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Estudo espectroscópico e eletroquímico da redução de íons perclorato sobre superfícies eletromodificadas de estanho / Study of spectroscopic and electrochemical reduction perchlorate ions on tin surfaces electromodifiedEdson Barbosa de Sousa 23 November 2005 (has links)
Medidas eletroquímicas, incluindo cronoamperometria, voltametria cíclica, procedimentos eletroquímicos de envelhecimento de filmes superficiais, espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho, espectroscopia Raman in situ e ex situ, incluindo o efeito SERS, foram empregados no estudo da redução eletroquímica de íons perclorato a cloreto sobre eletrodo de estanho. Solução de perclorato de sódio 0,5 mol L-1 foi utilizada como eletrólito. Observou-se que a concentração máxima de cloreto produzida em decorrência da redução de íons perclorato (5,0 x 10-5 mol L-1) ocorre na região de potenciais localizada no final da contribuição de corrente da dupla camada elétrica e início da região de desprendimento de hidrogênio. A concentração limite de cloreto é decorrente do estabelecimento de um equilíbrio entre os íons cloreto na solução e cloreto adsorvido que inativa os sítios na superfície, impedindo a continuidade do processo. Programas de perturbação de potencial visando a eletromodificação da superfície do estanho foram aplicados, com o objetivo de verificar a ocorrência de mudanças das propriedades eletrocatalíticas dessas superfícies. A influência das variáveis, velocidade da perturbação, tempo de duração e limites de potencial na cinética de redução de perclorato e na concentração máxima de cloreto foi estudada. Em todos os casos a concentração máxima de cloreto detectada na solução foi de 2,0 x 10-5 mol L-1, exceto no tratamento de ativação eletroquímica quando essa concentração atinge 5,0 x 10-5 mol L-1. A influência da presença de óxidos superficiais, temperatura e agitação da solução, pH, e tempo de polarização no processo de redução de perclorato também foi avaliada. Concluiu-se que (i) a presença de óxidos catalisa o processo de redução; (ii) a influência da temperatura é significativa a 70 °C; (iii) a agitação e o pH da solução não exercem influência na concentração máxima de cloreto produzida e (iv) a concentração máxima de cloreto estabiliza-se após cerca de 150 minutos de polarização. / Electrochemical measurements including chronoamperometry, cyclic voltammetry, film surface electrochemical ageing procedures, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy including the SERS effect were carried out in order to study the electrochemical reduction of perchlorate ions at tin electrodes. Sodium perchlorate solution 0.5 mol L-1 was employed as electrolyte. It was observed that maximum chloride concentration produced by the perchlorate reduction (5.0 x 10-5 mol L-1), takes place within a potential range comprising the negative side of de double layer region and the positive side of the hydrogen evolution region. The upper limit of chloride concentration occurs due to the establishment of an equilibrium between the chloride ions in solution and the adsorbed chloride ions that blocks the surface sites where the reduction process takes place. In order to electromodify the tin surface, the electrode was subjected to perturbing potential programs, aiming to evaluate changes in the electrocatalytic properties of the modified sufaces. The influence of the experimental variables perturbation sweep rate as well as perturbation time and potential limits on the perchrolate reduction kinetic and on the maximum chloride concentration was studied. Except to the activation treatment, the maximum chloride concentration was 2.0 x 10-5 mol L-1 for all the applied perturbation programs. The influence of the oxides on the electrode surface, stirring, temperature, pH and polarization time on the reduction process was evaluated too. It was shown that (i) the presence of oxides on the electrode surface favors the reduction reaction; (ii) there is significant influence of temperature at 70 °C; (iii) pH and stirring the solution exerts no influence on the maximum chloride concentration produced and (iv) the maximum chloride concentration produced by electroreduction is reached after 150 minutes.
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Caracterização do ácido esquárico e materiais derivados por espectrocopia Raman intensificada (uso de substratos metálicos SERS de alto desempenho) / Characterization of squaric acid and derived materials by enhanced Raman spectroscopy (use of high performance metallic SERS substrates)Antonio Carlos Sant\'Ana 05 October 2005 (has links)
Nesta tese foram utilizadas as espectroscopias de espalhamento Raman intensificado pela superficie(Surface-EnhancedRaman Scattering- SERS) e Raman ressonante para monitorar a adsorção e o comportamento faradáico do ácido esquárico e seus derivados, além de um sal de transferência de carga de esquarato e tetratiofulvaleno e dois copolímeros de esquarato e pirróis. Outro tema desenvolvido neste estudo foi a construção de substratos SERS-ativos de elevado desempenho. A técnica SERS tem sido campo de grande interesse desde a detecção do espectro aman de uma única molécula, em 1997.O desenvolvimento de substratos SERS-ativos de elevado desempenho depende da apropriada manipulação de superficies metálicas nanoestruturadas, o que nos levou a adquirir conhecimento na síntese destes substratos. Colóides e filmes de Ag e Au foram preparados e seu desempenho SERS comparado com a superficie de eletrodos ativados por ciclos de oxidação-redução. A intensificação obtida para esses filmes foi comparávelà observada em eletrodos. O ânion esquarato, produto da dupla desprotonação do ácido esquárico, apresenta substancial delocalização de carga, sendo amplamente usado na síntese de materiais orgânicos condutores. Foram realizadas as caracterizações vibracionais do ácido esquárico, hidrogeno-esquarato e esquarato, além de seu radical, através da técnica SERS. Baseado nos resultados experimentais, um mecanismo de adsorção destas espécies sobre eletrodos de Au e filmes de ilhas de Ag ou Au foi proposto. Os resultados SERS também mostram que o ácido esquárico adsorvido sobre Au é decomposto em um processo catalisado pela superficie metálica, emboraestas espécies sejam muito estáveis em solução. Baseado nos resultados SERS do tetratiofulvaleno e de suas espécies oxidadas, foi eletroquimicamente, e formado pelo radical-cátion tetratiofulvaleno e o radical-ânion esquarato. Os elevados fatores de intensificação de Raman ressonante e SERS do tetratiofulvaleno impediram a detecção do esquarato no sal de transferência de carga. Duas poliesquaraínas polí(1-metilpirrol-co-ácido esquárico) e poli(1-dodecilpirrol-coácido esquárico) foram sintetizadas e caracterizadas pelas espectroscopias Raman ressonante, SERS e ressonância paramagnética de spin (EPR). Estes resultados nos levaram a propor uma estrutura polimérica diferente da apresentada pela literatura. Nossos resultados mostraram a presença de um radical orgânico delocalizado, do ânion esquarato protonadoe de dicátions similares aos presentes no polipirrol. / In this Thesis Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) and resonance Raman spectroscopy were used for monitoring the adsorption and faradaic behavior of squaric acid and its derived species. In addition, the charge transfer salt of squarate and tetrathiofulvalene and the copolymers of squarate and pyrroles were also studied. Another theme developed in this study was the manufacturing of. high performance SERS-active substrates. SERS technique has been a field of great interest since the detection of a single molecule Raman spectrum in 1997. The development of high perforrnance SERS-active substrates depends on the proper manipulation of nanostructured metal surfaces, and order to acquire know-how in the synthesis of such substrates. Ag and Au island films as well as colloid substrates were prepared and compared with electrode surfaces SERS activated by oxidation-reduction cycles. The enhancement factor obtained for such films is comparable to those observed in electrodes. The squarate anion, product of the double deprotonation of squaric acid, shows substantial charge delocalization, being largely used in the synthesis of conducting organic materiaIs. The vibrational characterization of squaric acid, hydrogen-squarate, squarate as well as its radical was carried out from the SERS data. Based on the experimental data an adsorption mechanism of such species on Au electrodes and Au or Ag islands was proposed. SERS results also show that squaric acid adsorbed on Au is decomposed in a process catalyzed by the metal surface, although in solution it proves to be a very stable specles. The vibrational characterization of an electrochemically forrned charge transfer salt between tetrathiofulvalene radical-cation and squarate radical-anion was done based on the SERS data of tetrathiofulvalene and its oxidation species. The large resonance Raman and SERS enhancement factors of tetrathiofulvalene preclude the detection of the squarate species in the charge transfer salt. Two polysquaraines: poly(1-methylpyrrole-co-squaric acid) and poly(1-dodecylpyrrole-co-squaric acid) were synthesized and characterized by resonance Raman, SERS and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (EPR) techniques. The results lead us to propose a polymeric structure different from that present in the literature. Our data showed a delocalized organic radical in the polymeric matrices together with dications similar to those present in polypirrole and protonated squarate anion.
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Nanocristais de silício e nanofios de óxido de zinco com érbio / Silicon nanocrystals and zinc oxide nanowires with erbiumMustafa, Danilo 12 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Leandro Russovski Tessler / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin. / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T12:50:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Mustafa_Danilo_D.pdf: 6205276 bytes, checksum: 59c05edb31d8e98587b99bb8946e265f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: No presente trabalho apresentamos um estudo da luminescência de érbio em nanocristais de silício (nc-Si) e nanofios de óxido de zinco (nw-ZnO). Os nanocristais de silício com érbio são obtidos através do tratamento térmico de filmes finos amorfos de sub-óxidos de silício (SiOx) preparados por rf-sputtering, variando a concentração de Oxigênio e érbio durante o crescimento. O érbio é adicionado aos filmes cobrindo parcialmente a superfície do alvo de silício com pequenos cacos de érbio metálico. Medidas de espectroscopia Raman e microscopia eletrônica de alta resolução (HRTEM) fornecem o tamanho e densidade de nanocristais em cada amostra. Medidas de fotoluminescência (PL) dos nanocristais na temperatura ambiente mostram que o tamanho dos nanocristais varia com a concentração de oxigênio e temperatura de tratamento térmico. A dependência da PL dos nanocristais com a temperatura pode ser entendida considerando a competição entre processos radiativos e não-radiativos. Em amostras com érbio a taxa de recombinação não-radiativa é maior que nas amostras sem érbio. O estudo da PL dos nanocristais e dos íons Er3+ mostra que o Er3+ funciona como um centro de recombinação não-radiativa para a energia proveniente da recombinação de portadores nos nanocristais. Neste caso, parte da energia gerada nos nanocristais é transferida para os íons Er3+ ao invés de ser emitida na forma de fótons. Também é possível observar que a intensidade da PL do Er3+ depende da intensidade da PL dos nanocristais e é maior em amostras contendo nanocristais de ~3nm (que emitem em ~1,5eV), indicando que a transferência é ressonante (com a excitação 4I15/2 ---> 4I9/2 do Er3+ que corresponde a uma energia de 1,5eV).
Os nanofios de ZnO com érbio são preparados por deposição vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) e por electrospinning. Em amostras preparadas por VLS, o érbio é depositado sobre os nanofios após sua preparação. No electrospinning um composto organometálico de érbio é adicionado ao polímero precursor. É observada luminescência de érbio quando as amostras são excitadas com um comprimento de onda ressonante com algum nível mais energético do Er3+. Nanocristais de E2O3 são observados por HRTEM na superfície dos nanofios preparados por VLS. Medidas de EXAFS revelam que a vizinhança do Er nessas amostras é idêntica à do óxido Er2O3, indicando que não ocorreu dopagem substitucional do ZnO. / Abstract: We present a study of erbium luminescence in silicon nanocrystals (nc-Si) and zinc oxide nanowires (nw-ZnO). Silicon nanocrystals are produced by annealing of amorphous sub-oxide thin films (SiOx) prepared by rf-sputtering varying the oxygen and erbium concentration during growth. Erbium is added by partially covering the silicon target surface with small pieces of metallic erbium. Raman spectroscopy and HRTEM measurements reveal the size and density of nanocrystals in each sample. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements at room temperature show that the nanocrystal size changes with oxygen concentration and annealing temperature. The PL dependence on the temperature can be understood considering a competition between radiative and non-radiative processes. In samples with erbium the non-radiative recombination rate is higher than in samples without erbium. The study of the nanocrystal and Er3+ PL show that Er3+ behaves as non-radiative recombination centers for excited carriers in the nanocrystals. Part of the energy from the nanocrystals is transferred to Er3+ instead of being emitted as light. The Er3+ PL intensity depends on the nanocrystal PL intensity and is higher in samples containing nanocrystals ~3nm (which emit at ~1.5eV), indicating that the energy transfer is resonant (with the 4I15/2 -----> 4I9/2 Er3+excitation at ~1.5eV)
ZnO nanowires were prepared by vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) deposition and by electrospinning. In the VLS method erbium is deposited on the nanowires after growth. In the electrospinning method a metallorganic compound is added to the polymer precursor. Erbium PL is observed when the samples are excited by one of the Er3+ higher transitions. Er2O3 nano-crystals are observed by HRTEM on the surface of the nanowires prepared by VLS. EXAFS measurements in these samples show that the Erneighborhood is identical to that of E2O<>3 indicating that there was no substitutional / Doutorado / Física da Matéria Condensada / Doutor em Ciências
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Análise de requeijão por espectroscopia raman e ferramentas quimiométricasOliveira, Kamila de Sá 19 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-02-25T12:01:04Z
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kamiladesaoliveira.pdf: 1911610 bytes, checksum: 10d09a7a6a982fab8f443d76d35c55fc (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-12-19 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho, a espectroscopia FT-Raman foi explorada como técnica rápida para avaliação de amostras de requeijão. A análise exploratória empregando os dados da espectroscopia Raman e a análise por componentes principais (PCA) permitiu a separação das amostras do laticínio em questão acordo com a sua classificação - tradicional ou light. A análise multivariada também foi empregada para classificar amostras de requeijão contendo amido. Para a construção dos modelos, foram utilizados dois tipos de amostras: comerciais (puras e adulteradas em laboratório) e manufaturadas em uma indústria da região, as quais, de forma geral, forneceram melhores resultados do que as primeiras. O modelo das componentes principais foi capaz de alocar em agrupamentos diferentes amostras com e sem redução de lipídios e também amostras com e sem amido. Na análise discriminante por mínimos quadrados parciais, todas as amostras foram classificadas corretamente quanto à presença ou ausência de amido, sendo necessário fazer seleção de variáveis em alguns dos modelos. A regressão multivariada foi feita através dos mínimos quadrados parciais e os resultados mostraram-se satisfatórios. Entretanto, os modelos construídos apresentaram altos erros de previsão para as amostras sem amido, o que pode indicar um resultado falso positivo de fraude. Por fim, é importante salientar que a espectroscopia Raman, em conjunto com quimiometria, pode ser usada como ferramenta para controle de qualidade em amostras da indústria de laticínios, e em particular para amostras de requeijão. / In this work, FT-Raman spectroscopy has been explored as a rapid technique to evaluate requeijão samples. Exploratory analysis using Raman data as well principal component analysis (PCA) has been able to separate the dairy samples according to their classifications: traditional or light food. Multivariate analysis has also been employed to classify requeijão samples which contain starch. To build the models two types of samples have been used: commercial (pure and adulterated in laboratory) and manufactured in local industries, which have given the best results when compared to the first samples. PCA model was able to allocate in groups different samples with and without lipid content reduction, as well samples with and without starch. In the partial least square discriminant analysis all samples were correctly classified in terms of starch content, being necessary the selection of other variables in some of the models. Multivariate regression has been done through partial least square method, and the results are satisfactory. However, the built models have shown high prevision errors for samples without starch, which can be indicative of a false positive result of fraud. At last, the results show clearly that Raman spectroscopy with chemometric models can be used as quality control tool for dairy products, in particular requeijão.
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Sondando estruturas cristalinas e interações magnéticas em perovskitas com espectroscopia Raman / Probing crystal structures and magnetic interactions in perovskites using Raman spectroscopyKaneko, Ulisses Ferreira, 1984- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Granado Monteiro da Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T17:01:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Kaneko_UlissesFerreira_M.pdf: 2619088 bytes, checksum: c36f7ad5b21c5415a6efa7e4b72e4bb3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Essa dissertação de Mestrado descreve medidas de Espectroscopia Raman realizadas em dois sistemas de perovskitas, Sr2CrReO6 e Ba1-xLaxTi0,5Mn0,5O3. Na perovskita Sr2CrReO6 dupla foram feitas medidas em um intervalo de temperaturas entre 30 K e 700 K. Foi observado um endurecimento anômalo e recorde do modo de respiração dos octaedros de oxigênio sobre os metais de transição abaixo da temperatura de ordenamento ferrimagnético dos spins de Cr e Re, Tc~600K. Tal fenômeno é explicado em termos de uma nova excitação coletiva à qual atribuímos o nome de ¿spin-elétron-fônon¿. No sistema Ba1-xLaxTi0,5Mn0,5O3 é feita uma série de medidas para x=0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 e 0.5. Para cada valor de x foi variada a temperatura de 30 K até 300 K e o mostramos que a mudança de temperatura não induz nenhuma transição de fase estrutural. No entanto, o espectro Raman mostra uma evolução em função de x que é interpretada como uma transição de fase causada por um aumento da desordem ocupacional nos sítios de Ti e Mn induzida pela dopagem de La / Abstract: This Master¿s thesis describes Raman spectroscopy measurements performed on two perovskitas systems, Sr2CrReO6 and Ba1-xLaxTi0,5Mn0,5O3. In the double perovskite Sr2CrReO6 Raman spectra were measured as a function of temperature in the range from 30 K to 700 K. A record-high anomalous hardening at the frequency of breathing mode of the oxygen octaedra over the transition-metals ions was observed below the ferrimagnetic ordering temperature of the Cr and Re spins. This phenomenon is explained in terms of a new collective excitation which we term \\\"spin-electronphonon\\\". In the system Ba1-xLaxTi0,5Mn0,5O3 a series of Raman spectra was measured for x = 0.0; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4 and 0.5. For each composition the temperature was varied from 30 K to 300 K and we showed that, at least in the studied range temperature variation does not induce any structural transition. However, the Raman spectrum shows an evolution with x which is interpreted as a phase transition caused by increase in occupational disorder in the Ti and Mn sites induced by La dopping / Mestrado / Física / Mestre em Física
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L’imagerie chimique Raman appliquée à l’analyse des produits pharmaceutiques falsifiés / Raman chemical imaging for the analysis of falsified pharmaceuticalsRebiere, Hervé 28 November 2017 (has links)
La thèse propose une méthodologie d’analyse rapide basée sur l’étude de l’image hyperspectrale Raman d’un produit pharmaceutique falsifié sous forme solide afin, d’une part d’identifier les substances présentes, et d’autre part estimer la teneur du principe actif dans l’échantillon sans étalonnage préalable.La présence de produits pharmaceutiques falsifiés est un véritable enjeu de santé publique. Ce type de produits de santé est facilement disponible sur internet, et beaucoup d’exemples montrent leur dangerosité. De nombreuses techniques sont disponibles pour analyser ces produits et ainsi participer à la lutte contre la falsification de médicament. La combinaison de ces techniques analytiques permet une caractérisation approfondie de l’échantillon. Cependant, peu de techniques analytiques procurent l’ensemble des informations chimiques.L’imagerie chimique Raman est une technique qui répond aux exigences requises pour l’analyse de produits falsifiés sous forme solide. En effet, cette technique peu destructive permet de réutiliser l’échantillon pour des analyses complémentaires. L’imagerie chimique Raman combine les trois disciplines de spectroscopie Raman, microscopie et chimiométrie. Cette technique réalise des mesures successives de spectres Raman sur des zones adjacentes couvrant la surface de l’échantillon. Elle intègre donc des informations spatiales et spectrales. Les méthodes chimiométriques dites de résolution (MCR-ALS et DCLS) analysent le jeu de spectres pour extraire des informations qualitatives (détection des spectres purs du mélange) et des informations quantitatives (estimation de la concentration de la substance active). La méthodologie a été optimisée et validée avec des échantillons préparés en laboratoire, puis appliquée à des échantillons réels authentiques et falsifiés. La sensibilité de la méthode qualitative a été démontrée par la détection d’un principe actif antibiotique à la teneur de 0,3% m/m dans un comprimé à visée anabolisante. De plus la méthode a été capable de détecter les substances utilisées pour le traitement de dysfonctions sexuelles (sildénafil, tadalafil, vardénafil, dapoxétine). Malgré une forte émission de fluorescence, la méthode a réussi à discriminer les 3 sels de clopidogrel (hydrogénosulfate, bésilate et chlorhydrate). L’analyse quantitative directe sur des échantillons de Viagra® et de Plavix® a été jugée convenable avec une déviation de la teneur entre -15% et +24%. Cette déviation est considérée acceptable pour évaluer le risque sanitaire pour le patient et alerter les autorités de santé.Dans le cadre de l’analyse des produits falsifiés, il a été démontré que la micro-spectroscopie Raman associée aux méthodes chimiométriques permet de réaliser un « screening spectroscopique » des composants de l’échantillon, d’identifier les substances chimiques, de visualiser leur distribution sur la surface de l’échantillon et d’estimer leur teneur par « quantification directe ». / The thesis proposes a rapid methodology of analysis based on the Raman hyperspectral image study of a solid form falsified pharmaceutical product in order to identify the substances in the sample and to estimate the content of the active ingredient in the sample without prior calibration.The presence of falsified pharmaceuticals is a real public health issue. This type of products is easily available on the internet, and many examples show their dangerousness. Many techniques are available for the analysis of these products and thus participate in the fight against drug falsification. The combination of these analytical techniques allows a comprehensive characterization of the sample. However few analytical techniques provide all the chemical information. Raman chemical imaging is a technique that meets the requirements for the analysis of falsified products in solid form. Indeed, this non-destructive technique makes it possible the reuse of the sample for additional testing. Raman chemical imaging combines the three disciplines of Raman spectroscopy, microscopy and chemometrics. This technique performs successive measurements of Raman spectra on adjacent location covering the surface of the sample. It therefore collects spatial and spectral information. The so-called resolution chemometric methods analyse the set of spectra in order to extract qualitative information (detection of pure spectra in the mixture) and quantitative information (estimate of the concentration of the chemical substance). The methodology was optimized and validated with samples prepared in the laboratory, and then applied to genuine and falsified real samples. The sensitivity of the qualitative method was demonstrated with the detection of an antibiotic active ingredient at a content of 0.3% m/m in an anabolic tablet. Moreover, the method was able to distinguish substances used for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions (sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil, dapoxetine). Despite a high fluorescence emission, the method successfully discriminated the 3 salts of clopidogrel (hydrogen sulfate, besylate and hydrochloride). Direct quantitative analysis of samples of Viagra® and Plavix® was found to be appropriate with a deviation between -15% and +24%. This deviation is considered acceptable to assess the health risk to the patient and to alert health authorities.For the analysis of falsified products, it has been demonstrated that Raman micro-spectroscopy combined with chemometric methods allows to perform a "spectroscopic screening" of the components in the sample, to identify chemical substances, to visualize their distribution on the sample surface and to estimate their content by "direct quantification".
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Electronic and Optical Properties of Twisted Bilayer GrapheneHuang, Shengqiang, Huang, Shengqiang January 2018 (has links)
The ability to isolate single atomic layers of van der Waals materials has led to renewed interest in the electronic and optical properties of these materials as they can be fundamentally different at the monolayer limit. Moreover, these 2D crystals can be assembled together layer by layer, with controllable sequence and orientation, to form artificial materials that exhibit new features that are not found in monolayers nor bulk. Twisted bilayer graphene is one such prototype system formed by two monolayer graphene layers placed on top of each other with a twist angle between their lattices, whose electronic band structure depends on the twist angle. This thesis presents the efforts to explore the electronic and optical properties of twisted bilayer graphene by Raman spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy measurements.
We first synthesize twisted bilayer graphene with various twist angles via chemical vapor deposition. Using a combination of scanning tunneling microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, the twist angles are determined. The strength of the Raman G peak is sensitive to the electronic band structure of twisted bilayer graphene and therefore we use this peak to monitor changes upon doping. Our results demonstrate the ability to modify the electronic and optical properties of twisted bilayer graphene with doping.
We also fabricate twisted bilayer graphene by controllable stacking of two graphene monolayers with a dry transfer technique. For twist angles smaller than one degree, many body interactions play an important role. It requires eight electrons per moire unit cell to fill up each band instead of four electrons in the case of a larger twist angle. For twist angles smaller than 0.4 degree, a network of domain walls separating AB and BA stacking regions forms, which are predicted to host topologically protected helical states. Using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy, these states are confirmed to appear on the domain walls when inversion symmetry is broken with an external electric field. We observe a double-line profile of these states on the domain walls, only occurring when the AB and BA regions are gaped. These states give rise to channels that could transport charge in a dissipationless manner making twisted bilayer graphene a promising platform to realize controllable topological networks for future applications.
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New data on hemihedrite from ArizonaLafuente, B., Downs, R. T., Origlieri, M. J., Domanik, K. J., Gibbs, R. B., Rumsey, M. S. 01 August 2017 (has links)
Hemihedrite from the Florence Lead-Silver mine in Pinal County, Arizona, USA was first described and assigned the ideal chemical formula Pb10Zn(CrO4)(6)(SiO4)(2)F-2, based upon a variety of chemical and crystal-structure analyses. The primary methods used to determine the fluorine content for hemihedrite were colorimetry, which resulted in values of F that were too high and inconsistent with the structural data, and infrared (IR) spectroscopic analysis that failed to detect OH or H2O. Our reinvestigation using electron microprobe analysis of the type material, and additional samples from the type locality, the Rat Tail claim, Arizona, and Nevada, reveals the absence of fluorine, while the presence of OH is confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. These findings suggest that the colorimetric determination of fluorine in the original description of hemihedrite probably misidentified F due to the interferences from PO4 and SO4, both found in our chemical analyses. As a consequence of these results, the study presented here proposes a redefinition of the chemical composition of hemihedrite to the ideal chemical formula Pb10Zn(CrO4)(6)(SiO4)(2)(OH)(2). Hemihedrite is isotypic with iranite with substitution of Zn for Cu, and raygrantite with substitution of Cr for S. Structural data from a sample from the Rat Tail claim, Arizona, indicate that hemihedrite is triclinic in space group P (1) over bar, a = 9.4891(7), b = 11.4242(8), c = 10.8155(7) angstrom, alpha = 120.368(2)degrees, ss = 92.017(3)degrees, gamma = 55.857(2)degrees, V = 784.88(9) angstrom(3), Z = 1, consistent with previous investigations. The structure was refined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data to R-1 = 0.022 for 5705 unique observed reflections, and the ideal chemical formula Pb10Zn(CrO4)(6)(SiO4)(2)(OH)(2) was assumed during the refinement. Electron microprobe analyses of this sample yielded the empirical chemical formula Pb-10.05(Zn0.91Mg0.02)(Sigma) (= 0.93) (Cr5.98S0.01P0.01)(Sigma = 6.00) Si1.97O34 H-2.16 based on 34 O atoms and six (Cr + S + P) per unit cell.
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Contribution à la compréhension des mécanismes de lubrification par particules colloidales / Contribution to the understanding of lubricant mechanisms by colloidal particlesMolza, Audrey 23 June 2016 (has links)
L’utilisation des additifs conventionnels (MoDTC, ZnDTP) dans les lubrifiants pour réduire le frottement et l’usure de pièces frottantes ont montré des limitations. Afin de pallier les faiblesses de ces additifs de nouvelles stratégies de lubrification ont été développées en utilisant des particules colloïdales de phases réductrices de frottement et d’usure. Les travaux antérieurs ont montré que l’introduction d’un lubrifiant solide composé de nanoparticules lamellaires en présence d’un liquide de faible viscosité entraînait une réduction spectaculaire du coefficient de frottement. L’objectif principal de la thèse est donc l’élucidation des mécanismes d’action mis en œuvre lors de ce processus de réduction du frottement. L’ensemble des résultats expérimentaux, acquis au cours des essais réalisés sur les films de nanoparticules (graphite exfolié et CND-G) en présence de pentane ou en présence de dispersion de nanoparticules dans le dodécane, à l’aide d’un tribomètre alternatif à géométrie sphère/plan, nous a permis de montrer que le processus de réduction du frottement est lié à la formation d’un contact conforme par constitution d’un film épais de nanoparticules agglomérées dans la zone de pénombre de Hertz conduit au changement de régime de lubrification limite vers un régime mixte ou EHD. Les analyses physico-chimiques du contact en glissement lubrifié par spectrométrie Raman in situ nous a permis de montrer que le film lubrifiant est constitué de la dispersion de nanoparticules dans le liquide et que le processus spécifique de réduction du frottement est aussi associé à l’orientation des nanoparticules parallèlement aux surfaces de glissement. / The use of conventional additives (MoDTC, ZnDTP) in lubricants to reduce friction and wear of friction parts have shown limitations. To overcome the limitations of these additives new lubrication strategies were developed using friction reducer colloidal particles. Previous work has shown that the introduction of a solid lubricant composed of nanoparticles dispersed in the lubricating base oil presenting a low viscosity has shown a reduction of the friction. The aim of the thesis is the elucidation of the mechanisms of action used during the process of friction reduction. All the experimental results acquired during the tests on the films of nanoparticles (exfoliated graphite and CND-G) in the presence of pentane or presence of nanoparticles dispersion in dodecane, using a alternating tribometer geometry sphere / plan allowed us to show that the friction reducing process is related to the formation of a conform contact by the formation of a thick film of agglomerated nanoparticles in Hertz penumbra that led to a transition of lubrication boundary regime to a mixed or EHD regime. The physicochemical analyzes of sliding contact by in situ spectrometry Raman in situ allowed us to show that the lubricant film is composed of the dispersion of nanoparticles in the liquid and the specific friction reduction mechanims is also associated to the orientation of nanoparticles parallel to the sliding surfaces.
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Stabilité chimique et structurale de pérovskites céramiques de conductrice protoniques pour piles à combustible et électrolyseurs / Chemical and structural stability of proton conducting perovskite ceramic for fuel cells and electrolyzersUpasen, Settakorn 10 September 2015 (has links)
La stabilité structurale et chimique de céramiques bien densifiées candidates pour leur utilisation comme électrolyte ou matériau d'électrode de piles à combustible, électrolyseur H2/air ou même de convertisseur CO2/Hydrocarbures a été étudiée vis-à-vis de l'eau sous pression (autoclave, eau pauvre ou saturée en CO2). La pressurisation maximise l'efficacité des dispositifs. Quatre familles de pérovskites ont été considérées: BaCe0.4Zr0.5Y0.1Zn0.04O3- (BCZYZ), SrZr0.9Er0.1O3- (SZE), Ln2NiO4+ (LNO, Ln = La, Pr, Nd), and La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3- (LSCF6428). Les céramiques denses sont traitées à 550°C en autoclave plusieurs jours à plusieurs semaines, soit dans des conditions de fonctionnement ( 20 bar, eau sans CO2, 550°C), soit en vieillissement accéléré ( 40 bar eau sans ou saturée de CO2, 550°C). Les céramiques ont été analysées avant et après 'protonation' par Microscopie Optique, Thermogravimétrie, Expansion Thermique, (micro/macro) ATR FTIR, Raman micro-Spectroscopie, diffraction des rayons X et des neutrons. En condition de fonctionnement ( 20 bar), la stabilité des matériaux d'électrodes LNO/LSCF6428 et de l'électrolyte SZE est bonne, alors que la céramique BCZYZ se corrode. La céramique LSFC6428 soumis à des conditions sévères (eau saturée en CO2, 40 bar) est 5 à 30 fois moins corrodée que les composés LNO and SZE. La corrosion s'initie en surface, aux joints de grains. La protonation modifie plus ou moins la symétrie, le volume et les paramètres de la maille unitaire ainsi que les transitions de phase en relation avec la modification de la distribution/organisation des lacunes d'oxygène. Le niveau de dopage en proton des différents matériaux est aussi discuté. / The chemical and structural stability of well-densified ceramics potentially used as H2/air fuelcell/electrolyzer (and perhaps in CO2/Hydrocabons Converter) electrolyte or electrodes vs. CO2-free/saturated pressurized water has been studied. The pressurization maximizes the efficiency of theenergy conversion systems. Four types of pervoskite-related oxide ceramics were concerned:BaCe0.4Zr0.5Y0.1Zn0.04O3-d (BCZYZ), SrZr0.9Er0.1O3-d (SZE), Ln2NiO4+d (LNO, Ln = La, Pr, Nd), andLa0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-d (LSCF6428). Dense ceramic samples were exposed at 550°C to water vaporpressure in an autoclave for days to weeks. The protonation treatments were performed in twodifferent conditions: operating condition (£20 bar of CO2-free water pressure, 550°C) and acceleratedaging conditions (³40 bar of CO2-free/CO2-saturated water pressure, 550°C). The pristine and‘protonated’ samples were characterized using various analysis techniques: Optical Microscopy,Thermogravimetry, Thermal Expansion, (micro/macro) ATR FTIR, Raman micro-spectroscopy, X-rayand Neutron Scattering. The study reveals that under the operating condition (£20 bar), the stability ofLNO/LSCF6428 electrode materials and of SZE electrolyte appears good, while the BCZYZelectrolyte exhibit significant corrosion. The superior stability of LSFC6428 exposed in extreme CO2-water vapor atmosphere was demonstrated about 5 to 30 times better than LNO and SZE homologues.The surface secondary phases form at the grain boundary. The protonation modifies more or less thestructure symmetry, the unit-cell volume/parameter and the phase transition sequence in relation withthe modification of the oxygen vacancy distribution. The proton doping level for different samples isalso discussed.
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