Spelling suggestions: "subject:"railroads"" "subject:"railroad’s""
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Service advancement strategy in analyzing the future of LTE-R for next-generation smart trainsLigwa, Mario January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / This research investigates and presents selected issues and aspects related to the railway mobile network (GSM-R) analysis and its shortcomings. Research studies show that millions of South Africans commuters are dependent on trains for daily movement activities, which significate contribute towards economic growth. Over the two decades, the exponential growth in wireless broadband service indicates the need for GSM-R improvement so that it can support the modern IP based protocol. The principle of implementing the digital network in railway already demonstrated significate improvement in the railway environment, especially in communication and signalling. Train traffic and train communications are the most critical aspects of railway scenarios due to safety and reliability. Both features form fundamental content to this research thesis. The exponential increase in Internet protocol (IP) based services and higher bandwidth requirements in modern technology applications have pushed the current Global system mobile for railway (GSM-R) technology to its maximum capacity as such the (GSM-R) platform is going to obsolete soon. There is a great need for the development of improved IP based networks for the future of the next generation network for fast smart trains to meet desired higher data low latency while improving quality of service (QoS). The focus of the research study is on modelling of an effective sharing method between public LTE and LTE-R without addition mobile infrastructure by utilizing train access unit (TAU), the main purpose is for public network (LTE) to handle railway emergency service including drop calls to improve quality of service (QoS). The second focus is an improvement of signal reception by spreading signals over wide spectrum range by utilizing Orthogonal variable spreading factor (OVSF) technique where LTE-R is not deployed as noted that this technique is deployed in the 3G network. The proposed scheme has adopted features in modern evolution communication and both scenarios were investigated modelled and simulated with comparison results showing better improvement in proposed conditions, there are many challenges in high-speed railway such as handover procedure and Doppler shift due to the velocity of the moving train.LTE-R has provided many solutions such as seamless handover, capacity availability as well as enhanced performance in both uplink and downlink. Digital evolution for railway GSM-R has been deployed in most developed countries in Europe and also expanded into Africa, there is a greater need for the seamless network to be developed due to an increased number of packet based services. Urban rail is the backbone of public transport in South Africa which is the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA). PRASA, and is the parent operator. Currently, PRASA has implemented digital railway network (GSM-R) to meet a high standard in railway. Modem demand and challenges require a cost-effective system to support IP orientated systems due to an increased number of packet-based services in the railway sectors.
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As ferrovias brasileiras e a expansão recente para o centro-oeste / The Brazilian railroads and the recent expansion to the Center-West Region of BrazilRicardo Petrillo Fici 23 October 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar e discutir a expansão dos projetos de transportes na região Centro-Oeste e sua relação com a expansão agrícola. A pesquisa foi feita através de consultas em revistas especializadas, e textos de pesquisa econômica. O Brasil apresenta sérios problemas de infra-estrutura que prejudicam sua capacidade produtiva e comprometem seu crescimento econômico. Atualmente, um dos gargalos mais perceptíveis que impedem o crescimento da economia é a necessidade de ampliação e modernização dos meios de transportes de cargas para atender com qualidade a produção industrial e agrícola. Não é suficiente obter recordes consecutivos na produção de grãos e minérios se não há recursos adequados para fazer o escoamento em tempo hábil aos portos e consumidores. Há mais de 50 anos, o Brasil priorizou as rodovias e hoje sofre com a falta de recursos financeiros para manter as estradas e ampliar as rotas para as regiões afastadas dos principais centros econômicos. Mesmo após as privatizações, as rodovias continuam precárias e sem perspectivas de melhoramentos a curto prazo. O transporte rodoviário tem suas vantagens, mas seus custos de manutenção e ampliação são mais elevados, principalmente se forem considerados as despesas para policiamento, engenharia de tráfego, além dos problemas ambientais causados pelo desmatamento e poluição nas grandes cidades. As ferrovias tem maior capacidade de carga, contemplam as necessidades continentais do Brasil, e seu custo de manutenção é reduzido. As ferrovias foram esquecidas por quase meio século e os 30.000 quilômetros de estradas de ferro em funcionamento são insuficientes para atender a produção nacional. A malha ferroviária atual transporta aproximadamente 23% da produção do país a custos mais acessíveis. Após as privatizações os novos investimentos do setor privado geraram um aumento de 94% na produtividade do sistema na última década. A ampliação das ferrovias requer maior vontade política do governo e da sociedade para que os trilhos tenham maior representação dentro da matriz dos transportes do Brasil. / This research is intended to investigate and discuss the expansion of the transportation projects in the Center-West Region of Brazil and its relation with the process of agricultural expansion. The research was made through consultations to specialized magazines, and texts on economic research. Brazil shows serious problems of infrastructure, that harms its productive capacity and prevents its economic growth. At present, one of the most perceptible bottom necks, that prevents economic growth is the need of enlargement and modernization of shipments\' transport in order to address agricultural and industrial production with higher quality. It is not enough to obtain consecutive records regarding production of grains and minerals if there are no adequate and safe resources for their release to ports and final consumers in a reasonable time. For more than 50 years, Brazil prioritized the road system and today suffers with the absence of financial resources to maintain the existing roads and to extend routes to regions most remote from the main economic centers. Even after privatizations, highways continue precarious and with no perspectives of improvements in the short term. The road transport has its advantages, but maintenance and enlargement costs are more elevated, especially when considered the expenses with policing and traffic engineering, besides environmental problems caused by the deforestation and pollution in big cities. The railway modal has a much bigger capacity of shipment, contemplates the continental needs of Brazil, and its cost of maintenance is reduced. Railroads were forgotten for barely half century, and the 30.000 kilometers of railroads in operation at present are insufficient to attend the national demand. The current railway mesh is responsible for the transport of approximately 23% of the country\'s production at more affordable costs. After railroads\'s privatizations, new investments from the private sector generated 94% increase in the system productivity in the last decade. The enlargement of the railway mesh needs more political will from goverment and society, so rails can have bigger representativeness in the transports\' matrix in Brazil.
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Imagens do trabalho: os ferroviários da Chicago and North Western Railway nas fotografias do Office of War Information, 1942-1943 / Images of work: Chicago and North Western Railway\'s Workers in the Photographies of the Office of War Information, 1942-1943Bortoto, Pedro Mayer 10 December 2013 (has links)
Com o objetivo de explorar outras formas de aproximar a história dos trabalhadores, essa dissertação tem por escopo analisar um conjunto de 724 fotografias acerca da rotina da Chicago and North Western Railway e entender as formas possíveis de um discurso fotográfico acerca do trabalho e dos trabalhadores das estradas de ferro. Essas fotografias foram produzidas pelo fotógrafo Jack Delano sob a direção de Roy Emerson Stryker que, à época, encontrava-se na direção da divisão de fotografia do Office of War Information. Mais precisamente, as imagens fazem parte da trajetória do que ficou mais conhecido como Historical Section do Farm Security Administration, um grupo de fotógrafos conhecidos por retratar a situação do mundo rural após a Grande Depressão. Por conta disso, como modo de se aproximar às fotografias para analisá-las, foi preciso realizar uma reflexão acerca de seus elementos constitutivos, a saber: a história dos ferroviários, da divisão de fotografia e o problema de encarar a fotografia como um documento histórico. Feito isso, caracterizam-se as fotografias como vestígio em que as trajetórias de fotógrafo e da divisão, premidos por pressões políticas internas à estrutura estatal estadunidense, e as dos ferroviários marcadas por várias tensões entre patrões e trabalhadores se cruzavam. Com isso em vista, partiu-se para uma análise por meio de banco de dados para compreender como esse discurso estava constituído nas imagens. A partir de uma análise quantitativa somada a uma aproximação detida das narrativas fotográficas presentes na coleção de fotografias, percebeu-se que ela se apoiou em um discurso de harmonia entre trabalhadores e companhia ferroviária em favor de uma visão de equilíbrio social e que se adequasse às expectativas liberais em relação ao esforço de guerra. Mesmo com imagens que poderiam trazer ruídos para essa visão, a força de certa mitografia que entendia o trabalho como fonte da ordem social apontava, de fato, para um discurso de dominação em que a lógica capitalista aparece imposta sobre os trabalhadores por meio do discurso fotográfico. / Having as an objective to explore other ways to approach the workers history, this dissertation has as scope analyze a collection of 724 photographs on the routine of the Chicago and North Western Railway and understand the contents of a photographic discourse about railroad work and labor. These photographs were produced by photographer Jack Delano under direction of Roy Emerson Stryker, the head of the Office of War Informations Division of Photography. More precisely, the pictures are part of what is mostly known as the Farm Security Administrations Historical Section, group of photographers acknowledged for picturing the situation of the rural America after the effect of the Great Depression. For that matter, as means to establish an analytic procedure, it was necessary to reflect on the photographs constitutive elements, as: the history of railroad workers, the history of the division of photography and the question of understand photography as a historical record. As a result, the photographs were characterized as vestiges in which the trajectories of the photographer and the division, pressed by the politics inside the American state, and the trajectories of the railroad companies and workers, marked by various tensions, met. With this in view, it was established an analysis of the photographs through a database so it could be understood how the discourse was constituted in these pictures. From a quantitative analysis coupled with a detained approach to the photographic narratives found in the photographic collection, it was understood that the pictures relied on a discourse of harmony between workers and the railway in favor of a vision of social balance that suited the liberals expectations towards the war effort. Even though some images have the potency to challenge such view, the power of the mythography that understood labor as a source of social order pointed, in fact, to a discourse of domination in which the logic of capital was imposed on workers by means of photographic discourse.
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Integração ferroviária Sul-Americana: por que não anda esse trem? / Integration of South American railway: why not walk that train?Nunes, Ivanil 20 November 2008 (has links)
O objetivo é analisar porque a infra-estrutura ferroviária sul-americana é tão pouco integrada. Pressupõe-se nesta Tese que a inexpressiva participação ferroviária no processo de integração regional está relacionada ao tipo de desenvolvimento econômico e social realizados historicamente nos países da Região. As ferrovias sul-americanas contribuíram, até meados do século XX, para a integração tanto nacional quanto intra-regional, através da expansão de linhas férreas em âmbito nacional quanto pela construção de conexões internacionais, que serviram para aumentar a possibilidade de trânsito de passageiros, de mercadorias, animais ou pequenas expedições, na Região. No entanto, a partir da década de 1950, observa-se à desativação de parcela significativa de linhas e serviços do modal ferroviário regional, que foi submetido a um processo de reinvenção de seu modelo de negócios pela intervenção estatal que, após décadas de controle e readequação administrativa, acabou por, novamente, estimular a volta de investidores privados ao setor. / The objective is to analyze because the South American railroad infrastructure is so little integrated. It is estimated in this Thesis that the inexpressiva railroad participation in the process of regional integration is related to the type of economic and social development carried through historicamente in the countries of the Region. The South American railroads had contributed, until middle of century XX, for how much in such a way intra-regional the national integration, through the expansion of railway lines in national scope how much for the construction of international connections, that had served to increase the possibility of transit of passengers, of merchandises, animals or small expeditions, in the Region. However, from the decade of 1950, it is observed the deactivation of significant parcel of lines and services of the modal regional railroad worker, that was submitted to a process of business-oriented re-invention of its model for the state intervention that, after decades of control finished for, again, stimulating the return of private investors to the sector.
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Simulação em ciclo fechado de malhas ferroviárias e suas aplicações no Brasil: avaliação de alternativas para o direcionamento de composições. / Railroad simulation on closed loop and it\'s applications in Brazil evaluation of alternatives on choosing train destination.Fioroni, Marcelo Moretti 28 March 2008 (has links)
Modelos de simulação usados para representar uma malha ferroviária com a circulação de trens percorrendo nela um ciclo fechado, estão sujeitos a diversas interferências. Essas interferências são representadas pela circulação de outros trens, bem como pelas filas que são formadas junto aos terminas de carga e descarga, que alteram a programação inicialmente idealizada. A validação desses modelos de simulação é prejudicada por essas interferências, e a busca por um correto procedimento de validação deve ter como base o adequado direcionamento e alocação dos trens. A carência de estudos sobre a validação de simulações aplicadas a sistemas ferroviários, que considerem a característica especifica de trens de ciclo e as interferências citadas, possibilitou a elaboração desta tese, a qual sinaliza que o desenvolvimento de algoritmos que representam o processo de movimentação dos trens em nível de detalhe suficiente, e a adoção de um método de direcionamento adequado, permitem a validação do modelo para esse tipo de sistema. Das três alternativas avaliadas para representar o direcionamento: escolha aleatória entre diversos pontos de carregamento para atender um destino final ou realizado por rotina com a mesma finalidade inserida no próprio simulador, e por modelo otimizador acessado externamente pelo simulador, foi selecionada a segunda opção por permitir uma validação do modelo mais próxima da realidade e realizar experimentos com menor tempo computacional. Uma vez programado o modelo de simulação com o direcionamento de trens escolhido, foi possível conduzir experimentos para medir a sensibilidade com relação as principais variáveis que permitem o dimensionamento de sistemas ferroviários brasileiros. / The rail network simulation models considering trains on closed loop may have many disturbances. These disturbances are caused by the railnet traffic, or queues at the load/unload stations, that changes the movement previously planned. The validation of these simulation models can be problematic because of these disturbances, and the search for the right validation procedure must count with a good train destination choosing process. The lack of studies about the validation of simulations applied to rail networks, considering the specific features of the closed loop trains and the disturbances, have leaded this thesis development, which proves that the development of algorithms that represent the movement process of the trains under sufficient detailing level, and the adoption of a correct destination choosing process, reaches the model validation. From the three options evaluated to represent this destination choosing procedure: random choosing between many loading points to one unloading point, or an internal model routine to do this same task, or an external optimization model called from the simulation model, was choosen the second option, because it validates the model and runs the simulation experiment faster. Once prepared the model with the destination choosing process selected, was possible to conduct experiments to measure the model sensitivity to the main parameters at the design of brazilian rail networks.
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Alternative uses of abandoned railroad right of way : summary of the studiesCrow, Michael Lee January 2010 (has links)
Typescript, etc. / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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Integração ferroviária Sul-Americana: por que não anda esse trem? / Integration of South American railway: why not walk that train?Ivanil Nunes 20 November 2008 (has links)
O objetivo é analisar porque a infra-estrutura ferroviária sul-americana é tão pouco integrada. Pressupõe-se nesta Tese que a inexpressiva participação ferroviária no processo de integração regional está relacionada ao tipo de desenvolvimento econômico e social realizados historicamente nos países da Região. As ferrovias sul-americanas contribuíram, até meados do século XX, para a integração tanto nacional quanto intra-regional, através da expansão de linhas férreas em âmbito nacional quanto pela construção de conexões internacionais, que serviram para aumentar a possibilidade de trânsito de passageiros, de mercadorias, animais ou pequenas expedições, na Região. No entanto, a partir da década de 1950, observa-se à desativação de parcela significativa de linhas e serviços do modal ferroviário regional, que foi submetido a um processo de reinvenção de seu modelo de negócios pela intervenção estatal que, após décadas de controle e readequação administrativa, acabou por, novamente, estimular a volta de investidores privados ao setor. / The objective is to analyze because the South American railroad infrastructure is so little integrated. It is estimated in this Thesis that the inexpressiva railroad participation in the process of regional integration is related to the type of economic and social development carried through historicamente in the countries of the Region. The South American railroads had contributed, until middle of century XX, for how much in such a way intra-regional the national integration, through the expansion of railway lines in national scope how much for the construction of international connections, that had served to increase the possibility of transit of passengers, of merchandises, animals or small expeditions, in the Region. However, from the decade of 1950, it is observed the deactivation of significant parcel of lines and services of the modal regional railroad worker, that was submitted to a process of business-oriented re-invention of its model for the state intervention that, after decades of control finished for, again, stimulating the return of private investors to the sector.
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Reinventing Infrastructure Economics: Theory and EmpiricsMehrotra, Shagun January 2012 (has links)
My dissertation is a study of the conditions under which state-owned enterprises improve infrastructure services--transport, energy, and water--particularly in developing countries. This research is relevant because, despite successful privatization of infrastructure that yielded over trillion and a half dollars in investments since 1990, infrastructure provision remains dominated by state-owned enterprises (Estache & Fay, 2007; Gomez-Ibanez, 2003). The OECD estimates that over the next two decades, US $35 to 40 trillion will be required to meet the global infrastructure deficit. At least half of this investment will be made by governments, particularly in, but not limited to, developing countries (OECD, 2007). In contrast to conventional wisdom, my research identifies mechanisms for reforming public infrastructure utilities through a new recipe for an inclusive reform framework that, unlike the textbook approach, jointly optimizes equity and efficiency without privatization. This dissertation contrasts the world's largest public utility, the Indian Railways, with the ideal-type textbook privatization, illustrated with the case of the British Railways' privatization. I focus on the Indian Railways as a paradigmatic example of how to reform infrastructure-providing state-owned enterprises while balancing equity with efficiency concerns. I analyze primary data gathered through 100 in-depth interviews and on-site observations. The fieldwork was conducted over a period of two years, including half a year at the Office of the Minister for Indian Railways. In addition, I utilize secondary data through archival review of policy documents and analyze fifty years of the Railways' statistics. My dissertation shows how the Indian Railways was transformed, between 2005-2008, counter intuitively, without privatization, retrenchment, or fare-hikes for poor passengers, under the leadership of a populist politician, the then Minister of Railways. I explain how the Railways' was rescued from near bankruptcy in 2001 to realize US $6 billion annual surplus in 2008. An essential element of the Indian Railway's complex strategy was to leverage existing assets by operating faster, longer, and heavier trains on the supply-side, as opposed to investing in asset accumulation. On the demand-side, the Railways shed a monopoly mind-set in favor of customer centric, dynamic, and differential pricing and service provision. Based on the positive case of Indian Railways, I derive an equitable alternative to infrastructure reform: A tripartite inclusive reform framework--diagnostic, invention, and agency. First, crafting space for reform by diagnosis and navigation of conflicting and competing interest groups to isolate apolitical variables that jointly increase efficiency and equity outcomes. Second, reinventing reforms by focusing on all manipulable variables for supply optimization and demand responsiveness, because profit in public utilities is a function of several manipulable variables, not only fares and wages. Third, agency, through radical incrementalism, an approach to minimize the risk of catastrophic errors, and yet yield rapid transformations.
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Perpetuum mobile : Amtrak, the original sinRichmond, Jonathan Edward David January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 1981. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH. / Vita. / Bibliography: leaves 329-333. / by Jonathan Edward David Richmond. / M.C.P.
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Imagens do trabalho: os ferroviários da Chicago and North Western Railway nas fotografias do Office of War Information, 1942-1943 / Images of work: Chicago and North Western Railway\'s Workers in the Photographies of the Office of War Information, 1942-1943Pedro Mayer Bortoto 10 December 2013 (has links)
Com o objetivo de explorar outras formas de aproximar a história dos trabalhadores, essa dissertação tem por escopo analisar um conjunto de 724 fotografias acerca da rotina da Chicago and North Western Railway e entender as formas possíveis de um discurso fotográfico acerca do trabalho e dos trabalhadores das estradas de ferro. Essas fotografias foram produzidas pelo fotógrafo Jack Delano sob a direção de Roy Emerson Stryker que, à época, encontrava-se na direção da divisão de fotografia do Office of War Information. Mais precisamente, as imagens fazem parte da trajetória do que ficou mais conhecido como Historical Section do Farm Security Administration, um grupo de fotógrafos conhecidos por retratar a situação do mundo rural após a Grande Depressão. Por conta disso, como modo de se aproximar às fotografias para analisá-las, foi preciso realizar uma reflexão acerca de seus elementos constitutivos, a saber: a história dos ferroviários, da divisão de fotografia e o problema de encarar a fotografia como um documento histórico. Feito isso, caracterizam-se as fotografias como vestígio em que as trajetórias de fotógrafo e da divisão, premidos por pressões políticas internas à estrutura estatal estadunidense, e as dos ferroviários marcadas por várias tensões entre patrões e trabalhadores se cruzavam. Com isso em vista, partiu-se para uma análise por meio de banco de dados para compreender como esse discurso estava constituído nas imagens. A partir de uma análise quantitativa somada a uma aproximação detida das narrativas fotográficas presentes na coleção de fotografias, percebeu-se que ela se apoiou em um discurso de harmonia entre trabalhadores e companhia ferroviária em favor de uma visão de equilíbrio social e que se adequasse às expectativas liberais em relação ao esforço de guerra. Mesmo com imagens que poderiam trazer ruídos para essa visão, a força de certa mitografia que entendia o trabalho como fonte da ordem social apontava, de fato, para um discurso de dominação em que a lógica capitalista aparece imposta sobre os trabalhadores por meio do discurso fotográfico. / Having as an objective to explore other ways to approach the workers history, this dissertation has as scope analyze a collection of 724 photographs on the routine of the Chicago and North Western Railway and understand the contents of a photographic discourse about railroad work and labor. These photographs were produced by photographer Jack Delano under direction of Roy Emerson Stryker, the head of the Office of War Informations Division of Photography. More precisely, the pictures are part of what is mostly known as the Farm Security Administrations Historical Section, group of photographers acknowledged for picturing the situation of the rural America after the effect of the Great Depression. For that matter, as means to establish an analytic procedure, it was necessary to reflect on the photographs constitutive elements, as: the history of railroad workers, the history of the division of photography and the question of understand photography as a historical record. As a result, the photographs were characterized as vestiges in which the trajectories of the photographer and the division, pressed by the politics inside the American state, and the trajectories of the railroad companies and workers, marked by various tensions, met. With this in view, it was established an analysis of the photographs through a database so it could be understood how the discourse was constituted in these pictures. From a quantitative analysis coupled with a detained approach to the photographic narratives found in the photographic collection, it was understood that the pictures relied on a discourse of harmony between workers and the railway in favor of a vision of social balance that suited the liberals expectations towards the war effort. Even though some images have the potency to challenge such view, the power of the mythography that understood labor as a source of social order pointed, in fact, to a discourse of domination in which the logic of capital was imposed on workers by means of photographic discourse.
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