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Inspeção de fachadas históricas: levantamento de materiais e danos de argamassasCarlos Dion de Melo Teles 20 October 2010 (has links)
As argamassas de fachada protegem a edificação, seu conteúdo e revelam sua identidade, funções realçadas quando se trata de patrimônio histórico. Elas sofrem pelo intemperismo, umidade, vandalismo, intervenções malsucedidas e vícios de fabricação. A tese apresenta e aplica uma metodologia de levantamento de danos, materiais e técnicas construtivas, para a conservação ou restauro de argamassas de fachadas históricas. Revisa a literatura de preservação arquitetônica e demonstra a importância desse levantamento. Faz uma compilação dos mecanismos de degradação de argamassas históricas. Traz informações práticas sobre acesso vertical à fachada, definição de objetivos de levantamento, representação da evolução histórica, elaboração de formulários de campo e orçamento. Apresenta proposta de formação de inspetores, revisa a bibliografia e propõe metodologia de levantamento de danos, materiais e métodos construtivos. No levantamento de danos, emprega a inspeção visual e ensaio não destrutivo, por percussão com martelo de bordas em ABS. Revê e propõe critérios de amostragem e protocolos de análises laboratoriais. Emprega análise macroscópica, difração de raios-X (DR-X), petrografia e química por digestão ácida. Traz sugestões quanto à síntese e apresentação dos resultados à equipe de restauração. A metodologia prima pela simplicidade e economicidade, foi desenvolvida através de três estudos de caso, sendo dois no Paço de São Cristóvão Pátio Maior e na fachada principal - e a fachada exterior do futuro Museu da Casa da Moeda do Brasil, ambos no Rio de Janeiro, juntos somando aproximadamente 4.400m² de argamassa. As informações de materiais e métodos construtivos contribuíram para o levantamento histórico e compreensão da patologia. O levantamento de danos por percussão indicou 69% de argamassa comprometida (problemas de aderência ou reposição inadequada) no Pátio Maior, apesar da inspeção visual indicar somente 5% de ausência de argamassa por queda. A demolição cuidadosa das argamassas degradadas comprovou um desvio de apenas 4% do levantamento de danos por percussão. O protocolo de análise laboratorial agrupou as amostras pela inspeção macroscópica e/ou DR-X, realizando análises mais completas apenas em representantes destes grupos. Empregou a DR-X na identificação mineralógica. A petrografia foi muito versátil, agregando informações sobre composição mineralógica, granulometria, porosimetria, traço aproximado e história geológica. O traço foi avaliado através da análise química, comprovada para argamassas de areia, cal e/ou cimento, entretanto limitada na presença de agregado carbonático e/ou argila. Os estudos de caso apresentaram composições de envolvendo cal, areia, saibro, cimento e agregado carbonático. Fragmentos de conchas/corais foram encontrados em diversas amostras. As patologias foram relacionadas a torrões de argila na composição da argamassa, falta de aglomerante e incompatibilidade entre emboço e reboco. A apresentação de resultados na forma de mapas temáticos foi eficaz no ambiente multidisciplinar. A aplicação da metodologia se demonstrou viável e útil no apoio às decisões de restauro de argamassas de fachadas históricas, podendo ser aplicada também a argamassas contemporâneas. / Façade renders protect the building, its content and reveal its identity. Those roles are even more important on cultural heritage buildings. Renders decay under weathering, damp, vandalism, unsuccessful interventions and manufacturing defects. This thesis presents and applies an assessment methodology concerning historical façades plasters, construction methods and damage. The architectural preservation literature is reviewed, highlighting the importance of such assessment. Rendering decay mechanisms are compiled, focused on historical mortars. Practical field information is described, including façade vertical access, assessment objectives definition, historical evolution representation, field forms design and implied costs. An inspector formation proposal is outlined. Materials, construction methods and damage assessment literature are reviewed and a method is proposed. Damage assessment relies on visual inspection and nondestructive essay, using ABS faced hammer percussion. Sampling criteria and laboratory protocols are reviewed and proposed. The proposed protocol applies macroscopic analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), petrography and acid digestion chemical analysis. Suggestions are made concerning results synthesis and presentation to preservation team. Presented methodology, based on simplicity and low cost, was developed during three case studies: two on São Cristóvão Palace Main Court and Main Façade- and the exterior façades of the future Casa da Moeda do Brasil Museum, both in Rio de Janeiro. The three studies account for roughly 4.400 m² of assessed rendered surface. Construction methods and materials assessment contributed to the buildings historical studies and pathology comprehension. Percussion assessment evaluated damage on 69% of the Main Court rendered area, although visual inspection accounted only 5% of missing render. Careful demolition of damaged render proved a 4% deviation from percussion assessment forecast. Laboratory protocol grouped samples based on macroscopic evaluation and/or XRD. Only group representatives were submitted to further analysis. XDR was used for mineralogical identification. Petrography proved a very versatile essay, yielding data on composition, granulometry, porosimetry, approximated formulation and geological history. Plaster composition was evaluated by chemical analysis blind proofed for sand, lime and/or Portland cement, though impaired when carbonate aggregate and clay particles are present. Case studies showed various mortar formulations, comprising lime, sand, clay, cement and carbonate aggregate. Sea shell/reef fragments were found in several samples. Pathology was related to the presence of clay lumps, lack of binder and incompatibility between plaster layers. Thematic maps were successfully used in results presentation to multidisciplinary teams. The proposed methodology is viable and useful, supporting decisions within architectural preservation of historical façades plaster rendering. Contemporary façades can benefit from the methodology as well.
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A Depth of Field Algorithm for Realtime 3D Graphics in OpenGL / Algoritm i OpenGL för att rendera realtids 3D grafik med fokusHenriksson, Ola January 2002 (has links)
The company where this thesis was formulated constructs VR applications for the medical environment. The hardware used is ordinary dektops with consumer level graphics cards and haptic devices. In medicin some operations require microscopes or cameras. In order to simulate these in a virtual reality environment for educational purposes, the effect of depth of field or focus have to be considered. A working algorithm that generates this optical occurence in realtime, stereo rendered computer graphics is presented in this thesis. The algorithm is implemented in OpenGL and C++ to later be combined with a VR application simulating eye-surgery which is built with OpenGL Optimizer. Several different approaches are described in this report. The call for realtime stereo rendering (~60 fps) means taking advantage of the graphics hardware to a great extent. In OpenGL this means using the extensions to a specific graphic chip for better performance, in this case the algorithm is implemented for a GeForce3 card. To increase the speed of the algorithm much of the workload is moved from the CPU to the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). By re-defining parts of the ordinary OpenGL pipeline via vertex programs, a distance-from-focus map can be stored in the alpha channel of the final image with little time loss. This can effectively be used to blend a previously blurred version of the scene with a normal render. Different techniques to quickly blur a renderedimage is discussed, to keep the speed up solutions that require moving data from the graphics card is not an option.
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Multi Sub-Pass & Multi Render-Target Shading In Vulkan : Performance Based Comparison In Real-timeDanliden, Alexander, Cederrand, Steven January 2020 (has links)
Background. Games today are becoming more complex in computational andgraphical areas. Companies today want to develop games with state of the artgraphics while also having complicated and complex game logic. The vast majorityof users rarely meet the computer requirements. This creates an issue which lim-its the target demographic that a company wants to meet. This thesis will focuson two different methods that achieves deferred shading in Vulkan and how the en-vironment is affecting both methods as-well as the number of lights and attachments. Objectives. In Vulkan there are two ways of implementing deferred shading, one isthe traditional way of doing it which is by conducting multiple render-targets. Thesecond way is by utilizing a feature unique to Vulkan known as sub-passes. Our aimis to conduct experiments with these two ways of implementing deferred shading todetermine which one is the most optimal for a given situation. These situations willvary depending on the number of visible objects and number of lights in the scene. Methods. The experiments are conducted by a rendering system that have beenimplemented by us. By implementing both suggested deviations of the renderingtechnique ’deferred shading’ the data collected will suffer less from unexpected andunknown variables than it would if the implementations were taken from a separatesource. The experiments that will be conducted intend to measure performance met-rics in the form of average frames per second as well as average render frame time(inseconds). To measure the time performance metric, the system shall utilize Vulkan’ssupport for gpu-timestamping[7]. To provide reliable measurements without any un-warranted errors each rendering deviation will utilize pre-recorded command buffers. Conclusions. This thesis has shown that using multiple sub-passes within a singlerender-target performs faster write operations to the attached render attachments.This result in less memory bandwidth which leads to a faster geometry pass. Theperformance gain from a faster geometry pass can be used somewhere else to en-hance different aspects of the game or graphical application. Having less memorybandwidth would result in a longer battery life on mobile phones and laptops.
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Synchronizing 3D data between software : Driving 3D collaboration forward using direct links / Synkronisering av 3D-data mellan mjukvarorBrage, Carl January 2021 (has links)
In the area of 3D visualization there are often several stages in the design process. These stages can involve creating a model, applying a texture to the model and creating a rendered image from the model. Some software can handle all stages of the process while some are focused on a single stage to try to perfect and narrow down the service provided. In this case there needs to be a way to transfer 3D data between software in an efficient way where the user experience isn’t lacking. This thesis explores the area of 3D data synchronization by first getting foundation from the prestudy and literature study. The findings from these studies are used in a shared file-based implementation and a design of a network-based system. The work presented in this thesis forms a comprehensive overview which can be used for future work.
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Les façades enduites au plâtre d'Île-de-France. Le déclin du plâtre extérieur, du XVIIe au XXe siècle. / Gypsum facades of Ile-de-France. Decadence of external gypsum renders, 17th-20th century.Le Dantec, Tiffanie 10 January 2019 (has links)
La notoriété du plâtre de Paris dépasse les frontières de la France, son utilisation pour le moulage, la sculpture, les décors architecturaux associés aux productions artistiques françaises lui donnèrent ses lettres de noblesse. Le plâtre est avant toute chose un des matériaux les plus utilisé dans la construction francilienne, et l’un des plus visibles. La moitié des bâtiments parisiens et une grande partie du bâti historique d’Île-de-France offrent encore à la vue du passant des façades enduites en plâtre, datant d’entre le XVIIe siècle et le milieu du XXe siècle. Cependant, les enduits de plâtre sont confondus avec des enduits de ciment ou de chaux, sont appelés à tort plâtre-et-chaux et sont parfois recouverts de peintures épaisses qui brouillent leur observation. De ce fait, les enduits, souvent qualifiés d’ouvrages constructifs mineurs, sont peu étudiés et le plâtre reste un matériau encore ignoré malgré un regain d’intérêt de la part des chercheurs sur les matériaux « pauvres » tels que la chaux ou la terre. Les enduits au plâtre ont pourtant une valeur autre qu’historique et technique. L’esthétique de leur riche ornementation qui cisèle les parements d’ombre et de lumière, mais également leurs couleurs et leurs textures, participent pour beaucoup aux ambiances urbaines. Cette étude se propose d’explorer le déclin de l’utilisation du plâtre en façade à travers l’analyse d’un corpus de soixante édifices soit une centaines de façades décrites et intégrées à une base de données et à un Système d’Information Géographique (SIG). Les enduits observés couvrent trois siècles, de l’âge d’or de la pratique au XVIIe siècle jusqu’à la disparition des savoir-faire suite aux grands conflits du XXe siècle, en passant par les changements drastiques dans la fabrication des matériaux lors de la révolution industrielle. La lecture des traités de construction, des journaux, des brevets d’invention et l’étude de devis de maçonnerie et de procès-verbaux d’experts du bâtiment complètent la recherche de terrain par une étude historique. De 1667 aux années 1980, l’usage du plâtre en extérieur est décortiqué à travers l’évolution de l’extraction, de la fabrication, de la mise en œuvre du plâtre et de la conception des façades. La thèse explore comment, de matériau incontournable à la construction, le plâtre est peu à peu relégué aux décors intérieurs au fur et à mesure de l’altération de sa qualité et de la disparition des savoir-faire locaux. / Plaster of Paris’ notoriety exceeds France’s national borders, its use in moulding, sculpture, architectural ornaments in French artistic production built its reputation. Beyond plaster for moulding, gypsum plaster is one of the most used materials for building construction in the Paris area, and one the most obvious one. In fact, half of Paris ancient buildings and a large part of historical buildings in the region Ilede-France have facades covered with gypsum-based renders and ornaments. However, gypsum renders are still mistaken with lime or cement renders, people call them gypsum-and-lime renders and most of them are covered by thick layers of recent paints, making their observation difficult. Renders are often qualified as minor items in the construction field and are not studied much, while external gypsum plaster is still mostly ignored even though there is a renewal for this kind of materials thanks to wider studies on the uses of earth and lime. Gypsum renders, though, have historical and technical values, but are also aesthetically pleasing. Their rich ornamentation carves facades with lights and shadows, colors and textures. The skin of the buildings shapes the urban atmosphere.Our study will explore the rise and fall of external gypsum renders through the analysis of sixty buildings and one hundred facades which have been put into a database and a Geographical Information System (GIS). The studied facades have been built and rendered over three centuries, from the golden age of the seventeenth century to the loss of know-how in the second half of the twentieth century. The period of the industrial revolution is carefully analyzed as the industrial sector experienced drastic changes in the process of making plaster. This fieldwork is completed with historical research based upon the readings of construction treatises, newspapers, invention patents, building cost estimates and building experts’ statements from various centuries. The use of external gypsum renders is analyzed from 1667 until 1980, through the evolution of the extraction, production and execution processes as well as building conception. This report expresses how gypsum plaster was an essential material for construction and slowly became a fragile one, only good to use in decoration and internal works, as its legendary good quality deteriorated and local know-how disappeared.
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Utvärdering av prestanda på variabel hastighetsskuggningCarrera Iseland, Jonathan, Grolleman, Leonard January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund . Moderna spel blir mer krävande på hårdvaran och för att motverka detta utvecklas nya tekniker för att lätta på dessa krav. En sådan optimeringsteknik är Variable Rate Shading (VRS), som ingår i DirectX 12 API. Det tillåter utvecklare att variera kvaliteten på delar av ramen för att förbättra prestanda. Hur effektiv VRS är, verkar variera eftersom olika benchmark-testare får olika resultat. Detta beror med största sannolikhet på de olika scenmiljöer som används i testerna. Mål . För att ytterligare utöka de miljöer som används VRS bench-tester kommer denna studie att fokusera på att mäta och utvärdera hos VRS i en lätt miljö som skiljer sig från andra. Metoder . Metoden består av att utveckla en lättviktig Direct3D 12-applikation, implementera VRS-tekniken och mäta prestanda. För en tydlig utvärdering genomförs flera tester som mäter bildrutetid, bildhastighet och ritar samtalshastighet vid de olika inställningarna med hjälp av VRS-tekniken vid olika upplösningar över 1000 iterationer. Resultat . Genom att mäta bildrutetid, bildfrekvens och dragsamtalshastighet med VRS var det möjligt att samla in prestationsdata som visa i denna studie. Studien visar den genomsnittliga prestandan med 1x1, 2x2 och 4x4 skugghastigheter vid 480p, 1080p och 2160p upplösning. Medeldata jämfördes mellan skuggningshastigheter och upplösningar för att undersöka korrelationen och avvikelsen. Som förväntat visas generella prestandaförbättringar vid användning av VRS. Vissa inställningar visade dock inkonsekvens i avvikelser mellan skuggningshastigheter, och andra visade försämrad prestanda. Slutsatser . Slutsatsen från denna studie tider på att VRS förbättrar prestanda även i lätta applikationer, inom rimliga gränser. Prestandavinsten var dock av lägre grad vid jämförelse med andra benchmarktester. Detta tyder på att VRS är mer användbar i mer krävande miljöer.
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A performance investigation into JavaScript visualization libraries with the focus on render time and memory usage : A performance measurement of different libraries and statistical chartsBoström, Fredrik, Dahlberg, Alexander, Linderoth, William January 2022 (has links)
Visualizing data is important to make it easier to understand. Due to the common accessibility and the popularity of the web, a growth within web-based visualization is seen. One common and easy way to do this is by using an already implemented JavaScript library. When developing such a website some important properties to keep in mind are the render time and the memory usage. This study measured both the render time with different sizes of the dataset, and the render time when rendering different number of charts with the same dataset size. The memory usage was also measured with different sizes of the dataset. Six libraries were chosen to be included inthis study: D3, Echarts, CanvasJS, Chartist, Highcharts, and Plotly. An experiment has been performed to test the libraries render times and memory usage. The results of the experiment show that D3 has the overall lowest render times whilst CanvasJS had the lowest memory usage.
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Building Perceptions - Images in the practice of architectureLindau, Dan January 2020 (has links)
Working with images as a primary tool for analysis and design, the thesis explores how a photographic archive can help create contemporary architecture that relates and builds upon precedence. The work of Swedish documentary photographer and writer Sune Jonsson (1930-2009) has been a corner stone in this project. In his work from the 1950s and -60s, Jonsson documents rural northern Sweden, undergoing vast changes due to depopulation. By dissecting the (photographic) work of Sune Jonsson, I have tried to discern architectural qualities in the photos with the purpose of implementing them into new buildings. The site is in Djupsjönäs, about 50 kilometers southwest of Umeå, where a collection of buildings is added that could house classes as well as permanent dwelling for 4 – 5 households. The buildings include workshops, a gallery, a library, a common house with dorms, a sauna, and some other practical facilities.
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EL RENDER DE ARQUITECTURA. Análisis de la respuesta emocional del observadorIñarra Abad, Susana 30 June 2014 (has links)
En el ámbito de la expresión gráfica arquitectónica, la realidad virtual supone una herramienta, indispensable en nuestros días, para comunicar del proyecto de arquitectura. Entre todos los canales de expresión de la realidad virtual, los renders o perspectivas digitales son los más comúnmente empleados en concursos, publicaciones y medios de divulgación arquitectónica. En estos soportes, las imágenes renderizadas permiten una rápida comprensión de la propuesta planteada, sean expertos o no los observadores de las mismas.
El rápido avance de los programas informáticos de modelización digital ha permitido a los arquitectos producir sofisticadas imágenes como una valiosa herramienta para seducir a los observadores de las mismas.
Si los medios de representación diédrica requieren del observador determinadas habilidades de interpretación espacial para imaginar el futuro lugar que el proyecto contendrá, estas imágenes nos trasladan directamente a él y nos permiten sentir lo que en aquellos lugares experimentaríamos. Estas sensaciones evocadas, generarán en el observador, una opinión más o menos favorable, sobre el espacio que la imagen representa.
El proyecto necesita comunicarse, y por lo tanto requiere de cierta estrategia de comunicación. Si hasta ahora era el punto de vista del arquitecto el que inundaba la expresión del proyecto de arquitectura, ahora aparece la figura del usuario (jurado de concurso, futuro cliente, comprador de un piso) como un nuevo filtro a través del cual, se hace necesario observar el proyecto.
Conocer los factores cognitivos que hay detrás del proceso de evaluación del observador permite la aplicación de técnicas, de manera que analizando las preferencias del usuario, éstas pueden ser incluidas en el proceso de diseño. La publicidad actual desarrolla sofisticadas estrategias para captar la atención del público general o de un determinado sector en particular, y despertar en él sentimientos que favorezcan la elección del producto diseñado.
Sin embargo, no se encuentran apenas trabajos de investigación que analicen los factores cognitivos en renders de arquitectura. / Iñarra Abad, S. (2014). EL RENDER DE ARQUITECTURA. Análisis de la respuesta emocional del observador [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/38447 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales
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Avaliação da influência da técnica de execução no comportamento dos revestimentos de argamassa aplicados com projeção mecânica contínua. / The influence of different execution techniques on the behavior of cement based rendering applied with the wet sprayed method.Zanelatto, Kátia Cristina 26 September 2012 (has links)
No Brasil, a quase totalidade dos edifícios habitacionais empregam revestimentos de argamassa em suas fachadas. Este revestimento vem passando por alterações significativas ao longo do tempo, dentre as quais se destaca a substituição do lançamento manual de argamassas pela projeção, por meio de equipamentos mecânicos, em especial a aplicação mecanizada contínua, com bombas helicoidais. Acredita-se que este sistema, por possibilitar o fluxo contínuo na etapa de aplicação e promover a diminuição da interferência das habilidades dos operários durante a execução, permite alcançar maior produtividade e melhorar a qualidade dos revestimentos, mas as diferentes técnicas de execução empregadas para a produção dos revestimentos de argamassa aplicados com projeção mecânica contínua ainda não foram avaliadas sistemicamente quanto à sua interferência no comportamento destes revestimentos. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a influência de algumas variáveis empregadas na execução dos revestimentos de fachada de argamassa aplicados com projeção mecânica contínua, no seu comportamento, mais especificamente na adesão inicial, fissuração e aderência. Estas variáveis foram selecionadas através de um levantamento bibliográfico e aplicadas a um estudo experimental, no qual foram executados vinte e sete painéis de revestimento, para verificação da influência das variáveis no comportamento destes revestimentos. Ao final, foram apresentados e avaliados os resultados obtidos, por meio de análises qualitativas (adesão inicial e fissuração) e quantitativas (no caso de resistência de aderência). Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, apesar de haver um acréscimo significativo da resistência de aderência à tração com a projeção mecânica contínua da argamassa, em comparação à aplicação manual, o teor de água das argamassas, associado à condição de umidade do substrato e ao tempo entre demãos, e as técnicas de acabamento da superfície do revestimento podem influenciar significativamente o comportamento dos revestimentos, aumentando ou diminuindo a resistência de aderência. / In Brazil, almost all residential buildings make use of exterior cement-based rendering. This rendering has been going through significant changes over time, among which the substitution of hand application of the mortar by mechanical methods of application, in particular the wet spraying method using rotor type machines. It is believed that this system, by allowing the continuous flow in the application step and reducing user skill interference, promotes greater productivity and helps to increase the quality of the rendering, but the different execution techniques employed in its production still havent been systematically evaluated regarding their interference in the renderings behavior. Hence, the objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of some variables related to the execution techniques of exterior cement-based rendering applied with the wet spraying method using rotor type machines on their behavior, more specifically on initial bonding, cracking and adhesion. These variables were selected through bibliographic data gathering, and then applied to an experimental study on which twenty seven rendering panels were executed for the verification of the influence of the variables on their behavior. The results were presented and evaluated by qualitative (in the case of initial bond and cracking) and quantitative analyses (in the case of adhesion). The results obtained allowed to conclude that, despite a significant increase in adhesion with the mechanical projection of the mortar compared to manual application, the water content of the mortar, associated with substrate moisture condition and time between coatings, as well as the techniques of surface finishing of the coating may affect the rendering quality by increasing or decreasing the adhesion strengths.
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