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The Molecular Basis of Medulloblastoma: Interaction of Hedgehog and Notch Signalling in Brain Development and CancerElaine Julian Unknown Date (has links)
Brain tumours comprise about 25% of all cancers in children. Medulloblastoma – which arise in the cerebellum – are the most common and severe malignant pediatric brain tumour and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in children under the age of 9. Treatment of medulloblastoma remains conventional, with surgery followed by chemotherapy and radiation. These measures are successful in about 60-80% of cases but treatment results in severe side effects due to its toxicity to the central nervous system. Therefore it is of utmost importance to define the signalling pathways and genetic changes involved in the formation of medulloblastoma in order to allow for better diagnosis and treatments with higher efficiency and decreased toxicity. The cell of origin for medulloblastoma is thought to be the granule neuron progenitor, a cell type arising from cerebellar stem cells of the ventricular zone. After birth granule neuron progenitors differentiate into mature granule neurons which populate the majority of the cerebellum and are crucial for its cognitive functions and motor coordination. The Hedgehog signalling pathway plays an important role in medulloblastoma generation and murine models with activated Hedgehog signalling develop medulloblastoma at high frequencies. In addition, the Notch pathway has been implicated in the generation of medulloblastoma, and interaction between the two pathways has been suggested. Inhibitors of both Hedgehog and Notch are currently in clinical trials however knowledge of possible interactions between them could lead to more effective treatment strategies. The aim of this project was to investigate the interaction of Hedgehog and Notch signalling in normal brain development and medulloblastoma. Two mouse models allowed activation of Hedgehog and inactivation of Notch signalling in granule neuron progenitors and cerebellar ventricular zone stem cells. In granule neuron progenitors canonical Notch signalling is not required and the layering and cell types of RBP-Jlox/lox;Math1-Cre cerebella appear identical to control brains. In contrast, Notch inactivation in ventricular zone stem cells with GFAP-Cre resulted in increased differentiation of stem cells into progenitor cells accompanied by an overall developmental delay in neuronal differentiation. Medulloblastoma generated by Hedgehog activation (through inactivation of the negative Hedgehog regulator Ptc1) in both cell types cannot be blocked by Notch inactivation. Furthermore, medulloblastoma of Ptc1lox/lox;RBP-Jlox/lox;GFAP-Cre and those of Ptc1lox/lox;RBP-Jlox/lox;Math1-Cre mice are identical in incidence as well as histology to the tumours in which only Hedgehog signalling is activated. This implies that even though Notch signalling plays an important role in cerebellar stem cells it is not required for the initiation and development of Hedgehog induced medulloblastoma. Therefore it may be crucial to consider the Hedgehog status of patients in order to interpret clinical data of Notch pathway inhibitors and even more importantly these results suggest that determining the Hedgehog status might be crucial before treatment of medulloblastoma patients with Notch pathway inhibitors.
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Caractérisation fonctionnelle de la sous-famille LARP6 chez Arabidopsis thaliana : mise en évidence du rôle de LARP6c dans le pollen / Functional characterization of the LARP6 sub-family in Arabidopsis thaliana : determination of LARP6c function in pollenBilley, Elodie 02 October 2015 (has links)
Chez les eucaryotes, les RNA Binding Proteins (RBP) s’associent aux transcrits pour former des Particules Ribo-Nucléoprotéiques (mRNP) dynamiques, dont la localisation et la composition sont déterminantes pour la maturation, l’export, la stabilité et la traduction des ARNm. Les protéines à motif LA sont des protéines de liaison à l’ARN, présentes chez plusieurs centaines d’espèces eucaryotes, qui se répartissent en 5 sous-familles : LA authentiques, LARP1, 4, 6 et 7. Les membres de ces sous-familles partagent des caractéristiques évolutives, des domaines additionnels et des fonctions conservés. Mes travaux de thèse ont contribué à l’étude fonctionnelle de protéines LARP6 chez Arabidopsis thaliana. On sait, à l’heure actuelle, que chez Manduca sexta et plusieurs espèces de vertébrés, LARP6 est impliquée dans la régulation de la différenciation cellulaire. Chez l’Homme, elle agit en tant que RBP pour coordonner la traduction des ARNm codant les sous-unités du collagène de type I. Les plantes vasculaires ont la particularité de contenir plusieurs protéines LARP6, classées en trois groupes évolutifs. Chez A. thaliana, l’unique représentant de chaque sous-famille semble s’être spécialisé. D’ailleurs, les protéines LARP6b et c ont des profils d’expression mutuellement exclusifs, où LARP6c est présente dans le pollen et LARP6b est ubiquitaire mais absente du gamétophyte mâle. Nous avons axé notre travail sur la protéine LARP6c et démontré qu’elle est cytoplasmique et impliquée, dans le pollen, dans le contrôle de la quantité d’ARNm codant des acteurs du transport vésiculaire. Les ARNm identifiés comme cibles potentielles de LARP6c codent, eux aussi, des facteurs impliqués dans le transport ; et possèdent dans leur 5’-UTR deux motifs qui pourraient permettre leur co-régulation par fixation de RBP. La délétion de LARP6c, affecte la capacité du tube pollinique à se diriger vers l’ovule suggérant un défaut de communication; ce qui est cohérent avec la dérégulation des ARNm codant des acteurs de la sécrétion/réception de signaux extracellulaires. Nous proposons que LARP6c intervient, dans le pollen, en tant que protéine de mRNP et co-régule la traduction et/ou la stabilité de transcrits codant des acteurs des voies de communications dépendantes de la sécrétion et de l’endocytose, et intervenant dans les échanges mâle/femelle / In eucaryotes, RNA Binding Proteins (RBP) associate with transcripts to form dynamic Ribo-Nucleoprotein Particles (mRNP), whose localization and composition are determinant for mRNA maturation, export, stability and translation. LA motif proteins are RNA binding proteins, found in several hundred eucaryotic species, which fall in 5 sub-families: genuine LA, LARP1, 4, 6 and 7. Members of these subfamilies share conserved evolutionary history, additional motifs and functions. My thesis work contributed to deciphering the functional properties of the Arabidopsis thaliana LARP6 proteins. Currently, we know that in Manduca sexta and many vertebrates species LARP6 is implicated in the regulation of cellular differentiation. In humans, it acts as an RBP to coordinate the translation of mRNA coding for type I collagen subunits. Vascular plants differ in possessing many LARP6 proteins classified in three evolutionary groups. In A. thaliana, the unique member of each subfamily seems to be specialized. LARP6b and c proteins present mutually exclusive expression profiles, with LARP6c only present in pollen and LARP6b ubiquitously expressed except in the male gametophyte. We mostly focused our work on LARP6c and showed it to be cytoplasmic and implicated in controlling the level of mRNAs encoding vesicular transport actors in pollen tubes. Putative identified LARP6c mRNA baits also encode proteins involved in transport and share two motifs in their 5’-UTR that could allow their co-regulation via RBP binding. LARP6c deletion induces deficiencies in pollen tube guidance towards the ovule, suggesting a communication default. This is consistent with the deregulation of mRNA coding for extra-cellular signal secretion/reception actors. We propose that LARP6c acts as an mRNP protein in pollen and co-regulates translation and/or stability of mRNA coding for actors of communication pathways depending on secretion and endocytosis; hence acting on male/female exchanges.
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Trafikverket och renskötselrätten : Rättigheter, expropriation och ersättningWestling Öhman, Noomi January 2022 (has links)
Renskötselrätten är en rättighet av en civilrättslig karaktär som är förbehållen samerna. Rättigheten kan därmed inte tas i anspråk av vare sig staten eller någon annan. I dagsläget finns det ett starkt rättsligt underlag för byggande av såväl vägar som järnvägar. Det finns även utarbetade ersättningsnormer för jord- och skogsbruksmark som har tagits i anspråk. I de fall mark med renskötselrätt tas i anspråk är dock det rättsliga underlaget för ersättning vagt. I studien har både den rättsdogmatiska och den rättssociologiska metoden använts för att reda ut rättsläget kring mark med renskötselrätt som tas i anspråk. Utgångspunkten för studien har varit att tvister ska lösas genom samråd eller konsultation.
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The Role of the Retinol-Binding Protein Receptor STRA6 in Regulation of Diurnal Insulin ResponsesGliniak, Christy M. 06 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Analyse systématique de l'influence de la source d'azote sur le transcriptome de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiaeGodard, Patrice 04 July 2006 (has links)
Les biopuces à ADN permettent d’étudier à une échelle génomique une très grande variété de questions sur la physiologie et la différenciation cellulaires. Elles ont ainsi contribué de manière considérable aux progrès récents de nombreux domaines de la biologie et occuperont bientôt une place de choix dans le secteur du diagnostic médical. C’est la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae qui a servi de modèle pour le développement de la première biopuce génomique. L’application de cette approche à la levure a permis d’explorer sous un angle nouveau l’étude de ses différents états de différenciation, de son cycle cellulaire, et de sa capacité d’adaptation à diverses conditions nutritionnelles ou à des conditions environnementales induisant un stress cellulaire. Plusieurs études ont plus particulièrement examiné la réponse des cellules de levure à une carence en azote ou en acides aminés. Cependant, une étude systématique de la réponse transcriptionnelle de la cellule aux différentes sources d’azote n’a jamais été entreprise en croissance confinée à l'état de régime. S. cerevisiae est capable d’utiliser plus d’une vingtaine de substances en tant que sources uniques d’azote pour la croissance. On distingue parmi les sources d’azote celles qui permettent une croissance optimale, appelées « bonnes » sources d’azote, des autres, appelées « mauvaises » sources d’azote. La levure possède plusieurs systèmes de régulation lui permettant de s'adapter à la condition azotée. Au niveau transcriptionnel, on recense trois régulations générales – la NCR (répression catabolique azotée), le GAAC (le contrôle général de la biosynthèse des acides aminés) et le système SPS (Ssy1-Ptr3-Ssy5) – et une multitude de régulations plus spécifiques.
En utilisant la technique des puces à ADN, nous avons généré une matrice d'expression de l'ensemble des gènes de la levure en croissance confinée à l'état de régime dans un milieu de culture contenant une parmi 21 sources d'azote différentes. Nous avons pu ainsi recenser systématiquement 506 gènes soumis à une régulation transcriptionnelle dépendante de l'azote.
En nous basant sur ces résultats, nous avons pu décrire l'ensemble des régulations transcriptionnelles engagées dans l'adaptation à la source d'azote fournie dans le milieu de culture. Parallèlement, nous avons défini deux grands groupes de sources d'azote en fonction du transcriptome de S. cerevisiae. Le premier groupe rassemble les composés qui exercent une répression catabolique azotée forte et dont la liste a été complétée. Fait nouveau, nous montrons que ces mêmes composés enclenchent aussi l'activation de la réponse aux protéines mal repliées (UPR). Au contraire, lorsque la source d'azote appartient au second groupe que nous avons défini, non seulement la croissance des levures est plus lente, la NCR levée et la réponse aux protéines mal repliées réprimée, mais nous montrons de façon inattendue que le contrôle général de la biosynthèse des acides aminés est activé. Plusieurs autres régulations qui ne sont pas impliquées dans le métabolisme azoté présentent un comportement différent en fonction de la source d'azote fournie. C'est le cas notamment des gènes dont l’expression est régulée selon l’apport en zinc et qui sont moins exprimés sur le milieu urée. De même, les gènes impliqués dans les résistances multiples aux drogues sont activés par le tryptophane.
En confrontant nos résultats à ceux obtenus dans le cadre de travaux indépendants, nous avons proposé plus d'une cinquantaine de nouveaux gènes cibles de la NCR. Beaucoup d'entre eux n'ont jamais été caractérisés expérimentalement. En utilisant des techniques avancées d'analyse de séquences primaires de protéines, nous avons pu proposer une fonction pour plusieurs de ces gènes. Ces analyses bioinformatiques et la réalisation d’expériences complémentaires à l’aide de biopuces à ADN nous ont permis de proposer que l'un d'entre eux code pour une protéine impliquée dans la déstabilisation d'ARN messagers lors de la carence azotée. Nous avons aussi identifié plusieurs nouveaux gènes appartenant à des régulons spécifiquement activés en réponse à un nombre restreint de sources d'azote. Il est probable que ces gènes soient impliqués dans le catabolisme des sources d'azote sur lesquelles ils sont activés.
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The role of Notch and GATA3 in postnatal and adult haematopoiesisDuarte, Sara January 2011 (has links)
The role of Notch in cell fate determination and lineage restriction in the bone marrow (BM) is controversial in the field. Recent studies have convincingly shown that Notch is dispensable for haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) regulation in adult haematopoiesis (Maillard et al., 2008). In contrast, Notch signaling has been proposed to be of importance in the regulation of BM megakaryocyte progenitor differentiation, based on dominant negative genetic approaches, identifying a potentially distinct role for Notch in adult BM haematopoiesis (Mercher et al., 2008). Here, I found that by selectively ablating the gene coding the transcription factor recombination signal-binding protein J kappa (RBP-Jk), to which all canonical Notch signaling converges, canonical Notch signaling does not mediate HSC maintenance, neither in steady state nor in conditions of stress. Furthermore, I propose, in contrast with previous studies (Mercher et al., 2008), that canonical Notch signaling plays no role in myeloerythropoiesis cell lineage commitment in the BM. My data also show that key Notch target genes are suppressed by RBP-Jk, as their expression is unaffected in Notch1-deficient BM progenitors, while target genes are upregulated in Rbp-Jk-deleted megakaryocyte and erythroid progenitors. This establishes for the first time in mammalian cells in vivo, that Notch target genes are kept in a suppressed state by RBP-Jk, potentially restricting T cell commitment to the thymus and not to the BM, at the expense of myeloerythropoiesis. Notch signaling and GATA3 are two master regulators in T cell commitment (Han et al., 2002; Ho et al., 2009; Pui et al., 1999; Radtke et al., 1999; Zhu et al., 2004). However, although very well established as being involved in the thymic stages of T cell restriction, there is little evidence of Notch and GATA3 being involved in the migration of a thymus settling progenitor (TSP) from the BM to the thymus or in the establishment of the earliest thymic progenitor (ETP) in the thymus. From this thesis work, I conclude that Notch signaling is essential for the emergence of ETPs in the thymus in a NOTCH1-independent manner. Moreover, I demonstrate, as supported by a very recent published study (Hosoya et al., 2009), that GATA3 is important for the development of the earliest T cell progenitor. GATA1 and GATA2 mediate haematopoietic stem cell maintenance in the BM. GATA1 is required for erythropoiesis, megakaryocytes and eosinophils while GATA2 is important for the proliferation and survival of HSCs. In contrast, a role for GATA3 in the BM has never been established. By using a Gata3-conditional knockout mouse model, I demonstrate that GATA3 is dispensable for HSC maintenance in steady state and following active haematopoietic regeneration as well as for HSC self-renewal in the BM.
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Development of in vitro iCLIP techniques to study spliceosome remodelling by RNA helicasesStrittmatter, Lisa Maria January 2019 (has links)
Pre-mRNA (precursor messenger RNA) splicing is a fundamental process in eukaryotic gene expression. In order to catalyse the excision of the intervening intronic sequence between two exons, the spliceosome is assembled stepwise on the pre-mRNA substrate. This ribonucleoprotein machine is extremely dynamic: both its activation and the progression through the catalytic stages require extensive compositional and structural remodelling. The first part of this thesis aims at understanding how the spliceosome is activated after assembly. When this work was started, the GTPase Snu114 was thought to activate the helicase Brr2 to unwind the U4/U6 snRNA duplex, which ultimately leads to the formation of the spliceosome active site. To explore the role of Snu114, a complex built from Snu114 and a part of Prp8 was expressed and analysed in its natural context, bound to U5 snRNA. However, before I was able to obtain highly diffracting crystals, the structure of Snu114 was determined in the context of a larger spliceosomal complex by electron cryo-microscopy by competitors. Regardless, the role of Snu114 in spliceosome activation remains elusive. In a short section of this thesis, genetic and biochemical analysis suggest Snu114 to be a pseudo-GTPase, precluding a role for Snu114-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis in activation. The second and larger part of the thesis describes the development of a novel, biochemical method to analyse spliceosome remodelling events that are caused by the eight spliceosomal helicases. Purified spliceosomes assembled on a defined RNA substrate are analysed by UV crosslinking and next-generation sequencing, which allows for the determination of the RNA helicase binding profile at nucleotide resolution. In vitro spliceosome iCLIP (individual-nucleotide resolution UV crosslinking and immunoprecipitation) was initially developed targeting the helicase Prp16 bound to spliceosomal complex C. The obtained binding profile shows that Prp16 contacts the intron, about 15 nucleotides downstream of the branch in the intron-lariat intermediate. Our finding supports the model of Prp16 acting at a distance to remodel the RNA and protein interactions in the catalytic core and thereby it promotes the transition towards a conformation of the spliceosome competent for second step catalysis. Control experiments, which locate SmB protein binding to known Sm sites in the spliceosomal snRNAs, validated the method. Preliminary results show that in vitro spliceosome iCLIP can be adapted to analyse additional spliceosomal helicases such as Prp22. Finally, I performed initial experiments that give promising directions towards time-resolved translocation profiles of helicases Brr2 and Prp16.
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Assessing the Effectiveness of the Roaring Branch BMP Retrofit Using Macroinvertebrate BioassessmentBanning, James L 01 February 2010 (has links)
Using benthic macroinvertebrates to measure stream health has been widely used and accepted around the world. Macroinvertebrates are resident monitors of chronic impairment in a stream since they are relatively sessile and most commonly respond to disturbance by drift but can recolonize a restored stream reach very quickly. This study tested the effectiveness of macroinvertebrate metrics developed through the Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (RBP) to detect changes in stream integrity as the result of placement of a best management practice (BMP), installed on a tributary of Roaring Branch, located in Columbus, Georgia. The BMP was designed to attenuate flow to reduce sediment suspension and downstream deposition. A sampling protocol derived from the Georgia Ecoregions Project was implemented to evaluate the macroinvertebrate community, located downstream of the BMP, and downstream of the confluence with Roaring Branch, both before and after the BMP installation. The resulting metrics were compared to a reference condition described for subecoregion 65c, sandhills-lower piedmont. A dramatic improvement or increase of macroinvertebrate populations suggests an improvement in water quality (via reduction in fine sediment deposition) due to improved physical habitat conditions for indicators (Trichoptera) of healthier streams. The results of this study suggests further restoration activities should continue and that re-evaluation of the sampling protocol should take into account a larger subsample size of benthic macroinvertebrates than currently recommended by the RBP.
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The Molecular Function of the RNA Binding Protein DAZL in Male Germ Cell SurvivalZagore, Leah Louise 24 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Kampen om skogen : Ostroms designprinciper som förklaringsfaktorertill renbruksplanernas framgångGrönvall, Agnes January 2016 (has links)
Möjligheterna för skogsbruket och rennäringen att samexistera har sedan den industriella skogsindustrins början varit en infekterad fråga. Under 2000-talet startades projektet att införa renbruksplaner (RBP) i Sveriges samebyar med syfte att förbättra relationen mellan parterna i samråd, vilket upplevs ha uppfyllts. Renbruksplan är rennäringens motsvarighet till skogsbrukets skogsbruksplan och är ett informations- och dataverktyg med en kartläggning över renarnas betesmarker. Den här uppsatsen undersöker varför projektet med renbruksplaner har lyckats genom att använda Elinor Ostroms teori om förvaltning av en gemensam resurspool. Syftet är att illustrera möjliga förklaringsfaktorer till varför samverkan mellan skogsbruket och rennäringen upplevs ha förbättrats i och med införandet av RBP. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys har Ostrom designprinciper för självstyrande och hållbar förvaltning hittats i fem rapporter publicerade av Skogsstyrelsen i projektets slutskede. Totalt fanns det stöd i rapporterna för att sex av åtta designprinciper applicerats i och med införandet av RBP. Två av dessa, Ostrom designprincip om tydligt definierade gränser och konfliktlösningen mekanismer, kan identifieras som möjliga förklaringsfaktorer. Att dessa två principer har införts har underlättat kommunikationen mellan parterna vilket lett till större förståelse för varandras branscher och situation. / Whether forestry industry and reindeer husbandry could harmoniously coexist in northern Sweden has been debated since modern forestry started. A unique context grants indigenous people in Sweden, the Sami people, exclusive right to use land for reindeer husbandry. In the beginning of the 2000s a project was launched to create Land Use Plans for the reindeer husbandry (in Swedish Renbruksplan, RBP), which aimed to improve the relation between reindeer owners and the forestry industry. Hence, the Land Use Plan for reindeer husbandry is primarily a program for mapping reindeer graze lands. The project is considered successful for the reindeer owners as well as for the forestry. This thesis investigates why the land use plans have improved the relations between the two stakeholders by applying Elinor Ostrom´s theory about governing commons. The aim is to illustrate possible explanatory factors to why collaboration between forestry and reindeer husbandry is found to have been improved with the introduction of the land use plans. Using a qualitative content analysis, examples of Ostrom’s design principles of autonomous and sustainable management were identified in five reports published by the National Board of Forestry in the project's final phase. In total, the reports supported that six of eight design principles had been implemented since land use plans were introduced. Two of these, clearly defined boundaries and mechanisms of conflict resolution, can be identified as possible explanatory factors for the success of the project. In conclusion, the introduction of these two principals have facilitated communication between the two stakeholders, which have ensued better understanding for each other’s situations and industries.
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