Spelling suggestions: "subject:"randomized"" "subject:"andomized""
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Salience of Inherited Wealth and the Support for Inheritance TaxationBastani, Spencer, Waldenström, Daniel 21 June 2019 (has links) (PDF)
We study how attitudes to inheritance taxation are influenced by information
about the role of inherited wealth in society. Using a randomized experiment in
a register-linked Swedish survey, we find that informing individuals about the
large aggregate importance of inherited wealth and its link to inequality of opportunity
significantly increases the support for inheritance taxation. The effect
is almost uniform across socio-economic groups and survives a battery of robustness
tests. Changes in the perceived economic importance of inherited wealth and
altered views on whether luck matters most for economic success appear to be the
main driving factors behind the treatment effect. Our findings suggest that the
low salience of inherited wealth could be one explanation behind the relatively
marginalized role of inheritance taxation in developed economies. / Series: INEQ Working Paper Series
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Tratamento da dor na fibromialgia com acupuntura / Treatment of the fibromyalgia pain, with acupunctureAraujo, Rosa Alves Targino de 20 August 2007 (has links)
Fibromialgia é caracterizada por dor crônica músculo-esquelética difusa, distúrbio do sono, fadiga e humor depressivo ou ansiedade. Cinqüenta e oito mulheres com fibromialgia foram alocadas aleatoriamente e divididas em dois grupos: o primeiro (n=34), tratadas duas vezes por semana com acupuntura perfazendo total de 20 sessões, medicadas com antidepressivos tricíclico e utilizando caminhada, exercícios e relaxamento 2 vezes por semana. O segundo grupo (n=24) recebeu o mesmo tratamento exceto a acupuntura. A avaliação da dor foi realizada através da escala visual analógica (EVA), número de pontos dolorosos (NPD), do índice miálgico (IM) e um questionário SF36 para a qualidade de vida. As avaliações foram feitas antes, após, seis meses, um ano e dois anos depois da primeira avaliação. Foram realizadas por profissionais que desconheciam o grupo ao qual a paciente pertencia. No final das vinte sessões, as pacientes que receberam a acupuntura apresentaram melhora significante nas medidas de dor (EVA, NPD e IM) e em cinco sub-escalas do SF36 em relação ao grupo controle. Após seis meses o grupo de acupuntura apresentou resultado melhor do que o controle em relação ao NPD e ao IM e em uma sub-escala do SF36. Após um ano o grupo de acupuntura mostrou melhora sobre o grupo controle somente em uma sub-escala do SF36. Depois de dois anos do início do tratamento com acupuntura não houve diferença significativa entre os dois grupos em todas as medidas pesquisadas. A associação da acupuntura ao tratamento usual para fibromialgia mostrou-se benéfica para dor e qualidade de vida, mas somente por três meses após o tratamento. / Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic widespread pain, disturbed sleep, fatigue and psychological distress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of acupuncture as a treatment for this condition. Fifty-eight women diagnosed with fibromyalgia were randomly allocated to two groups. One group received acupuncture (n=34) twice a week for 20 sessions in addition to tricyclic antidepressants and exercises. The control group (n=24) received only tricyclic antidepressants and exercises. Patients rated their pain intensity using a visual analogue scale (VAS). A blinded assessor evaluated the number of fibromyalgia tender points (TePsN) and the pressure pain threshold over the 18 fibromyalgia tender points (PPT18). The same assessor also evaluated quality of life (QoL) using SF-36. These evaluations were done prior to treatments, at the end of the 20 sessions, and again at six months, one year and two years after the first evaluation. At the end of the 20 sessions, patients who had received acupuncture were significantly better than those who had not in all measures of pain (VAS, TePsN, PPT18) and in five subscales of SF-36. After six months, the acupuncture group was significantly better than the control group in some measures of pain (TePsN and PPT18) and in one subscale of SF-36. After one year, the acupuncture group showed significant advantage in only one subscale of SF-36; at two years there were no significant differences between the two groups on all outcome measures. The addition of acupuncture to usual treatment for fibromyalgia is beneficial for pain and quality of life, but only in the first six months.
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O método Kumon para remediação cognitiva de portadores de esquizofrenia: um ensaio clínico randomizado, controlado com placebo / The Kumon Method for cognitive remediation of individuals with schizophrenia: a randomized, placebo-controlled trialRomão, Marisa Martin Crivelaro 17 June 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Déficits cognitivos são parte integrante do quadro clinico da esquizofrenia. Vários estudos procuram métodos de treinamento cognitivo (remediação cognitiva) para melhora destes déficits, pouco responsivos ao tratamento medicamentoso. Ensaios clínicos de treinamento de remediação cognitiva utilizam diversas técnicas, com estimulação de vários domínios cognitivos simultaneamente. Muitos deles utilizam a técnica de errorless learning (aprendizagem sem erros). Pesquisas recentes indicam que alguns domínios cognitivos subjacentes à aprendizagem matemática (atenção, função executiva e memória de trabalho) estão também comprometidos na esquizofrenia. Entretanto não foram encontrados estudos de remediação cognitiva focados no treinamento aritmético em portadores de esquizofrenia. O método de cálculos aritméticos proposto pelo método Kumon utiliza técnica de aprendizagem sem erros e é amplamente utilizado como reforço pedagógico. Dois ensaios randomizados de remediação cognitiva através do método de cálculo aritmético Kumon em idosos sadios e em idosos com Alzheimer mostraram melhora de funções cognitivas com esta intervenção. Este estudo avaliou a eficácia do método de cálculos aritméticos Kumon como remediação cognitiva da memória de trabalho, função executiva e atenção na população com esquizofrenia. Método: 51 sujeitos com o diagnóstico de esquizofrenia (DSM-IV), de ambos os gêneros, idade entre 18 e 55 anos, alfabetizados foram incluídos e randomizados para treinamento de cálculos aritméticos pelo método Kumon (grupo experimental) ou atividades de recreação (grupo controle). Os sujeitos fizeram 48 sessões de intervenção ao longo de 6 meses. Os sujeitos foram avaliados através de uma bateria neuropsicológica, o desfecho clínico através da escala Escala de Síndromes Positiva e Negativa (PANSS) e funcionamento pessoal e social através da PSP no inicio da intervenção, após 6 meses (término da intervenção) e após 6 meses sem a intervenção. Resultados: O grupo experimental apresentou tendência de melhora em atenção sustentada (p=0.075), mas sem manutenção dos ganhos após 6 meses sem intervenção. Ambos os grupos apresentaram melhora em atenção seletiva e função executiva após 6 meses sem manutenção dos ganhos após 1 ano, sem diferenças entre os grupos. Não foram encontradas diferenças no funcionamento social entre os dois grupos e ao longo dos 12 meses de acompanhamento. Através da análise fatorial da PANSS utilizando 5 fatores (proposto por Van der Gaag 2006) não houve mudança significativa nos fatores ,,positivo\", ,,negativo\", ,,desorganização\" e ,,estresse emocional\" ao longo do tempo e entre os grupos. Apenas o grupo placebo demonstrou melhora significativa no fator \"excitação\" após 6 meses em comparação com o grupo experimental, que não persistiu após 6 meses sem intervenção. Conclusão: O treino cognitivo aritmético pelo método Kumon tende a melhorar a atenção sustentada após 6 meses, sem impacto na função executiva e na memória de trabalho. Esta tendência não se manteve após 6 meses sem intervenção / Introduction: Cognitive deficits are an integral part of the clinical picture of schizophrenia. Various studies seek cognitive training (cognitive remediation) methods in order to improve those deficits, which are poorly responsive to pharmacological treatment. Clinical trials of cognitive remediation training use a variety of techniques, with the stimulation of several cognitive domains simultaneously. Many of them employ the \"errorless learning\" technique. Recent research indicates that some cognitive domains underlying mathematical learning (attention, executive function and working memory) are also impaired in schizophrenia. However, no cognitive remediation studies were found focusing on arithmetic training in individuals with schizophrenia. The arithmetic calculation method proposed by Kumon employs the errorless learning technique and is widely used for supplemental education. Two randomized trials of cognitive remediation using the arithmetic calculation method Kumon with healthy elderly subjects as well as elderly subjects who had Alzheimer\'s disease showed cognitive function improvement with this intervention. The present study evaluated the effectiveness of the arithmetic calculation of the Kumon method as cognitive remediation for working memory, executive function and attention in a sample with schizophrenia. Method: 51 subjects with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (DSM-IV), male and female, literate, aged between 18-55 years, were included in the trial and randomized to arithmetic calculation training by the Kumon method (experimental group) or recreational activities (control group). The subjects received 48 intervention sessions over the course of 6 months. The subjects were evaluated through a neuropsychological battery; the clinical outcome was assessed by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), and personal and social functioning was evaluated using the Personal and Social Performance (PSP) scale at baseline, at 6 months (discontinuation of interventions) and after 6 months without interventions. Results: The experimental group tended to an improvement in sustained attention (p=0.075), yet this was not maintained after 6 months without interventions. Both groups showed improvements in selective attention and executive function at 6 months, which were not maintained after one year, with no differences between groups. No differences were found in social functioning between the groups and throughout the 12 follow-up months. The factor analysis of the 5-factor PANSS (as proposed by Van der Gaag, 2006) showed no significant change in the factors \"positive\", \"negative\", \"disorganization\" and \"emotional distress\" over time and between groups. Only the placebo group exhibited a significant improvement in the factor \"excitement\" after 6 months compared with the experimental group, which was not maintained after 6 months without interventions. Conclusion: The cognitive arithmetic training by the Kumon method tends to improve sustained attention after 6 months, with no impact on either executive function or working memory. This trend was not sustained after 6 months without interventions
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Efeito adicional da fisioterapia ao tratamento medicamentoso na redução da frequência e intensidade da migrânea: ensaio controlado randomizado / Additional effect of physical therapy to medication treatment in reducing the frequency and intensity of migraine: a randomized controlled trialGonçalves, Maria Claudia 28 March 2014 (has links)
A migrânea está relacionada às disfunções das estruturas da coluna cervical, impulsos aferentes desse local podem ser facilitadores ou mesmo gatilhos da dor. Tratamentos com manipulação cervical isolada e combinada a medicação já foram testados, porém os resultados são conflitantes. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito adicional da fisioterapia ao tratamento medicamentoso da migrânea na frequência, intensidade e duração da dor de cabeça. Foram inclusas mulheres com migrânea, na faixa etária de 18 e 55 anos, com mínimo de 06 dias de dor por mês, e que apresentasse dor na região craniocervical através do relato. Cinquenta mulheres foram igualmente randomizadas para um dos dois grupos de tratamento, Grupo Fisioterapia (terapia manual + medicação) e Grupo Controle (medicação). O diagnóstico de migrânea foi realizado por uma única neurologista, segundo a Classificação Internacional de Cefaleias. Foram realizadas 12 sessões de terapia manual, duas vezes por semana, durante 50 minutos, por uma única fisioterapeuta. A avaliação, a reavaliação e follow-up foram cegos. Os desfechos primários de frequência, intensidade e duração da dor de cabeça, foram avaliados por meio do diário de dor; e secundários, Limiar de dor por pressão (Algômetro), incapacidade relacionada à cefaleia (Migraine disability assessment program) e a coluna cervical (Neck disability índex), Patient Health Questionnaire eight-item depression scale (PHQ-8), alodinia com Allodynia Sympton Checklist (ASC- /12) e satisfação com Patients Global Impression of Change Scale (PGIC). A análise foi realizada por intenção de tratamento e foi utilizado o Modelo Linear de efeitos mistos e para atribuir relevância clínica o Effect size (ES) e Mínima mudança importante (MID). Não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos na avaliação inicial. O GF apresentou redução de 37% na frequência de dias de dor de cabeça comparado ao GC que apresentou 22% (p<0.05 e ES 0,4) e (p<0.05 e ES 0,3) respectivamente. Não foram observadas diferenças clínicas significativas entre os grupos na duração e na intensidade da dor de cabeça. Também foi observado aumento significativo (p<0,05) do limiar de dor por pressão, bem como maior satisfação e percepção de mudança da doença ao paciente (p<0,05) no GF em comparação ao GC. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas nos demais parâmetros avaliados. A redução do limiar de dor dos músculos cervicais com o tratamento fisioterapêutico promoveu um efeito benéfico adicional ao medicamentoso, com maior redução da frequência de dias de dor de cabeça e maior satisfação e percepção de melhora dos pacientes. REBEC nº RBR-6kvx74 / Migraine is related to disorders of the cervical spine structures, afferent impulses that location can be facilitators or even triggers pain. Treatments with cervical manipulation alone and combined medication have been tested, but results are conflicting. The aim of this study was to evaluate the additional effect of physical therapy to drug treatment of migraine in frequency, intensity and duration of headache. Women with migraine were included, aged 18 to 55 years, with a minimum of 06 days of pain per month and report of pain in the craniocervical region. Fifty women were equally randomized to one of the two treatment groups, Physiotherapy Group (manual therapy and medication) and control group (medication). The diagnosis of migraine was performed according to the International Classification of headache by a single neurologist. All subjects received similar medications. 12 sessions of manual therapy, twice per week, during for 50 minutes, were done by same physical therapist. The assessment, revaluation and follow-up were blind. The primary endpoints of frequency, intensity and duration of headache were evaluated through diary pain, and secondary endpoints like pain threshold pressure (algometer), headache related disability (Migraine disability assessment program) and cervical spine (Neck disability index), patient Health Questionnaire eight- item depression scale (PHQ-8), with the severity of Allodynia Sympton Checklist (ASC-12) and patients Global Impression of Change Scale to assess satisfaction and perception of patient changes as its disease condition. The analysis was by intention to treat and we used the linear mixed effects model. To assign the clinical relevance Effect size (ES) and Minimum important change (MID) were used. No differences between groups were observed at baseline. The PG showed a 37% reduction in the frequency of headache days compared to GC showed that 22 % (p<0.05 to ES0.4) and (p<0.05 to ES0.3) respectively. No clinically significant differences were observed between groups regarding the duration and intensity of the headache. Significant increase (p<0.05) pain threshold pressure was also observed, as well as greater satisfaction and changing perception of the disease to the patient (p<0.05) in the PG compared with the CG. No significant differences were observed in the other parameters. The reduction of the pain threshold of cervical muscles with physical therapy promoted a beneficial additional effect to medication, with greater reduction in frequency of headache days and greater satisfaction and perceived improvement of patients. REBEC no RBR - 6kvx74
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Efeito do pré-aquecimento na prevenção da hipotermia perioperatória: ensaio clínico controlado randomizado / The effects of prewarming on the prevention of perioperative hypothermia: randomized controlled clinical TrialFuganti, Cibele Cristina Tramontini 19 September 2016 (has links)
A hipotermia perioperatória está associada a diferentes complicações, tais como: aumento da incidência de infecção de sítio cirúrgico, arritmias cardíacas, aumento do sangramento no período intraoperatório e desconforto térmico do paciente na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica, entre outras. Na literatura há evidências de que o pré- aquecimento da superfície corporal do paciente antes da indução anestésica é efetivo para a redução da hipotermia, pela diminuição do gradiente de temperatura entre os compartimentos central e periférico do organismo humano. Assim o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito do pré-aquecimento na manutenção da temperatura corporal de pacientes submetidas a cirurgias ginecológicas eletivas. Trata-se de ensaio clínico controlado randomizado, com a participação de 86 pacientes submetidas a cirurgia ginecológica eletiva, aleatorizadas em dois grupos. Na sala de admissão do Centro Cirúrgico, as participantes do grupo experimental (n=43) foram aquecidas durante 20 minutos com o sistema de ar forçado aquecido (manta térmica para o corpo todo), o equipamento foi ligado na temperatura de 38o C, e as participantes do grupo controle (n=43) foram cobertas com lençol de algodão e cobertor, durante o mesmo tempo. No período intraoperatório, todas as pacientes foram aquecidas com o sistema de ar forçado aquecido (manta térmica para a parte superior do corpo). A temperatura timpânica foi mensurada com termômetro timpânico infravermelho nos períodos pré e intraoperatório. A partir da entrada da paciente na sala de operação, a temperatura e umidade do ar da sala cirúrgica foram mensuradas. As médias da temperatura e umidade do ar da sala cirúrgica, entre os grupos experimental e controle, foram analisadas por meio do teste t- Student. As médias da temperatura corporal, entre os grupos experimental e controle, foram analisadas por meio de modelo linear de regressão de efeitos mistos. Na análise descritiva dos dados relativos às características sociodemográficas e clínicas das pacientes e do procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico, evidenciou-se similaridade entre os grupos experimental e controle. Após o pré-aquecimento, a média da temperatura corporal foi de 38o C no grupo experimental e de 37,8o C no grupo controle, com diferença estatisticamente não significante (p=0,27). No T150 (150 minutos após o início da cirurgia), houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (p=0,01). No final da cirurgia, a temperatura média dos grupos estudados foi igual, ou seja, 36,8o C, com diferença estatisticamente não significante (p=0,66). Os resultados da média da temperatura da sala de operação, nos diferentes períodos mensurados, não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos estudados. Em relação à umidade do ar da sala de operação, somente no período T120 (120 minutos após o início da cirurgia), os resultados evidenciaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (p=0,03). O pré-aquecimento com o sistema de ar forçado aquecido não teve efeito na temperatura corporal de pacientes submetidas a cirurgias ginecológicas eletivas / Perioperative hypothermia is associated with various complications, such as an increased incidence of surgical site infection, cardiac arrhythmias, increased bleeding in the intraoperative period, and thermal discomfort of the patient in the post- anesthetic recovery room, among others. In the literature there is evidence that prewarming the body surface of the patient prior to induction of anesthesia is effective in reducing hypothermia, by lowering the temperature gradient between the central and peripheral compartments of the human organism. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of prewarming on maintaining the body temperature of patients undergoing elective gynecological surgery. This is a randomized controlled clinical trial involving 86 patients undergoing elective gynecological surgery, randomized into two groups. In the admission room of the Surgical Center, participants in the experimental group (n=43) were warmed for 20 minutes using the forced air heating system (thermal blanket over the whole body), the equipment was turned on at a temperature of 38o C, and the control group (n = 43) were covered with a cotton sheet and blanket for the same period. During the intraoperative period, all patients were warmed using the forced air heating system (thermal blanket for the upper body). The tympanic temperature was measured using an infrared tympanic thermometer in the pre- and intraoperative periods. From the moment of each patient\'s entry into the operating room, the temperature and humidity of the air in the room were measured. The mean temperatures and humidity levels of the operating room, between the experimental and control groups, were analyzed using the Student t-test. The mean body temperatures between the experimental and control groups were analyzed using a linear mixed effects regression model. The descriptive analysis of data on the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the patients and the surgical anesthetic procedure demonstrated similarity between the experimental and control groups. After prewarming, the mean body temperature was 38o C in the experimental group and 37.8ºC in the control group, with no statistically significant difference (p = 0.27). At T150 (150 minutes after the start of surgery) there was no statistically significant difference between the groups (p = 0.01). At the end of surgery, the mean temperature of the studied groups was the same, i.e., 36.8o C, with no statistically significant difference between the groups (p = 0.66). The results of the mean operating room temperatures, in the different periods measured, presented no statistically significant differences between groups. In relation to the humidity of the operating room, the results demonstrated a statistically significant difference between groups (p = 0.03) only in the period T120 (120 minutes after the start of surgery). Prewarming with the forced air heating system had no effect on body temperature of patients undergoing elective gynecological surgery
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Mean Age and Gender Distribution of Patients with Mental Disorders in Randomized Controlled StudiesSchüller, Katharina 15 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Vasopressina ou norepinefrina no choque séptico em pacientes com câncer: estudo clínico randomizado / Vasopressin or norepinephrine in cancer patients with septic shock (VANCS II STUDY): a randomized clinical trialZambolim, Cristiane Maciel 08 August 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O choque séptico é complicação frequente e grave nos pacientes com câncer. Representa uma das principais causas de admissão em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), com taxa de mortalidade em torno de 40% a 60%. O tratamento com vasopressor é parte fundamental do suporte hemodinâmico do paciente com choque séptico, sendo a norepinefrina o fármaco mais utilizado. Entretanto, aproximadamente 40% dos pacientes apresentam choque refratário a esse fármaco e vários eventos adversos são descritos, dentre eles vasoconstricção excessiva, redução do fluxo sanguíneo para os tecidos, distúrbios metabólicos e desequilíbrio imunológico. A vasopressina é um vasopressor não catecolaminérgico, que vem demonstrando ser eficiente vasopressor adjuvante no choque séptico. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar se a vasopressina é superior à norepinefrina na mortalidade em 28 dias de pacientes com câncer e choque séptico. Métodos: Estudo unicêntrico, prospectivo, randomizado e duplo cego. Foram incluídos no estudo 250 pacientes com câncer e choque séptico no período de 20 de julho de 2013 a 6 de julho de 2016. Os pacientes foram randomizados para receber vasopressina (0,01 U/minuto a 0,06 U/minuto) ou norepinefrina (0,1 ug/kg/min a 1,0 ug/kg/min) como vasopressor no choque. A infusão dos fármacos foi titulada para manter a pressão arterial média (PAM) alvo ( >= 65 mmHg) após randomização. O desfecho primário foi mortalidade em 28 dias. Os desfechos secundários foram mortalidade em 90 dias, dias vivo e livres de ventilação mecânica, de vasopressores, e de terapia de substituição renal, e avaliação de disfunções orgânicas conforme o Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) 24 horas e 96 horas após a randomização. Resultados: Foram elegíveis 1116 pacientes, sendo 250 pacientes incluídos no estudo e randomizados para vasopressina (n = 125) ou para norepinefrina (n = 125). Não houve perdas ou violação de protocolo. Não houve diferença na mortalidade em 28 dias (56,8% no grupo vasopressina vs. 52,8% no grupo norepinefrina, p = 0,525). A mortalidade em 90 dias também não foi diferente nos grupos, respectivamente nos grupos vasopressina e norepinefrina (72,0% vs. 75,2%, p = 0,566). Não houve diferença entre os grupos vasopressina e norepinefrina em relação aos dias vivos e livres de ventilação mecânica [20 (6-28) vs. 22 (7-28), p = 0,748], de dias livres de vasopressores [10 (1-23) vs. 12 (1-24), p = 0,669], e dias livres de terapia de substituição renal [20 (7- 28) vs. 21 (7-28), p = 0,819]. O escore SOFA não foi diferente entre os grupos vasopressina e norepinefrina 24 horas após a randomização [8 (5-11) vs. 7 (5-10), p = 0,425] e 96 horas após [7 (2-12) vs. 7 (3-12), p = 0,825]. Conclusão: A vasopressina não é superior à norepinefrina na mortalidade em 28 dias de pacientes com câncer e choque séptico / Background: Septic shock is a frequent complication in cancer patients. It is one of the most common admission causes in the intensive care unit (ICU), with mortality rates of 40% to 60%. Patients with septic shock often need the use of vasopressors for hemodynamic support and norepinephrine is the most used medication in this setting. However, 40% of patients have shock that is refractory to norepinephrine and lots of adverse effects are described, including excessive vasoconstriction, reduced blood flow to tissues and cells, and metabolic and immunologic disorders. Vasopressin is commonly used as an adjunct to catecholamines to support blood pressure in refractory septic shock. We hypothesized that the use of vasopressin would be more effective on the treatment of septic shock in cancer patients than norepinephrine, decreasing 28-day mortality. Methods: In this prospective and randomized, double-blind trial, we assigned patients who had cancer and septic shock to receive either vasopressin (0.01 U/minute to 0.06 U/minute) or norepinephrine (10 ?g/minute to 60 ?g/minute) in addition to open-label vasopressors. All vasopressor infusions were titrated and tapered according to protocols in order to maintain a target mean arterial pressure of 65 mmHg. The primary endpoint was 28-day mortality. Secondary outcomes included 90-day mortality, days alive and free of mechanical ventilation, free of vasopressors and renal replacement therapy, and SOFA 24 h and 96h after randomization. Results: 1116 patients were eligible to the study. 250 patients were included on the study and underwent randomization: 125 patients received vasopressin and 125, norepinephrine. There was no difference between groups in 28-day mortality (56.8% in vasopressin group vs. 52.8% in norepinephrine group, p = 0.525). In addition, 90-day mortality was not different between vasopressin and norepinephrine groups (72% vs. 75.2%, p = 0.566). There was also no difference between vasopressin and norepinephrine groups in days alive and free of mechanical ventilation [20 (6- 28) vs. 22 (7-28), p = 0.748], free of vasopressors [10 (1-23) vs. 12 (1-24), p = 0.669], and renal replacement therapy [20 (7-28) vs. 21 (7-28), p = 0.819]. SOFA score was not different between vasopressin and norepinephrine groups after 24 h [8 (5-11) vs. 7 (5-10), p = 0.425] and after 96h [7 (2-12) vs. 7 (3-12), p = 0.825]. Conclusion: Vasopressin is not superior to norepinephrine in 28-day mortality rate in cancer patients with septic shock
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A influência da ventilação no molde da prótese auditiva retro-auricular para o controle do zumbido: ensaio clínico randomizado cego crossover / The influence of the BTE hearing aid earmold ventilation on tinnitus control: randomized crossover blind clinical trialSantos, Gisele Munhoes dos 10 August 2005 (has links)
Introdução: Muitos pacientes com zumbido também apresentam algum grau de perda auditiva associada e o uso de próteses auditivas pode ser uma boa opção para melhorar ambos os sintomas. Porém, na prática clínica, a oclusão do meato acústico externo pelo molde da prótese auditiva pode até piorar o zumbido em alguns casos. A literatura apresenta poucos estudos sobre a real influência da ventilação do molde da prótese auditiva na percepção do zumbido. Objetivo: avaliar a resposta do zumbido à prótese auditiva retro-auricular com dois tipos de ventilação no molde (molde aberto e ventilação de alívio) em pacientes com perda auditiva neurossensorial simétrica após um mês de uso. Métodos: 50 pacientes atendidos no Grupo de Pesquisa em Zumbido com zumbido bilateral e perda auditiva neurossensorial simétrica de grau leve a severo foram submetidos a um ensaio clínico randomizado cego crossover. Destes, 26 pacientes iniciaram o ensaio utilizando próteses auditivas com molde aberto (ventilação de 4mm) e 24 iniciaram usando molde com ventilação de alívio (ventilação de 1mm). Após 30 dias de teste com o primeiro tipo de molde e um período de wash-out (15 dias), o tipo de molde foi trocado e o segundo molde foi usado por mais 30 dias. O zumbido foi avaliado de modo qualitativo (classificado em melhora, inalterado e piora) e quantitativo (variação de 0 a 10 de uma escala numérica). Resultados: A melhora do zumbido foi observada em 82% dos casos com pelo menos um tipo de molde e não houve diferença significante na diminuição do incômodo com o zumbido nas avaliações qualitativa e quantitativa com ambos os moldes. Apesar disto, 66% dos pacientes preferiram o molde aberto. Conclusão: A curto prazo, a melhora do zumbido por meio da prótese auditiva em pacientes com perda auditiva neurossensorial simétrica de grau leve a severo não depende do tamanho da ventilação do molde auricular / Introduction: Most tinnitus patients also have some degree of associated hearing loss, and the use of hearing aids is an option to improve both symptoms. In daily practice, the occlusion of the external meatus by the earmold during hearing aids fitting may enhance the tinnitus perception. However, the literature lacks studies about the real influence of the earmold ventilation on tinnitus perception. Objective: to evaluate the tinnitus response to the BTE hearing aids using two types of ventilation (open mold and relief ventilation) in patients with symmetric sensorineural hearing loss after one month usage. Methods: 50 patients attended in our Tinnitus Clinic who presented bilateral tinnitus and mild to severe symmetric sensorineural hearing loss underwent a randomized blind crossover clinical trial. Among them, 26 first used BTE hearing aids with open molds (4mm ventilation) and 24 first used hearing aids with relief ventilation mold (1mm ventilation). After 30 days using the first mold and a 15-day wash-out period, the type of earmold was changed in a crossover way and the second mold was used for another 30-day-period. Tinnitus evaluation was performed by a qualitative way (classified in improvement, unchanged and worsening) and by a quantitative way (variation of a numeric scale from 0 to 10). Results: Tinnitus improvement was observed by 82% of the patients with at least one type of earmold and there was no significant difference in the decrease of tinnitus discomfort by both, quantitative and qualitative evaluation. Despite the similar tinnitus control, 66% of the patients preferred to acquire the hearing aids with open mold. Conclusion: In a short-term evaluation, the tinnitus improvement by the use of hearing aids in patients with mild to severe symmetric sensorineural hearing loss does not depend on the size of earmold ventilation
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Refining Prerequisite Skill Structure Graphs Using Randomized Controlled TrialsAdjei, Seth Akonor 25 April 2018 (has links)
Prerequisite skill structure graphs represent the relationships between knowledge components. Prerequisite structure graphs also propose the order in which students in a given curriculum need to be taught specific knowledge components in order to assist them build on previous knowledge and improve achievement in those subject domains. The importance of accurate prerequisite skill structure graphs can therefore not be overemphasized. In view of this, many approaches have been employed by domain experts to design and implement these prerequisite structures. A number of data mining techniques have also been proposed to infer these knowledge structures from learner performance data. These methods have achieved varied degrees of success. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, none of the methods have employed extensive randomized controlled trials to learn about prerequisite skill relationships among skills. In this dissertation, we motivate the need for using randomized controlled trials to refine prerequisite skill structure graphs. Additionally, we present PLACEments, an adaptive testing system that uses a prerequisite skill structure graph to identify gaps in students’ knowledge. Students with identified gaps are assisted with more practice assignments to ensure that the gaps are closed. PLACEments additionally allows for randomized controlled experiments to be performed on the underlying prerequisite skill structure graph for the purpose of refining the structure. We present some of the different experiment categories which are possible in PLACEments and report the results of one of these experiment categories. The ultimate goal is to inform domain experts and curriculum designers as they create policies that govern the sequencing and pacing of contents in learning domains whose content lend themselves to sequencing. By extension students and teachers who apply these policies benefit from the findings of these experiments.
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Investigating Learning in an Intelligent Tutoring System through Randomized Controlled ExperimentsRazzaq, Leena 28 August 2009 (has links)
"In the United States, many students are doing poorly on new high-stakes standards-based tests that are required by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002. Teachers are expected to cover more material to address all of the topics covered in standardized tests, and instructional time is more precious than ever. Educators want to know that the interventions that they are using in their classrooms are effective for students of varying abilities. Many educational technologies rely on tutored problem solving, which requires students to work through problems step-by-step while the system provides hints and feedback, to improve student learning. Intelligent tutoring researchers, education scientists and cognitive scientists are interested in knowing whether tutored problem solving is effective and for whom. Intelligent tutoring systems have the ability to adapt to individual students but need to know what types of feedback to present to individual students for the best and most efficient learning results. This dissertation presents an evaluation of the ASSISTment System, an intelligent tutoring system for the domain of middle school mathematics. In general, students were found to learn when engaging in tutored problem solving in the ASSISTment System. Students using the ASSISTment System also learned more when compared to paper-and-pencil problem-solving. This dissertation puts together a series of randomized controlled studies to build a comprehensive theory about when different types of tutoring feedback are more appropriate in an intelligent tutoring system. Data from these studies were used to analyze whether interactive tutored problem solving in an intelligent tutoring system is more effective than less interactive methods of allowing students to solve problems. This dissertation is novel in that it presents a theory that designers of intelligent tutoring systems could use to better adapt their software to the needs of students. One of the interesting results showed is that the effectiveness of tutored problem solving in an intelligent tutoring system is dependent on the math proficiency of the students. Students with low math proficiency learned more when they engaged in interactive tutoring sessions where they worked on one step at a time, and students with high math proficiency learned more when they were given the whole solution at once. More interactive methods of tutoring take more time versus less interactive methods. The data showed that it is worth the extra time it takes for students with low math proficiency. The main contribution of this dissertation is the development of a comprehensive theory of when educational technologies should use tutored problem solving to help students learn compared to other feedback mechanisms such as hints on demand, worked out solutions, worked examples and educational web pages. "
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