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The Subscription Economy: Implications for Valuation and Earnings ManagementChen, Yue January 2024 (has links)
The subscription economy — wherein firms offer products and services for recurring fees — has witnessed substantial growth in the last two decades. When valuing firms that rely on recurring revenue (hereafter recurring revenue firms), investors adopt valuation methods that prioritize future revenue over current performance, altering the earnings management incentives for these firms.
I first document fundamental differences in recurring revenue firms: they tend to be smaller and younger, and they have greater revenue persistence, investment efficiency, and profitability. They experience more pronounced stock market reactions to revenue and earnings, but only when future revenue indicators (deferred revenue) are high. To align with growth-focused investor valuation methods, recurring revenue firms avoid premature revenue recognition to maintain a high level of deferred revenue. Instead, they cut discretionary expenses to meet earnings targets and excessively defer revenue to enhance their valuation. These insights underscore how earnings management incentives evolve in response to the changing economy.
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Fundamental Drivers ofPrice Momentum Returns : Examining profits to Price, Earnings and Revenue Momentum Strategies in the Swedish Stock marketAlmgren, Gustav January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines if price momentum and momentum in firm fundamentals measured by earnings and revenue momentum are related on the Swedish stock market. Price momentum is measured through the 11-month prior performance (11MPM), Earnings Momentum through Standardized Unexpected Earnings (SUE), and Revenue Momentum through Standardized Unexpected Revenue Growth (SURGE). Using firm-level data from 2007 until 2024, zero-investment momentum strategies are established and show significant returns not explained by any conventional asset pricing model. There is a strong dominance of the earnings momentum strategy, by wide margin outperforming both price and revenue momentum. The abnormal price momentum profits disappear when controlling for earnings momentum returns, whereas the returns to earnings momentum remain robust after controlling for the price momentum. These results support the claim that price momentum is a weak manifestation of fundamental momentum. The revenue momentum returns are not explained by earnings momentum, which indicates that these performance metrics contain exclusive information about the fundamental performance of a firm.
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IFRS 15 - En studie om hur en implementering av standarden kan komma att påverka beskattning, informationsvärdet och utdelningsmöjligheterErlandsson, Erik, Ferizi, Besart January 2016 (has links)
En ständigt aktuell debatt inom redovisning är vilka kriterier som ska ligga till grund vid bedömningen av när recognition av intäkter skall ske. Diskussionen har sin grund i vilka rekvisit som ska uppfyllas för att recognition av intäkter skall ske. IASB och FASB kom år 2014, efter ett samarbete sedan år 2002 som en del i harmoniseringsprocessen, ut med IFRS 15 - Revenue from Contracts with Customers. IFRS 15, som är en ny redovisningsstandard för intäktsredovisning, kommer bland annat att ersätta de nuvarande standarderna IAS 18 Intäkter och IAS 11 Entreprenadavtal. I denna studie tillämpas rekvisiten för recognition av intäkter i enlighet med IFRS 15 och IAS 11 för att analysera effekter på bolagsskatt, informationsvärde och utdelningsmöjligheter. Med utgångspunkt i intressentmodellen och de finansiella rapporternas syfte till att lämna information till intressenter så analyseras effekterna. Analyserna sker utifrån sju konstruerade typfall som belyser effekterna till följd av att IFRS 15 respektive IAS 11 tillämpas. Studien är förutsägande och typfallens balansräkningar, resultaträkningar och avtal syftar till att visa vilka faktorer som blir avgörande när eventuella skillnader i intäktsredovisningen uppstår. Därefter analyseras vilken eller vilka intressenter som påverkas vid tillämpningen av IAS 11 respektive IFRS 15. Syftet med studien är att genom tillämpning av standarderna i typfallen, på ett pedagogiskt sätt analysera ekonomiska konsekvenser vid tillämpning av IFRS 15, för aktiebolagets intressenter avseende informationsvärde till intressenter, bolagsskattens påverkan och utdelningsmöjligheter. Studien visar att tillämpningen av den nya standarden IFRS 15 kan påverka intäktsredovisningen och då skapa skillnader i bolagsskatt, informationsvärde och utdelningsmöjligheter mellan standarderna IFRS 15 och IAS 11. Resultaten av studien pekar på att skillnader kan uppstå vid tillämpning av IFRS 15 jämfört med IAS 11 då införandet av kravet på överföring av kontroll för recognition av intäkter skiljer sig från att föra över de betydande risker och förmåner förknippade med en tillgång. Vidare kan skillnader uppstå om ett avtal delas upp på flera prestationsåtagande vid tillämpning av IFRS 15 medan avtalet har ett prestationsåtagande vid tillämpning av IAS 11. Skillnader kan även uppstå när kontroll inte kan överföras över tid enligt IFRS 15 medan successiv vinstavräkning kan tillämpas vid intäktsredovisning enligt IAS 11 och om flera avtal ska ses som ett enligt IAS 11 men delas upp på flera avtal enligt IFRS 15. De intressenter som gynnas eller missgynnas kan vara ägare, anställda, myndigheter samt kreditgivare. Det framkommer av analyserna att det är beroende på vilken typ av skillnad som uppstår som blir avgörande för om en intressent kan anses missgynnas eller gynnas. / A constant and current debate within accounting is what criteria’s should be the basis for assessing when the recognition of revenue should take place. The discussion is based on the conditions which must be met for the recognition of revenue to take place. IASB and FASB published in 2014, after collaboration since 2002 as part of the harmonization process, IFRS 15. IFRS 15 is a new accounting standard for revenue recognition which will replace the current standards IAS 18 Revenue and IAS 11 Construction Contracts. In this study the conditions for recognition of income are applied in accordance with IFRS 15 and IAS 11 in order to analyze the effects on income tax, information value and dividend potential. Based on the stakeholder model and the objective of financial statements, which are to provide information to stakeholders, the effects are analyzed. The analysis is based on seven constructed scenarios that illustrate the effects as a result of the application of IFRS 15 and IAS 11. The purpose of the study is to through the application of standards in the scenarios in a educational way analyze the economic consequences for the companies stakeholders regarding information value, the effect on income tax and dividend potential. The study shows that the application of the new standard IFRS 15 may influence revenue recognition and as a result it could create differences between the two standards IFRS 15 and IAS 11 regarding income tax, information value and dividend potential. The results of the study indicate that differences may arise from the introduction of the requirement for the transfer of control of the recognition of revenue, contracts are divided on several performance commitments in IFRS 15 while the contract has one performance commitment in application of IAS 11. Differences may also occur when the control cannot be transferred over time in accordance with IFRS 15 while the percentage-of-completion method can be applied to revenue recognition in accordance with IAS 11. The stakeholders that benefit or have an disadvantage could be the owners, employees, authorities and creditors. It emerges from the analyzes that it is dependent on the type of difference that will determine whether a stakeholder can be considered disadvantaged or favored.
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Revenue Management pour les prestataires de services logistiques dans l'internet physique : les transporteurs de fret comme cas / Revenue Management for transport service providers in Physical Internet : freight carriers as caseQiao, Bin 18 December 2018 (has links)
Bien que le transport de marchandises joue un rôle essentiel dans le secteur économique et que la demande de transport de marchandises augmente, les transporteurs sur le marché du fret ont encore du mal à maintenir et à améliorer leurs revenus. Pour répondre aux défis, Revenue Management (RM) et l’Internet Physique (PI) sont adoptés comme solution dans cette thèse. RM est une méthode, issue de l’industrie du transport aérien, qui permet de maximiser les revenus. PI est un système logistique entièrement interconnecté, ouvert et dynamique visant à développer des réseaux logistiques mondiaux interconnectés ouverts afin d'accroître l'efficacité et la durabilité de la logistique. Cette thèse examine l’application de RM dans PI pour améliorer les revenus des transporteurs de chargement partiel. L’application de RM dans PI est étudiée à partir de quatre questions de recherche sur RM : la tarification, le contrôle de capacité, les prévisions et la tarification groupée. De plus, pour chaque question de recherche, une étude expérimentale est menée pour évaluer la faisabilité et les performances des modèles d'optimisation proposés correspondant à chaque question. Les résultats fournissent aux transporteurs des implications en termes de gestion et des conseils constructifs leur permettant d’optimiser leurs revenus à plusieurs niveaux, en tenant compte de situations et de scénarios différents. Dans l’ensemble, cette recherche examine Revenue Management du point des transporteurs de chargement partiel opérant dans un environnement très dynamique tel que l’Internet Physique. Les travaux de cette recherche donnent un aperçu général et systématique de l’application de Revenue Management dans un réseau dynamique de transport de marchandises par route. Les réalisations de cette thèse fournissent une base pour la future étude approfondie sur le problème des revenus dans un environnement dynamique. / Although the freight transport plays vital role in the economic sector and the freight transport demand is increasing, there are still challenges for the carriers in the freight market to keep and improve their revenue. To respond to the challenges, Revenue Management (RM) and Physical Internet (PI) are adopted as the solution in this thesis. RM is a method, which is originated from airline industry, to maximize the revenue. PI is a fully interconnected, open, dynamic logistics system aiming to develop an open global interconnected logistics networks to increase the logistics efficiency and sustainability. This thesis investigates the application of RM in PI to improve the revenue of less-than-truckload (LTL) carriers. The application of RM in PI is studied based on four research questions in RM, i.e. pricing, capacity control, forecasting, and bundle pricing. In addition, for each research question, an experimental study is conducted to evaluate the feasibility and performance of the proposed optimization models corresponded to each question. The results provide the carriers managerial implications and constructive guidance to make decisions to optimize their revenue at several levels, considering different situations and scenarios. Overall, this research investigates the Revenue Management from the point of view of LTL carriers operating in a highly dynamic environment like Physical Internet. The work in this research gives a general and systematical sight to the application of RM in a dynamic network of road freight transport. The achievements of this thesis give a basis for the future in-depth study on the revenue problem in a dynamic environment.
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我國營業稅稅收分配之研究 / The research of the business tax revenue-sharing in Taiwan李惠懿, Li, Huey Yih Unknown Date (has links)
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Intäktsredovisning : i elitidrottsföreningarHögstedt, Robinzon, Lötvall, Angela January 2013 (has links)
Studien studerar intäktsredovisningen i idrottens elitverksamhet. Studien är inriktad mot ishockeyns Elitserie och fotbollens Allsvenska. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka problem som kan uppstå i intäktsredovisningen och förklara dem. Om problem uppkommer önskade undersökningen ta reda på om ett utvecklande av avtalen skulle kunna vara en lösning. Anledningen till detta val härstammar från Borussia Dortmund och deras problem med att intäktsredovisa ett sponsoravtal som sträckte sig över fem år. De valde att redovisa hela summan i början av kontraktstiden vilket är fel, det borde skett en periodisering över hela kontraktstiden. Idrotten har gått från att vara ett allmänt nöje till att mer och mer likna rent företagande, i alla fall på elitnivå. Revisionsbyrån PwC har utvecklat ett dokument för att underlätta redovisningen av intäkter för underhållningsbranschen då kommersiella avtalet tenderar att vara väldigt komplicerade. För att besvara studiens syfte har telefonintervjuer och mejlkonversationer förekommit med föreningarnas ekonomichefer samt redovisningsansvariga. Det resulterade i totalt åtta intervjuer, fyra från ishockeyns Elitserie och fyra från fotbollens Allsvenska. För att komplettera har årsredovisningar från föreningarna granskats med fokus på förvaltningsberättelse, resultaträkningen samt de noter som behandlar intäkter. De intäkter som valts att undersöka är sponsor- och reklamintäkter, tv-intäkter, biljetter och en liten del merchandise. Resultatet visar på att föreningarna inte anser sig ha några problem med intäktsredovisningen och skulle därför inte behöva någon utveckling av sina avtal. Däremot visade undersökningen att en förening kan hantera erkännandet av sina intäkter på olika sätt. Det finns ingen konsekvens i hur intäkterna tas upp. I vissa fall sker det vid fakturering, ibland vid betalning eller när prestationen är utförd. Ibland sker periodisering men oftast inte, förutom vid de tillfällen då betalningen erhålls under fel år. Detta är dock inget problem då föreningarna måste, både enligt elitlicensen och eftersom att de följer bokföringsmässiga grunder, följa sitt räkenskapsår.
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Performance measurement in African semi-autonomous revenue authorities : the case of Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania : how can performance measures in African semi-autonomous revenue authorities (ARAs) be strategic, efficient and effective?Kariuki, Elizabeth Judy Nyawira January 2012 (has links)
Semi-autonomous revenue authorities (ARAs) have been established all over the world as a distinctive institutional model outside the traditional public service aimed at enhancing tax administration, and thereby raising tax revenues. In order to boost the robustness of their operations, substantial expenditures have gone towards modernising ARAs. Expenditures have been guided by medium-term corporate-wide plans, and the results monitored, assessed and reported using performance measures. Performance measurement has proved challenging for ARAs to implement and sustain in practice. Some of the challenges evolve around weak capacity, implementation costs, issues to do with quantification, competing demands from a wide range of constituents, the inappropriate selection of measures and a bias towards performance measures that focus on finances. As a means for enhancing performance measurement, there are practices, lessons and theoretical perspectives that can be discerned from the broadspectrum of literature on performance measurement in the public sector and ARAs from around the world. This thesis explores how performance measurement in African ARAs can be more strategic, efficient and effective by ascertaining which key factors shape its adoption. The research focuses on the in depth study of three ARAs in Sub Saharan Africa, involving a combination of structured interviews with internal and external stakeholders, the administration of a survey instrument and review of ARA documents. The final chapters of the thesis deploy fuzzy set logic techniques to identify and test the significance of various causal conditions in the adoption of performance measurement in ARAs, as a plausible answer to the research question.
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Výnosy z pohledu českých účetních předpisů a IFRS / Revenues from the perspective of the Czech accounting legislation and IFRSKašpar, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with a comparison between legislation of revenues in the Czech accountancy on one hand and in International Financial Reporting Standards on the other hand. Text concerns itself with the theoretical determination of revenues, the description of the Czech accounting regulation of revenue and the revenue recognition in IFRS. The thesis on the basis of general criterions compares revenues with respect to the Czech accountancy and with regards to IFRS and solves revenue recognition for chosen business activities. The main aims of the thesis are the analysis and the comparison of the current regulations of revenues in chosen accounting systems.
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Municipal revenue collection function: A comparative study on the efficiency and effectiveness of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality and the South African Revenue ServiceChauke, Khensani Richard January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D. (Public Administration)) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / Municipalities have the responsibility to deliver services to the communities in a fast and efficient manner, and to deliver these services there is a need for financial resources and institutional capacity. The challenge that beset the municipalities is that they struggle to collect revenue. There is a gap between available financial resources and the municipal expenditure needs largely as a result of the revenue collection challenges facing the municipalities. The revenue collection challenge therefore, needs to be adequately addressed for the municipalities to be successful. Municipalities have the right to finance their affairs through charging fees for services; imposing surcharges on fees, rates, levies and duties. The municipal council have the responsibility to implement and adopt tariff policies. These tariff policies must espouse the principles that ensure the equitable treatment of municipal service users. Tariff policies must also ensure that the amount paid by individual users for services is proportionate to their usage. Municipalities should, in terms of law, differentiate between the different categories of ratepayers, users of services, debtors, taxes, services and service standard.
This study was based on the combination of both qualitative and quantitative research design. It followed a case study approach of comparative investigation between the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality revenue collection and South African Revenue Service. The quantitative research was done through the administration of questionnaires to the ratepayers, corporate taxpayers and tax practitioners. This was complemented by the qualitative in-depth interview questionnaires administered to both South African Revenue Service and the Tshwane Metropolitan municipality to ensure that the data collected are both collaborated and diverse to enable the researcher to draw a balanced conclusion.
In the light of the above, this study therefore investigated the strategies and legislative framework that is employed by the municipalities and contrasted with those that are used by the South African Revenue Service, with the aim of taking possible learnings that can be applied in the municipalities. The study concluded by proposing guidelines that can be used by municipalities in revenue collection.
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Revenue model analysis in the creditdecision services marketISAKSSON, JENNY, SJÖGREN, JOHANNA January 2016 (has links)
One of the most fundamental aspects of a business is revenue generation. The revenue modeldescribes how revenues are collected by a firm through selling its products and services. Asrevenue generation is of great importance to a business, it is essential for companies to analyzetheir revenue model to establish whether their current model for revenue appropriation isoptimal.After conducting pre-interviews at Bisnode AB, the commissioner of this study, it becameevident that Bisnode has a need to analyze their current revenue model for its credit decisionservices in a structured manner to ensure its competitiveness and profitability. Thus, this thesiswill study revenue model analysis for firms active in the market for credit decision services.The research was conducted through a qualitative case study at Bisnode, based on semistructuredinterviews, observations and archival information. By identifying which aspects totake into consideration when analyzing a revenue model, and by grounding the findings into theexisting literature, a complete framework for revenue model analysis was developed. Theframework facilitates revenue model analysis and consists of five different dimensions: financial,customers, strategy, competition, and macro environment. Further, by linking the case studyfindings to the existing body of literature, a work process for revenue model analysis wasproposed. The outcome of this study is a framework for revenue model analysis to be used bycompanies offering credit decision services.The findings of the research have both theoretical, managerial and sustainability implications.From a theoretical standpoint, a framework for revenue model analysis that integrates strategicmanagement literature and studies on value proposition has been proposed. Furthermore, asearlier research has been mainly focused on the business model as a whole, this report studies therevenue model as an independent research topic and lays the foundation for further research inthe domain. From a managerial perspective, the outcome of the research enables managers offirms active in the credit decision services market to comprehensively analyze revenue models ina structured fashion. Finally, the revenue model analysis framework assesses a revenue model’scompetitiveness and profitability, which contributes to the economical sustainability of a firm.
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