struktuur vergelyk met die konvensionele ontvangers in ’n verskeidenheid kanaal toestande, insluitend SWGR, plat duinende kanale en ’n veelvuldige pad COST207-TU kanaal omgewing, sowel as in die teenwoordigheid van VGS.</li></ul></p Copyright / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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