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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Realia, Style and the Effects of Translation in Literary Texts:: A Case Study of Cien Años de Soledad and its English and French Translations

Callejas Toro, Ana María 26 July 2021 (has links)
Gabriel García Márquez, in an interview with Plinio Apuleyo, described Cien Años de Soledad as a “poetical synthesis of the tropic”, which he accomplished by putting together “a few scattered elements, but united by a very subtle and real subjective coherence” (Apuleyo Mendoza, 1993, p. 17). Considering this idea, we could identify the two most important elements for the writer when conceiving the novel: first, the specific poetical language, which we could name as “style”, and second, that coherent subjective reality, which is reached, together with stylistic features, with elements of his local reality, some of which are referred to in this research as Realia. The poetical style of the novel is characterized by, among other stylistic features, the frequent use of a regional and familiar register, which contribute to build up its specific tone and atmosphere. The Realia refer to and describe a local reality at the same time that they participate in the configuration of the narrative world. Both elements, being language and culture specific respectively, could be problematic in a process of translation. Given the importance of these language features in the composition of the novel, the question about their interlingual transfer results relevant for the reception and interpretation of the novel in translation. How did translators achieve the transfer of such strong contextual-dependent elements? Could the readers of those translations experience the effect of nostalgia, familiarity and even intimacy as many of the Spanish version readers claim to feel each time they read the novel? My objective with this dissertation is to analyze stylistic issues and Realia used by Gabriel García Márquez in Cien Años de Soledad (1967) and their translation into French (1968) and English (1970). This analysis aims to determine the effect spectrum of the translation formulations in the recreation of the novel in both target languages (TLs). It is important to mention that even if this analysis is developed within some relevant issues of translation studies, its purpose is not to extensively discuss abstract translation theories. Additionally, being the focus linguistic constructions that could be problematic in a process of translation between the ST and the selected TTs, the selection of Realia and Style features follows this aim, leaving outside the analysis many other narrative elements of GGM’s fictional universe. Moreover, the analysis of style features is a mere observation and a hypothesis about the translations. I do not pretend to reduce the universe of style mechanisms used in the novel to the selected categories and annotations that I made in this thesis. These discussions, which exceed the borders of our proposal, are potential material for further research. How do we plan to achieve the objectives of our research? In a first moment, with a theoretical exploration of the key discussions and problematics about literary translation and about this specific novel. Later on, with the selection of examples of both Realia and Style features and their subsequent analysis as textual units using a comparative-descriptive model. And, additionally, by considering as causal conditions - following the causal model - the shifts, contrasts and modifications carried out by the formulations in both target texts as well as extra textual issues affecting the way the translators decided on these formulations. With the results of the comparative and causal analysis in hand, we are able to arrive at a characterization of the effect spectrum of the translation formulations in both translated texts.:CHAPTER I-Introduction CHAPTER II- The original is unfaithful to the translation: a theoretical approach on literary translation issues 1.Literary translation: a cultural and linguistic transfer 1.1. Issues of literary translation 1.1.1. Sense Vs. form or “les belles infidèles” 1.1.2. Source or target language orientation 1.1.3. Equivalence, adaptation, approximation 1.1.4. Untranslatability 1.2. Cultural- oriented approaches 1.2.1. Rewriting and manipulation 1.2.2. The restitution of meaning 1.2.3. Skopos or functional theory 1.2.4. The translator’s invisibility 1.2.5. Integrated approach on translation: linguistics, literature and culture 2. Narrative register in translation 2.1. Referential level: Realia 2.2. Textual level: Style 3. The literary translator: individuality and style 4. Cultural translation 4.1. Cultural translation: an overview 4.2. Cultural translation and interlingual translation 4.3. Cultural translation and the translation of Realia and style CHAPTER III- Hasta las cosas tangibles eran irreales: on magical realism and Cien Años de Soledad 1. Magical realism: The background of a term 2. Subverting the real: Magical realism and its neighboring genres 3. Magical realism’s style in Cien Años de Soledad 3.1. Local color and sense of absurdity 3.2. The ‘brick tone’ 4. Historical, social and literary contextualization of Cien Años de Soledad and its translations 4.1. The writer 4.2. The novel 4.2.1. Social, political and literary panorama during the sixties 4.2.2. The plot 4.2.3. Literary construction 4.2.4. Political dimension of CAS: between reality and realism 4.3. The translations: why focusing on the English and French version? 4.3.1. The English translation: socio-cultural context of TC1 and description of TT1 4.3.2. The French translation: socio-cultural context of TC2 and description of TT2 CHAPTER IV- Macondo era entonces una aldea de veinte casas de barro y cañabrava: Realia and the foundation of the fictional world 1. The definition of Realia 2. Categorization of Realia in the novel 3. Descriptive analysis: Realia in ST and in TTs 3.1. Natural environment: vegetation 3.2. Natural environment: animals 3.3. Natural environment: geography 3.4. Social interactions: social practices 3.5. Social interaction: oral traditions 3.6. Social interactions: Forms of address 3.7. Social interactions: Politics 3.8. Material heritage: Food 3.9. Material heritage: Tools 3.10. Material heritage: Constructions 3.11. Material heritage: Ritual objects 4. Formulation techniques for translating Realia in TTs 4.1. Formulation techniques 4.1.1. Elimination 4.1.2. Adapted formulation 4.1.3. General formulation 4.1.4. Descriptive formulation 4.1.5. Denotative formulation 4.1.6. Loan formulation 4.1.7. Inferred formulation 4.1.8. Textual functional formulation 4.1.9. Borrowing formulation 4.1.10. Combinations 4.1.11. Frequency of use 4.2. Orientation 4.3. Interferences 4.3.1. Literary interferences 4.3.2. Socio-Linguistic interferences 4.3.3. Semantic interferences 4.3.4. External interferences CHAPTER V- Las claves definitivas de Melquíades: Style and the fuzziness of reality 1. Hyperbolization- Outsized reality 1.1. Adjectivisation 1.2. Natural metaphors 1.3. Fixed locutions and statements 2. Orality effect- radio bemba 2.1. Swear words 2.2. Euphemisms 2.3. Irony 2.4. Colloquial lexical choices 2.5. Neologisms 3. Summary CHAPTER VI- Macondo era ya un pavoroso remolino de polvo y escombros : The effect spectrum of translation in the novel Cien Años de Soledad 1.Gregory Rabassa’s translation: fluent, standard, exoticizing 1.1. Formulation techniques and orientation in local unities 1.2. Influences, restrictions and priorities in Rabassa’s translation of Cien Años de Soledad 1.2.1. Influences: between the actual and the implied translator 1.2.2. Textual and extra textual restrictions 1.2.3. Rabassa’s translation decisions priorities 1.3. The effect spectrum of Rabassa’s translation 1.3.1. Fluency 1.3.2. Standard register 1.3.3. Exoticization: the foreign as magical 2. Claude and Carmen Durand’s translation: colloquial, foreignizing, functional 2.1. Formulation techniques and orientations in local units 2.2.Influences,restrictions and priorities in Durand’s translation 2.2.1. Influences: between the actual and the implied translator 2.2.2. Textual and extra textual restrictions 2.2.3. Priorities for the translation decisions 2.3. The effect spectrum of Durand’s translation 2.3.1. Colloquial register 2.3.2. Foreignising 2.3.3. Functional 3. Summary CHAPTER VII- Ya nadie podia saber a ciencia cierta dónde estaban los límites de la realidad: Final considerations 1. The borders of reality: magic and realism 2. Domestication, foreignization, exoticization 3. The translator’s voice in literary criticism 4. Summary and outlook BIBLIOGRAPHY

České frazémy a cizinci / Czech Praseology and Foreigners

Dandová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, we look into the level of knowledge of Czech phraseology of non-native speakers, namely Russian-speaking (Russophones). The objective is to investigate, using five case studies, what is the degree of knowledge of Czech phraseology, how the level of integration into the Czech society might influence their knowledge, or whether there may be any other relevant factors. By means of a semi-structured interview, these case studies describe respondents' language background which is later confronted with the research findings. In conclusion, results of the case studies are compared in order to identify tendencies and factors that might be significant for students when acquiring the idioms.

Прагматическая адаптация как способ достижения адекватности перевода художественного текста с китайского на русский и английский языки (на материале произведения Мо Яня «Белая собака на качелях») : магистерская диссертация / Pragmatic adaptation as a way to achieve the adequacy of literary translation from Chinese into Russian and English (based on the work of Mo Yan “White Dog and the Swing”)

Чжэн, С., Zheng, X. January 2020 (has links)
С увеличением контактов на литературном и культурном уровнях между Китаем и другими странами, ростом интереса к китайскому языку и культуре, возникает потребность в выполнении качественных переводов художественного текста с китайского языка на другие языки. Однако из-за различий языков, менталитетов и национальных особенностей разных стран, прагматическая адаптация представляет собой особые трудности для достижения адекватности при переводе художественного перевода. Объектом нашего исследования служит прагматическая адаптация при переводе художественного текста. Предметом работы являются приемы и стратегии прагматической адаптации при передачи китайских реалий в переводе рассказа Мо Яня «Белая собака на качелях» с китайского на русский и английский языки. Данная дипломная работа состоит из введения, 2 глав, выводов по главам, заключения, списка литературы и приложения. Первая глава посвящена основной теории данного исследования, точнее, изложению теории известных лингвистов и ученых о прагматической адаптации, адекватности, художественном переводе и реалиям, выяснению понятия определения, классификации, приемов и стратегий прагматической адаптации. Во 2-ой главе мы изучаем приемы и стратегии прагматической адаптации для достижения адекватности при переводе китайских реалий в рассказе Мо Яня «Белая собака на качелях». Сначала мы исследуем авторское своеобразие данного рассказа. Затем мы анализируем разные приемы при переводе реалий в художественном тексте, и в конце сравниваем стратегии, пользуемые переводчиками. В заключении подводятся основные итоги работы. В приложениях представлены список ошибок в переводах и таблица сравнения китайско-англо-русского перевода китайских реалий. В общем, в работе конкретизируются понятия прагматической адаптации, адекватности и художественного перевода, и описываются прагматические приемы и стратегии при переводе реалий в художественном тексте, что предоставляет нам больше материалов для изучения прагматической адаптации и дает нам возможность вникать в китайскую литературу и культуру. / With the increasing contacts at the literary and cultural levels between China and other countries and with the growing interest in the Chinese language and culture, there is a need for quality translations of literary text from Chinese into other languages. Due to the differences in languages, mentalities and national characteristics of different countries, pragmatic translations of word-realities present special difficulties for literary translation. The object of study of this work is pragmatic adaptation in the translation. The subject of our study is the pragmatic techniques and strategies used in transmitting Chinese realities in the translation of Mo Yan’s story “The White Dog and the Swing”. The theoretical materials for our study were the story “White Dog and the Swing”, its translations in Russian and in English, linguistic works of translation theory, linguistic dictionaries and other articles related to our study. The work consists of introduction, 2 chapters, conclusions on chapters, conclusion, list of references and applications. The first chapter is devoted to the basic theory of this study, more precisely, the presentation of the theory of famous linguists about pragmatic adaptation, adequacy and literary translation, clarification of the concepts of definition and classification of pragmatic adaptation, adequacy of translation and the specifics of literary translation. In chapter 2, we study the techniques and strategies of pragmatic adaptation to achieve adequacy in translating Chinese realities in the story. First, we introduce the originality of the author of this story and the backgrounds of two translators. Then we define the concepts of realities and describe the classifications of Chinese realities in this story. Then we analyze rich translation examples in aspects of different realities, and in the end we compare the strategies used by translators. In conclusion, the main results of the work are summarized. The appendices present a summary of errors in the translations and a comparison table of the Chinese-English-Russian translation of Chinese realities. In general, the paper concretizes the concepts of pragmatic adaptation used by translators to achieve adequacy in translating Mo Yan’s story “The White Dog on a Swing”, and describes pragmatic techniques and strategies for conveying realities in literary translation, which gives us the opportunity to delve into Chinese literature and culture.

Проблемы перевода детского художественного произведения Сары Пеннипакер «Clementine» : магистерская диссертация / Translation difficulties of children fiction book "Clementine" by Sara Pennypacker

Новикова, Т. Н., Novikova, T. N. January 2022 (has links)
Исследование посвящено изучению сложностей, которые могут встретиться в детском художественного произведении, на примере повести Сары Пеннипакер «Clementine». Цель работы заключалась в том, чтобы перевести данное произведение и найти сопровождавшие процесс перевода трудности и способы их решения. Глава 1 посвящена теоретической базе исследования, в которой рассматриваются все основные определения, требуемые для данной работы, и выводится план комплексного анализа произведения. Глава 2 включает в себя детализацию процесса решения поставленных нами задач и получившиеся результаты. Наибольшую трудность представляет перевод лексических единиц с экспрессивной окраской, онимов, реалий, а также используемых в идиолекте главной героине приемов. / The thesis is dedicated to the study of difficulties which can be found in children fiction literature. The basis for the study is “Clementine” by Sara Pennypacker. The purpose of the work is to translate the book and define the difficulties of this process and the way of its solvation. Part 1 is dedicated to the theoretical basis of the survey where the main for the work terms are defined and a plan for a comprehensive analysis is described. Part 2 includes a detailed process of survey tasks solutions and results. The greatest difficulties are the translation of lexical units with expressive coloring, onyms, realia, as well as the devices used in the idiolect of the main character.

”Da domani [...] te ne vai di nuovo a mettere la ricotta nei cannoli” : La traduzione dei realia culturospecifici dall’italiano allo svedese nella serie dell’Amica geniale di Elena Ferrante / ”Da domani [...] te ne vai di nuovo a mettere la ricotta nei cannoli” : Översättning av kulturspecifika ord från italienska till svenska i romanserien Neapelkvartetten av Elena Ferrante

Sandberg, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
This essay focuses on the cultural aspects of translation, mainly on the cultural-specific elements known as realia, when translating from Italian to Swedish. As the realia might be unknown to the reader of the target text and as they often have no exact correspondence in the target language, they often pose a challenge for the translator. The essay examines which strategies the translator has used to translate cultural-specific elements and the question is raised whether the translation, regarding the cultural aspects, is orientated towards the source culture (adequacy-orientated) or towards the target culture (acceptability-orientated). Three of the Neapolitan Novels written by pseudonymous Elena Ferrante, Storia del nuovo cognome (2012), Storia di chi fugge e di chi resta (2013) and Storia della bambina perduta (2014), serve as source text of the analysis. The Neapolitan setting of the novels make them specifically suitable for a study of cultural-specific elements. The study is qualitative and complemented with a quantitative part. It is based on Osimo’s (2011) strategies for the translation of realia. The analysis reveals that cultural-specific elements of the source text tend to be replaced with more generic and international expressions. Prioritizing the narrative over cultural-specific elements the translation shows a tendency towards acceptability.

Hovorová dánština v současné dánské literatuře a její české verze / Spoken Danish in the Contemporary Danish Literature and its Translation into Czech

Cmíralová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the methods used by translators when translating spoken language in contemporary Danish fiction into Czech. In the first chapter, the Czech translation tradition is defined. This tradition influences Czech usage and tendencies. The second chapter introduces the features of stylized language reflected in literature written in Czech. As will be shown, these are mainly lexicological and morphological features and related stylistical means. The following chapters are devoted to the analysis of individual features of stylized language and their translation into Czech. Discussed are loanwords, diminutives, expletives, morphological changes, realia and politeness. The translated units are compared with Czech translation tradition and literature written in Czech.

Cesty k optimalizaci výuky jazyků a výukových materiálů: Jiný přístup k pokročilé jazykové výuce a učení / Cesty k optimalizaci výuky jazyků a výukových materiálů: Jiný přístup k pokročilé jazykové výuce a učení

Jovanov, Jane January 2019 (has links)
The PhD thesis "Optimizing Language Teaching and Learning Materials: A Different Approach to Advanced Language Teaching and Learning" deals with the most recent advances in linguoculturology and pushes forward the idea of a new advanced level language-teaching material. The first chapter of the thesis serves as an overture to the importance of using linguoculturology in the creation of language-learning materials. It also puts forth the importance of language in the creation of the language persona, which is further explained in the following chapters. Chapter two presents the development stages of contemporary linguoculturology and the basic terminology used in the study of this linguistic study. Chapter number three explores the advances in foreign language learning, combining different methods and finally introducing the concept of polycontextuality in foreign language-learning, along with the basic theoretical structure the proposed e-textbook. The fourth chapter presents the e- textbook intended for foreign advanced level language-learning, along with descriptions on similar projects and textbooks that exist today. In conclusion, a topic example is presented with examples coming from the native language of the author (Macedonian) along with English translation. This topic example is presented...

Jazyk SMS a francouzština jako cizí jazyk / Language of SMS and French as a foreign language

Vaňátko, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
in English with English title of the thesis: Language of SMS and French as a foreign language The central topic of the thesis is the language of short text messages (SMS) and/or the one of chat and their application in teaching of French as a foreign language (fr. abbreviation F.L.E., français langue étrangère). The aim is to answer the question so as to how to grasp linguo- didactically this modern sociolect of young users (not only) of French, typical of written communication via digital technologies, with the purpose of the purely practical use in the classes of French. Firstly, a linguistic description will be given in order to understand the mechanisms of the explored language code not only in French, but also partly in Czech and English, as well as the determination of the position of the SMS language as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the present-day French. The following research will be dealing with the identification and the analysis of the teaching activities using the SMS language found in approximately fifty text books of French intended for the learners of levels A1, A2, B1, B2. The next section offers the theoretical evaluation of the exploitability of the SMS language in the classes of French, having as a point of reference specialised works of didactics of foreign languages. The...

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