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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of the mechanisms of sexual differentiation in the fission yeast S. pombe / Etude des mécanismes de la différenciation sexuelle chez la levure fissipare Schizosaccharomyces pombe

Simonetti, Fabrizio 07 April 2017 (has links)
Chez la levure fissipare S. pombe, certains gènes méiotiques sont exprimés de façon constitutive pendant la croissance végétative. Cependant, pour empêcher le déclenchement prématuré de la méiose, la cellule a mis en place un système de dégradation sélective des ARN messagers correspondant. La protéine de liaison à l’ARN Mmi1, de la famille YTH, reconnaît des répétitions de motifs spécifiques (UNAAAC) au sein des transcrits et dirige ces derniers vers la dégradation par l’exosome nucléaire. Lors de l’entrée en méiose, Mmi1 est séquestré par un complexe ribonucléoprotéique comprenant la protéine de méiose Mei2 et l’ARN noncodant meiRNA, ce qui permet aux ARNm méiotiques d’être exportés et traduits. Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis intéressé au rôle de Mmi1 dans la dégradation des transcrits méiotiques pendant la croissance végétative. En accord avec des études récentes, nos travaux montrent que Mmi1 interagit étroitement avec le complexe Ccr4-Not de déadenylation des ARNm. Cette interaction est fonctionnelle car Ccr4-Not est requis pour la dégradation des ARNs méiotiques. De façon surprenante, cependant, l’activité de déadénylation n’est pas requise. Nos analyses génétiques et biochimiques suggèrent que la sous-unité E3 ubiquitin ligase Mot2 de Ccr4-Not ubiquitine un pool de l’inhibiteur de Mmi1, la protéine Mei2, pour faciliter sa dégradation par le protéasome. Cette voie de régulation permet de maintenir la fonction de Mmi1 et donc la répression des ARNm méiotiques dans les cellules mitotiques. Ainsi, Mmi1 a une double fonction: cibler les ARNm méiotiques vers la dégradation par l’exosome nucléaire, et recruter Ccr4-Not pour ubiquitiner et dégrader son propre inhibiteur Mei2. Ces résultats mettent également en avant un nouveau rôle pour la sous-unité E3 ligase du complexe Ccr4-Not dans le contrôle de la différenciation sexuelle. Des expériences supplémentaires indiquent que le domaine YTH de liaison à l’ARN de Mmi1, mais pas l’ARN noncodant meiRNA, est requis pour la dégradation de Mei2. De façon importante, nos données révèlent aussi que le domaine YTH de Mmi1 a un rôle clé dans l’interaction avec Mei2. Ceci suggère fortement que le domaine YTH agit comme un module bifonctionnel, permettant la liaison non seulement aux ARNs méiotiques mais aussi aux protéines comme Mei2. Nous discutons ces résultats dans le contexte de la littérature actuelle et proposons un nouveau modèle du contrôle de la différenciation sexuelle par le système Mmi1-Mei2. / In the fission yeast S. pombe, several meiotic mRNAs are constitutively expressed during the mitotic cell cycle. In order to avoid untimely entry into meiosis, cells have adopted a degradation system that selectively eliminates the corresponding mRNAs. The YTH family RNA-binding protein Mmi1 recognizes specific sequence motifs within these transcripts (UNAAAC) and allows their targeting to the nuclear exosome for degradation. Upon entry into meiosis, Mmi1 is sequestered in a ribonucleoprotein complex, composed by the meiotic protein Mei2 and the non-coding RNA meiRNA, allowing meiotic mRNAs to be exported and translated. During my PhD studies, I focused my interest on the role of Mmi1 in the degradation of meiotic transcripts during vegetative growth. In accord with recent studies, our results show that Mmi1 stably interacts with the mRNA deadenylation complex Ccr4-Not. This interaction has a functional relevance since Ccr4-Not is involved in the degradation of meiotic mRNAs. Surprisingly, however, the deadenylation activity is not required. Our genetic and biochemical analyses indicate that the E3 ubiquitin ligase Mot2, subunit of the Ccr4-Not complex, ubiquitinate a pool of the inhibitor of Mmi1, the Mei2 protein, to favor its degradation by the proteasome. This regulatory mechanism ensures the maintenance of Mmi1 in a functional state, leading to the persistent repression of meiotic mRNAs in mitotic cells. Thus, Mmi1 has a dual role: in nuclear mRNA surveillance, by targeting meiotic transcripts for degradation by the exosome, and in protein degradation, by recruiting Ccr4-Not to its own inhibitor Mei2. These results have also revealed a novel role for the ubiquitin ligase activity of the Ccr4-Not subunit Mot2 in the control of sexual differentiation in fission yeast. Our supplemental results indicate that the YTH RNA-binding domain of Mmi1, but not the non-coding RNA meiRNA, is required for the degradation of Mei2. Remarkably, our results also revealed that the YTH domain of Mmi1 has a key role in the interaction with Mei2. This strongly suggests that the YTH domain acts as a bifunctional module, allowing the binding not only to meiotic RNAs but also to proteins, such as Mei2. We discuss these results within the context of the current literature and we propose a novel model for the control of sexual differentiation by the Mmi1-Mei2 system.

Contrôle post-transcriptionnel de l'expression rénale du récepteur minéralocorticoide par les variations de tonicité extracellulaire : conséquences physiopathologiques. / Posttrancriptional Regulation of Mineralocorticoid Receptor by Osmotic Stress : Pathophysiological Consequences

Lema, Ingrid 14 October 2016 (has links)
L’aldostérone et le Récepteur Minéralocorticoïde (MR) participent au contrôle de la balance hydrosodée et de la pression artérielle. Les altérations de l’expression du MR ou de la signalisation minéralocorticoïde sont associées à de nombreuses pathologies chez l’Homme. Dans ce travail, nous avons démontré, le rôle majeur de protéines de liaison à l’ARN, Tis11b et HuR, dans le contrôle post-transcriptionnel de l’expression du MR en réponse aux variations de tonicité extracellulaire dans un modèle de cellules principales rénales et chez la souris. L’hypertonicité (500 mOsmol/L) induit l’expression de la protéine Tis11b, qui lie la région 3’-non traduite du transcrit MR afin d’accélérer sa dégradation, diminuant ainsi l’expression rénale de la protéine MR et de la signalisation minéralocorticoïde. A l’opposé, l’hypotonicité (150 mOsmol/L) stimule la translocation nucléo-cytoplasmique de HuR, qui stabilise le transcrit MR, augmentant ainsi l’expression du MR et la sensibilité rénale à l’aldostérone. De plus, HuR est responsable de l’édition d’un nouveau variant d’épissage du MR, le variant MR Δ6, obtenu par l’exclusion de l’exon 6.Ce variant d’épissage exerce un effet dominant négatif sur la signalisation minéralocorticoïde. Enfin, l’identification de microARN modulés par l’hypertonicité suggère leur rôle potentiel dans le contrôle de la signalisation minéralocorticoïde rénale. La caractérisation de ces mécanismes inédits modulant l’action du MR améliore notre compréhension de la physiopathologie de la signalisation minéralocorticoïde, et pourrait aboutir, à terme, à de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. / Aldosterone and the Mineralocorticoid Receptor (MR) participate to the control of salt and water balance and the arterial pressure. Alteration of renal MR expression or mineralocorticoid signaling pathway contributes to the development of numerous human disorders. In this work, we have demonstrated the major role played by the RNA-Binding Proteins, Tis11b and HuR, in the control of MR expression in response to variations of extracellular tonicity in a model of principal tubular cells and in vivo. Hypertonicity (500 mOsmol/L) increases the expression ofTis11b, which binds the 3’-untranslated region of MR transcript and accelerates the degradation of MR transcript, leading to the reduction of the mineralocorticoid signaling. Conversely, hypotonicity (150 mOsmol/L) stimulates nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of HuR protein, which stabilizes MR transcript increasing its expression and renal sensitivity to aldosterone action. Furthermore, HuR participates to the editing of the novel MR Δ6 splice variant, which lacks exon 6, and exerts a dominant negative effect on mineralocorticoid signaling. Finally, we have provided evidence that hypertonicity modulates expression of microRNA, which may control mineralocorticoid signaling pathway. Characterization of these original mechanisms modulating MR action is pivotal for a better understanding of mineralocorticoid-related pathophysiology, and should ultimately lead to the development of new therapeutic strategies.

The Cellular Consequences of FUS/TLS Depletion: A Loss of Function Model for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Dissertation

Ward, Catherine L. 07 July 2014 (has links)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by the death of motor neurons, generally leading to paralysis and death within 3-5 years of onset. Over 50 different mutations in the gene encoding FUS/TLS (or FUS) will result in ALS, accounting for ~4% of all inherited cases. FUS is a multifunctional protein with important functions in DNA/RNA processing and stress response. How these mutations affect the structure or function of FUS protein and ultimately cause ALS is not known. The fact that mutations cause the protein to mislocalize from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of cells suggests that ALS pathogenesis may occur through a loss of nuclear function, gain of toxic cytoplasmic function, or both. Several FUS knockout animal models have been utilized for investigating a loss of function hypothesis and show phenotypes such as early lethality, reduced lifespan, and locomotor defects. To uncover cellular pathways affected by loss of FUS function, I have characterized the knockdown of FUS in a motor neuron-like cell line, NSC-34. In NSC-34 cells, the depletion of FUS severely impacts cellular proliferation and potentially causes increased levels of DNA damage. A quantitative proteomics analysis performed on cells undergoing various degrees of FUS knockdown revealed protein expression changes for known RNA targets of FUS, consistent with a loss of FUS function with respect to RNA processing. Proteins that changed in expression as a function of FUS knockdown were associated with vii multiple processes, some of which influence cell proliferation including cell-cycle regulation, cytoskeletal organization, oxidative stress and energy homeostasis. Importantly, cellular proliferation could be rescued by the re-expression of FUS and by treatment with the small-molecule, rolipram, indicative of potential therapeutic approaches. Collectively, the work presented in this dissertation demonstrates the importance of FUS for cell health and homeostasis, is suggestive of a role for FUS in DNA damage repair and identifies additional cellular pathways influenced by FUS depletion. Overall, this work provides mechanistic insight into ALS pathogenesis through loss of FUS/TLS function.

Exploring the Role of FUS Mutants from Stress Granule Incorporation to Nucleopathy in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Dissertation

Ko, Hae Kyung 03 September 2015 (has links)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by preferential motor neuron death in the brain and spinal cord. The rapid disease progression results in death due to respiratory failure, typically within 3-5 years after disease onset. While ~90% of cases occur sporadically, remaining 10% of ALS cases show familial inheritance, and the number of genes linked to ALS has increased dramatically over the past decade. FUS/TLS (Fused in Sarcoma/ Translocated to liposarcoma) is a nucleic acid binding protein that may regulate several cellular functions, including RNA splicing, transcription, DNA damage repair and microRNA biogenesis. More than 50 mutations in the FUS gene are linked to 4% of familial ALS, and many of these may disrupt the nuclear localization signal, leading to variable amounts of FUS accumulation in the cytoplasm. However, the mechanism by which FUS mutants cause motor neuron death is still unknown. The studies presented in this dissertation focused on investigating the properties of FUS mutants in the absence and presence of stress conditions. We first examined how ALS-linked FUS mutants behaved in response to imposed stresses in both cell culture and zebrafish models of ALS. We found that FUS mutants were prone to accumulate in stress granules in proportion to their degree of cytoplasmic mislocalization under conditions of oxidative stress, ER stress, and heat shock. However, many FUS missense mutants are retained predominantly in the nucleus, and this suggested the possibility that these mutants might also perturb one or more nuclear functions. In a human cell line expressing FUS variants and in human fibroblasts from an ALS patient, mutant FUS expression was associated with enlarged promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) under basal condition. Upon oxidative insult with arsenic trioxide (ATO), PML-NBs in control cells increased acutely in size and were turned over within 12-24 h, as expected. However, PML-NBs in FUS mutant cells did not progress through the expected turnover but instead continued to enlarge over 24 h. We also observed a persistent accumulation of the transcriptional repressor Daxx and the 11S proteasome regulator in association with these enlarged PML-NBs. Furthermore, the peptidase activities of the 26S proteasome were decreased in FUS mutant cells without any changes in the expression of proteasome subunits. These results demonstrate that FUS mutant expression may alter cellular stress responses as manifested by (i) accumulation of mutant FUS into stress granules and (ii) inhibition of PML-NB dynamics. These findings suggest a novel nuclear pathology specific to mutant FUS expression that may perturb nuclear homeostasis and thereby contribute to ALS pathogenesis.


Jiang, Ruisheng 23 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Functional characterization of the RNA-binding protein HDLBP

Zinnall, Ulrike 07 September 2021 (has links)
Der Sekretionsweg ist essenziell für die Funktion von Zellen und beginnt, wenn mRNAs, die für Membran- und Sekretionsproteine codieren, an das endoplasmatische Retikulum (ER) gebracht werden. Allerdings ist wenig darüber bekannt, inwiefern RNA-bindende Proteine zur Erkennung und Translation von ER lokalisierten mRNAs beitragen. In dieser Arbeit haben wir das humane RNA-bindende Protein HDLBP charakterisiert. Wir haben durch PAR-CLIP-, Zellfraktionierungs- und RNA-Seqeuenzierexperimente festgestellt, dass HDLBP an mehr als 80% aller ER lokalisierten mRNAs bindet. Analysen zu HDLBPs Bindungsmotiv haben gezeigt, dass HDLBP vorwiegend an ein CU-haltiges Motiv in der codierenden Sequenz (CDS) hauptsächlich von ER lokalisierten mRNAs bindet. Im Gegensatz dazu enthalten zytosolische HDLBP gebundene mRNAs weniger Bindungsstellen und diese treten sowohl in der CDS als auch in 3‘ untranslatierten Regionen auf. Dies zeigt, dass sich ER lokalisierte mRNAs von Zytosol lokalisierten mRNAs in ihrer Sequenzzusammensetzung hinsichtlich der HDLBP Bindungsstellen unterscheiden. Weitere Analysen des PAR-CLIP-Experiments ergaben, dass HDLBP mit RNA-Komponenten des Signalerkennungspartikels (SRP) und der 40S ribosomalen Untereinheit interagiert. Durch BioID-Experimente haben wir Proteine in unmittelbarer Nähe zu HDLBP bestimmt und konnten damit die Assoziation von HDLBP mit Komponenten des Translationsapparates und des SRPs bestätigen. Funktionelle Studien, bei denen wir CRISPR-Cas9 erzeugte HDLBP Knockout (KO) Zelllinien in Kombination mit Ribosomen-Profiling verwendet haben, haben gezeigt, dass HDLBP die Translation von mRNAs fördert, die an HDLBP gebunden und am ER lokalisiert sind. Letztlich haben in vivo Experimente mit Nacktmäusen ergeben, dass HDLBP KO eine Abnahme der Lungentumorbildung verursacht, was die Relevanz von HDLBP für die Tumorprogression hervorhebt. Insgesamt zeigt unsere Arbeit eine generelle Funktion von HDLBP bei der Translation von ER lokalisierten mRNAs. / The secretory pathway is essential for proper cell functioning and starts when mRNAs encoding membrane and secretory proteins are targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). However, little is known about the contribution of RNA-binding proteins to the recognition, localization and translation of ER-localized mRNAs. In this work, we characterized the human RNA-binding protein HDLBP. We identified that HDLBP binds to more than 80% of all ER-localized mRNAs by PAR-CLIP, cell fractionation and RNA-sequencing experiments. Analysis of the HDLBP binding motif showed that it predominantly binds to a CU-containing motif and forms high affinity multivalent interactions primarily in the coding sequence (CDS) of ER-localized mRNAs. In contrast, we identified that cytosolic HDLBP mRNA targets show less HDLBP binding sites randomly distributed between the CDS or 3’ untranslated regions. This indicates that ER-localized mRNAs per se differ from cytosol-localized mRNAs in their sequence composition with regard to HDLBP binding sites. Further PAR-CLIP analysis revealed that HDLBP interacts with RNA components of the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the 40S ribosomal subunit. We identified by BioID experiments proteins in close proximity to HDLBP and confirmed the association of HDLBP with components of the translational apparatus and the SRP. Functional studies using CRISPR-Cas9 HDLBP knockout (KO) cell lines in combination with ribosome profiling demonstrated that HDLBP promotes the translation of its ER-localized target mRNAs. We validated this finding by pSILAC experiments and detected the corresponding decrease in protein synthesis of proteins encoded by mRNAs that are bound by HDLBP and ER-localized. Lastly, in vivo experiments with nude mice showed that HDLBP KO resulted in a decrease of lung tumor formation highlighting the relevance of HDLBP for tumor progression. Overall, these results demonstrate a general function for HDLBP in the translation of ER-localized mRNAs.

Funktionelle Analyse kleiner, nichtkodierender RNAs in den Organellen von Plasmodium falciparum und Charakterisierung neuer RNA-Bindeproteine in Apicomplexa

Hillebrand, Arne Thomas 27 August 2019 (has links)
Die Infektionskrankheit Malaria wird von einzelligen Parasiten der Gattung Plasmodium verursacht und stellt vor allem im südlichen Afrika eine große Herausforderung dar. Die Zellen der Parasiten enthalten zwei endosymbiontische Organellen, den Apicoplast und das Mitochondrium. Beide Organellen besitzen ein reduziertes Genom. Die Struktur des mitochondrialen Genoms ist ungewöhnlich. Mit nur 6 kb gehört es zu den kleinsten beschriebenen Genomen und enthält neben drei proteinkodierende Gene auch 34 kleine rRNA-Gene. Um das Genom zu exprimieren wird eine Vielzahl von kernkodierten Faktoren benötigt. Die Regulation der Expression, die Prozessierung der polycistronischen Primärtranskripte und die Regulation des RNA-Metabolismus des Mitochondriums ist jedoch weitestgehend unbekannt. In dieser Arbeit konnten kurze RNAs in den Mitochondrien von P. falciparum mittels Hochdurchsatzsequenzierung identifiziert werden. Solche RNA-Akkumulationen an Transkriptenden werden in den Organellen höherer Pflanzen durch PPR-Proteine (Pentatricopeptide repeat) verursacht. Um zu untersuchen, ob in P. falciparum PPR-ähnliche, helikale Proteine vorhanden sind, wurde genomweit nach Proteinen mit repetitiven, helikalen Elementen gesucht. Dabei konnte eine vorher unbekannte Proteinfamilie identifiziert werden, die aufgrund ihrer 37 Aminosäure langen Motive Heptatricopeptide repeat Proteine (HPR) genannt wurde. In P. berghei konnte für 7 HPR-Proteine eine mitochondriale Lokalisation betätigt werden. Außerdem zeigten Deletionsversuche, dass die meisten HPR-Proteine in den Blutstadien essentiell sind. In vitro RNA-Bindestudien konnte für ein rekombinantes HPR-Protein eine unspezifische Interaktion mit mitochondrialen Transkripten nachgewiesen werden, während keine Bindung an DNA erfolgt. Eine breite Suche in verschiedenen phylogenetischen Gruppen zeigte, dass HPR-Proteine in verschiedensten eurkaryotischen Taxa vorhanden sind, mithin früh in der Evolution der eukaryotischen Zelle entstanden sind. / Malaria is caused by a single celled parasite of the genus Plasmodium. Especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, -this disease is a huge challenge for the health system. The cells of the parasites contain two organelles of endosymbiotic origin, the apicoplast and the mitochondrion. Both organelles still contain a reduced genome. For the expression of the genome, the organelles depends on a large set of nuclear encoded proteins. The mitochondrial genome has a unique structure. With only 6 kb it is one of the smallest genomes discovered to date and it contains only three protein coding genes along with 34 small ribosomal genes. The regulation of expression, the processing of the polycistronic primary transcript and the regulation of the RNA metabolism in the mitochondria of Plasmodium remains largely unknown. Through high-throughput sequencing of cellular RNA, we discovered a population of small RNAs originating in the mitochondria of P. falciparum. Similar RNA accumulations can be detected in the organelles of higher plants and are caused by helical-hairpin repeat proteins like PPR proteins (pentatricopeptide repeat). To search for plant-like RNA binding proteins similar to PPR proteins we scanned the nuclear genome of P. falciparum for helical-hairpin repeat proteins. We found a novel protein family with repetitive helical elements of 37 amino acid length we termed heptatricopeptide repeat (HPR) proteins. In the rodent Malaria parasite P. berghei, the mitochondrial localization for 7 HPR-Proteins was verified. In knockout studies, we also showed that almost all HPR proteins are essential for blood stages of P. berghei. In RNA-binding assays, one recombinant HPR protein showed unspecific interaction with mitochondrial transcripts but not with DNA. By broadening the search, we discovered that HPR proteins are found in multiple eukaryotic taxa.

Functional characterization of asymmetric cell division associated genes in hematopoietic stem cells and bone marrow failure syndromes

Chan, Derek January 2020 (has links)
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are critical to the development of the hematopoietic system during ontogeny and maintaining hematopoiesis under steady-state. Several genes implicated in asymmetric cell division (ACD) have been found to influence HSC self-renewal in normal hematopoiesis and various leukemias. From a separate survey of genes associated with ACD, I now present the results from dedicated functional studies on two genes – Arhgef2 and Staufen1 – in HSCs and identify their potential contributions to benign hematopoietic disorders. Specifically, I present evidence that demonstrates a conserved role of Arhgef2 in orienting HSC division, the loss of which leads to HSC exhaustion that may underlie and contribute to the pathogenesis of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome. I also identify Staufen1 as a critical RNA-binding protein (RBP) in HSC function, downregulation of which elicits expression signatures consistent with clinical anemias reminiscent of aplastic anemia and/or paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. I end by reviewing how RBPs function in HSCs and discuss future research directions that could further elucidate how bone marrow failure syndromes arise at the stem cell level. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Papel do LIN28, uma proteína ligadora de RNAs, na tumorigênese adrenocortical / Role of LIN28, an RNA-binding protein, in adrenocortical tumorigenesis

Faria, André Murad 08 December 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O carcinoma adrenocortical é uma neoplasia rara que carreia um prognóstico reservado. Recentemente, uma série de estudos demonstrou o potencial do perfil de miRNAs na diferenciação entre adenomas e carcinomas adrenocorticais, estratificação de risco e prognóstico. Entretanto, pouco se sabe ainda sobre a regulação pós-transcricional de miRNAs. Nesse contexto, o LIN28 é uma proteína ligadora de RNAs altamente conservada que surgiu como um modulador do let-7, uma importante família de miRNAs amplamente conhecida por seus efeitos supressivos tumorais. Além do let-7, o LIN28 também mostrou regular e ser regulado pelo mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125. OBJETIVOS: Analisar a expressão gênica e proteica do LIN28 em uma grande coorte de tumores adrenocorticais (TACs) de adultos e pediátricos, além de investigar a variação no número de cópias dos genes LIN28A e LIN28B e a expressão dos miRNAs regulatórios do LIN28 (família let-7, mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125) em um subgrupo desta coorte. MÉTODOS: A expressão proteica do LIN28 foi avaliada em um total de 266 TACs de adultos (78 adenomas e 188 carcinomas) e 44 pediátricos (35 clinicamente benignos e 9 clinicamente malignos). A expressão dos genes LIN28A e LIN28B foi avaliada em um subgrupo de 86 TACs adultos e pediátricos e a análise da variação no número de cópias destes genes em 58 TACs. O estudo de expressão das famílias dos miRNAs let-7, mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125 foi realizado em 28 carcinomas adrenocorticais de adultos. RESULTADOS: Em adultos, o gene LIN28A mostrou-se hiperexpresso em carcinomas agressivos quando comparado a adenomas [7,0 (0 a 174,3) vs. 3,6 (0 a 18,3); p = 0,006, respectivamente] e observou-se uma tendência a maior expressão quando comparados a carcinomas não agressivos [7,0 (0 a 174,3) vs. 7,1 (0 a 17,1); p = 0,092]. A expressão do LIN28B foi negativa na grande maioria (92%) dos TACs de adultos. Curiosamente, uma imunorreatividade fraca para o LIN28 foi significativamente associada com diminuição da sobrevida livre de doença nessa população (p = 0,01), mas para sobrevida global apenas uma tendência foi observada (p = 0,117). Na análise multivariada, somente o índice Ki67 >= 10% (RR 5,7, 95% IC 3,0-10,8; p= 0,0001) e imunorreatividade fraca para o LIN28 (RR 2,3, 95% IC 1,2-4,4; p = 0,008) foram preditores independentes de recorrência em adultos. De forma interessante, a expressão do mir-9, um regulador negativo do LIN28A/B, foi significativamente maior em carcinomas agressivos quando comparados a não agressivos [2076 (36 a 9307) vs. 133,4 (2,4 a 5193); p = 0,011] e fortemente associada com a redução da sobrevida global (p = 0,01) e livre de doença (p = 0,01). Na população pediátrica, não se observou diferença significativa entre expressão da proteína LIN28, assim como dos genes LIN28A e mir-9, entre tumores clinicamente benignos e malignos. Nas crianças, a hiperexpressão do LIN28B foi significativamente associada com redução da sobrevida livre de doença (p = 0,026), mas não da sobrevida global (p = 0,406). A análise da variação do número de cópias mostrou que somente uma criança com tumor virilizante benigno apresentou amplificação do LIN28B e uma mulher com carcinoma adrenocortical metastático apresentou deleção do LIN28B. Não houve variação no número de cópias para o gene LIN28A. Um índice de Ki67 >= 20% nas crianças foi capaz de discriminar pacientes com pior prognóstico: houve uma associação significativa tanto com diminuição da sobrevida global (p = 0,015) como da sobrevida livre de doença (p = 0,001) em 36 TACs pediátricos com Weiss >- 3. CONCLUSÕES: A imunorreatividade fraca para o LIN28 foi associada à diminuição da sobrevida livre de doença em uma grande coorte de carcinomas adrenocorticais de adultos. O gene LIN28A teve expressão aumentada em carcinomas agressivos de adultos, sugerindo uma regulação pós-transcricional negativa da expressão proteica do LIN28. A hiperexpressão do mir-9, um regulador negativo do LIN28, mostrou-se um importante preditor de desfecho desfavorável nos adultos. Adicionalmente, a hiperexpressão do gene LIN28B mostrou-se um potencial marcador de mau prognóstico na população pediátrica. Um índice de Ki67 >= 10% em adultos e >= 20% em crianças foram associados a mau prognóstico / INTRODUCTION: Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare neoplasm with overall poor prognosis. Recently, several studies demonstrated the potential of miRNA profiling in differentiating between adrenocortical adenomas and carcinomas, risk stratification and prognosis. Nevertheless, little is known about posttranscriptional regulation of miRNAs. LIN28 is a highly conserved RNA-binding protein that has emerged as a modulator of the processing of let-7, an important family of miRNAs widely known for its tumor-suppressive effects. Besides from let-7, LIN28 has also shown to regulate and be regulated by mir-9, mir-30 and mir-125. OBJECTIVES: To analyze LIN28 gene and protein expression in a large cohort of adult and pediatric adrenocotical tumors (ACTs), and investigate the copy number variation analysis for LIN28A and LIN28B genes and the expression of LIN28 regulatory microRNAs (let-7 family, mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125) in a subgroup of this cohort. METHODS: LIN28 protein expression was assessed in a total of 266 adult (78 adenomas and 188 carcinomas) and 44 pediatric ACTs (35 clinically benign and 9 clinically malignant). LIN28A and LIN28B gene expression was evaluated in a subgroup of 86 adult and pediatric ACTs and copy number variation analysis of these genes in 58 ACTs. The expression of let-7 family, mir-9, mir-30 and mir-125 was performed in 28 adult carcinomas. RESULTS: In adults, LIN28A gene was overexpressed in aggressive carcinomas when compared with adenomas [7.0 fold change (from 0 to 174.3) vs. 3.6 (from 0 to 18.3); p = 0.006, respectively] and a trend towards greaten expression when compared with non-aggressive carcinomas [7.0 (from 0 to 174.3) vs. 7.1 (from 0 to 17.1); p = 0.092]. LIN28B expression was undetectable in the great majority (92%) of adult ACTs. Surprisingly, weak LIN28 staining was significantly associated with reduced disease-free survival in this population (p = 0.01), but for overall survival only a trend was detectable (p= 0.117). In the multivariate analysis, only Ki67 index >- 10% (HR 5.7, 95% CI 3.0-10.8; p = 0,0001) and weak LIN28 staining (HR 2.3, 95% CI 1.2-4.4; p = 0,008) were independent predictors of recurrence in adult patients. Interestingly, mir-9 expression, a negative LIN28A/B regulator, was significantly higher in aggressive than in non-aggressive ACCs [2076 (from 36 to 9307) vs. 133.4 (from 2.4 to 5193); p = 0.011] and was highly associated with reduced overall survival ( p= 0.01) and disease-free survival (p = 0.01). In the pediatric population, no significant difference was observed in the expression of LIN28 protein and LIN28A and mir-9 gene expression between clinically benign and clinically malignant tumors. Additionally. overexpression of LIN28B was significantly associated with reduced disease-free survival (p = 0.026), but not with overall survival (p = 0.406). Copy number variation analysis showed that only a child with a virilizing benign tumor had LIN28B amplification and a woman with a metastatic adrenocortical carcinoma had LIN28B deletion. No LIN28A copy number variation was detected. A Ki67 >= 20% in children was able to discriminate patient with worse prognosis: there was a significant associtation with reduced overall (p = 0,015) and disease-free survival (p = 0,001) in 36 pediatric ACTs with Weiss >- 3. CONCLUSIONS: Weak LIN28 staining was associated with reduced disease-free survival in a large cohort of adult adrenocortical carcinoma. LIN28A had higher expression in aggressive carcinomas in adults, suggesting there might be negative posttranscriptional regulation of LIN28 protein expression. Interestingly, overexpression of mir-9, a negative LIN28A regulator, predicted poor outcome in adult patients. In addition, LIN28B overexpression was an potential marker of poor prognosis in the pediatric population. A Ki67 index >- 10% in adults and >- 20% in children were associated with poor prognosis

Identificação e caracterização de RNA mensageiros candidatos a alvo das proteínas PUMILHO de Arabidopsis através do sistema triplo-híbrido de levedura / Identification and characterization of mRNA targets candidates of the Arabidopsis PUMILIO (APUM) proteins using the yeast three-hybrid systern

Francischini, Carlos William 22 January 2009 (has links)
Proteínas PUF regulam a estabilidade e a tradução através da ligação a seqüências específicas nas regiões 3\' não traduzidas (3\' UTR) dos mensageiros. A ligação é mediada por um domínio de ligação conservado constituído por 8 repetições de aproximadamente 36 aminoácidos cada. Experimentos realizados no sistema triplo-híbrido de levedura mostraram que os homólogos PUF de Arabidopsis APUM-1, APUM-2 e APUM-3 são capazes de ligar especificamente à seqüência chamada de Elemento de Resposta a NANOS (NRE) reconhecida pelo homólogo PUF de Drosophila. A utilização de bibliotecas de expressão de RNA em ensaios no sistema triplo-híbrido permitiu a identificação de seqüências de ligação consenso para as três proteínas APUM. Análises computacionais identificaram elementos de ligação a APUM em regiões 3\' UTR de importantes transcritos relacionados ao controle do meristema do caule e à manutenção das células totipotentes. Nós mostramos que os homólogos APUM-l, APUM-2 e APUM-3 reconhecem elementos de ligação a APUM nas regiões 3\' UTR dos transcritos WUSCHEL, CLAVATA-1, ZWILLE e FASCIATA-2. Ensaios de RT-PCR e Western blot semiquantitativos mostraram que a quantidade dos transcritos WUSHEL e CLAVATA-1 é alterada em plantas antisenso induzíveis para APUM-l, APUM-2 e APUM-3. A relevância biológica dessas interações foi observada através de ensaios de coimunoprecipitação, confirmando, portanto, o primeiro caso de regulação traducional descrito para os mensageiros WUSCHEL e CLAVATA-1. Análises computacionais adicionais para a identificação de outros homólogos PUF em Arabidopsis encontraram vinte e cinco proteínas possuindo repetições PUF. Entre elas, os homólogos APUM-4, APUM-S e APUM-6 apresentam alta similaridade com as proteínas APUM-l, APUM-2 e APUM-3, sendo capazes de ligar especificamente à seqüência NRE e aos elementos de ligação a APUM presentes nas regiões 3\' UTR dos transcritos WUSCHEL, CLAVATA-1, ZWILLE e FASCIATA-ts resultados indicam que vários homólogos PUF podem agir como reguladores traducionais em Arabidopsis através de um mecanismo molecular conservado entre as espécies, podendo abrir uma nova área de investigação da regulação de mRNA em plantas. / PUF proteins regulate stability and translation through sequence-specific binding to 3\' untranslated regions (UTR) oftarget mRNA transcripts. Binding is mediated by a conserved PUF domain which contains 8 repeats of approximately 36 amino acids each. Through three-hybrid assays, we have found that APUM-1, APUM-2 and APUM-3 Arabidopsis PUF homologs can bind specifically to the NANOS Response Element sequence (NRE) recognized by Drosophila PUF homologo Using Arabidopsis RNA libraries in three-hybrid screenings, we were able to identify APUM binding consensus sequences. A computational analysis allowed us to identify the APUM binding element within the 3\' UTR in many Arabidopsis transcripts, even in important mRNAs related to shoot and stem cell maintenance. We show that APUM-1, APUM-2 and APUM-3 are able to bind specifically to APUM binding elements in the 3\' UTR of WUSCHEL, CLAVATA-1, ZWILLE and FASCIATA-2 transcripts. RT-PCR and Western blot semiquantitatives assays showed altered WUSHEL and CLAVATA-1 amounts in APUM-1, APUM-2 and APUM-3 antisense plants. The biologic relevance of these interactions was observed with co-immunoprecipitation assay, which confirmed the first example of translational regulation to WUSCHEL and CLA VATA-1 transcripts. Computational analysis to identify others PUF homologs in Arabidopsis found twenty five proteins presenting PUF repeats. Among them, we found that APUM-4, APUM-S and APUM-6 homologs are very similar to APUM-1, APUM2 and APUM-3 and also are able to bind specifically to the NRE sequence and to APUM binding elements in the 3\' UTR of WUSCHEL, CLAVATA-1, ZWILLE and FASCIATA-2 transcripts. Our results indicate that the APUM proteins may act as regulators in Arabidopsis through an evolutionarily conserved mechanism, which may open up a new approach to investigate mRNA regulation in plants.

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