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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prevalência da periodontite em jovens e adultos da Colômbia e fatores de risco sociodemográficos / Prevalence of periodontitis in young adults and adults in Colombia and sociodemographic risk factors

Rodriguez, Sandra Viviana Zorro 31 October 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Diferentes estudos evidenciam que a doença periodontal em jovens tem uma prevalência baixa, e que seu comportamento na perda de nível de inserção é mais localizado que generalizado. (AL-GHUTAIMEL, H. et al, 2014; LÓPEZ; FERNANDEZ; BAELUM, 2006). Entretanto a periodontite é um problema de saúde pública e seu aumento na prevalência nos adultos é cada vez mais alta. Objetivo: Descrever a prevalência da periodontite em jovens e adultos da Colômbia, sua associação com fatores de risco socioeconômicos e demográficos. Metodologia: Para este estudo foram utilizados dados de indivíduos jovens de 18 anos e adultos entre 20-79anos avaliados no IV Estudo Nacional de Saúde Bucal na Colômbia. (COLÔMBIA, 2014 a) A amostra incluiu um total de 9150 sujeitos que corresponderam a 1802 jovens e 7348 adultos.Foi realizada uma comparação dos parâmetros periodontais entre jovens e adultos e das variáveis sociodemográficas. (testes Mann Whitnney e testes Kruskall Wallis p<0.05). Adicionalmente, a prevalência da periodontite foi estimada de acordo com a classificação do ENSAB IV e por uma reclassificação baseada na literatura. Finalmente se observou associação da doença com os fatores de risco sociodemográficos e clínicos de acordo com a reclassificação, numa ánalise de regressão logística com Odds proporcionais parciais. Resultados: Foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os dois grupos nas variáveis avaliadas (sexo, estrato socioeconômico, adesão ao sistema de saúde, região, doença inflamatória Crônica, perda de dentes por cárie e por outra causa). De acordo com a classificação do ENSAB IV, os indivíduos jovens apresentaram 40,3% de prevalência na categoria sem periodontite, adultos 99% na categoria grave e 94.3% na categoria moderada. Enquanto na reclassificação prevaleceu a periodontite leve em jovens 26,1%, e nos adultos as categorias grave e moderada tiveram porcentagens similares que na classificação do ENSAB IV. Na análise bivariada e multivariada faixa setárias entre 65-79 e 35-44, o sexo masculino, o cadastro no regime subsidiado e sem adesão ao sistema de saúde, a perda de dentes por cárie e por outra causa foram significantemente associadas com periodontites grave e moderada (p<0.05). Conclusões: A prevalência da doença periodontal foi relativamente alta mesmo na faixa etária de jovens. O diagnóstico precoce da periodontite e uma oportuna intervenção em indivíduos com gengivite, principalmente para aqueles que apresentem fatores de risco, deve ser reforçada como uma política pública visando prevenir a doença e diminuir a prevalência de adultos com periodontite / Introduction: Different studies show that periodontal disease in young people has a low prevalence, and that its behavior in loss of insertion level is more localized than generalized. (Al-GHUTAIMEL, H. et al, 2014; LÓPEZ; FERNANDEZ; BAELUM, 2006). However, periodontitis is a public health problem and its increase in adult prevalence is growing. Objective: To describe the prevalence of periodontitis in young people and adults in Colombia, its connection between socioeconomic and demographic risk factors. Methodology: This study used data from 18-year-olds and adults aged 20-79 evaluated in the IV National Oral Health Study in Colombia. (COLOMBIA, 2014 a) The sample included 9150 subjects corresponding to 1802 young people and 7348 adults. A comparison of the periodontal parameters between young people and adults and sociodemographic variables was performed. (Mann Whitnney tests and Kruskall Wallis tests p<0.05). In addition, the prevalence of periodontitis was estimated according to the ENSAB IV classification and to a reclassification based on the literature. Finally, a connection between the disease and sociodemographic and clinical risk factors was observed according to the reclassification in a logistic regression analysis with partial proportional Odds. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups in the evaluated variables (sex, socioeconomic status, affiliation to the health system, region, chronic inflammatory disease, loss of teeth due to tooth decay and other causes). According to the ENSAB IV classification, young individuals presented a 40.3% prevalence in the category without periodontitis, adults presented 99% in the severe category and 94.3% in the moderate category. While the reclassification prevailed to mild periodontitis in youngsters 26.1%, and in adults the severe and moderate categories had similar percentages to the classification of ENSAB IV. In the bivariate and multivariate analysis, age ranges between 65-79 and 35-44, in male sex, enrollment in the subsidized regimen and no affiliation to the health system, loss of teeth due to tooth decay and other causes were significantly associated with severe periodontitis and moderate (p<0.05). Conclusions: Diagnosing and timely intervention in individuals with gingivitis presenting risk factors could prevent the disease and decrease the prevalence of adults with periodontitis

Caracterização espacial da brucelose bovina no Estado do Tocantins / Spatial characterization of bovine brucellosis in Tocantins State, Brazil

Ogata, Renato Akio 11 February 2009 (has links)
Para dar suporte à implantação do PNCEBT no Estado do Tocantins, foi realizado um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da doença, entre fevereiro de 2002 e agosto de 2003. O Estado foi divido em seis áreas com características produtivas homogêneas (circuitos produtores). Para cada área, foi calculada uma amostragem simples aleatória de 300 propriedades, com o objetivo de estimar a prevalência de focos de brucelose além da prevalência de fêmeas bovinas adultas soropositivas. Para isso, foram amostradas de 10 a 15 vacas com idade superior a dois anos em cada propriedade. Um total de 20.908 soros foi obtido de 1.842 propriedades. Verificou-se uma prevalência de focos de brucelose (propriedades com, ao menos, um animal positivo) de 21,22% [19,33;23,11] e uma prevalência de fêmeas bovinas adultas soropositivas de 4,43% [3,57;5,29] para o Estado. Quando considerados os circuitos produtores, observou-se que os circuitos 1, 2, 3 e 5 tiveram prevalências de focos significativamente maiores que os demais, respectivamente 16,01% [12,08;20,61], 37,63% [32,08;43,43], 26,38% [21,54;31,69] e 29,26% [24,26;34,66]. Nos circuitos 4 e 6, as prevalências foram 5,84% [3,50;9,08] e 8,57% [5,72;12,23], respectivamente. Em cada propriedade, foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico, com o objetivo de avaliar o grau de associação de possíveis fatores de risco a doença. A análise dos fatores de risco teve como resultado: rebanho de bovinos fêmeas > 24 meses acima de 120 animais (OR=2.00); vacinar contra brucelose ou vacinar fêmeas de qualquer idade (OR=0.37); presença de piquetes de parição (OR=0.72); exploração de leite (OR=0.63) e abate de reprodutores na fazenda (OR=1.52). / In order to support the implementation of PNCEBT in Tocantins State, a study was conducted to characterize the epidemiological situation of the disease from February 2002 to august 2003. The State was divided into six areas with a homogeneous productive system (production circuits). For each area, a simple random sample was calculated, to estimate the prevalence both in farms and cows over two years old. To achieve this, 10 15 adult cows (over two years old) were sampled. A total of 20,908 sera from 1,842 farms were obtained. For the whole State of Tocantins, the prevalence of positive farms (or farms with at least one positive animal) was 21.22% [19.33;23.11]. When the production circuits were considered, the positive farms prevalences from the circuits 1, 2, 3 and 5 were significantly higher than the other circuits: 16.01% [12.08;20.61], 37.63% [32.08;43.43], 26.38% [21.54;31.69] and 29.26% [24.26;34.66], respectively. In the circuits 4 and 6, the prevalences were 5.84% [3.50-9.08] and 8.57% [5.72;12.23], respectively. In each visited farm, a questionnaire was applied, in order to evaluate the association with possible risk factors and the brucellosis. The results of risk factors analysis were: herds of cows > 24 months above 120 animals (OR=2.00); vaccinate against brucellosis or vaccinate cows above 8 months (OR=0.37); presence of birth paddock (OR=0.72); Milk exploitation (OR=0.63) and slaughter of breeding animals in farm (OR=1,52).

Avaliação de adolescente em conflito com a lei a partir dos conceitos de risco e necessidade associados à persistência da conduta infracional / Evaluation of Adolescent as a Law Offender from de risk and need concepts associated with the persistency of the offender conduct.

Maruschi, Maria Cristina 14 July 2010 (has links)
A literatura indica reiteradamente fatores de risco mais fortemente associados ao surgimento e ao desenvolvimento do comportamento infracional na adolescência. Esses tem se prestado ao desenvolvimento de instrumentos de avaliação sistemáticos e padronizados, cuja proposta é avaliar a probabilidade de reincidência e identificar os déficits que precisam ser trabalhados para reduzi-la. Utilizados em vários países, têm o objetivo principal de adequar a medida judicial e o nível de intervenção às necessidades do adolescente. No Brasil, não foi identificada referência a padrões de avaliação para auxiliar na aplicação das medidas socioeducativas, o que pode implicar em muita discricionariedade, na forma e no rigor. A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo realizar uma investigação exploratória, no contexto brasileiro, para avaliar a performance do Instrumento Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory-YLS/CMI. Esse é um checklist composto por 42 itens, divididos em 8 subescalas referentes a dimensões de risco/necessidades criminogênicas, que possibilita identificar diferentes níveis de probabilidade de persistência do comportamento infracional. Ademais, o estudo buscou identificar correlações entre o YLS/CMI e características de personalidade e de socialização, medidas respectivamente pelo Inventário de Personalidade de Jesness-IPJ e Escala Fatorial de Socialização-EFS. A amostra foi composta por 40 adolescentes que praticaram ato infracional, na Comarca de Jaú-SP, e seus pais/responsáveis. A coleta deu-se por meio da realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, guiadas por roteiros previamente preparados, com vistas à obtenção de informações junto ao adolescente e, em seguida, junto ao responsável, de modo a preencher os quesitos do YLS/CM. As entrevistas aconteceram no contexto do Ministério Público, na oitiva informal, mediante consentimento livre e esclarecido. Os dados foram codificados e pontuados de acordo com o manual, o que permitiu a identificação do nível de risco para cada adolescente. Após um período de 6 a 12 meses, realizou-se um levantamento no Cartório da Infância e Juventude para verificar se havia registro de novas infrações para os adolescentes da amostra. Procedeu-se a análises estatísticas exploratórias, análises de coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, teste de Mann- Whitney, além da curva ROC, com vistas a identificar níveis de sensibilidade e especificidade do YLS/CMI. Os resultados mostraram que todas as subescalas do instrumento medem o constructo a que se propõe e que o instrumento possui boa capacidade preditiva (Z=-3,31, p=0,001), sendo as subescalas mais relevantes, nesse sentido \"atitudes/orientações\", \"relação com pares\" e \"uso de álcool e outras drogas\". Adotando-se 18 como ponto de corte, chegou-se a um nível de sensibilidade de 76,9% e de especificidade de 66,7%. Correlações entre subescalas do YLS/CMI e do IPJ e EFS tiveram os resultados esperados. De modo geral, pode-se dizer que os adolescentes investigados apresentaram diferentes níveis de risco e necessidades e, portanto, precisariam receber um acompanhamento diferenciado, no plano judicial e no das práticas de intervenção de ajuda. Os principais resultados convergem com pesquisas realizadas em diferentes países e mostram que o YLS/CMI se aplica satisfatoriamente à realidade brasileira, comprovando a base empírica sólida do instrumento. Outros estudos são necessários para confirmar os resultados iniciais e avaliar outras propriedades psicométricas deste. / Literature indicates reiterately risk factor more associated with the outbreak and development of the offender behavior during the adolescence. These ones have been developing systematic and standardized assessment tools, which proposal is to evaluate the probability of recurrence and identify the lacks in need of being worked in order to reduce it. Used in many countries, they have as main objective to conform the judicial measure and the level of intervention to the needs of the adolescent. In Brazil, it has not been identified reference to standards of evaluation to aid in the application of the socio educative measures, which can imply a lot of discretionarity, in the form and in the strictness. The present research had as an objective to perform an exploratory investigation, in the Brazilian context, to evaluate the performance of the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory-YLS/CMI Instrument. This is a checklist composed of 42 items, divided in 8 subscales referring to dimensions of risk/criminogenic needs, which enables to identify different levels of probability of persistence of the offender behavior. Besides, the study aimed to identify correlations between the YLS/CMI and characteristics of personality and socialization, respectively measured by the Jesness Personality Inventory- JPI and Socialization Factorial Scale-SFS. The sample has been composed of 40 adolescents who have practiced offending behavior in the region of Jaú-SP, and their parents/liable responsibles. The acquiring has been made by performing semi-structured interviews, guided by previously prepared scripts, aiming the acquiring of information from the adolescent and, hereupon, from the liable responsible, so that the YLS/CMI requests could be fulfilled. The interviews took place in the context of the Public Ministry, during the informal hearing, after free and informed consent. Data were codified and punctuated according to the manual, which allowed the risk level identification for each adolescent. After a period of 6 to 12 months, a survey has been performed at the Infancy and Youth Register Office to verify the existence of new offending behavior made by the adolescents referred in the sample. Exploratory statistic Analysis, Spearman coefficient correlation analysis, Mann-Whitney test and also the ROC curve, aiming to identify the sensitivity and specificity levels of YLS/CMI. The results showed that all subscales of the instrument measure the intended proposal and show that the instrument has good predictive capacity (Z=-3,31, p=0,001), being more relevant subscales, in this case \"attitude/orientation\", \"peers relation\" and \"use of alcohol and other drugs\". Defining 18 as a split point, a level of sensibility of 76,9% and a level of specificity of 66,7% have been reached. Correlations between subscales of YLS/CMI and JPI and SFS had the expected results. In a general way, it may be said that the investigated adolescents presented different levels of risk and needs and, therefore, they would need to receive differentiated follow-up in the judicial plan and in the practices of help intervention. The main results converge to researches made in different countries and show that the YLS/CMI can be satisfactorily applied to the Brazilian reality, confirming the solid empirical basis of the instrument. Other results are necessary to confirm its initial results and evaluate other psycometrical properties.

Associação entre periodontite apical e doenças cardiovasculares : da meta-análise de marcadores inflamatórios aos dados do Estudo Longitudinal de Envelhecimento de Baltimore (BLSA)

Gomes, Maximiliano Schunke January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Poucos estudos investigaram o papel da periodontite apical (PA) como fator de risco para doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) e mortalidade associada. Esta tese teve o objetivo de avaliar a associação entre variáveis endodônticas, com ênfase na PA, e DCV, estando dividida em quatro diferentes artigos: 1- uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise investigando se indivíduos com PA apresentam alteração nos níveis séricos de marcadores inflamatórios (MI); 2- um coorte retrospectivo avaliando a associação entre variáveis endodônticas e eventos cardiovasculares (ECV) incidentes, incluindo morte por ECV, em participantes do Estudo Longitudinal de Envelhecimento de Baltimore (BLSA); 3- um estudo transversal verificando se perda dentária e a condição de saúde bucal autorrelatada (SROH) estão associados com a carga aterosclerótica (CAB) em indivíduos do sul do Brasil; 4- um estudo de validação do auto-relato de tratamento endodôntico (SRHET) como método de identificar a presença de tratamento endodôntico (TE) e a presença de PA detectável radiograficamente, em participantes do BLSA. Métodos: No Artigo 1, as bases de dados MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane e Pubmed foram pesquisadas, sem restrição de idioma. A partir de critérios de inclusão e exclusão, dois revisores avaliaram a qualidade dos estudos pela Escala de Newcastle-Ottawa. A principal variável de desfecho da meta-análise foi o nível sérico de MI em indivíduos com PA versus controles saudáveis ou em indivíduos com PA antes versus após o tratamento da PA. No Artigo 2, 278 indivíduos com exames médicos e odontológicos foram avaliados. Doença periodontal (DP) e perda dentária foram aferidas. O número total de dentes com PA e TE foi apurado através de radiografias panorâmicas. A carga endodôntica (EB) foi calculada a partir da soma de PA e TE. O desfecho ECV incidentes incluiu angina, infarto agudo do miocárdio e morte por ECV. Os participantes foram monitorados por até 44 anos (média=17,4±11,1 anos). Riscos relativos (RR) foram calculados por modelos de regressão de Poisson, estimando a relação entre PA, TE, EB e ECV incidentes. No Artigo 3, 382 indivíduos submetidos a coronarioangiografia foram incluídos. Dados sociodemográficos, fatores de risco cardiovascular e condição de saúde bucal foram coletados por questionário, incluindo dados acerca do SROH. O número de dentes a as medidas antropométricas foram coletadas através de exames clínicos. CAB foi quantificada através do escore de Friesinger (FS). Razões de prevalência (PR) foram calculadas por regressão de Poisson. No Artigo 4, o SRHET foi coletado através de questionário em 247 participantes do BLSA. TE e PA foram determinados através de radiografias panorâmicas. O número total de TE, PA e dentes perdidos foi registrado para cada indivíduo. A validação de SRHET foi determinada com base em ET e PA, separadamente. Acurácia, eficiência, sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivos e negativos (+PV, -PV) e razões de verossimilhança positivos e 13 negativos (+LR, -LR) foram calculados por métodos padrão. Resultados: No Artigo 1, dos 531 estudos inicialmente identificados, 20 integraram a análise final. Trinta e um MI foram analisados, sendo IgA, IgM, IgG e CRP os mais comumente investigados. CRP, IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, ADMA, IgA, IgG, e IgM demonstraram níveis elevados em pacientes com PA em comparação com os controles na maioria dos estudos. A meta-análise revelou que: a) os níveis séricos de IgA (P=0,001), IgG (P=0,04), e IgM (P<0,00001) apresentaram-se aumentados em humanos com PA comparados com indivíduos saudáveis; b) os níveis séricos de CRP, IgA, IgE, IgG e IgM não foram estatisticamente diferentes entre pacientes com PA antes e após o tratamento (P>0.05). No Artigo 2, a idade média foi de 55,0±16,8 anos, sendo 51,4% homens. Ao total, 62 participantes (22,3%) desenvolveram ECV. Modelos multivariados, ajustados para idade, gênero, IMC, fumo, hipertensão, dislipidemia, diabetes, DP e perda dentária demonstraram que EB (P=0,035) esteve associada de forma independente com ECV incidentes. No Artigo 3, a idade média foi de 60,3±10,8 anos, com 63,2% de homens. Modelos multivariados, ajustados para idade, sexo, fumo, hipertensão, diabetes e dislipidemia mostraram que a condição ruim de SROH (P=0,03) e perda dentária (P=0,02) foram associados de modo independente com a CAB. No Artigo 4, 229 participantes compuseram as análises de TE e 129 as análise de PA. Os valores de validação do SRHET foram: sensibilidade (TE=0,91; PA=0,78), especificidade (TE=0,89; PA=0,69), +PV (TE=0,82; PA=0,35), -PV (TE=0,95; PA=0,94), +LR (TE=8,39; PA=2,51) e -LR (TE=0,09; PA=0,32). Conclusões: O Artigo 1 mostrou que a evidência disponível é limitada mas consistente, sugerindo que a PA está associada a um aumento nos níveis séricos de CRP, IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, ADMA, IgA, IgG, e IgM em humanos. Estes achados indicam que a PA pode contribuir para uma resposta imune em nível sistêmico, com possível aumento no risco vascular global. Os resultados do Artigo 2 demonstraram que embora as variáveis PA e ET não estiveram associadas com o desenvolvimento de ECV, a variável EB foi um preditor independente da incidência de ECV entre participantes do BLSA. No Artigo 3, perda dentária e uma condição ruim de SROH foram associados de modo independente com a CAB, sugerindo que a associação entre doenças bucais e aterosclerose está presente entre indivíduos do sul do Brasil. O Artigo 4 demonstrou que o SRHET foi um método acurado para identificar indivíduos com TE, mas um preditor fraco da presença de PA entre indivíduos do BLSA. O uso do SRHET como método de predizer a presença de PA em estudos populacionais deve ser vista com cautela. Esta tese identifica a necessidade do desenvolvimento de estudos prospectivos controlados de larga escala que avaliem a possível redução no risco de DCV frente ao tratamento da PA. / Introduction: Few studies have investigated the role of apical periodontitis (AP) as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and related mortality. This thesis aimed to evaluate the association between apical periodontitis (AP) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and was divided in four different articles: 1- a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating evidence to support whether AP can modify systemic levels of inflammatory markers (IM) in humans; 2- a retrospective cohort evaluating whether the presence of AP and endodontic treatment (ET) was associated with incident cardiovascular events (CVE) on participants in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA); 3- a cross-sectional study testing the hypothesis that poor self-reported oral health (SROH) and tooth loss are positively associated with coronary atherosclerotic burden (CAB) in a group of southern Brazilian patients; 4- a study quantifying the validity of self-reported history of endodontic treatment (SRHET), as reported in the BLSA, as a method to identify individuals who experienced ET and individuals who present with AP. Methods: In Article 1, the MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane and Pubmed databases were searched, with no language restriction. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, two reviewers rated the quality of each study based on the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. The primary outcome variable for meta-analysis was determined by the serum levels of IM in AP subjects versus healthy controls or in AP subjects before versus after treatment intervention. In Article 2, 278 subjects who received complete medical and dental examinations were evaluated. Periodontal disease (PD) and missing teeth were recorded. Total number of AP and ET were determined from panoramic radiographs. Endodontic burden (EB) was calculated as the sum of AP and ET. Main outcome incident CVE included angina, myocardial infarction and cardiovascular-related death. Participants were monitored for up to 44 years (mean=17.4±11.1 years) following the dental examination. Relative Risks (RR) were calculated through Poisson regression models, estimating the relationship between AP, ET, EB and incident CVE. In Article 3, 382 subjects undergoing coronary angiography were included. Socio-demographic characteristics, cardiovascular risk factors and oral health status were collected using a standardized questionnaire, including data on SROH. Number of teeth and anthropometric measures were collected through clinical examinations. CAB at coronary angiography was quantified using the Friesinger score (FS). Prevalence ratios (PR) were calculated with Poisson regression analyses. In Article 4, SRHET was collected through the BLSA questionnaire in 247 participants. Data on ET and AP were determined from panoramic radiographs. The total number of ET, AP and missing teeth were recorded for each individual. Validity of SRHET was determined based on ET and AP, separately. Accuracy, efficiency, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values (+PV, -PV) and positive and negative likelihood ratios (+LR, -LR) were 15 calculated according to standard methods. Results: In Article 1, among the 531 initially identified papers, 20 comprised the final analysis. Thirty-one IM were analyzed, with IgA, IgM, IgG and CRP being most commonly investigated. CRP, IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, ADMA, IgA, IgG, and IgM were shown to be increased in patients with AP compared to controls in most studies. Meta-analyses showed that: a) serum levels of IgA (P=0.001), IgG (P=0.04), and IgM (P<0.00001) were increased in humans with AP compared to healthy controls and b) serum levels of CRP, IgA, IgE, IgG and IgM were not significantly different between patients with AP before and after treatment (P>0.05). In Article 2, mean age at dental examination was 55.0±16.8, with 51.4% males. A total of 62 participants (22.3%) developed CVE. Multivariate models, adjusted for covariates age, sex, BMI, smoke, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, PD and tooth loss showed that EB (P=0.035) was independently associated with incident CVE. In Article 3, mean age was 60.3±10.8 years, with 63.2% males. Multivariate models, adjusted for age, gender, smoking, hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia showed that poor SROH (P=0.03) and tooth loss (P=0.02) were independently associated with CAB. In Article 4, 229 participants were available for ET analysis and 129 for AP analysis. The SRHET validity values were: sensitivity (ET=0.915; AP=0.782), specificity (ET=0.891; AP=0.689), +PV (ET=0.824; AP=0.353), -PV (ET=0.949; AP=0.936), +LR (ET=8.394; AP=2.514) and -LR (ET=0.095; AP=0.316). Conclusions: The systematic review showed that available evidence is limited but consistent, suggesting that AP is associated with increased levels of CRP, IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, ADMA, IgA, IgG, and IgM in humans. These findings indicate that AP may contribute to a systemic immune response not confined to the localized lesion, with a possible role in patient's global vascular risk. Results from Article 2 demonstrated that although AP and ET were not individually associated with the development of CVE, EB in mid-life was an independent predictor of CVE among community-resident participants in the BLSA. In Article 3, poor SROH and tooth loss were independently associated with CAB, suggesting that the association between oral diseases and atherosclerosis is also present among southern Brazilian individuals. In Article 4, SRHET was found to be a highly accurate method to predict ET but a weak predictor of the presence of AP among participants in the BLSA. Thus, the use of SRHET as a predictor of AP in large populational studies must be considered with careful. Finally, future large-scale prospective controlled studies are required to evaluate CVD risk reduction with the treatment of AP.

Associação de polimorfismos dos genes do receptor da grelina (GHS-R) e da enzima grelina O-aciltransferase (MBOAT4) e transtornos alimentares / Association of polymorphisms of genes of the ghrelin receptor (GHS -R) and enzyme ghrelin O- acyltransferase (MBOAT4) and eating disorders(ED)

Fabbri, Alessandra Donzelli 28 January 2016 (has links)
A grelina é um hormônio potente de ação central e periférica, que possui um importante papel na regulação do apetite, consumo alimentar e balanço energético. Fatores genéticos têm sido estudados para explicar as alterações do comportamento alimentar nestes pacientes e os polimorfismos do gene da grelina humana (GHRL) têm sido investigados como importantes fatores de risco para estas doenças, mas os achados ainda são inconclusivos. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os polimorfismos do sistema grelina relacionados aos genes GHS-R e MBOAT4 e seu envolvimento na etiologia dos TA no Brasil. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue (10 ml) de 128 indivíduos (76 pacientes e 52 controles) para a análise genética (extração do DNA genômico e posterior genotipagem através do PCR tempo real), e realizadas outras avaliações: psiquiátrica, clínica e nutricional e revisão de prontuário. Não foi encontrada associação entre a frequência dos genótipos do SNP rs495225 no gene GHS-R e dos genótipos do SNP rs10096097 no gene MBOAT4 e os diagnósticos de AN, BN e TCA. Estes genes são fortes genes candidatos para a obesidade e outros distúrbios da alimentação em virtude de suas funções biológicas e localizações, no entanto, outros estudos são necessários para esclarecer se suas variantes podem interferir na regulação do apetite e/ou possam ser um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento dos TA. Não há registro, até o momento; desta investigação ter sido realizada anteriormente na população brasileira / Ghrelin is a potent hormone, and has central and peripheral action that has an important role in the regulation of appetite, food intake and energy balance. Genetic factors have been studying to explain the changes in feeding behavior in these patients and polymorphisms of the gene of human ghrelin (GHRL) are investigated as important risk factors for these diseases, but the findings are still inconclusive. This study aimed to evaluate the polymorphisms of ghrelin system related to GHS-R and MBOAT4 genes and their involvement in the etiology of eating disorders in Brazil. Blood samples were collected (10 ml) of 128 subjects (76 patients and 52 controls) for genetic analysis (extraction of genomic and subsequent DNA genotyping by real-time PCR), and evaluations: psychiatric, clinical and nutritional and review record. No association was found between the frequency of SNP rs495225 genotype in the GHS-R gene and SNP rs10096097 genotypes in MBOAT4 gene and AN, BN and TCA diagnostics. These genes are strong candidate genes for obesity and other eating disorders because of its biological functions and locations, however, further studies are needed to clarify whether its variants may interfere with the regulation of appetite and / or may be a risk factor for the development of ED. There is no record, to date; this investigation was done previously in Brazilian population

Fatores de Risco para Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana (LTA) no município de Bandeirantes, Paraná, Brasil / Risk Factors for American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis (ATL) in Bandeirantes - Parana.

Cruz, Carolina Fordellone Rosa 25 May 2015 (has links)
A leishmaniose é uma ameaça para cerca de 350 milhões de pessoas em 88 países no mundo. No município de Bandeirantes, estado do Paraná, Brasil, foram notificados 183 casos de leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LTA) entre 2000 a 2013. Objetivos: Descrever e analisar os casos de LTA ocorridos no município de Bandeirantes Paraná, entre 2007 e 2013 e investigar os fatores de risco associados à ocorrência da doença, considerando-se fatores socioeconômicos, condições habitacionais e do entorno das residências, atividades ocupacionais e de lazer, conhecimento sobre a LTA na população de estudo e algumas práticas; investigar a presença de anticorpos anti Leishmania sp. na população canina e descrever as características socioeconômicas, condições habitacionais e do entorno das residências, atividades ocupacionais, de lazer nos casos que evoluíram para óbitos bem como as características clínicas. Métodos: estudo caso-controle não pareado. A amostra constou de 104 casos autóctones de LTA notificados na Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Bandeirantes e 90 controles, residentes selecionados aleatoriamente que apresentassem reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) negativa. A amostra da população canina foi composta por animais presentes nas residências dos casos e dos controles. Foram investigados os óbitos entre os indivíduos que tiveram LTA no período do estudo. Resultados: O sexo feminino prevaleceu entre os casos (62,50 por cento ) e controles (68,89 por cento ), bem como a faixa etária maior ou igual a 60 anos em ambos os grupos (46,15 por cento e 33,33 por cento , respectivamente). Todavia estas condições não se mostraram como fatores de risco significante. Mostraram-se como fatores de risco significantes (p < 0,05) as seguintes variáveis: ser analfabeto (OR = 10,09), aposentados (OR = 2,35), praticar atividades de lazer relacionadas à zona rural (OR = 4,47), frestas na casa (OR = 2,15), presença de matos próximos ao domicílio (OR = 6,92), presença de plantas frutíferas no peridomicílio (OR=2,02), anexos peridomicilares (OR = 4,30), galinheiro (OR=2,15) e canil (OR = 3,90), dormir fora do quarto (OR=4,97), 8 combate a animais sinantrópicos (OR = 2,69), uso de repelente corporal (5,43) e conhecer o mosquito transmissor (OR = 3,48), a relação com outros animais (OR =2,51) e prevenção (OR = 2,24). Como fatores de proteção: renda familiar > 3 salários mínimo (OR = 0,22), casa de alvenaria e reboco (OR = 0,41), abastecimento de água de rede (OR = 0,41), presença de rede de esgoto (OR = 0,33), coleta de lixo pública (OR = 0,35). Os exames sorológicos realizados nos cães do estudo demonstraram que 38,23 por cento foram reagentes para os casos e 2,12 por cento nos controles. Os cães dos casos possuem 28,47 vezes mais chance de contrair a LTA quando comparados com os cães dos controles (p<0,0001). Foram investigados 14 óbitos, 35,71 por cento estavam em tratamento da LTA e 42,86 por cento apresentavam lesões compatíveis com a LTA. Conclusões: A ocorrência da LTA em Bandeirantes mostrou-se associada estatisticamente às variáveis: idade, escolaridade, renda familiar, atividades de lazer relacionadas à zona rural, presença de anexos domiciliares e vegetação próximo ao domicílio, assim como o uso de repelente corporal, dormir fora do quarto e conhecer o mosquito vetor da LTA e a sua forma de prevenção. / The leishmaniasis threat around 350 million people in 88 countries around the world. In Bandeirantes - Parana from 2000 to 2013 183 cases of American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) were reported. Objectives: to describe and analyze the occurrence of ATL in human population in Bandeirantes - Parana, between 2007 and 2013; to investigate the risk factors associated with the disease considering socioeconomic factors, housing conditions and the surrounding residences, occupational and leisure activities, knowledge of the LTA in the study population and some practical; investigate the presence of antibodies against Leishmania sp. the canine population and describe the socio-economic characteristics, housing conditions and the surrounding residences, occupational activities, leisure in cases that evolved to death and the clinical characteristics. Methods: A not paired case-control study was performed in with 104 cases, individuals who had autochthonous ATL notified in the Municipal Health Department of Bandeirantes and 90 controls were randomly selected out of those who presented negative reaction of indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). The canine population was selected from the cases and controls. The deaths among those individuals who had ATL during the study period were investigated. Results: Females were more abundant in case (62,5 per cent ) and control groups (68.89 per cent ) with predominance of age equal or greater than 60 years in both groups (46,15 and 33.33 per cent respectively). However, these conditions were not significant risk factors. The significant risk factors (p < 0,05) were: illiterate people (OR = 10,09), those who receive one to three minimum wages (OR =4,48), retired people (OR=2,35), to practice leisure activities related to rural area (OR=4,47), openings on the house (OR=2,15), presence of forests near the domicilie (OR = 6,92), presence of fruit plants near the house (OR=2,02), attachments to the house (OR = 4,30), chicken stay (OR=2,15), kennel (OR = 3,90), to sleep out of the bedroom (OR=4,97), to combat urban plagues (OR = 2,69), to use repellent (5,43) and to know the phlebotomine (OR = 3,48) and its relation with other animals (OR =2,51), and prevention (OR = 2,24). The protective factors were house of masonry and plaster (OR = 0.41), water supply network (OR = 0.41), 10 presence of sewage (OR = 0.33), public garbage collection (OR = 0.35). The serological tests performed in dogs of the study showed that 38.23 per cent were reactive to the cases and 2.12 per cent to the controls. The dogs of the cases have 28.47 times more chance of catching the ATL when compared with the dogs of the controls (p< 0.0001). Fourteen deaths were investigated, out of which 35.71 per cent were in treatment of ATL and 42.86 per cent had lesions compatible with the ATL. Conclusions: The occurrence of ATL in Bandeirantes proved to be statistically associated with the variables: age, education, family income, leisure activities related to rural area, presence of attachments to the house and vegetation near the domicile, as well as the use of repellent, sleeping outside of the room and knowing the disease vector of ATL and its prevention.

Preventing complications in bariatric surgery

Stenberg, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Obesity is a major public health problem. Bariatric surgery is currently the only available treatment that offers sufficient weight-loss and metabolic benefits over time. Although bariatric surgery is considered safe now, serious complications still occur. The aim of this thesis was to identify factors associated with an increased risk for postoperative complication after laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. Study I included patients operated with laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery in Sweden from May 2007 until September 2012. The risk for serious complication was low (3.4%). Suffering an intraoperative adverse event or conversion of the operation to open surgery were the strongest risk factors for postoperative complication. The annual operative volume and experience of the procedure at the institution were also important risk factors. Patient-specific risk factors appeared to be less important although age was associated with an increased risk. In Study II, a raised glycated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was evaluated as a risk factor for serious postoperative complications in non-diabetics. A higher incidence of serious postoperative complications was seen with elevated HbA1c values, even at levels classified as ‘‘pre-diabetic’’. Study III was a multicentre, randomised clinical trial (RCT). 2507 patients planned for laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery were randomised to either mesenteric defects closure or non-closure. Closure of the mesenteric defects reduced the rate of reoperation for small bowel obstruction from 10.2% to 5.5% at 3 years after surgery. A small increase in the rate of serious postoperative complication within the first 30 days was seen with mesenteric defects closure. This relatively small increase in risk was however outweighed by the marked reduction of later reoperations for small bowel obstruction. Study IV was a comparison between study III and an observational study on the same population under the same period of time. Although the observational study reached the same conlusion as the RCT, the efficacy of mesenteric defects closure was less pronounced. Observational studies may thus be an alternative to RCTs under situations when RCTs are not feasible. The efficacy may however be underestimated.

Capacidade discriminatória e fator de risco de parâmetros eletromiográficos na dor femoropatelar / Discriminatory capacity and risk fator of electromyography parameters in the patellofemoral pain

Ferrari, Deisi 01 September 2017 (has links)
Apesar da dor femoropatelar (DFP) apresentar alta incidência e prognóstico desfavorável, sua etiologia permanece obscura e seu diagnóstico clínico e funcional indefinido. Acredita-se que uma das causas da DFP seja a alteração na ativação dos músculos vasto medial (VM) e vasto lateral (VL), porém são escassos os estudos que investigam parâmetros eletromiográficos no domínio da frequência destes músculos. Portanto, o objetivo é analisar parâmetros da frequência, obtidos por dois métodos de processamento, para identificação de padrões eletromiográficos em mulheres com DFP que apresentem elevada capacidade discriminatória, correlação com a dor e que possam ser considerados como fator de risco. O sinal eletromiográfico dos músculos VM e VL de 80 mulheres (40 mulheres assintomáticas e 40 mulheres com DFP) foi coletado durante a subida de escada. Considerou-se para análise o sinal eletromiográfico correspondente à componente vertical da força de reação do solo (Fz) e à loading rate (LR) da Fz. Os parâmetros eletromiográficos foram comparados entre os grupos e testados quanto à (ao) reprodutibilidade, capacidade discriminatória, associação com a dor e fator de risco. Os resultados evidenciaram que os parâmetros eletromiográficos correspondentes à Fz e a LR da Fz são reprodutíveis e estão alterados em pacientes com DFP. Entretanto, os parâmetros do sinal eletromiográfico correspondente à Fz apresentaram valores altos de correlação com a dor e capacidade discriminatória quando comparados ao segundo processamento. Além disso, a alteração eletromiográfica, representada pela banda de frequência entre 45 e 96 Hz do VL, mostrou ser um possível fator de risco para DFP. Os achados deste estudo mostram uma nova abordagem na interpretação e aplicabilidade das alterações eletromiográficas dos músculos VM e VL, evidenciando que alterações de controle neuromuscular devem ser consideradas no processo de avaliação, tratamento e prevenção da DFP. / Despite the patellofemoral pain (PFP) has high incidence and unfavorable prognosis, its etiology remains unclear and clinical diagnosis indefinite. It is believed that one of the causes of PFP is the muscle activation altered of the vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis (VL), however there are few studies that investigate electromyographic parameters in the frequency domain in these muscles. Therefore, the purpose is to analyze parameters of the frequency domain, using two different processing methods, to identify electromyographic patterns in women with PFP that have high discriminatory capacity, correlation with pain and that could be a risk factor. The electromyography signal of the VM and VL muscles of the 80 women (40 pain-free women and 40 women with PFP) was collected during stair ascend. Electromyography signal related to vertical ground reaction force (Fz) and loading rate (LR) of Fz was considered to analysis. Electromyography signal was compared between groups and tested about the reliability, discriminatory capacity, correlation with pain and risk factor. Results evidenced that electromyography signal related to Fz and LR are reliable and altered in women with PFP. However, electromyography signal related to Fz has higher values of correlation with pain and discriminatory capacity than electromyography signal related to LR. Furthermore, the altered electromyography signal, represented by the frequency between 45 and 96Hz of the VL muscles, may be consider a risk factor for PFP. Findings of this study show a new approach for understanding and applicability of the altered electromyography signal of the VL and VM muscles, evidencing that changes in the neuromuscular control should be considered in the assessment, management and prevention of the PFP.

Investigation of Residents’ Health Literacy Status and Its Risk Factors in Jiangsu Province of China

Wang, Xiangsu, Guo, Haijian, Wang, Liang, Li, Xiaoning, Huang, Minghao, Liu, Zhihao, Wang, Kesheng, Alamian, Arsham, Anderson, James L. 10 May 2013 (has links)
Health literacy has become an important public health concern. Multistage cluster random sampling was used to select 12 450 individuals. Using the 2009 Chinese Health Literacy questionnaire, participants were divided into groups with poor or not poor health literacy status. The knowledge rates for 6 areas of health literacy were determined with the following results: science concept of health (60.0%), literacy for preventing acute infectious disease (66.8%), literacy for preventing noncommunicable chronic disease (51.9%), safety and first aid (66.8%), obtaining and making use of basic medical care (55.3%), and comprehensive health literacy (52.5%). Multiple logistic regression showed that living in a rural area, fewer individuals in a household, younger age, low education, agricultural or rural migrant occupation workers, and low family income were associated with a poor health literacy status. Our results support the use of health education and promotion interventions to improve health literacy in this high-risk population in China.

The Perinatal Risk Factors for the Development of Abnormal Glucose Metabolism in Women with a Prior History of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

January 2013 (has links)
Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance diagnosed for the first time during pregnancy. Up to 60% of women who had a prior GDM will develop type II diabetes mellitus in the next 5 to 15 years after delivery. Our study aimed to examine perinatal factors associated with later development of impaired glucose metabolism in women with a recent history of GDM. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study based on a 2-year follow-up of women with or without prior GDM. We recruited 39 women from the previous case-control study, including 19 women with prior GDM and 20 women without prior GDM. All the subjects were taken a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and were interviewed with a questionnaire by research nurses. Chi-square tests were used to examine differences in proportions. Multiple log-linear regression models were used to determine whether there was an association between the prenatal potential risk factors and glucose metabolic abnormalities, after adjustment of various potential confounding variables. Results: Compared to women without a history of GDM, prior GDM women had significantly higher glucose and insulin concentration, increased insulin resistance and decreased β-cell function. Pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) and family history of diabetes were significantly reduced in early phase insulin responsiveness (IGI/HOMA-IR) and insulin secretion-sensitivity index (IS-SI) among women without prior GDM. Women’s parity was statistically significant decreased in Matsuda insulin sensitivity index (ISOGTT). Conclusion: Women with history of GDM have a significant higher risk of developing glucose metabolic abnormalities about two years after delivery. Pre-pregnancy BMI may have an association with later developing abnormal glucose metabolism in women without history of GDM. / acase@tulane.edu

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